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AND ee eG atee 

ROBERT SCOTT, 'D,D. > eam 

a. ” 

re ae Ls 
Sebeith Coition, Bebised and Augmented throughout 
‘ é | es 



} af ” 
; ‘ aes i 
mt i ’ 

ol NEW “YORK: | a 

i nh = 
3 Pek. Rie vist Sao 
» ay aS oa 

os t. . oe 
Ated ito. be be based/on the ne 
nfBdition (1855) it was © 
: be—-assuted| not from a 
our obligations to that Scholar, pee 
would aver have been compiled, 

“any wish to. disown or conc 
base to work upon, our o 

in some cases especially to this work, and have to thang him for the great assistance we ha “ 
constantly derived from his Jabours. st SE 

In this, the Seventh Edition, the last that we can bps to seé published, the whole wi dd 
been thoroughly revised, and large additions made. But by compresdi ion, and a slight enlargemer 
of the page, the bulk of th¢ volume has been reduced by ninety fages, The additions co 
mainly of fuller references |to the classical authiors/and a free use of the Judices to the Ber ng % 
Aristotle and to the Co: Luscriptionum Grage anum. ; - eis 
\/ We have gratefully to acknowledge the assistance vendleig us by many schalane Mota ‘ee 
particularly must we me tion the names ‘ Professors Driges, of New York; Goodwin, : 
Cambridge, Massachusetts; and Gildersleeve) of Baltimore, Professors Goodwin and Gilde 
sleeve have rewritten sevéral important Afti¢les, which their well-known Grammatical lears 
makes peculiarly valuabl¢; we may specify the Articles on ay, el, énel, Zore, ta, nus, & 
ov, #4, and aply: the fotmer has also supplied some excellent additions to Attic law-term 
such aS ypappare’s, napaypady}, cbvdixos, IBgis, drwporta Professor Drisler has gone carefull ; 
over the whole Book, and there is hatdly a~page which do eect bear some trace of ak 
accurate observation. f tit en 2 
Dee yh E 

7 Scher 

Hie of the ‘veork, it will be found that im Verba, the 

In the Arrang 
‘come first; then Etymologi~ 
sody, inclosed in square by, 
In Nouns, the Etymol¢: eal 

. then the Interpretation of the word, 

Marks have been generally left at the end of the w , 
fatbs will be pe under the Simple forms, € 

Compound Verb itself | 18 anything peculiar. 
Adverbs must be|sougi e end of their Adjectives. ; 
. The sciengas of Gompakative Philology , s made such fapid progress since the 

: we had adopted for our textbook the fa 
Luymologische Foagey 0 A. F. Pott,—that if was necessary entirely to, 
af : so we availed ourselves of the Grundziigh 

* Pace Px om: © “a: Ghee tnitted the name of SCHNEIDER from 4i2¢ Title-pace. 

xeorg Curtius, an excellent summary of the most approved results 
4 the relations of the Greek language to Sanskrit *, Latin, Gothic, Old 
ithuanian, the Ecclesiastical Slavonic, and other cognate languages. We 
results in a compendious form, and have now, to save space, omitted special 
untius’ hook : this work has copious een and be English translation by 

. Many Proper Names, however, appear in their places. Under some 
et ‘ete. a short account of their mythological bearings has been retained, 
eny ung Student in reading Homer. Others are given which have in 
themselves me | ignificance, or present something remarkable in their grammatical 
forms, e. g. Ayané ‘Np Aijs, Ponds: It may be observed ihe the proper) names of 
the mytholog' 
traced elsewhet 
In all these ult to draw a line between what is essential to general 
Lexicography ané ! e have done this to the best of our judgment; and if the 
line waves more or ‘must shelter ourselves under the plea that it could hardly be 
otherwise. 7 
We subjoin an 
_ when the reference is, 
nargin; and, by compe rit 
ture prefixed to the Cy t uc 
and of its subsequent chap 
of a word does not wholly 
been lost; secondly, a word 
peter of Attic Greek, may'D ' 

atglogue of Authors quoted, with a note of the Edition used, 
Pagts. The date of each authdr’s ‘floruit’ is added in the 
ith the short summary of the chief Epochs of Greek Litera- 
; t will be easy to determine the time of a word’s first use, 
) signification. It will be understood, however, that the age 
that of its Author. For, first, many Greek books have 
et first occurring in Lucian, Alciphron, or later imi- 
red as virtually older than those found in the vernacular 
r, the Language changed differently in different places 
Demosthenes and Aristotle, whom we have been compelled 
even at the same place, as at Athens, there were naturally 
sng , the other fond of what was new. The Greek of Thucy- 
des and Cys may be compared bir i illustration of this remark. “We may add that, though the 
. term ‘flourished * is vague, it is yet the Y only one available, if we wish to observe the influence of 
eny ‘particular Writer on Language and Litctaiure., The dates have generally been assigned 
with reference to some notable event ia ce dife of the Writer: and this is specified in the case 
of the most eminent persons. In many, however, no specific note of time can be found; and 
here a date has been taken, as neatly as ie a be fixed, so as to give the age of 30 or 35. We 
Zz} “have. in these matters been chiefly gue by Mr, \Fynes Clintcn’s Fasti Hellenici, and 
r. Smith’s Biographical Distionesy, aye 

réhe same times as in the. 
bata in different pots. | 

7, ¥ & = £ y | 
4 * Sanskrit words have ben written in English chee atic té ch and 7; the ae being to isa to the 
acters according toy the ¥stém adopted in Professor of the -reader the real affinity which exists between 
Williams’ Sanskrit Grammar;—except that # and ge ¢ in Airk ad. chiiy ch), 1 and A (as in get and 
have been a as the i ae of @ and ¥, in pre- rans 

listandgng a to the ear. 

The Early Epic Period, olesaatng the Ifiad and Odyssey, the Homeric Fibre and ‘the Poems of Hesiod. 

L fea ; 
IL From about 800 to 530 A.C., in which iterature flourished chiefly in Asia Minor and the Islands : the Pe: of the early 
"Lyric, Elegiac, and Iambic Poets, we 

Ill. From 530 to 510 A.C., the Age of Pei cate, etc. ; the beginning of Tragedy at Athens: early Histori 

IV. From 510 to 470 A. C., the Age of ra Mepoixd, in which the Greek Tiagic Poets began to exhibit, and Si 
brought Lyric Poetry to perfectien. 

V. From 470 to 431 A.C., the Age of A for Supremacy : perfection of Tragedy; regular Eis, Toaky of Peas and 

Hippocrates, Attic ‘(probably) of Antip! 
VIL.. From 431 to 403 A.C., the Age of the Peloponnesian War: perfection of the Old Comedy: er ‘ 
Speeches, Thucydides, etc, 

VII. From 403 to about 336 A. C., the Age of Spartan and Theban Supremacy, and of Philip: Middle 
Lysias, Plato, and Xenophon : fection of Oratory, Demosthenes, etc. 

VII. From about 336 A.C. to the Roman Times: (1) Macedonian Age: Prose of Aristotle and Théoph s: New Comedy, 
(2) Alexandrian Age: later 1. and Elegiac writers, Callimachus, Theocritus, me ik. Rhodius, ete, sate 3 

Poets, Critics, etc. 

TX. Roman Age: Epigrammatic Poets, 
the revived Atticism of Lucian,’ pe Sophists, ete. / 

/ Pi 
y mie } 


i Floruit circa 
: sit Ae Puen 
Achaeus Eretrieus, Tragicus ...,....2..... mice ge hig vecsres(Aged 40) | "444 Lesa 
Achilles Tatius, Scriptor Eroticus (an imitator of Heliodoms) .. Ne = 500? . 
, gona Oneirooritica.) Ed, "Rignlts* sks csincseces des cosh, Sate in af o eek 
etuarius, Joannes, Medicus. In Tdelers Physici Gr. Minores re te e, Sf Ego 6 
Acusilaiis, Aoyoypapos. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum  .......... Be ee $752? |} = 
Adamantius, ere Lota tobe apRaVeRe Nas [iaaveswe peaiies sus sgubdsuh tue styedeay tows Qabtule ners ssc consanttates paamnuad _ 415 
ist. Naturalis . 9 3 
Aclianus, Rhetor, NEA TEN: ETiichcipaetid Seubbe beceths <b scie ea Reet) cg NSPE Ort rae Lao dea Piset eki spss Fey + 130 
PAAMAUOS, VACUCUS 545. cs-vsiveweneostedaeticosvoncmuvar sist ssath Sc E20 
Aclinus Dionysius, Rhetor et Grammaticus ae bea 11g 
Aeneas: Lacticus or PoliGrcetes 7.) (2.3) 0.5 peh.-dicccssctdecvecdavtaonuaecudeccovaves (At battle of Mantineia) | 362° — 
Aéschines, Orator. In Oratt. Attici: quoted by the pages of H, Stephens .,....,.. (Speech against Timarchus, } jf 
at the age of 44)\......0804 345 cee} 
Aeschylus, Tragicus, Ed. Dindorf. jyi....coi.cdecseesespesesseeranevennets saepousees (His first prize, at the age of 41) | nH i y 
Aesopus, Fabularum scriptor, circ, 570 A,C.: but the present collections of his Fables are spurious ....,......: Vteaaie cea We tir 
eerie Wieeatcrteas 2) fk. ccdels decenuhe daswanse dp ch sy bea deceae phwau lepers MekENes oh fe ab ey Ae iden lisboa dapabage POPE rN Dee) sa ws eee 
Agatharchides, Grammaticus, etc. ....,...0ceccc000s a Bet oe 172 po 
Agathemerus, Medicus ...5..:...06.ccciseeenseceeseveee v8 a ase qo) |G, Sean aie Tt 
Agathias, Hist..Byzant. ..... gon br pact 57o~ 
Agatho, Tragicus , 416 se 
Agesianax, Epicus. (Fragm. in Plutarch) Pps 2 any 2 ite 
‘Alcaeus Messenius, Elegiacug, In the Anthologia a: dedinntes nad -Epigram on battle of een a ra I = 
Alcaeus Mytilenaeus, Lyricus. In Bergk’s Lyrici. Gr, . ..../ccccsessecscessusenerereess (At the war about Si : s Sh 
Alcaens, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 2. p. 824. .(Contends with Aristo; “ 388 ae 
Pious raetor,) Fd. Retake sf 5255 sl hte ids circeccvtoecee taco soorns «pua sede baaakdeadaphycedas CAnMaass Rise KAS: fart 432 _ 
Alciphro, Scriptor Eroticus ...........0cces00-- con 200% 
Alemian, Lyricus.. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gre... sevsceeseneenocensees , 650 one 
Alexander Aetolus, Elegiacus. In the Anthologia peeaeea neds of 280 ‘on 
Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Philosophus ...........:ese.csevnssreseceseosbuesbengeceesnsservavy ernst yiidtouenpancec ae Uaa ae = 220: 
Alexander, cus (Incert; >», In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4, p. 554 cos treses resetennees apo? Bs SF 
Alexander Tyaliamuis, Medicus} \..,.52.ccecvnsseevesecetereeusgeons sted boeepteatenne Vakabes ae hs _ 57° 
Alexis, Comicus (Med.), In Meineke’s Com, Fragm., 3: p. 382...0lcssscsscneesenvenssernsenanse tenets 356 = 
Amipsias, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke's Com. Fragm, 2. p. jor. sieves (The Kaxpacrat gains the 423 or 
Atmnmonius/ Grammaticus .02.5..f.biccsadacpsesseeeastderapesechenserensene Lib nedaw guava pReeaueons (At Staasashe _— 390 
Ammionius, Hermene fill, Philosophts ...55..-.seessereseesceressecnsenseersesen Sak 47° 
Ammonius Saccas, Philosophus ave oat veebeg ae vipa pepedsibhenatk “. 220 
Amphilochius, Ecclesiasticus. Hod," COMERS sac sneg eons suetanes see =" 375 
Amphis, Comicus ( Med.) Be pase Com, Fragm. ay bass Sis 359 = 
is ¢rve Fragments collected by Berg! ye 
Anacreon of Teos, Lyricus. Sporious Paes, Anacreontich } ; : 549 
Ananius, Iambographus. In Bergk’s LyrichGr, ee ss Lows Pagawehuyeca ve cdacbnpecsncumestubarctl aires belani ie t= aaeraet 549 os 
Anaxagoras, Philosophus. Ed, Schaubati\y ©. ype eereseeesceresseereeees ... (Leaves Bact aged 50) 45° aye 
Anaxandrides, Comicus (Med.).. In Meine) Cam. ¢ oe $- P; DOR: as s,s yorwceap is oe (Begins to exhibit) 376 — 
Anaxilas, Comicus o- In Meineke s tana. Pree 3 o atte Wiietics cackaly cikakgpe Teese aiberper ee 340 _ 
Anaximander, Philosophus ,....... hevsroadl % cesssseee (30 years old) 580 eas 
Anaximenes, Philosophu PET as Si, cn Vuled tape eactncc sORUdeaeeOeLanars dani at >a the teRtaETS 544 — 
xippus, Comicus (Nov). “Nin Meincke’s Cera, tiga ABO. es Pes See ST Ee, 303 — 
‘aitoies Orator. Ine Attic’ £4 + ener Feesincs chu acos .....(Iinprisoned, at the age of 52) 45 os 
Andromachus, Meédicts .....).,..... FRET soci Ses 2 sia ol nad Vopacynyop opsta stoop Apoa tas 2ta daaneSenngs — 68 
Andronicus 58 5 

Rhos; Philosophus. .... ey ESEEEY, cosh iigetv cue nsare') (Chief of the Peripatetics at Rome) 

es and Pindar 

elleni¢ Prose of Polybius, etc.: Alexandrian Prose of Philo, ates: amubeagk ‘Then 

Pane, 5” * 
ff Ea 



...(Begins to exhibit) 
(Aged 39) 

Aphthonius, Rhetor ....... ; &M “ee 

PRD IOM, CTAMINBEICUS (05s icc igh sentadd+eaossaansicenvanshe Seed Vege eds Fe cede porotkachoo desea (Embassy to Caligula) 
Apollodorus (tres, Comici Nov.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 4. pp. 438, 440, 450 

PERIL OCOTRES DEV EMOLOPIS. coc cerovacusschalcesacaNy ens sash cate aahcees Ganesan ina d«tUeces cyaccovereceeee 

Apollonius, Archebuli fil., Grammaticus. Lexicon Homericum 
Apollonius Dyscolus, Grammaticus. (De Constructione, by Sylburg’s pages. De Conjunct. et Adverd., in 
“eee ee vol. 2. De Pronom., in Wolf's Museum Antiquitatis. Historiae Commentitiae, Ed. 
UTSIUS) vievasorcceedyeardaccecsncnesescscesenveiess Gnbavetersenncnscesreseescsseensecuteseceevguasesestesnbenucsneerssseunsseasses 

Apollonius Pergaeus, Mathematicus 
Apollonius Rhodivs,"Hpicns: ...........5>.-darpoabestersvegevasectesdaylsvenavecceons 
Apollophanes, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 879.... 
Appianus, Historicus 

"(At the court of Egypt) 

Peer Ce Ret eeerrirerrerrerirrriti titi eter Ape eeeteewaenence Prrreerererirrrrr eter rere rier eet eee eee 

Aguila, Judaens iss cub. Secasvopaatacccayeesbetiehant Sone ea ea ...(Translator of O. T. into Greek) 
Araros, Comicus (Med.), In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 273 .ccsscceesceceeeessnccersrsescennceers (First exhibits) 
Aratus, Poéta Physicus. Ed. Bekker (in which the Avoonyea and bawdpyeva form one continuous poem)...... 

Arcadius, Grammaticus. Ed. Barker ..,.....c.ssscssseesnssessenstceceterveceonens 
Archedicus, Comicus (Noy.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 4. p. 435.. 
Archilochus Parius, Iambographus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. ............. 

_ Archimedes, Mathematicus. From the Bale ed. ..........cecececeeceneeee ...(About 37 years of age) 
Archippus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 715 ..... Be dines) ve xvtaaheney as (First prize) 
Archytas Tarentinus, Philosophus 
Aretaeus, Medicus... :.......--..ececvesseees 

Arethas, Ecclesiasticus ...........css00 
Afristaenetus, Scriptor Eroticus © 1)y. 1. ..eessceecsecaseccareecesoeetveseceresseveven 

Aristagoras, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 761 c.cccscccsesssceeesseesesctsvesessnseasesseeesetees 
Mediotad Caitis, WCITAMIMDA IOUS) ass coseb aes cxaks dnaaeVeat«nacaatvas ie theqe babes invvene (At the court of Ptolemy Philopator) 
Aristarchus Samius, Astronomus _ ,,.,..........s0.005 
Aristeas, de LXX (in Gallandii Patrum Bibl. tom. ii. 
WATIstIASS AWAQICDS 56.6 cc raat «isos scvensapidacapiseastspedseys 
Aristides, Rhetor, Ed. Jebb 
Aristides Quintilianus, Musicus. In the Antiguae Musicae Auctt. of Meibomius 
Aristomenes, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 730 ..s.csseeseseenee 
Aristonymus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 698 .... 
Aristophanes, Comicus (Vet.). Ed. Dindorf. 

Phe eee seat eeretewnnetene reeset aet ses enneeneerees 

reeeeT Tete ere eet ete eee rece rerry 

pirastophanes,. Grammayeinns sss, ssisscainsrinsdbes «kegestiseesressccvasdesoavenes 

Aristopho, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 3. p. 356 .....:sssscseseesesereetectacsseeeeeseneensenestene ces 

Aristoteles, Philosophus. Ed. Bekker, Oxon, ...........:.cceeeeeeeseees (Departs from Athens, at the age of 37) 
.++++e-.(Introduced to Hadrian in Greece) 

Arrianus, Historicus (his Periplus cited by pape) 
Artemidorus (Oneirocritica), Edd. Rigalt. and Reiff. ... 

Asius, Elegiacus, In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. ....0......c0seeeeeeeseees 

Astrampsychus (Oneirocritica). In Rigalt.’s Artemidorus ..... DRI VanEn ee. distaos« sie dune obragaxeiones; 6 
RSUVCAMNaS, nO IOM erst lon cncsUaedeynaclaeedsee<pe Tiny one -GhepesAnoears ars tewceierFvcsbgasavesstry se-yeereres (First exhibits) 
Athanasius, Ecclesiasticus,...........0:0:++sseseeeseeerenes .(Archbishop of Alexandria, at the age of about 30) 
Athenaeus, Grammaticus. By Casaubon’s pages .....cccecsssesccceneesorerereeceeeapeees (Mentions death of Ulpian) 

Babrius, Fabularum Scriptor 
Bacchylides, Lyricus, In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. 
Basilius Magnus, Ecclesiasticus ...........scsecesevseesanneetneenees 
Bato, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 4. p. 499 
RM MEET ESO ISU Spe GeV yds casos dahdg's ceaav es vos be cesucuhtcotenianeryyss 
Bito, Mechanicus. In Mathematici Veteres; ed. Paris 1693 aes A ene ve ave 
CRI NNER EIC ALS f-1cPa eR EICL,  SLcURe nonin draUras pak deve appae rene rate cep useks deen divernscvanceseacssscnssessccees 
Caesarius, Ecclesiasticus ............... Matec ed acar (Brother of Gregory Nazianz.; at the court of Constantius) 
Callias, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 2. p. 735.......s0ecesssccecseseseesessenensstesaesesesesessnnaauees 
Callicrates, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 3. p. 536... 

taco eeed (At the court of Hiero) 
of Caesarea, at the age of 59) 


Callicratidas, Pythagoreus. Fragments in Stobaeus ..........scccsesecsneeesenees se 
Callimachus, Epicus SO aR SAI IE Te te as ry ie ae ....(Librarian at Alexandria) 
Callinus Ephesius, Elegiacus, Ed, Bach. ee ed id 

Callippis, AStrOnomus,...... 0.50.0. cescecee-eotobsetsesesedeneds as 
Callippus, Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 
Callistratus, Sophista. In Olearius’ Philostratus, pp. 890 sqq. 
AUER MIRED IOUS: ', 6. cusircau inks yscSatdarsaii<cavasetestwaveneetens advne 
Cantharus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 835 
(Gastins latrosopnista, In Ideler’s Physict Gr. MinOres 5... <...0c,assevtsesseerovses vecperesnctsanssnsacnssessessseneeye 
Bebe, PNIGSOPUIS F550: 05.6.6 .seccseessascanbiannss-dp neni nraversescudecedsanneres ..(Present at the death of Socrates) 
-Cephisodorus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 2, p. 883 ......ce1j.scscccseecssroreseseeeeececeaceateeeees 
Cercidas of Megalopolis 
Chaeremon, Tragicus ........ 
Chalcidius, Philosophus 
Chariclides, Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 556... 
Charito, Scriptor Eroticus ; 
Charon, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum 
Chio (Epistolae xiii, but prob. spurious, in Orelli’s Memnon) 

Pre errr eererr sy 

Floruit circa 

—_ 1110 
= 57° 
350? 5 
250? = 
495 ae 
106 _ 
— 10 
387 oe 
44° = 
—_ 161 
<= 147? 
— 315 
i 38 

| 330 pre 
260 — 
140 — 
— 10 
_ 138 
220 — 
200 os 
4°7 a 
— 140 
— 130 
375 bad 
270 —_ 
— 200? 
302 _— 
700 — 
250 _ 
415 AF 
400? —_— 
_ 70? 
= 540? 
= 450? 
410 _ 
210 — 
280 —_ 
270 — 
45° = 
_ 100? 
425 = 

420 =" 

422 az 
260 —_ 
350? = 
347 — 
_ 124 
_ 160 
700? _ 
me ot 
398 = 
— 326 
_ 228 
210? — 
350? — 
39° — 
34° a 
50? — 
47° — 
— 7O 
260 sou: 
280 _ 
Gc a 
<< 150? 
bem 35° 
424. “> 
350° rae! 
ane <= 
260 _ 
730? = 
35° — 
rs ae 
160? —_ 
270 — 
420 —~ 
— 100? 
399 = 
402 — 
320 _ 
380 — 
ee 500? 
xt _ 
— rE: 
504 —< 

Choerilus Samius, Epicus, Ea. Nike... 
Choeroboscus, Grammaticus. Ed. Gaisford. 
Christodorus, Poéta. In the mgs yi 
eat at vr cacasoegitadoetees 

ppus Tyaneus ienaeum 
Cleanthe: ha Bl eee a) See Reo 

Clearchus, Comicus (Incert,). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 562 .. 
Clemens Alexandrinus, Ecclesiasticus, Ed. Potter o...0.......-....ceseecee 
~_ Clemens us, Ecclesiasticus  o2o.c.c.ceeesceeseee oie mh: 

Cleo! , Mathemati¢us. Ed. Bike .... 
Clitodemus (or Clidemus), Historicus 
pic eaee. CESSES Go - Siler Ae 

etn sae Tn Bergk’s Lyr., Gran. seesamen retnadede aa enar ee via erate te Ce sancbanise 
Gomes Natura Deorum, publ. by, Aldus under the name of Phurnutus) .. 

Cosmas bropicaues In Nova Collectio Patrum (Paris 1706) 
Crates, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 2. p, 233 
Crates, Grammatcus (0 oii0g .......d.csoss-sesveeedvos baa REE RBETES 3700 0s 200 av iass 
Cratinus Major, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 15 .. 
Cratinus Minor, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 3. P. 314 

Critias, Elegiacus et Tragicus. Ed. Bach. ........cccsetssecseee- 

Crito, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4, p. 537 

Crobylus, Comicus (Incert.).. In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 565..... 
CRSA Ss ERBCOTICUS 10005 53s ciht =< -cadn cscs canscosedanten eaMBRe eI) pi Fiver sovoted tinge 
Cyrillus, Ecclesiasticus ..0.0.0..........eeccseeene , 

Damascenus, v. Joannes, and Nicolaiis 
Damascius, Philosophus.. Ed. Kopp. 

Pai ail chases (Vet.). Tn Meineke’s + Com, Prag, cu 
Be Choerilus Atticus, co Be aie of * B s 


7] RS icont 

py i Fes cS 
2 to 

see heweeeeeen ree teaetasenenemanns 

Re RES (Physician to is 
...(Archbishop of Al 

Sree rerer rer eeer ee rrer rier teeter ee 

Damocrates, Medicus ©..5526) ....cis;dscccececoudetgesse % Betas < SE Fy aa fd cae axe. cbGhb odes tas dh testaceaea ae eeees 

Damioxenus, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 529. scsiseccescsssseeerenseaseoscrnenscocnsvnsaveae 

Demades, Orator. In Oratt. Attici; quoted like Aeschines .....,........ 3 ...(Leads opposition to Demosthenes) 
VEE!) BPO ZG: cess Lean kea decease sabhconey epeeppainem sbeby 

Demetrius (duo Comici). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. { 

Demetrius Phalereus, Rhetor. In Walz’s Rhetores Graeci ......... 
Democrates, Pythagoreus. Sententiae.gnomicae in Gale ...... A 

Democritus, Philosophus  ..)..........0..cccceeseeeseeeses 
Demon, Historicus, Ed. Siebelis .........0.c..0.....00 
Demonicusy Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 570 

Demosthenes, Orator. In QOratt. Attici; by Reiske’s pages ...........++.- 

Dexicrates, Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 4. Pp. 571 s.....-.-escscisvensecesonereenesenpettavenevens ee: 
Dicaearchus, Geographus. In Hudson's Geographi Graeci Minores A nie 

Didymus, Grammaticus 1.0... ..cec..ccsseccnaeenespentes 
Dinarchus, Orator. In Oratt. Attici: quoted like Aeschines 

Dinolochus, Comicus Doricus...,.. : 
Dio Cassius, Historicus 2.20, ........ccceceseneees 
Dio Chrysostomus, Rhetor: quoted by Morell 
Diocles, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. 

Diodorus Siculus, Historicus.. Ed. Wesseling 
PID P Enos RELUUS. 8. os .ccac8 -eacsnovacvncesssensbeesecnes 
Diogenianus. In the Paroemiographi 

Dionysins Areopagita Sah... aoe io 
Dionysius, Comicus (Med.), In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 547 

Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Historicus, et Criticus. 

sometimes by Upton’s pages in the margin of Schiifer's Ed.) 

sent enennne tte tpae ns ener 

tet: ei 

fa 2. p. 838. ........ 
Diodorus, Comicus (Med.)._ In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 543 

Ed, Reisk. 

ki Stee PORROS RUE, oe: 5. s.sacbagaersvbovcesss vas Sr konsatbaacdecdensssenaat 
phantus, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke’s Com, Frag 
Dioscorie, Physicus.. Edi Sprengel) -..0..3....:..covicvacsterras sso staras 

pus, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 4. p. 541 ..... 

Dipl Comicus (Noy.). In Meineke’s Com, Frege 40 B2375! Gsees 
Dositheus, Grammaticus ...0........c1.ssecesecsneeseeeeees 
Doxopater or Doxipater, Rhetor. In Walz’s Rhetores Graeci ., 

Draco Stratonicensis, Grammaticus. Ed, Hermann 

Dromo, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 3. Pp. 549 --..,++ 
Ecphantides, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p, 12..... 
Empedocles, Poéta philosophicus. Ed. Sturz.  ..... 
Ephippus, Comiéus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 3. p. 322 ...-- 
Ephorus, Historicus. In Miiller’s F: ragm. Historicoram ....-..02..++-++ 
Epicharmus, Comicus Syracusanus. In Ahrens de Dialecto aes 
Epicrates, Comicus (Med.). . In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 365 .. 

(Noy.) 4. p- 539- 

ete eee ren eebenensereeteneengetseesbep ee eeuceraeny 

Prererrettet treet wean eeeeneee 
vee eenanewetweee 
weet naenrreeees 

Epictetus, Philosophus, ~ Schweighiiuser 2....5..2..c.cseesserneeennuraeens 

cea Philosophus -7ovaes. «..sasasuenbs}iedtenss ety ooneas 
Pigenis. Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s: Goin, ag 3- Pp. 537 

Eni lycus, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 2, p. wil 

Epinicus, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 

nee benentesererenrbeseseetereens 

SPT ererrerrrerri teeter rir) 

Epiphanius, Ecclesiasticus, 5s Be the pages of Petavai iy ee &, Dindorf’s ed. ...... Soo. of Constantia 

Erasistratus, Medicus ......0)i...Jisatcscddecs-entaeeeeseeee 

Eratosthenes, Mathematicus. Ed, Besihardy 

1 “4 



state eenaes 

(At the cout of Seleucus Nicator) 

(Librarian at Alexandria about) 

LPR Bar S BeBe 




: on 
uP eReisca 



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g S1llisr1i ibd 

Lit Peer itt 


9S Ri Se need 

Floruit circa 
my, \Y A.C. 5 EAL OR 
wae y no ns ete. wi Sonus sted gaa aa a ae ets ews: ~ 5 
doxns, Comicus .). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 508.... frie wae is _ 
~ Eamathius, or sacar Macrembolita, Scriptor tiene E rig te oe — I ord 
WP svicAakh sk phEAME Vb soci va ecb bonnet dee a 300 
Eiuicus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Frag: 394 = 
Poéta et Grammaticus.. Ed. Meineke i)..,.....c.csceeeceeees (Librarian at Antioch, at the age of 55) 221 = 
u omicns (Nov.),: Th Meineke’s Com, Frag 280 = 
Eupolis, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 2. p. 4 429 a 
Uda ths pgs Aenean oonah> <aeRbe ete o® 44 aan 
Eusebius, Ecclesiasticus. The Demonstratio Evangelica by the pages of the Ed. 1628, the Praeparatio Ev. by ft 
59s SAAB MaRs CY: Care PR ERI Soe kgpdedacne srs: soe = 315" 
Eustathius, Grammaticus. Ed. Romana:—Opuscula, Ed. Tafel = 1160 
PRaBtatins, Phalosophus - vexosnavaaitu.dascccesceeeabessnab eageuavectaccsseave = ig 
- Euthycles, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 2. p. 890 ... 400? aes 
_ Eyagrius of Antioch, Ecclesiasticus ........... Syn RTT oxivoay re: en — 388 
Bedoeeeer itis; EasStOLI CHS CCl. f-.tiasy,.-bsbsiveasieeh re narssth ean eceterb oases seus cu cote rie Rs — 560 
- Evenus, Elegiacus. In Gaisford’s Poétae Minores Gr., and the Anthologies ...............:essseeneesenrerneeecsenees 450 _ 
Galenus, Medicus. Ed. Kuhn ,,:.,....... Names panel SRS a bees abs cevaed (Visits Rome, at the age of 34) = 163 
_ Gaza (Theodorus) Byzant. ...... oe be 3 en we Noe A eceeee oe (Escapes to Italy) — 1430 
~ Geminus, Mathematicus ............:..ssesessenceccsceseseevacssserecnssacsccestscesoceesesessscesssessecsersesensnessnneseneasess 77 as 
MRPEINISEOS VSI MCUNO fe days y curds. sce Ake Uupivecpencene ee caksvce is ieaadebamerevaresenkpArsest cehncesadasdconueesasaypens bie cesteesres = =>: 
Genesius, Byzant. By the pages of the Venice Ed., in the margin of the Bonn Ed. . — 950° 
SEONG. PHA cLINICHIEN Wands chy cxdsetn ds vevha hotenenananyedalpsecegerivenseccasesdsveosnvadgegnetdeseneemaveseevirs _ 920? 
Georgius Acropolita, Byzant, ............ —_ 1250 
Georgius Cedrenus, Byzant. ............ — 1100? 
Georgius Pachymeres, Byzant. = 1270 
Georgius Pisida, Byzant. .......... ad 620 
Georgius Syncellus, Byzant. on 43 b= 800 
EGP ras PRI DHISta sy ed) semstd caunin aeeaamedie cde cesemeivs ete cence ..(Embassy to Athens, at the age of 60) 427 == 
Gregorius Corinthius, Grammaticus, Ed. Koen. et Schiifer ............:.cccsecceseeecnseesneeeeneeeenatsareseeueessas eens — 1150 
Gregorius Nazianzenus (6 @¢oAdyos)........ Rpee carats ..(Ordained Presbyter, at the age of 32) _ 361 
_ Gregorius Nyssenus, Ecclesiasticus Had (Brother of St. Basil; bishop of Nyssa) oo 372 
Mum ytearpocratio, Lexicogra phys ii: sc. supvsledeseaseccecsUearesiecoesseeetecppedaceccuyaccetapneesstsccesessesacsvarnosberssereres = 350? 
|  Hecataeus Abderita. Ed. Zorn, Altonae 1730 .0........2.sccceecenceesecteesnseneees 332 ae 
.  Hecataeus Milesius, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum §20 = 
1 Hegemon, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 743. .....e::e06 413 
Hegesippus, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 469 ; 300 Pe 
Heliodorus, Scriptor Eroticus a 390 
1 Flelladis,. Grammatons sis... Wavyevcodssacdabiscdenssovidsonseesses DF 43° 
Hellanicus, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum ............ 466 ra 
Heniochus, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 560... 3507 = 
Hephaestio, Grammaticus, Ed. Gaisford .o..c..cceeeeeeeeeeeeee aT 150 
Heraclides, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 565.. 348 <A 
Heraclides Ponticus, Allegoriae Homeri and Politicae . 39° He 
Heraclitus, Philosophus ................. eRe IN TA tas 25 oan a re oy _ 513 1 
Hermesianax, Elegiacus. Ed. Bach, ....0......eccseeeeceseseeenseeeeueees of v7 ay 4. Rep 34° _ 
Hermippus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 380........ a9 ia 5 SE 432 ne 
Hermogenes, Rhetor. In Walz’s Rhetores. Gracci ,,.......0....0csescecccensoseeceererserseeascteraneecsecnsnscasereueneers — 170 
Hero Alexandrinus, (BeAoroiixd, Spiritalia, etc.) In Mathematici Vett., Paris 1693 ......:...:ceeseeeeeeeeeteeees 250 _ 
Hero Junior (De Machinés, etc.). UDIG. .. 2.6. .c.eevessssceeeesseseccoesevensnencnsesnsneeserrtncceecpecsenseurnssucessaseres — 620 
Herodes Atticus, Rhetor .,........cccccsseesceeeeess ah hes 1. DERE ote eee aay Et (Consul) _ 143 
CPA r aPC OE VRE COE Mier Meaty al DC rik ig JOP. Ve ha ott, tre 1s be ao axes awoke vs Seeuhoanse perience stuedetesnecsadccenssineseseasaners sae 238 
Herodianus, Aelius, Gramm.: rept povnpous A€fews in ci; émpepiopol, ed. Barker ...,.. =a 160 
Herodotus, Historicus ...........cccceseeeeeeeeeees 1 Ih AN RP (At Thurli, aged 41) 443 — 
Hesiodus, Epicus ............. $i: Ne ese ny eee tae eaeR cask cs < 800? _ 
Hesychius, Lexicographus ,,.......... ne ei hd ERE ACR CelyeAtG. + laan's ph ee aN 
Hierocles, Philosophus Dirthis cura state 25 tis ae ie eRe SM SEES cy its oenke _— 450 
Hieronymus Rhodius, Philosophus ..............-000200008 a3 Jae rr Me oY = ae oP 300 i 
Himerius, Sophista ...........c0000006+ a ay he mat Wy apeter eh auwscad — 350 
Hipparchus, AstromOmus.......6..sksccssssccccsersenssssensensecssccessencacenscaeenssanseuseresscessessseenensseaesecensessseerers 150? = 
Hipparchus, Comicus (Noy.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 431) «...-...0-++- Ae peesaseiwedans sos veiso—% 320 _ 
Hippocrates, Medicus. By the posse GIVE MOREE ohn cusetcdaceritn ss sosorsvasveeogates ak 430 _ 
Hipponax, Iambographus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. ............ af vas 546 — 
DELORerdS, OPICUS ii oyster sseus yravienstavgeWavbbnccses sass ss a ep a Bs be goo? — 
Horapollo or Horus, Grammaticus — 400? 
_*  ‘Hyperides, Orator .,........ 323 pas 
; ENOL T AU VEALNC SENT A TA TEEN T CONT se datis risus Ahgides ovelieste sh Vcnepsncavsunes} speedesecovenssepacenedopossensscenvectoressereses _ 300 
Tbycus, Lyricus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. ......1.eeeseeeeeeeeeeeeee A 560 — 
oannes Alexandrinus (rovina tapayyéApara). Ed. Dindorf _ i 
oannes Chrysostomus, Ecclesiasticus...........-c0sseceseeeseee _ 397 
oannes Cinnamus, Byzant. ..........00566++ PR PENS Ur ony Car RCId iA hares sTcaaecosawcnee snus Wh. oitengtes oo casts —_ 1160 
cannes Damascenus, Ecclesiasticus ...........-00ceeseesseeereeee _ 730 
OANNeS GaZAeUs 2... se.ccereeseeeeessenee Biss ddansacxences — 500? 
oannes Laurentius Lydus, Byzant. ..................5 _~ 520 
Joannes Malalas, or Malelas, Byzant.  ............6+5 ei Sie Be ie & ‘2 az 580? 
oannes Philoponus, Grammaticus ........... Rh. hs Sine Ry a Ny _ 620 
Jon ae ereicus porcabiters 451 ee 
osephus, Historicus ......... = = 
ae Orator. In Oratt. Attici: 380 “3 
Isidorus Pelusiota, Ecclesiasticus ih hae 
Jsocrates, Orator. In Oratt. Attici: cited like Aeschines .... 380 = 
% Tster, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum .;....... 236 ae 
_ * Julianus, Imperator. Ed. Spanhem. ............::0006 Pe (Emperor, at the age of 30) cane 361 
, “Justinus Martyr, Ecclesiasticus ........0.:ccccceeeesseeeseseesees =) aay 150 
3 procles, Dithyrambicus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Graeci ...........02.++. 500? eas 
7’ I Comicus (Incert.), In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. §74 «++... sie — 
4 ithyrambicus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Graeci ...(Preceptor of Pindar) 508 oe 
a EE Die ali Oe MLS el Baran Pe DS AIL A EES th, NK pan pee tater 1) (> Sw t Se lente ne een eae lanes o8o 

rat ed 
sicns (Noy.). In Meineke’s Com, rere 4 p. 433 seb ti daldscovasadenter <4 aeeoge 
7 in Es SEMICL: ssn oa tenclncas tedaubs/atinese® (Returns from Thurii to Athens, 
Tagm. 2. ann 149. 

Man Bien Sra SeMtaay ZAM sy. 55 00 cna davnnds lg Cimaver {eis sloccsca ex caanh ash ea} 4 is 

Marcellus Sidetes, Poéta Maticus, Tn Fabtic. Bibl. Gr.vol. 1. p. 14, ed. 3. 1... whe vate creeps 
DRORIOMIPASEIELID © 5. daa dany> ves vcdvjasdesacdsuso CCRRSA Dy cxespib css sok gaa SeaTAL A Seelet son ndsascabhehos ¥e2eM es ESe Md ae W 
Marcus Asceta or Eremita ...,........ ...(A disciple of St. ‘Chirysos 5 1 
Marinus, Rhetor. Ed. Boissonade ., ; 
DARUNIEIUE  EPUAUL, 120s epg - rect eouvasyedesdadecatagtstileenoues ss ecrdqakemedai¥psess ss 

Maximus “jy (rept ‘parapyav) dave ne obyeet yoxge i ie ata We Mc $a 
Maximus udes, Byzant. (Compiler of the latest ein: 
Maximus Tyrius, Philosophus 

ere eee eee eee ere ee rece reer er eer es 

Melampus, Physiognomicus ....0.....0..sceccecceceeeeeees 

Melanippides, Dithyrambicus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr, 

Meleager, Elegiacus. In the Anthologia...., 

Melinno, Gacaeen tbe <ecceaesvan? a 

Melissus, P ilosophus oR eas, Sy Cesasntinietae 
Memnon, Historicus. Ed Orelli oo. occ cicccccccsacecdsacpsceuseoss Veecahsvnidsens 

Menander, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. pp. 99 sad. . 
Mienandeny Eistoricns Byzantay. a /ceisaicss picie sess dade shalazacenvals dipodes oubepacsvesdbae aks inenas ides socahoalede Mees ab ss's 
qeeenies, ae rec ma? MGPRECT?) | a acsscrevedaseraecueeees ie dps sol Tasyes 
enes, Comicus (Vet.), In Meineke’s Com. Fr: 2. pCa i edocs 
Methodins Eecléiasticus, Ed, Combefis Score 
McuaAl Petes ByZat, | ).S24.,..sccackauasagdeurctds/ tibigey idekes yates ax Tena dcntea ats easy 

’ Mimnermus, Elegiacus. In Gaisford’s Bosas Minores Gr., or Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. . 
Mnesimachus, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3- p- 567..... 

oeris, Grammaticus. Ed. Pierson ... 

Moschio, Medicus ..... ak sdlnees «osetia Pia 
Moschopulus, Grammaticus Byzant. ..... 
Moschus, Poéta Bucolicus ..,....c.sc00-+5 
Musaeus, Rafus Philscop micbateck 


Ate eee eee eee ennenserenes 

PP RPEN ORO E OAR hr ees R apart arenes anenseree serene 

me . (At the second Couneil of Nie) 
y the pages of the 1st Ed., in the margin of the ‘Bonn, Ed. 

ery Cantatas, Byzant, Annales, cited 

Nicetas Ei us, Poéta Eroticus (Byzant.). Rice: aphiooy'a pan au nd Won dante eh des 
a Paphalo, Ecclesiasticus beh ane 

, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2, p. 842 .. es ae 2 $ 
Nicolate Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 579 scsssccsegessussvosscortesensesecntevenvesetansertens 
Nicolatis ee gpa sicps Saieiiadiuns vee do wrdANU APU REET RIOR aeds 2. ‘ 
Nicolaiis Myrepsus, M ERR EN) cay goa ree pes Bone Sk weseeise 
Nicolaiis Smyrnaeus, Oe pa In Schneider's. Eclogae Physicae i pe ag7 tchanak a 
Nicomachus, Comicus (Noy. ?). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. P 83 @ Iep.77) 
Nicomachus Gerasenus, Arithmeticus. Ed. Ast. Lips. 1817 .scsccscleecsdiosssvcnrercessvscvecneanerses 
Nicopho, Comicug (Vet.)., In Meineke’s Com, F: xe 

a. p. 348. 
Nicostratus, Comicus Mea). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 3p. 2 78, ei 1p. 11 
Nilus, Ecclesiastiens .. : “8 4 oe ¢ 

BNOREREPELDICUS. .5,, ,..ncccviee . nc. conceveesave eeaneucsonewe 
N: odorus, Historicus (de Moribus Asiae sive Bar. pare! £55 
: us Lucanus, Philosophus Fapnned 
Ocnomaiis, Philosophus, (apud “Euseb’ bium) - . a So 7 ORs 
Sas. La = aaa Bibliotheca: - 
Olympiodorus, Philosophus Neo-Platonicus .......... ves ses 
‘Olympiodorus, ig oe Aristotelicus ....00.55 GS 6 BP Ree eae Ses 
Opheli ie ai (Med.). “In Meineke’ Come Ee > 
.% io, Comians e's ragmn. 3. p. 
Bae Reels 2a SE RUT AN SRR SS FREI nf 

faces So: (Ak eae are {ep 
potere’s Margin). ..(Accompanies Julian to Gaul) 

Slt iii is 

. (Ordained iain at about 44 years of age) 





Orion Thebanus, Grammaticus thancvane Bd Reap Beate RRA PE A BAe eb eae 2th <aghasob adengarseevexsssareyese 
“sf hica. Ed. Hermann “ls Ss es hes EAAE! «con snestce 

ephatus, Mythologus oe. itp 56 ee OU 
Pallchicn Ecclesiasticus, (Historia Lausiaca) fo per, Pe 
Palladius, Medicus. Author of a treatise de Fedribus in Ideler’s Physici Gr. Minores .... BEE 0k SAS 
Pamphilus, Ecclesiasticus ae 

Pamphilus, Grammaticus et Medicu: 

Panyasis, Epicus. In Gaisford’s Pottae Minores Gr. .......... es Seeqacansekedtsd 
Pappus, Mathematicus ...........cccsceeeeeceqeeesegenseeeserse inn oes Rar a es Be 
Parmenides, Poéta Philosophicus ...........- an 

Parthenius, Scriptor Eroticus ..,......ccesssccsessseseeees Be aes 

Paulus Alexandrinus, Astrologus, (Apotelesmatica) Hitke Sxahaaes era mnde exes Sean tne too 

Paulus Silentiarius, Poéta Byzant., (Acphrases in the Corpus Histt. Byzant. ) sa 
Premtsanias, ATCHACOLORNS «<< cieaies<Sis<orxe>-ossqsoutuswethisuatedstyebrar¢sotrocese sh receyee sonaesere 
Phalaris (Spurious Epistles).......... at << eetsaares cece -oabeen ks 
Phanias, Piilecophad SHES, AL. 
Phanocles, Elegiacus. ae Bach 

BhanodemuscArchaeologus 2505-0) «.-vsnessnneahdeaninanske scdndddanendeakvssesers 

Pherecrates, Comicus ( at). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 252 .. 
Phereeydes, Historicus. In Miiller’s F: ragm. Historicorum 
Pherecydes (of Syros), Philosophus — .....:......ceeccseeeeceeeteeeceeaes 

Philemon, Comicus (Noy.). In Meineke’ 's Com, Fragm. 4. p. 3 *, ...++-+-(Begins to exhibit) 
Philemon Minor, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. Ae ie aene tS ane o> aa 
Philemon, Grammaticus. Lexicon Ed.-Osann. .......c.ccscccceeeseeeceneeeeeeeneeeeees SN ae. © eee 
Philes (Manuel), Moeta Byzant 3st 2, at scemtar ter baaeecasahoonns acaba eaeneastecgasase a AS PER 
Philetaerus, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. BSROM. Fi PrAOd ns veargaasccsucssassacess Lop Seas 
Philetas, sleriacus, '2 Rds Paes news. - a2. vienes qedemsnacvonrsss Varese sey sem oS ee 
Philippides, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 467 .. : 
Philiscus, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm, 3. p.579 ...... 
Philistus, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum ................ 
Philo, Academicus .0.........eecsensnenee eR Re ae ree i 
Philo pears By, Manoey S/ PB RORe, luc Bat esaspsrrsssapiersassesarobedeesdi 
Philo Byzantinus, Mechanicus. (BeAomoixa, De vii Mirabilibus)... 
Philochorus, Archaeologus, In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum ...... 
Philodemus, Epicureus. In Gomperz Herkul. Studien ................6 
Philonides, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 421 ... 
MRTRCCIOS. Mi TOAMNCS COA 55575) \tlawapas.phateephedeovecseestruesndhans>iasrdsspetnrnhiernrg 
Philostephanus, Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s moe: us 4+ P. 589 . 
Philostorgius, Historicus Eccles. ............secaseee 
Philostratus, Sophista. By the pages of Olearius .. .. (Lives of Sophists written about) 
eM RRR oa EMINIOT Ce rene’ foc enrs ee eab Mee ee tang RNCER GAP aa IEss5 vem Passes tensrab bre teneceatasssbece¥oessego3épereueapes 

Philoxenus, Dithyrambicus, v. Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. pp. 635 sqq., and Bergk’s Lyr. Gr. ...... 
Philyllius Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 857 

ASP OUH GE MUTACOE) 520.55 si ontedeeshcsteeenascie-enée our tas eashvarsereds teen 

Phocylides, Elegiacus. In Gaisford’s Poétae Minores Gr, ‘s 

Phoebammon, Rhetor. In Walz’s Rhetores Graeci 
Photius, Ecclesiasticus, Lexicographus, etc. i 

RTM RL SEND ov, ee cuereo deh Caen NaC UISN cs uMRERN MN Ses SP CUUSSS Ae Acid om ALE GOTase> {svppeet ccna <> 660 TF an eeesssccecens ces 
Phrynichus, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 580...........5.45 Miedyatiian lsc (Exhibits) 
aap NEEM OUCUR EEA, oul (OU NeeTaesE cas ACA TSMA LEELA AT TO-Viesesbeyrehn iiss ssh strsebenerbasndasoseorenvedecesvereccces Coe 
Pe PILAR ar eTOD aes ce AO DECM ODES ety (Us a da toia uitasco qa dasiancccopanisieiciesetnsisonsvosepedsdecdoreseeooenen 
er Nee ONS VAs ETC Me as Poe aa He GWU ONT: AI avid Pipe he's Paap envelchUd Tivhensevinans Cobacrtcancavheobsadensescovecsensseseceses 
Phylarchus, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. PM TD, PR QOS eg One RI Sr re 
Pindarus, Lyricus. Quoted by Heyne’s lines, in the right margin of Béckh, Dissen, etc.; the Fragments by 

PRA Ciety sy RAL Nach ods Seana puny adi venused canals wicchtgis cenbbavvecsapareeseretsvcpanseoss (At the age of 32) 
Pisander Larandius, Poéta . awe te 
Pisander Rhodius, Poéta .... Bist tvenestaxte 
Pisida, v. Georgius ........ a Paseateny Oe sser7 5 
eter ROG Sr MAERUA cas spy ak ina cu oservnebcevsteers uarados tes vscnae rh cies rt 

_ Plato, Comicus (Vet.). In Morais’ SCOP MEM IDE Dei OLS bonne turcetrekhacverspaesehe> she oes (Begins to exhibit) 
Plato, Philosophus: quoted by the pages of H. tephens ieatententterksie (At the age of 30; death of Socrates) 
Rena eet GIT LE) AS MRIMS ore canon te decal udedoyadeseye ss echtsctprvsnodnvsuvanserryh evesassieorsdsspees sore ssvens 

_ Plotinus, Philosophus ........00.-.00s-eeuereeseeess ..(Accompanies Gordian to the East, at the age of 38) 

- Plutarchus, Philosophus. The Lives by Cha: apiersj the Moralia e pees S pages 
 Poéta de Viribus Herbarum, in Fabricius’ Bibl. Graeca, 2, p. 692 ed 

Polemo, Physiognomicus. In Franz’s Scriptt. Phamealonies Vetere 
PCM DAIALE 1, 2 yi av easton bieads ct apinw ined kin Gew<o8-pochecesanesecsansonsver 

Poliochus, Comicus apsieba the oreo ree 4 P. 589.. ve. 
Pollux, Archaeologus . Deaseaaes SS s/n Oy ake on eet 
Poti (Strategemata) .. aS, Ate ale ae Five ". (Dedicates his work to M. Aurelius) 

(Date of exile) 

Lan Philosophus. Peeks vot sr Pelee, Ed. Leo Allatius .. (eminent. on Timaeus, at the age of 28) 
Procopius, Hist. Byzamt.  .......esscesseesereeseeerecseecensestseeeseesierersaecees BSE SRG (Secretary to Belisarius) 
Psellus, Vv. Michael ..........ccsccepessserserseuseesnsers a i 

Ptolemaeus, Mathematicus et Geographus ........ 

Pythagoras, Philosophus ....0ac-sdscserserecearsee 

intus Pitiaces (or Calaber), Epicus 
Rhian acus. In Gaisford’s Poétae Minores Gr. ....... 

lesiasticus Sf pase tiasaaOir bin snigheuscebysdeduaena cuaoddy vv 
» Medicus 

Floruit circa 
A: €} PG. 
— 45° 
Ahi 4 -— 
— 420 
— eo 
=e 307 
— 30? 
489 os 
— 380 
503 = 
30? _ 
= 375 
== 530 
— 180 

El ek baa 


SIIGSR 111 bigilrid 

NENA deen were 

AUR R renee een esneeneueeeweeae 

. Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. 
A farce es, Tragicus, Ed. Dindorf. ........cccesesseseeres ae ..(His first prize, 
Mimographus. In pe. Museum Criticum, and Ahrens de Dialécto Dorica 
* Soranus, Medicus. Ed. Dietz 
_ Sosibius, Grammaticus .....,. peor 
Sosicrates, Comicus (Incert.), is icc 
Sosipater, Comicus ee 
So ag wus vease 
Sy come a oer cee SA dNONSK ceo ee 
peusippus, osophus , 
Stephanus Byzantinus, Geographus , Shp dete RR EN TORS, ce cece kan 
Stephanus, Comicus (Noy.). In Mei eke’s Com. » 4+ P- 544 .c0- 
Stesichorus, ead In go a le Gris 
orilegium: quoted by Gesner’s pages 
" Stobaeus iS Eclog if by Heeren’s pages ain gtk re 
Strabo, Saceripiat quoted by Casaubon’s pages ..... With Aelius Gallus in/ ‘gyPt, at the ae of 37) 3 
Strattis, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com | PART Se. De ORE Craps. 8.- 9-4-2 seep os hie 
SpUias, LORICOMrAPhUS 47... cay. <aqusscsdedschecoessee¥idsvdsculodesvecss 
Susario, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. p. 3 pe 
Synesius, Ecclesiasticus et Philosophus : quoted by the pages of Petavius . (Bishop of Ptolemais) ne 
Teleclides, Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com, Fragm. 2. p. 361 .. iss err vy ttt 
Telesilla, Lyrica. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. 2.0.0... .0cced.cscceesscsneee 
Telestes, Dithyrambicus. In Bergk’s Lyrici 
Eggers iccoas 
cages, Pythagoreus ....... ie 
Themistius, Rhetor: quoted by Harduin’s pages in the margin of Dindorf’s Ed/ .....:..... Ned 
guiteoeri tis, Boctay Bucolichs «777i. dvcwccsncs tos bastaceases as erie npaaacensetssisnts «sccasbeaseohey Gi eeean Saeed 
Theodoretus, Ecclesiasticus .. 
rus Hyrtacenus, Byzant. z 
Theodorus Metochita, Ecclesiasticus 
Theodorus Prodromus, Poéta Byzant. ........ vie aK “ 
Theodorus Studita, Ecclesiasticus.. Noe Oa 
(PROM Cena, Cpa AtiCUs, W9,.\/0adsccevebesassacdedececoessiuasaracrennyessdante tes Ls da8 tobe Sates ts ira Sakae a tampa ‘ 
Theognetus, Comicus (Nov.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 549 + se ceeseepaeeeed: “ 
Theognis, Elegiacus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gr. bry 
Theognostus, Grammaticus. In Cramer’s Anecdota O: 


« es 7 - = ~ OPE, 
Po ee Raia See ee ee = 
= ag 3 “a hs ~~, Gh “ c 
“ a - =. aS isin. 
: re u pa bb ere, Ste “ 

Theon Smyrnaeus, Mathematicus Peal co less 
Se Sears 
Theophilus Antiochenus, Ecclesiasticus a rae sae 180 
Theophilus, Gomicus (Med.). In Meineke’s. Com, Fragm. 3. p. 626 sacl aie nea al 330 = 
Theophilus Protos har ee a eee ape Ge PRET . ee irl Crone 
ysica, Edd eider et Wimmer e Saye 
ps ang { Chaar Ed. Casaubon.......... } Lae ha 3 pau 
Teeth SAREE Say cp esaiis encevesetes eevee r= SER 1. 
Simocatta, Byzant. Sora “| 6160 Oy 
p ) Comicus (Vet.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 2. 390, f} th 
8, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicorum 333 —_ fe 
c ee Ed. Oudendorp ...........+5 a 22TH RU 
[aber es BRE or vans rs cts Supsd\n ee Se PEP oon a k exile, at the age of 48) | ABS) oo oo 
ugenides, ica (incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Frggm. 4-P. 5B osscncspececensssnsbsdecesocescenoeceage scwenesseany meena <4 he 
“‘Timaeus, Historieus. In Miiller’s es Historicorum......,¢..0cc1000+5 (Termination of Bree +204 mee 
‘Timacus, Sophista. Lexicon Platon., ed. Ruhnkenius. BERNE RE SES plgi teas. POA CN PES: PS 6AUE —. Aso? * (hana 
SING Sillopry phuee mere... isiethatihesicessacnas Urapdecyarved svesnodeae om 2 ree AR 279 -) Pe dat 
, Comicus (Med). “Tn Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. B 59°... ARE RESS ASAE See 35° _ us 
Mamita, Lyrics sc. .svdohstcavstlynessvonebscisansecn--sncees- ay < Se 500 aks 
Timostratus, Comicus (ncert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. P. 595 is Vebbhy thet kie ae Pas — AE 
Timotheus, Comicus (Med.). ‘In Meineke’s Com. Fragm, 3. p. 589 pits eaten ea a ae 350? - ak \! 
Timotheus, Dithyrambicus. In Bergk’s Lyrici Gro ou... ee eceeeepteefeeeneteeeevens ats ae 398 = pa 
Ge REYPRIGd pty, TEPACUS. LP oee os biaccs csp ceases sntomstpeaeesoepooduc sal -cessdrenryarbacsirss be rae — goo?” eet 
Tyrtaeus, Elegiacus, In Bergk’s Lyri és 2 650 — red 
_ Tzetzes, Grammaticus ws eS = 1150 ‘ 
-Xanthus, Historicus. In Miiller’s Fragm. Historicoram) .......-../-+ Sine fr, xt Tsk 463? = 
' Xenarchus, Comicus (Med.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 3. p. 614... ¥ a See ae 350 See 
Xeno, Comicus (Incert.). In Meineke’s Com. Fragm. 4. p. 596 LIE GRO Pree met _ ; 
Xenocrates ‘Chalcedonius, Philosophus .... ty 339: Pa 
538 a 
401 — 


ta 4 

y Pare aM ; 

§ ' fy 

A, B.= Anecdota Bekkeri _ | Bentl, Phal. = Bentley on a! £ Dor. = Dorice : Vii 
A. S.= Anglo-Saxon Bgk. = Bergk = downwds,=downwards sf 
absol. =absolute, absolutely Blof, = Blomfield s dub., dub. 1. = dubious; ata 
acc,=accusative Bockh P. E,=Béckh’s Public bin 
acc. to=according to Economy of Athens  _™ ; li gratia. 
act., Act. =active Boeot. = Boeotice 4 EB Guid ologicum Gna 
vier peal heencagps go ~An.= = Boissonaale’g 4 re ‘ 
|j. = adjective ota ‘ = ologicum Magnum 
Ady. =adverb ’ Br. = Brunck Eccl, “Fieclesiasteal Sie 
Acl.=Aelianus _Buttm, Ausf. Gr, _Budpans’ s | Ecphant. = Ecphantides an 
Aeol. = Aeolice Ausfiihrliche Griechische | Elmsl.=Elmsley t 
Aesch, = Aeschylus Sprachlehre ~ elsewh, = elsewhere 
Aeschin. = Aeschines Buttm, Catal. = Buttmana’s Cata: | enclit.=enclitic 
Ahrens D. Dor.=de Dialecto | logue of irregular verbs oe Bhs ope in the Epic dialect . | 
‘Dorica Buttm. Dem. Mid.=Buttmann or Adesp.=Epigram- | — phi 
hipaa D, Aeol. bade Dialecto on Demosthenes’ Midias ae Adespota Fin B'S. hy 
Acolica Buttm. Lexil, = Buttmann’s Lexi- | _ Anal. At 
al. =alibi _.. logus ie og = Epigrammata He 
Alex. = Alexis Byz. or Byzant. = Byzantine 
Alexandr. or Alexie Aletindeien c. gen. pers., etc.=cum genitivo Bpih = Bpicharmas vp 
Amips. = Amipsias personae, etc. m7 ir =EpigrammataGracca 
Ammon, = Ammonius C. I. = Corpus Inseriptionum ibel, Berl. 1878) 
An. Ox, or Anecd. Ox:=Cra-| — (Bockhii opie i ithet 
mer’s Anecdota Oxoniensia Call, =Callimachus equiy. Sesnivalent 
Anacr.=Anacreon’s tmie Frag- | Callix,=Callixenus Erf, = Erfurdt 
ments cf,=confer, conferatur esp. =especially 
Anacreont.=Anacreontica (spu-} Clem. Al.=Clemens Alexan- | euphon, =euphonic 
rious) - drinus etc. =et caetera 
Anan. = Ananius : collat. = collateral Eur. ipides 
Anth. | Sretvag arnt Palatina | Com.=Comic, in the language | Eust.=Eustathius 
Anth, Plan,=Anthologia Planu-| of the Comic writers =exclamation 

dea (at the end of Anth. Pala- | Comp. =Comparative 

tina) compd. =compound. 
Antig. = Antigonus compos, = composition 
Ee a et conj.=conjunctive; 07, sometimes 
= Anti eS conjecture 
ton. = s Antoninus Conjunet, = Conjunction 
sensor ted ind contr, 7 aaa contraction 
ap.=a quoted in copul. =copulative 
Aol res =Apollonius Dy- CoevaCisHas 
Curt. Curtius 
Anil ext “Hom. = Apollonii Cynosoph. = Cynosophica 
Lexicon Homericum Cyrill. = Cyril of sear 
Ap. ey ae Rhodius | dat, =dative 
Apollod. = Apolladorus Dem: = Demostbenes 
App.=Appianus” Dem. Phal.= Demetrius Phale- 
Ar. = Arist 16 é reus . 
Arat.=Arataus xt Demad.=Demades = >~__ 
Arcad.=Arcadius Dep. = Deponent Verb oe 
“Archil.=Archilochus | | deriv. = derived, derivation, de- 
Aretae. = Aretaeus ‘3 
Arist. = Aristoteles 

Aristaen. = Aristaenetus 
Aristid. = Aristides 
hae “Epee Epicteti Di pind. = Di dork (W. and 
= cteti. Dissertae ind. = Din of 
Astyd. i apie re ae Dink ‘Diodors Sie 
Ath.= Ath Diog. 
Att,= Attice, in Attic Greek 
Att. AS ae ae ieee er Process, 
hiss eas ooms: rae 


Bast. a Cr. Basts Eplstola i 


Lyv. =Lycophron 

Lys.=Lysias, (But Ar. Lys.= 
Avistophanis Lysistrata) 

masc. = masculine 

Math. Vett.=Mathematici Ve- 
teres (ed. Paris. 1693) 

Med. = medium, middle 

Medic. =in medical writers 

Mel.=Mbeleager. (But Schif. 
Mel, =Schafer’s Meletemata 

Menand. = Menander 
metaph. = m»taphorice 
metaplast. =metaplastice 
metath. = mettthesis. 
metri grat. =metri gratia 
Moer. = Moeris bh 
Mosch. = Moschus 
Miill. Archiol, @ Kunst.= Miil- 
ler’s (K. O.) Archiologie der 
Mill. Proleg. z. Myth. =Miil- 
ler’s Prolegomenen zu einer 
wissenschaftlichen Mytholo- 
Mus. Crit. = Museum Criticum 
Mus. Vett.= Musici Veteres (ed. 
n. pr.=nomen proprium 
N. T.=New Testament 
neut. =neuter 
Nic. = Nicander 
Nicoch. = Nicochares 
Ticoph. = Nicopho 
1. =nominative 
> Odyssey 
ap. Eus, =Oenomaiis 

O. H. Germ, =Old 



Orph. = Orphica 
Sabir oxytone ee 
aroem.=Paroemiographi (ed. 

Gaisford) a" 

parox. = paroxytone 

part. = participle 

pass. = passive 

Paus, = Pausanias 

pecul. = peculiar 

perf. ov pf. = perfect 

perh. = perhaps 

perispom. = perispomenon 

Philo Bel. = Philo BeAorouina 

Phryn. = Phrynichus 

Piers. Moer, = Pierson on Moeris 

pl. ov plur. = plural 

Plat. = Plato (Philosophus) 

Plat. Com. =Plato (Comicus) 

plqpf. = ee empetiecuss 

plur. = plura 

Plut, = Plutarchus 

poét. = poétice 

Poét. de Herb. =Poéta de Viri- 
bus Herbarum. (In Fabricius’ 
Bibliotheca Graeca, ii. p. 630, 
ed, pr.) 

Poll. = Pollux 

Polyb. = Polybius 

Pors. = Porson 

post-Hom. = post-Homeric 

Pott. Et. Forsch, = Pott’s Etymo- 
logische Forschungen 

pr. n.= proper name 

Prep. = Preposition 

pres. = present 

prob, = probably 

proparox. = proparoxytone 

properisp, = properispomenon 

Q. Sm, = Quintus Smyrnaeus 

q. v-=quod vide 

radic. =radical 

tegul. = regular, ie Sea 


Rhet. = Rhetorical; Khett. = 
Rubnk. Ep. Cr. = Ruhnkenii 

Epistola Critica, appended to 
his Ed. of the Homeric hymn 
to Ceres 

Ruhnk, Tim.=Ruhnkenius ad 
Timaei Lexicon Platoni- 

; Salmas. in Solin. =Salmasius in 

Solinum, (Ed, 1689) 

Skt. =Sanskrit 

sc, =scilicet 

Schaf. Dion. Comp. =Schiifer on 
Dionysius de Compositione 

Schaf. Greg., v. Greg. Cor. 

Schaf. Mel.=Schiafer’s Melete- 
mata Critica, appended to the 
former work 

Schneid. = Schneider 

Schol. =Scholium, Scholiastes 

Schweigh. or Schw. =Schweig- 

Scol. Gr.=Scolia Graeca (by 


signf, =signification 

Simon, =Simonides (of Ceos) 

Simon. lamb. =Simonides (Iam- 

sing. = singular 

Slav. =Slavonic 

Sopat. =Sopater ’ 

Soph. = Sophocles 

sq. or sqq.=sequens, sequen- 

Stallb. Plat. = Stalibaum on 

Steph. Byz.=Stephanus Byzan- 

Steph, Thes.=Stephani Thesau- 
tus (edited by Hase and Din- 

Stesich. =Stesichorus 

Stob. =Stobaei Florilegium 

Stob. Ecl. =Stobaei Eclogae 

strengthd. =strengthened 

sub, =subaudi 

‘ subj. =subjanctive 

Subst, =Substantive 

Suid. = Suidas 

Sup. = Superlative 

susp., susp. 1,= suspected, sus- 
pecta lectio 

Ss. v.=sub voce 

syll. = syllable 

synon,. =synonymous 

Telecl. = Teleclides 

Th. M.=Thomas Magister 

Theol, Arithm, = Theologumena 

IV. SIGNS, Etc. 

omitted, to save space. 

Arithmetica, Ed. Ast. Lips. 

Theoph. Cont. = Theophanes 
Continuatus (in Byz. Histo- 

Theopomp. Com, or Hist. = 
Theopompus (Comicus) or 

Thirlw. Hist. Gr.=Bp. Thirl- 
wall’s History of Greece 

Thue. = Thucydides 

Tim. =Timaeus 

Trag. = Tragic 

trans. = transitive 

Tryph. = Tryphiodorus 

trisyll. =trisyllable 


v.=vide: also voce or vocem 

vy. l.=varia lectio 

Valck. Adon. = Valcknaer on 
Theocritus’ Adoniazusae 

Valck. Diatr.= Valcknaer’s Dia- 
tribé, appended to his Hip- 

Valck. Hipp. = Valcknaer on Eu- 
ripidis Hippolytus 

Valck. Phoen.=Valcknaer on 
Enuripidis Phoenissae 

verb. adj. =verbal adjective 

voc, = voce, vocem 

vocat. = vocative 

Vol, Herc. Ox. = Volumina Her- 
culanensia, Oxoniae 

usu, = usually 

Welcker Syll. Ep.=Welcker’s 
Sylloge Epigrammatum 

Wess. or Wessel. = Wesseling 

Wolf Anal.= Wolf's Analekten 
(Berlin 1816—1820) 

Wolf Mus. = Wolfs Museum 

Wytt. (or Wyttenb.) Ep. Cr.= 
Wyttenbach’s Epistola Cri- 
tica, appended to his Notes 
on Juliani Laus Constantini 
(ed. Schafer) 

Wytt. (or Wyttenb.) Plut.= 
Wyttenbach on Plutarch 

Xen. = Xenophon 

Xen, Eph. = Xenophon Ephesius 

Za. =Zend 

Zonar. = Zonaras 

Acgnate signification with the Verb, as tGpw bApicey, teva ddr, etc. 

)-Bios) we have written them so. 

And in Compounds so common 

This applies to words regularly compounded with srefositions, 
‘“po-, uuto-, movo-, veo-, oivo-, dAvyo-, duo-, Tapz-, Tay-, mavTo-, 
K0-, Xpud—, xpvao-, Wevd-, Wevdo-. 



a, GAga, 74, indecl., first letter of the Gr. alphabet: hence as Nu- 
meral, a’ =efs and mp@ros, but a = 1000. 

Changes of a: 1. Aeol., & for €, in some Adyvs, of time and 
place, dAAora for -re, évep@a for -Ge, Ahrens D. Aeol. p. 74. b. for 
0, tma-dedpdpakev, Sapph. 2. 10, cf. Alcae, 7 Ahrens:—but 0 more fre- 
quently represents d, v. sub o. 2. Dor., & for ¢, as in Aeol., 
Gddoxa for -re, dvwOa for -e or -Bev, ya for ye. b, so in the 
body of words, “Aprayus for “Aprepus, Grepos for érepos, tapds for iepés, 
Tpdpa, orpapa, rpaxa, for tpépa, orpépa, Tpéxw, ppaat for ppest, etc., 
Ahrens D. Dor. p. 113 sq. ¢. for o, elxare (Felxart) for elxoor; 
but more often o for a, v. sub 0, Ahr. p. 11g. 3. Ion., & for e, 
as pé-yados for wéyeOos :—reversely e for a, v. sub e. b. & some- 
times becomes 7, in the num. forms, dirAjoros, ToAAaAHotos for Sumdd- 
a.0s, ToAAaTAdatos, etc. ¢. in some words, @ represents 7, as 
AéAappat for AAT pat, Adgopar for Afouar, pecaBpln for peonuBpla, 
dpupio-Baréw, -Basin for auduo-Byréw, -Bhrnots, Dind. de dial, Hdt. 
p. Xxxiv. d, a for 0, as dppw5éw for dppwdéw, Hat. II. 
changes of a: 1. & appears constantly in Aeol. and Dor. (as also 
in Lat.) for Ion. 7, whereas Att. agrees sometimes with Ion., sometimes 
with the older diale¢ts ; for there is little doubt that the forms in a are 
the most ancient. It may be laid down as a gen. rule that 7 Ion. 
becomes @ Aeol. and Dor. in the term. of the 1st decl., as mUAa, *Arpel- 
das, etc., for mvAn, “Arpetdns, etc.; and wherever 7 represents a in the 
Root or primary form, as @vdoxw for OvnoKw (4/ Bay), pvaua (4/ pva), 
«v-dvwp (avnp), dAxdus (GAnd), etc.; but when 7 represents € or et, then 
it is retained in Aeol, and Dor., as qpxdépay (Epxopa), but dpxdpar 
(Gpxopar), parnp (A parep), etc.: many exceptions however occur; 
see on the whole question, Ahrens D. Aeol. pp. 84-88, D. Dor. pp. 
127-153. b. reversely, in Dor., ae and ae in the inflexions of 
Verbs in dw are contr. not into @ but into 7, as évixn for -d, dpfis for 
-gs, Ahr. D. Dor. p. 195; so ay, as xx’ dph for Stay dpdp, Epich. 10 
Ahr. :—also in crasis, as Ta for 7d éua, Kiyyéy for Kal éywr, etc., Ahr. 
p. 221. ¢c. in Dor., ao and aw are contracted not into w, but into 
a, v. sub w. d. in Aeol., ae sometimes stands for Dor. @, as @vai- 
oxw for OvacKe (Ovnoxw), Ahr. D. Acol. p. 96 :—also in certain termina- 
tions, v. sub N v 11:—v. also del, derés, OnBayerhs. 2. in Ion., 
n for @ is as characteristic as @ for 7 in Aeol. and Dor.: so in Ist decl., 
gopin, -ns, -n, -nv, Apisrarydpns, (-ew), -p, -nv; but when the nom. 
ends in a, the change only takes place in gen. and dat., dAj@eta, -ns, -7, 
-ay: also in many inflexions and terminations, as @upng, -nKos, Xmaptey- 
Ts, dvinpds, AdOpn, Any, etc.; and in many words, of which a list (as 
used by Hdt.) is given by Dind. de dial, Hdt. p. vii sq. 

a-, as insep. Prefix in compos, : I. a orepnrinéy, alpha priva- 
tivum, expressing want or absence, like Lat. in-, Engl. -un, as copes 
wise, daopos unwise: (for the Root, v. sub dv—, dva—.) Sometimes it 
implies blame, as GBouAta, = 5vcBovaia, ill-counsel, ampdawmos ill-faced, 
ugly,—this being strictly a hyperbole, counsel that is no counsel, i.e. bad, 
a face no better than none, i.e. ugly, cf. diwpos. This a rarcly precedes 
a vowel, as in d-daros, d-aros, dn@ns, doxvos, dofos, domros ; more often 
before the spir. asper, as Garros, djaanros, domAos, déparos, ddpioros, 
di5pos, dwpos; other cases are not in point as a F has been lost, as 
deldeAos, derdns, aldndos, didpis, dioros, déxav, deATTOS, depyos, doticos : 
sometimes a coalesces with the foll. vowel, as deav, dpyds (depyds): but 
before a vowel dy— is more common. It answers to the Ady. dvev, so 
that Adjs. formed with it often take a gen., as GAaumes #A/ou, dvaros 
xakay, =dvev Adppews Hrlov, dvev drns Kaxdv, esp. in Trag., Schiif. 
Mel. p. 137- Only found in compos. with nouns; for verbs into which 
it enters are always derivatives, Scaliger ap, Lob. Phryn. 266; cf. 
GBovrdw, eyvoéw, avndopat, arita. Il. a d@pootindy, 
alpha copulativum, d- or d-, expressing union, participation, likeness, 
properly with spir. asper, as in G@poos, Gras, but commonly with spir. 
lenis, doris, GAoxos, ddedpbs, arddavros, axbAovbos, cf. Plat. Crat. 
405 C. It answers to the Skt. sa—, sam— (cum), being prob. akin to the 
Ady. aya (q. v.), and sometimes appears in the form 6-, as in marpos, 
dydorpios, d¢vé ; Curt. no. 598. Til. a émerariKoy, alpha in- 
tensivum, strengthening the force of compds., and said to answer to the 
Adv, dyay, very. The use of this a has been most unduly extended by 
the old Gramm. : many words cited as examples seem to be inventions 
of. their own, as dyovos, dytpvacros for moAvyovos, moAvyUpYaTOS, 

Valck. Adon, p, 214; some words have been referred to this a eos 


belong to a privative, as addxpuros, abéoparos, agvdos (vy. sub voce ) ” 
and in haus ehh remain, a doles paar ‘scat doxedés, =| 
it may be asked whether the a be any more than a modification ¢: 
@ copulat. IV. a euphonicum, in a few words, esp. lon. an” 
Att., is used merely for phonetic purposes, mostly before two nt. 
as GBAnxpés, donaipw, adorapis, dereporh for BAnxpés, amaipor, oragis, 
oreponn, but also before one, as duelpopat for peipopat, and dxovw ci 
xoéw; in some cases also before vowels, v. deldw, delpw, dégw. 
all these cases, except by position. Yet Adjs. which begin with 
short syllables have @ in dactylic metres, as, dddpuaros, a0éuuros, a 
Haros, dmdAapos, drapdpvOos (v. sub vocc.). One Adj., d0avaros, 
its derivs., has @ in all metres, so that to make it short would be fa 
Pors. Med. 139, Elmsl. Ar. Ach. 47.] § 

&, exclamation used to express various emotions, like Lat. and Eng}. 
ah! in Hom. always @ SeA€, d& 5ecdw, G@ Seidoi, Il. 11, ar 4525 If 
443, Od. 20. 355, al.; also in Trag., Aesch, Ag. 1087, etc.; 4, wpdauds .- 
Soph. Ph. 1300, cf. O. T.1147; a paxap C.1. 401; sometimes doubled, — 
& & Aesch. Pr. 114, 566, etc.; rare in Prose, Plat. Hipp. Ma. 295 A. 

& or & &, to express laughter, like our ha ha, Eur. Cycl. 157, Ar., 

etc.; & & dacuvOév yéAwra Sydot Hesych. and Phot.; cf. Meineke Plat. 
Com. I'gur. 2. 

4, Dor. for Artic. 7. III. 
Dor. for 7, dat. of és. 

ddatos, ov, (daw) in Il. with penult. long, not to be injured or violated, 

II. &, Dor. for relat. Pron. 7. 

inviolable, viv por Gpoocoy daarov Srv-yos tiwp, because the gods sw: 
their most binding oaths thereby, 14. 271. II. in Od. wig * 

penult. short, pynornpecow deOAov da&rov 21. 91; deBAos ddiiros & 
7édeorat 22.5, where it is commonly rendered by hurtful, dangerous; vat 
here also Buttm., Lexil., attempts to retain a kindred sense, not to be aurt, 
not to be treated lightly ox slighted. III. in Ap. Rh. 2. 77, xdpros 
dda&rov invincible strength. (Originally 4éfaros, which is implied in the 
Lacon. form ddBaxros cited by Hesych.; cf. ddw, arn.) z 
Gayns, és, unbroken, nui to be broken, hard, strong, Od. 11. 575, 
Theocr. 24. 121, etc. (Originally 4fayns; cf. dyvuys.) [The first @ 
short in Od. and Theocr., but long in Ap. Rh. 3. 1251, Q. Sm. 6, 596.) 

dala, f. cw, to breathe through the mouth, breathe ort, Arist. Prob 34 
7. (For the Root, v. sub dpe.) x 
dav0a, 4, a kind of earring, Aleman 113, Ar. Fr 567, Hesych. 
&dmeros, ov, lengthd. Ep. for dmAeros, Q. Sm. 1.675. “| 
d-amros, ov, (Gmropat) not to be hed, resistless, invincible, xetpes 
darro: Hom. (mostly in IL, as 1. 567), Hes. Op. 1473; «ros damroy 

Opp. H. 5, 629. 
dis, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, genit. of da,=1}ws, as Zenod, 
read for jods in Il, 8. 470 (v. Schol. Ven.) : be in Boeot. as Adv., Hesych, 

Gacrppootvy, dacidpey, in Gramm. for deoupp-. ~ 
Berube 6, (daw) a breathing ou:, Arist. Probl. 34. 7. 4 

adormeros, ado eros, v. sub doweros, doxeros. “A 

darar, Ep. for derat, from dw, satio, Hes. Sc. Il. ; 

d-tiros, contr. Gros, ov, (do, doar) insatiate, c. a daros moXépoww 
Hes. Th. 714; “Apys Gros woAguowo Il. 5. 388; waxns drév wep evra + 
22. 218: cf, Buttm. Lexil. s. v::—absol., daros #Bpis Ap. Rh, 1. 459. 
[The first syll. in davos is short in Hes., but long in Ap. Rh.] ; 
daros, ov, in Q. Sm. I. 217,=dnros, q. v. ; 

&éw, old Ep. Verb, used by Hom. in aor. act. ddica contr. doa, med, 
daigdpny contr. dodpny, and pass, dda@nv: the pres. occurs only in 3 ine 
of Med. dara: Il. Properly to hurt, damage, but always used in 
reference to the mind, to-mislead, infatuate, of the effects of wine, sleep, 
divine: judgments, etc., daody yp’ Erapol te kaxot mpds Total Te imvos 
Od. 10. 68; doé pe Saiyoves alca kaxi Kal..olvos 11. 61; ppévas 
dace olvw 21. 296; inf. doa Aesch. Fr. 428; part. doas Soph. Fr, 
554:—so in Med.,”Arn 7) mavras d@ra: Il, 19. 91, 129 :—Pass., daoOny 
Hes. Op, 281. II, the aor. med. has an intr. sense, fo act reckiessly 
or foolishly, dacdunv I was infatuated, ll. 9. 116, 119, etc.; ddcaro 5& 
péya Oup@ Ib. 537., 11. 340; Kal yap bh vU more Zeds daaro (as Aris 
tarch., whereas others read Ziv’ doaro sc.”ArTn), 19. 95, V. Schol, Ven.} 
el ri mep dacdpny Ap. Rh. 1. 1333; dacduny..drqv 2. 6235 so also 
aor. pass., #éy’ ddo6n Il. 16. 685.—Cf. Buttm. Lexil. s.v.ddeat. (Hence 
d-daros, dn, dvaros. Originally it had the digamma, é Fae, v. sub ary 
and ddaros. Hesych, also cites dyardo@a (i.e. d aracbat) = Brdrre- 

, aba, and cryarnuar (i, e. aFarnuat) = BEBAG HAL.) CRE usual quantity 







dacOny Il. ll, c.; but dacaro 11, 340, dan h. Hom. Cer. 247.] 

&Ba, 7, Dor. for #87. 
3 és, (BdOos) not deep, Arr. Tact. 5.6; émpdvera GB, without 

ae Emp. p. 475. 5 Bekk. 
vig ov, without foundation, Georg. Pisid. 

@, (dBaxns) to be speechless, Ep. Verb. only used in aor., of & 
aBarnoay navres said nothing, took no heed, Od. 4. 249. 

GBarys, és, (Baw) speechless, Lat. infans: hence childlike, innocent, 
pny Sappho 77 (where E. M. has acc. dBdenv). Adv. —Kéws E. M.— 
Hesych, has also pov; and GBat is cited by Eust. 1494. 64. 

‘opat, Dep., =dBaxéw, Anacr. 74. 
, Td, v. sub Bag. 

oKos, 6, Dim. of dBag, a small stone for inlaying, in mosaic 
work, Lat. ¢essera, tessella, Moschio ap. Ath. 207 D. 

GBaxo-adis, és, like an dBag, Schol. Theocr. 4. 61. 

G-Béxxevtos, ov, uninitiated in the Bacchic orgies, Eur. Bacch. 472: 
generally, joyless, Id. Or. 319; v. Luc. Lap. 3. 

GBiXe [48], properly d Bade, expressing a wish, O that. .! Lat, utinam, 
¢, indic., Callim. Fr. 455 ; ¢. inf., Anth. P. 7. 699. Cf. Bdde. 

vauoros, ov, liberal : in Ady, -ws, Clem. Rom. 1. 44. 

[&], dos, 6, Lat. abacus :—a slab or board: 1. a reckoning- 
board or board for geometrical figures, Jambi. V. Pyth. 5, Sext. Emp. 
447, 4 Bekk.; and in dim. form aBdxvoy, Lys. ap. Poll. 10, 105, Alex. 
“Ameya. I. 3. 2. a draught-board, Caryst. ap. Ath. 435 D; Dim. 
GBaxiov Poll. 10. 150. 38. a sideboard, Ammon. 4. a trencher, 
plate, Cratin. AeoB, 2. II. a place on the stage, in Dim, 
aBdsevoy, Suid. III. cf. dBaxionos. 

‘os, ov, (Barrifw) not to be dipped, that will not sink, Lat. 
immersabilis, dB. dAwas of a net, Pind. P. 2.146; 48. rpdavoy a trepan 
with a guard, to stop it from going too deep, Galen, II. not 
drenched with liquor, Plut. 2. 686 B. III. not baptized, Eccl. 

GBamros, ov, (Barrw) of iron, not tempered by dipping in cold water, 
Suid., Hesych.; v. sub Bapy I. 

GBapBapteras, without barbarisms, E.M.: -vort, Boiss, An. 3. 160. 

‘GBapBapos, ov, not barbarous: but in Soph. Fr. 336, Blomf. 48dpBopov. 

GBipns, és, (Bdpos) without weight, Arist. Cael. 1. 8, 16, Plut., etc. ; 

aBa — aBonros. 
is dicey Gtictipny, part. dicas; but Sdcay Od. 10. 68; adacaro and 

GBeArepia, 3), silliness, stupidity, fatuity, Plat. Theaet. 174 C, Symp. 
198 D, etc. (The false form aBeArnpia, common in late Mss., is left 
uncorrected by Bekk. in Arist. Pol. 5.11, 26.) 

GBedrepo-KdKkvé, vyos, 6, a silly fellow, Plat. Com, Adi. 1. 

GBéeArepos, a, ov (Plat. Phil. 48 C), good for nothing, silly, stupid, 
Jatuous, Ar. Nub, 1201, Antiph., etc. ; mpds Tt Anaxandr. Kavnp. 1; a8. 
mt mabeiv Dem. 449. 26;—Sup. -wraros, Ar. Ran. 989; of Margites, 
Hyperid. Lyc. 6. Adv. —pws, Plut. 2. 531 C. 

Bydav, i.e, dfniwy, for dniwy, prob. Lacon., Hesych. 

Bap, i.e. dfnp, Lacon, word for olknpa arods éxov, Hesych.; cf. adjp. 
Biacros, ov, (Budopar) unforced, without force or violence, Plat. Tim. 
61 A: unstrained, unaffected, Dion. H. de Demosth. 28. Ady. —rws 
Arist. Mot. An. 10. 4. 

&-BiBAns, ov, 6, a man without books, Tzetz. Hist. 6. 407, 475. 
G-Bios, ov,=dBiwros, (wis dBiov Emped. 38; dB. Bios Anth. P. 7. 
715. 2. not to be survived, aicxuvn Plat. Legg. 873 C. re 
without a living, starving, Luc. D. Mort. 15. 3; drexvos Kat GB. kat 
mpowAns, an imprecatory form in C. I. 3915. 46. III, dBror in 
Il. 13. 6, as epith. of the “Immnpodryol, simple in life and manners, ‘Inmn- 
pHodyar yAakropayay aBioy Te: but prob, ’ABiwv,as a pr. n., is the true 
reading ; it certainly was so used in the time of Alexander, vy. Schol. Ven. 
G-Biotos, ov,=sq., xaTaxovad GBioros Biov, a&Bioros Biov téxa Eur. 
Hipp. 821, 867, ubi olim aBiwros. 

&Brwrorovds, ov, making life insupportable, Schol. Eur. Hipp. 823. 
GBiwros, ov, (Aida) not to be lived, insupportable, 48. wenoinxe Tov 
Biov Ar. Pl. 969 ; GB. (@pev Biov Philem, Incert. 8. 7, cf. 5.7; dBiwrov 
xpévor Broredoa Eur. Alc, 241; GBlwrov ger’ éceoba: Tov Biov aiT® 
Dem. 557. fin.:—dBiwrdy [éorc] life is intolerable, Plat. Rep. 407 A; 
also, dBiwroy (jv Id. Legg. 926 B; dBiwroy jyiv Eur, Ion 670. Adyv., 
aBiaras éxev Plut. Dio 6; alcypas nal 4B. dareO7va Id, Sol.'7. Cf. 
GBios, GBioros, Biwrds. 

GBAGBea, 4, freedom from harm, Lat. incolumitas, Plut. 2, 1090 B; 
for Aesch. Ag. 1024, v. sub evAdBea. II. act. harmlessness, 
Lat. innocentia, Cic. Tusc. 3. 8. 

&-BAGBHs, és, without harm, i.e., I. pass. unharmed, unhurt, 
Pind. O. 13, 37, P. 8. 77, Aesch. Th. 68, etc.; (Goav dBrAafei Bin 
Soph. El. 650, cf. 649. II, act. not harming, harmless, 
i t, fvvovoia Aesch. Eum, 285; idovai Plat. Rep. 357 B, etc.; 

Ry By Bu 

opuypos 4B. a light pulse, Galen. II. not burd , of per- 
sons, GBap éavrdv rypeitv 2 Ep. Cor. 11. 9; af. éavrdv mapéxew 
C. I. 5361. 15 :—Adv. —pds, lightly, without offence, Simplic. 
uodvurros, ov, not examined by torture or question, untortured, un- 
questioned, Antipho 112. 46; dB, @vnoxew Joseph. B. J. I. 32, 3; a8. 
BaAérew (sc. Tov fAwov), without pain, of hawks, Ael. N. A. Io. 14. 
2. of things, untested, unexamined, GB, wapadelmeav te Plut. 2. 59 B. 

4 idevros, ov, without a king, not ruled by a king, Thuc. 2. 80, 
en. Hell. 5. 2, 17. 
tivos, ov, (Backaivw) free from envy, Teles ap. Stob. 575, fin. 
Adv. -vaws, M. Anton, 1. 16. 

GBaoKavros, ov, not subject to enchantment, C. I. 5053, 5119: Subst., 
aBactavtov, 7d, a charm, amulet, cited*from Diosc. Adv.—raws, Anth, P. 
11. 267, 

aBaoraxros, ov, (Bacrdtw) not to be borne or carried, Plut. Anton. 16, 
Adv. -rws, Hesych. 

« \\B. Adv. -rws, without question or search, Thuc. 1. 20, Plut. 2. 28 B. 

1 @ s, 6, Dor. for Bnr7js, Call. L. P. 10g. 

roopat, Pass. to be made desert, LXx (Jerem. 29. 20). 

&-Biros, ov, also 7, ov, Pind. N. 3. 36 :—untrodden, impassable, inacces- 
sible, of mountains, Hat. 4. 25., 7.176, Soph. O. T. 779, etc.; of a river, 
not fordable, Xen. An. 5. 6, 9: metaph. in Com., ol#ia: a8. Tois €xover 
pnde & inaccessible to the poor, Aristopho 'Iarp. 2; 48. woiy rds 
tparé(as Anaxipp. Kepaur. 5. 2. of holy places, not to be trodden, 
like G@:eros, Soph. O. C. 167, 675; Epme mAodros. . és TaBara Kal 
mpos BéBnda Id Fr. 109; GBarwraros 5 rémos [sc. of raqor] Arist. 
Probl. 20.12: metaph. pure, chaste, yvx7 Plat. Phaedr. 245 A. b. 
as Subst., aBarov, 74, adytum, Theopomp. Hist. 272. 8. of a 
horse, not ridden, Luc. Zeux. 6; of female animals, Id. Philops. 7, cf. 
Lexiph. 19. II. act., dB. révos, a plague that hinders walking, 
i.e. gout, Luc. Ocyp. 36. 

K Ns, és, = aBamros, v. sub cvapys. 

“*ABBa, Hebr. word, father, Ev. Marc. 14. 36. 

: , &, 6, an abbot, Justinian. 

} uKros, ov, (BdeAvoow) not to be abominated, Aesch, Fr. 130. 

* pits [i], ov, 6, a man of Abdera in Thrace, the Gothamite of 
antiquity, proverb. of simpletons, Dem. 218, 10:—Adj. ee ahr ty 
év, like an Abderite, i.e. stupid, Luc. Hist. Conscr. 2: “ABSnpo-Aéyos, 
ov, Tatian, Cic, Att. 7. 7, 4. 

6, said by Hesych. to mean a scourge in Hippon. 88. 
ov, uncertain, of remedies, Hipp. Aph. 1245 Dice mi 
ay Kexth sc. mAodros) Alex. Incert. 27, cf. Menand. Avox. 2. 1; 

Seach on, asm Arist. H. A. 1. 10, 33 metaph., dB. puAfa Id. 
Eth. E. 7. 2, 15; 70 4B¢Bavov =4BeBardrns, Luc. Char. 18; & dBeBaiov 
from an insecure position, Arr. An. 1.15, 2. 2. of persons, unstable, 
uncertain, fickle, Dem. 1341, fin., Arist. Eth. N. 9. 12, 3. Adv. —as, 
Menand. Tewpy. I. 

nros, }, unsteadiness, instability, Polyb. Fr. Gram. 6. 
- , ov, like @Baros, sacred, inyiolable, Plut. Brut. 20. 
Los, i.e. dféAuos, Cretan for 7éAsos, fAtos, Hesych. 

GBeAréperos, a, ov, lengthd. for dBéArepos, as Hyperépesos for Auérepos, 
Eust. 1930. 32, E. M. 429; restored by Dind. in Anaxandr. ‘EAev. 1, for 

GB, onacpoi doing no serious injury, Hipp. Epid. 1.944. 2. avert- 
ing or preventing harm, tdwp Theocr. 24. 96:—in Plat. Legg. 953 A, 
we have the act. and pass. senses conjoined, dBA. rod Spacai Te Kat 
madeiv :—Adv. dBAaBas, Ep. -éws, h. Hom. Merc. 83. 3. in Att, 
formularies, d8AaB@s omovdais éupévew, coupled with d:ealws and a5d- 
Aws, seems to exclude open violence as well as fraud, Thuc. 5. 18 and 47; 
so the grovdai themselves are entitled 5o0A0: eal dBA. Id. 4. 118., 5.18; 
and we have fvpupaxor morot ., at dBr. in C. I. 74. 14. 

G&BAGBia, %, post. for dBAdBera, 4BAaBinot vdowo h, Hom. Merc. 393- 
BAamros, ov,=dBAaBys, Nic. Th. 488. Adv. -rws, Orph, H. 63. 10, 
GBhacréw, not to bud, to bud imperfectly, Theophr. C. P. 1. 20, 5. 
&-Bhacros, ov, (BAacravw) not budding, budding imperfectly, barren, 
Theophr. H. P. 1. 2, 5 :—also, 4-BAaorns, és, Id. H. P. 2, 2, 8; and 
&-BAdornros, ov, v. 1. C. P. 1. 3, 2. 

Bracdypytos, ov, not blasphemed, Socr. H. E, 8. 19. 

BAavros, ov, (BAavrn) unslippered, Opp. C. 4. 369. 

Bruns, és, (BAcueaivw) feeble, Lat. impotens, Nic. Al. 82 :—Adv., 
Aevwews mivav drinking intemperately, Panyas. 6. 8. 

Br . és, (BA€évva) without mucus (pituita), Ath. 355 F. 

Brerréw, (4Brerrns Hesych.) not to see, to overlook, disregard, 73 
mov Polyb, 30. 6, 4, often in Euseb. 

GPAerrmpa, 76, a mistake, oversight, == mapépapa, Polyb. Fr, 1. 

&-BrEhiipos, ov, without eyelids, Anth. P. 11.66. 

4-Brepia, 4, blindness, Eccl. 

mpa, i.e. dFAnpa, for atAnpa, etAnpa (q. v.), Hesych. :—"ABAnpos 
as prop. name, Il. 6, 32. 

GBAqs, Fros, 5, , (BaAAw) not thrown or shot, iy GBARTa an arrow 
not yet used, Il, 4. 117, cf. Ap. Rh. 3. 279. 

&-Bhyros, ov, not hit (by darts), opp. to dvatzaros, Il. 4. 540. 

d Anxis, és, (BAnx7) without bleatings, ératAcoy Antip. Sid. 95- 

MXPIS, és, gen. éos, rare form of 4B8Anxpds, Nic. Th. 885. 

&BAnxpés, 4, dv, (a euphon., BAnxpds, v. sub padaxds) :—weak, Seeble, 
of a woman's hand, Il. 5. 337; of defenceless walls, Il. 8. 178; dBa. 
Gavaros, an easy death in ripe old age, opp.jto a violent one, Od, rr. 
135. 23. 282; x@pa BX. Lat. languidus sopor, Ap. Rh. 2. 205. 

&PAnxpadbys, es, = dBAnxpds, of sheep, Babr, 93- 5 (Suid. BAnxwons). 

&Boari, -aros, Dor. for dBonri, —nTos. 

&-BonOycia, %, helplessness, LXx (Sir. 51. 10). 

4-BonPyros, ov, admitting of no help, without remedy, incurable, of 
wounds, Ephor. 58, Polyb. 1. 81, 5, etc.; 48, €xew ry émxouplay, un- 
serviceable, useless, Diod, 20. 42; vd¢ dB, Galen. :—Adv. -Tws, Diose, 
Ther. 12. IL. of persons, helpless, Plut. Arat. 2, etc. 

i jonrt, Dor. -Gri, Adv. (Bodw) without summons, Pind. N. 8. 1 5. 

anros, Dor. —aros, ov, (Bodw) not loudly lamented, Anth, P. append, 
200. 2. noised abroad, kdéos obx GB. Epigr. Gr. 40. II. voice- 
less, Nonn. Jo. 12. v. 42. 

&Bohéa, f. how, late Ep. for dvr:Bodgw, 
aor. &Bdrnoay Id, a. 770, Call. Fr. 455. 
Bodnris, vos, , a meeting, Ion. word in A. B. 322, E. M. 3. 
Bodnrwp, opos, 5, one who meets, Antim. ap. E. M. 4. 8. 

BodAa, 7, the Lat. abolla, a thick woollen cloak, Arr.Perip|. M. Rubri,p.t ae 
Bohos, ov, (BoA%}) that has not shed his foal-teeth, of a young horse, 

R- Pe Dy. 




to meet, Ap. Rh. 3.1145; Ep: 

Ps 2+ By & 

486 pBopos — ayadis. 

Soph. Fr. 363, Plat. Legg. 834 C, Strattis Xpvc. 2: also of an old horse, 
that no longer sheds them, A. B. 322. 2. dBoda an unlucky throw 
of the dice, Poll. 7. 204. IL. as Subst., dBodAos, 7), a horseman’s 
cloak, Lat. abolla, Arr. Peripl. M. Rubri, p. 4: (in this sense, Curt. re- 
gards the d— as a relic of du- or dut-, thrown around; cf. arpaxros.) 
&-BépBopos, ov, without mire, v. sub dBdpBapos. 
6s, Dor. for #Bds. 
GBoorys, és, (Bdcxw) unfed, fasting, Nic. Th. 124. 
&-Bécxntos, ov, pastureless, épn Babr. 44. 10, cf. Eust. 307. 27. 
Oriivos, ov, without plants or vegetation, Jo, Chrys. 
joros, ov, (Bdaxw) without pasture, Hesych. 

GBouxddnros, ov, (Bovwodéw) untended : metaph. unheeded, &B. Todr’ 
€u@ ppovnpare Aesch. Supp. 929. ’ 

aBovAet, Adv., inconsiderately, Suid., etc. 

&BovAeutos, ov, ill-advised, i iderate, Hippol. c. Noét. 10. Ady. 
—Tws, LXXx (1 Mace. 5. 67). 

GPovhéw, to be unwilling, Plat. Rep. 437 C; c. inf., Ep. Plat. 347 A: 
—also c. ace. to dislike, object to, Dio C. 55.9. (dBovdéw seems to be 
an exception to the rule that a privat. cannot be comp. directly with 
Verbs: but Plat., in a manner not unusual with him, may have taken 
GBovdos in the sense of unwilling for the purpose of forming this Verb ; 
cf. the curious analogy of im-probus, improbare.) 

GBothnros, ov, (BovAouat) unwilling, involuntary, Plat, Legg. 733 
D. II. not according to one’s wish of will, disagreeable, Dion. 
H. 5. 74. Adv. -rws, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 19, M. 8. 316. 

&Bovdia, %, ill-advisedness, want of advice, thoughtl , Hadt. 7. 210, 
Antipho 126. 30, etc.; émapOévres dBovdAln Hat. 7. 9, 3; && dBovdlas 
megely, GBovdia mecciv Soph. El. 398, 429: also in pl, Hdt. 8. 57, 
Pind., etc. 

EBovdos, ov, (Bovdn) inconsiderate, ill-advised, Soph. Ant. 1026, etc. ; 
téxvowot Ziv’ 4Bovdov taking no thought for them, Id. Tr. 140: Comp. 
~érepor Thuc. 1, 120, 7. 2. = xaxdBovdos, Soph, El. 546.— 
Ady. —ws, Hdt. 3. 71; ot dB. Pherecr. Tup. 1.6; Sup. GBovAdrara, 
Hdt. 7. 9, 2. 

GBovrys, ov, 5, (Bods) without oxen, i.e. poor, Hes. Op. 449. 

&Bpa, %, a favourite slave, Lat. delicata, Menand. “Amor. 1, Sue. 35 
Wevd. 3, Lxx (Gen. 24. 61, Ex. 2. 5, al.). (Commonly referred to 
aBpés: but some old Gramm, call the word foreign, and write it @Bpa, 
ef, A. B. 322.) 

Bpapidrov, 76, Dim. of sq., Xenocr. 36. 

Bpiijls, iSos; 7, a fish found in the sea and the Nile, Opp. H. 1. 244. 

Bpextos, ov, =dpoxos, Plut. 2, 381 C, Mosch. ap. Nike Opusc. 179. 

Bptfopar, Med. or Pass. =dBpivopat, Hesych. 

&-BptOns, és, of no weight, Bapos piv odx 4Bpibés Eur. Supp. 1125. 
pikros, ov, (Bpi{w) wakeful, Hesych., Suid.: &Bptt, Ady., Hesych, 

&Bpo-Barns, ov, 6, softly or delicately stepping, Aesch. Pers. 1072. 

&Bpé-Bros, ov, living delicately, effeminate, Plut. Demetr. 2, etc. 

Boorpuxos, ov,=dBpoxdpns, Tzetz. 

&Bp6-yoos, ov, wailing womanishly, Aesch. Pers. 541. 

&Bpé-Bars, 5, 4), luxurious, dBpdSarrt rpaméty Archestr. ap, Ath. 4 E. 

GBpo-Biarra, %, luxurious living, a faulty compd. (v. Lob. Phryn. 603) 
in A. B, 322, Suid., Ael. V. H. 12. 24 in lemmate. 

GBpo-Blarros, ov, living delicately, dBpotiatrav Avdav bydos Aesch. 
Pers. 41, cf. Anth. P. append. 59: 7d dBp. effeminacy, Thuc. 1. 6, Ath, 
513 C. Adv. -rws, Philo 1. 324. 

GBpo-elpov, ov, (efua) softly clad, Com. Anon. in Mein. 4. p. 621. 

&Bp6-Kapmos, ov, bearing delicate fruits, ap. Hesych. 

GBpo-Képns, ov, 6, with delicate or luxuriant leaves, potvg Eur. Ion 
920, I. T. 1099, cf. Anth. P. 12. 256 :—aBpoxdpos, ov, Or. Sib. 14. 67. 

fin ab ov, without Bacchus, Anth. P. 6. 291. 

fr Bt B- Be 

optrpns, ov, 6, with bright girdle, Hesych. 

a-Bpopos, ov, either, 1. (acopul.) noisy, boisterous, or, 2. (a priv.) 
noiseless; of the Trojans, v. sub avéaxos: Ap. Rh, uses it in the latter 
sense, Bp. KOpa 4. 153. 
Bpo-meSthos, ov, soft-sandalled, *Epws Mel. in Anth. P. 12. 158. 
BporrevO qs, és, v. sub dxporevOns. 3 
Bpémyvos, ov, (rin) of delicate texture, Lyc. 863; whence it was 
introduced by Salmas. into Aesch. Ag. 690, for the vulg. é8poripar. 

&Bps6-rAouros, ov, richly luxuriant, x54} Eur. I. T. 1148. be 

&Bpés, a, dv, poet. also ds, dv :—graceful, beauteous, pretty, mats, “Epws 
Anacr. 16. 64; @Bpat Xdpures (with Aeol. acc.) Sapph. 65; esp. of the 
body, c@pa, mods, etc., Pind. O. 6. 90, Eur., etc.: of things, splendid, 
arépayos, Ki50s, wAovTos etc, Pind. I. 8. 144, etc.—Very early, however, 
the word took the notion of soft, delicate, dainty, luxurious, like tpv- 
pepds; hence, 48pa madeiv to live delicately, Solon 15. 4, Theogn. 474 
and, from Hdt. downwards (1, 71, and in Sup. -draros, 4. 104) it became 
a common epithet of Asiatics; "Idvwv dBpds..dxAos Antiph. Aw. 1; 
cf. gadAos.—Still the Poets continued to use it in good sense, esp. of 
women, delicate, gentle, e.g. Aesch, Fr. 322, Soph. Tr. 523; and of 
anything delicate or pretty, Valck. Call. p. 233; aBpov abuppa, of a 
pet dog, Epigr. Gr. 626; neut. pl. 48pd rapntios= Spay mapniéa (cf. 
donpos 11. 1), Eur. Phoen. 1486. Adv. dBpas, Anacr. 16; apis and 
aBpdy Baivew to step delicately, Eur. Med. 830, 1164; so neut. pl., appa 
yedav Anacreont. 44. 3.. 45.53 GBporépws éxew Heliod. 1. 17,—The 
word is chiefly poét., though never found in old Ep.; and is rare in Att. 
Prose, Xen. Symp. 4, 44. Cf. GBpa. (Perh. from same Root as Bn: 
Curt. regards the root as unknown, p. 490). [@ by nature, v. Eur. Med. 

£0 2 8 

1164, Tro. ee 
&Bpooriyis, és, (ord) dropping rich unguents, péromov Anon. ap. 
Suid, 's, v. @Bpds. 

SBpootvn, 7, dBpérns, Sappho 43, Eur. Or. 349, Xenophan. 3. 
GBpordle, to miss, c. gen., Ep. Verb only wat in aS subj. 
4Bpordtouev (Ep. for —wpev) ddAHAotiv Il. 10.65. A Subst., app 
€ws, , error, is cited in Hesych,, Eust. 789. 52; and an Adj., GBpo r 
pov, ov, erring, in Hesych., A, B. 322. (From the same Root ¥ 
apBpor-civ, duapr-civ, » being rejected as in duBporos dBporos, 4, 
xetv drdaxeiv, cf, Buttm, Lexil. s. v. duBpéotos 7.) ; 
GBporys, 770s, 1), splendour, luxury, dbnous éBpéraros houses of i 
i.e. luxurious, Pind. P. 11.51; TH Mjdwv orodp kat dBpdrnre Xen. 
8. 8, 15, cf. Plat. Alc. 1. 122 C, Eur. Bacch. 968; ode & 48 
xetoat thou art not in a position to be fastidious, Id. I. T. 1343; 

@Bpdéraros &m in tender youth, Pind. P. 8, 127. 
Bpé-tipos, ov, delicate and costly, v. sub dBpémnvos. 
Bporivn, ,=dvaprwdh, Hesych. ; cf. dBpordca, 
Bporévivos, 7, ov, made of 4Bpdsrovor, Diosc. 1. 60. 
Bporovirys, olvos, 6, wine prepared with éBpérovor, Diosc, 5. 6 
Bpérovov, 74, an aromatic plant, prob, south d, Artemisi: 
tonum, Theophr. H. P. 6. 7, 3, etc.; v. Schneider in Indice. . 

&-Bporos, ov, also 7, ov,=dpBporos, immortal, divine, sent fro 
sacred to the gods, holy, in Hom. only once, vd¢ 4Bpérn Il. 14. 78, 
holy Night, as a divinity, (like vd¢ @uBporos, auBpoaty, Sacpovin, 
avepas, iepdv juap), or never failing (like dpOcros ius); xn a 
holy hymns, Soph. Ant. 1134, ubi v. Musgr,—Cf. duBporos, duBpe 
and Buttm. Lexil. s. v. II. without men, deserted of men, 
Tov eis épnuiay Aesch. Pr. 2, where the MS. reading dBarov has been 
corrected from Schol. Ven, Il. 14. 78. wie 

GBpo-puijs, és, tender of nature, prob. 1. Anth. P. 9. 412; v. dppopufs. 

&Bpo-xairns, ov, 6,=aBpoxduns, Anacreont. 44. & 

GBpoxta, 1}, (4Bpoxos) want of rain, drought, Menand. ap. Joseph. A. J. 

8. 13, 2, Or. Sib. 3. 540; cf. Lob. Phryn. 2gl. 

&Bpo-xtraw [1], wvos, 6, %, in soft tunic, softly clad, Anth, P. 9. 538; 
—«ivds dBpoxlravas beds with soft coverings, Aesch. Pers. 543, 

GBpoxos, ov, (Bpéxw) like GBpexros, unwetted, unmoistened, Aeschin. : 
31. §, Nic. Th. 339; ward wévrov &Bpoxos dicoeas Mosch. 2. 139: . 
wanting rain, waterless, média Eur. Hel. 1484; ’Aptadin Call. Jov. 19. ; 

&Bpuva, rd, mulberries, =ovxdyuwa, Parthen, ap. Ath. 51 F, cf. A. B. ‘ 
224 ;—Hesych. writes @Bpuva. 

GBpuvrijs, ov, 6, a coxcomb, fop, Adam. Physiogn. 2. 20. 3 

&Bptvw, (éBpés) to make delicate, treat delicately, ur) -yuvakds tv rpb- 
tos GBpuvé pe Aesch. Ag. 919: to deck or trick out, els -yapov &Bpoval 
twa Anth, P. 6, 281 :—Med. or Pass. to live delicately, and so, much 
like @p¥rropat, to wax wanton, give oneself airs, dBpivera: yap mas Tis 
«0 mpacoow dynp Aesch. Ag. 1205, ef. Soph, O. C. 1339; éeadAuvéunv 
te kat jBpuvdpny dv Plat. Apol. 20 C; c. dat. rei, to pride or plume 
oneself on a thing, odx dBpivonat TOS’ Eur. I. A. 858; ABpivero ro 
Bpadews Siamparrev Xen. Ages. 9. 2: cf. Aaumptva, cepvive, 

Pte 76, a woman's garment, Hesych. 


Be By Be Du Oa 

pwpos, ov, free from smell, Diph. Siphn. ap. Ath. 355 B. 
pwv, wyos, 6, Abron, an Argive, proverbial for luxurious living, 
“ABpowos Bios Suid. 

4-Bpas, Gros, 6, },=vijorss, Paul, Sil. 66; restored by Cobet for d8pa- 
Tos in Soph. Fr. 796. 

4-Bpwota, 4, want of food, fasting, Poll. 6. 39. 

pwros, ov, (BiBpworw) not fit to be eaten, not good for food, Ctes. 
in Phot. Bibl. 49. 7, Arist. H. A. 9. 28, 1, al.; d07@ Menand. Avox. 3 :— 
of wood, not eaten by worms, Theophr. H. P. 5. 1, 2. II. of 
persons, without eating, dBp., dmoros Charito 6. 3 fin.; cf. dBpas. 

“ABi8os, %, Abydos, the town on the Asiatic side of the Hellespont :— 
*ABU560ev, Adv. from Abydos, Il. 4. 500; “ABv560, at Abydos, 17. 
584:—Adj. “ABubdnvés, 7, dv, of or from Abydos, Ath. 572 E, etc.: 
proverb., "AB. émpdpnpa a dessert of Abydos, i.e. something unpleasant, 
variously expl. in Paroemiogr.:—hence “ABuSnvoképys, or “ABuBo- 
Kops, ov, 6,=6 én 7@ oveoparreiy Kopay, Ar. Fr. 568, ubi v. Dind. 1. c. 

d-Bu8os, ov, =aBvacos, eis Twa GBvOov pAvapiar Plat. Parm. 130 D; 
but prob, the true reading is e/s ra Buddy pdvaplas, 

&BUpoevros, ov, (Buptevw) untanned, Schol. Il. 2. 527. 

&Buprékny [ix], %, a sour sauce of leeks, cresses, Pherecr. Incert. 89, 
Theopomp. Com, @na. 1. Alex. Mavip. I. 13, ete,. 

aBupriiko-rovds, dv, making 4Bupraxn, Demetr. “Apeom. 1. 

urcos, ov, bottomless, unfathomed, Hdt. 2. 28; drys aBvocov 
méXaryos Aesch, Supp. 470: generally, unfathomable, boundless, enormous, 
like BaOds, dB. tAodros Aesch, Th. 950; dpytpiov Ar. Lys. 174; ppéva 
Alay radopay, dyxv dBuvacov Aesch, Suppl. 1059. II. 4 dBuaoos, 
the great deep, the sea, LXX (Isai. 44.27): the abyss, bottomless pit, Ev. 
Luc. 8. 31, Apoc. 9. 1, etc. (For the Root, v. Baus.) 

&BwdsKorros, ov, not hoed, Poll. 1. 246. 

GBadp, i.e. dFup, Lacon. for 7jWs, and 4B =mpwi, Hesych. 

ay, apoc. form of ava before x, y, x, ¥. dvd init. 

aya, Dor. for &y7. 

dydac0a, dyaacQe, Ep. forms from dyapa, Od. ‘ 

Gydfopat, poét. collat. form of dyapat, from which we have part. 
honouring, adoring, Ko.Batow dyaCépevor mpwrav Bedy Pind. N. 11. 7; 
impf. #ya¢ero Orph. Arg. 63:—for the Homeric fut. dydocopat, etc., 
y. sub d-yapat. II. the Act. is used in same sense by Aesch, 
Supp. 1062, 7a Oedv pndiy aydCev; but dyafes is cited from Soph, in 
A. B. (Fr. 797) as =Oapotves. 

d&yd0eos, Dor. for 7jy-, Pind. < 

dya0{Stov, 7é, Dim. of dyabis, Hesych. s. v. roAvmn. 5 

&yk0is, fSos [1 Draco 23], 4, a ball of thread, Pherecyd. 106; dyabav 

d dyabides, proverb., quantities of goods, Com. ap. A. ES Poll. 7. 31. 
> 2 

eb if ' 1 ice eee, 



Gya%o-Bpucia, %, good produce, C. I. 9262. : ; : 
ay Bevel or Somat of, guests who drink to the aya0ds 
Baipow (cf. sq.): hence, guests who drink but little, Arist. Eth, E. 3. 6, 
3:—GyaPoSatpoviacrai, name of a sort of club, Ross Inserr. ined. 

Gya0o-Saipwv, ovos, 6, the good Genius, to whom a cup of pure wine 
was drunk fe the end of pes the toast being given in the words 9 
G00 Saipovos: and in good Greek it was always written divisim, a 
an Egyptian serpent, Wessel. Diod. 3. 50. 

"Zyaboboota, %, (8601s) the giving of good, Schol. Arist. 
Gyalo-Sérqs, ov, 5, the Giver of good, Diotog. ap. Stob. 332. 19: fem. 
—Boris, i5os, 3}, Dionys. Ar. 440. 34. 

a As, és, like good, seeming good, opp. to dya0ds, Plat. Rep. 
509 A, Iambl., etc. Ady. -8as. 

GyaSoepyéw, to do good or well, 1 Ep. Tim. 6, 18: contr. —ovpyéw, 
Act. Ap. 14. 17 (vulg. dya0orody). 
maaacesyis. Ton. of , contr. -oupyta, 7, a good deed, service rendered, 
Lat. beneficium, Hdt. 3. 154, 160. II. well-doing, Eccl. 

GyaQo-epyds, contr. —oupyés, dv, (*épyw) doing good, Damascius ap. 
Suid. s. v. dya0oepyia:—oi ’AyaOoepyoi, at Sparta, the five oldest and 
most approved knights, who went on foreign missions for the state, Hdt. 
I. 67; v. Bihr ad 1., Ruhnk. Tim. s. v., Grote Hist. Gr. 2. 478, 602. 

dyaGo0édeva, 7, desire of good, Anon. ap. Suid. 

-GyaPorovéw, to do good, Sext. Emp. M. 11. 70, Ev. Mare. 3. 4. 2. 
ay. Twa to do good to, Ey. Luc. 6. 33; c. dupl. acc., Lxx (Num. Io. 
32). II. to do well, act rightly, 1 Ep. Petr. 2. 15. 
Gya8orotnots, 7, well-doing, Hermas :—also —rrouia, 4, I Pet. 4. 19. 

&ya0o-mrovds, dv, doing good, beneficent, Plut. 2. 368 B, Lxx,etc. IT. 
as astrolog. term, giving a good sign, Artem. 4. 59, Eus. P.E. 275 D. 

&ya0o-npemis, és, becoming the good, Eccl. Adv. —1as. 

-dya0Spputos, ov, (few) streaming with good, Synes, H. 1. 128. 
ayades [a7], h, 6v, Lacon. eaiets Ar. Lys. 1301: (v, sub fin.) :—good, 
Lat. bonus : I. of persons, 1. in early times, , gentle, 
noble, in reference to birth and rank, the Nobles and well-born being 
termed good men, prud’hommes, as opp. to kakol, deAoi (lewd people, 
churls, etc.), ofa re Trois dyaOota mapadpmmor xépynes Od, 15. 324, cf. 
Il, 1. 275; dpveds 7° dyadds re Il. 13. 664, cf. Od. 18. 276; marpds 5 
cip’ dyaBoio, Ged 5é pe yeivaro pyrnp Il. 21. 109, cf. Od. 4. 611; so in 
later writers, xaxds é¢ dya0od Theogn. 190, cf. 57 sq.; mpavs darois, 
_ 0b PBovewy ayaGois Pind, P. 3. 125, cf. 2.175. 4.506; tis dv evrarpis 
Ge Brdoror; ovdels rev dyab@v KTA. Soph. El. 1080; of 7° dyabot 
mpos Tav dyevav naraviKnavra Id. Fr. 105; Tovs edyeveis yap Karya- 
Bods .. pide “Apns évaipew Ib. 649; and so 7d edyevés is made the 
attribute of of dya@oi, Eur. Alc. 600 sq., cf. I. A. 625, Andr. 767, Tro. 
1254; Gyaol Kal e¢ dyabGv Lat. boni bonis prognati, Plat. Phaedr. 
274 A:—with this early sense was often associated that of wealth and 
political power, just as in the phrases boni and mali cives, optimus quts- 
que in Sallust and Cicero; esp. in the phrase xadol xdryaoi (v. sub 
xadoKaya0ds):—on this sense y. Kortum Hellen. Staatsverf. p. 14, 
Welcker praef. Theogn. § 10-15, 22 sq., and cf. é00Ads, xpyaords, dpet- 
vo, dporos, Bertiov, BéArioros, kaxds, xelpav, xepelov, ebyevtjs. 2. 
‘ood, brave, since these qualities were attributes of the Chiefs and 
Robles, so that this sense runs into the former, Il. 1, 131., 10. 5593; T@ 
Ke ayadds piv exepy’, dyabdv 5é Kev efevdp£ey 21. 280; cf. Hdt. 5. 
109, etc. 38. good, in reference to ability or office, ay. Bagthevs 
Il. 3. 179; inrfp .2. 732; Ocpdmay 16, 165., 17. 388; often with 
qualifying words, dya00s év iopivy 13. 314; Boy dyabds 2. 408, 563, 
etc.; UE 3. 237, Od. 11. 300; Ainy Il. 6. 478; so in Att., youn dy. 
Soph. O. T. 687; macay dperny Plat. Legg. 899 B, cf. Alc. 1. 124 E; 
réxvnv Id. Prot. 323 B; 7d woAdua, Ta wodrTind Hat. 9. 122, Plat. 
Gorg. 516 B, etc.;—more rarely c. dat. dy. woAéup Xen. Occ. 4. 
15 ;—also with a Prep., dy. wept 70 wAHO0s Lys, 130, 2; €ts Tt Plat. Alc. 1. 
125A; mpés 7 Id. Rep. 407 E:—alsoc. inf., dy. paxeoba: Hdt. 1.135; 
immedecat 1. 79 ; dy. iordvat good at weighing, Plat. Prot.356B. 4. 
good, in moral sense, first perhaps in Theogn. 438, but not freq. till the 
philos. writers, as Plat.; often joined with other Adjs., 6 mards «dry. Soph. 
Tr, 451; sopds ay. Id. Ph, 119; Siealwy Kay, Ib. 1050, cf. Ant. 671, 
etc, 5. & yabé, my good friend, as a term of gentle remonstrance, 
Plat. Prot. 311 A, 314 D, etc. 6. lod Salpovos, as a toast, ‘to 
the good Genius,’ Beers .. moe an, ght 
Ar, Vesp. 525; cf. dyaOodaiywy, rixn Il. 3: 
title of ike a Eom as of Nero, C. I. 4609: cf. 3886 sag tH * 
eds , the Rom. bona dea, Plut. Caes. 9, Cic. 19. . oO 
~ doll 1. good, serviceable, IddKn . . dyab? xovporpdpos Od. g. 
, etc,; ay. roils Toxedot, TH whAe Xen. Cyn. 13,17; ¢. gen. ef 7 
muperou dy. for it, Id. Mem. 3. 8, 3. 2. of outward cir- 
cumstances, — ob ayadhv one éppevat wr ra ot é 35: 4 : 
imeiv eis daddy to purpose, Il. 9. 102; 7 3 
jor any eek end, nrhr 5 puderr’ eis Sa8t 23. 305 :—d-yabdv [éor], c. 
inf., it is good to do so and so, Il, 7. 282., 24. 130, Od. 3 196, Att. 3. 
bv, 75, a good, a blessing, t, of persons, @ peya dy. od Tois 
s Xen. Cyr. 5. 3, 20; pidov, 6 péyoroy ay. evai pact Id. Mem. 
2. 4, 2, cf. Hier. 7, 9, Ar. Ran. 73, etc. 3 ea drya0G Tivos for one’s good, 
Thue. 5.27, Xen.; én” dya0@ rois wodlrais Ar, Ran. 1487 :—70 dyabov 
or rayabér, the good, Cicero's summum bonum, Plat. Rep. 506 B, 508 E, 
34 C, al. :—also in pl., dya04, 74, the goods of fortune, goods, wealth, 
Hat. 2. 172, Lys. 138. 32, Xew., etc.; dyabd yey, etc.; but also, 
things, dainties, Theogn. To00, Ar. Ach. 873, 982, etc.: also good 
falities, Tots @y., ols éxopev ev 7H Yux7 Isocr.165D; €l raAAa wavra 
. Exot, Kaxdmovs 5° ein, of a horse, Xen, Eq. 1, 2, ete, 

dyaboBpuoia — ayadro. 

rir. | 

the word has no regular degrees of Comparison; but many forms are 
used instead; viz. Comp. dyeivay, dpeiwy, BeATiov, xpeloowy (Kappwr), 
Awlwv (Adwv), Ep. BéArepos, Awtrepos, péprepos :—Sup. dprotos, Bér- 
TigT0s, KpariaTos, AwiaTos (A@aros), Ep. BéATaros, KaptiaTos, pép- 
Taros, pepiaros. The reg. Comp. dya@wrepos occurs in Lxx (Jud. 11. 

9. 2, p. 193, Dion. Areop. Div. Nom. 21. E 

Gya0dw, a verb first found in Lxx, to do good to one, twa or Twi LXX 
Qa Regg. 25. 31, Sir. 49. 10). 

Gyaluve, like dya0dw, first and chiefly in Lxx: I. trans, to 
honour, magnify, exalt (3 Regg. 1. 47, Ps. 50. 18): to adorn, riv 
Kepadny (4 Regg. 9. 30) :—Pass, to be of good cheer, to rejoice greatly, 
2 Regg. 13. 28, Dan. 6. 23, al. II. intr. to do good, do well, Ps. 
35: 33 Tivi to one, (but with v.‘I. rw), Ib. 124. 4. 

lwoivn, %, goodness, kindness, Ep. Rom. 15. 14, Eph. 5. 9. 

Gyatopat, Ep. and Ion. for éyayar, but only used in pres., and always 
in bad sense (cf. dyn 11), 1. c. ace, rei, to be indignant at, ayat- 
opévov Kaxd épya Od. 20. 16: to look on with jealousy or envy, ov8 
dyalopat Bev epya Archil. 21, cf. Opp. H. 4. 138. 2. c. dat. pers. 
to be wroth or indignant with, rO.. Zeds ards dyaierat Hes. Op. 331 ; 
dryaibpevoi Te Kai pOovéovres aii Hat. 8. 69, 1. 3. absol., Ap. 
Rh. 1, 899. 

Gyaios, a, ov, enviable, admirable, Hesych., A. B. 334, E. M. Suid. 

dya-kAens, és, voc. -xAeés Hom.: Ep. gen. dyaxAjos Il. 16. 738, nom. 
pl. dyaxAneis Manetho 3. 324, (and in very late writers, as Apollinar., a 
sing. nom, d-yaxA7eis) :—shortened acc. sing. dyaxAéa Pind. P. g. 187., 
I. . 49; dat. dyaxAéi Anth. Plan. 377: pl. dyaxAéds Antim. Fr. 36 ; cf. 
evens : very glorious, famous, Lat. inclytus, in Il, always of men, as 
16. 738., 23. 529; in Pind., dy. ala, etc.—Ep. and Lyr. word (not in 
Od.), except in Adv. dyaxAeas, Hipp. 28. 13. 

Gya-Khettés, 7, dv, =foreg., Hom., and Hes., mostly of men. 
things, dyaxAccr? ExarduBy Od. 3. 59 ; 
cf. dyakAutés. 

éyakAupévy, a poet. fem.=sq., Antim. Fr. 25 : cf, ayaxripévn. 

Gya-KAurés, dv, =dyaKxdens, -Krerds, Lat. inclytus, Hom. (chiefly in 
Od.), and Hes., mostly of men. 2. of things, dy. Spare Od. 3. 
388., 7. 3, 46. 

ay €v, poct. fem.=edxripévy, well-built or placed, wéAts Pind. 
P. 5. 108; cf. dyaxAupévn. 

ayiAaxria, 7%, want of milk, Autocrit. Incert. 1, Poll, 3. 50. 

ayahaxros [yi], ov, (a privat., yéda) without milk, giving none, Hipp. 
247. 9, cf. Call, Apoll. 52. 2. getting no milk, i.e. taken from the 
mother’s breast, Horace’s jam lacte depulsus, Aesch. Ag. 718. 3. never 
having sucked, Nonn. Jo. 9. v. 20, 4. vopai dydadaxror pastures 
bad for milch cattle, Galen. II. (a copul.) =duoydAaxros, ap. 
Hesych., who also quotes dyahaxroowvy = avyyéveia. 

GydaF, axros, 6, %,=foreg. (signf. 1), found only in pl. dydAaxres, 
Call. Apoll. 52. II.=foreg. 11, Hesych., Suid. 

GyahMGpa, 76, a transport of joy, LXx. 

GyadAlaois, ews, 4, great joy, exultation, Ev. Luc. 1. 4, 44, etc. 

GyaAvdw, late form of dydAAopat, to rejoice exceedingly, Apocal. 19. 
7 (v. 1. dyarAépeBa) ; yadAlaoa Ey, Luc. 1. 47:—more common as 
Dep. @yadArdouar or —dCopuat, LXx : fut. —doopat Ib. : aor, #yaAdaodpny 
Psalm. 15. 9, Ev. Jo. 8. 56; also, HyaAAdoOny Ev. Jo. 5. 35.—But this 
family of words seems also to haye been used in malam partem, dyah- 
feu, te GyaApds * AovSopia, ayadAvos * AoiSopos, Hesych.,’ 
cf. E. M. 7. 8. 

GyaAXs, i50s, 7, a bulbous plant of the genus bdxwos, the iri 
h. Hom. Cer. 7, 426; cf. Alb. Hesych. - Pp. 30. noe ee 

ay4\Xoxov, 74, Lat. agallochum, the bitter aloe, Diosc. I, 21, ubi v. 
Sprengel; from Aétius’ time called fvAaddn. 

aya [a], Pind., Att.: fut. éyad@ Ar, Pax 399, Theopomp. Com. 
TinveA. 1; aor. #ynda Dio C.,, etc., subj. d@y#Aw Hermipp. Apr. 1, inf. 
dyfra Eur. Med. 1026 :—Pass., only used in pres. and impf. by correct 
writers: aor. I inf. dyaA@jvar Dio C. 51. 20: cf. é—-dyaAdAw. To 
make glorious, glorify, exalt, Pind. O. 1, 1 39, N. 5. 79: esp. to pa 
honour to a god, & a Sce6 Plat, Leo. 2 
wonour to a god, ayadre oiBoy Ar. Thesm, 128, cf. Plat, Legg. 931 A; 
dy. TVA Bvoiaict Ar. Pax |. c.; pépe viv, dynrdw rods Beors Hermipp. 
1, c.:—to adorn, deck, -yapundtous ebvds Eur, |. c.:—Pass, to glory, take 
delight, rgoice or exult in a thing, be proud of it, c. part., Ted xea Oy 
Exrop . . €xav Gpotow dydddrerat Il, 17. 473, cf. 18. 1323 iv €xacros 
marpida éxov.. dy. Thuc. 4. 95; but mostly c. dat., immoow nad 
Exeopu dryahrdpevos Il, 12. 1143 OpviBes dyaAdovrar mreptyecot 2. 
402; vijes.. dy, Aws otpw Od. 5. 176; Modoa.. dy. émi nary Hes. 
Th. 68; domt& Archil, 5 ; éoprais Eur. Tro, 4523; so in Prose, 7@ obvd- 
part try@dovro Hat. I. 143, cf. Thuc, 2. 44, Plat, Theaet. 176 B; 
ddAorpiows mTEpals ay. to strut in borrowed plumes, Luc. Apol. 4; also, 
ayarAcoOat emi ri Thuc. 3-82, 15, Xen. Cyr, 8, 4, 11; later pis Bid 

2. of 
dy. 1400s Soph. Tr, 854 (in lyr.): 

ayadpa — ayaraQo, tat 

7 Dio C. 66, 23; and even c, ace., Anth, P. 7. 378: absol., Hdt. 4. 64., 
9. 109, Hipp. Art. 802, Eur, Bacch. 1197.—Cf, ayaApa throughout. 

ay » aos, 74, acc. to Hesych, wav ép' @ ris dydAAera, a glory, 
delight, honour, ll. 4. 144, etc.; so Alcae. Fr. 15, speaks of Addox as 
kepahaiow dvipay ayddpara ; and Pind. calls his ode ydupas dyaApa, 
N. 3. 21, cf. 8. 27; often of children, réxvov déuov dyadya, Aesch. Ag. 
207; edkdelas réxvos dy. a crown of glory to them (cf. et«Aera), Soph. 
Ant. 704; Kadpeias ay. Ndppas, addressed to Bacchus, Ib. 1116; 
Harépos dy. péviov, said of slain sons, Eur. Supp. 369, ubi v. Markl. ; 
dyddpar’ dyopas mere ornaments of the agora (cf. d-yopaios 11. 3), Eur. 
El. 385, cf. Metagen. “Oy. 1. 2. a pleasing gift, esp. for the gods, 
dy. Oedv Od. 8. 509, cf. 3. 438, where a bull adorned for sacrifice is 
called an dyaAya; of a tripod, Hdt. 5. 60, 61, 158, and generally, = 
dvd@nya, Inscrr. Vet. in C. 1. 3 (v. Béckh), 24, 150, al.; dvOnwev dy. 
Simon, 158; Xdpys cipl.., dy. 7@ AwéAAwM Inscr. at Branchidae, Newton 
P- 779 3 80, ‘Exarys dyaApa .. cdwy, because sacred to her, Eur. Fr. 959, 
cf, Ar. Fr. 635. 3. a statue in honour of a god, Hat. 1. 131., 2. 42, 
46, Lys. 104. 35; as an object of worship, Aesch. Th. 258, Eum. 55, 
Soph. O. T. 1379, Plat. Phaedr. 251 A: sculpture, phe dy. wre ypaph 
Arist. Pol. 7.17, 10 ;—but dy. ’AiSa, in Pind, N. 10. 125, is the head- 
Stone of a grave, called or#An in the parallel passage of Theocr., 22. 
207. 4. then generally, =dvdpids, any statue, Plato Meno 97 D: 
or @ portrait, picture, ¢Eardepbeio’ ds dyadkua Eur. Hel, 262; cf. A. B. 
82, 324, 334. 5. lastly any image, expressed by painting or words, 
Plat. Tim. 529 C, Symp. 216 E.—On the word v. Ruhnk. Tim. s. v. 

dyahparias, ov, 6, like a statue, beautiful as one, Philostr. 612. 

dyahpariov, 74, Dim. of dyadpa, Theopomp. Com. Inve. 1, etc. 

dyahpartirys, 6,=AdoxdAda, Hesych. 

dyahpato-yAvdos, 6, a carver of statues, Theodoret. 

dyahparo-rovds, 6, a maker of statues, a sculptor, statuary, Hat. 2. 
46. Plat. Prot. 311 C, etc.; ypapeis i) dy. Arist. Pol. 8. 5, 21:— 

yaApatoroéw, to make statues, Poll. 7. 108 :—éyahparorounticés, 
%, Ov, of or for a statuary: %, —Kh (sc. réxvn), ap. Poll. 1. 13 :—éyaA- 
parorrotia, 4, the statuary’s art, Porph. Abst. 2. 49, A. B. 335, Poll. 

dyoApatoupyia, ,=dyaAparoroiia, Max. Tyr. 1. p. 438: and dyaA- 
paroupyikds, 7, dv, =dyadparoronrinds, Id. 2. p. 139, Clem, Al. 41. 

dyaAparoupyss, dv, (*épyw) =dyadparorords, Poll. 1. 12. 

dyaAparodpopéw, to carry an image in one’s mind, bear impressed upon 
one's mind, Philo 1. 16, 412., 2. 403, etc.; and Pass., 2. 136. 

dyahparo-pépos, ov, carrying an image in one's heart, Hesych. 

Gyahparéa, f. wow, to make into an image, Lyc. 845. 

dyahpo-eys, és, beautiful as a statue, “Epws Poéta ap. Jo. Lyd. p. 117. 
18, Bekk. 

Gyahpo-rimos [%], ov, forming a statue, maddpnow dyadpotimos 
Manetho 4. 569. 

dyipa [a], 2 pl. dyacbe (vulg. dyaoGe, from dydouat) Od. 5. 129, 
Ep. aydao@e Ib. 119; Ep. inf. aydacOa 16. 203: impf. #yduny Plat. 
Rep. 367 E, Xen., Ep. 2 pl. #ydacde Od. 5. 122 :—fut. Ep. dyaooopat 
Od, 4. 181, (v. 1. 1. 389), later, dyac@jcopuar Themist. :—aor. #ryacdpny 
Hom., Dem. 296. 4, Plut., etc.; Ep. #ydo0arTo or dydooaro ll. 3. 181, 
224; but after Hom, the pass. #ydo@ny prevails, Hes. Fr. 206, Solon 32, 
Pind., Att. (From same Root as dyn wonder, dyd{opat, dryatopat: 
ef. Buttm. Lexil. s.v. dyros 4.) — [éyauar, but qyaao0 by the re- 
quirement of Ep. metre, Od. 1. c.] I. absol. to wonder, be 
astonished, pynorihpes 8 . . dweppiddws aydoavro Od. 18. 71, etc.; 
c, part., @yapar ido Il. 3.224; cf. dydopar. 2. more often c. 
acc., to admire a person or thing, tov 3 6 -yépwr jydooaro Il. 3. 181; 
ds oe, yovat, dyapa Od. 6.168; pdOor dy. Il. 8.29; 7d mpoopay dy. 
oev Hdt. 9. 79, cf. 8. 144; so in Att., radra dyacbets Xen, Cyr. 213, 
19, cf. 7. I, 41, etc.; ¢. acc. pers. et gen. rei, to admire one for a thing, 
Plat. Rep. 426 D, Xen. Cyr. 2. 3, 21. 3. c. gen. rei only, often in 
Com., to wonder at, dyapat 5& Adywy Ar. Av. 1744, cf. Plat. Euthyd. 
276 D, Xen., etc,; dyapyar xepapéws Eupol. Incert. 90; dy. od ordpa- 
Tos, ws. .Phryn. Com. Kpév. 5. 4. c. acc. rei et gen. pers., ob dyapat 
Tabr dvdpos apirréws Eur. Or. 28. 5. c. gen. pers., foll. by a part., 
to wonder at one’s doing, éy.’Epacivov ov mpodiddvros Hat. 6. 76, 2; ay. 
avrov eimdyros Plat, Rep. 329 D, etc.; so, dy. Twos Ort.,, or Sidr .., 
Id. Hipp. Ma. 291 E, Xen. Mem. 4. 2,°9, etc. 6. also like 
xaip, jdopat, c. dat. to be delighted with a person or thing, Hdt. 4. 75, 
Eur. H. F, 845, Plat. Symp. 179 D, Xen. Cyr. 2. 4, 9; and later éni 
mun, Ath. 594 C, cf. Ruhnk. Tim. II. in bad sense, to feel envy, 
bear a grudge, c. dat. pers., el wh of dyaccaro PoiBos ’AméAdwy Il. 17. 
713 dyaooapevor [por] wept vixens 23. 639; with an inf, added, to be 
jealous of one that... , oxérdt0i éore, Deol, . . oiTe Oeats dyaacbe wap 
dvipdow eivacecOa Od. 5. 119, cf. 122, 129., 23. 211; foll. by a relat., 
épacke Moceddew’ aydcacbat hyiv, otivera.. 8. 565. 2. c. acc. 
to be jealous of, angry at a thing, dyacodpevor wand épya 2. 67; Ta 
pév mou pédreyv ayaccecbar Oeds 4.181; UBpw dyacodpevor 23. 64. 
Cf. d-yaiopar, 

"Ayapépvev, ovos, 6, (yar, péuvey (from pevw), the very resolute or 
steadfast, cf. Mépyvav) :—Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, leader of the 
Greeks against Troy, Hom.: Adj. Ayuipepvéveos, éa, cov, Hom., also 
—6vevos, efa, evo, and —évi0s, fa, cov, Pind., Aesch.: Patron. —ovléys, ov, 
6, Agamemnon’s son, Orestes, Od. 1. 30, Soph. El. 182. 

dyipévws, Ady. part. pres. of dyapat, with admiration or applause, ay. 
A€yewv Arist. Rhet. 3. 7,3; dy. Tov Adyov dmedéfaro with respect or de- 
Serence, Heind. Plat. Phaedo 89 A. 

dydpunros, ov, rarer form for @yipos, Comici ap. Poll. 3. 47: a form 
Gydyeros is cited from Soph. (Fr. 798) in A. B.: v. Lob, Phryn. 514. 

ayapla, %, single estate, celibacy, Plut. 2.(491 E:—ayaptou dixn, H, an $ 

5 against a bachelor for not marrying, Plut. Lys. 30, v. Poll. 
48. ; 

d-yiipos, ov, unmarried, single, properly applied to the man, wheth 
bachelor or widower, dvavdpos being used of the woman, ll. 3. 49, 
in Prose ; so, (@ 5¢ Tivmvos Biov, d-yapov, dSovAov Phryn. Com. Mov 
1 :—however dyapos is used of the woman in Aesch, Supp. 143, So 
O. T. 1502, Ant. 867, and Eur. IL. ydpos dyapos, a marri 
that is no marriage, a fatal marriage, Soph. O. T. 1214, Eur. Hel. 6 
like Bios @Bios, etc. 

dyav, Adv. very, much, very much, Theogn., Pind. and Att., the wo 
Ainv being the usual equiv, in Ep. and Ion. (but see Hat. 2. 173), strong’ 
affirmat. like Lat. prorsus, too surely, Aesch. Th. 811; and so in compos. 
it always strengthens or enforces. The bad sense too, too much, like Lat 
nimis, occurs only in peculiar phrases, as in the famous pydty aya 
quid nimis, not too muck of any thing, first in heogn. 335, Pind. 
235; attributed to Chilo by Arist, Rhet. 2. 12, 14; so, dyav Te Tou 
Plat. Rep. 563 E, etc. It may stand alone with the Verb, @yav & 
Oepooropeis Aesch. Pr. 180, etc.; but it is not seldom joined with 
Adj., which may either go before or follow, dyav Bapus Id. Pers. 
mBavos dyay Ag. 485; even with Sup., dyay dypiwrdrous far the me 
savage, Ael. H. A, 1.38, cf. 8.13; also with an Adv., drepOdpms dyav Eun 
824; dyay ofrw Soph. Ph. 598; das dyay Xen. Vect. 5.6; w 
Subst., #) dyav oiyn Soph. Ant. 1251; % dyav AevOepia Plat. Rep. 
A; without the Article, eis dyav SovAciay Ib. (The 4/AT' appe 
dy-jvwp: Curt. refers it to dyw: in sense it seems rather to belo 
dyapat, dyn.) [ya properly, Orac. ap. Hdt. 4. 157, etc.; but & 
in Anth, P. 5. 216., Io. 51.] j 

dytivaxréw, f. ow, properly in physical sense, to feel a violent ir 
tion (cf. sq.), of the effects of cold on the body, Hipp. 426. 6; 
kal dyavaxrei, of the soul, Plat. Phaedr. 251 C; of wine, to ferment, 
Plut. 2. 734 E. II. metaph. to be grieved, displeased, vexed, 
annoyed, angry, or discontented, nd dryavdnre Ar. Vesp. 287; esp. to 
shew outward signs of grief, xAdwv Kat dy, Plat. Phaedo 117 D, etc. :— 
foll. by a relat., dy. drt. . , Antipho 126. 5, Lys. 96. 30; dy. et.., or 
édy .., Andoc. 18. 16, Plat. Lach. 194 A. 2. c. dat. rei, to be vexed 
ata thing, e.g. @avarw Plat, Phaedo 63 B; also c. acc. rei, Heind. Phaede 
64 A; ay. rabra, drt .., Plat. Euthyphro 4 D; also, dy. éni ru Lys. 
91. 5, Isocr, 357 A, etc.; bép twos Plat. Euthyd, 283 D, etc.; mept 
twos Id. Ep. 349 D; da 71 Id. Phaedo 63 C; mpds tt Epict. Enchir. 4; 
and sometimes c. gen. rei, A. B. 334. 3. to be vexed at or witha | 
person, tvi Xen. Hell. 5. 3, 11; mpés twa Plut. Cam. 28; «ard twos 
Luc, Tim. 18 :—also c. part. to be angry at, ay. dro8vncKoytas Plat. 
Phaedo 62 E, cf. 67 D; dy. évOvuotpevos .. Andoc, 31. 24. Iii. 
in Luc. Somn. 4 and Aristid., dyavaxreioOar as a Dep.—Cf. &-, ovv-, 
trep-ayavaxréw. (The signf. shows that dyay forms the first part of 
the Verb. The latter part is referred by Schneid. to @yw, as —exréw in 

dyavaxryots, ews, 7), properly physical pain and irritation, dy. epi ra 
ovAa, of the irritation caused by teething, Plat. Phaedr. 251 C. II, 
vexation, annoyance, dyavaxrnow éxee the thing gives just grounds for 
displeasure, Thuc. 2. 41, cf. 2 Cor. 7. 11, Hesych. 

dyavaxryTiKds, 7, dv, apt to be vexed, easily vexed, irritable, peevish, 
Plat. Rep. 604 E, 605 A (Bekk.); vulg. dyavaxrixds. 

dyavaxryrés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. vexatious, Plat. Gorg. 511 B. 

dyavaxricés, 7, dv,=dyavanrntinés (q. v.), Luc. Pisc, 14. Adv. 
—xas, M. Anton, IT. 13. } 

dydv-vidos, ov, much snowed on, snow-capt, “Odvpros Il, 1. 420. 

ayivo-Brépapos, ov, mild-eyed, Ibyc. 4, Anth, P. 9. 604. 

ayavépeos, dyavopia, Dor. for dyny-. : 

ayuvés, 7, 6v, pott. Adj. mild, gentle, kindly, of persons or their 
words and acts, dy. cal #muos éorw oxnmrodxos BactAeds Od. 2. 230., 
5. 8; dy. éméecow Il, 2. 164, 180, etc.; pdOos dy. Od. 15. 53; 
evxwAgs Il. 9. 499, Od. 13. 357; Sépoor Il. 9.11433; so in Pind., dy. 
Adyos P. 4.179; dy. éppix Ib. 9. 65; Trag. only in Aesch. Ag. 101; 
avardy dyaval avai Mnesim. ‘Inn, 1. 56. 2. in Hom. also of the 
shafts of Apollo and Artemis, as bringing an easy death, GAN Gre 
-ynptokwor .., “AmddAdAav *Aprémde fdv ols dyavois Bed€ecow érot~ 
xopevos katérepvey Od, 15. 411, cf. 3. 280, Il. 24. 759, etc. Sup. 
dyavwraros, Hes. Th. 408. Adv. -v@s, Anacr. 49.1, Eur. I. A. 602; 
Comp., dyavwrepov BAémew Ar. Lys. 886. (The Root is perh, the 
same as that of yévuzar, with a euphon.) 

dyavos, ov, (dyvupt) broken, fvAov ay. sticks broken for firewood, 
A. B. 335, Eust. 200. 3. 

dyavoppootwvn, 4, gentleness of mood, kindliness, Il.24.772, Od. 11.202. 

ayavé-ppav, ov, gen. ovos, (pphv) poét. Adj. gentle of mood, Il. 20. 
467, Cratin. Xeip. 1; “Hovyia Ar. Ay. 1321. ; 

&yav-Gms, Sos, 7, (ay) mild-looking, mild-eyed, Marcell. Sid. 80; dy. 
mapea ap. Hesych. 

aydavep, Dor. for dynvwp, Pind. 

dydavwros, ov, (yivéw) not glazed over, Posidon. ap. Paul. /Bg. j 

Gydopar, Ep. collat. form of dyapa:, only found in part. dyapevos, 
admiring, Hes. Th. 619; for in Od. 5. 129, dyaade is restored for 
ayaob6c; aydacbe, iyaac0¢e, dydac@a also belong to dyapat. * 

Gyardto, Ep. and Lyr. form of dyamdéw Hom.; Dor. 3 pl. —ovre 
Pind. I. 5. 69; Ep. impf. éydéra{ov Ap, Rh.:—also in Med., Hom. ; 
Dor. impf. ’@yamd¢ovro Pind. P. 4. 428 :—only used in pres. and impf., 
except aor. act. dyamdgac in Callicrat. ap. Stob. 487. 16. ‘ To treat 
with affection, receive with outward signs of love, to love, dis BE maTh)p 
dv maida .. dyand(e, édOdvr’ &f dmins yains Sexar@ éauT@ Od. 16. 
17; venegonrov 5é Kev ein GOavarov Gedy de Bporods cyanalénev 

; ae 

eeea rene} 

6 : ; ’ , 

dyrny ll. 24. 464 :—Med. in absol. sense, to show signs of love, caress, | 
xiveoy dyaraCbyevo: wepadny te wal dpovs Od. 21. 224; 08 dya- 
maCdpevot pid 
Ig 2. timat KadAlvixov xdpy’ dyand{ovre welcome, receive 
Fully, Pind, 1.1, ¢.; cf. duparyard(w.—Used once in Trag,, v. dyamaw I, 1. 
a » Ov, Dor. for dyamnrés, Pind. : 
dyimaw, f. now: pf. iydrnea Isocr. Antid. § 158: Ep. aor. dydanoa 
Od. 23. 214:—cf. imep-ayandw. (The Root is uncertain.) I. of 
tsons, fo treat with affection, receive with outward signs of love, to 
» be fond of, like the Ep. dyara{w, used by Hom. once in this sense, 
Od. 1.c.; rare also in Trag., and only in the sense of skewing affection 
to the dead, 67’ Hydra vexpods Eur. Supp. 764 (so véxuy dya- 
md{av éuop Id. Phoen, 1327); but freq. in Plat., etc., both of persons 
and things, domep .. of mownral Ta aitav ronpata Kal of marépes 
Tods maidas dyaraot Plat, Rep. 330 C, cf. Legg. g28 A; ds Avion 
pv’ dyando’ Poéta ap. Phaedr. 241 D; dy. rods énawéras Ib, 257 E; 
émornuny, 7d dicaov, ra xphuara, etc., Id. Phileb. 62 D, Rep. 359 A, 
al.; rovrous dyamG kal rept abroy éxet Dem. 23. 23:—Pass., Gy. 
kat oixeiy evdarpdves Plat. Polit. 30D; id rev Gedy Hyanho8ae Dem. 
1404. 4; and of things, Ac@iiia radra 7a iyarnpéva Plat. Phaedo 110 
D. 2. to desire, Plat. Lys. 215 A, B. 38. in N. T, and Christian 
writers, to regard with brotherly love, v. d-yamh :—the word comes near 
sense in two passages of Menand., 6 péyoror dyamay ot or 
opyitera: Incert. 113, cf. 215. 4. dyandw differs from , as 
implying regard or affection rather than passion, cf, Lat. diligo, amo, 
but sometimes can hardly be distinguished, v. Xen, Mem. 2. 7, 9, and 12; 
prcio0a =dyarao0a abroy 8 aivréy Arist. Rhet. 1. 11, 17. 5. 
cme dled sexual love, like épaw, Arist. Fr. 66, Luc. Jup. Trag. 2; 
in Plat. Symp. 180 B, Phaedr. 253 A, this sense is not necessary ; and in 
Xen. Mem. 1. 5, 4, tépvas dyanay is not =épay, but simply to be fond 
of, devoted to them; so, dy. éraipay Anaxil. Neott. I. Ii. in 
relation to things, to be well pleased, contented, used once by Hom. also 
in this sense, ob« d-yamgs 8 éxndos .. weO’ Huiv dalvucat Od. 21. 289; but 
this sense is freq. in Att., dyandy or: .., Thuc. 6. 36, 4; more commonly 
dy. ei be well content if .., Plat. Rep. 450 A, al.; édv.. Ib. 
330 B, al.; qv ..,ayv.., Ar. Vesp. 684, Plat. Gorg. 483 C, al. 2. 
c. part., dy. Tiud@pevos Plat, Rep. 475 B, ef. Isocr. 234 C, Antiph. 
Neott. 2; c. inf., Hdn. 2. 15, Alciphro 3. 61, Luc., etc. 3. c. dat. 
rei, to be contented or pleased at or witha thing, like orépyo, dowd Copat, 
dy. rois imapxovaw dyabois Lys. 192. 26; Tois mempaypévors Dem. 
13. 11. 4. like orépyw, c. acc. rei, pnére Thy edevdepiay dy. 
Isocr. 69 D; 7a wapévra Dem. 7o. 20; cf, Arist. Rhet. 1. 2,23. 5. 
rarely c. gen., iva... ris dias dyan@ow may be content with the 
proper price, Alex. AéB. 3. 7. 6. absol. to be content, dyamhaavres 
Lycurg. 157. 5, cf. Luc, Nec. 17. 7.c. inf. to be fond of doing, 
wont to do, like piAéw, rods Avgiovs d&yan@vras Tpixwpa pepe Arist. 
Oec. 2. 14; and so in Lxx, ; 
ayaa, %, love, dy. nat picos LXx (Eccl. 9. 1, al.): esp. brotherly 
love, charity, 1 Ep. Cor. 13. 1 sq., al.: the love of God for man and of 
man for God, Philo x. 283, Rom, 5. 8, 2 Cor. 5. 14, Ev. Luc. 11. 42, 
al. II. a beloved object, one’s love, LXx (Cant. 2. 7). Tit. 
in pl. a love-feast, 2 Ep. Petr. 2. 13, Ep. Jud.12. The Noun first occurs 
in Lxx, and Biblical writers, though dyamd{w, dyamam, and derivs, are 
freq. in Classical authors. 
aydaamnpa, 76, Lat. deliciae, a delight, of a 1, Anth. P. To. 104, 
C. I. 5039; of a dainty dish, Aryvay dvdpav dy. Axionic, BA. 1. 6. 
dyat-nvwp, opos, 6, = ivopénv dyarar, lovin, manliness, manly, epith. 
of heroes, Il, 8.114, etc.: also as a prop. n., Il. « 
aydarnjots, ews, $ affection, choice, Arist. Metaph. 1.1, 1, Def, Plat. 
413 B, Plut. Pericl. 24; cf. Lob. Phryn. 352. . 
dyarrn , 6, rarer form for foreg., Menand. Suvap. 3. 
, @, ov, verb. Adj. to be loved, desired, Plat. Rep. 358 A. 
dyarnrixés, 4, dv, affectionate, Plut. Sol. 7, Clem. Al, 123, etc, Adv, 
kos, Id, 102, etc. 2 wee : 
ayimnnrés, 7, dv, Dor. -arés, a, dv, verb. Adj. beloved, potvos édv 
dyarnrés the only dearly beloved son, Od, 2. 365; more commonly 
without podvos, of an only son, ‘Exropiiny dyamnréy Il. 6. 401, cf. Od. 
4. 817; so in Att., Ar. Thesm. 761; Nuehparos ..5 Tod Nuxiov dy. wats 
Dem. 567. 24, cf. Arist. Rhet. 1. 7, 41, al.; Comically, Samidioy ey dy. 
Hipparch. ’Avac. 1. II. of things, worthy of love, loveable, 
desirable, a Plat. Alc. 1. 131 E, pies erat Id. “4 os 3 
7d dyannrév an object of desire, Arist. Rhet. 1.7, 41, . to be 
iesced in (as ae in a choice of evils), Andoc. 26. 15 :—hence, 
(or) one must be content, el.., tdv.., Plat. Prot. 328 A, 
Xen. Oec. 8. 16, Dem. 302. 1, Arist., etc.; ¢. inf, Eth. N. g. 10, 
6. III. Adv. -7@s, readily, gladly, contentedly, Plat. Legg. 
735 D, Dem. 409. 7, etc. 2. to one’s heart's content, Diphil. Incert. 
a5 3. just ei h to content one, only just, barely, scarcely, = pdd«s, 
Plat. Lys. ee Cs dpaageot ao0ivat Lys, 107.16; so also, dyarnrév 
Menand. Me6n 1. 
é ie form for dyannréis, Eus. P. E. 14. 5, 4, Stob. 297. 41. 
Gyupixéy, 7d, Lat. agaricum, a sort of tree-fungus, boletus igniarius, 
used for tinder, Diosc. 3.1. [a@y-; but @y metri grat. in the hexam. of 
Androm. in Gal. Antid. 894 B, 895 D.] ‘ 
&yappis, %, (dyelpw) a meeting, Inscr. Neap. in C. I. 5785. 12, Hesych. 
& , ov, contr. —ppous, ovr, (dyav, péw) strong-flowing, Homeric 
epithet of the Hellespont, Il. 2. 845., 12. 30. ee 
, és, (a0évos) very strong, Opp. C. 2. 3; Epigr. Gr. 1052 ;— 

” (cf. piAéw I. 2) 7. 33; but c.acc., like Act., Pind, P. | 3 

L-orixus, v, very rich in corn, yi Greg. Naz. 2. 112 B. 

0s, ov, much groaning, howling, of the hollow roaring of the 
Od. 12. 97, h. Ap. 94: loud-wailing, Aesch. Th. 97. 
“Gyaords, 4, dv, (d-yapar) deserving admiration, later form of the Hom, 
dyyrés, admirable, Aesch, Fr. 265 ; obwére pot Blos dy. Eur. Hec. 169 ; 
éxeivo 82 kpivw Tou dvdpos dy. Xen. Hell. 2. 3, 56, cf. An. 1.9, 24, Occ. 
11, 19, Bq. 11, 9; often in Piut.:—Adv. -ra@s, Xen, Ages. 1, 24.—In 
other Att. writers, @avyacrds is the word preferred. 

Gydorap, opos, (a copul., yaornp, cf. dbeApds) from the same womb: 
pl. twins, Hesych.: generally, a near kinsman, Lyc. 264. 

s, (60s, %, a plant, heracleum gummiferum, Diosc. 3. 98. 
Gydovptos, 6, an obscure epith. given to Pittacus by Alcae. (38), which 
Diog. L. 1. 81 explains by émoeouppévos Kal putapds. 

; » Lacon. ace. pl. of dyads, Ar. Lys, 1301. 

Gyarés, 7, dv, post. for d-yaords (cf. Oavpards, didparos, etc.), h. Hom. 
Ap. 55 vy. Ruhnk. Ep. Cr. p. 26. 

yyavos, 7), dv, in Hom. almost always of kings or heroes, illustrious, 
noble, high-born, dy. whpuxes ll. 3. 268; pvnothpes, Painxes Od.; dyavi) 
Tlepoepivera Od, 11. 213; mopnijes dyavoi noble guides, Od. 13. 71: 
also in Pind. P. 4. 127, and once in Trag., Mépoais ayavois Aesch, Pers. 
986 (lyr.) :—Sup. -déraros Od, 15. 229. 2. as prop. names, ’Ayavds, 
‘Ayavn, Il., Hes. ; not “Ayavos, “Ayaun, v. Arcad. 45 and 103, Lehrs de 
Stud. Aristarch. p. 293. (For the Root, v. yaiw.) 

Gyauptapa, 7d, insolence, Lxx (Bar. 4. 34), Hesych., A. B. 325. 

Gyaupés, 4, d6v,=-yaipos with a euphon., stately, proud, tatpos Hes. 
Th. 832, cf. Wess. Hdt. 7. 57, 2, where the superl. Adv. dyaupdrara is 
used. of Xerxes. 

dyddOeyKros, ov, (pOéyyouat) loud-sounding, dorbai Pind. O. 6, 155. 
aya, =dyd(opat, Aleman 119. 

dyyipa, 7a, the daily stages of the dyyapo, E. M. 

Gyyipeta, %, a despatching, despatch, C.1. 4956 A. 21, Arr. Epict. 

. 1, 79. 

Siigiearrts, od, 6, one who employs an ayyapos, Hesych. 

dyyipevo, to press one to serye as an dyyapos, or generally, to press 
into service, late Lat. angariare, Ev. Matth. 5. 41., 27. 32, C. I. 4956 A. 
24:—Pass. to be pressed into service, Menand. Stkvwy. 4. 

Gyyaprtos, 6, lon. form of dyyapos, Hat. 3. 126. II. as Subst., 
ayyapiov, 76, post-riding, the Persian system of mounted couriers, 1d.8.98. 

Gyyipos, 6, Persian word, a mounted courier, such as were kept ready 
at regular stages throughout Persia (with power of impressment) for car- 
tying the royal despatches, Auct. ap. Suid. s. v., cf. dyyapnios U1, and v. 
Xen. Cyr. 8. 6, 17. II. as Adj., Aesch, Ag. 282 dyyapov mip the 
courier flame, said of beacon fires used for telegraphing ; cf. wopmés fin. 

ayyapodopée, to bear as an dyyapos, Procop. 3. 122, 1, al. 

Gyyetbtov, 7d, Dim. of dyyetov, Damocr. in Galen, Antid. 894 F, Poll. 
TO. 30. 

Gyyeto-hoyéw, to take up a vein and operate upon it, Paul. Aeg. 6. 5, 
p- 177 :—hence Subst. -Aoyia, 7, Id. 

Gyyetoy, Ion, —tov, 76, (dyyos) a vessel of any kind for holding liquid 
or dry substances (roto... fnpots nal irypots . . épyaabév, dyyeiov 5 5) 
HG KAGE TpoopPeyyspea Plat. Polit. 237 E); of metal, dpy’pea ayy. 
silver jars or vases for water, Hdt. 1.188; dpyupd nal yada ayy. Plut. 
2. 695; & ayy. xadkK@ a mortar, Theophr. Lap. 60 ;—f{vAwa ayy. 
large tubs or vats of wood, Hat. 4. 2 ;—vessels for holding money, in a 
treasury, Id. 2.121, 2; for masons’ use, Thuc. 4. 4;—déoTpdmwa dy. 
of earthenware, Hipp. 668, 21, Lxx (Lament. 4. 2) ;—pails or buckets 
used by firemen, Plut, Rom. 20;—also, buckets or sacks of leather, 
GUAaKor Kat GdhdAa ayy. Xen. An. 6. 4, 23; Tas papas ray dry. Plut. 
Lys. 16; for corn, Lxx (Gen. 42. 25); for wine, Lxx (1 Regg. 25. 
18). 2. generally, a receptacle, reservoir, Xen. Occ. g, 2, Plat. Criti. 
111 A, Legg. 845 E. 3. a coffin or urn for the dead, C. I. 4300, 
al. II. of the human body, a vessel, cell, Arist. H. A. 3. 20, 13 
of the veins, Ib, 2, al.; of the stomach, Id. P. A. 4. 5, 393 the lungs, 
Id. G. A. 5. 7, 14; the female breast, Id. P. A. 4. 11, 1g; of plants, a 
capsule, Theophr. H. P. 1. 11, 1:—in Eccl. the body itself, like axedos. 

Gyyeo-cehivov, 74, pot-parsley, Anacr. 37 Bgk. 

Gyyeid-omreppos, ov, v. s, évaryyecoorépparos. 

&yyeddqs, es, (eld0s) like a vessel, hollow, Arist. P. A. 3. 8, 5. 

ayyehia, Ion. and Ep. -(m, #4, (dyyedos) a message, tidings, news, as 
well the substance, as the conveyance thereof, Il, 18, 17, Od. 2, 30, Att.; 
ayyeAln A€youca rade Hat. 2,114; dyyedlny pdvar, dropdavat, dmeumreiy 

Il, 18. 17, ete. ; pepe, dmopépew Hom., Hat., etc. ; mwéumew Hdt.; Tas 
dyyeXias éopépew (cf. dyyedrapdpos) Hdt. 1. 1 14, 3. 77 i—ayyeAin 
éun a report of me, concerning me, Il. 19. 336; ayy. Twos a message 
about a person or thing, d-yyeAiny marpds pépe épxopeévoro news of thy 
father’s coming, Od. 1. 408; so, dvdpds ai@ovos dyy. Soph. Aj. 221; 
ayy. Ths Kiov dquxveirae Thuc, 8.15; ayy. HArOov éx Trav Todeulov 
Xen. Cyr. 6. 2, 7: with Verbs of motion, dyyeAiny érGeiv, like Lat. 
legationem obire, Il, 11. 140, cf, Od. 21. 20, and v. sub éfecia ;—so also 
Ep. in gen., rev dyyeAlns . . fAvOes Il. 13. 252; dyyedins olxveoke 
15. 640; HAvde aed even’ dyyeXins (i. e. deyyedins ood évera) 3. 206; 
dyyeAins mwdcira: Hes. Th. 781 ;—in all which places it is gen. causae, 
and may be rendered on account of a message; for the old Interpp. 
(Schol. Il. ll, c., Apoll. Lex.) are wrong in assuming a masc. Subst, dy- 
yerins. 2. an t, proclamation, Pind. P. 2. 44: @ 
command, order, h. Hom. Cer, 448, Pind. O. 3. 50, cf. Od. 5. 150., 7. 
263. II. a messenger, v.1. Hes. Th, 781, : 

ayyeAl-apyos, 6,=dpydyyedos, Anth, P. 1. 34. 
dyyeAtahopéw, f. 40, to bear messages, Schol. Aesch. Pr. 966. 

in Il. only as prop. n. "Ayaodévns (paroxyt.) 
sr err 7 toyajis} an object of adoration, Soph. Fr. 799. 

BE dyyehG-hopos, Ion. &yyeAinh-, ov, bearing a message, a messenger, 


Hdt. 1. 120, Arist. Mund. 6, 11, Luc., etc.: esp. the Persian minister who 
introduced people to an audience with the king, Hdt. 3. 118. 
dyyeAlea, %, a female messenger, Orph. H. 78. 3; but v. dyyeAThp. 
dyyeAlns, 6, v. sub dyyedia. 
dyyeAin-hépos, ov, Ion. for dyyeArapdpos. 
dyyeAucds, 7, dv, of or for a messenger, phos A. B. 26. 2. an- 
gelic, orparia Just. M. Apol. 1. 52; pux7 C. I. 8654. II. dy- 
“yeAce?, Opxnots a Sicilian kind of pantomimic dance at a banquet, Ath, 
629 E, cf. Anth. Plan. 289 :—Adv. -x@s, Procl. Plat. Tim. 298; perh. 
from “AyyeAos a name of Hecat®, cf. Ath. |. c., Poll. 4. 103, Hesych. 
dyyehiorys, ov, 6, a messenger, h. Hom. Merc. 296: fem. dyyeAvaris, 
«Sos, Call. Del. 216. 
dyyédAw, (dyyedos): Ep, and Ion. fut. dyyeAéw Il. 9. 617, Hdt., Att. 
dyyeX@, Dor. -1@ Tab, Heracl. in C. I. 5774. 70: aor. 1 #yyetAa Hom., 
Att.: pf. #yyeAua Polyb. 35. 4, 2, (kar-) Lys. 174. 28, (eio—) Lycurg. 
147. 43, (wept-) Dem. 515. 19 :—Med. (v. infra) : aor. jyyyetAapny (ér-) 
dt. 6. 35, Plat.:—Pass,, fut. dyyeA@joopa (dr) Dem. 445. 10, 
later dy-dyyeAjoopa: Lxx: aor. HyyéAOnv Hdt., Att.: pf. #yyeApac 
Aesch. Cho. 774, Thuc. 8. 97, etc.—An aor. 2 pass. qyyéAnv is freq. in 
later Greek, as Dion. H. 10. 20, Plut. Anton. 68, Galb. 25, etc., and was 
introduced by the copyists into correct writers, as Eur. I. T. 932 (where 
now 777yéA9n is restored): the aor. 2 act. #yyeAov seldom occurs even 
in late writers (as Dion. H. 1. c, App. Civ. 1. 121) without the impf. as a 
v.L, though in Anth. P. 7. 614, dyyeAérny is required by the metre; 
and the aor. 2 med. #yyeAdpny is equally dub.: v. Veitch Gr. Verbs 
Ss. Vv. To bear a message, @pro 5é “Ips . . dyyedcovea Il. 8. 409, 
ef. 9.617, al.; revi to a person, Od. 4. 24., 15.458; with an inf. added, 
ot Ke... Kelvors ayyetdwar..olkdvie véecOa may bring them word to return 
home, 16. 350, cf. E. M. s. v. dyyetAar; also c. acc. et inf., enpues 3. . 
ayyedAbvtwv ..yépovras Adfacbat make proclamation that they should 
lie down, Il. 8. 517. 2. acc. rei, to announce, report, éo0Ad Il. to. 
448; pdos jods Od. 13.94; with dat. added, “AxiAje xaxdv eros Il. 17. 
7Ol; Moceddon rade mavra 15.159 ;—so in Prose, wn Tt vewrepov 
dyyeAAes Plat, Prot. 310 B; ravra per jpiv fyyedé Tis Id. Phaedo 
58 A, cf. 57 B; dyy. méAepyor to proclaim war, Id. Phaedr. 242 B;— 
with a Prep. added, dyyéAAmpey és rédw rade Eur. Or. 15393; pods tiv’ 
ayyethal we xp} Adyous Id. Supp. 399. 3. c. acc. pers. to bring 
news of.., el Ké puv GyyeiAauyu Od. 14.120, cf. 122; later, dyy. wepi 
twos Soph. El, 1111 :—dependent clauses are added with a Conj., 
ayyethev brre pa of méars xo pipver Il. 22. 439, cf. Simon. 95; dry. 
as... Eur. I. T. 704; 6@odvexa.. Soph. El. 47 ;—also in the part., 
«al @avévra fyyethav; did they bring word that he was dead? Ib. 
1442, 1443; Kopov émorparedovra.. Hyyetkevy Xen. An. 2. 3, 19, cf. 
Cyr. 6. 2,15; with ws inserted, warépa rov odv ayyeA@v ws obKér’ 
‘Gvra Soph. O. T. 9553 ByyetAas ds reOvnedra Id, El. 1341. II. 
Med., perh. only in pres., Tedapw dyyéAAopar civae pidos I an- 
nounce myself to him as a friend, Id. Aj. 1376. III. Pass. 
to be reported of, ént 7d mAciov Thuc. 6. 34; also c. part., (av 7) Saver 
dyyéANerat Soph. Tr. 73, cf. Eur. Hec. 591, Thuc. 3. 16, Xen. Hell. 4. 
3,13; ¢. inf, fyyeATar waxy loxupa yeyovéva: Plat. Charm. 153 B, 
cf, Xen. Cyr. 5. 3, 303; also, HyyeAOn.., dre Pev-youev news was brought. 
that.., Id. Hell. 1.1, 27:—7d wyyyeApéva the reports, ém rois 77, 
Thue, 8, 97. 
dyyeApa, 76, a message, tidings, news, Eur. Or. 876, Thuc. 7. 74, etc. 
dyyeAoeins, es, like an angel, Jo. Chrys. 
dyyeos, 6, 7, a messenger, envoy, Hom., Hdt.; 5¢ dyyéAov dpidéev 
tit Hdt. 5. 92, 6, cf. 1. 99. 2. generally, one that announces or 
tells, e. g. of birds of augury, Il. 24. 292, 296; Movadiv dyyedos, of a 
poet, Theogn. 769; dpuis.. Ards ayy., of the nightingale, Soph. El. 
149: c. gen. rei, ayy. Kana@v épay Id. Ant. 277; ayyeAov yAwooav 
Aoyov Eur. Supp. 203. 3. an angel, Lxx, N.T. II. like 
Lat. nuntius, the message, or tidings brought, Polyb. 1.72, 4. (Perh. 
akin to dyyapos and Skt. angiras, as modus to Skt. purus.) 
ayyeATHp, 7jpos, 6,=foreg., Or. Sib. 2. 214, 243: fem. dyyéArpua, Ib. 
8.117; also, dyyéAretpa as restored by Dind. in Orph. H. 78. 3. 
dyyeAriKés, 7, dv, of or for a messenger, Justin. M. Apol. 1. 22. 
ayynvov, 76, Ion. for dyyetov, Hdt. 
ayyo-OiKen, 4, a receptacle for vessels, Ath. 210 C. 
dyyos, eos, 76, a vessel of various kinds, a jar to hold wine, Od. 16. 
13, cf. 2. 289; milk, Il. 16. 643: a vat for the vintage, Hes. Op. 611; 
a water-pot, urn, pitcher, such as women carried on the head, Hdt. 5. 12, 
cf, Ael. V. H. 7.12, Eur, El. 55: a@ bucket, pail, Hdt. 4.62; a bowl 
or cup for wine, Eur. I. T. 953, 960. II. also for dry substances, 
a coffer or ark, in which children were laid, Hdt. 1, 113, Eur. lon 32, 
1337: @ chest for clothes, Soph. Tr. 622: a cinerary urn, Ib. 1118, 
1205; a@ coffin, C. I. 3573. III. the womb, Hipp. Epid. 5. 
p. 1185, v. Galen. ad 1. IV. the shell of the xapaBos, Opp. H. 
2. 406. V. the cell of a honey-comb, Anth. P. 9, 226.—CE. ayyetov. 
dyyoupiov, 74, a water-melon, Byz.; v. Ducang. 
ayypadw, shortd. for dvaypapw. 
dyyov, wros, 6, a Frankish javelin, Agath. 2. 5, p. 40 D. 
aySnv, Adv. (@yw) by carrying, &y5nv otpey Luc. Lexiph. to. 
ye, dyere, properly imperat. of dyw, but used as Ady. like pépe, come ! 
come on! well! Lat. age! Hom., who mostly strengthens it, ei 5 dye, 
viv 8 aye, dye 54, GAN aye, immo age! in Att. also dye viv Ar. Eq. 
1011: also like pépe before x and 2 pers. pl., dye di rpaneiopey Il. 3. 
4415 Gye 5) oréwpey 11. 348; aye Tdyvere Od. 3. 332; an’ aye, 
Tlépoa, Oudpea Aesch. Pers, 140; aye 57, Kat xdpov aywpev Id. Eum. 
307, cf. Supp. 625; rarely before Ist sing., aye ay. . dpOpnow Od, 13. 215, 

Eur. Cycl. 590; even before 3 pl., GAA 

» Aesch. Cho. 638. 

anpukes .. adv , . dyerpov- ‘- 

— ayerAn. 
Taw ll. 2. 437; in Prose, dye di). . oxommpey Xen. Cyr. 5. 5,.15 + 
dyere,.. AVgacGe Aesch. Cho. 803 ; dyere is also used with 1 ph, 
2.139, Od. 1. 76, Ar. Lys, 665 ; with 1 sing., Od. 22. 139. 
dyeos, ov, (yf) landless, a corrupt word in Aesch. Supp. 858. 
cringe ov, Pp for dyépagros, E. M. ; 
dyeipw: impf. #yepoy Hdt. 1. 61, 6: aor. 1 Hyepa Ep. dyepa O 
14. 285: pf. dyiyepea (avv—) Theod, Prodr. ab 44 fut. a 
podpac (in pass. sense) Or, Sib. 1. 346: aor. 1 yyyeipdyny (trans.) Ap 
Rh. 4.1335, (ovv-) Hom.:—Pass., aor. 1 7yép6qv Hom. : pf. dyfyepuan 
App. Civ. 2. 134: plqpf. dytyyepro Id. Mithr. 108, Ep. 3 pl. dynyépare 
Il. 4. 211, App.—We also find in Hom. a shortd. aor. 2 of med, form, — 
but pass. sense, dyépovro Il. 18. 245, inf. dyepécOar Od, 2. 385 (not 
wyepeo@at, v. Pors. ad 1.), part. dypdpevos Il. 2. 481, etc. (whence later 
Poets formed a pres. dyépopar, e. g. C. I. 6280. 35). To bring jogos a 
Sather together, adv ayelpwy Il. 4. 377, etc.; Aady dyepivrav Kard 
vijas let them gather ..2. 438; év0ad’ dwd.. toAlev iyepa txacroy 
17. 222; so in Att., ov és OnBny orédov Soph, O. C. 1306, Thue. 1.9; 
To “EAAddos arpdérevpa Soph. El. 695; orparidy Xen. An. 3. 2, 13; 
cis play otxnow dy. kowwvods Plat. Rep. 369 C, cf. App. Mithr. 84 
(naxnv iyetpas Il. 13. 778 rather belongs to éyeipw, as also 7éA€ 
iyepay Plat. Legg. 685 C, v. Spitzn. Il. 5. 510) :—Pass. to come togeth 
gather, assemble, ll. 2. 52, Od. 2. 8, etc.; aypduevoe aves herded swine, — 
Od. 16. 3; Ouyds evi orhPecaw dyépOn, és ppéva Ovpds dyépOn Il. 4. 
152, etc. (v. sub éyeipw.) II. of things, to get together, collect, 
gather, Snuddev GAgura .. kai aidora oivoy dyeipas Od. 19. 197; woAdy 
Biorov kat xpuadv dyeipwy 3. 301 ; ToAAA 8 dyetpa xphuara 14. 285: 
—so in Med., dyeipduevar kara Shpov 13. 14. 2. to collect by 
begging, stipem colligere, ws dv mipva Kara pynorijpas dyelpor 17, 362, 
cf, Hdt. 1. 61; dg’ dv dyeipe nal mpooarred Dem, 96. 17 :—absol. to 
collect money for the gods and their temples, NUppais dy. Aesch, Fr. 170, 
cf. Hdt. 4. 35, Plat. Rep. 381 D; esp. for Cybelé, Luc. Pseudom. 13, cf. 
Hytparyiprys :—absol. to go about begging, Philostr. 225, Max. Tyr. 19. 
3. to put things together, accumulate arguments, as in a speech, 
4. ogpuas els tv dy. to frown, Anth. P. 7. 300. ; 

Rare in good Prose. 

d-yeltwv, ov, gen. ovos, without a neighbour, neighbourless, mé-yos Aesch. 
Pr. 270; olxos pidwv dy, Eur. El. 1130; ddudAos eal ay. Plut. 2. 423 D. 

dyehGS6v, Dor. for d-yeAnidv, Theocr. 16. 92. 

dyeAdfopat, Pass. to go in flocks, be gregarious, Arist. H. A. 8.12, 9.5 
g. 2, I :—Hesych. cites the Act., dyeAaoa’ Kxoploat. 

GyeAato-KopiKds, 7, dv, (opéw) = dyeAarorpodirds ; ) aryeAatoxouKh 
(sc. réxvn) the art of breeding and keeping cattle, Plat, Polit. 275 E, sq., 
299 D:—dyedoxopexn in Clem. Al. 338. 

Gyehaios, a, ov, (ayéAn) belonging to a herd, feeding at large, because 
the herds stayed out at grass all the summer, in Hom. always with Bods, 
Il. 11. 729, Od. 10, 410, al.; so, Bods dy. Soph. Aj. 175; Booxnyatra 
Eur. Bacch, 677; ai dy. rv ima, i.e. brood-mares, Xen. Eq. 5,8. IT. 
in herds or shoals, gregarious, ixOves Hdt. 2. 93; dyeAaia, ra, gre- 
garious animals, Plat. Polit. 264 D; opp. to povadid, Arist. H. A. 1. 
I, 23, 8q.; to omopadixa, Id. Pol. 1.8, 5; modirindy 5 dvO, (@ov 
maons peXitrns Kat mavTos GyeAalou (gov waGAdor Ib. I. 2, 10. 2. of 
the herd or multitude, i.e. common, dy. dvOpwmot, opp. to dpxovres, Plat. 
Polit. 268 A; dy. icxddes Eupol. Incert. 74; dproe Plat. Com. Mev. 3; 
aopiorai Isocr, 236 D: (in this sense the Gramm. make it proparox, 
dyéAaos, Hemst. Thom, M. p. 7.) - 

dyeharotpodia, 7, the keeping of herds, Plat. Polit. 261 E. 

dyeAarorpoduirds, 7, dv, of or fit for dyeAatorpopia: 7 —Kn, =foreg., 
Plat. Polit. 267 B, etc,; cf. dyeAaroxopexds. 

dyearo-rpdpos, ov, keeping herds, Max. Tyr. 25.6; in Poll. dyeAotp-. 

dyehauov, @vos, 6, a place for herds (ra dyedaia), pasture, Suid. 

dyeAapxéw, to lead a herd or company, c. gen., Plut. Galb, 17. 

dyeA-apyxns, ov, 6, (dpxw) the leader of a company, a captain, Plut. 
Rom. 6; dy. radpos Luc. Amor. 22: -apxos, 6, Philo 2. 144. 

dyéAacpa, aros, 76, a gathering, crowd, vodgaw Procl. h, Minery. 44. 

dychacréw, to be ayéAaoros, cited from Heracl. Epist. 

ayehaori, Adv. without laughter, Plat. Euthyd, 278 E, Plut. 2. 727 A. 

aycAacorixés, 7, dv, disposed to herd together, social, Philo 2. 202, 

a-yéAacros, ov, (yeAdw) not laughing, grave, gloomy, h. Hom. Cer, 
200; dy. mpdcwma BiaCdpevor Aesch. Ag. 794; epith. of Crassus, 
Lucil, ap. Cic. Fin. 5, 30:—metaph. dyéAaora pOéyyeo@ac Heracl. ap. 
Plut. 2. 397 A; dy. ppyy Aesch. Fr. 418; Bios Phryn. Com. Movérp. 
I II. pass. not to be laughed at, not light or trifling, Evppopat 
Aesch, Cho, 30; also as v. 1. Od. 8. 307. 

ayeAarys, ov, 6, v. sub dyéAn 1, [a] 

dyeAetn, 1), Ep. epith. of Athena, =Arniris, @yovoa Alay, the driver of 
spoil, the forager, ll. 6. 269, etc., and Hes. 

dye, %, (dyw) a herd, of horses, Il. 19. 281; elsewhere in Hom. 
always of oxen and kine, Il. 11. 678, etc., cf. Bovvopos :—also, any herd 
or company, Lat. grex, cvdv dy. Hes. Sc. 168, dy. wapbévay Pind. Fr. 
78 ; wrnvay dyédat Soph. Aj. 168, Eur. Ion 106; metaph., révaw dyédat 
Eur. H. F. 1276; a shoal of fish, Opp. H. 3. 639 ;—also in Plat. Rep. 
451 C, Arist. H. A. 9. 2, 2, etc., but not freq. in good Prose. II. at 
Crete dyéAac were the bands or classes in which the youth were trained 
from the age of seventeen until marriage; while at Sparta the boys were 
removed from their parents’ home and put into the dyéAa (there called 
Bodax) at the age of seven; Ephor. ap. Strabo 480, Plut. Lyc. 16, Heraclid. 
Polit. 3; the chief of an dyéAn was dyeAdrns, Heraclid. |. c.; and the 
youths were dyéAaorot, Hesych.; cf. Miiller Dor. 4. §, I, sq. and v. 
Bova; also, véow dy. at Miletus, C. I. 2892; di®éwv at Smyrna, 3326. 



4 ekemee a0 BBE Ot 

ee err ne ll ae mans nile i 

3 py Ep. 

. dyeppootvn, %,=dyepats, Opp. C. 4. 2 

ie oe al 

ayeAndév, Adv. (dycAn) in herds or companies, Il. 16. 160, Hdt. 2. 93, 

2, etc.; also dyeAnda, Arat. 965, 1079. 
dyAndev, Adv. (ayédy) from a herd, Ap. Rh. 1. 356, 406. 
dyeAnis, iSos, 7, pecul. fem. of dyeAaios, Numen, ap. Ath. 320 

Dew II. =dyercin, Cornut. N. D. 20. 

dyeAn-Kopos, ov, keeping herds, Nonn. D. 47. 218. 

. dyed , ov, 6, belonging to a herd, Bods ap. Suid. cf. dyeAarys. 

. dyno, Ep. dat. of dyéAn, Il. 2. 480. 

. d-yéhowos, ov, not matter of laughter, ox dyédo.ov no bad joke, 

Henioch. Tpox. 6. 

; , —Tpodos, v. sub dyeAaio-. 

inf. of dyw. 

f , Gyepovetw, &yepav, Dor. for fryeH-. 

. dyev, Ep. for éaynaay, v. sub dyvupu, Il. 4. 214. 

4 SyyTOs, ov, of unrecorded descent, Ep. Hebr. 7. 3- 
\ dyéveia, %, (dyevs) low birth, Arist. Pol. 6. 2, 7; cf. ayevvera. 
_ Gyévetos, ov, (yéveiov) beardless, Pind., etc. (v. infra); dyéverdv Te 
elpnévar to speak like a boy, Luc. Jup. Trag. 29; 7d dyéveov, absence 
or want of beard, Id. Eun. 9 :—Ady., dyevelws éxew Philostr. 489. IL. 
the dyévecor were boys within the age to enter the lists for certain prizes 
at the ee Pind, O. 8. 71., 9. 135, cf. Ar, Eq. 1373, Lys. 162. 4, Plat. 
. 833 C, C. I. 236, al., Paus. 6. 6, 3. 

_ayevns, és, (yevéoOax) unborn, uncreated, Plat. Tim. 27 C. II. 
of no family, ignoble,mean, cowardly, vile, opp. to dya8ds, Soph. Fr. 105 
(the ‘metre warrants the form in this sense, though the correct word was 
dyevyhs, Stallb. Plat. Prot. 319 D); of things, ob dyeveis orixor Schol. 
Od. 11. 568; cf. A. B. 336, Steph. Byz. s. v. "Avaxropeia, III. 
with no family, i.e. childless, Isae, ap. Harpocr. 
dyévntos, ov, (yevécOax) unborn, uncreated, unoriginated, dpxn Plat. 
Phaedr. 245 D, cf. Arist. Cael. 1, 11, I., 12, II. II. of things, 
not done, not having happened, 70 yap pavOev ris dv Bivaur’ dv dyévnrov 
moteiy ; infectum reddere, Soph. Tr. 7433; dyévnra toeiv, doo’ av 
memparypeva Agatho ap. Arist. Eth. N. 6, 2, 6; alria dy. groundless 
charges, Aeschin. 86.1; d:aBodat Alciphro 3. 58; dv oddér,. dy. can’ 
be undone, Isocr. 397 A. Cf. dyévynros. 

-Gyéwea (in Mss. often dyévera or dyevvia), 4, meanness, baseness, 

Arist. de Virt. et Vit. 7. 4, Polyb., etc. 
dyewss, és, (yévva) =dyerys ut (q. v.), of low family, Hat. 1.134 (in 

Comp.), Plat. Prot. 319 D, etc. II. low-minded, base, Hdt. 5. 6, 

Ar. Pax 748, Plat. Prot. 319 D, al.; of dyevveis, opp. to of yevvasdrepor, 

of yevvaiot, Arist. Pol. 3. 13, 2., 4. 12, 2; of a cock, Plat. Theaet. 164 

C, Menand. @cog. 2. 13. 2. of things, much like Bdvavaos, 

illiberal, sordid, Plat. Gorg. 465 B, 513 D, al.; od5év dyevvés Dem. 563, 

fin. Adv, -v@s, Eur. I. A. 1458, Plat. Com. Zevs 1. 6,—In Plat. mostly 

with a negat. ob« dyevyas, Charm, 158 C, etc. In Mss. sometimes 
confused with drev}s, Ruhnk. Tim. 46. : 

. Gyewncta, %, the state of cne not begotten, Greg. Naz. Or. 25. 16, al. 

- dyevvqroyevs, és, born from the unbegotten, Arius ap. Epiphan., 

Theodoret. H. E. 1. 5. , 

- dyéwnros, ov, (yevvda) like dyévyros, unbegotten, unborn, dy. thr i 

‘Soph. O. C. 973: unoriginated, Id. Fr. 739, Plat. Tim. 52 A; of the 

elements, Emped. ap. Hesych.:—Adv., dvartiws wat dy. Plut. 2. 1015 

A. II. like dyevvjs, low-born, mean, Soph. Tr. 61. Tit. 

act. not productive, Theophr. C. P. 6. 10, I. 
dyevvia, v. sub dyévvea, 
ayewile, to act like an dyevvijs, Teles. ap. Stob. 68. 6. 

. &yéopat, Dor. for #yéopat, Pind: 7a dynpéva, customs, prescription, 

Orac. ap. Dem. 1072. 27. This form also occurs in Mss. of Hdt., as 

2. 69, 72, 115, etc., but is corrected by Edd. 
ay , ov, (yépas) without a gift of h , unt ip unre- 

warded, Il. 1. 119, Hes. Th. 3953 @y. TUHBos, dvopa Eur. Hec. 117, 

Bacch. 1378; dmeAdeiv dy. Luc. Tyrannic. 3; c. gen., @véwv dy. Ap. Rh. 

3. 65 :—a post. form dyeipiiros is cited in E. M. 

~teyepéOw, v. sub ryyepéBopar. 
dyepOev, Dor. and Ep. 3 pl. aor. 1 pass of d-yeipw. 

J 6, a collecting of money for the service of the gods (cf. dyeipw 2), 

C. I. 2656. 28, Dion, H. 2. 19, Ath, 360 D, Poll. 3. 111. II. in 

Arist. Poét. 8, 3, prob. (like dyepats) the gathering’ of the Greeks against 

‘Troy. I1I. generally a collection, as of wisdom and experience, 

Ael. V. H. 4. 20.—The form d-yuppés is condemned in E. M. 

aye , late poet. form of dyeipopat (q. v.), Ap. Rh. 3. 895. 
. dyéppw, Acol. for dyeipw. ry 
‘dyepot-cvpydis [ii], 6, a begging sacrificer or priest, Cratin. Apam. 11, 
ubi v. Meineke. (From «vByAcs II, not KuBéA7.) 

* dyepots, ews, }, a gathering, mustering, orparins Hat. 7. 5, 48. 
ayéptys, Dor., —Tas, 6, a collection of dues, C. 1. 5640. I. 35. 
Gyepwxia, 9, arrogance, Lxx (Sap. 2. 9), Polyb. 10. 35, 8, etc. 
ayépwxos [4], ov, poét. Adj. (used also in late Prose), in Hom. always 

‘in good sense, high-minded, lordly, honoured, epith. of warlike tribes, 

‘mostly of the Trojans, Il. 3. 36, etc. ; the Rhodians, 2. 654; the Mysians, 

10. 430, cf. Batr. 145; once of a single man, viz. Periclymenus, Od. 11. 
286, and so Hes. Fr. 22 Gaisf.; in Pind. of noble actions, dy. épypara 
N. 6. 56; viren O. 10 (11). 95; TAovToU orepdvaxy’ dy. lordly crown of 
wealth, P. 1. 96. II. later in bad sense, haughty, arrogant, insolent, 
Archil. 154, Alcae. 119; so also 3 Macc. I. 25; dy. dvos Luc. Asin, 40:— 
so Adv. —xws, Anth. P. 9. 745, Polyb. 2.8, 7; Comp. -drepov Id. 18.17, 3. 

*Ayeoihaos, “AyeotAas, v. sub ‘Aynotdaos, 

. ayé-orparos, 4, %), host-leading, 'AGjvn Hes, Th, 925 ; oddmvyt, ai”dds 
Nonn, D. 26. 15., 28. 28, 

mx Jd 

ayerndov — ayneidaos. 

ayérys, ayéts, Dor. for jy-- 
ia fasting, Schol, Ar. Nub. 621. : 

Gyevorros, ov, (yevopar) act. not tasting, without taste of, fasting from, 
mAakodyros Plat. Com, Hot. 1; lyovev Luc, Saturn. 28: metaph., ofor 
kakay dyevoros aidv Soph. Ant. 583 ; éAevbepias dy. Plat. Rep. 576 A; 
Tav reprvav Xen, Mem. 2. 1, 23; Tod KaAov Arist. Eth. N. ro. 10 (9), 
4:—absol., without eating, droro kat dy. Luc, Tim. 18. TI. pass. 
without taste, Arist. de An, 2. 10, 3. 2. untasted, Plut, 2. 731 D, 

G-yewpéerpyros, ov, of persons, ignorant of geometry, Arist. An. Post. 
I, 12, 3; pydels dy. eiairw, Inscr. on Plato's door, Tzetz. Chil. 8. 
972. 2. of problems, not geometrical, Arist. ut supr. 4. 

ayewpynota, 7, bad husbandry, Theophr. C. P. 2. 20, 1. 

YynTOS, ov, uncultivated, C. I. (add.) 2561 6. 77, Theophr. C. P. 

1. 16, 2. 

&-yewpytou dixn, %, an action for neglect of agriculture, prob. against 
careless tenants, A. B. 20 and 336. 

dyn, Dor. aya [ay], %, (v. sub dyapat) wonder, awe, horror, amaze- 
ment, Hom. only in phrase dyn p éxec Il. 21. 221, Od. 3. 227., 16. 
243 :—Hesych. interprets it by 7:4, ceBacpds, citing also pl. dryats 
(= (prddioeow) from Aesch. Fr. 81; in Soph. Ant. 4, Coraés reads ovder 
.. dyns dep pro vulg. drys, II. envy, malice, pOdvm kat dyn 
xpewpevos Hat. 6. 61: and of the gods, jealousy, ph tis aya Ocdbev 
xvepdan Aesch. Ag. 131.—The two senses are also found in the Verb 
&yapat, while the latter alone belongs to d-yatopat. 

ayn, Dor. aya [ay], 7, (v. sub dyvupe) breakage : 1, a fragment, 
piece, splinter, dyaior kamav Aesch. Pers. 425; pos 4pparay 7° ayatoe 
Eur. Supp. 693. 2. kiparos ayn the place where the wave breaks, 
the beach, Ap. Rh. 1. 554., 4. 941- 3. a curve, bending, ddtos ayn 
Arat, 688 :—hence Bickh reads éydv (for dyav) in Pind, P. 2. 151 (82), 
in the sense of crooked arts, deceit. 4. a wound, Hesych. 

ayn, Ep. for éaryn, v. sub dyvups. 

d&ynyéparo, v. sub dyelpw. 

GynAiréw, to drive out one accursed or polluted (éyos), Lat. piaculum 
exigere, esp. one guilty of sacrilege and murder, Hat. 5. 72, Soph. O. T, 
402, v. Schiif. Greg. p. 546; cf. dvdpnAaréw. 

GyiAtiros, ov, (@yos, éAatyw) driving out a curse, ay. poor, i.e. 
lightning which consumes and so purifies, Lyc. 436. 

Gynpa, 7, (from dyw, or perh. Dor. for #rynua) anything led, a division 
of an army, of the Lacedaemonians, Xen. Lac. 11. 9., 13. 6: but, in the 
Macedonian army, the Guard, Polyb. 5. 65, 2, Arr. An. I. 15 Tov inméwv 
70 dy. Id. 4.24, 1; rev mela 7d ay. 2.8, 3; TY EAepayTaw Ath, 539 E. 

&ynvopevos, Dor. dyavép-, a, ov,=dynvwp, Aesch. Pers. 1026. 

Gyqvopéwv, a participial form =dyfvwp, Nonn. D. 12. 206. 

dynvopia [%], %, manliness, manhood, courage, of men, Il. 22. 457: 
haughtiness, in pl.,.9. 700; of a lion, 12. 46. 

Gyhvep [4], Dor. dydvep, opos, 6, : (dyav, avnp): poet. Adj., 
manly, heroic, Ovpds Il. 16. 801 ; Kpadin Kat Ovpds ay. 9. 635, al. ; Bin 
nat dyhvopt Ovp@ elgas, of a lion, 24, 42: often with collat. notion 
of headstrong, arrogant, of Achilles, 9. 699; of Thersites, 2. 276; of 
the suitors, Od. 1. 106, 144, al.; of the Titans, Hes. Th. 641, cf. Op. 
73; of commanders of an army, Aesch. Th, 124 (lyr.). 2. in Pind. 
of animals and things, stately, splendid, magnificent, trmos O. 9. 353 
mAodros P. to. 27; Képmos I. 1. 60. 

aynoxa, pf. of dyw; also dyfyoxa, v. sub dyw. 

G-ynpavros, ov,=sq., Simon. 95, Eur. ap. Ath. 61 B. 

-yijpaos, ov, Att. contr. dyqpws, wy (of which Hom. uses nom, dual 
d-yjpo (v. infr.), nom, sing. and acc. pl. dyfpws Od. 5. 218, etc.) ; acc. 
sing. dynpov h. Hom.+Cer. 242, for which Hes. Th. 949 has dyhow; 
nom. pl. dyjpw Hes. Th. 277, dat. dyhpws Ar. Av. 689- Not waxing 
old, undecaying, Hom., and Hes., who. use it of persons in conjunction 
with d0@dvaros; d@avaros nal dyhpaos jpara mavra Il. 8. 539, cf. Od. 
5. 136, etce.; ob 8 GO. Kal dynpws Od. 5. 218; dynpw 7 aOavarw Te Il. 
12. 323., 17. 4443; so Hes. Th. 949; also, drhwavros Kat dy. Ib. 9553 
so, dynpws xpévw dvvdoras Soph. Ant. 608 (lyr.). 2. of things, 
once in Hom., of the Aegis, Il. 2. 447; then, dy. «050s Pind. P. 2. 96; 
xdpw 7 dynpwv eopev Eur. Supp. 1178; and in Prose, rov dyhpav 
érawov Thue, 2. 43; ay. kal dBdvaroy maGos Plat. Phil. 15 D, etc. 

a&ynpacia, 7, eternal youth, Schol. Il. 11. 1. 

aynparov, 76, an aromatic plant, perhaps yarrow or milfoil, Achillea 
ageratum, Diosc. 4. 59. 

G-ynpiiros, ov,=d-ynpaos, wéos Eur. I. A. 567 (lyr.), C. I. 6269 ;— 
also in Prose, Lys. 198. 8, Xen. Mem. 4. 3, 13, Plat. Ax. 370 D, Arist. 
de Cael. 1. 3, 9. 

dyhparos, 6, a stone used by shoemakers to polish women’s shoes, Galen. 

dyjpos, wy, v. sub dyhpaos. 

dyhs [a], és, (&yos) guilty, accursed, Hippon. 11. II. also in 
good sense, = evans C, bright, pure, deyéa xvxdov Emped. ap. A. B. 337; 
cf, Nike Choer, 179, sq.; or perh, it is=epinyns, round. 

*Ayijc-avBpos, 6, epith. of Pluto, ="AynaiAaos, Hesych. 

aynot-hdos [@y], ov, 6, leader of the people, conductor of mankind, 
epith. of Hades (Pluto), Aesch. Fr. 319; aynoiAews Anth. P. 7. 5453 
Ep. wyyeoiAaos, Nic. ap. Ath. 684 D; poét. also dyeciAas, a, Call. Lav. 
Pall. 130, Anth. P. append. 235 ;—the form d-yeciAaos, cited in E. M,, 
Zonar., etc., is doubtful. II. as pr. n., esp, of the well-known 
Spartan king, “AyyaiAaos Xen. Hell. 3. 3, 4, etc.; but “HynoiAews Id. 
Vect. 3, 7, Dem. 434. 14, as in Hdt. 7. 204., 8. 131, 2; “Aynataas, a, 
Paus. 8. 18,8; poét. “AyeoiAas Critias ap. Plut. Cim. 10, C. I. 2599; 
*AyeiotAas, Inscr, Boeot. in Leake's Northern Gr., no, 37; ef. Ahr. D. 
Aeol, p. 182, sq. " i 


aynoixopos — ayxvdddous. 

dynot-xopos, ov, (d-yéopat, Dor. for iy-) leading the chorus or dance, 
mpooipua, Pind. P, 1. 6. 

GynrHp, jpos, 6, Dor. for Fynrnp. 

dynrés, 7, dv, (dyapar) Ep, form of the later dyaords, admirable, 
wonderful, puiv Kai eidos aynrov “Exropos Il. 22.370; elsewh. in Hom. 
of persons, ¢. acc, rei, 5éuas al eldos dynrds admirable in .., 24. 376, 
ef, Od. 14. 177; €ld0s dynrot wonderful in form only, as a reproach, Il, 
5. 787., 8. 228; eldos dynrh h. Hom. Ap. 198; later c. dat. rei, dy. 
Xpnyaat Solon 5. 3. 

ayhrwp, opos, 6, Dor. for 7yATwp. 

Gyiafw, later form for a@yi{w, Anth. P. append. 339, Lxx, N. T., 
Eccl. ;—in Dion. H. 7. 72, prob. @yvi{ouévav should be restored, cf. 
Fepiayvicayres just above. 

iacpa, aros, 74,=dayaorhpiov, LXx (Amos 7. 15, al.). 
holiness, Ib. (Ps..92. 5). III. the consecrated host, Eccl. 
dyvacpds, 00, 6, consecration, sanctification, Lxx, N.T., Eccl. 

& Hprov, 76, a holy place, sanctuary, LXXx (Lev. 12. 4, al.). 

dyiaoricés, 7, dv, of or for consecration, €datov, etc., Eccl. 

dy.a-épos, ov, =iepapdpos, C. I. 481. 

a-ylyapros, ov, of grapes, etc., without seed or stone, Theophr.C.P. 5.5, 1. 

Gyile, f. Att. 1@, (aos) to hallow, make sacred, Lat. dedicare, esp. by 
burning a sacrifice, @e@ BovOurov éoriay dyi{wv Soph. O. C. 1495 (lyr.); 
témava iytev és gaxrav, a joke tap’ imévoray for és Bwpdy, Ar. Pl, 
681 :—Pass., Bapol warp aycOévres Pind. O. 3. 34; dyoGels C.I. 353. 
18. Cf. év-, xad-ayitw. 

ayivéw, lengthd. Ep. and Ion. form of dyw, used by Hom. and Hat. 
only in pres. and impf. (impf. with or without augm. in Hom., but with- 
out always in Hdt.); inf. pres. dywéwevar Od. 20. 213, Ion, impf. dyi- 
veokov Od. 17. 294 (in Arat. 111, 7yiveokor), cf. kadéoxero, mwAécKeTo: 
f, dywwjow h. Hom. Ap. 57, 249, etc. To lead, bring, carry, 
vippas ..iyiveov Kara aorv Il, 18. 493; pRAov dywel Od. 14. 105 ; 
dyweis alyas pynornpecat 22. 198; ayiveov domeroy vAny Il. 24. 7843 
bapa dyiveoy Hat. 3. 89, cf. 93, 97, etc., cf. dmayiwéw; so, tAOdTOY ay. 
eis dperqv Anth, P. append. 47; Aniddas ay. lead captive, Ap. Rh. 1. 
613 :—Med. to cause to be brought, -yuvatkas és 7d ipdy dywedpevos 
7- 33- . [yylveor Il. 18. 493, is a trisyll.] 

dydypada (sc. BiBAia), 7a, the Sacred Books, i.e. the Poetic Books, 
Which, with the Law and the Prophets, made up the Old Testament, 
Eccl. ; so, dy. 5€Arot Dion. Areop.: v. Suicer. 

Gyorrovéw, fo sanctify, Phot.; from Gyto-rrowés, ov, sanctifying, Eccl. 

Gyto-mpemns, és, befitting the holy, Adv. -3as, Subst. —mpémeva, Eccl. 

Gytos [], a, ov, (@yos or d-yos) devoted to the gods, Lat. sacer, and 
$0, I. in good sense, sacred, holy: 1. of things, esp. 
temples, “Agpodirns ipdy dyov Hdt. 2. 41; ipdy “Hpaxdéos ayov Ib. 
44, cf. Plat. Criti. 116 C, Xen. Hell. 3. 2, 19 ;—in these places the gen. 
is sometimes taken as dependent on a@yov, sacred to Aphrodité, etc., but 
prob. wrongly ; it must be so, however, in Luc. Syr. D. 13 (vndv émt 7d 
xdopar. “Hpns ayov 2ornearo):—generally, @vota, gvyuBdAaca Isocr. 
218 D, Plat.; pyrpdés..éore marpis dywrepov Id. Crito 51 A; Spxos 
dy. Arist. Mir. 57. 1: 7d Gyov, the Temple, Lxx, etc.; Ta &ya Trav 
dyiwv the Holy of Holies, Ib., cf. Ep. Hebr. 9. 3. 2. of persons, 
holy, pious, pure, Ar. Av. 522 (anap.) :—Adv., dyiws nal cepvads éxew 
Isocr. 226 C: freq. in Lxx, N. T., etc. II. in bad sense, ac- 
cursed, execrable, as Lat. sacer, Cratin. Incert. 35, Antiph. Av«, 7, Eust. 
1356. 59.—The word never occurs in Hom. or Hes., and is rare in Att. (v. 
supr.); nor is it ever found in Trag., who use dvds instead, Pors. Med. 752. 

ayvorys, 770s, 7),=dywwotvn, 2 Macc. 15. 2, Ep. Hebr. 12. 10, 

dy.o-pépos, ov, abounding in holiness, Ignat. Eph. 9, Smyrn, in tit. 

dyvopds, od, 6, =évayiopds, an offering to the dead, Diod. 4. 39. 

dyoreia, 4, mostly in pl. holy rites, temple-worship or service, Isocr. 
227 A, Plat. Ax. 371 D, Arist. de Caelo 1. I, 3. II. holiness, 
Strabo 417. 

dyvoretw, to perform sacred rites, Plat. Legg. 759 D:—Pass., doa 
ddd. dyoreverat all other sacred rites, Philo 2. 231. 2. to be 
holy, live piously or chastely, do7ts .. Biordy ay, Kal Oacelera yuxdy 
whoever is pure in life and religious in soul, Eur. Bacch. 74: to be sacred, 
Paus. 6. 20, 2, cf. 8. 13,-I. II. act. to purify, pévov xeipas from 
blood, Orac. ap. Paus. to. 6, 7. 2. to deem holy: Pass., of places, 
Strabo 417, Dion. H. 1. 40. 

GyiaSws, Adv. in sacred manner, Sup. —éorara Philo 1. 675. 

d&ywwowvn, %, holiness, sanctity, LXx (2 Macc. 3. 12), Ep. Rom, 1. 4, etc. 

ayk-, poet. (esp. Ep.) abbrev. for dvax— in compds. of dvd with words 
beginning with x, as dyxeio@at for dvaxeioOa: cf. dyxaer II. 

GyKalopat, (dyxds) Epic Dep. to lift up in the arms, vexpdv amd 
xPovds dyxaCovro Il. 17.722; aor. Hyykaccaro Nonn. D. 7. 318. 

GynaBev, Adv. like dyxds, in the arms, ayx. AaBelv te Aesch. Eum. 
80. II. contr. for dvéxaber, =ava0er, on the top, Aesch. Ag. 
3 (v. Schol. ad 1. c., Hesych., A. B. 337. 25); in this place Herm. inter- 
prets it cubito presso, with bent arm, resting on the arm, since in all other 
cases dyx- stands for dvax-, never for dvex—; but v. Schneidew. Philol. 
3. p. 117 sq.:—in Eum, 369, dvéxader is required by the metre. 

&yKddn [a], %, the bent arm, Hdt., etc. ; év dyxddas Aesch. Ag. 723, 
Supp. 481, Eur-; proverb., év rais dyn. wepipépev ruvd Xen. Cyr. 7. 
5, 50; also without év, dyxaAas exe, mepupéepew Eur. I. T. 289, Or. 
464; also, én’ dyrddas Aafeiy Id. Ion 7615; és ayn. Ib. 1598; mpos 
dynddras teceiv Ib. 962; bm dyxddats oradels Id. Andr. 747 ;—rarely 
in sing., pépew ev ry ayeddy Hat. 6. 61, cf. Timocl. in Com, Fr. 3. p. 
96. II. metaph. anything closely enfolding, werpaia dyxddn 
Aesch, Pr. 1019; mévriae dyedAae corners, arms of the sea, Id. Cho. 587, 


cf, Eur, Or. 1378; meAaryios év. dyxddas, Nausicr, Nave, 1; sempre | 

. ae 



év dynddaus Ar. Ran. 7043 even of the air, yy ..€xov6’ iryputs ey dye. 
Eur. Fr. 935; cf. dyxoivn. (For the Root, v. dykos.) perce 

GyKGA-aywyéo, to carry a bundle, Paus. ap. Eust, 1283. 42. 

dyKihB-aywyés, dv, carrying an armful or bundle: of beasts of burden, 
dyKarsdnpdpos, —popéw being used of men, Poll. 7. 109, Eust. 1283. 43. 

yeidtfopar, Dep.,=dyxaCopa, Saris Kandy rovodrov dyKadlCerat 

Simon, Iamb. 7.77; aor. med., els rpupepds yxadioacbe xépas Mel. in 
Anth, P. 12. 122, cf. Manetho 1. 45; pf. xepoiv elSwAov tyyeadiapevos 
Lyc. 142, cf. dmaryeaditw:—but dykadsfouevos in pass, sense, Aesop. 
306 (Halm.) - 

GykéAls, 7}, in pl.=dyxddat, arms, Ep. dat. pl. dyxadldecow Il. 18. 
555+ 22.503; i dyxadlow C. I. (add.) 1907 bb. 2. an armful, Ni- 
costr. Sup. 3, Plut. Rom. 8. II.=6péravov, Macedon. word, 
Hesych., Joseph. A. J. 5. I, 2. : 

dyxdhiopa, aos, 76, that which is embraced or carried in the arms, 
Luc. Amor, 14; cf. dmayxdAucya. II. an embrace, Lyc. 308. 

dykahos, 6, an armful, bundle, h. Hom. Merc. 82. 

dykds [ds], Adv. into or in the arms, éxe 8 dyxds dxourw Il. 14. 353, 
cf, Theocr. 8. 55, Ap. Rh. 1. 276; yds éuapmre Ib. 346; dyxas 
erdfero Ovyarépa Fy Il. 5. 371; Tpémw dynds Eddy veds Od. 7. 252; 
dykds 8 ddAfAov AaBérny (of wrestlers) Il. 23. 711: cf. dyxaber. 
(Prob. for dyxa¢e, from dyn = ayxdan.) 

ayKh, %,=ayeddrn (cf. xéyxn=KoyxvAn), Coraés Heliod. 2. 113, 
372 :—a metapl. dat. pl. dyxdorv occurs in Opp. H. 2. 315. 

dyxtov, 76, Dim, of dyxos, prob. |. for dyyetous Arist. H. A. 8. 16, 2. 

dyxvorpela, 7), angling, Plat. Legg. 823 D, 

aykurrpeutixés, 7, dv, of or for angling: 1d -Kév, angling, like d-yxi- 
orpela, Plat. Soph. 220 D. 

dyKuotpeva, f. evow, (dyxiarpov) to angle for, entice, Aristaen. I, 5 :— 
so also Med., Philo 2. 265, 316, etc. 

dyxtotpuov, 74, Dim. of ayxtorpov, Theocr. 21. 57. 

dyxiotpé-Beros, ov, bound with a hook, dévat Anth. P. 6. 27. 

dyKvorpo-edys, és, or -GBys, €s, hook-shaped, barbed, Polyb. 34. 35 5, 
Diod. 5. 34, Strabo 24, al.; dd rav dyn. dorpoy (drépav Heeren) Stob. 
Ecl. Phys. I. 22. : 

dyKurtpov, 75, (dykos) a fish-hook, Od. 4. 369, Hat. 2. 70, etc.: the 
hook of a spindle, Plat. Rep. 616 C. 

dyxtorpéopat, Pass., to be furnished with barbs, Plut. Crass. 25, 
to be caught by a hook, Synes. Ep. 4; tyyxtarpwpévos 1é0y Lyc. 67. 

dykuorrpo-rr@dys, ov, 6, a seller of fish-hooks, Poll. 7. 198. 

ayxiorpo-payos, oy, (piiyeiv) biting the hook, Arist. H. A. 9. 37, 13. 

dykurtpadns, es, v. sub dyxcaTpoedijs. 

dyxuotpwrds, 7, dv, verb. Adj. barbed, Polyb. 6. 23, To. 

dykAdptov, 74, seems to be Dor. for dvaxAnpiov, an apportionment (?), 
C. I. 2562. 13. 

dykAive, and dyxAipa, 76, post. for dvaxk—. . 

dyKotvn, %, (dyxos) poét. for dyxdAn, dyxwv, the bent arm, used 
only in pl, Zqgvos..év dyxotvnow iaves Il. 14. 213, Od. 11. 261, 
etc. II. metaph. anything closely enfolding, év US se 
pytpidow Anth. P. 9. 398, Opp. H. 3. 34. 

dyKoviw, v. 1. for éyx-, Ar. Lys. 1311, as if from dvaxoviw =éyxovéw, 

Gy«os, eos, 76, properly a bend or hollow: hence a mountain glen, 
dell, valley, I. 20. 490, Od. 4. 337, Hes. Op. 387. Hat. 6. 74, etc.; 
in Trag. only in Eur. Bacch. 1051. (From 4/. come also ayn, 
dyndan, aykdy, aynoivn, ayKtdn, dynvdos, dyKarpov, ayxupa, dyKos ; 
cf. Skt. ak, aitkami (curvo), akas (sinus); Lat. ancus, uncus, angulus, 
ungulus ; Goth. hals-agga (neck); O. H. G. angul, etc.) 

dykpepawupt, dykpiois, dykpotéw, dykpovopat, poet. for dvaxp-. 

dykrap, Fpos, 6, (dyxw) an instrument for ee wounds, Lat. fibula, 
Plut. 2. 468 C, Galen—Hence dykrypidtw or -(fw, to bind with an 
dyxrnp, and &yxTnpiacpés, 6, Galen. 

dykvAgopar, Dep. to hurl like a javelin, Lat. torquere jaculum, "Epms 
Kepauvoy ayyxvAnpevos ap. Ath. 534 E;—in Poll., &y«vAtfopar. 

dykvAn [v], 9, (dyeos) properly, like dyxdAn, the bend of the arm or 
wrist, dm d-ytAns tévat, a phrase descriptive of the way in which the 
cottabus was thrown, Bacchyl. Fr. 24; dm’ dyxvAns (not Adrayas Cratin, 
Incert. 16, ubi v. Meineke (hence came the sense of a cup, given by Ath. 
667 C and Eust.). 2. a joint bent and stiffened by disease, Paul. Aeg., 
etc., v. Poll. 4. 196 :—also dyxvAn, dyevAat, or &yKuA6yAwooov 7a80s, a 
similar disease of the tongue, Aét. 6. 29. II. a loop or noose in a 
cord, mAexras ayxvAas Eur. I. T. 1408 ; in the leash of a hound, Xen,Cyn. 
6, 1, cf. Poll. 5. 54, 56. 2. the thong of a javelin, by which it was 
hurled, Lat. amentum, Strabo 196: hence the javelin itself, Eur. Or. 1476, 
cf. C. I. 2099 4, Plut. Philop. 6, and v. dyxvAdopat, dyxvAnrés. 3. 
a bow-string, dyx. xpuadatpopor Soph. O, T. 203. 4. dyxdrdn 
Ths éuBdados, a sandal-thong, Alex. “Ax. 2. 5. the looped handle of 
a vase, cited from Hipp. 

ayktAntos, 7, dv, verb. Adj. of dyxvdéopat, thrown from the bent arm, 


“i II. as Subst., dyavAnrév, 76, a javelin, Id. Fr. 14. 
dykiAswrds, dv, having a loop for a handle (dyxtdn 111), Galen, 
aykvAvov, 75, Dim. of dyxvAn, a ring of archain, A. B. 329, Suid. IT. 
7a dykvAua, the Roman ancilia, Plut. Num. 13. 
dys, (50s, 4, a hook, barb, Opp. C, 1. 155. : 
&yKvAo-Bréhapos, 6, also -ov, 74, a cohesion of the eyelids, Paul. Aeg. 
6. 15:—as Adj. in Cels. 7. 7. 
dyKvA6-Bovdos, ov, crafty, Tzetz. Hom. 144, Posth. 84, 630. 
dykvAo-yAaxwy, Tvos, of a cock, with hooked spurs, Babr. 17. 3. 
dyxtA6-Serpos, ov, crook-necked, Opp. H. 4. 630. ; 
, GyKvA-d5ous, ovros, 6, %, crook-toothed, of a scimitar, Q. Sm. 6. 218; 



a ¢- 5 

of the cottabus, Aesch, Fr. 178 (as emended by Dobree); cf. dyxvAy I. 

en aelle 


. Epich, ap. Hesych. 

dy, xadwoi, of anchors, Nonn. D. 3. 50. 
6. 176. 

GyKvAoes, ecoa, ev, post. for dyxvAos, Nonn. D. 6. 21. i 
GykuoKotéw, to hamstring, Jo. Aegaeates in Rev. Archéol, 3). 
26. 403; v. Casaub. ad Ar, Eq. 262. 5 
GYKUAS-KUKAOs, ov, curved in spires, of a dragon’s tail, Nonn, D, 
GyKUAS-Kwdos, ov, crook-limbed, Archestr. ap. Ath, 320 A. 

secre, 3}, @ curved probe, Erot., Galen. 




O-LATHS, ov, 6, 7), (iris) crooked of counsel, regular epith. 
Kpovos, Il. 2, 205, Od. 21. 415, al., Hes. Th. 19; of Prometheus, Ib. 

na Hee 
Tis, cos, 6, %,=foreg., Nonn., v. 1. in Hom, and Hes. — 
eas xcvs, 6, 4, wovv, 76, ake modos, with bent legs, dyke. Blpos, 
the Rom, sella curulis, Plut. Mar. 5. 

GyKUAS-pivos, ov, hook-nosed, Malal. 106. 7. 

aykvAos [0], 7, ov, (dykos) crooked, curved, rounded, réga Il. 5. 209, 
Od. 21. 264, etc.; dpya Il. 6.39; of the eagle, d-yxtAov xapa his beaked 
head, Pind. P. 1.15; of greedy fingers, hooked, Ar. Eq. 205 ; of the move- 
ment of a snake, d. éptwy Dion. P. 123. II. i. ¥, 
of style, crooked, intricate, Luc. Bis Acc. 21; épuorieds kal dye. THY 
yA@ocav catchy, Alciphro 3. 64: but in good sense, terse, periodic, like 
orpoyyvdos, Dion, H. de Thuc. 25 ;—so Adv. —Aws, Ib, 31. 2, of 
character, wily, crafty, Lyc. 344. - 

&yKUA6-roEOs, ov, with crooked bow, Il. 2. 848., Io. 428, Pind, P, 1. 151. 
GyKiAS-hpav, 6, 7}, =dyxvdopHrns, Nicet. Eug. 8. 194. ' 
dykvdo-xetAns, ov, 5, (xeiAos) with hooked beak, alerds Od. 19. 538; 
aiyumol Il, 16, 428, Hes, Sc. 405, v. sq. 

dyKivAo-x Ams, ov, 6, (xnAH) with crooked claws, Batr. 295; in Ar. Eq. 
197 Cleon is called Bupoaieros dyxvAoxetAns; but the interpr. of the 
Schol., 6 ém«apmeis rds xeipas Eywy, shews that he read —xrns. 
dykihow, f. wrw, to crook, hook, bend, riv xXéipa, as in throwing the 
cottabus, Plat. Com. Zevs 1, cf. Meineke 5. p. 44:—Pass., dvuxas 
Wyyxvhopeévos with crooked claws, Ar, Ay. 1180. 

ayKvrAGvut, uxos, 5, 4, with crooked claws, Nic. Eug. 5. 214. 
aykvAwors, 7), as medic. term, anchylosis, a stiffening of the joints, Paul. 
Aeg.; or, of the eyelids, Galen. ‘ : 
dyktdwrés, 4, dv, verb. Adj., of javelins, furnished with an dyxiAn 
(signf. 11. 2), ready for throwing, oroxaopara Eur. Bacch, 1205. 
GyKipa, 7, Lat. ancéra, an anchor, first in Aleae. 18. 9, Theogn. 459, 
for in Hom. we hear only of edvat; Bdddcobat, vat, 
pebrévan, ddrévat to cast anchor, Pind, I. 5. 18, Hdt. 7: 36, Aesch. Cho. 
662, Xen. An. 3. 5, 10; dyx. aipew, aipesBar to weigh anchor, Plut. 
Pomp. 50, 80; dvapefo@a: Anth. P. 10. 1; ém dyeuptow éxew tas 
véeas Hdt. 6.12; dputcew Thuc. 7. 59; em dyxdpas dppeto@at, aro- 
oadevew to ride at anchor, Hdt. 7. Ba Dem. re» ta oa 
1071 ;—proverb., dya@ai méAovT’ .. 5’ ayxupac ‘tis we 
strings Ri your rat Pind. O. 6. 173; so, emt dvoiv dyedpaw dpyeiv 
avrovs édre Dem. 1295, fin.; dyxupa d Ff pov ras TIxas dxet povy Eur. 
Hel. 277, cf. dxéw 1. 1; ént rips aris (sc. dyedpas) dppety Tots ToAAoIs, 
i.e, ‘to be in the same boat’ with the many, Dem, 319. 8; «lod pyrpi 
maides dyxvpar Biov Soph. Fr. 612; olxev a@yxupa, of a son, Eur. Hec. 
80; for iepd dyx., of one’s last hope, v. éepds TI. I. II. gener- 
ally, any hook, for pruning, Theophr. C. P. 3. 2, 2- III. =aidoioy, 
(For the oe v. ayos.) 

ayKipnBorrov, 7d, v. s. dryey; - ‘ 

ayKopl @, f. Att. 1, (dyeupa) in Ar. Eq, 262, dadaBaw aaesnoes 
having taken him by the waist you threw him by the nary a e. by 
hooking your leg behind his knee; so, dyxuploas Eppngev Eupo ° ag. 
something like it is described in e cae Il. 23. 731:—hene 
ayn 76, Schol. Ar. 1, c., Hesyc! ; 

yreipiov, 74, Dim. of dripa, Lee. ene 1. TL. dyxipia (sc. 

meigpara), Ta, anchor-cables, Diod. 14. 
aes Aéw, to secure ty eee an eh se generally, to hook fast 
in, fasten securely, iyyxupoB ‘at Hipp. 

gon o-Béhvov, sy pases Strabo 159, Democr. ap. Plut. 2. 
17 A, with v. 1. dyxupyB-. 

oil nS, 45 chor ohana a 3 Ze 

& , , a hind of probe, Hipp. ap. . 

raat (x) a pie by the anchor, ¢v dyxupouxias when 
‘at anchor, Aesch. Suppl. 766. , 
Seetipectin, 9, ov, TewAdi as if from dynupbe, bent like s cael 
Philo in Math. Vett. 85 D. II. secured as by an anchor, > jp" 
dyyecov, Gvos, 6, the bend of the arm, and so, like Att. dAévy, the elbow, 


pepey 8 én dyxdvos Il. 10. 80; H, Kad ex’ dykdvos Kepadiyy oxéOev 

I ; dyxava tvxdv péoor (the man had turned his back before 

he was it, ny 582, cf. 20. 479; dyedve virrew to nudge, Pe 14. 
485, cf, Plat. Amat. 132 B; xporeiy rois dyn@ow Tas meupas _ 
1259. 22: proverb., dyx@v dropirrecdar Bion. ap. Diog. L. 4. 46; 
én’ Geyneavos bemveiv cubito nixus, of the attitude at meals, Luc. arias " 
6. 2. generally the arm, like d-yeadn, dyxolvn, vinas éy dyKaveoot 
airvey Pind. N. 5.76; és 8 bypov dyndva . .poorriacerat Soph. ae. 
1237, etc. 3. the bend’ in animals’ legs, Xen. Cyn. + I. aes 
any nook ot bend, as the jutting angle of a wall, dyed 7 ixeos 
Il. 16. 702, cf. Hdt. 1. 180; _ bend or So pega - 

in Soph. Aj. 805, seem to stern I 

pee ronan near ihe wath of the Simois; also ¢he jutting land which 
a bay, Strab, 580; dyxdves miOdpas the ribs which support the 

‘horns of the cithara, Ath. 637 C, Hesych. IIT. the proverb yAvxis 
a is used Kar’ dvrlppacty of a difficulty, Plat. Phaedr. 257 D, Ath. 

are said to be derived from a long bend or reach in the mile, | 

Paroemiogr., Interpp. ad ll. c.; in Plat. Com. #4. 4, however yAveis 
| dyedy seems to be=mapayxddicya, a thing to be embraced, treasure. 

(For the Root, v. dykos.) 

Gykwviokos, 6, Dim. of dyxwy, Hero Spir. 228, Lxx; -foxvov, 7d, 
Hero Spir. 229. 

aykwvicpds, of, 6, a bending, reach, of an estuary, Eust. 1712. 29. 

GyKkovo-cdys, és, curve-shaped, curved, Bito Mech. 110. 

ayAa-epos, ov, bright-haired, h. Hom. 18. 5. 

éyAata, Ion. ty, %, (dyAads) splendour, beauty, adornment, of any- 
thing splendid or showy, as opp. to what is useful, «05ds re wal dyA. 
kat dvecap Od. 15. 78; dyAainge wero0as (Ep. dat.) Il. 6. 510; of 
Penelope's personal appearance, Od. 18. 180: in bad sense, pomp, show, 
vanity, dyAains évexev xopéew xvas 17. 310; and in pl. vanities, 17. 
44, Eur. El. 175. 2, festive joy, triumph, glory, Pind. O. 13. 18, 
ete.; pydé mor dyAaias drovaiaro Soph. El. 211: in pl, festivities, 
merriment, Hes. Sc. 272, 285.—The word is poét., and in Trag. only 
found in lyr. passages, but occurs in Xen. Eq. 5, 8, Ael. N. A. 10. 13, etc. 

dyhaito, Hipp. 666. 45, Aecl.: f. Att. dyAai® (é7-) Ar. Eccl. 575: 
aor. #7yAdioa Theocr. Ep. 1. 4, Anth., etc., (@7-) Ar. Fr. 548:—Pass., 
y. infr, (dyAads). To make bright or splendid, glorify, honour, 
Gavaras jyAdioey xapiow Epitaph. in C. I. 2439, cf. Plut. 2. 965 C, 
Ael. N. A. 8. 28. 2. to give as an ornament or honour, aol, Baxxe, 
qavbe povoay dydaifopey Carm. Pop. 8 (in Bgk. Lyr. Gr.), cf. Theocr. 
1, c—But II. earlier only in Med. and Pass. to adorn oneself 
or be adorned with a thing, take delight in, o€ gnu divapmepes dyAai- 
ea8at (sc. iors) Il. 10. 331 (this fut. is the only form in Hom., even 
of compds.); dams roovros Ovpdy dydat{erar Simon, Iamb. 7. 70; 
dyAaifer@ar povorxds év dur Pind. O. 1. 22; comically, €Aaiw pd- 
avos iyyAaiopévn Ephipp. np. 2. IIT. in Antiph. Incert. 37, 
Pors. restored émnyAaiter’ for #yAdifey (intr.); but Hesych. cites 
dyAat(er* OdAAe.—Never used in Trag. or good Att. Prose. 

GyAdiopa, 75, an ornament, honour, Aesch. Ag. 1312; 7d untpds aya. 
Eur. Hel. 11, cf. 282; of the hair of Orestes placed as an offering on his 
father's tomb, Aesch. Cho. 193, Soph. El. go8, cf. Eur. El. 325; of 
a sarcophagus, Epigr. Gr. 325.—Poét. word, used in late Prose, as dyA. 
uray, of the rose, Ach. Tat. 2.1. 

dyAaiopés, 6, an adorning, an ornament, pnuarov Plat. Ax, 369 D. 

ayhaiorés, 7, dv, also ds, dv, verb, Adj. of d-yAat(w, adorned, Hesych.; 
ayhaiaros xupa Jo. Chr. 7. 313. 

dyhaé-Borpus, v, gen. vos, with splendid bunches, Nonn. D. 18. 4 

&yha6é-yuros, ov, beautiful-limbed, “HBa Pind. N. 7. 6. 

Gyha6-SevBpos, ov, with beautiful trees, Pind. O. 9. 32. 

GyAa6-Swpos, ov, with or bestowing splendid gifts, Anufrnp h. Hom. 
Cer. 54, 192, 492. 

dyAao-epyés, dv, (Epyov) ennobled by works, Maxim. 7. xar. 68. 

Gya6-Opovos, ov, with splendid throne, bright-throned, Motoa Pind. 
O. 13. 136; also in N. to. 1, with v. 1. dyAaé-QaKos. 

GyAad0ip0s, ov, noble-hearted, Anth. P. 15. 40, 25. 

GyAa6-Kapmos, ov, bearing beautiful or goodly fruit, of fruit-trees, 
pyréat aya. Od. 7. 115., 11. 589; dyA. SueAla Pind. Fr. 83.—And so 
in h. Hom. Cer. 4, 23, where it is an epith. of Demeter and the Nymphs, 
as givers of the fruits of the earth; and in Pind, N. 3. 97, of Thetis, as 
blessing the fruit of woman’s womb, vy. Bockh ad 1. (56). 

GyAad-Koupos, ov, rich in fair youths, Képwos Pind. O. 13. 5. 

GyAaé-Kwpos, ov, giving splendour to the feast, pavh Pind, O. 3. 10. 

dyhao-pedns, és, brightly smiling, “Epws Poéta Lyr. ap. Jo. Lyd. de 
Ostent. p. 282 ;—restored by Meineke for the vulg. d-yaApoedns. 

Gyha6-pnris, os, 6, %, of rare wisdom, Tryph, 183. 
ae st pepdos, ov, of beauteous form, Inscr. Vet. in C. I. 38, cf. Anth, 

- 9. 524, al. 

dyha6-trats, 5, 1}, rich in fair children, Opp. H. 2. 41, Epigr. Gr. 896. 

dyha6-memos, ov, beautifully veiled, Q. Sm. 11. 240. 

dya6-mnxus, ¥, gen. €0s, with beautiful arms, Nonn. D. 32. 80. 

dyAa6-moros, ov, splendidly faithful, Hesych. 

&yAa0-roéw, to make famous, Hermap. ap. Ammian. 

dyhab-rupyos, ov, with stately towers, Tzetz. Hom. 417. 

dyhads, 7, dv, also ds, dy Theogn. 985, Eur. Andr. 135 :—splendid, 
shining, bright, often as epith. of beautiful objects, dyA. t5wp Il. 2. 307, 
etc.; yuia 19. 385 ; pnpia Hes, Op. 3353 9Bns dyAadv dvOos Tyrt. 10, 
28, cf. Theogn. lc.; of the sun, Emped. 172: then generally, splendid, 
beautiful, dmowa Ul. 1. 23; dpa Ib. 213, etc. ; épya Od. 10. 223; 
adoos Il. 2. 506; so also in Pind., ete. IL. of men, either beau- 
tiful or famous, noble, Il. 2, 736, 826, etc.; c. dat, rei, famous for a 
thing, xépa dyAads sarcastically, Il. x1. 385.—It is an old Ep. and Lyr. 
word, being only found twice in Trag., in lyr. passages, dyAads @7Bas 
Soph. O, T, 152 ; Nypidos dyAadv é5pay Eur. |. c.; but it occurs in late 
poetry, ¢. g. Theocr, 28, 3, and the Adv, dyAads in Ar, Lys. 640: cf. 
the derivs. dyAaitw, dyAdioua, dyAawy, (Akin perhaps to dyaAAw.) 
[ayAtios, and so in compds, ] 

Gyhas-reueros, ov, splendidly built, Or. Sib. 14. 125. 

dyas-ripos, ov, splendidly honoured, often in Orph. 
pAvrao-rplatvys, ov, 4, he of the bright trident, a name of Poseidon, 

mu 0.1, 64, in ace, "AyAaorplawiy, cf. Béckh. praef. p. 39. 

at ao-havijs, és, of bright appearance, Eccl. 

iVAao-baphs, és, in splendid robe, Or. Sib. 3. 454. 
inseee €s, splendidly shining, Maxim. 7. «at. 189, Or. Sib. 

Per si ov, of splendid fame, Orph. H. 30. 4. 

a FOS, ov, one who ‘ walks in beauty,’ Maxim. 7. Kar. 402. 

re AO-hopros, ov, proud of one’s burden, Nonn. D, 7. 253. 

, , mM” 
ayaopurevtos — ayvupt. 

Aao-ptrevtos, ov, beautifully planted, ddoos Manass. Chron,-4260. 

“Gyha6é-devos, ov, with a splendid voice, Procl. h, Mus, 2. 

dyAao-pars, .50s, %, the peony, =yAveuoldy, Acl. N. A. 14. 24. 

dyhavpos, ov, =dyAads, Nic. Th. 62, 441. II. “AyAaupos, 4, a 
daughter of Cecrops, worshipped on the Acropolis at Athens, Hat. 8. 53, 2. 

é-yAapipws, Adv. without polish, inelegantly, Ath. 431 D. 

a Wp, Bros, 6, }, bright-eyed, beaming, reden Soph. O. T. 214 (lyr.). 

dyheunis, és, (yAedos) not sweet, sour, harsh, Xen. ap. Suid., whence 
Zeune has received it (in comp.) for d-yAv«ts in Hier, 1, 21, and restored 
it for drepés and dxAeéorarov in Occ. 8, 3 and 4; opp. to yAvxds 
Arist. Probl. 4.12, 1; olvos Luc. Lexiph. 6; cf. Lob. Phryn. 536 :— 
metaph. of the style of Thucyd. harsh, crabbed, Hermog.—In Nic. Al, 
171, dyAevk} @4Aacoay should prob. be read for d-yAedunv. 
d-y\nvos, ov, without yin, i.e. blind, Nonn. Jo. 9. v. 6. 
ate gen. dyAi#os, not so well dyAiMos (Dind. Ar. Ach. 763), 4 :— 
only used in pl.,a@ head of garlic, which is made up of several cloves, 
Ar. I. c., Vesp. 680: cf. yéAyis. 

d-yuoxpos, ov, not sticky, Hipp. 77 D, Theophr. C. P. 6. 11, 16. 

a-yAvins, és, = dyAevens, q. v., Theophr. C. P. 6. 16, 2. 

ios, ov, unhewn, Schol. Soph. O. C. 101. 

dyhoooia, Att. -rria, 4, want of eloquence, Eur. Fr. 57. 

a-yAwoos, Att. —rros, ov, without tongue, of the crocodile, Arist. Part. 
An. 4. 11, 2; ofa flute (cf. yA@ooa m1. 1), Poll. 2. 108 :—Adv. —rws Id. 
6. 145. II. tongueless, ineloquent, Lat. elinguis, Pind. N. 8. 4I, 
Ar. Fr. 570, Anth., etc. 2.=BapBapos ; 006 “EAAds (="EAAnv) 
ovr’ dyAwooos Soph. Tr. 1060. 

Gypa, 76, (dyvups, aya) a fragment, Plut. Philop. 6. 

dypés, 5, (Gyvum) a breakage, fracture of a bone, wept dypar title of 
a treatise by Hipp. II. a broken cliff, crag, Eur. 1. T. 263 ; in 
pl., Id. Bacch. 1094, Nic. Al. 391. 

d-yvapmros, ov, unbending, inflexible, Orph. Lith. 27 ; 7d mpds Adovds 
..@yvapnroy Plut. Cato Mi. r1, cf. Anth. Plan. 4. 278 :—in Aesch. Pr, 
163, the metre requires a short penult.; Dind. suggests dyvapor, citing 
Hesych. dkavOov (|. dyvagov)* ayvaprrov. . 

d-yvamros, ov, of cloth, not fulled or carded, and so, new, Plut. 2. 
691 D. II. not cleansed, unwashen, Ib. 169 C. 

dyvi.dos, ov, (yvdnrw) =foreg., Ev. Matth. 9. 16, Marc. 2. 21. 

Gyveta, 7, (dyvevw) purity, chastity, Soph. O. T. 864 (lyr.), Anth. P. 
append. 99, N. T.; r&v Oe@v Antipho 116. 11. II. strict ob- 
servance of religious duties, Plat. Legg. gog E, etc. :—in pl. purifications, 
Isocr, 225 D, Pseudo-Phoc. 215, Joseph. B. J. prooem. ro. 

ayveupa, 76, (dyvetw) chaste conduct, chastity, Eur. Tro. 501. 

Gyveuriptov, 74, a place of purification, A. B. 267. 9, Eccl. 

Gyveutixés, 4, dv, preserving chastity, opp. to dppodiotacrinés Arist. 
HAL Y..20402 II. act. purificatory, 7d ayy. a sin-offering, 
Philo 2. 206, 

Gyvettpia, %, a female purifier, Gloss. 

Gyvevw, f. evow: pf. #yvevea Dem. |. citand. To consider as part 
of purity, make it a point of religion, c. inf., dyvetovar Eupuxov pndev 
reiveww Hdt. 1.140: absol. to be pure, SpviBos bpus mas dy dyveton 
paywy; Aesch. Supp. 226, cf. Plat. Legg. 837 C; c. acc. rei, xetpas 
ayveve Eur, 1. T. 1227; dyvedoy Ovew Lys, 107. 39; dyvevers er 
Alex. "Ameya. 1. 6: to keep oneself pure from, twés Dem. 618. 
Io. II. act.=dyviw, to purify, Lat. lustrare, Antipho 119. 11. 

Gyvedyv, Ovos, 6, a place of purity, per antiphr. for a brothel, Clearch, 
ap. Ath. 515 F. 

Gyvifw: f. Att. 1@: (dyvés). To make pure, to purify, cleanse away, 
esp. by water (7d mip KaOaipea.., rd Hdwp dyvicer Plut. 2. 263 E), 
Avjas) dyvioas éua Soph. Aj. 655; ri Twos, xépas ods dyvioas pudo- 
varos Eur. H.F. 1324; freq. in Lxx, N, T. :—late also in Med., but cf. 
dparyvicu, II. dyv. tov Oavdvra to hallow the dead by fire, so 
that he may be received with favour by the gods below, Soph. Ant. 545, 
cf. Diphil. Incert. 3. 1 :—Pass., owpad’ HyvicGy mupi Eur, Supp. 1211: 
hence 2. to burn up, destroy, Soph. Fr. rig. 

dyvos, a, ov, made of d-yvos or withy, Plut. 2. 693 F. 

dyvopa, 74, a purification, expiation, parpGov ayv. pévou, of Orestes, 
Aesch. Eum, 325 (lyr.); also in Lxx. 

Gyviopds, }, purification, expiation, dy. moeic@a Dion. H. 3. 22; 
Tois ayv. Tois mpd* T&v Oecpopopiav C. 1. 3562; ayy. 7@ vdare LXx 
(Num. 6. 3). 

dyvuoréos, a, ov, verb, Adj. to be purified, Eur. I. T. 1199. 

& yptov, 76, a means of purifying (cf. weptppayvtjpiov), Hero 219. 
dyworns, ov, 6, a purifier, like dyvirns, Gloss. 

dynorikés, 7, dv, (dyvi(w) =dyveurixds 11, Bust. 43. 6. 

dyvirgs [7], ov, 6, (dyvitw) a purifier, Oeot dyvirar Poll. 1. 
24. II. one who requires purification, like ixérns, Hesych., 
A. B. 338 (ubi ayirns). 

dyvoéw, Ep. dyvoréw, 3 sing. subj. dyvoujor Od. 24. 218: impf. 
jyyvoour Isocr., etc.: fut. dyvonow Bacchyl. 31, Isocr. 285 C, Dem. 885. 
2., 1266. 19: aor. #yyvénoa Aesch, Eum. 134, Thuc., ete., Ep. jyvoinea 
Il. 2. 807, Hes. Th., also Ep. contr, 3 sing. dyvwaaoxe Od. 23. 95: pf. 
ayvonka Plat. Soph, 221 D, Alex. Amoxomr. i :—Pass., fut. (of med. 
form) dyvoncopat, v. infr.; dyvonOpaopat v.1. Luc. J. Trag. 5: aor. 
Wyvonony, v. infr.: pf. yyvdnpuar Isocr. Antid. § 182, Plat. (This Verb 
implies a form d~yvoos =ayvws 11; for it cannot be compd. of a— priv., 
voéw, cf, a—I, fin. For the Root, y. sub yeyvwonw.) Not to perceive 
or know, Lat. ignorare; Hom., almost always in Ep. aor., dvip’ d-yvoinaao™ 
badd from not recognising him, Od. 20. 15, cf. Thuc. 2. 49, Plat. Phaedr. 
228 A; but mostly with negat., od jyvoincey he perceived or knew 

well (vy, supr.); pydiv dyvde learn all, Eur. Andr, Soc Coren J 

Le Sz 
mostly c, acc. to be ignorant of, Hat. 4. 156, Soph. Tr. 78, Plat.; éavrods 
ayy. to forget their former selves, Dem. 151.7; Thy wéAus ay. not to 
discern public opinion, Id. 413. 11, etc.; also mept tivos Plat, Phaedr, 
277 D3; also c. gen. pers. added, dyvooiyres dAAHAY 8 Te A€-yomer 
Plat. Gorg. 517 C :—dependent clauses are added in part., ris. , d-yvoet 
Tov éxeibev médenov dedpo Hfovra ; Dem. I 3.173 or with a Conjunct., 
ovdels d-yvoet br... , Id. 565. 8, etc.; dyvodv ei... Xen. An. 6. 5, 12— 
Pass. not to be known, Plat. Euthyphro 4 A, Hipp. Ma. 294 D, ete. ; 
dyvoodpeva bry ..dyabd éore Id. Rep. 506 A; tyyvohabae fdpracw 
bre. . Id. Legg. 797 A; imedduBavoy dyvohcecbat they expected shat 
they should escape notice, Dem. 310. 7; kaipdv ob mapebévra ovd" dy- 
vonbévra Id. 326, 25, ef. Isocr. Antid. l.c.; 7d jyvonuéva unknown 
parts, Arr. An. 7.1, 4. II. absol. to go wrong, make a false 
step, first in Antipho 134. 30, Isocr. 167 C; part. dyvody ignorantly, by 
mistake, Andoc. 29. 28, Xen. An, 7. 3, 38, Arist.: in moral sense, fo be 
ignorant of what is right, to act amiss, Polyb. 5. 11, 5, cf. Ep. Hebr. 5. 2. 

dyvénpa, 7d, a fault of ignorance, oversight, ayy. érepov mpocayvoeiv 
Theophr. H. P. 9. 4, 8, cf. Lxx, N.T. 

dyvonréov, verb. Adj., with negat., ob« dyv. one must not fail to remark, 
Diosc. prooem. 1, Philo. 

dyvontixés, 7, dv, mistaken, ra d. mparrew Arist, Eth. E. 7. 13, 3- 

dyvoul, 7%, (v. sub yeyvconw) want of perception, ignorance, ayvoia 
Aesch. Ag. 1596 ; dyvoias tro Supp. 499; fv im’ dyvolas dpas whom 
seeing you pretend not to know, Soph. Tr. 419; dyvolg é¢apaprévew 
Xen. Cyr. 3. 1, 38, cf. Thuc. 8. 92, 11, Ar. Ay. 577, Dem. :—in logic, 
% Tod EXéyxou dyv., ignoratio elenchi, ignorance of the conditions of a 
valid proof, Arist. Soph. Elench. 4, 10, cf. 5, 5-6. II. =dyvénua, 
a mistake, Dem. 271. 15., 1472.5. [In Poets sometimes dyvoid, Soph. 
Tr. 350, Ph. 129; and this is old Att., acc. to Ael. Dion. ap. Eust. 
1579. 29, cf. Moer. 191, Lob, Phryn. 494. Cf. dvora.] 

ayvoréw, Ep. for dyvoéw. 

dyvoowrws, Adv. of dyvoéw, ignorantly, Arist. Top. 2. 9, 4. 
Gyvo-rovds, dv, making pure, Eccl. 

Gyvo-médos, ov, (roAgw) pure, Anuhrnp Orph. H. 18, 12. 
act. making pure, Id. Arg. 38. 

Gyvi-pirros, ov, pure-flowing, morapds Aesch. Pr. 435 (lyr.): post. form. 

ayvés, 9, dv, (ayos) full of ayos or religious awe, Hom, (only in Od.), 
etc. : I. of places and things dedicated to gods, hallowed, holy, 
sacred, éoprh Od. 21. 259; of frankincense, dyv?) 6544 Kenophan. 1. 7 
Bgk.; dAgos h. Hom. Merc. 187, Pind. ; répevos Id. P. 4. 363; #dwp Id. 
I. 6. 109 ; mupds dyvdrarar waryai Id. P. 1. 41; aiOnp Aesch, Pr. 281; 
dos, Aourpév Soph. El. 86, Ant. 1201; @dpara Id. Tr. 287; xpyorH- 
pia Eur. Ion 243, etc.; x@pov ob dyvoy mareiy a spot not holy to 
tread on, Soph. O. C. 37. 2. of divine persons, chaste, pure, Hom., 
mostly of Artemis, xpuad@povos “A. dyvh Od. 5.123, cf. 18. 202, al. ; 
also, d. Mepcepdvera 18. 202, cf. h. Cer. 337, 439; of Demeter, h. Cer. 
203; dyval Gea, of Demeter and Persephoné, C. I. 5431, 56433; of 
other gods, as Apollo, Pind. P. 9.112; Zeus, Aesch, Supp. 652 ;—also 
of the attributes of gods, @e@v oéBas Soph. O. T. 830, cf. Ph. 
1289. II. after Hom., of persons, wndefiled, chaste, pure, of 
maidens, Pind. P. 4.183, Aesch. Ag. 244, Fr. 238; so of Hippolytus, 
Eur. Hipp. 102; and c. gen., Aéxous dyvov déuas Tbh. 1003; yaar ayvol 
Plat. Legg. 840 D; dyv?) dw dvdpds avvovotas Jus}. ap. Dem, 1371. 
23. 2. pure from blood, guiltless, innocent, dyvol robm rhvb_ rhv 
xopnv Soph. Ant. 889; dayvds xeipas Eur. Or. 1604; pnrporrdvos.., 
760° dyvds dv Id. El, 1607, cf. 1. A. 940; 66° ayvds Hv, says Her- 
cules, when I had been purified from blood, Soph. Tr. 258: c. gen., 
dyvos atparos Eur. Hipp. 316; dvov Plat. Legg. 759 C. 3. 
generally, in moral sense, @. xplots pure, upright, Pind. O. 3. 373 yuxiis 
quaAia a, Xen, Symp. 8, 15, etc. 4. Aaparpos derds déuas dyvov 
ioxew to keep the body pure from food, abstain from .., Eur. Hipp. 
138. 5. év dyv@ iCeo@ar on pure, holy ground, Aesch. Supp. 
223. III, Adv., dyv@s nat rabapa&s h. Hom. Ap, 121, Hes. 
Op. 339; 4. Exe Xen. Mem. 3. 8, 1o.—Cf. drytos fin. : ; 
dyvos*%, Att. 6 (Heind. Plat. Phaedr. 230 B),=Avyos, a willow-like 
tree, the branches of which were strewed by matrons on their beds at the 
Thesmophoria, vitex agnus castus (still called dyveia), h. Hom. Mere. 
410, Chionid. “Hp. 2, ubi v. Meineke, cf. Arist. H. A. 9. 40, 49. (It was 
associated with the notion of chastity from the likeness of its name to 
ayvés, 7, ov.) II. dyvos, 6, name of a fish, Ath. 356 A. iil. 
a kind of bird, Suid. 

dyvé-oropos, ov, with pure mouth, Tzetz. Chil. 6. 36. 

dyvo-raAns, és, worshipped in holy rites, @éyus Orph. Arg. 551. 
d&yvorns, 770s, 4, (ayvds) purity, chastity, C. 1. 1133, 2 Ep. Cor. 2. 2. 

dyvuGes, wy, ai, stones hung to the threads of the warp to keep them 
straight, Plut. 2. 156 B; cf. Poll. 7. 36, and v. sub Aata, kavdv. ; 
dyvipe, 3 dual dyvirov Hom. (v. infr.): fut. dgw (war—) IL 8. 403: 
aor. 1 éaga Hom. («ar— Plat.), #éa Il. 23. 392; imper. afov 6. 300; 
part. dfas 16, 371, Eur. Hel. 1598 (but in Lys. 100. 5 (xaT-)edfavres, 
perth, to distinguish it from the 1 aor, of d@yw); inf. dgac Ap. Rh.:— 


“Pass., pres. (v. infr.): aor. 2 éaynv Hom. and Att. (v. infr.): pf act. 

(in pass. sense) gaya, Ion. érya (but only in comp, xar-) Hes., Hdt., Att. : 
a pf. pass. xat-€aypac Luc. Tim. 10. — (@yvupu orig. had the digamma, 
which remained in the form savdgas (v. earayvuju), and in the Aeol. 
Féaye, Ahrens D. Acol. 32; so that the Root was Fay, whence dy7 [a], 

_d-ayhs, vav-dryds, dypés, peth. derh; cf. Skt. bhai, bhanagmi (frango), 

bhaigas (fractura).) [@ by nature, as appears from the pf. aya, Ion, 
nya; in aor. pass. édynv Hom. and later Ep. commonly shorten the 
penult., (whereas in Att. sa7-e@ynv is always found); so in the un- 
augm. form a is short, v. supr.; even Hom, however has é@yny, Il. 11- 


: wr. tois éy TH vnt Thuc. 1. 137, cf. Plat. Rep. 375 E, al. 

12 ayveodys 
p59 To break, shiver, etow 8 domid’ eage Il. 7. 270; 

vydv 23. 392; appara ..dtav7’ (i.e, dgavre, agreeing with tmmot) év 
mpary puz@ Il. 16. 371; vnds..éagay xdpara Od. 3. 298; but, mpd re 
xdbpar’ éagey broke the waves, Od. 5. 385 ; dyvuroy tAny crashed through 
it, of wild boars, Il. 12. 148; dyvvor xepavvdy Anth. Plan. 250,—Pass., 
with pf. €@ya, to be broken or shivered, &v xelpecow ayn figos Il. 3. 
367, cf. 16. 801; év Kavdd éd-yn SoArxov Sépu 13. 162; marayos .. dyvu- 
Hevday (sc. of the trees), 16. 769 ; vnav e dpa dyvupevdor (cf. vavd~ 
yor) Od. 10. 123; Tov 8 eedxopévoro madi ayer dfées bywor as the 
arrow was drawn back out of the*wound the barbs broke (where others 
join madw dyer, were bent back and broken), Il. 4. 214; in Hdt. 1. 185, 
7, Torapos mep) Kapmds Todds dyvipevos is merely a river with a broken, 
i.e. winding, course :—metaph., dyvvro xm the sound spread around, 
Hes. Se. 279, 348; so, xéAabdos dyvipevos 5d ordyaros, of the notes 
of song, Pind. (?) Fr. 238. The Act. never appears in Prose, and the 
Pass. once, in Hdt.; the compd. xardyvupz being in far more general 
use, v. sub voc. Later forms are (car)doow, (kar)ayvi. 

dyvains, es, (ef50s) like a willow, Theophr. H. P. 3. 18, 4. 

Gyvapovew, to be dyvipov, to act without right feeling, act unfairly, 
Xen. Hell. 1. 7, 33; dyv. eis or mpds twa to act unfeelingly or unfairly 
towards one, Dem. 257. 14 (in pf.), 309. 25, Apollod. Ad«. 1; with a neut. 
Adj., uh vey Ta Ovnrd Ovnrds dv dyvoudver Trag. ap. Clem. Al. 521; 
dy. wept twa, wepi Tt Plut. Cam, 28, Alcib. 19:—Pass. to be irly 
treated, Id. 2. 484 A; dyvnyovnbeis Id. Cam. 18, etc. 

dyvopootvn, %, want of acquaintance with a thing, want of knowledge, 
Plat. Theaet. 199 D. 2. want of sense, folly, Theogn. 3 sense- 
less pride, arrogance, obstinacy, Hdt. 2. 172, Eur. Bacch. 885 (lyr.) ; 
pos ayy. tpdmecbar Hat. 4. 93; ayvapootvn xpacbat Id, 5. 83; im 
dyvapootvns 9. 3. 3. want of feeling, unkindness, unfairness, 
Soph. Tr, 1266 (1. susp.), Dem. 311. 7; d@yv. TUxns, Lat. iniquitas for- 
tunae, Id, 297. 7. 4. in pl. misunderstandings, Xen. An. 2. 5, 6. 
Gyvapwv, ov, gen. ovos, (yun) ill-judging, senseless, Theogn. 1260 
(si vera 1.), Pind. O. 8. 79, Plat. Phaedr. 275 B; opp. to perd Aopopod 
mparrew Menand. Incert. 267; inconsiderate, Hipp. Aér. 290:—Adv. 
—éves, senselessly, Xen. Hell. 6. 3, 11, etc.; dyv. €xew Dem. 25.18. 2. 
headstrong, reckless, arrogant, (in Comp. —ovégrepos) Hdt. 9. 41; in 
Sup., Xen. Mem. 1. 2, 26. _ 3. unfeeling, unkind, hard-hearted, 
PoiBw Te Kapol pi) yévncO’ dyvdpoves Soph. O. C. 86; of judges, Xen. 
Mem. 2. 8, 5; joined with dydptoros, Id. Cyr. 8. 3, 49, cf. Mem. 2. 10, 
3; of Midias, Dem. 546. 3; 2 dyvdpoy, i.e. fortune, Isocr. Epist. 10, 3: 
—esp. ignoring one's debts, Ulp. ad Dem. 25. 19; dyv. mept Tas dmobd- 
ces Luc, Hermot. Io. 4. unknowing, in ignorance, ayy. mavacbat 
Hipp. 343. 20. II. of things, senseless, brute, Aeschin. 88. 37; also, 
ppovovcay Ovnra Kove ayvdpova (neut, pl.) Soph. Tr. 473. 2. 
pass. ill-judged of, unforeseen, Parthen. —__ IIT. of horses, without the 
teeth that tell the age (-yvdpoves) Poll. 1. 182; cf. dmoyvapav. [ayv-, 
only in Manetho 5. 338.] 

G-yvapirros, ov, unascertained, Theophr. H. P. 1. 2, 3. : 
Gyvas, Gros, 6, }, (yeyvwona, yavat, cf. Lob. de Adject. Immobil. 
4,9): I. pass. unknown, mostly of persons, dyv@res GAAHAois 
Od. 5.79; Gyvas pds dyer’ elwe Aesch. Cho. 677, cf. Supp. 993, 
Soph. Ph. 1008; dyvads marpt clam patre, Eur. Ion 14; so iw Prose, 
b. of things, 

k, obscure, unintelligible, puvh, pOdyyos Aesch. Ag. 1051, Soph. Ant. 

Tool ; dyv. déxnots, a dark, vague suspicion, Id. O. T. 681. ir 2. 
not known, obscure, ignoble, dyv., axdens Eur. I. A. 19; od« dyvdra 
viray a victory not unknown to fame, Pind, I. 2. 19. TI. act. not 
knowing, ignorant, Soph. O. T. 1133; cod pay Tuxdv dyvGros unable 
to appreciate me, Ib. 677; dyvas, Tt divara . . Xen. Occ. 20,13. IIT. 
c. gen., where the sense fluctuates between pass. and act., xOav obt ayy. 
Onpa&v Pind. P. 9. 103, cf. I. 2. 443 dyvG@res GAAHAw Thuc. 3. 533 6 
ayy. Tay dé-yow Arist. Soph. Elench. 22, 4. s 

ayvoota, 4, a not knowing, ignorance, Hipp. Vet. Med. 11; ovppopas 
dyv. Eur. Med. 1204; 8:0 riv GAApAwY ayy. from not knowing one 
another, Thuc. 8. 66: absol., opp. to -yv@ats, Plat. Soph. 267 B. = IT. 
a being unknown, obscurity, Plat. Menex. 238 D. 

dyvaoow, =dyvotw, a pres. only used in late Poets, as Musae. 249, 
Dion. P. 173, Coluth, 8, Nonn., etc., as also in Luc. Ep, Sat. 25 (with 
v. 1. dyvoeis), prob. formed backward from the Hom. form dyvdoacxe 
(v. sub dyvoéw) on the analogy of Atpd&aow, etc., cf. Lob, Phryn. 607 sq. 

G-yvworos, ov, unknown, rwi Od. 2. 175 (or, peth., unexpected) : 
unheard of, forgotten, like dt5ndos, Mimnerm. 5. 7; y- sub ova, I. 
1; dy. és viv Eur. I. T. 94:—so also in the form dyvatos, ywrd 
KovK peta M4 pot Soph. O. T. 58; ayvwra rois Oeopévors Ar, Ran. 
926. 2. not to be known, dyvwarov twa Tebxew Od. 13. 191 ; 
navrecot Ib. 397; dyvwordraro yh@aooav most unintelligible in tongue, 
Thuc. 3. 94- 8. in Plat. and Arist. not a subject of knowledge, 
unknowable, dkoya kal ayy. Plat. Theaet. 202 B, cf. Arist. Metaph. 6. 10, 
18; in Comp. harder to know, Ib. 1 (min.). 3, I. 4, as the name of 
a divinity at Athens, v7) rov” Ayvworov Luc. Philop. 9, cf. Act. Ap. 17. 23; 
in pl. Oe@v .. dvopa{opéva dyvdoraw Paus. 1. 1, 4. II. act. 
not knowing, ignorant of, yevdéwv Pind, O, 6, 113, ef. Luc. Hale. 3.— 
Ady. —rws, Clem. Al. en poate 

& vo, poet. for dvagnpaiva, Il. 21. 347. 

Gyéts, 9, (dyxw) a throttling, like dyxévn, E.M. 194,50. 
%, (yoyyt¢w) abstinence from murmuring, patience, Eccl, 

ay ov, not murmuring, Eccl. 
4-yo . ov, not to be bewitched or beguiled, Synes. 135 B. a1. 

Act. without guile; Adv. —rTws, Cic. Att. 12. 3, I. 

d-yopdtos, ov, without grinders, dy. ald toothless age, Diocles Incert. ah § 


. ' 
G-yoppwros, ov, not nailed, unfastened, Jo. Chtys. 

Giyéviiros, ov, (yévu) without a knee, Arist. Incess. An. 9, 4. 
metaph., not bending the knee, inflexible, Soct. H. E. 6. 15. 
plants, without knots or joints, Theophr. H. P. 4. 8, 7- 

dyovéw, to be dyovos or unfruitful, Theophr. H. P. 9, 18. 3, al. 

Gyovia, 7, unfruitfulness, Plut. Rom. 24. ; 

Gyovos, ov, (-yovn): I. pass. unborn, Il. 3. 40 (which Augustus 
translated childless, Suet. Oct. 65). 2. unborn, not yet born, Eur. 
Phoen. 1597. II. act. not producing, unfruitful, impotent, barren, 
of animals both male and female, Hipp. Aph. 1255, Art. 807, Arist. 
G. A. 1.7, 2 (in Comp.), etc.; rémorcw dydvors, travail without issue, 
bringing no children to the birth, Soph. O. T. 27, cf. Hes. Op. 242, 
Hdt. 6. 139. b. of plants, Theophr. H. P. 1. 13, 4, al.; of sandy 
soil, Justin. M. 348 B. ce. metaph., dy. juépa a day unlucky for 
begetting children, Hipp. 1053 D; dy. mouris, opp. to “yévipos, Plat. 
2. 348 B:—in the Pythag. language 7 was an dyovos apiOpos, not being 
divisible by any number, nor a factor of any number under 12 (cf. det- 
mapBevos), Clem. Al. 811. 2. c. gen. not productive of, barren of or 
in, gopias Plat. Theaet. 150C, cf.157 C; Onpiov Menex. 237D; xaxdv 
ay. Bios Id. Ax. 370 D. III. childless, -yévos Eur. H. F. 887, 
v. supr. 

Byccs, ov, unmourned, Aesch. Th. 1063 (lyr.). 

Gyopé [ty], as, Ion. dyoph, fs, h: (dyelpw). Any assembly, esp. 
an Assembly of the People, opp. to the Council of Chiefs (BovAn, @@xos) 
Il. 2. 51, 93, sq-, Od. 2. 26, etc.; the absence of dyopal BovAnpédpot 
among the Cyclopes (Od. 9. 112) is a mark of barbarism. In the dyopd, 
sitting was the proper posture, Il. 2. 96, cf. 99 ; standing denoted tumult 
or terror, 18. 246; dyopal TlvAdribes, of the Amphictyonic Council at 
Pylae, Soph. Tr. 638, cf. Ion 1, 3; in Pind., even of the gods, paxdpwy 
dy. 1. 8. 59, cf. A. B. 210.—Phrases, some of which may belong to 
signf. 11. I, xa@i¢ew d-yopny to hold an assembly, opp. to Avew dy. to 
dissolve it, Od. 2. 69, cf. Il. 1. 305; ayopnvie kadéav, xnptooer Il. 1, 
54., 2. 51; ayopiy moreta0ar or ridecOar, els tiv ay. elovévar, dyetpecOar, 
ayopnvbe KabéCecOar Hom., etc.—This sense is more freq. in Ep. than 
Att., but we have dyopdy ovvayew and ovAAéyew Xen. An. 5. 7, 33 
moteiv Aeschin. 57. 37:—in late Prose, dy. diaav mpodeivar, katacTH- 
gag@at, to express the Rom. conventus agere, Luc. Bis Acc. 4 and 
12. 2. generally, a tribe, people, Pind. N. 3. 32. II. the place of 
Assembly, Rom. forum, rods & ebp’ civ dyop7 Il. 7. 382; va op ay. TE 
Oémis Te 11. 807, cf. 2. 788., 7. 345, Od. 6. 266., 8. 5, sq.; also in pl., 
Od. 8, 16. 2. as in Hom, the dyopd was used not only for meet- 
ings, trials at law and other public purposes, it is likely that it was also 
used as a market-place, like the Roman Forum, but the first passage in 
which this distinctly appears seems to be in Epigr. Hom. 14. 5, moAAa 
pev civ dyoph mwdetpeva, TOAAA 8 dryuais; but it is freq. in all later 
authors (though signfs. 11. 1 and 11. 2 are often blended), mpupvors 
deyopas ém Pind. P. 5. 125 ; Geol... dyopas énioxowor Aesch. Th. 272; 
péon Tpaxwlov dy. Soph. Tr. 424; ote dyopa obre dora SéxeaOat 
Thue. 6. 44; in Theogn. 268 ods .. eis dy. épyerat is a sign of poverty; 
but ¢o frequent or lounge in the market was held to be disreputable, éAvyass 
..dyopas xpalvaw kixhov Eur. Or. 91g; é& dyopas ef Ar. Eq. 181, etc.; 
cf, dyopatos 11; els dy. éuBddAew to go into the forum, i.e. be a citizen, 
Lycurg. 148. 23; év TH dy. épyd{eca: to trade in the market, Dem. 
1308. 9; «is THv dy. wAdrrew 71 to make it for the market, Id. 47+ 
14. III. the business of the dryopa: 1. public speaking, gift of speak- 
ing, jets in pl., éox’ dyopdew withheld him from speaking, I. 2. 2753 
of & dyopas dydpevov Ib. 788, cf. Od. 4.818; gdiy dvt’ dyopas Béuevos 
Solont. 2. things sold in the d-yopa, the market, provisions, Lat. annona; 
d-yopay mapackevacey, Lat. commeatum offerre, to hold a market for any 
one, Thue. 7. 40, Xen. Hell. 3. 4, 11 ; dy. mapéxew Thuc. 6. 50, Xen., etc. ; 
dyew Xen. An. 5. 7, 33; etc.; opp. to dyopa xpijc@a, to have supplies, 
Xen. An. 7. 6, 245 ris dy. eipyecBar to be barred from it, Thuc. 1. 
67, Plut. Pericl. 293 dyopas mepinérrew to stop the market Dion, H. 
10. 43; dy. EdevOEpa, i.e. abapd tav dviwv ndvTwy, Arist. Pol. Vedas 
3, ef, Xen. Cyr. 1. 2, 35 opp. to dy. dvarynata Arist. Pol. 7. 12,73 of 
ék THs ary. market people, Xen. An. 1. 2, 18, cf. Ar. Eq. 181. _b. market, 
sale, dry. Tav BiBXiwy, Tov mwapPévev Luc. Indoct, 19, Ael. V. H. 4. 1; 
cf. Nicoch. Kévr. 2, et ibi Meineke. IV. as a mark of time d-yopa 
mH Bovea the forenoon, when the market-place was full, and the ordinary 
business was going on, dyopis mAnOvotons Hat. 4. 181 ; d-yopas mAy= 
Ootons Xen. Mem, I. I, 10; trept or dup dyopdy mAAPovcay Id. An. 
2.1, 7., I. 8, Tj ev ayopa mAnbovon Plat. Gorg. 469 D; also called 
dyophs mAnOuipn, Hat. 2. 173+ 7- 223; poét., év dyopG mAHGovTos SxAou 
Pind. P. 4. 151; mply d-yopdy mendndévar Pherecr, Ai’rép. 9 ;—opp. to 
dryopijs SidAvors the time just after mid-day, when they went home 
from market, Hdt. 3. 104, cf. Xen. Oec, 12, 1. 

dyopdteo [ay], fut. dow Ar. Lys. 633, ayop Lxx (Neh, to. 31): aor, 
iyyopaca Xen, Hell. 7. 2, 18, Dem., etc. ; Pf. ayépaka Arist. Oec. 2 34 

5, Polyb.:—Med., aor. tyopacduny Dem. 1223. 20: pf. tryépagyae 
(v. infr.) :—Pass., aor. 7yopdc0ny Id. 1360. 19: pf. tyyopacpau Isae, 71 
22, Menand. Incert. 214. To be in the d-yopd, frequent it: ar 
‘yovaties dry. kat karndevovar, in Egypt, Hat. 2. 35. 4. bps | OP Ate 
Phys. 2. 4, 2: to occupy the market-place, of troops. Thue 6 3 ; 2. 
to buy in the market, buy, purchase, Tweiv, dyopétew am” ‘Ach 62 : 

i J . 625, 
cf. Pl. 984; émrfdera dy. Xen. An. 1. 5, 10; and this became the com. 

mon sense:—Med. to buy for oneself, Xen, An, 1. 3,14, Dem, 1215. 2; 
pf. pass. in med. sense, dvr? rod iyopdoOat abrots roy olvoy Dem. 129. 

i 3. as a mark of idle fellows, to haunt the d-yopa, loun ree 

Corinna and Pind. ap. Schol. Ar, Ach. 720; dyophadryeveros (a othe oe 

ayopages dyévetos) obdeis nor shall any one lounge in the é-yopa. till he has 

II. of 

ayopaios — aypavaos. 

gota beard, Dind. Ar. Eq. 1373; d-yopa(e els modu, stroll in, Thuc. 6. 51; 
Ch. 8q. 15, 2. [4y- properly ; but @y- in Com. Anon. 4. p. 620.] 

dyopaios [ay} ov, fem. also d-yopaia (as epith. of Artemis and Athena, 
Paus. 5. 15, 4., 3. 11, 9, etc.). In, of, or belonging to the d-yopa, Zebs 
"Ay. as guardian of popular assemblies, Hdt. 5. 46, Aesch. Eum. 973 
(lyr.), Eur. Heracl. 70; “Eppijs “Ay. as patron of traffick, Ar. Eq. 297, 
cf. C. I. 2078, 2156, Paus. 1, 15, ©; and generally, @eot dy. Aesch. 
Ag. 90; cf. Th. 272. 2. of things, ra dy. details of market- 
business, Plat. Rep. 425 C: dpros dy., a particular kind of good bread, 
Ath. 109 D. Il. frequenting the market, 5 dy. dxXos, dijpos 
Xen. Hell. 6. 2, 23, Arist. Pol. 4. 3, 2., 6. 4, 14, etc.; 70 dy. TAROos . . 
70 mept rds Tpdces Kal tds dvds Kal ras éumoplas Kat Tas KamnAcias 
StarpiBor Ib, 4. 4, 10 :—dyopaio (with or without dv@paor), of, those 
who frequented the dyopd, loungers in the market, Lat. circumforanei, 
subrostrani, Hdt. 1. 93., 2.41; opp. to €umopo, Xen. Vect. 3, 13 :— 
hence generally, the common sort, low fellows (cf. d-yopd 11. 2, d-yopd¢w 
3), Ar. Ran. 1015, Plat. Prot. 347 C, Theophr. Char. 6, Act. Ap. 17. 5; 
and, in Comp., the baser sort, Ptolem. ap. Ath. 438 F:—hence Ady., 
Gyopaiws Aéyeww Dion, H. de Rhet. to. 11. 2. of things, low, 
mean, vulgar, common, okwppata Ar. Pax 750; Tovs vods dyopaious 
rrov .. 70d Id. Fr. 397; dy. gudta Arist. Eth. N. 8. 13, 6, cf. Ib. 6, 
4. III. generally, proper to the dyopa, skilled in, suited to forensic 
speaking, Plut. Pericl. 11 :—d-yopaios (sc. #pépa), a court-day, Tas ay. 
moreia@at Strabo 629: also, dyeuv Tov d-yopaiov Joseph. A. J. 14. 10, 21, 
cf. dyopd 11. 1, fin., Act. Ap. 19. 38; (in this sense some Gramm. write 
proparox. dydpatos, as in most Edd. of N. T.) :—Adyv. -ws, in forensic 
style, Plut. C. Gracch. 4, Anton. 24. 

GyopGvopéw, to be dyopavdpos, Alex. Paid. 1, Dion. H. 10. 48, C. I. 
2483. 20; pf. -nxa Dio C. 52. 32. 

Gyopavopia, 7, the office of dyopayépos, Arist. Pol. 7. 12, 7, C. 1. 
1104, al. 

Gyopavopicés, 7, dv, of or for the dyopavdpos or his office, dy. 
Grra Plat. Rep. 425 D; vépipa Arist. Pol. 2. 5, 21; tTemal C. I. 
1716. II. for Lat. aedilicius, Dion. H. 6.95, Plut. Pomp. 53. 

GyopGvéptov, 74, the court of the dyopavéuos, Plat, Legg. 917 E, C. I. 
2374 e. 44 (add.), 2483. 25. 
dyopavopios, ov, of or in the forum, mepimaros C. I. 3545. 
bpoptintaot, 6, aclerk of the market, who regulated buying and selling 
there, Ar. Ach. 723, al., Lys. 165. 34, freq. in C.1., v. Ind. iv; ef. 
Bockh P. E. 1. 67, Dict. of Antiqq. II. to translate the Lat. 
Aedilis, an officer who had similar duties, Dion, H. 6. go, Plut. 2. 658 D. 
dyopdopar, almost wholly used in the Ep. forms, pres. dyopdac0e, 
impf. #yopaacbe, fryopdwyro, aor. I only in 3 sing. dyophaaro (v. infr.) : 
but 2 sing. impf. 7yop® occurs in Soph.; inf. d-yopac@a: in Theogn. 
159: aor. I edayopnOets (v. ednyopéw) Pind. I. 1. 73: in Hdt. 6. 11 the 
Mss. give the Ep. form #yopdwvro: Dep. To meet in assembly, 
sit in debate, of 5& Oeot map Znvt KaOqpevar Fyopéwyro Il. 4. 1: also, 
like dyopedw, to speak in the assembly, harangue, 6 opw éidppovéar 
dyopnaaro Il. 1. 73., 9. 95, cf. Od. 7.185; masoly éouxdres dyopdacbe, 
Il. 2. 337:—to speak, utter, evxwdal.., as .. xeveavyxées Hyopdacbe 
8. 230:—to speak or talk with, éws od... iyyop® fevais Soph. Tr. 
6or. [@y- Il. 2. 337, metri grat.; otherwise ay-.] 
dyopacSw, Dor. for d-yopa{w, Theocr. 15. 16.: 
dyopicetw, Desid. of d-yopatw, to wish to buy, Lat. empturio, Schol. Ar. 
Ran. 1100. 
dyopicia, %, a buying, purchase, Teleclid, Incert. 27, Diog. L., etc. 
GySpiors, ews, 7), =foreg., Plat. Soph. 219 D, in pl. 
a&ybpacpa, 76, that which is bought or sold: mostly in pl. goods, wares, 
merchandise, Aeschin, 85. 37, Dem. gog. 27, etc., cf. Alex. Mayxp. I. 
dyopacpés, 6, a purchasing, Phintys ap. Stob. 445. 19, Or. Sib. 2. 
329. II. purchase, Lxx (Gen. 42. 19, al.), C. I. 4957. 20; in 
pl., Epigr. Gr. 714. 
dyopaorys, 00, 6, the slave who had to buy provisions for the house, the 
purveyor, Xen. Mem. 1. 5, 2: in later authors éyavarwp, Lat. obsonator, 
Ath. 171 A:—generally, a buyer, uérpios dy. Menand. bay. 2. 

dyopactikés, 4, dv, of or for traffick or trade, commercial, Plat. Crat. 
408 A: % -Knh (sc. réxvn) traffick, trade, commerce, Id. Soph. 223 C. 

dyopacrés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. to be bought or sold, Gloss. 

Gyoparpés, 6, =mvAaydpas, Delph. Inscr. in C. I. 1689 b. 

&yépaxos, 7), some kind of female official in Pelop. cities, C.I. 1446, 1451. 
ayopeurnptov, 74, a place for speaking, C. 1. 5789. 

Gyopeurés, 7, dv, utterable, to be spoken of, Just. M. 221 D. 

Gyopetw (d-yopd), with impf. ydpevoy Ep. dydpevoy Il. 1. 385 :— 
fut. -evow often in Hom., (mpoo—) Plat. Theaet. 147 E:—aor. myy0- 
pevoa, Ep, éy-, Hom., (4m—) Plat. Theaet. 200 D, Dem. 1021. 18., 1273. 
2; (#ar-) Ar. Pax 107, (mpoo—) Xen. Mem. 3. 2, 1, Dem. 1006. 7; 
(ovv-) Id. 397. 7: pf. ayépevea (mpo-) Id. 157. 20:—Med., aor. 7y0- 
pevoayny (v. infr.):—Pass., fut. (of med. form) d-yopevoouat (mpo-) Xen. 
Hipparch. 2. 7 {where however the sense requires mpoaryopeverat) _ 
aor. HyopevOny (mpoo—) Aesch. Pr. 834, Anaxil. Neorr. 2, Philem. Incert, 

16 :—pf. Hien (wap-) Hat. 7. 13, (mpo-) Xen. Mem. 1. 2, 35.— 
But in correct Att. writers, this Verb (and still more its compds.) is 
for the most part confined to the pres. and impf.; the fut., pf. and aor. 
being borrowed (sc. ép@, eipnxa, efmov, and their compds.), v. sub elroy ; 
and recent Editors have endeavoured to alter the passages which 
contravene this rule, cf. Cobet V. LL. p. 36; but see Veitch Gr. Verbs 
s.V.—Cf, dv-, dvr-, dm-, éf-, nar-, mpo-, mpoo-, ovv—ayopetu. To 
speak in the assembly, harangue, to speak, trea wrepbevra, dyopds 
ty. Hom., who constantly uses the word, as do Hes, and Hdt,; ds 
“Exrwp dydpeve Il. 8. 5423 ay. Twi Il. 1. 571, al.; twit Te Hat, 6. 97; 


te mpbs ria Il. 24. 142; dvedifwv dy. Od. 18. 380; Kxandv 7 dy, rWd 
to speak ill of one, Ib. 15 ; also, xaxws dy. twa. Arist. Fr. 378: in Att., 
of the crier’s proclamation in the Ecclesia, ris dyopevey BovAerac; 
who wishes to address the house? Ar. Ach. 45, Dem, 285. 6, etc. :—also, 
dy. ds... Il. 1. 109, Hdt. 3. 156; 6 7.. Ar, Pl. 102:—c. inf., pr re d- 
Bovd? dryépeve counsel me not to flight, Il. 5. 252; dy. ua) otparetecbar 
Hdt. 7. 10. 2. to tell of, mention, rt Od, 2. 318., 16. 263, al.; also, 
iép twos dy. of .., Plat. Legg. 776 E. 3. to proclaim, declare, Il. 
I. 385, Plat. Legg. 917 D; and so in aor, med. d-yopevcacbat ds .. to have 
it proclaimed that.., Hdt. 9. 26:—so in Att. phrase, d véuos dyopever 
the law declares, says, Antipho 123. 16, Lys. 115. 6, Arist. Rhet. 1. 
I, 53 dy. pi) moety Ar, Ran. 628; ovtvoya..48 dy. orhan C. I. 
1412 :—simply to say, speak, Soph. O. C. 838, Eur.; metaph., 5épya 
Onpds dry. xeipav Epyov tells a tale of .. , Theocr. 25. 175. 4. Pass., 
of a speech, to be spoken, ént rois .. Oawropévors Thuc. 2. 35. 

&yopn, Ep. and Ion, for d-yopd. 

dyop ev, Adv. from the assembly or market, Il. 2. 264, al. 

dyophv5e, Adv. to the assembly or market, Il. 1. 54. 

dyopnrhs, 0, 6, (d-yopdopat) a speaker, Ep. word, chiefly used of Nes- 
tor, Avybs TvAlew ayopyras Il, 1. 248, al., cf. Ar. Nub. 1057. II. 
in C. I. 4474, dyopyras seems to be=dyopavépos. 

dyopnrus, vos, %, the gift of speaking, eloquence, Od. 8. 168: Ep. word. 

dyopit, Adv. in the assembly, Hes. Th. 89. 

dyopos, 5,=dyopd, only found in lyrical passages of Eur., and always 
in pl. (I. T. 1096, El. 723, Andr. 1037), except in H. F. 412, dyopov 
dXricas pirwr. 

dyés [a], 00, 5, (@yw) a leader, chief, often in Il, c. gen., e.g. 4. 265 ; 
also in Pind, N. 1.77, Aesch. Supp. 248, 904, Eur. Rhes. 29 (lyr.), Anth. 
P. 9. 219. 

dyos (ie [&], eos, 74, any matter of religious awe: hence, like 
Lat. piaculum, 1. that which requires expiation, a curse, pollution, 
guilt, tv TO dyet véxecOar Hat. 6. 56,1; dyos exOvoacbat 6. 91; dyos.. 
xexThoerat OeGv Aesch, Th. 1017; dyos aiuaroy Id. Eum, 168; dyos 
guddocecOa Id. Supp. 375; pevyew Soph. Ant, 256; bev 1d dyos 
ovvéBn trois SvBapiras Arist. Pol. 5. 3, 11; @yos dpoowwoacba Plut. 
Cam. 18, cf. Anth. P. 7. 268 :—also in concrete sense, the person or thing 
accursed, an abomination, Soph. O. T. 1426; d&yos éAavvew = dyndareiv, 
Thue. 1. 126. 2. an expiation, Soph. Ant. 775, Fr. 613; cf. 
Herm, Aesch, Cho. 149. II. in good sense,=aéBas, awe, péya 
yap Tt Oedv dyos icxavee abdnv h. Hom. Cer. 479; in Hesych. also we 
find @yea" repévea, and dyéecot' Teéveot; and in A, B. 212. 33, dyn" 
Ta pvorhpia.—Cf, Ruhnk. Tim. s. v. (Curt. seeks to distinguish 
the two senses as belonging to diff. Roots: (1) 4/‘AI’, dyos, expiation, 
sacrifice, whence Gytos, dyvds, GCouat, cf. Skt. yag, yagami (sacrifico, 
colo), yagus, yagnam (sacrificium) ; and (2) 4/AT’, dyos in bad sense, 
curse, pollution, whence dyns or ayns, év-aryns, cf. Skt. dgas (offensa).) 

dyoorés, 6, the flat of the hand, in Hom. only in Il, in the phrase 6 3° 
év Kovinot mecdy de yalav dyooT®@ I. 425, etc.; dy. xetpds Ap. Rh. 
3. 120. II. the arm, =dyxddAn, Theocr. 17. 129, Anth, P. 7. 
464: metaph., “Axadnyelas ..év d-yoor@ Simon, (?) ib. 6.144. (Akin 
to dykos, dyKdAn, etc.) 

Gyoupos, 6, a youth, Byz. 

aypa, Ion. dypy, %, (yw) a catching, hunting, the chase, (never in Il), 
dypav épérey to follow the chase, Od. 12. 330; Xalpovor 5é 7’ dvépes 
dypn 22. 306; dypais mpookeicbar Soph. Aj. 4073 é dypas iévac Eur. 
Supp. 885, cf. Plat. Legg. 823 E; €xwv dimvous dypas, of fishermen, 
Soph. Aj. 880, 2. a way of catching, Hes. Th, 442, Pind. N. 3. 
143, Hdt. 2. 70, I. II. that which is taken in hunting, the 
booty, prey, Hes. Th. 442; @ypay ddeoa Aesch. Eum, 148 (lyr.) ; evepws 
a, Soph. Aj. 64, cf. 297; MeAéaype, wedéay yap mor’ dypedets dypav 
Eur. Fr. 521: game, Hdt. 1. 73, 5, etc.; of fish, a draught, take, Ev. 
Luc. 5. 9:—metaph., Sopds dypa Aesch. Th. 322 (lyr.). III. 
“Aypa, %, a name of Artemis, like “Ayporépa, ’Aypaia, Plat. Phaedr. 
229 C, cf. Ruhnk. Tim. 186. 

aypaSe, Adv., poét. form of dypév6e, Call. Fr. 26. 

dypatos, a, ov, (dypa) of the chase, as epith. of Apollo, Paus. 1. 41, 6; 
and of Artemis, Eust. 361. 36; Saipoves Opp. H. 3. 27: cf. Ayporépa, 

crap periee }, want of learning, Ael. V. H. 8. 6. 

d-ypappiiros, ov, without learning (ypappara), unlettered, Lat. illite- 
ratus, Damox, Svvtp. 12, Xen. Mem. 4. 2, 20, Anth. P. 11. 154, cf. 
Sext. Emp. M. 1. 99: unable to read or write, Plat. Tim. 23 A:—Ady. 
-rws, Arr. Epict. 2. 9, Io. II.=dyparros, dyp. €6n Plat. Polit. 
295 A. ‘ IIT. of animals, unable to utter articulate sounds, Arist. 
H. A. 1. I, 29: of sounds, inarticulate, Id. Interpr. 2, 2, Diog. L. 3. 107. 

G-ypappos, ov, not on the line, dypappa apetra, of a throw of the 
dice, counting nothing, Hesych. 

dypavits, = d-ypdvde, Dor. Adv. in Theognost. Can. 163. 33. 3 

d-ypatros, ov, unwritten, dyp. Oe@v vdurpa Soph. Ant. 454: cf. dypa- 
pos. II. ayp. dixy an action cancelled in consequence of a demurrer, 
Poll, 8. 57. E 

Frege te, to be an Gypavaos, and so: to live in the open fields, 
live out of doors, Arist. Mirab. 11, Plut. Num. 4, Strabo 197; of shep- 
herds, Ev. Luc. 2. 8. 

dypavais, és, in the fields, out of doors, koirn Nic. Th. 78. 

dypavXla, %, the state of an &ypavdos :—in Dion. H, 6. 44, Diod., etc., 
military service in the field. 

dypavAlfopat, Dep. =dypavdéw, Theoph. Sim. 179. 4. 

dypavdos, ov, (dypés, avAH) dwelling in the field, living out of doors, 
of shepherds, Il. 18. 162, Hes. Th. 26, Ap. Rh. 4. 317; so epith. of 
Pan, Anth. P. 6. 179; but, &yp. dp a boor, Ib. 11. 60, 2.a 



regular epith. of oxen, Bods dypavAovo Il. 10. 155., 17. 251, Od. 12. 
253; Op Soph. Ant. 349 (lyr.), Eur. Bacch. 1187, ete. 8. of things, 
rural, rustic, mida Id. El. 342. 

dypidiou ypap7, 7, an action against state-debtors, who had got their 
debts cancelled without paying, Dem. 1338. 19, Poll. 8. 54. 

d-ypiios, ov, unwritten, uvqun Thuc. 2. 43; ayp. diaOqxae verbal 
wills, Plut. Cor. 9, cf. @yp. «Anpovdpos Luc, Tox. 23; dypaha Aéyew to 
speak without book, Id. Demosth. 8 :—Adv. —pos, Clem. Al. 771. II. 
Gypapor vopor, unwritten laws, which are 1. the laws of nature, 
moral law (cf. dypamros), Tots dyp. véyo.s Kal Tots dvOpamivos eo Dem. 
317. 23; 70 dixacdv éore Surrdv, 7d pev dyp., 7d Be ward vopov Arist. 
Eth. N. 8. 13, 5. 2. laws of custom, common law, Thuc. 2. 37; 
dyp. vopipa Plat. Lege. 793 A, cf. omnino Arist. Rhet. 1. to, 3 and 

13, 2; dyp. ddienua a crime not recognised by law as such, Hesych. 3. 
religious traditions, as of the Eumolpidae, Lys. 104. 8. Iii. 
not registered or recorded, ayp. TAs cities whose names do not stand 
in a treaty, Thuc. 1. 40. 2. dyp. uéradAa mines which had not 
been registered, but were wrought clandestinely, to evade the tax of 4, 
Suid. s. v.; cf. droypapw 111, dvamdypados. IV. without in- 
scription, C. I. 155. 41.—Prose word, 

dypet, v. sub dypéw 11, ; 

Gypetos, a, ov, (dypés) of the field or country, mAdravos Anth. P. 6. 
35. 2. clownish, boorish, like dypoucos, Ar. Nub. 655, Thesm. 
dypevootvy, 4, clownishness: or a rude, vagrant life, Anth. P. 6, 51; 
cf, Jacobs Del. Epigr. 1. 6. 

dypeidvay, v. sub dypidn. 

Gypépios, ov, taken in hunting: 7d dyp.=dypa tm, Anth. P. 6. 224. 

Gypepdv, dvos, 6, a catcher, hunter, Artem. 2. 17, E. M, 13:—for 
Aesch, Fr. 138, v. Dind. Lex. Aesch. 

dypecia, Ion. —ty, },=dypa 1, Anth. P. 6. 13, Call. Fr. 22. 2. 

dyp , ov, 6, (dryeipw) a Lacedaemonian magistrate, acc. to Hesych. 
=yenav, whence it is restored by Toup for aypérac in Aesch. Pers. 

1002 (lyr.), and by Bergk in Alcm. 16. 1, 8: a Verb dyperet, to be an 
dypéras, occurs in a Pelop. Inscr. in C. I. 1395; ef. also inm-ayperys. 

dypevpa, 76, (dypetw) that which is taken in hunting, booty, prey, 
Eur. Bacch, 1241 :—metaph., Xen. Mem. 3. 11, 7; @yp. dv0ewv Eur. 
Fr. 754; cf. dypa 0. II. a means of catching, dyp. Onpds Aesch. 
Cho. 998; évras.. popoipwv dyp., of the net thrown over Agamemnon, 
Id. Ag. 1048, cf. Eum. 460. 

dypevs, éws, 5, (d-ypeva) a hunter, as epith. of Aristaeus, Pind. P. 9. 115; 
of Apollo, Aesch. Fr. 205 (cf. dypeuris); of Bacchus, Eur. Bacch. 1192 
(lyr.); of Pan, Poseidon, etc., Dorvill. Charit. 77. II. of an 
arrow, Anth. P. 6. 75. III. a kind of fish, Ael. N. A. 8. 24. 

dypevouros, 7, ov, easy to catch, Schol. Soph. Ph. 863. 

dypevors, ews, 1, a catching, Hesych., Achm, Onir. 178. 

dypeurip, jpos, 5,=sq., Theocr. 21. 6, Call. Dian. 218, Anth. P. 
7-578. II. as Adj., dyp. xdves Opp. C. 3. 4565 dypevrijpt Airy, 
i.e. with fishing net, Manetho 5. 279. 

dypeurns, od, 5, a hunter, like dypeds, epith. of Apollo as slayer of 
Python, Soph, O.C. 1091 (lyr.). IL. as Adj., yp. «dves, hounds, ongng 
23.25 dyp. wédhapor a hunter's trap of reeds, Anth. P. 7. 171, cf. 6. 

Bepliints. h, bv, of or skilled in hunting, d-ypevrucdy (¢ort) useful for 
ensnaring an enemy, Xen. Hipparch. 4.12. Adv. —Kas, Poll. 5. 9. 

dypeutis, iSos, %, fem. of ay; s, prob. 1. in Schol, Ar. Vesp. 367- 

aypeuros, dv, caught, Opp. H. 3. 541- 

arpa, f, edow Call Dian, 84: aor. #ypevoa Eur. Bacch. 1204 :— 
Med., v. infr.:—Pass., aor. 7/7 Anth.: (@ypa). To take by 
hunting or fishing, catch, take, ix00s Hat. 2. 95, cf. Xen. Cyn. 12, 6; 

pay wypevedres Eur. Bacch. 434; of war, gure. oe, . . dypevery 
véous Soph. Fr. 498:—also in Med., 6vpar’ ye caught or 
chose your victim, Eur. I. T. 1163 ; also, 7é pot £ios ex xepds irypetow; 
why didst thou snatch .. i. ac 8 hon ad . a * ae in on 
chase, Xen. An. 5. 3, 8; dypevdeis we iypevoe .P.9.94- 2. 
metaph. to hunt after, tires for, alpa Eur. Bacch. 138; dperas dvvapiy 
Arist. in Bgk. Lyr. p. 664; dmvov Anth, P. 7.196, cf. 12. 1255 but, 
Pi lec 7d. A6yw to catch by his words, Ev. Marc.12.13, 

ypéw, post. form of foreg., used only in pres., but seldom in lit. sense, 
dype 3 oivov Epvdpdv search for, Archil. 5. 3: tpipos macav dypei 
seizes, Sapph. 2.14, cf. Theogn, 294; dypet captures, Aesch. Ag. 
126 (lyr.); of fishing, dypets Anth. P. 6. 304- , iL. in Hom. 
only in imperat. be, come! come on! dype pay of éropcoy 
*AOnvainv tL 5. 765; so, dypetre Od. 20.149. Cf. Buttm, Lexil. s. v. 
~ &ypn, 7, lon. for dypa. 

dypnbev, Adv. from the chase, Ap. Rh. 2. 938. 

dypyvév, 76, a net, Hesych.:—also a net-like woollen robe worn by 
Bacchanals and soothsayers, Id., Poll. 4. 116. ‘ ‘ 

Gyptaive, fut. av@ Plat. Rep. 501 E: aor. jyypiava Dio C. 44. 47, 
Ael. :—Pass., Dion. H. 12. 3, Plut.: fut. dypavOjcovar Lxx (Dan. 
11. 11): aor. 777 Diod. 24. 1.—In Att. the Pass. was supplied by 

(cf. Lob. Phryn. p. 757), which was rare in Act. ; but the compd. 
Pass. éfarypralvopa: occurs in Plat., and the Act. éfaypidw in Hdt., Eur., 
Plat. 1, intr, to be or become dyptos, to be angered, provoked, 
angry, Plat. Rep. 493 B, etc.; vii with one, Id. Symp, 173 D; of 
animals, to be wild, Arist. H. A. 9. 1, 11; of rivers and the like, to chafe, 
mpos Thy TAnupipay .. dypratvav 6 morapds Plut. Caes. 38 :-—of sores, 
to be angry or inflamed, Aretae. Caus. M. Diut. 2. 11, etc. lak 
Causal, to make angry, provoke, anger, Dio C. 44. 473; of love, to 

drypapiov — ayprotparis. 

Gyptds, ddos, },=d-ypia, pecul. fem. of dypios, wild, rough, Ap. Rh, 
I, 28, Arat., etc.; dumeAov dypidda Anth, P. 9. 561. 

dypide, to be savage, Opp. C. 2. 49, in Ep. form dypidavra, 

GypiStov, 76, Dim. of dypds, Lat. agellus, Arr. Epict. 1.1, 10., 2.2, 17. 

dypt-eAata, 7, a wild olive, olive-wilding, Lat. oleaster, Diosc. 1, 125. 

Gypt-eAatos, ov, of a wild olive, Anth. P. 9. 237- II. as Subst., 
=dypieAata, Theocr. 7.18, Theophr. H. P. 2. 3, 5, Ep. Rom. 11. 17. 
—On late forms like this, dypro-BaAavos, etc., v. Lob. Phryn. 382. 

dypinvés, 7, dv, =dypios, wild, Or. Sib. 7. 79. rn 

Gypuyzatos, a, ov, wild, opp. to juepos: Td dypipata the flesh of wild 
animals, game, Ptolem. ap. Ath. 549 F. 

Gypt-pediooa, 4), a wild bee, metaph. of Hegesias, Hesych. 

Gypvo-amibiov, 76, wild pear, Geop. 8. 37. 

aypvo-Badavos, 7), wild Badavos, cited from Lxx. 

Gypto-BapBapos, ov, savagely barbarous, Manass. Chron. 4350. 

ayp6-Bovdos, ov, wild of purpose, Polem. Physiogn. 

dypto-Sairys, ov,.6, eating wild fruits, Orac, ap. Paus. 8. 42, 6. 

Gypioes, eooa, ev, =aypios, Nic. Al. 30. 617. 

Gypi6-Odpos, ov, wild of temper, Orph. H. 11. 4. 

Gypio-KavvGBis, 7), wild hemp, Diosc. 

Gypio-Kapdapov, 74, wild xap5apoy, Galen. 

Gypto-Kapdios, ov, of savage heart, Manass. Chron. 3763. 

Gypt6-Kevtpos, ov, with cruel thorn, Manass. Chron, 4634. 

Gypto-koKkkipnAa, wy, wild koxkdpnra, Diosc. 1. 174. 

Gypvo-Kpoppvov, 7d, wild onion, Schol. Ar. Pl. 283. 

Gypto-Kuptvov, 76, wild cummin, Schol. Nic. Th. 709. 

Gypro-haxiiva, wy, ra, wild Aaxava, Schol. Theocr. 4. 52, Eccl. 

dypio-heixty, 6, =dypros Ae jv (3), Hesych. 

Gypio-pirayn, %, wild mallow, Schol. Nic. Th. 89. 

dypi6-pnha, wy, 74, wild apples, Diosc. 1. 164. 

dyp.6-popdos, ov, wild, savage of form, Orph. Arg. 977. 
dypto-piptrny [7], %, wild pupixn, Lxx (Jer. 17. 6). 

Gypis-pwpos, ov, desperately foolish, Eccl. 

dypvo-merewdAtov, and —mérewov, 74, the hoopoe, Ducang. Gl. 
dypio-miyavov, 74, wild rue, Hesych. 

Gypro-mnyés, 6, (m7 yvup) = dpatoupyis, dypiwy EvAwv Epyarns, Schol. 
Ar. Eq. 462. 

dypto-mvoos, ov, contr. —mvous, ovr, fiercely blowing, Manass. Chron. 
4183, 3776. 

Gypio-trovéw, to make wild, Scho). Aesch. Pers. 613. 

dypvo-mrovds, dv, drawing wild characters, writing wild poetry, as epith.. 
of Aeschylus in Ar. Ran, 837. 

dypv-oplyiivos, 6, wild dpiyavos, Diosc. 3. 34. 

dypt-dpwides, wy, al, wild fowl, Byz. 

dypvos, a, ov, Od. 9. 119; also os, oy, Il. 19. 88, Plat. Lege. 824 A: 
Comp. —wrepos Thuc. 6, 60; Sup. -d7raros Plat. Rep. 564 A: (dypds): 
living in the fields, wild, savage, Lat. agrestis: hence I. of 
animals, opp. to T:@agds or fjpepos, wild, savage, BédAcy &ypia TavTa 
wild animals of all kinds, Il. 5. 52; aig, cds 3. 24., 9. 539; immot, Svat, 
etc., Hdt, 7. 86, etc.; of men, living in a wild state, Id. 4.191; of a 
countryman, as opp. to a citizen, Mosch. 5. 15. 2. of trees, opp. to 
Hiuepos, wild, Pind. Fr. 21, Hat, 4. 21, etc.; nrpos dypias aro morév 
made from the wild vine, Aesch. Pers. 614, cf. Arist. Probl. 20. 12, 4; 
dyp. Ehavov Soph. Tr. 1197; vay Id, O. T. 476, etc. 3. of coun- 
tries, wild, uncultivated, Lat. horridus, Plat, Phaedo 11 3 B, Legg. 905 
B :—but, II. mostly of men, beasts, etc., as having qualities 
incident to a wild state: 1. in moral sense, savage, fierce, Lat. 
Jerus, ferox, Il. 8. 96, Od. 1. 199, etc., cf. Ar. Nub. 349, 507, Aeschin, 
8. 10; Tvpavvos, deordrys Plat. Gorg. 510 B, Rep. 329 C; a@ypte wat 
kal arvyvé Theoctr. 23. 19, cf. 2.54; ayp. kvBeurhs a passionate gambler, 
Menand, Incert. 335. 2. of passion, temper, disposition, wild, savage, 
Jierce, coarse, boorish, Gupds, xdros, Il. 9. 629., 4.23 ; Aéwy F ws, dypra 
older 24.41; dyp. mrddepos, u@Aos 17. 737, 398; dypios dry 19. 88; 
dyp. 680i savage ways or counsels, Soph, Ant. 1274; dpyq O. T. 344; 
dypi@rara iea Hdt. 4.106; épwres Plat. Phaedo 81 A; pirta Id. 
Legg. 837 B, cf. Rep. 572 B, etc.:—7d déypiov. savageness, Id. Crat. 
394 E; és 7d dypubrepoy to harsher measures, Thuc. 6. 60. 3. of 
things, circumstances, etc., cruel, harsh, Seopa Aesch. Pr. 176; répas 
Eur. Hipp. 1214; vd¢ dypwrépy wild, stormy, Hdt. 8. 13; dovAela, 
5ovAwars Plat. Rep. 564 A, al; gdoraos dyp. a violent strain, Id. 
Phil. 46D; dyp. Bapos, of strong, hot wine, Ar. Fr. 130. b. yp, vécos, 
prob., like re@npiwpévos, in the Medic. sense, malignant, cancerous, 
Soph. Ph. 173, 265; dyp. ZAxos Bion 1. 16; v. dypiaiver, dypido, and 
cf. Cels. 5. 28, 16. ITI. Ady. —tws, savagely, Aesch. Eum: 
972, Ar. Vesp. 705: also dypa as neut. pl., Hes. Sc. 236, Mosch. 
I.11. [The first syll. is always used long by Hom.; Aesch, and Soph. 
have it long in iambics, but short in lyr.; Eur. long or short indif; 
ferently:—Hom. has T, when the ult. is long, Il. 22. 313.] 
dypwo-céAivov, 74, wild parsley, Diosc, 3. 78. $ 

dypto-oriibis, lSos, 4, wild grapes, Orneosoph., etc.; so in Gramm. 
dypio-orapvAn, -orapiAtvoy, -orapuXls. : 
Gypio-ovne§, 1), the wild fig, Horapoll. ; -evmtov, 74, the fruit, A.B, 1097. 
dypiérns, 77s, %, savageness, wildness, of animals, opp. to queporns, 
Xen, Mem. 2. 2, 7, Isocr. 267 B; and plants, Theophr. H. P. 3. 2 43 
of untilled ground, dyp. ys Geop. 7- 1:—of diet, Hipp. Vet. Med. 13, 
Aér, 294. II. of men, in moral sense, savageness, Jierceness, cruelty, 
Plat. Symp. 197 D, al., Arist. H. A. 8. I, 2; in pl., Dem. 808. 15 : 
Gypro-bdyor, of, men who eat raw Sood, Salmas, Solin, 214 F. ; 
&yptb-daypos, 5, the wild paypos, Opp. H. 1. 140. 

irritate, Ach, Tat. 2. 7 :—Pass. to be angered, Plut. Anton. 58. 

, &ypro-~pay 

» és, appearing wild, Cormut. 27. 

aypiopOad nos — aynarns. 

dypt-dp0adpos, ov, with wild eyes, Vit. Nili Jun, 

Gyprddpav, ovos, 5, %, (phy) savage of mind, Eccl. 

buAXov, 7d, a name for the tevxéSavos, Diosc. 3. 92. 

AY sores, ov, with wild rough voice or tongue, like BapBapdpavos, 
- 294. 

dypio-xnvaptov, 76, the wild goose, Byz. 
dyptd-xoupos, 6, a wild swine, Ar. Pl. 304. 
dyprowpia, 7, (papa) inveterate itch, Hesych. 

Gypidw, aor. Hypiwoa Eur. Or. 616, the act. tenses being mostly sup- 
plied by deypraivas : (aypios). To make wild or savage, provoke, }) Ti 
Texovon @ iyypiwce against thy mother, Eur. l. c. II. mostly 
in Pass. (cf. dypiaivw), dypiodpar Hipp. Aér. 282: impf. qyyprovpny 
Enr. El. 1031: aor, iypivOnv Plut., (dr-) Plat. Polit. 274 B: pf. #yplo~ 
vat Soph., Eur., Xen. :—to grow wild, and in pf. to be wild, properly 
of plants, countries, etc., vyfaos UAy iyypiwrar Theophr. C. P. 5. 3, 6; 
of men, fo be wild or savage in appearance, ds iyypiwoar did paxpas 
Gdovgias Eur. Or. 226, cf. 387. 2. in moral sense, of men, to be 
savage, fierce, cruel, yypiwoa Soph. Ph. 1321, cf. Eur. El. 1. c., etc.:— 
yAdooa .. iyypiara, of Aeschylus, Ar. Ran. 898; metaph., ?yprwpevov 
méhayos an angry sea, Plut. Pyrth. 15. 3. &Akea dyprodra: (cf. 
dypios 11. 4) Hipp. 1. c. 

Gypummos, 6, Lacon. name for the wild olive, Suid., etc.; proverb., 
dxaprérepos dypinmov Zenob, Cent. 1. 60:—in Hesych. dyptdos. 

dypitys, ov, 6, a countryman, Steph. Byz. s. v. dypés. 
dyplpy [7], 9, a harrow, rake, Arcad. 115, E. M. 15. 44, Hesych. The 
Doric dypipay is restored by Dind. for dypetpvay in Anth. P. 6. 297. 
dypiadys, es, (cfd0s) of wild nature, Strabo 155. 

*Ayptdvios, 6, epith, of Bacchus, Plut. Anton, 24 :— Aypiona, Td, a 
festival in his honour, Id. 2. 291 A, 299 F, etc. 

dypt-wnés, dv, wild-looking, dupa Eur. H. F. go, cf. Bacch. 541; 70 
dypiwrdy rod. mpoodmov Plut. Mar. 14. 
aypo-Barys, ov, 5, haunting the country, v.1. in Eur. for dypoBérns. 
dypo-Béas, 6, rudely shouting, Cratin. Incert. 36. 

&ypo-Bérms, ov, Dor. -as, a, 5, feeding in the field, dwelling in the 
country, like dypévopos, Soph. Ph. 214 (lyr.), Eur. Cycl. 54 (lyr.). 

Gypo-yelrwv, ovos, 5, a country neighbour, Plut. Cato Ma. 25; dyp. 
Tiés having a field adjoining his, Joseph. A. J. 8. 3, 8. 
aypo-yevys, és, country-born, Gloss. 
dypo-Slattos, ov, living in the country, Synes. 27 B. 
aypodérys, ov, 6, (dypa) a giver of booty, game, etc., Anth, P. 6. 27. 
Gypd0ev, Adv. from the country, Od. 13. 268., 15. 428, Eur., etc. 
Gypd0t, Adv. in the country, Call. Cer. 136, Poll. 9. 12. 

Gypoikevopat, Dep. to be dypoixos, E. M. 
dypournpés, a, dv, boorish, dyp. puots ap. Steph. Byz. s. v. dypés. 
dyporkia, %, rusticity, boorishness, coarseness, Plat. Gorg. 461 C, Rep. 
560 D, al.; cf. Arist. Eth. N. 2. 7, 13. II. the country, Lat. rus, 
Plut. 2. 519 A; pl. Ib, 311 B:—in pl. country-houses, Diod. 20. 8. 
dypoxifopar, Dep. fo be rude and boorish, Plat. Theaet. 146 A, Plut. 
Sull. 6: aor. jypoutodpny Aristid. 1. 491: pf., Fypouopévos Synes. 
dypoutkés, 7, dv, boorish, Ath. 477 A. Adv. -«@s, Philostr. 198, etc. 
dypoixo-rruppavetos, 5, a rude, coarse Pyrrhonist, Galen. 
dyp-o1ros, ov, of or in the country, dyp. Bios Ar. Nub. 43, etc. 2. 
esp. of men, dwelling in the country, a countryman, rustic, Ib. 47 :— 
mostly with the collat, sense of clownish, boorish, rude, rough, coarse, 
Tb. 628, 646, etc. ; méAos dypoixdrepoy Id. Ach. 674; ayp. copia, Lat. 
erassa Minerva, Plat. Phaedr. 229 E, cf. Isocr. 98 D, Arist. Eth. N. 7. 9, 
3; of fortune, Apollod. Car. Tpayp. 5, 14 :—the character of the d-ypot- 
os is described by Theophr. Char. 4; Dinarchus is called 6 @yp. Anpo- 
a0évns by Dion. H, de Din. 8. II. Adv. —«ws, Ar. Vesp. 1320; 
Comp. -orépws, Plat. Rep. 361 E, Xen. Mem, 3. 13, 1; but -drepoy, Plat. 
Phaedr. 260 D. 2. of fruits, grown in the country, common, opp. 
to yevvaios, Plat. Legg. 844 D, 845 B. 3. of land, rough, uncul- 
tivated, like dyptos épos dyp. Thuc. 3. 106.—(Not found in good Ep. 
or in Trag.) 

GypoiKkd-codos, ov, coarsely wise, with rude mother-wit, Lat. abnormis 
sapiens, Philo 1. 448. 

aypoucodns, es, of clownish kind, rude, Schol. Il, 23. 474, Mus. Vett. p. 67. 

Gypomtys, ov, 6, =d-ypérns 1, Hom., who always uses nom. pl., dvépes 
dypodra: Il. 11.549; Bovxddro dyp. Od. 11. 293 ; Aaol dyp. Il. 11.676; 
without a Subst., = whe dyp. Od, 21. 85; so, mocpévas dypowwras Hes, 
Sc, 39; sing. in Ar, Thesm. 58: fem. dypovanis, 7, Sapph. 70. II. 
as Adj. rustic, Anth. P. 6, 22., 7.411: wild, Numen, ap. Ath. 371 C. 

&ypo-Kymov, 74, a field kept like a garden, Strabo 545. 
dypo-Kopos, 6, a land-steward, Joseph. A. J. 5. 9, 2- . 

Gyp-ohéreipa, 7), a waster of land, Hesych. ; "Aprepus yp. ap. Suid. 

Gypo-pevijs, és, dwelling in the country, Hesych. 

Gypépevos, syncop. part. aor. pass. of d-yefpw. 2 

Gypévie, Adv. (d-ypds) to the country, Od. 15. 370+ cf. dypade. : 

&ypévopos or —vdpos, ov, (véuopat) haunting the country, rural, wild, 
Nuppar Od. 6. 106; Ofjpes Aesch, Ag. 142 (lyr.); of a song, dyp. podea, 
Virgil’s agrestis musa, Anth. P. 7. 196 (Cod. Pal. d-ypovdpyar). 2. 
of places, mAdes aiAai Soph, O.T. 1103, Ant. 785 (both lyr.); tAy 
Opp. H. 1. 27. II. as Subst., dypovopos, 6, (véuw) a magistrate 
at Athens, overseer of the public lands, freq. in Plat. Legg., e. g. 760 B ; 
ef, Arist, Pol. 6. 8, 6; v. sub bAwpds. 

Gypés, od, 5, a field, mostly in pl. fields, lands, Il. 23. 832, Od. 
4. 757, Pind. P. 4. 265, Plat., etc.: in sing. a farm, an estate, Od, 
24. 205. 2. the country, opp. to the town, Od. 17. 182, al.; 
dypov tay médw moreis Epich. 162, cf. Eur. Supp. 884; dyp@ in the 

country, Od, 11, 188 ; én’ dypod in the country, 1. 190., 22. 47; a 


dypod vdaqu médnos 1.185; in pl, xara wrddw 72 Kar’ dypots 17. 
18; éy olxows } ’y deypots Soph. O. T. 112; én’ dypav Ib. 1049; dypotar 
Id. El. 313; rov & dypv Ib. 1051; so, ra ef dypav Thuc. 2. 13, 
cf. 14; “ar dypovs Cratin. Incert. 178, Plat. Legg. 881 C; olxeiv év 
dyp® Ar. Fr. 344. 2; 7a év dyp@ ywyvdpeva, fruits, Xen. Mem. 2. 9, 
4, cf. An. 5. 3, 9 :—proverb., obdey &f dypod Aéyes, aypod mAégws, i. e. 
boorish (cf. dyporcos), Suid., Hesych. (With 4/AI'P, whence also 
dypios, etc., cf. Skt. agras (aequor), Lat. ager, Goth. akrs, O. Norse akr, 
A. S. @cer, Engl. acre.) [& by nature, but often used long, except in 
Com., who always have it short, except Ar. Av. 579, Philem. Incert, 21; 
Gypdev in Alcae. Kwymd, 1 is a parody on Eur.] 

dypérepos, a, ov, poet. for dypios, in Hom. always of wild animals, 
Hulovor, aves, EXaot, alyes ; so Hes. and Pind.; also, d-ypérepor or ~pa, 
alone, Theocr. 8. 58. 2. of countrymen, Anth. P. 9, 244, Plan. 
235. 3. of plants, wild, Anth. P. 9, 384, cf. Coluth. 108. II. 
(aypa) fond of the chase, huntress, of the nymph Cyrené (cf. d-ypérns), 
Pind. P. 9. 10; metaph., wépimva dyp. Id. O. 2. 100. 2. as prop. n. 
*Ayporépa, Artemis the huntress, like “Aypaia (cf. dypeds, dypeurhs), Il. 
21. 471 (vers. dub.), Xen. Cyn. 6, 13; worshipped at Sparta, Id. Hell, 
4.2, 20; in other places, C. I. 2117, 5173, Paus. 1. 19, 6, al.; cf. Interpp. 
ad Ar. Eq. 660, and y. sub xipaipa. 

dyporip [4], jpos, 6, =dypérys, Eur. El. 463 (lyr.) :—fem. dypérepa, 
as Adj., rustic, Ib. 168 (lyr.). 

dyporns, ov, 6, (dypés) poét. word, a country-man, rustic, dyp. évip 
Eur. Or. 1270; mdpowos dyp., of something out of place, Anth. P. 
append. 311. II. (dypa) =dypeurhs, a hunter, olwvot.., olai 
Te Téxva dypérat eeidovro Od. 16. 218 ; dypéra Mav, to whom dierva 
dn’ dypeoins are offered, Anth. P. 6, 13 :—in fem. form, véupn d&ypétis, 
the same as d-ypopéva in Pind., Ap. Rh. 2. 509; dyp. kovpa, i.e. Artemis, 
Anth, P. 6. 111; dyp. aiyavén Ib. 57 :—in Od. 1. c., etc., some retain the 
sense of countryman; but Apollon, Lex. and Hesych. interpret it by 
Onpevral ; and this usage in the later Poets cited seems unquestion- 
able. III. for Aesch, Pers. 1002, v. dypérys. 

Gyportués, 7, dv, rustic, Eust. Opusc. 261. 24, etc. II. fond 
of the chase, Tzetz. ad Lyc. 400, ubi Mss. dypevrat. 

dypo-pvidag [iv], 6, a watcher of the country, Anth, Plan. 243. 

dypurros, ov, (a privat., ypd) not to be spoken of, dypuxta mabeiv 
Pherecr. Incert. 20 :—hence dypvtta, 1, dead silence, Pind. Fr. 253. 

dyputrvéw, to be dypumvos, lie awake, be wakeful, Theogn. 471, Hipp. 
Progn. 37, Plat., al.; opp. to eadevSw, Xen, Cyr. 8. 3, 423 Gypunveiy 
tiv vixra to pass a sleepless night, Id, Hell. 7, 2, 19, Menand. Anu. 1, cf, 
Incert. 40 :—to suffer from sleeplessness, Diosc. 4. 65. 2. metaph. 
to be watchful, Lxx (Sap. 6. 15), Ev. Marc. 13. 33, Ep. Eph. 6. 18. 

ayp ov, verb. Adj. one must watch, Eust. 168. 16. 

dypurvatnp, pos, 6, a watcher, Manetho 1. 81; in Gl., dypumvnrhs. 

dypumvytucds, 7, dv, wakeful, Diod. Excerpt. 32, Plut, Cam. 27. 

aypurvia, Ion. -{y, 7, sleeplessness, waking, watching, Hipp. Aph. 
1244, al., Plat. Crito 43 B; also in pl., dypumvinow elxero Hat. 3. 129, 
Ar. Lys. 27. II. a time of watching, Pseudo-Plat. Ax. 368 B. 
{Z in Opp. Cyn, 3. 511.) 

dyp-utvos, ov, (dypéw) seeking after sleep, sleepless, wakeful, watchful, 
Hipp. Epid. 1. 954, Plat. Rep. 404 A, Arist. Pol. 5. 11, 24: metaph., 
Znvos ayp. Béxos Aesch. Pr. 358; aioves Anth. P. 7. 278 :—rd dypumvoy 
=dypurvia, Plat. Rep. 460 D :—Ady, -vws, C. I. 4717. 23. 18 oe 
act. banishing sleep, keeping awake, vonoes Arist. Probl. 18. 7, 4; wéptyuvac 
Anth. Plan, 211. [é&yptmvos Eur. Rhes. 2 (lyr.),@ypimvos Theocr. 24. 104.] 

dyputvains, es, (el50s) making sleepless, Hipp. 68 A. ? 

dypaocw, Ep. for dypeva, only used in pres., to catch, dypwacav ix6ds 
Od. 5. 533 often in Opp., H. 3. 339, 543, etc. ; so Call. Ap. 60, Lyc., 
etc. :—absol. to go hunting, Opp. C. 1. 129 :—Pass. to be caught, Opp. 
H. 3. 415., 4. 565. . : 

dypaorns, ov, 6,=dypérns, subst. and adj., Lat. agrestis, Soph. Fr, 
83, Eur. H. F. 377, Rhes. 266; whence Meineke reads Gypworay -yepa- 
pwraros in Theocr. 25. 48. II. a hunter, (dypéw) Ap. Rh. 4, 
175: fem. dypGortts, dos, }, as epith. of a hound, Simon. 130 (c. conj. 
Schneid. for dypwoca, cf. A. B. 213, 332, where dyp@orac are expl. by 
Kuviyyerat). 2. a kind of spider, Nic. Th. 734. 

dypworivos, Syracus. for aypouos, name of a play by Epich.; dypa- 
orivar vipat dpevot, Hesych, 

dypwortts, Sos Theophr. H. P. t. 6, 10, and ews, %, a grass that mules 
fed on, dyp. wedcndns, Od. 6. go; eiAcrerijs dyp. Theocr. 13. 42 :—it is 
triticum repens, acc. to Interpp. ad Theophr. H. P. 1. 6, 7, etc. II. 
for dyp@orts, v. sub dypworns II. 

dypaotwp, opos, 6,=dypwarns, Nic. Al. 473. px 
dypwrnp, 6, fem. dype@repa, =dypérns, Steph. Byz. s. v. dypés. 
a&ypadrys, ov, 6,=dypdrns, v. 1. for dporpevs in Theocr. 25. 51. : 2. 
as Adj. of thayfield, wild, Ojpes Eur. Bacch. 562 (lyr.) : rustic, BouvxddAot, 
Anth. P. 6. 37. y 

dyud, %, a street, highway, Il. 5. 642, Od. 2. 388, ete.; dy. orev} 
Xen. Cyr. 2. 4, 3:—mostly in pl., oxidevro 5¢ raoa d-yuai, in describing 
the passage of Telemachus from city to city, Od. 3. 487, cf. 15. 1853 and 
even of a passage over sea, 11.12; dyuaiot in the streets, Epigr. Hom. 
15.53 so in Pind, P. 2. 107, Soph, O.C. 715, Ant. 1136, Eur. Bacch. 87 
(all lyr.), Ar.; rare in Prose, Xen. Cyr. 2. 4, 3- 2. a collection of 
streets, a city, Pind. O. 9. 52, N. 7.136; moAvmupos dy. Epigr. Gr, 1028. 
2,v. sub edpvxopos, kvicdw, (A quasi~participial form from ayo, cf, dprua, 
opyua.) [a&yuad, except in Il. 20. 254, where it is written proparox. 
ryudi: on this, v. Roche Hom, Text-kritik, p. 177 sq-] 

ayuiatos, a, ov, of streets or highways, yi) Soph. Fr. 211. 

d&yudrys, ov, 6,=’Ayuieds, Aesch. Ag. 1081, in voc. "Ayuara, 


Gyuiatis, 150s, 4, fem. from foreg., like Kopnris, a neighbour, 
II. 2, II. as Adj., dyuarides Oeparetac the worship of j 

; yuiels, éws, 6, a name of Apollo, as guardian of the straits. 
highways, Eur. Phoen. 631, ap. Dem. 531. 9, Inscrr, Att, in C. 

4 oe Ra a pointed pillar, set up as his statue or altar at 
street door, Ar. Vesp. 875, v. Miiller Dor. 2.6, 5; similarly, "Ayueds 
Boyds in Soph. Fr. 340:—cf. nnodw. 4 ‘: RAY, 

Gyuomlacréw, (rAdoow) to build in streets or rows, Lyc. 6or. 
d-yuos, ov, without limbs, weak in limb, Hipp. 600. 49. ov aha 
erect, %, want of exercise or training, Ar. Ran. 1088, Arist. Eth. 
omen; 15: i 
Gytpvacros, oy, (-yuuvdw) unexercised, untrained, trot Xen. Cyr. 8, 
1, 38, cf. Arist. Probl. 8. 10; dy. 7G odpars Plut. Arat, 47. 2 
unpractised, rds in a thing, Eur. Bacch. 491, Xen. Cyr. 1. 6, 29, Plat., 
etc.; also es or mpés 7 Plat. Legg. 731 A, 816 A; mept 7 Plut. 2. 
802 D. 3. unharassed, Soph. Tr. 1083 ; 083° éydpvacrov mAdvors 
Eur. Hel. 533 ; ob dytuvaoros mévas ppévas Id. Fr. 335ce" II. 
Ady., dyupvaorws éxew mpés 7 Xen. Mem, 2. 1, 6. 
Gytvak, 5, (yuh) wifeless, Soph, Fr. 5: another nom. dybvatKos oc- 

_ curs in Phryn. Com. Mov. 13 ; &ybvatos in Dio C., Porphyr. Abst. 4. 17,’ 

Manetho 1.173; dydvys in Poll. 3. 48; dyvvos in Ar. Fr, 571. 
dyipis [a], cos, , Aeol. form of pa? a gathering, ei, dvbpav 

dyupy Od. 3. 31; év vertow dybpe Il. 16. 661 ; ev vay dy. 24. 141; 

also in Eur. I. A. 753 (lyr.). (Hence dytyyupis, mavfyyupis; cf. dydprys, etc.) 
dyvppa, aros, 70, anything collected, A. B. 327. : 

Gyuppoés, 6,=dyvpis, Babr. 102. 5, A. B. 331: cf. ouvaryuppds, and 
v. sub dyeppds, ; 

Gyuptatw, (dyuprns) to collect by begging, xphpara Od. 19. 284. 

dyupreta, , begging ; and ieyipiostien ao ae Suid. 

ayupreutns, ov, 6, =dayvprns, Tzetz. 

ayuprip, 7ipos, ’ Rape 4. 218, i f 

ayuUprys, ov, 6, (dyeipw) properly a collector, esp. a begging priest o' 
Cybelé, Myrpds dy. (cf. praia. fe Anth, Ps. 218; TdAdos dy. 
Babr. 2 :—then, 2. as the character of these persons was bad, a 
beggar, vagabond, impostor, juggler, Eur. Rhes. 503, 715, cf. Lysipp. 
Baxx. 6; applied to Teiresias in Soph. O. T. 388; associated with pay- 
Tes generally, Plat. Rep. 364 B. IT. a throw of the dice, Eubul, 
Kv. 2.—On the accent, v, E. M. 436. 3. 

Gyuptixés, 4, dv, fit for an dyiprys, vagabond, ay. pavris Plut. Lyc. 
93 juggling, wivaxes, Id. Comp. Aristid. c, Cat. 3; 70 dy. yévos Id. 2. 
407 C: 70 dy. as Subst. jugglery, Strabo 474. Adv. -K@s, Hierocl. 

dyupris, (dos, fem. of dyvprns, Tzetz. 

ayuprés, 4, dv, verb. Adj. of d-yelpw, got by begging, Hesych. 

dyvprpta, %, fem. of dyuprhp, Aesch, Ag. 1273; cf. dyipras. 

dyuprabns, es, (<f50s) like an d-ybprys, Eccl. : 
ax", poét. abbrev. for dvax-— in compds. of dva with words beginning 
with x. 

dyxalo, post. for dvaxdCopat, to retire, Soph, Fr. 800. ‘ 

@yxX-avpos, ov, near the ae. dyx. vig the end of night, Ap. Rh. 
4-111. (-aupos seems to be connected with avpov, Aur-ora, v. sub ids.) 

dyxXé-paixos, ov, fighting hand to hand, Il, 13. 5, Hes. Sc. 25; Ta dryx. 
brAa Kadovpeva arms for close fight, Xen. Cyt. 1. 2, 133 yet ayx. 
Anth. Plan. 173. Adv. —xws, ap. Lob. Phryn. 685. (With dyxt, dyxé- 
paxos, cf. dvé, dyi-pabhs, etc. 

ly RNa ge pre foie Or. Sib. 10 (12). 100; cf. dyxéuaxos. 

dyx-“pns, €s, close-fitted, neighbouring, near, Soph. Fr. 6,Orph. Arg. 1081. 

dyynorivos, v. 1]. for dyxtoT-. 

dyxt, =eyyis, post. Adv. of Place, near, nigh, close by, Il. 5.185, Od. 
3. 449, etc. :—oft. c. gen., which follows dyxe; dyxt Oadagons Il. 9. 43; 
ayxt vedv Io. 161, etc. (yet goes before in Il. 8.117, Od. 4. 370)3 
Comp. éyxtov, dacov: Sup. dyxiora (v. daaov, dyxuaT0s):—so in Trag. 
dyxt medayias adds Aesch. Pers. 467; Gxt mvevpdvew Id. Cho. 639; 
dyxt iis Soph. O. C. 399 :—when éyxt appears to be used with dat., 
the dat. should be taken as dependent on the Verb, as in Il. 5. 570., 6. 
405., II. 362., 23. 447; or is dat. commodi, 20. 283. 2. in Od. 
1g. 301 it is commonly taken of time, next, soon, but needlessly. i. 
like dyxcora, of near resemblance, c. dat., Pind. N. 6.16. (For the Root, 
v. dyxw; cf. Lat. pressus, squeezed close, close, Ital. presso, French pres.) 

&yx(-tidos, ov, also 7, ov, h. Hom. Ap. 32, Andromach, 171: (aAs) :— 

ost. word, near the sea, of cities, Il. 2. 640; of islands, sea-girt, as of 

parethos, h. Hom. l.c.; of Lemnos, etc., Tas 1GAOUS «. LETAKTOUS 
Aesch. Pers. 887 (lyr.); of Salamis, Soph. Aj. 135 (lyr.), Anth. P. 9. 288 ; 
of the fountain Arethusa, dy. #ara Eur. I. A. 169 (lyr.), cf. Ap. Rh. 2. 

ayxt-BaOys, és, deep to the very edge or shore, Oadacca Od. 5. 413; 

of. Plat Criti. 111 A ;—so 7a ayxeBaoh deep places, Arist.Probl. 23. 31, 

cf, Plut. 2. 667 C. 2. generally, deep, high, dwrai Arist. H. A. 5. 

16, 8; Athy Strabo 222, 792. , 
dyxtPiréw, fo stand by, Hesych. II. in Ion. for dpupesByréw, 

Suid., who quotes dyxBacty for duducBirnats from Heraclit. 
dyxe-Barys, ov, 6, one that comes near, Hesych. 

— dyxt , ov, near marriage, Patthen. Fr. 24, Nonn. D. 5. 572. 
Gyxi-yelrwv, ov, gen. ovos, neighbouring, Aesch. Pers. 886 (lyr.). 
dyxl-yiios, ov, (ins) neighbouring, Ap. Rh. I. 1222, Dion. P. 

215. II. near land, Nonn. D. 3. 44. 
ayx-Oddaccos, Att. -Tros, ov, near the sea, Poll. 9. 17. 
ayxt-Oivis, és, near dying, cited from Nonn.- 
dyxi-Oeos, ov, near the gods, i.e. like them in happiness and power, or 

living with them, Od. 5. 35: as Subst. a demigod, C. I. 911, Luc, 8, Dea 31. $ 

the | position of a statue, C. I. 2592. 

‘dyx(-Opovos, ov, sitting near, Nonn. Jo. 7. V. 39 

, to be at the door, be close at hand, Eust. 1133. 61, Manass. 

ov, next door, yelroves Theogn. 302, Anth, P. append. 
3; ayx. vaiowa Theocr. 2. 71. 2. near the door, of the! 

dyxt-KéAevos, ov, near the way, Nonn. D. 40. 328. _ 

dyxt-Kpypvos, ov, near the cliffs or coast, Atyurros Pind. Fr. 50. 
t-Aawtp, wros, 6, a sore at the inner corner of the eye, Galen. 
GyXt-piixynris, od, 5, =dyxéuaxos, only in pl. Il. 2. 604, ete. 
Gyxl-piixos, ov, later form of dyyxéuaxos, Lob. Phryn, 685. 
GyXtporéw, to come nigh, Nonn. D. 25. 426. 

Gyxipoos, ov, (uoAciv) coming near; Ep. word, mostly used in neut. 
as Ady. near, close at hand, dyxipodov 5€ of HA0€ Il. 4. 529, ef. Od. 8. 
300, etc., Hes. Sc. 325 ; f dyxrpdAovo &ppacaro he perceived from nigh 
at hand, Ml. 24. 352; dyxipodov dé per airéy close behind him, Od. 
17. 336 (where it need not be taken of time), c. gen. €ev dyxiporo 
Theocr. 25. 203; in Hes. Sc. 325 the dat. prob. belongs to the Verb, v. 
G@yxi 1. A form dyxlBrAws (BAdwoxw) is found in E. M. 

Gyxy.os, ov, (d-yx0) = mAnotos Eur. Fr. 859. 

Gyxu-vedas, és, near the clouds, oxéredos Anth. P. 6. 219, 14, Nonn. 

Gyxtvoua, 7, (voéw) readiness of mind, ready wit, sagacity, shrewdness, 
Plat. Charm. 160 A, Arist. Eth. N. 6. 9, 3, Rhet. 1. 6, 15 :—as a title, 7H 
of dyxwvoig Eus. H.E. 9. 1, 5. 

Gyxi-voos, ov, contr. -vous, ovy, ready of wit, sagacious, shrewd, Od. 
13. 332, Plat. Legg. 747 B, etc.; mpds Ta ovpBatvoyra Arist. H. A. 7. 
10, 1:—Comp. and Sup., Sext. Emp. P. 2. 41, 42 :—Adv. dyxivws, Arist. 
Virt. et Vit. 4, 1. 

dryxi-mhoos, ov contr. —mAous, ovy, near by sea, dyx. mépos a short 
voyage, Eur. I. T. 1325. 

Gyxi-tropos, ov, passing near, always near, xdAaxes Anth. P. Io. 64; 
c. gen., Nonn. Jo. 4. 47., 6. 9. 

dyxt-mous, 6, 4, mouv, 76, near with the foot, near, Lyc. 318. 

dyxt-mrorts, ews, 6, 2), post. for dyyinohis, near the city, dwelling hard 
by, MlaAAds Aesch. Th. 501; “Apns Soph. Ant. 970 (lyr.): cf. dwéarodus. 

Gyxtp-poos, ov, contr. —pous, ovr, flowing near, Ap. Rh. 2. 367. 

dyxt-oropos, ov, near of kin, of Oewv dyxtatopot, ot Znvds éyyds Aesch.: 
Fr. 155 ; pvoww aidépos obcay ayx. Philo 2. 374. 

Gyxoreta, 7, (dyxiorevw) nearness of kin, } Tod yévous ayx. Plat. 
Legg. 924D; dyx. indpye ri mpds Twa Arist. Rhet. 2. 6, 25. 2. 
rights of kin, right of inheritance, Ar. Av. 1661 ; mporépots rots dppeot Ta 
Onde THY ayx. memoinxe Isae. 65. 26; vd0w wnde vb0p ayy. elvat Id. 61. 
6, Lex. ap. Dem. 1067. 13; rats dyx. mpérepo dvres Tivds Isae. 68. 6. 

Gyxioreta, 74, =foreg., yévous kar’ dyy.areia Soph. Ant. 174. 

Gyxuorevs, ws, 5, mostly in pl. dyxiorels, the next of kin, closely 
akin, of nations, Hdt. 5. 80, 3: in law, the next of kin, heir-at-law, 
= (Ruth. 3 8q.), Suid, etc.; ovyyerqs dyy. Luc. Tim. 51: cf. 

yxtorevo, f. evow, to be next or near, yf dyxvoretovoa .. révr@ Eur, 

Tro, 224 (lyr.). : II. to be next of kin, heir-at-law, twi Isae. 84. 
28 :—metaph., ayx, twés to have to do with a thing, Hipp.27.44. 2. 
in LXx,. dyx. tivd to do a kinsman’s office to a woman, i.e. marry 
her, Ruth. 3- 13-, 4. 45 also, KAnpovoutay ayy. to enter upon.., Num. 
36. 8:—in 2 Esdr. 2. 62, Nehem. 7. 64 jyyxorevOnoay dnd THs iepareias 
means, they were excluded from the priesthood because their descent was 
not proved. (Signf.1, as also dyyworhp, dyxiorivos imply nearness only, 
so that a deriv. from the Sup. @yxiaros might be questioned: but Lat: 
proximitas, proximity are also derived from a Sup.) 

GyxLornp, Fpos, 6, one who brings near, only in Soph, Tr. 256 dyx. 
TOU maous immediate author of the suffering. 

eos. fr, by, ee to the dyyxiarela, Ammon. 

yxtorivinv, Adv. according to nearnes kin, ayx. a . 6. 

175, cf. Solon. ap. Hesych. F. et fe ee 

ayxrorivos, 7, ov, Ep. Adj. (v. dyx.aretw), close, crowded, in heaps, 
ai bey 7 dyxorivat én’ GdApAat kéxuvrat Il, 5. 1413 Tol 8 ayy 
arivor Emmrov verpot 17, 361, cf. Od. 22. 118: on the v. 1. dyxnorivor 
ef. Spitzn. ad Il. 5. 141, Bs 

dyxworos, ov, Sup. of dyx1, nearest : as Adj. first in Pind. and Tragg. ; 
patie in place, Aesch. Ag. 256 (lyr.), Soph. O. T. 919; yéver deyXLaTOS, 
eat eae seb of kin, Eur, Tro. 48; rdv &yxeorov, without ‘yéver, 
oF ae ara oapstong and dearest, Pind, P. 9. 114. II. Hom. 
mee b ao Ses “te @yxtoTov nearest, Od. 5. 280; or more com- 
. YxXtera, in the phrases, ayx.ora eget was most nearly like, Il. 

= 5°4 14. 4743 GX. tours Od. 13, 80; dyy. tioxnw Od. 6. 152, cf. 
ind. I. Ps 16: often Cc, gen., Avds dyx. next to Zeus, Aesch. Supp. 1036 

(lyr.); @yx. Tod Bopod Hd f hector toes 

ii ye Sox Hou Hat. 9, 81 3 ayx. oixety Twos I. 134, al.:—in 
oe * 905, nearest to what is right :—ol dyx. those next. of kin, 

with a play on the other sense the nearest nei hb Hdt. 5°79; @ 
Pa ed ghbours, t. 5° 795 @Yx- 

iw aire -yévous Luc. Catapl, 17. ITT. of Ti lately, b 
now, ThAEHOS..dryx.aTa BeSney | Syn ae ee 

YXtE7Ta oedney Il. 20. 18; 5 ayy. drobavdév he who died 

last, Hat. 2. 143; ra d&yy. most recently, Antipho 115. 25. 

dyxlerpodos, ov, turnin near J Ee : m 
Runsen: xafe 4 s or closely, quick-wheeling, txrivos. 

Sogn. : '. quick-changing, changeable, d-yxiaTrpopa Bov~ 
ona one one's mind suddenly, Hdt. 7.13; dyx. weraBort 
sudden change, Thuc. 2. 52 :—, Rh ey ee ae, 
ceriishes = Par ee 53 often in Rhet. writers, introducing words. 

arate ys ‘YX: rapidity of transition, Toup Longin. 27 
Schiif. Dion. H. de Comp. p. 300:—Adv. — L * 8 > 

yya-ridaoros, bie 3 Adv. pws, Longin. 22. I. * 

& gop nding, xpovos Nonn. Jo. 16. 25. 

SYK rehhis, €s, near an end, cednvn Nonn. D 40. 314 

S A . D. 40. 314: 
YAUTEPHOV, Ov, gen. ovos, (répua) near the borders, neighbouring’, 

ayxitoKos — aye. 

Soph. Fr. 349; twit Eur. Rhes. 426; ruvds Lyc, 1130:—Mostly: pott. 
(and acc, to Poll. 6, 113 dithyrambic), but also in Xen, Hier. 10, 7. 
dyxt-roKos, ov, near the birth, dyx. wdives the pangs of child-birth, 
Pind. Fr. 58. 5; of a woman, in the pangs of child-birth, Auth, P. 7. 462. 
dyxi-pavis, és, appearing near, Nonn. D, 29. 29. 

ayxi-puros, ov, planted near, Nonn. D, 3. 152., 12. 279. 

dyxlwv, cov, gen. ovos, nearer, Comp. of dyx, E. M. 14. 47. 
ayxodSnv, Adv. post. form of dvax— (xéopar) gushing up, Hesych. 
dyx dev, Adv. (dyxo0) from nigh at hand, Hat. 4. 31, Luc. Syr. D. 28: 
opp. to méppwOer. f 

GyxX6O, Adv.=dyxod, dyxt, near, c. gen., Il. 14. 412, Od. 13. 103; 
absol., Theocr. 22. 40, Anth. 

ayxovdw, (dyxév7) to strangle, Manetho 1. 317, Suid. 

dyxévn, 9, (@yxw) @ throttling, strangling, hanging, Trag., etc. ; 
ayxévns..téppara Aesch, Eum. 746; épya xpetocov’ dyxdévns deeds 
beyond (i.e. too bad for) hanging, Soph. O. T. 1374; 748° dyxdvns 
médas ’tis nigh as bad as hanging, Eur. Heracl. 246; tadr’ ody). . 
dyxévns érdgia ; Id. Bacch. 246 ; tabra .. ob dyydvn; Ar. Ach. 125 ; 
rare in Prose, dyxévn kat Adm Aeschin. 33. 18 :—in pl., év dyydvais 
@dvarov AaBeiy Eur. Hel. 200, cf. Ib. 299, H. F. 154; af dyy. paduora 
ois véois Arist. Probl. 30. 1, 26. II. acord for hanging, halter, 
Simon. Iamb. 1. 18; Spdxos dyxévns in Eur. Hipp. 802. 

dyxovife, to strangle, Schol. Eur. Hipp. 780. 

dyxovipatos, a, ov, wdpos, death by strangling, ap. Eus. P. E. 277 D. 
dyxévios, a, ov, (dyxm) fit for strangling, Bpdxos Eur. Hel. 686 (re- 
stored by Elmsl. for @yxéveos) ; Secuds Nonn. D. 21. 31., 34. 229. 
GyxXopeva, poét. for dvaxopetw, Anacreont. 14. 30, acc. to Coraés. 
Gyxéce, Ady. coming near, Apoll. de Adv. 607. 23. 

ayxorarw, Adv., Sup. of dyxoi, like dyxiora, nearest, next, c. gen., 
h. Hom. Ap, 18, Hdt. 2. 169, Eur. Fr. 623; dyx. twds very near, i.e. 
very like some one, Hdt. 7. 73, 80, al.; also tut 7. g1, 1:—ol dyxo- 
Taro mpoonkovres the nearest of kin, 4. 73:—so too dyxérara; ayx. 
exev twvds to be most like. ., 7. 64. 

&yXérepos, a, ov, Comp. of ayxod, nearer, c. gen., Hdt. 7. 175. 
ayXot,=dyxu, near, Lat. prope, freq. in Hom., mostly absol., and at 
the beginning of a line, dyyod & israpévy Il. 2. 172, cf. 4. 92, 303, al. ; 
absol. also in Soph. Tr. 962, Fr. 69 ; twice c. gen., Il. 24. 709, Od. 6.5; 
elsewh. in Hom. always dyxod iordyevos or —pévn, except in Od. 17. 
526., 19. 271; also c. dat., Pind. N. 9. 95, Hdt. 3. 85 ; but cf. @yxe ;— 
never in Att. Prose, v. Luc. Ner. 9. Later forms are dyxérepos, dyxo- 
Tare, qg.v. (V. sub dyxw.) 

dyxoupos, ov, Ion. for dyxopos, neighbouring (Hesych.), Anth, P. 9.235: 
bordering on, rivi Orph. Arg. 122; Twds Lyc. 418, 

dyxouca, v. sub éyxovea. 

Gyxovotfopar, Med. to use rouge, Hesych. 

dyxo, f. dyéw, Ar. Eccl. 638, Luc.: aor, #yfa C. I. 3588, Joseph., 
(am-) Ar. Pax 796 :—Med. and Pass. (v. infr.) only in pres.: cf. dmdy- 
xe. (From 4/AX, 4/AD'X come dxéw, dxevw, dxvupar; ayxdvn, 
as also dyxz (q. v.), dyxod, évayxos, éyyts ; dos, dxGouat, &xOos, and 
peth. dynv, dxnvia (Lat. egeo); cf. Skt. anhus, anhas (Lat. angustus, 
angor), agham (evil) ; Lat. ango, angina, anxius ; Goth. aggvya, (ango), 
aggvus (angustus); O. H.G. angust (angst, anguish) ;—the common 
notion being of close pressure or constriction.) To press tight, esp. the 
throat, d@yxe puv tvds ind dephy Il. 3. 371: to strangle, throttle, rovs 
marépas Hyxov vixtrwp Ar. Vesp. 1039, cf. Eccl, 638, 640; Tdv KépBe- 
pov arntas ayxov Id. Ran. 468, cf. Av. 1575; Kav ravpoy dyxos Id. 
Lys. 81, cf. Dem. 1157. 6., 1263.7, Theocr. 5. 106, Anth. Plan. go; é& 
xadw@ rads ovaydvas Gd. LXx (Psalm. 31.9): metaph., of pressing creditors, 
Ar. Eq. 775, Luc. Conv. 32, cf. Ev. Matt. 18, 28; v. ad Thom. M. p. 8; 
of a guilty conscience, rovro .. dyxet, o1wmay Tove? Dem, 406. 5 :—Med. 
to strangle oneself, Hipp. 563. 7 :—Pass., Pind. N. 1. 69, Dem, 1157. 6. 
Not found in Trag. 

dyxXapidos, ov, (duadds) nearly equal, dyxepadror éy xetporovia Thuc. 
3. 49, cf. Dion. H. 5. 14; dyx. udxn a doubtful battle, Thuc. 4. 1343 
vinn Plut. Otho 13; ob« dyx. 7d wAHOos Id. Caes. 42 :—neut. pl. as 
Adv., dyx@padra vavpaxeiv, Lat. aequo Marte pugnare, Thuc. 7. 713 
dyxupard oguot éyévero Luc. Herm. 12. Adv.-dAws Luc, Ver. Hist. 37. 

Gy [a], Dor. 3 pl. dyovre Pind. P. 7. 13: impf. fyov, Ep. dyov Il. 7. 
312, 3 dual dyérny Od. 3. 439, Dor. dyav Pind. P. 9. 217, Ion. dyeoxov 
Hat. 1. 148, Ap. Rh.:—fut. dgéw Il. 1. 139, Soph., Plat.; but dere is 
used as aor. imperat. by Hom., Il. 3. 105., 24. 778, Od. 14. 414; so inf. 
dgéuevar, —Euev Il, 23. 50, 111; and med. dgeoe 8, 505 :—aor. 2 
ayyayov Hom. and Att.:—also aor. 1 #fa Hes. Op. 432, 438, Batr. 115, 
11g; but aor. 1 is very rare in Att., dgac Antipho 134. 42, mpoo-htay 
Thuc. 2.97; (in other places it has been corrected, partly from Mss., 
partly from the context, v. sub dmatcow, mpoctatcow, ovvvacow, cf. L. 
Dind. Xen, Hell. 2. 2, 20, Veitch Gk. Verbs s. v.):—pf. #xa Polyb. 3. 
III, 3, (mpo-) Dem. 346. 24., 772. 5, (ovv—) Xen. Mem. 4, 2, 8; later 
dynoxa, Joseph., etc., which is allowed by the Atticists only in compds., 
eicaynoxéras Philipp. ap. Dem. 238. 28; xarayhoxer (vy. sub kardya); 
ovvaynoxa Arist. Oec. 2. 1, 10; a form dyfyryoxa twice in Inscr. Aeg. 
in C. I. 2. p. 1013, ovv-ayd-yoxa Inscr. Ther. in C. 1 2448. 111. 12, 
di-aryehsyea Ib. (add,) 4897 d: plapf. dynéxet Polyb. 30. 4, 17, cf. C. 
I, (add,) 4897 d :—Med., fut. dgoxa: Hom., Hdt., Trag.: aor. 2 iyaryd- 

pv Hom., etc.: also aor. 1 unaugm. dgdyny (éo—) Hat. 5. 34, cf. 1. 190. 

8. 20, I, never in Att.:—Pass., fut. dy@jcopar Plat. Hipp. Ma. 292 A, 
(apoc-) Thuc. 4. 87, etc., but also dfopar in pass. sense, Aesch, Ag. 
ney , Plat. Rep. 458 D, (apoo—) Thuc. 4. 115, etc.: aor. 1 HxOnv Xen. 
An, 6. 3, 10, Ion. dxOnv Hat. 6. 30, 1: pf. Hvac Id. 2,158, 2, Dem. 170. 

—Verb. Adj. dréoy, q. v. (From 4/AD come also dyiwéw, ayds, 
dxrap, tyyéopat, Hyena, etc. ; also dypa, dypetar, etc. ; dyay (v. signf. 
Iv. 2); Oypos, and-perh, the Adv. dyay: cf. Skt. ag, agdmi (ago), agas 
(derwp) ; agmas (bypos), agis (dyav) ; Zd. az (ago), azra (dypa).) 

I. to lead, carry, convey, bring, mostly with living creatures as the 
object, pépa being used of things, dane F dyew érdpoice . . yuvaika, at 
tpinoda : . pépey Il. 23. 512; Body 8 dyérny xepdow by the horns, Od. 
3- 4395 Gy: els or mpds Témov, but poet. also c, acc. loci, vécro 8 &« 
ToAé pow dndvous (sc. dvipas) . . Fyov otkous Aesch. Pers. 862 ; “Aidas..” 
dye "Axépovros dxrdv Soph, Ant. 811; dy. rwd Tu to lead one to 
another, Od. 14. 386; immous if’ pyar’ dy. 3. 476, Aesch. P. V. 465: 
from the common phrases @yew orparevpa, oTparév, etc., comes the use 
of yew intr. of the soldiers themselves, radrp .. dges 6 Adxos Xen. An. 
4. 8, 12, cf, Hell. 4. 2,19, and perh. Thue. 5. 54: more generally, én? 
Td dxpoy dyaydvrav éxarépaw tending to the extreme, Plat. Legg. 
701 E: dywper let us go, often in N.T.; cf. deréov, b. part. @ywy 
is used in gen, sense, taking, orhoe 8 dyov Il, 2. 558, cf. Od. 1. 130; 
where we should use two Verbs, took and placed; and v. éxw A. 1. 6, 
pépw A. X. 2. 2. to take with one, éraipovs Od. 10. 405; Te Il. 
15. 531. 3. to carry of, as captives or booty, II. 1. oF 25 9. 594, 
Aesch, Th, 340, etc. ; 409 dyépevos mapa Baotdéa had been seized and 
taken to.., Hdt, 6. 30; dydpevos, i.e. SodAos, Archil. 155, cf. Eur. Tro. 
140, Plat. Legg. 914 E; so, Atxny dyew to lead Justice forcibly away, 
Hes. Op. 218 :—of a fowler, PdAov dpvidav dupiBaddy dye Soph, Ant. 
343 :—mostly in phrase dyew xal pépew to sweep a country of all its 
plunder (where strictly pépecy refers to things, dye to men and cattle), 
first in Il. 5. 484 ofov x’ 7% péporey “Axarol 7H Kev dryo.ev, cf. 23. 512 
sq.; then often in Hdt. and Att. Prose ; more rarely reversed, pépovot Te 
wat dyovor Hdt. 1. 88,15; epepe nal Frye mavras Id. 3. 39, 4; also c. 
acc. loci, pépwv Kal dywv tiv Bibvvida Xen. Hell. 3. 2, 2; just like’ 
Lat. agere et ferre, Liv. 22. 3, etc.:—but pépew xal dye sometimes 
means simply to bear and carry, bring together, Heind. Plat. Phaedr, 
279 C; thy molnow pépew re wat dye i.e, bring it into the state, . 
Id. Legg. 817 A, cf. Xen, Cyr. 3. 3, 2; ‘like portari atque agi in Caes. 
B. C. 2. 25: in Pass., dydpeOa, pepdueba Eur. Tro, 1310, cf. Ar. Nub. 
241 :—Xen. Hell. 3. 2, 5, has also dyer wat wale; cf. pépw A. VI. 
2. 4. dyey els Sixny or dieacrhpioy, ay. em rods dieactds to 
carry one before a court of justice, Lat. rapere in jus, often in Att. 
Prose; so, mpds Tiv dixny ay. Eur. Fr. 1036; also simply dyewv, Plat. 
Legg. 914 E, Gorg. 527 A, etc. : esp. in the phrase émt Oavarw dy. Xen. 
An. 1, 6, Io, etc.: so, pévov dyec@at to be accused of murder, Plut. 2. 
309 E. 5. to fetch, dge0’ tay rdv dporov Od. 14. 414: hence 
also of things, to bring to, or in, import, oivov vijes dyovot Il. 9. 72, 
etc.; cf. Hdt.1. 70; iva of adv pdprov dyouu (i.e. atv of) Od. 14. 
296. 6. to draw on, bring on, mhpa 768 Hryaryov Odpaviwyes Il. 
24. 5473 “IAiw pOopdy Aesch, Ag. 406; Teppiay dpuépay Soph. Ant. 
1330; wtmvov Id. Ph. 638; xapdy Eur. Fr. 174; Saxpv Id. Alc. 
1081. 7. to bear up, pedrdot 8 ds, a&yovor Sixrvoy Aesch, Cho. 
506. II. to lead towards a point, lead on, Tov & dye poipa 
Kak?) Oavdroo rédoade Il. 13. 602, and absol., 2.834; of pw éripias 
dyes Soph. El. 1035; also, c. inf, dye Oaveiv leads to death, Eur. 
Hec. 43 :—c. acc, cogn., @yopat Tay mupdray 66dév (but the metre re- 
quires épyopac) Soph. Ant. 877 ; 7d orpdrevpa Hye Thy emt Meéyapa (sc. 
656) Xen. Hell. 4. 4, 13 ; also, 650s dyet the road leads, ets or émt rémov, 
Soph. O. T. 734, Plat. and Xen. 2. metaph. ¢o lead, as a general, 
Il. 10. 79; ds dye veikos "AOHvy II. 721; ay. orparidy, vais, etc., Thuc.° 
7. 12., 8. 59, etc.: to guide, as the gods, étc., Pind., Hdt., etc.; dad 
névey dyev twa Eur. I.T. 988; ay. tiv wodrretay to conduct the 
government, Thuc. 1.127; 5 rv coplay dyovor thus they treat 
philosophy, Plat. Theaet. 172 B; tiv abr aipeow ay. Twi to hold the 
same views as.., Polyb. 27. 13, 14 :—Pass. to be led, guided, Koyop@ 
Plat. Rep. 431 C. 3. to bring up, train, educate, bp0Gs, kad@s or 
Kans GxO7jvat Plat. Legg. 782 D, etc. III. to draw out in 
length, re@xos dyerv to draw a line of wall, Thuc. 6. 99; so, HéAaOpov | 
els épdgous dy. Anth. P. 9.649; &ypov dyev Theocr. 10. 2, cf. Thuc. 
6. 100 :—tly. ypappds to draw lines, Arist. Top. 1. 1, 6, cf. An. Pr. 1. 
24, 2, etc.:—Pass., 7erat % Sidpug Hdt. 2. 158; xéAmov dyopuévou- 
Ths ys i.e. the land running round into a bay, 4. 99; cf. éAatvw 

mI. 2. IV. to keep in memory, kai ev Kd€os Fyov ’Axatol Od. 5. 
31r. 2. like agere, to hold, celebrate, éoprhy, rA’OAdpma, etc., Hdt.” 

1.147,183; though this is more freq. in Att. (for Hdt. mostly uses dvayev), 
ay. Ovotay Isocr. 386 C, etc.; xpeovpydy juap evOvpas dyeav Aesch, 
Ag. 1592; but in Il. 1. 99, Hes. Sc. 480, dy. ExaréuBny is literal, to convey 
the hecatomb., 8. also to hold, keep, observe, dpOav dyes épnpootvay © 
Pind. P. 6. 20; omovdds dy. mpds twas Thuc. 6.7; elphyny Plat. Rep. 
465 B, etc.: often c. acc., as a periphrasis for a neut. Verb (cf. éxa A. 1. 8), 
veixos dyew =veeiv, Pind. P. 9. 54, cf. dperiy dy. Id. I. 7. 31; oXoARY 
dyew =axoddlay, Eur. Med. 1238, Plat. Rep. 376 D; jovxiay dy. = jov- 
xa¢ew Xen. An. 3. 1,14; @y. dwacriay Ar. Nub. 621; so, yéAwr’ dyew 
to keep laughing, Soph. Aj. 382; dy. erdwoy Eur. Or. 182. 4. to keep, 
maintain, €hevO€épav tye Tiyv “EAAGSa Dem, 120. 17. 5. of Time, to 
pass, Grhpavrov dyov Blorov Pind, O. 8.115; wolas Hpépas Sonets py’ 
dyew ; Soph, El. 266; 6 Bios obpos éorépar dryer Alexis Ti78. 3; déxaTor 
éros ay., etc,, decimum annum agere, Galen, V. like #yéopat. 
Lat. ducere, to hold, account, reckon, év Tipp dye or dyecOa, év ov- 
SepuH polpy dy., wept mAciorou dyew Hat, 1. 134., 2. 172+, 9. 7 1, ete. 5 
Gcovs dye to believe in, Aesch. Supp. 924; &° aidovs, bid Tuphs ay. 
wd, etc., Eus. H.E. 7. 24, 4, Luc. Prom. 4, etc.; Tap’ dAwAd6" edpickar 
dya Aesch. Supp. 918 ; 73 mpayp’ dyew .. ds map’ ob5év Soph. Ant. 34; 

1g: plapf. qyyuévor Hoav.Thuc. 6. 100.; also, in med, sense, v. infr. B, 2 2 ae *Agpodirny mpood’ &yew Tod Baxxlov-Eur. Bacch, 235 3 Tyumrepor™ 


18 ins 
dy. twa Thuc. 8. 18:—also with Adverbs, 5vopdpws ay. to think in- | 
sufferable, Soph. O. T. 784; so, évrips dyew Plat. Rep. 528 C, ete,:— 
Pass., youqv 8 dvijp dorayv wéyoros Soph, O.T. 775, cf, Lob. 
418, VI. to weigh so much, dyew pray, rpraxoatous ovs, 
etc., to weigh a mina, 300 darics, etc., Dem. 617. 21., 741. 7, ch 
Philippid. “Apy. "Ap. 7, etc. ; @yew mdéoy Arist, Probl. 23. 3, 2: where 
the ace. is the weight which the thing weighs or draws down: also, dy. 
orabpdy Plut. 2. 96 C; cf. Ako A. IL. 9, and y. sub dvrippomos. VII. 
on aye, ayere, v. s. vocc. 4 

B. Med. @yopat, to carry away for oneself, take to oneself, xpuady 

Te Kat dpyupov oixad deca Od. 10. 35: to take with one, 6. 58; 
often in Att. 2. dyecOar yuvaira, Lat, uxorem ducere, to take to 
oneself a wife, Od, 14. 211, Hes. ; in full, dy. yuvaika és rd oleia Hat. 
I. 59, etc.; and simply dyeo@az, to marry, Il. 2. 659, Hdt. 2. 47, 1, etc., 
and in Att., cf. Elmsl. Heracl. 808 ; pf. pass. #ypat is used in this med. 
sense, Joseph. A. J. 14.12, 1, cf. mpodyw 1.6; (Aesch, Pr. 560 has the 
Act. dyew in same sense) : also of the father, o bring home a wife for his 
son, Od, 4. 10, Valck, Hdt. 1. 34; of the brother who brings a wife 
to his brother, Od. 15. 238; and of the friends of the bridegroom and 
bride, Od. 6, 28, Hes. Sc. 274. 3. 5@pov dyecOat to take to oneself a 
gift, Valck. Theocr, 1.11 ; did ordpa dyecOat pd0ov to let pass through 
the mouth, i.e, to utter, Il. 14. 91; dyecOal 71 és xeipas to take a thing into 
one’s hands, and so to take upon oneself, undertake, Hat. 1. 126., 4. 79. 
Gy [a], crasis for & éy&, Soph. El. 259. 

Gywyatos, ov, (dyayh) fit for leading by, of a dog’s collar or Jeash, 
Anth. P. 6. 35. 

Gywyeiov, 7d, a pander’s house, Poll. 9. 48. 

Gywyets, éws, 6, one that draws or drags, Hat. 2. 175, 3- ; 2. an 
accuser (v. dyw I. 4), Suid. II. =urnp, a leading-rein, leash, 

Soph. Fr. 801, Strattis Xpuo. 2, Xen. Eq. 6, 5. ? 
dywyh, 7, (dw) a carrying away, Hat. 6. 85, etc.; freight, carriage, 
mpos Tas dyaryds.. xphoOa iofuylos Plat. Rep, 370 E, cf. C. I. 1838. 
I. b. intr., viv Gy. dd TaXous érore?ro pursued his voyage, Thuc. 4. 
29: movement, Tod wodds Plat. Rep. 400 C, cf. 604 B; ay. ént 71 ten- 
dency towards.., Hipp. Epid. 1. 938. 2. a bringing to or in, 
byuady 7 és rods Atyous ay. your bringing us before the council, Thuc. 5. 
85. 3. a carrying off, abduction, Aesch. Ag. 1263, Soph, O. C. 
662. 4. tSaros dyaryat aqueducts, C. I. 233 }. 52. II. a 
leading towards a point, conducting, guiding, irmov Xen. 6,43 4 
Tov vouov, TOD Aoyopod dy, guidance by.., Plat. Legg. 45 A, cf. 
Polit. 274 A:—intr. the course, tenour, tendency of a thing. 2. the 
leading of an army, Plat. Legg. 746 D ; év rais dy. on marches, Xen. Cyr. 
6. 1, 25: the guiding of a state or public business, Polyb. 3. 8 5. 3. 
a leading, conducting, directing, training, naidela pév éo8' } matdav OAKh 
te xal dy. mpos Tov md TOD vopov op0dv elpnuévoy Plat. Legg. 
659 D, cf. 819 A; dy. dpOfs ruxeiv mpds dperqy Arist. Eth. N. Io. 9, 8; 
51d 70 700s kat Thy dy, Id, Pol. 4. 5, 35 esp. of the public education of 
the Spartan youth, Aaxavud) dry. Polyb. 1. 32,1; “AynotAaos 4x90 Ty 
Acyouevny dywyhy év Aaxedalyove Plut. Ages. 1; cf. Miiller Dor. 4. 5, 
1 :—also of plants, culture, Theophr. H. P. 1, 3, 2; of diseases, treatment, 

Galen, 4. generally, a method, way, treatment of a subject, Arist. 
Rhet. 1. 15, 10: style, Dion, H. de Isocr. 20, al.; ) dy. 7” duadéerov 
Strabo 648. 5. a school or sect of philosophers, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 

145. III. a mode or aide ee Plut. 2. an ae anise 
y4L0s, ov, easy to be led, capable of being carried, 7, 
-. dy. Bapos pena to load three wains, Eur. Cycl. 385 ; 74 meee 
things portable, wares, Plat. Prot. 313 C, Xen. An. 5.1, 16, etc. ; s 4 
8 pndev dydrytpor dyecOar év TE TAOlw Dem. 929. 17. >. TL. o 
persons, to be outlawed, Schneid. Xen. Hell. 7. 3, 11: to be delivered into 
bondage, Dem, 624. 12, Plut. Sol. 13 :—so of things, liable to seizure, 
Dion. H. 5. 69. 2. easily led, complaisant, Plut. Alc. 6. . 
Gyayvov, 74, in Xen. Cyr. 6. 1, 54, the load of a wagon or hacer y 
dywyés, dv, (&yw) leading, guiding, and as Subst. a guide, Hat. 3. 4 5 
dyaryol an escort, Thuc, 2,12; dy. ddaTos an aqueduct, Hdn, 7. 12, neg 
1040, 1. 17: c. gen., dévapus dvOpdmav dyaryds power of ne sg 
Lyc. 5. II. leading towards a point, mpds or éné rt Plat. a: 
525 A; els.. Plut. Pericl. 1. IIL. drawing, attracting, Tw . 
-of the magnet, Diosc. 5. 148. 2. iiaaias forth, eliciting, xoa 
vexpav Eur. Hec. 536; Saxpiow dy. Id. Tro. 1131. "hd 
absol. attractive; Plut. Crass. 7; 7) d-yarydv attractiveness, 1d. 2. 25 B. 

& @], crasis for 6 dy. 
iri ea vos, 6, Acol, also dywvos, ov, 6, Alcae. 120: (dy). E- 
athering’, assembly, like dyopd; iCavev edpdv dyava Il. 23. 258; AvTo 
S dydv 24.1, cf. Od. 8, 200; év aya vewy Il. 16. 239, cf, Bust. 1335. 
7: esp. an assembly met to see games, often in Il. 23; Tre ay 
Pind, P. 10. 47; mowods dyavas Oévres Aesch. Ag. 845, cf. Ar. 
_Fr. 572. 2. a place of contest, the arena, Biyrny és péocov ayava. 
Il, 23. 685, cf. 531, Od. 8. 260, Hes. Sc. 312, Pind. P, 9. 202, cf. Be 
Thuc. 5. 50: proverb., é&a dy@vos out of the lists or course, i.e, beside 
the mark, Pind. P. 1. 84, Luc. Gymn. 21; cf. éaydvcos, Spépos 11. 
2. IL. an assembly of the Greeks at their great national ames, 
5 & Odvpaip dydv Hat. 6.127; ’OAvpmias a, Pind, O. 1.11; 6 Odvp- 
mos @yav Ar. Pl. 583; “EAAdbos.. dyavos Soph. El, 682, cf. 699: 
—hence the contest for a prize at the games, dydv tamucds, -yupyucds 
Hat. 2. 91, Plat. Legg. 658 A, al.; povords Ar. Pl, 1163, Thuc. 3. 104; 
of dy. of émt Aapmade Arist. Fr. 385; dydv trav dydpay a contest in 
which the chorus was composed of men, opp. to 7av matiay, Dem, §20. 
27 :-—dry. orepaynpdpos or orepavirns a contest where the prize is a 
crown, Hdt. 5. 102, Arist. Rhet. 1. 2,13; dy. xdAKeos, where it is a 

~ ip 

Phryn, | 

shield of brass, Pind, N, 10. 41, ubi v. Dissen:—hence many phrases, |, 

“dyaiva dyew, kaiordvar, rWévai, mporiBévat, mo.ely, etc., to hold or 
propose @ contest ; dyava mpoayopevey rit, els dyava mpokareiabat 
Twa, etc.; dyava or ev aya. vixdy, to win one or at one, etc.; dyay 
| mpés twa Dem. 247. 10; els dy. Adyar dpucécOar Twi Plat. Prot. 335 A. 
'—V. Interprr, ad Ar, Pl. 1163. III. generally, any struggle, 
trial or danger, moddovds deyavas eid, of Hercules, Soph. Tr. 1595 ay. 
tupnpépos Aesch. Cho. 584; els dyava Tbe cupmeady waxns Soph. Tr, 

20, etc. ; dydy mpoxéerar, c. inf., it is hard or dangerous to.., Hdt. ?: 
IT; dye dmopos Lys. 108. 25; péyoros Eur. Med. 235 ; OwAaw eneer 
Gyav mépi Soph. Aj. 936; and without epi, dyev Tay AxiAdAciay 
GrAwy Ib. 1240 :—so also, dydv wept Tis Yuxis, Tept HeyLaTay, etc., a 
struggle for life and death, for one’s highest interests, Eur. Or. 847, 
Phoen. 1330; moAAods dyvas Spapeovra meph opéwy abrav Hdt.8.102; 

= ob... dyav, GAAA ofs Yuyijs wépe Soph. El. 1492; v. sub 
HOS. 2. a battle, action, Thuc. 2. 89, etc. 3. an action at 
law, trial, Antipho 143. 44, etc., cf. Aesch. Eum. 677, 744 3 els dyavas 
kabtordvat dvOpémevs Plat. Apol. 24 C, Rep. 494 E; mept yuxts els 
dyava karacrnoai twa Xen. Lac. 8, 4. 4, metaph., ob Adyar 
2° dyav, now is not the time for speaking, etc., Eur. Phoen. 588; obx 
eépas dy. "tis no time for sitting still, Id. Or. 1291, cf. Thuc. 3. 443 
ayov mpdpacw od déxerar the crisis admits no dallying, Ar. Fr. 318, cf. 
Plat. Crat. 421 D, Legg. 751 D; wordew 7) madéev mporerrar dydy the 
issue proposed is to do or die, Hat. 7. 11, cf. 2093 péyas 6 dyad . . 7d XpIr 
ordy % waxdv yevéoOax the issue is great ,. , Plat. Rep. 608 B; cf. dun. 

Gywvaheis, of, the Lat. Agonales, Dion. H. 2. 70. : t 
Gyav-dpxys, ov, 6, judge of a contest, Soph. Aj. 5725 cf, dyavoberns. : 

dyovia, 7, a contest, struggle for victory, dye bid dons ayuvins 
exov Hat. 2. 91; moAeploy dy. Eur. Hec. 314, cf. Tro. 1003; v. sub 
aydpoxpuns ; esp. in the games, Pind. O. 2. 94, P. 5. 1503 also in Prose, 
ev Snporuch dy. Xen. Cyr. 2. 3,15; dmacay ay. évreivar Dem. 1398. 20, 
etc. 2. gymnastic exercise, wrestling, and the like, Hipp. Art. 787, 
Plat. Meno 94 B, Legg. 765 C, etc.: generally, exercise, Id. Gorg. 450D 
sq., Rep. 618 B. 8. of the mind, agony, anguish, ev poBy kat 
TOAAW dyovig Dem. 236.19, cf. Menand. Incert. 5, Arist. Probl, 2. 26, 
23 & Tols THs YuxFs poBass, éAmiorv, dyovias Id. de Spir. 4,6. 

Gyoudrns [ar], ov, 6, a nervous person, Diog. L. 2. 131, Suid, 

Gyovide, inf. -.dy Plat. Prot. 333 E, part. -a@yv Id. Charm. 162 C, Isocr., 
(indic. first in Luc.): impf. jywviov Polyb., etc.: fut. dow [a] Porph. 
Abst. I. 54: aor. qyywvidca Timocl, Mapad. 1, Diod.: pf. ayywviana 
(imep—) Dem. 1410. 5. Like dywvi(ouat, to contend eagerly, struggle, 
Dem. 534. 11; mpds GAAHAous Isocr. 59 B. II. to be distressed 
or anxious, be in an agony, TetpaxtvOa Te Kai dy. Plat. Prot. 333 E; 
dyaviavra Kat rePopuBnyévoy Id, Lysis 210 E, cf. Arist. Probl. 2. 
26, 2; mepi tuvos Id, Rhet. 1. 9, 21; c. acc., Polyb. 1. 20, 6, al; 
éni rit Plut. Caes. 46; dy. wh .., Polyb. 3. 9, 2, etc. 

Gyovifopat, fut. Yodya Eur. Heracl. 992, Thuc., etc., (in pass. sense, 
v. infr. B) ; —fcopar only in late writers, as Joseph, ; -tc@joopac Aristid. , 
I, §04: aor. Hywvicduny Eur., etc.: pf. Pydviopac (in act. sense) Eur. 
Ton 939, Ar. Vesp. 993, Isocr., (in pass., v. infr. B): aor. jrywvicOny 
in pass. sense, infr. B: an act, form dywvicas in C. I. 1108 (bis) —(dyor). 

A. as Dep., fo contend for a prize, esp. in the public games, 
Hadt. 2. 160, al.; mpés twa Plat. Rep. 579 C, al.; rwi Id. Ion 530 A; 
mept Twos about a thing, Hdt. 8. 26, Thuc. 6.16; ‘OAvymiaow Plat. 
Hipp. Mi. 364 A; wept mpwreiwv Dem. 247. 5; wept THs édevOeplas 
Id. 287.17: often c. acc. cogn., dy. orddiov Hat. 5.223 Tov dywver, 
obs mept THs Yuxijs tyywviecde Dem, 314.15; dyava.. TOvd Fyrywvicos 
thou didst provoke this contest, Eur. Supp. 427, cf. Ion 939, Heracl. 

795. 2. to fight, Hat. 1. 76, 82, al, Thuc. 8. 27, al.; mept Tov 
amayrow dy. Id. 6. 16; mpés twa Id. 1. 36; ©. acc. cogn., av [uaxnv]).. 
dyaviferbe Eur. Supp. 636. 8. to contend for the prize on the 
stage, both of the poet, Hdt. 5. 67, Ar. Ach. 140, 419, Arist. Poét, 
7, 11; and of the actor, Dem. 418, 5: generally to contend for victory, 
Kad@s .. Hyuvicat Plat. Symp, 194 A, cf. Menex. 235 D. 4. to 
argue sophistically, like épi¢w, opp. to diadéyoum, Plat. Theaet. 167 E, 
cf. Rep. 454 A, Phileb. 17 A: but, 5. generally of public speaking, 
Xen. Mem, 3. 7, 45 dy. mpds dmédeagw Arist, Fr. 1. 23. II. to 
contend or struggle against, as law-term, Antipho 130. 73 ¢. acc. 
cogn., dy. Sixny, ypapny to fight a cause to the last, Lys. 98. 14, 
Dem. 653, 26: hence also, dy. Yevdouaprupiay (sc. ypapjv) Dem. 
741. 20; dy. ayava Andoc, 4. 1, Lys, 111, 36: also, dy. pévov to 
Sight against a charge of murder, Eur. Andr. 336; dy. TE mpaypart to 
grapple with the matter, Plat, Hipp. Mi. 369 C, cf. Arist. Rhet. 3. I, 
5; TIT. generally, to struggle, to exert oneself, c. inf,, Thuc. 4. 87; 
<b dy. Lys. 160. 6; c. acc. cogn., & pry jryuvicw Dem, 420. 4; Kav 
dypelves dryovicwpa Id, 536. 5, 2 

B. as Pass., to be won by a hard contest, to be brought to issue, 
mostly in pf, moAAol dydves dyaviSarat (Ion.) Hdt. 9. 26; 7a qrywno- 
péva the contested points, points at issue, Eur. Supp. 465, Dem. 745. 
21 ;—rarely in pres., 6 dyan(suevos véyos the law now under debate, 
Dem. 709. 7} or aor., dewds.. nivduvos imtp ris . . édevdeplas HryaviaOn 
Lys. 194. 5 ; Tryevicbn Aapmpéis (impers.) Plut, Sert. 21 ;—fut, med, in 
pass. sense, dyanetrar kal kpOncerar rd mpaypa. it shall be brought to 
issue and determined, Dem, 516. 18. 

BYOvios, ov, (yar) of or belonging to the contest, deOAos ay. its prize, 
Pind. I. 5 (4). 953 evxos Id, O. 10 (11), 753 movs Simon. 29 :—epith, of 
Hermes, as president of games, Pind. {, 1. 85; also of Zeus as decider of 
the contest, Soph. Tr, 26; of Hermes, Inscr. Lac. in C. I. 1421 ;—the 
dydviot Geol,-in Aesch, Ag. 513, Supp. 189, 242, 332, 355, are held by 
some to be all the 12 greater gods as Protectors in danger ; by others 
the gods who presided over the great §ames (Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, 

ayovios — adera. 

and Hermes), or, acc. to Eust., those worshipped on a common altar 
(kowoBwpia), as in an dyéyv or assembly; cf. Plat. Legg. 783 A. 2. 
dyovigy oXodG in Soph, Aj. 195, is prob. an oxymoron (as the Schol. 
takes it), quasi oxoAj doxdrw, a rest full of conflict and anxiety, 
anxious idleness, 
G-yavios, ov, without angle, dy. oxfjpa 5 bedos Arist. Metaph. 4.14, I, 
cf. Theophr. H. P. 3. 42, 2. 
aydvicts, }, (dywvifoua) a contending for a prize, Thuc. 5. 50. 
dyavopa, 7d, a contest, conflict, in pl. deeds done in battle, brave 
deeds, Hdt. 8, 76 ;. feats of horsemanship, Xen. Hipparch. 3, 53 ay. 
kara 7a G0da C. 1. 2741; dyovicpara moreiy to enter into competition, 
of dramatic poets, Arist. Poét. 9, 11. 2. in sing., dy. tuvds a feat 
for him to be proud of, a feather in his cap, Thuc. 8. 12, cf. 17., 7. 56, 
59, 86; fuvécews dy. a fine stroke of wit, Id. 3. 82; dpas dy. the issue 
of the curse, Eur. Phoen. 1355. II. dy. moreioOai 7 to make it 
an object ¢o strive for, Hdt. 1. 140, cf. Eur. Phoen. 1355 ; od puxpdv 7d 
dyouopa mpoorarres Luc. Imag. 12. III. that with which 
one contends, a prize-essay, declamation, dy. és 7d mapaxphua Thuc. 
I, 22. IV. the ground or plea on which a cause is founded, 
Antipho 133. 34, Lys. 137. 8. 
dyovopos, 6, rivalry, Thuc. 7. 7o. 
dyovoréov, verb, Adj. one must contend, Xen. Cyr. 1.6, 9, Dem. 129, 6. 
dyeaviorhptos, a, ov, also os, oy (Poll. 4. 89), =dyovorikds, but sensu 
dubio in Anaxipp. Kid. 1. II. Gyovorhpiov, 7d, a place of 
assembly, Aristid. 1. 108. 
dyonoris, od, 6, a combatant, rival, esp. at the games, Hdt. 2. 160., 
§- 22, Isocr. 17 C, etc.:—as Adj., dy. timo race-horses, Plut. Them. 
25. 2. a pleader, party-speaker, debater, opponent, Plat. Phaedr. 
269 D, Theaet. 164 C, cf. Thuc. 3. 37. 3. an actor, Arist. Probl. 
19. 15; Oewpois etr’ dyanorais Achae. ap. Ath. 417 F; dy. tpaycav 
ma0av Timae. 119. II. a master in any art or science, Isocr. Antid. 
201, 204; dxpos dy. [rhs -yewperplas] Dem. 1414. 20. III. 
c. gen. one who struggles for a thing, dy. rijs dperfs, THs dAnelas, 
@ champion of virtue, of truth, Aeschin. 79. 31, Plut. 2. 16 C. 
dywvorikés, 4, dv, Jit for contest, esp. in the games, dtvayis dy. 
Arist. Rhet. 1. 5, 6; dy. o@paros dperf Ib. 14; 4 @yanaruh the art 
of combat or contest, Plat. Soph. 225 A, sq.; so, TO dyonoriucéy Ib. 
219 C, D. 2. fit for contest in speaking, dry. Aéfus style of debate, 
Arist. Rhet, 3. 12,1; dy. Adyot contentions, much like époruol, Id. 
Soph. Elench. 2, fin., al. ; dy. diarpiBai Id. Top. 8. 11, 2. 8. able 
to win, masterly, bold, striking, dy. mpopphyara Hipp. Art. 825; dy. 
7 €xovoa having in it something glorious, Ib. 832. II. of 
persons, contentious, eager for applause, Plat. Meno 75 C. III. 
Ady. —«@s, contentiously, Arist. Top. 8. 14, fin.; ay. éxew to be dis- 
posed to fight, Plut. Sulla 16. 2. in masterly style, Arist, Probl. 19. 
15: boldly, decisively, in late Medic. 
yoviorpia, %, fem. of dyarorhs, Eus. H. E. 5. 1. 
dywvo-Bikys, ov, 6, a judge of the contest, Hesych. 
dywvolecia, %, the office of d-yavobérns, direction or exhibition of games, 
Plut. Ages, 21, C. I. 2785 al., Poll. 3. 140. 
dywvoberéw, f. naw, (dywvobérns) to direct the games, exhibit them, 
Thuc. 3. 38, oft. in Inscrr.; dy. Tv@a, "OAdpma Anth. P. 12. 255; 
pipos dy. Plut. 2. 621 C. 2. c. acc., dy. Tivds to embroil them, 
Polyb. 9. 34, 33 dy. oraow, méAepor, etc., to stir up war, etc., Plut. 
Cato Mi. 45, Joseph. A. J. 17. 3, 1. II. generally, to act as 
judge, decide, Dem. 119. 13, cf. Plat. Symp. 184 A. 
dywvo-Yertip, fpos, 6, =sq., Inscr. metr. in C. I. 5727. 
dywvo-Bérns, ov, 6, (riOnpu) judge of the contests, president or director 
of the games, or (later) an exhibitor of games, Hat. 6. 127, 3, Andoc. 
32. 31, Decret. ap. Dem. 253, fin., oft. in Inscrr, 2. generally, a 
judge, Xen. An. 3. 1, 21, Aeschin. 79. 30. 
dywvoletucés, bi év, of or for the direction of the games, xphpara C. I, 
1378, cf. 2742 :—of a person, Ib. 6824. 
dywvobéns, i5os, fem. of d-yavobérns, C. I. 1444, 3415, al. 
dyovo-OhKn, 7), =d-yevoGecia, Soph. Fr. 802, as restored by W. Dind. 
The form is irreg., as Poll. 3. 141 remarks, but introduced metri grat. ; 
cf, vowobnKn. 
aywvodoyia, 7, (Aéyw) laborious discussion, Galen, 
d-yavos, ov, like dyévios, without angle, Theophr. H. P. 7. 6, 2. 
dywvos, 6, Aeol. for dyév, q. Vv. 
Gdaypds, 5, v. sub ddaypyds, Hesych, has ddaxrd =Kv}Oopar. 
GBaqbdos, ov, (Sats, 5¢s) without resin, Theophr. H. P. 5. 1, 5. 
GSdq5ouxn70s, ov, (Sqgdouxéw) not lighted by torches; of marriage, clan- 
destine, Apion ap. Eust. 
GSinpovia, 4, ignorance, unskilfulness in doing, c. inf. Od. 24. 244, 
where Buttm. (Lexil. s. v. d3joa« 13) prefers the v. I. ren saith: 
aSajpov, ov, unknowing, ignorant, c. gen., paxns adajnpove part Il. 
5. 634; Kandy ddanpoves, ignari malorum (Aen. 1. 198), Od. 12. 208: 
absol., Pseudo-Phocyl. 81.—Ep. word, used by Hat. 8, 65 46. r@v ipav 
Tay év ’Edevoin. . - 
aBars, é, (*ddw, dSafjvar) =foreg., c. gen. pers., Hdt. 9. 465 Cc, Zen. Tel, 
Tijs Ovoins, rav xpnopayv Id. 2.49., 5.90; bm ddtvas ddazs Soph. Ph. 
827 (lyr.): also c. inf., unknowing how to .. , ddais 5 Exewv pupioy adyos 
(sc. xp) Ib. 1167 (lyr.): absol., Xen. Cyr. 1.6, 43; ov« a6. Anth. Plan, 
84 :—Ady, déanort, Suid., Zonar. II. dark, Parmen, 122. 
abdnros, ov, (Safvar) unknown, Hes, Th. 655, Epigr. Gr, 1028, 67. 
Sadros, ov, unembroidered, plain, Orph. Arg. 405. 
GBaleros, ov, (Saiw) undivided, Ap. Rh. 3. 1033. 
a-Sdixros, ov, undestroyed, Q. Sm, 1, 196., 11. 165. 
Gdéios, ov, Dor, for dnios, 


Gatos, ov, (45qv) abundant, Sophron ap. Hesych. 

dBarros, ov, (Saivuya) of which none might eat, @voia Aesch, Ag. 

GSaitpevtos, ov, (Saurpevw) =sq., Nonn, D. 17. 51. 

aSavtpos, ov, (Sala B) undivided, Hesych. 

pus, v, gen. vos, = puros I, Pind. O, 2. 120, Eur, Alc. 1047; 
bd tpop Gdaxpus, of a healthy child, Theocr, 24. 31. IL= 
ddaxpuros 11, Eur. Med, 861: costing no tears, médepos, vin Diod. 15. 72, 
Plut. 2. 318 B. 

GSaxpirt, Adv. tearlessly, without tears, Isocr. 305 E, Plut. Caes. 7, etc. 

G-Sdxpiros, ov, without tears, i. e.: I. act. tearless, 46. xat. 
Gmhpov Il. 1. 415, cf. Od. 24. 61; ddaxpira exev dace Od. 4. 186; 
dorévanros xdddxpuros Soph. Tr. 1200 :—ebvdtey ddanptrav Brepdpar 
mé8ov to lull the desire of her eyes so that they weep no more, Ib. 106; 
on this proleptic usage, v. Lob. Aj. 515, Ellendt Lex. Soph. s. v., and cf. 
GBepxros, 2. c. gen. not weeping for, tivés Epigr. Gr. (add.) 
241 a. 13. IT. pass. unwept, unmourned, Soph, Ant. 881. 2. 
costing no tears, rpémaa Plut, Timol. 37. 

GSaAqs, és, Dor. form, = ddHAnros, Hesych. 

GSapdvrivos, 7, ov, adamantine, of steel, Pind. P. 4. 398, Aesch. Pr. 6, 
64, Soph. Fr. 604, Aeschin. 65. 33. 2. metaph. hard as adamant, 
adamantine, ovdets dv yévoro .. otrws 48., ds dv... Plat. Rep. 360 B; 
avdnpots kat a5. Ad-yos Id. Gorg. 509 A; ode dd. évri, of a girl, Theocr, 
3- 39. Adv. -vws, Plat. Rep. 618 E. 

aSapdvrios, 6,=foreg., as a name of Origen, Eus. H. E. 6. 14, Io. 

GSipavré-Seros, ov, iron-bound, a5. Adpat Aesch. Pr. 148, 426 (lyr.). ° 

Gdupavro-méSthos, ov, on a base of adamant, xlov Pind. Fr. 58. . 

GSdpas, avros, 6, (Saydw) :—first in Hes. (in Hom. only as prop. n.), 
properly the unconquerable : I. as Subst. adamant, i.e. the hard- 
est metal, prob. steel, Hes. Op. 149; hence the epithets xAwpds, moAsds 
Id. Sc. 231, Th. 161: metaph. of any thing fixed, unalterable, éros 
épéw ddduavrt meAdaoas having fixed it firm as adamant, Orac. ap. Hdt. 
7- 141; Gddapavros dhcev GAows, fixed them with nails of adamant, i.e. 
inevitably, Pind. P. 4. 125, cf. Anth. Plan. 167. 2. a hard metal 
resembling gold, xpuoov (os .. 45. éxd76n Plat. Tim. 59 B, cf. Plin. 
37-15; so perh. in Plat. Polit. 303 E. 8. the diamond, Theophr. Lap. 
19. II. as Adj. not to be broken, dvaxrirns Orph, Lap. 192: 
metaph. the inflexible one, i.e. love, Alex, Bardp, 1. 13; of Hades, | 
Theocr. 2. 34. ' 

G-Sapacri, Adv. unconguerably, Suid. 

&Sapacros, ov, (Saudw) epith. of Hades, inflexible, Il. 9. 158: later in 
the proper sense, untamed, unbroken, immos Xen. Eq. 1, I. 

G-Sdpiiros, ov, =d5dpacros, unconquered, Aesch. Cho. 54, Th. 233, 
Supp., etc., Soph. O. T. 205: of females, unwedded, Soph. Aj. 450: of 
beasts, untamed, v. sub méonyua.—dddpavros is the form preferred in 
Med. Ms, of Aesch., and dddyaoros in Laur. of Soph.; but the metre 
in several passages requires dddyaros, never —agros or —avros; whence 
Elmsl. (Soph. O. T. 196) inferred that d5aua7os was the only form used 
by Trag., who have the word only in lyr. [GSapeire in, 
Theocr, 15. 4, unless we read dAepdro, v. sub 7AEuaTOS.] 

d-Sapvijs, és, and dSapvos, ov, = dddyacros, Hesych, 

G-Sapos, ov, =ddayacros, Ion g. 

aSav, Acol. for ddnv, Alcman 76. 

adatdw or -éw, ddafjoa, ddagopuat, v. sub ddaga, 

aduimdvyros, ov, (Samdvdw) inexhaustible, Eccl. 

G-Sdariivos, ov, without expense, costing nothing, yAvkéa Kaddmava Ar. 
Pax 593, cf. Teles. ap. Stob. 69. 19; a5..7éc0ae te C. I, 3065, cf. 
3066 :—Adyv., ddamdvws répar ppéva Eur. Or, 1176. II. of 
persons, not spending, 45. xpnyarwy els ro déov Arist. Virt. et Vit. 7, 3. 

a84pxn, 7), or ddapxns, 5, a salt efflorescence on the herbage of marshes, 
Diosc. 5. 137: also @apKos, 6, Damocr. ap. Galen.; Dim, dSdpxvov, 74, 
Galen. Cf. Salmas, Solin. 918. 

aSapros, ov, (5épw) unflayed: not cudgelled, Hesych. 

moe or” Avdas, Dor. for dns, “Avdns, Soph. 

-Sacpos, ov, tribute-free, Aesch. Fr. 59. 

dBacros, ov, (Sdcac0at) undivided, Soph, Aj. 54. 

a5axéw, to scratch, Ar, Fr. 360: cf. d5agopar, 

a55eés, v. sub ddens. 

KoTES, GSSynv, G5Snhayéw, v. sub ddéw, ddnv, ddnparyéo, 

a8o.r, txos, 3, a measure of four xolues, Ar. Fr. 573. 

Ge, adetv, v. sub dvdavw, 

48éa, Dor. for #5eia, and also for 7Svv: v. sub Hus. 

adeqs, Ep. dens, és: Ep. voc. dddeés: (Sé0s), Fearless, el mep aderns 
7 éori, of Hector, Il. 7.117; «vov dddeés 8. 423, cf. Od. Tg. gt. 2. 
fearless, secure (vy. sub dAehs), 7d ddeés, security, Thuc. 3. 37; ddens 
Gavérov Plat. Rep. 386 B; wept tov «addy ‘Oavaroy Arist. Eth. N. 
3. 6, 10; &v vécos Ib. 11 :—ddees Séos Sediévar to fear where no fear is, 
Plat. Symp. 198 A. II. causing no fear, not formidable, mpos &x~ 
Opovs Thuc. I. 36; and so in 6, 87, wn) ddee?s elvae xwSuvever to chance 
to be not without fear (i.e. formidable) to him (where however Dobree 
suggests ddeés, as in Dem. 207. 23 ove dbdeés not without cause for 
fear). III. most common in Ady. d5e@s, without fear or scruple, 
confidently, Hdt. 3. 65., 9. 109; 45. moArreveoBar Lys. 170. 32; ad. Aé- 
yew Arist. Fr. 3943; $0€yyeoOar Epigr. Gr, 502. 7. 2. freely, 
largely, Thuc, 2. 40, Cic, Att. 13. 52. 

ders, és, (5éopar) not in want, Max, Tyr. §. 1 (c. gen.), etc. 

GSénros, ov, (Séopar) not wanting a thing, Antipho ap. Suid.; cf. 

aBea, %, (ddehs) freedom from fear, Lat. securitas, esp. of the person, 

Gbeinv di5dvay to grant a safe conduct, amnesty, inelecmmes Hdt, 2. 121, 
e ‘ 2 

6; rots dAAos dbeay Sedinare oixeiy Thy operépay Antipho 138, 24; 
év ddein civar Hat. 8.120; ov« év Gd, movetcbar 7d A€yeww to hold it not 
safe, Id. 9. 42; 7d o@pa twos els G5ecav kahiordvar Lys, 192. 4; Tay 
oupdroy ddeav roy Thuc. 3. 58; also, dear ynplfecbar epi tivos 
Lys. 166. 7; G5. run mapackevdev, mapéxev Dem. 171.7, etc.; opp. 
to dBeay eipicxecOar to get an amnesty or indemnity, Andoc, 3. 14; 
AapBavew Dem. 321.10; ddelas rvyxdvew Id. 58.16; Tod pa) ev 
Gevay iyere Id. 387.17; pera macys ddetas Id. 327.9; per’ ddelas 
Gol. 13:—also, yijs a5. a secure dwelling-place, Soph. O, C. 447:—in 
certain cases, at Athens, accusers were obliged to obtain @deva or indem- 
nity, free licence to speak, Dem. 715. 14, Plut. Per, 31; cf. Dict, of Antt. 
‘@, to be at ease, Eust. Opusc. 251. 6. 7 

aderyaves, of, a name of certain Seleucian magistrates in Polyb. 5. 54, 
Io ;—prob. an Eastern word, 

aSeqs, és, Ep. for ddes. 

Geos, ov, (Selxvupe) not shewn, unknown, v. 1. Pseudo-Phocyl, 124 ; 
of the Deity, Philo. 1, 197, 618. 

aSaNia, 7, fearlessness, Pallad. Hist. Laus. 896 B, 

d-Serdos, ov, fearless, Adam. Physiogn. 

GSelpavros, ov, (Sexuaivw) fearless, dauntless, Pind. N. 10, 30, etc.; c. 
gen., a5. €uavrijs without fear for myself, Aesch. Pers. 162 :—Ady, —rws, 
Id. Cho. 771. 

ABepros, ov, (Seiua) fearless, Hesych., Suid, 

GSeiv, Acol. dbdeiv, vy. sub dvidve, 

G-5eumvos, ov, without the evening meal, supperless, Hipp. Aph. 1254, 
Xen. An. 4. 5, 21, etc, 

d-SeacBapovla, }, freedom from superstition, Hipp. 23. 37. 

d-Sacibalpwv, ov, without superstition, Clem, Al. 302. Adv. —pévas, 
Diod, Excerpt. 614. 56. 

G-Secifeos, ov, impious, Aoyopot Orac. ap. Jul. 297 D. 

GSéxacros, ov, (Sexd(w) unbribed, impartial, Arist. Eth. N. 2. 9, 6, 
Dion. H., etc.:—Comp. Adv. —drepoy Luc. Hist. Conscr. 47. 

G-Secdrevros, ov, not tithed, tithe-free, Ar. Eq. 301, C. I. 3137. 101. 

adexros, ov, (5éxopar) not received, incredible, y. 1. Lxx (3 Macc. 4. 
ayy II. act. not capable of, ris ebda:povias Hippod, ap. Stob. 
553- 19; xaxov Plut. 2. 881 B. 

dedged, en, A5eAheds, —erds, v. sub ddeAGH, adeApds. 

45eheo-Krdvos, ov, Ion. for ddeAporrdvos. 

GS5eAGn, %, fem. of ddeApds, a sister, Trag., etc.; Ion. GSeApen, Hat. 
2. 56, al.; Ep. dSeAperh, Q. Sm. 1. 30, Anth.; Dor. aSeAded, Pind. N. 
7. 5, and in lyr. passages of Trag., Soph. O. T, 160, O, C. 535. 2. 
a sister (as a fellow Christian), Ep. Rom. 16. 1. 

aSeXordéos, contr. -ots, 6, a nephew, generally a brother's son, Hdt. 1. 
65., 6. 94, al., Thuc. 2. 101, etc.; also a sister's son, Hdt. 4. 147, Thuc. 
2. IOI, etc.:—also, ddeAgidés,-a brother, a dear one, LXX (Cant. 2. 
3, al.). : 

“GdehgrdH, §; Att. contr. for ddeAquden, a brother's or sister's daughter, 
a niece, Ar. Nub. 47, Lysias 97. 2, etc. ' 

ASeAblSiov, 75, Dim. of ddeAdds, Ar. Ran. 60, Call, Incert. 7 (prob. 1.). 

a5eAdilw, f. Att. , to adopt as a brother, call brother, Hecatac. 354, 
Apolloph. "Ip. 2, Isocr. 390 C:—Pass. fo be very like, Hipp. Acut. 384, 
etc. ; tii Id. Fract. 772. i 

adcAgicds, 4, dv, brotherly or sisterly, Arist. Eth, N. 8. 10,6. Adv. 
~#@s, Joseph. Macc. 13. 9. 

adAgikis, 3), brotherhood, close connexion, Hipp. Art. 823. 

&BeAdo-krévos, ov, murdering a brother or sister, Hdt. 3. 65 (in Ion. 
form ddeApeoxr—), Plut. 2.256 F :—hence &8ehpoxrovéw, 4o be murderer 
of a brother or sister, Joseph. B. J. 2. 11, 4; and ddeApoxtovia, 7, 
murder of a brother or sister, Ib. 1. 31, 2. 

GBedoo-Lwia, 7, a living as brothers, Pallad. Vit. Chrys. 

GbeAdo-pitta, 7}, marriage of brother and sister, Tzetz. 

G5eAb6-rrats, rados, 6, %, a brother's or sister's child, Dion. H.4.64 (ex 

Cod, Vat.), and restored by Dind, in Joseph. A. J.4.6, 12 for ddeApob marbés. 

adeX , Ov, adopting as a brother, E. M.: hence dSeApo-rrovéw, 

Jo. Chrys.; Subst. dSeAgo-rolyots, —ovta, 7, —rowyros, dv, Eccl. 

adeAhonpends, Adv., as befits a brother, LXX (4 Macc. Io. 12). 

a5eApds [4], (a copul., depts, Arist. H.A. 3. 1, 215 cf ap, 
and Skt. sa-garbhyas, co-uterinus), so that d5eApot are properly sons of 
the same mother: I. as Subst., ddeAgds, 6, voc, GdeApe (not 

-pé), Ion. ddeApéos, Ep. -e1ds (one of which two forms Hom, always 

uses, Hdt. and Pind. the former, which also occurs in a lyr. passage of 

Aesch., Th. 974) :—a brother, or generally, a near kinsman ; GdeApol 

brother and sister, like Lat. fratres, Eur. El. 536; ddeApeot dm’ dudo- 
; , i.e, not half-brothers, Hdt. 7.97; proverb., xaAemol méAcpor 

GdeApay Eur. Fr. 965 :—cf. ddeagy. 2. a brother (as a fellow 

Christian), Ev. Matth. 12. 50, Act. Ap. 9. 30, al. II. Adj, 

ddeApds, }. év, brotherly or sisterly, Trag., as Aesch. Th. 811; pvow 

ddeAgny Exovres, of Hephaistos and Athena, Plat.Criti.1ogC. 2. 

generally, like Lat. geminus, gemellus, of anything double, twin, in pairs, 

Xen. Mem. 2. 3, 19 :—also like twins, just like, cognate, ad. vépots Plat. 

Legg. 683 A, etc.: mostly c. gen., dbeAgd ravd_ Soph. Ant. 192; % 6e 

ieee padior’ dd. ris movnpias épu Id, Fr. 663; very often in Plat., 
as Phaedo 108 B, Crat. 418 E, etc.; but also c. dat., ddeAga Tovro.t 
Soph. O. C. 1262, ef. Plat. Symp. 210 B. 
bés, crasis for 6 ddeAgds, Ar. Pax 808, Plat, Prot, 310 C. 

GBeAhooivn, 9, =ddeApirys, Eccl. 

5eAbérn5, 770s, }, brotherly affection, LXx (1 Macc, 12. 10 and 17): 
relation of brothers and sisters, Schol, Eur. Or. 1045. Il. the 
brotherhood, 1 Petr. 2. 17., 5. 9- f 

&-Béuvios, ov, unwedded to any one, tuds Opp. C. 3. 358. 

2. where no fear is, void of fear, oixia Luc, Philops. 31. 



aderaC@o — adnuoré. 

G-BevSpos, ov, without trees, Polyb. 3. 55,9, Dion. H. 1. 37 :—poét. 
Opp. C. 4. 337. f 

GBevoedyjs, és, (eld0s) like an ddhv, glandular, Galen, :—contr., dderddn 
pdpara Plut. 2. 664 F. 

G-Séévos, ov, left-handed, awkward, Luc, Merc, Cond, 14, Saturn. 4. 

G-Sepis, és, unseen, invisible, Anth. P. 11.372. ; 

GBepros, ov, (Sépxopac) not seeing, ddéperav duparov THTwpeEvos (a » 
prolepsis) reft of thine eyes so that they see not, Soph. O. C. 1200; ef. 
GddKpuros 1. Adv. -rws, without looking, Ib. 130. 

ov, without skin, Schol, Pind. P. 4. 398- 

G-Beppos, ov, =foreg., Hesych. s. v. dazros, 

, ov, =sq., Nonn. D. 15. 138. 

dSeopos, ov, unfettered, unbound, a5. pvdaxh, Lat. libera custodia, our 
‘ parole,” Thue. 3. 34, Dion. H. 1. 83, etc. ; BaddAdvria a5, open purses, 
Plut. 2. 503 D; Secpor ddecpoy pvdAddéos, i.e. the suppliant wreaths 
which were hung around her, Herm. Eur. Supp. 32. 

G-dierorT0s, ov, without master or owner, of property, Plat. Rep. 617 E: 
of freedmen, Myro ap. Ath. 271 F, Arist, Eth. N. 8, 10, 6; 46. Kat 
avrokparets, of the gods, Plut. 2. 426 C. II. of reports or writings, 
without an owner, anonymous, Dion. H. 11. 50, Plut. Cic. 15, etc. :—Adv. 
—rws, Schol. Ar. Ran. 1447. 

eros, ov, (5éw) unbound, loose, Hipp. Art. 808 ; ad. 7Adxos Christod. 
Ecphr. 73. 2. free, Dem, 753. 1; unmarried, Eccl, 3. un- 
shod, like dvuméénros, Philostr. 921. 

Unros, ov, Ep. form of ddénros, Hesych, (vulg. dSevros), E, M. 17. 4« 

GSevKns, és, a word used by Hom. only in Od., dAcOpw ddeurét 4. 489; 
devnca mérpoy 10. 245; phy ddeveéa 6. 273; so also in Ap. Rh, 
ete. It is commonly explained not sweet, bitter, cruel (SedKos yap 7d 
yAukd says Schol. Ap. Rh. 2. 267, cf. Schol. Od. 4. 489, etc.), and Nic. 
Al. 328 used deveéi ofvw=-yAvxei. But the Scholiasts almost always 
add another sense, viz. dreoixds, dmpoodéxnros, dmpodparos, dveikacros, 
i.e. unexpected, unforeseen, sudden, and this is the only sense recognised 
by Apollon. Lex. Hom. Curt. also makes it prob., on etymol. grounds, 
that the latter is the true Homeric sense, holding that -devx-4s belongs to 
the same Root as 5ox-éw; cf. év-duxéws, MoAv-devens. 

5 ag ov, (Sepéw) untanned, of a raw hide, Od, 20, 2, 142, Anth. 
P, 6. 298. 

&Bie, (da satio) to be sated (only found in two Homeric forms, aor. 1 
opt, and pf. part,, the other tenses being supplied by dw), pa feivos.. 
deinvm adjc«e lest he should be sated with the repast, feel loathing at it, 
Od. 1. 134 (cf. dnbéw) ; Kapary dinndres 75 kal imvm sated with toil 
and sleep, Il. 10. 98, cf. 312, 399, 471, Od. 12. 281.—In both these 
forms the first syll. is long, as in ddoAéoyxns, and the best Mss, and 
authorities agree in writing them with a single 5; whereas in dSyy or 
Gdnv the a is short, except in one phrase, and here the same authorities 
write €dpevac G6dnv (Il. 5. 203). Heyne and Buttm. consider the a to 
be long by nature, but fail to explain the fact that ddqy as a rule has 
(For the Root, v. any.) 

, V. sub dvddve. 

its, contr, GS7jos, Doi. dSdtos, ov, wnassailed, unravaged, Gdqov .. 
peer Gn’ dvdpav Soph. O, C. 1533: of persons, not hostile, Ap. Rh, 
4. 047. 

GSnkros, ov, (Sdxvw) unbitten, not gnawed or worm-eaten, Hes. Op. 
418 (in Sup. ddyxrordrn), Diosc. 2. 64, al. :—Adv. -ras, Plut. Pomp. 
Be - 2. ee unmolested, not carped at, Plut. 2. 864 C :—Ady. 
—Tws, Ib. 448 A. II. act. not biting or pungent, Hipp. - 45 
Diose. 1. 29, cf. Schiif. Eur, Hec, 1117. eee ee 

adnréw, (dinhos) be in the dark about a thing, understand not, cxowds 
mpoonnes dv adnrodpev ppdoa Soph. O. C. 35 :—Pass. to be obscure, 
Sext. Emp. M. 11. 233, cf. 7. 393: to fail, not to a pear, Hipp. 590. 17~ 

GSyAqTOS, ov, (SnA€ouar) unhurt, Ap. Rh. 2. 709. 

GqAla, }, =d5nAdrys, Anth. P. 10. 96, Agath. Hist, p. 180, 18, 

omrovéw, to make unseen, Symm, Job. 9. 5. 
GSndo-rovds, dv, making unseen, Schol. Il. 2. 455, al. 
0S, ov, not seen or known : hence, unknown, obscure, igno 

Op. 6 (cf. dpltnros); ov ad, vipa... ixvevew Soph, 0. T. 475 a. 
.. G5, 6 xreivas ge Legg. ou A; mouty éavrdy ad, Arist. H. A, 9. 
37) 5. - Mostly of things, a5. @dvaror death by an u 
hand, Soph. O. T, 496; 4. €x@pa secret enmity, Thuc. 8, 108 ; pe 
dindov melts all to nothing, Soph. Tr. 698 ; a8. rit unseen by one, un- 
observed by him, Xen. Cyr. 6. 3, 13; 48. ra ef.., Plat, Phaedr. 
232 E. b. neut., ddnddv [éort] ef .., 8tv.., it is uncertain whether 
«+5 unknown that ++, often in Att. Prose ; so, déAov uh .., Plat, Phaedo 
gt D:—absol., ddndov dy it being uncertain, Thuc. 1.23 s0 also, éy 
adHhAw elvat Antipho 130. 4; é dindorépw elvar Xen. Hell, ” 5, 8; 
& ddqjAov épxerat [oedqvy] Soph. Fr. 713; els 1d &3., opp. to & 7B 
pavepy, Xen, Eq. Mag. 5, 7 :—but also, c. déndos agreeing with 
the subject (like Bixasos eipi), maides dnrot Sore pw = ddndov droré~ 
pow maides cicty Lys, 95.1; ddhdos . . Straws dmoBnoerar=& ddnrd éore 
bras dm., Arist. Eth, N. 3. 3, 10, cf. Xen. Mem. 1.1, 6, d. in Eur. 
Or. 1318 it has a half act, sense, ypéq ddhrw Tov SeSpapéva répt giving 
no sign of what had been done, TIL. Adv. -Aws, secretly, Thuc.» 
I, 92, ete.; Sup. -drara, Id. 7. 50. : 5 

GdnAGrys, 770s, %, uncertainty, Polyb. 5. 2, 3, ete. 

GBnAS-hAcPos, ov, with invisible veins, Arist, G.A. 1.19, 15, P.A 
GSnhow, to make dindos: Pass. to be obliterated, C. ’ sora. hi = 

‘0S, ov, not wrought by workmen, h, Di 
uncreate, Eccl, :—Adv. -ws, Th. E <a iin ia 

&SnpoKxpadrytos, ov, not democratical, Dio C, 43- 45. 


$ Gnpovew, aor, inf, ddnuovfoats, to be sorely troubled or dismayed, be in 

adnpovia — adtapbopia. 21 

anguish, Hipp. 563.5; Ginpovay ré nat dmopav Plat. Theaet. 175 D, cf. 
Dem. 402. 24; ddnuovijoa rds Yuxds Xen, Hell. 4. 4, 3; c. dat. rei, 
dinuovet 7H dronia rot waous Plat. Phaedr. 251 D; éai tux Dion. H. 
3-70. (Eust., 833. 15, derives it from ddquwv, a word which is nowhere 
found, unless it is rightly restored by Littré in Hipp. Epid. 1; besides, 
the origin of ddjyov is equally unknown.) [a8-, Nic. ap. Ath. 282 F, 
ef, Anth, P. 12. 226.] 

aSnpovia, 7, trouble, distress, Anth. P. 12. 226, Plut. Num. 4: (v. foreg.) 

G-5y pos, ov, = drddnpos, Soph. Fr. 566. 

G-5ypocievros, ov, not divulged, secret, Eccl. 

Gdypootvn, %, rarer form for dSnpovta, Democr. Fr. 91, Xen. ap. A. B.8o. 

Gdiqpov, ov, gen. ovos, sore-troubled, vy. sub ddnuovéw. 

Gqv or dSnv, Ep. d58nv, Adv., Lat. satis, to one’s fill, €Spevar addnv 
to eat their fill, Il. 5. 203, al.; éummdAdpevor cirwy addnv Plat. Polit. 
272C. 2. c. gen., of puv Ginv éddwor. . moA€uoro may drive him to 
satiety of war, Il. 13. 315; Tp@as dinv éhdoa rorcuowo 19. 423; Ere piv 
one Gnv édday xaxdrnros Od. 5. 290; so in Att., dnv édreckev aiparos 
licked his fill of blood, Aesch. Ag. 828; so in Plat., cat rodrov pe 
anv Euthyphro 11 E, cf. Rep. 341 C, etc.; anv yew rivds to have 
enough of a thing, be weary of it, Id. Charm. 153 D; rod gayeiy Arist. 
Probl. 28. 7; also, nv €xovow of Adyo: Plat. Rep. 541 B; and c, part., 
Ginv etxov Krelvovres Hat. 9. 39. (The Root is AA or ‘AA, cf. the 
Lat. satis, satur, satio; hence ddéw, aos, also don, dodopas: a shorter 
form & appears in dw, satio, whence daros.) [&, except in the phrase 
f5pevar G5bnv ; v. sub ddéq,] 

anv or 45yv, évos, 6, also %, a gland, Hipp. Art. 788, etc. 

GSqv is, és, (S7vos) ignorant, inexperienced, Simon, lamb. 7.53 (e conj.) : 
—Ady. -éws A. B. 341. Hence ddqvea, 7, ignorance, Hesych. 

GSzjos, ov, contr. for ddqios. 

G-Snypis, tos, 6, %), without strife, Anth. P. 7. 440. 

_GShptros, ov, (Snplouar) without strife or battle, Il. 17. 42, ubi v. 
Spitzn. 2. uncontested, undisputed, Orph. Arg. 849, Polyb. 1. 2, 3: 
—so Adv. -rws, Id. 3. 93, I. IL. not to be striven against, un- 
conquerable, dvd-yxns oOevos Aesch. Pr. 105. 

-“Au5ns or d5ys, ov, 6, Att.; but also “AiSys, ao, and ew, the older and 
more Homeric form; Dor. ’Aidas, a, in lyr. and anap, verses of Trag. : 
there is also a gen, “Aidos, dat. “Aid: (as if from “Ais), Hom., Trag.; v. 
infr.: (froma privat. and 4/FIA (ideiv), whence Herm. renders it by 
Nelucus) :—in Hom. only as pr. n. Hades or Pluto (cf. TAotrayv), the 
god of the nether world, son of Kronos and Rhea, brother to Zeus, Zebs 
kal éy@, tpitatos 8 “Acdns Il, 15. 188, cf. Hes. Th. 455; also called 
Zeds karaxOdvos Il. 9. 457; dvag évépww 20. 61, etc.:—eiv, els 
?Albao (sc. Sdpots, Sdpous), in, into the nether world, Hom.; also, eiv 
“Aidos Il. 24. 593; in Att. Com. and Prose éy “Aidov, és “Acdov (sc. 
olkw, olkov) ; “Aidéade Adv. fo the nether world, Il. 7. 330, etc. ; Soph. 
El. 463, Tr. 7, etc.; map’ “Aidp, map “Acdny O. T. 972, O. C. 1552; 
cf. m¥An I:—hence, 2. the word came to denote a place, of which 
the first trace appears in Il. 23. 244 eladwev ards. .”Aid: KevOwpa: 
then, émt rov ddnv Luc. Catapl. 14; eis diédnv Anth. P. 11. 23; & To 
dbp Ev. Luc. 16. 23. II. after Hom. as appellat. the grave, 
death, atinv rAayxavew, SéEacOa Pind. P. 5. 130, I. 6 (5). 21; Gdns 
aréyttos death by sea, Aesch, Ag. 667, cf. Eur. Alc. 13, Hipp. 1047. Cf. 
*Aidwyeds. [dtdns in Hom., Att. dns; but in Trag. also Gidas, Soph. O. C. 

1690 (lyr.); and Gis in Simon. Iamb, 1. 14 :—gen. diSew as an anapaest 
in Hom.,, later also GiSéw, Pors. Hec. to18, Jac. A. P. p. 3743 gen. atéao 
Hom. ; gen. Gidos before a vowel, Il. 6. 284., 20. 336.] 

Gb4o, v. sub dvddve, 

Gdnpiyéw, to be greedy, Hermipp. Incert. 16, Isocr. 127 C. 

GSypiyla, 7, gluttony, Call. Dian. 160; pl., Arist. Fr.172, Opp. H. 2.218. 

G5y-dayos, ov, (d5nv) eating one’s fill and more, gluttonous, greedy, 
45. dynp, of an athlete, Theocr. 22. 115; 7iv ad. vécov Soph, Ph. 313; 
a3, AUxvos, of a lamp that burns much oil, Alcae. Com, Kop. 2. 3: 
metaph, devouring much money, costly, rpinpns Lys. ap. Harp., cf. Philist. 
58; so of racehorses, Pherecr. Incert. 36. 

G-Bywros, ov, not ravaged, Xen. Hell. 3. 1, 5. 

G-SidBtiros, ov, not to be passed, morapds, vamos Xen, An. 2. 1, 11, Hell. 
5. 4, 44. II. act. not striding, closed, oxédn A. B. 343. 

G-SiaBeBatwros, ov, unconfirmed, Ptolem. Geogr. 2. I. 

: d-BiaBtBaoros, ov, as Gramm, term. intransitive. 

a Antos, ov, not listening to slanderous i Tay aya- 
bay pria 45, ore Arist. Eth. N. 8. 4, 3, cf. 8.6, 7; dvimomros Kai dd. 
Plut. Brut. 8. Adv. -rws, Clem. Al. 536. 

4-81aBodos, ov, =foreg., Stob. Ecl. 2. 240. 

4 oXoS, ov, not wetted through, Paraphr. Opp. Ix. 2. I. 

4-BiayAurros, ov, not to be cut through, A. B. 344- eae 

G-Sidyvooros, ov, undistinguishable, Diod. 1. 30: hard to distinguish 
or understand, évépara Arist. Quint. 9. 14. 

G-Sidywyos, ov, impossible to live with, Philo 1, 118. 

45 , and &-Br48oxos, ov, without . perpetual, Eccl, 

G-SdSpacros, ov, not escaping; secure, puddrrav 45, Clem. Al. 
118. 2. inevitable, Aristocles ap. Eus. P. E. 15. 14, Id. H. E. 6.9, 8. 

a-Sidlevkros, ov, not disjoined, inseparable, Cornut. N. D. 14, Iambl. 

. G-B1dberos, ov, not disposed or set in order, Schol. Ar. Nub. 1370, ete. ; 
arixot 48, Schol. Il. 22. 487. 2. having made no will, intestate, 

Plut. Cato, Ma. 9, Dio Chr. 2. 281 :—Adv. —rws, Achm. Onir. 97. 

4-S.alperos, ov, undivided, Arist. Pol. 2. 3, 6, al. 2. indivisible, like 
dpephs, Id. Phys. 6. 1, 1, Metaph, 9. 1, al. ; Comp. Jess divisible, Ib. Adv. 

-rws, Phryn. 443, C. 1. 8962. II. c. gen., inseparable from, Eccl. 

6-Siakdecros, ov, not shut out, Joseph. B. J. 5. 5, 4- 

G-Biaxdvyros, ov, not executed, Joseph, B. J. 19. 1, 1, 

G-Biakévrietos, ov, which no arrow can pierce, restored by Passow in 
Al. V. H. 13. 15, for dd:axdvioros, which Hesych. explains dvaicOnros, 
aT pros. 

G-BidKomos, ov, not cut asunder, unbroken, uninterrupted, Aé-yos Philo 
I. 81, Porph. Adv. -aws, Ulp. ad Dem. 

4-Bvaxécpnros, ov, unarranged, Dion. H. 3. 10. 

é-Biaxpicia, 7, want of discernment, Suid., Eccl. 

a-Sidxptros, ov, not to be parted, undistinguishable, mixed, Hipp. Coac. 
213; aipa Arist. Somn. 3, 29 :—Adv. —rTws, without distinction, in com- 
mon, Lat. temere, Eccl. 2. unintelligible, Polyb. 15. 12, 9. 3. 
undecided, Luc. Jup. Trag. 25, C. I. 2741. 8. 

G-Biddevrros, ov, unintermitting, i t, Tim. Locr. 98 E, Ep. Rom. 
9. 2.,2 Tim. 1. 3. Adv. -rws, Polyb. 9. 3, 8, Ep. Rom. 1. 9, ete. 

G-Bidhexros, ov, without conversation, 46. Blos a solitary life, Phryn. 
Com. Moy, 1, ‘ 

é-5éAnmros, ov, unseparated, undistinguishable, Epiphan. 1, 1071. 
Adv, -rws, Philodem, s. v. decAnupévas. The Subst. ddvadnpia in Vol. 
Hercul. Ox. 2. p. 23. 

&-5téAAaxros, ov, irreconcilable, ra. mpds bpas ddidAAaKra brépye my 
relation to you admits no reconciliation, Dem. £472. 23. Adv., ddiad~ 
Adurws éxew mpés tva Dion. H. 6. 56, cf. Plut. tao 45- 

adiaddyoros, ov, unreasoning, thoughtless, Eccl. 

a-5tddbros, ov, undissolved: indissoluble, Plat. Phaedo 80 B. Tz. 
irreconcilable, as in Adv., ddiadvtws éxew mpds twa Polyb. 18. 20, 4. 

GSivakePyros, ov, unblamed, Cyrill. adv. Nest. 2. 4, Hesych. 

G-Siavépnros, ov, not to be divided, Longin. 22. 3. 

GSiavonrevouar, Dep. to speak unintelligibly, Schol. Ar. Av. 1377. 

G-Svavénros, ov, incomprehensible, Plat. Soph. 238 C. II. act. 
not understanding, silly, Arist. Fr. 77:—Adv. -rws, Plat. Hipp. Ma. 301 C. 

GStavoucros, ov, unopened, apparyides Eccl. 

G-Slavros, ov, unwetted, mapeais ddidvrot Simon. 37> 3+ not bathed 
in sweat, oOévos Pind. N. 7. 107 ; cf. dviSpwri, dxoviti. II. as 
Subst. ddtavros, a plant, maiden-hair, Orph. Arg. 918: also dStavrov, 7d, 
Theocr. 13. 41, Theophr. H. P. 7. Io, 5. 

G-8idvirros, ov, not to be accomplished, Gloss. 

G-8idteoros, ov, unpolished, Galen. 4.p.574. * 

&-Sidamavoros, ov, not to be stilled, incessant, violent, Polyb. 4. 39, 10. 
Ady. —rws, Id. 1. 57, 1. 

a-Statdacros, ov, as yet unformed, Plat. Tim. 91 D, cf. Suid. v. Spivos. 

adtatrvevoréw, not to perspire, Galen. 10. p. 528. 

aS.vamvevorla, , want of perspiration, Galen. 10. p. 257. 

G8tatrvevoros, ov, (Siamvéw) not blown through, Galen. 10, p. 251; not 
evaporated or volatilized, Theophr. Odor. 39. II. act. without 
drawing breath, uninterrupted, lambl. v. Pyth. 188. 

G-Siatrévytos, ov, not worked out, undigested, Ath. 402 D, 

é-Sidrraveros, ov, not stumbling, Iambl, Protrept. 360. 

adiarrwola, 4}, infallibility, Hipp. 1282. 56. ; 

4-S:drrwros, ov, not liable to error, infallible, Hipp. 1283. 21, Sext. 
Emp. M. 7. 110:—Ady. -rws, Polyb. 6. 26, 4: unerringly, of archers, 
Heliod, 9. 18. 2. faultless, of writers, Longin. 33. 5: 70 ddiamrw- 
tov perfection of style, Id. 36. 4. ‘ 

&-StapQpos, ov, a faulty form for sq., Theophr. H. P. 3. 10, 5; Lob. 
Paral. p. 39. , 

G-SidpOpwros, ov, not jointed or articulated, Arist. H, A. 2. 1, 5, 
al. II. of the voice, inarticulate, Plut. 2. 378 C, Ady. -rTws,- 
without distinction, Galen, 16. p. 240. } ; 

&-Sidppyros, ov, not torn in pieces, Jo. Chrys. 

d-Sidppowa, 7, constipation, Hipp. ap. Erotian. 

G-Sidcevoros, ov, not shaken about, Galen, 

é-Stackértws, Adv. inconsiderately, Eccl. 

G-BidcKevos, ov, unequipt, trmos Anon. ap, Suid. 

&-SidoKotos, ov, not perspicuous, Schol. Aesch. Cho. 815. , 

G-8td4eracros, ov, not torn asunder, uninterrupted, unbroken, Xen. 
Ages. 1. 4, Polyb. 1. 34, 5, Greg. Nyss. Adv. -rws, Hesych., Eccl. 

-Sidcradtos, ov, not clearly unfolded, v. 1. Schol. Od. 19. 560. 

GSiactacla, 4, continvousness, lambl, in Nicom, Arithm, 81. 

é-Sidertiiros, ov, t intervals, i , Antipho ap. Suid., Cy- 
rill. :—Adv. —rws, without intermission, Philo I. 342, 501, etc. 2. 
without difference :—Adv. -Tws, without dispute, Eust. Opusc. 228. 50, 
etc. II, (S:lornpt) without dimensions, Plut. 2. 601 C, 926 B. 

&-Sidortucros, ov, undistinguished, unvarying, Philo 2. 297. 

II. =dzap- 

d-Biderodos, oy, not separated, confused, A. B. 809. 
éuparos, Gramm, Adv. -Aws. 

é-Suacrpéntas, Ady. without turning, continuously, Hipp, Fract. 765. 

&-Staatpodos, ov, incapable of turning, of the eyes of certain animals, 
Arist. Probl. 31. 7; 43. @ mpocwmm meiv Clem, Al. 185: metaph. un- 
perverted, xpiots Dion. H. de Thuc, 2:—Adyv. -gas, Sext. Emp. M, 2. 77. 

a-Sidcyioros, ov, not cloven, Arist. H. A. 7. 4, 12. 

G-Biatakros, ov, unarranged, Dion. H. 3. 10. 

G-Siatpytos, ov, not cut in pieces, indivisible, Eccl. 

aStatpdvwros, ov, not made clear, unintelligible, Athan. 

&-BSidtperros, ov, immoveable, headstrong, LXX, etc. Ady. -Tws, Lxx. 

é-Starpela, %, obstinacy, Caligula ap. Suet. Calig. 29. 

G-Svarimwros, ov, unshapen, Diod. 1. 10. 

&-Stavdos, ov, with no way back, without return, of the nether world, Eur. 
Fr. 860; epoepivas ddiavaov ind . . Sépor Epigr. Gr. 244. 9. 

&-SrdpOapros, ov, = ddudpOopos 1, Plat. Apol. 34 B, Legg.g51C. ‘II. 
= ddidpOopos 11, Galen. 2. p. 27. . 

&-BradGopia, 7%, incorruption: uprightness, Ep. Tit. 2. 7 (but Lachm. 

b and Tisch, dp@optay). 




6-5 , OV, uncorrupted, pure, chaste, Plat. Phaedr. 252.D; dm’ 
357, Diod. 1. 59, Plut.:—Adv. —pws épda@a Aeschin, 19. 20. 2. 
of judges, incorruptible, Plat. Legg. 768 B; of witnesses, Arist. Rhet. 
I. 15, 17; of magistrates, Id. Pol. 
ke II. imperishable, Plat. Phaedo 106 D, E. 

GBradhopéw, to be ddvdpopos or indifferent, ard rt Sext. Emp. P. 1. 
‘Ig; mpds 7 M. Anton. 11. 16: ddsagope? c. inf., Lat. nihil refert, 
Apoll. de Pron, 57. IL. d5. rivds not to differ from, Philo 1. 414. 

adiadspyors, ews, %,=ddiapopia, Eccl. 

aBiahopyrixés, 7), dv, like indifference : 7d 45.=dd.apopta, Arr, Epict. 
‘2. I, T4. 

‘0s, ov, not evaporating or perspiring, Medic. 

- Brahopia, %, indifference, Cic. Acad, Pr. 2. 42, Sext. Emp. P. x. 152; 
cf. sq. II. equivalence of signification, Gramm. 

- d-Biddopos, ov, not different, Arist. Rhet. 1. 12, 35; Tots Spolos Kat 
G5, Id. Cael. 4. 3, 4. 2. in his Logic, déidpopa are individual objects, 
as having no logical differentia, adiapopa by Gdialperov 7d eidos 
Metaph. 4. 6, 15; 45. 7@ et5e Ib. 14; ward 7d Sos Id. Top. 1. 7, 1, 
cf, An. Post. 2. 13, 7, etc. II. indifferent; in Stoic philosophy, 7a 
GBiapopa, res mediae or indifferentes, are things neither good nor bad, 
Cic, de Fin. 3. 16, Epict. Enchir. 32; cf. Sext. Emp. P. 3.177,sq.  I1I. 
in metre, common, Lat, anceps, Gramm. ‘IV. Ady. —pws, without 
distinction, promi ly, Dion. H, de Demosth, 56. i 

G-Sidhpaxros, ov, with no divisions or joints, opp. to yovarwons, 
Theophr, H. P. 1. 5, 3., 8. 5, 2. Adv. -rws, Ib. 6. 5, 3. 

XUTos, ov, (duaxéw) not softened by cooking, opp. to evdidx., 
‘Theophr. C. P, 4. 12, 2. IL. not diffuse or extravagant, of per- 
sons, Hipp, 22. 45; of style, Longin. 34. 3. 

4-Biaxapioros, ov, unespariied, Nie 6. 46, Suid. 

ipevorros, ov, not deceitful, Diod. 5. 37, Ath, Adv, -rws, Sext. 
Emp. M. 7. 191. 

G-5iSaxros, ov, untaught, ignorant, Pseudo-Phocyl. 83; c. gen., a5. 
épwray Anth. P, 5, 122, cf. Hipp. 382. 34. 2. unpractised, un- 
trained, of a chorus, Dem. 520. 13. II. of things, untaught, like 
abrobdibaxros, dp’ éavrod Kal dd. Plut, 2, 968 C, cf. Luc, de Hist. 

Conscr. 34. 2. dd. Sp&pa not yet acted (v. ibdocKw Tt) Ath, 270 
A. IIT. Adv. -rws, without teaching, Plut. 2. 673 F, al. 

G-BréxStiros, ov, not to be escaped, Apoll. Lex. s. v. vySupos. Ady. 
~Tws, Ulp, in Pand, ¥ 
d-Bieképyacros, ov, not wrought out, Isocr. 104 C; v. 1, dduépyaoros. 
a 0s, ov, that will not stand inquiry, LXX. 
GBvetityTOs, ov, (5éf erp) that cannot be gone through, Arist. Phys.3.7,5- 
G-5reES5evros, ov, having no outlet, AaBipivbos Eust. 1688. 37. 
G-BréEoS0s, ov, that cannot be gone through, 7d dmeipov Arist. Phys. 
3. 5, 2. 2. having no outlet, of places, App. Mithr. 100. aL. 
act. unable to get out, Anth, P. 11. 395, cf. Plut. 2. 679 B. 
a-8u 0S, ov, not wrought out, unfinished, \socr, 289 B (cf. 
ddietépyaoros), Poll. 6. 144, who also cites the Adv.—rws, 
G-Bepetvyros, ov, inscrutable, Plat. Tim. 25D. 2. uninvestigated, 
Philo 1. 470, etc, II. of persons, unquestioned, Plut. Dio 19. 
G-5.euxpivyros, ov, indistinct, Eust. 213. 23. 
&-5ihynros, ov, indescribable, Xen. Cyr. 8.7, 22,Dem, 219, fin, ‘IT. 
not related, Heliod. : - 
HOnrT0s, ov, not filtered or strained, mrisdvn ad. gruel with the meal 
in it, Hipp. Acut. 384. 
. &-Bikalapxos, ov,—d5inos pxov, in Cic. Att. 2. 12, a pun on the 
name of the historian Dicaearchus, as dipos on “Ipos, etc. , 
&-BixaoSéryTos, ov, where no justice can be got, SuceXia, Diod. 
Excerpt. 616. 65. ; i 
a-Sikacros, ov, without judgment given, Plat. Tim. 51 C: undecided, 
Lue. Bis Acc. 23. Adv. —Tws, Aesop. 2 F 3 
GBSixeupr, Boeot. for dducéw: part. pass. Aurelvevos for —ovpevos (in pf. 
sense) Ar. Ach. 914; cf. d5séw sub fin., and v, Ahrens D. Aeol. p. 210. 
GBlxevors, ews, 4, a doing wrong, Stoic word, Stob. Ecl. 2. Loo. 
GBixéw, Solon 4. 22, Att.: Ion. impf. 75ikeov or -edv Hdt. 1. 121: 
—Pass., fut., in med, form dduefoopar Eur. I. A. 1437, Thuc. 5. 56, 
Plat., etc.; pass. dduenjcopzat Apollod. 1. 9, 23, v. 1. Dem. 507. 16, 
etc. To be ddixos, do wrong (defined by Arist., Rhet. 1. 10, 3, 70 
Brdnreav éxdvra rapa rov vbpov, cf. adixnpa), first in h. Hom. Cer. 
368, where it means to do wrong before the gods, to sin; then in Hat. 
and Att. ; rddicelv wrong-doing, Soph. Ant. 1059; 70 pabinciv righteous 
dealing, Aesch, Eum. 85.749; but, oxqoe 70 pabsxetv will restrain 
wrong-doing, Ib. 694 :—in legal phrase, to do wrong in the eye of the law, 
the particular case of wrong being added in participle, as wxparns duce 
.. motéiv .. kad di5donwv Plat. Apol. 19 B, cf, Xen. Mem. init. :—if an 
acc. rei be added, it must either be the cognate ddviav, dBuehwara, and 
the like, Plat. Rep. 344 C, 409 A; or some Adj. implying the latter, 
as G5. ovdty agiov decpod Hat. 3. 145; dbiceiv wodda, peyara, etc., 
_ Plat. Symp. 188 B, al.; odév, pndey dd, Ib. A, al. :—also, 45. epi 7a 
‘puorhpia Dem. 571.15; 43. eis wa, cf. Bast. Ep. Cr. p. 15.—The 
pres. often takes a pf. sense, J have done wrong, Iam in the wrong, (the 
pf. being mostly, though not always, used in trans. sense), as el BI) dino, 
el pi ddixd ye if I am not wrong, implying certainty of being right, 
Heind. Plat. Charm. 156 A; v. 1. 1, fin. II. trans. c, acc. pers. 
to do one wrong, to wrong, injure, first in Hdt. 1. 112, 121, al. and Att. : 
—c, dupl. acc. to wrong one in a thing, Ar. Pl. 460; & roddobs pay 
enkev Dem, 556,27; 7a péyora, écxara ab. Twa Wolf Leptin. 
20; but also, 45. rad wept tivos Plat. Legg. 854 E; a3. twa els 

SrdhPopos J bi 
SpOijs .. Kat ddiapOdpov ris yuxijs Dem. 325. 15 ;. cf. Menand. Incert, 

3- 15,9: Sup. Adv. -wrara, Plat. | BAdqr 

pw Arist. Rhet. 2, 12, 15 :—Pass., fo be wronged or injured, pI one | 


advapBopos — adedpOwros. 

dduenP Soph, O. C.174; a5, els rt Eur. Med, 265; peydra a. 
Aeschin. 65. 35 ; o¥i7' dduce? ovr’ ddtcetrat Plat. Symp. 196 B, etc.; the 
pres. dducetrar, —ovpevos is used for the pf. Hdlunrat, ~npevos (v. supr. I), 
Antipho 129. 6, Plat. Rep. 359A, etc., cf. dditep. 2. little more than 
ev or Kaas Toteiv; ad. yfv Thue, 2.71, etc.; imrov Xen. Eq. 6, 3. 
, %, a nettle, Diosc. Noth. 4. 94. Sa 
ating 4 aros, 76, (ddiéw) z eur done, a wrong, Lat. injuria, 
Hat. 1. 2, 100, al., and Att.: properly, a deliberate wrong, opp. to 
Gudprnpa and driéxnyua, Arist. Eth. N. 5. 8, 7, sq., Rhet. 1. 13, 16; 
G3, didpiorar TH Exovoly Id, Eth. N. 5. 8, 2: cf. ddiméw sub init. :—c, 

| gen. a wrong done to one, a5, rav vépov Dem. 586. 11: also, ad. ampos 

Twa Arist, Rhet. 1. 13, 3; 48. els te Dem. 983. 25; wept re Plut. 2. 

C:—ér ddixfjpart Géo0a to consider as a wrong, Thuc. 1. 35 ; also, 
Blan Ocivai 71 Dem. 188. 19; ynpierbat mT ev aduch pare eivat 
Hyperid. Euxen. 36. II. Ho which is got by wrong, ill-gotten 
goods, Plat. Rep. 365 E, Legg. 906 D. ; 

adixyors, = %, a doing wrong, Olympiod. in Job. 176. 

GBixnréov, verb. Adj. of dduéw, one ought to do wrong, Plat. Rep. 
365 E; paper Exovras dd. elvat Id. Crito 49 A. 

, 6, a wronger, injurer, Eust., Jo. Chrys. — ois & 

GBiknricés, 4, dv, (adinéw) disposed to do wrong’, injurious, Plut. 2. 
562 D, Ady. —K@s, Stob. Ecl. 2. 228. : 

GBuchw, Acol. for ddiéw, Sappho 1. 20, cf. Gaisf. Hephaest. p. 65. 

GSixia, Ion. -iy, 4, wrong-doing, injustice, offence, GBuxins apxewv 
Hat. 1. 130, cf. 4. 1, Eur. Or, 28, Plat. Gorg. 447 C, al.; TUxm a@AAov 7 
Gbixig Antipho 141. 21. II. like ddtenpa, a wrong, offence, Hat. 6. 
136; a8. karayvavai twos Andoc.1. 15;—in pl., Plat. Phaedo 82 A, etc. 

Gdtkide or 4ductw, Dor. for dducéw, Tab. Heracl. in C. I. 5774. 138, al. 

GBixiov ypagy, an action against public wrong-doers (v. Att. Proc. 
P- 345 sq), of the suit against Pericles, Plut. Pericl. 324 mentioned by 
Harpocr., Hesych., E. M. II. in Hdt. 5. 89, of a hostile invasion, 
dnd 70d Aiywytéor ddiciov. 

adtko-Sokéw, (Sdfa) to seek fame by unworthy means, Diod. 31. I. 

Gdtkodokia, 4, an unfair plan, evil design, Polyb. 23. 16, 7. 

Gbikopaxéw, to fight unfairly, esp. in the law-courts, Alciphro 3. 29 ; 
dub. in Poll. 3. 154. 

GStko-pixta, 7, an unfair way of fighting, Arist. Soph. Elench, 1, 10. 

Gdixdpayos, ov, of horses, obstinate, Xen, in A. B. 344, 6. 

Gdtko-pyxtivos, ov, plotting injustice, Ar. Fr. 560. 

GStko-rhpov, ov, unjustly harming, A. B. 343. 

Gdtkompayéw, = ddicéw, to act wrongly, Plut. 2. 501 A, Philo 2. 329. 

aSixonpdynpa, 76, a wrong action, Stob. Ecl. 2. 194. 

G8ixo-mpayns, és, acting wrongly, Perict. ap. Stob. 487. 47, in Ion, 
form —mpnyns. 

GBtkos, ov, (Sin) of persons, wrong-doing, unrighteous, unjust: first 
in Hes. Op. 258, 332; ddtewrepos Ib. 270; then in Hdt. 2. 119, al., 
and very freq. in Att.; diay & ddikov dard Aesch. Cho. 398, cf. 
Supp. 404, etc.; ddiewraros Soph. Tr. to11:—dd. eis re unjust in a 
thing, és riva towards a person, Hat. |. c.; wepi twa Xen. Cyr. 8. 8, 6 
and 27; c. inf., so unjust as to.., Ep. Hebr. 6. 10. 2. dd. tao 
obstinate, unmanageable, Xen. Cyr. 2. 2, 26; so, a5. yvdOos is the hard 
mouth of a horse, Id. Eq. 3, 5; cf. ddueépuayos. II. of things, 
wrongly done, wrong, unjust, Epypara Theogn. 380, Solon 15. 33; 
dbixa ppovéeiy Theogn. 395; épya Hdt. 1. 5; a8. Adyos freq. in Ar. 
Nub. ; ddixav xelpav dpyew to begin offensive operations, Antipho 126. 
6, Xen. Cyr. 1. 5, 13; 70 dixaoy Kal ro a5., 7a Sikara Kal dda right 
and wrong, Plat. Gorg. 460 E, etc. ; a5. mAodros ill-gotten, unrighteous, 
Isocr. 10 D; % ddixos. . gvvayary) dvbpds Kal -yuvaixds the unrighteous 
union, Plat. Theaet. 150 A, cf. Herm. Opusc. 1. 77. III. a6. 
hpépa, i.e. dvev bindv, a day on which the courts were shut, Lat. dies 
nefastus, Luc. Lexiph. 6, cf. Archipp. Incert. 4. IV. Adv. —xws, 
Solon 13. 7, Aesch. Ag. 1546; rods a5. Ovjaxovras Soph. El. 113; 
etre dy di) Sixaiws ere ad. jure an injuria, Hat. 6.137; dicalws Kar 
dd. Plat. Legg. 743 B; od« a8. not without reason, h. Hom. Merc. 316, 
Simon. 92, Lysias 96. 5, Plat. Phaedo 72 A, 

GBiks-rpotos, ov, of unjust disposition, Crates Incert. 7: 

GBixd-xerp, XEtpos, 6, ), with unrighteous hand, Soph. Fr. 803. 

adiko-xpnparos, ov, with ill-gotten wealth, Crates Incert. 7. 

aBivés, , dv [a], radic, sense close, thick, v. Buttm. Lexil. s. v.: hence 
in Hom., 1. crowded, thronging, ddwiv xijp, like wumval ppéves, 
in physical sense, Il, 16. 481, Od. 19. 516; so too of bees, flies, sheep, 
Il. 2. 87, 469, Od. 1. 92. 2. vehement, loud, of sounds, 48. -ydos 
Il. 18. 316; Setpives déwvat the loud-voiced Sirens, Od. 23. 326:—but 
more often as Adv., frequently, or loudly, vehemently, ddwas aveveixato 
Il. 19. 314; also dévdv and ddwé as Ady., dduvdr your, kAatew, pu- 
Kac0a, crovaxjoa Hom.: Comp. dduvdrepov Od. 16. 216.—The word 
continued in use, though rare in Att. Poets, dd. Sdxos a deep bite, Pind. 
P. 2, 98; 45. Sdxpva thick-falling tears, Soph. Tr. 848 (lyr.); and freq. 
in Ap. Rh., as 45, tmvos, x@pa abundant, refreshing sleep, 3.616, 747 3 
48. ebvf frequent wedded joys, 3.1206. (Some Gramm. wrote it with 
the aspirate, Scholl. ad Il. 2. 87, which would confirm its prob, relation 
to dipds; v. sub ddpds.) 

G-B.d5evr0s, ov, not to be travelled through, Themist. 206 D, Charito 7.3. 

&-Brolkynros, ov, unarranged, Dem. 709. 5. 

&-5lomos, ov, without commander, of a ship, Aesch, Fr. 261. 

G-Biéparos, ov, not to be seen through, Poll. 5. 150. 

Giopyavcrtos, ov, not organised or formed, Byz. 

G-Biopydveros, ov, having bad organs, Iambl. V. Pyth. 17. 

G-5:6p0wr0s, ov, not corrected, not set right, Dem. 50. 18 :—of books, 
unrevised, Cic, Att. 13. 21; cf. d:0pOwrhs. II. incorrigible, 

adtoptoria — ddpomepys. 

trremediable, Sovdeia App. Civ. 3. 90, ef. Diog. L. 5. 66; ddidpOwra 
ddixeiv Dion. H. 6. 20 :—Ady. -rws, Diod. 29. 25. 

ddvopioria, 7, indefiniteness, Nicom. Geras. 

G-Biopirros, ov, undefined, Arist. An. Pr. 1. 1, 2, al.: indefinite, 
adndov Kat a5, Id. P. A. 1, 1, 5, al. Adv. ~rws, Id. Phys. 1. 1, 3, al. 

a-Surdaciacros, ov, not doubled, and Ady. -rws, Eust. 
‘ d-Stmdacros, and 4-5irdwros, ov, =foreg., Eust. 

G-Storakros, ov, undoubted, Ptolem. Geogr. I. 4. 
doubting, Eccl. :—Adv. -rws, Anth. P, 12. 1 51. 

GdwAtoros, ov, (SdAM¢w) not strained ot filtered, Galen. 

ablxacros, ov, (Stxa{w) not to be cut in two, Nicom, Geras. 
dBupéw, fo be free from thirst, Hipp. Coac. 218. 

45lqr0s, unthirsting, not lacking moisture, Or, Sib. 1. 132, 185., 3. 403. 

G-5upos, ov, not thirsty, not suffering from thirst, Hipp. 180 B, Eur. 
Cycl. 574, Arist. P. A. 3. 6, 8. IT. act. quenching thirst, Hipp. 
Acut. 385, 394 :—Adv. —Yus, Id. Epid. 3. 1089. 

4-5 , ov, unpursued, Synes. ap. Fabr. B. Gr. 8. 240 (ed. 1717). 

G-5iaporos, ov, not put upon oath, Lat. injuratus, Procop. Anecd. 18 B. 

G5puhs, Fros, 6, }, pot. for ddduaros, Hom. only in Od. of maidens, 
unwedded, wapévos dduns 6. 109, 228; so, dduhras adedpds Soph. 
0.C. 1056. 2. like G5ynros, of cattle, once in Od., jytovor. . dduF- 
Tes 4.637. 3. c. gen., dipares vodcow unsubdued by .., Bacchyl. 34. 

a5piiris, Sos, 7, v. 1. for ddyA77 in Il. 23. 655. 

G5pyros, 7, ov, post. for ddduaros, in Hom, only in fem. and of cattle, 
unbroken, Boy fvw .. ddunrnv, jv ot ww ind Cuydy iyayev avip 
Il. 10. 293, Od. 3. 383; trmov .. eére dduhrny, Bpépos . . kvéovoar 
Il, 23. 266; ptovoy .. éére dduhrny, fH 7 Gdylorn Sapdcacba Ib. 
655. 2. like dbphs, unwedded, of maidens, tapOévy ddphrn h. 
Hom. Ven. 82, cf. 133, Aesch. Supp. 149; of Artemis, ray aity dbpnrav 
Soph. El. 1239 ; of Atalanta, ris mpdobev dduqrns Id.O.C.1321. ITI. 
“Adynros, 6, as pr. n., Hom., etc. 

G5pokin, %, uncertainty, Call. Fr. 338: also 48pwA% in Hesych. and 
Arcad,: also a Verb d8pAG and Adv. dSpwAet, in Suid. 

Gdpwves or GSpwes, of, a kind of sea-fish, Opp. H. 3. 371. 

- d&vos, acc. to Hesych., Cret. for dyvés. 

‘AvS0-Barys, ov, 5, one who has gone to the nether world, restored by 
Passow in Aesch. Pers. 924 (lyr.) for "AydaBarat. , 

+ G560ev, Adv. from the nether world, Hermesian. 5. 3. 

adorderws, (Soud(w) without doubt, Anacr. 95. [ot |. c.] 

Gout, v. sub dvddva. 

G-SékyTos, ov, unexpected, Hes. (v. infr.); tay 45. xdpiv Soph. O. C. 
249; used by Eur, in the concluding moral reflections of the chorus, ra 
Bonndévr’ obk eredr€aOn, Trav 5 ddoxhrav wépov ebpe Oeds Med. 1417, 
Alc. 1161, Bacch. 1300, Andr. 1286, Hel. 1690; fvppopd a3, Thuc. 
7.29, etc.: 70 a6. the tinexpectedness, surprise, Id. 4. 36, al. II. 
in Pind. N. 7. 45 ddéenrov kat doxéovra may be either the inglorious 
and glorious, ot the unexpecting and the expectant. III. Adv. 
—rws, Thuc. 4.17; also adéxnnra, as Adv., Hes. Fr. 31, Eur. Phoen, 318; 
so, amd Tov ddoxnrov Thuc. 6. 47; é« Tod dd. Dion. H. 3. 64. 

G-5oxipacros, ov, untried, unproved, esp. in regard to civic rights, Lys. 
140. 14., 175. 45, Aeschin. 56. 3, etc.; cf. Harpocr. Adv. -ras. 

a-5ékipos, ov, not standing the test, spurious, base, properly of coin, 
Plat. Legg. 742 A. II. metaph. without repute, ignoble, mean, 
Aakiopar dddkp’ drBios éxew Eur. Tro. 497; podoa Plat. Legg. 
829 D, cf. Dem. 781. 3 :—Adv. —pws, Poll. 5. 160. 2. of persons, 
Plat. Rep. 618 B: rejected as false, reprobate, Xen. Lac. 3, 3, Ep. Rom. 
I. 28, 2 Tim. 3. 8, etc. 

GBdorecxéw [4], f. how, to talk idly, to prate, Eupol. Incert. 11, Plat. 
Phaedo 70 C, Xen. Oec. 11, 3, etc.:—Verb. Adj. —9réov, Clem. Al. 203. 

Go-héoxys, ov, 6, a prating, garrulous fellow, idle talker, esp. of 
reputed sophists; Swxparynv, Tov mrwxdv 46. Eupol, Incert. 10, cf. 
Ar. Nub, 1485 ; 7 Updd:xos, 7 rdv 45. els yé ris Id. Fr. 418; 48, 71s 
cop.orns Plat. Polit. 299 B, cf. Theaet. 195 B, Rep. 488 E. II. 
in good sense, a keen, subtle reasoner, Plat. Crat. 401 B, cf. ddoAcoxla It. 
(Prob. from ddnv, Aéoxn, talking to satiety: the a is long (as in d6n- 
xéres, v. GBéw), Eupol. and Ar. Il. c.; and in Mss, it sometimes has ¢ 
subscr, dSoAecyxeiv, as in Paris Ms. of Dem. 1462. 12.) 

adorcoxla [a], 7, prating, garrulity, idle talk, Ar. Nub. 1480, Isocr. 
292 D, Plat. Theaet. 195 C; a foible of old persons, Arist. Rhet. 2. 
13, 12; Theophr. wrote wept ddoAecxias, Char. 3. IL. keenness, 
subtlety, Plat. Phaedr. 269 E, Parmen. 135 D. 

GBSoheoxuKds [4], 7, dv, prating, 7d —Kéby garrulity, Plat. Soph. 225 D. 

486-Aeoxos [a], ov,=ddorécxns, Monost. in Com. Fr. 4. p. 347, 
Anth, P. app. 236. Z 

G-Bohos, ov, guileless, without fraud, honest, copia Pind. O. 7. 98; in 
Att. esp. of treaties, d5. eipqvy Ar. Lys. 168; omrovbal ad. wat aBraBeis 
Thuc. 5. 18:—Adv., often in the phrase ddéAws wat dixalws without 
fraud or covin, Lat. sine dolo malo, Thuc. 5. 23; cf. Polyb. 22. 15, 2, 
with Liv. 38. 11, and y. sub 8éAos; so, mAoureiy dddAws Scol. 8 Bergk ; 
ddorwrepov A€yerOar, opp. to maTGs, Antipho 122. 42. _ II. of 
liquids, unadulterated, g , Aesch. Ag. 953 oT¥pag Diosc. 1.79; dp- 
yuproy Poll. 3. 86; metaph., avpars ddéAus Yuxas pure, Eur. Supp. 1029. 

, Ep. for €adov, aor. 2 of avddve. 

&8évqros, ov, (Sovéw) unshaken, Anth, P. 5. 268. k 

aBovis, %, post. for dndovis, Mosch. 3.47, Meineke Theocr. Ep. 4.11. [4] 
_ G-Bdtaoros, ov, unexpected, Soph. Fr. 215 b. 2. not matter of 
Opinion, i.e. certain, Plat. Phaedo 84 A. II. act. not supposing, 
i.e. knowing with certainty, Diog. L. 7.162 :—forming no rash opin- 
ion, Plut. 2. 1058 B: cf. d0fa:—Ady. -7Tws, opp. to Soyparixds, Sext. 
Emp. P. 1. 15, ete. 

II, act. un- 

jet a 

aBokéw, fo be ddotos, be held in no esteem, to stand in ill repute, Eur. 
Hec. 294, Dem. 374. 7; opp. to eddoxtueiy Arist. Rhet. 1, 12, 
16. II. trans, to hold in no esteem, in contempt, rwd Plut. 
Lucull. 4:—hence in Pass., al Bavavoueat [réxvat] .. ddogoovrae mpds 
tov médew Xen. Occ. 4, 2. 

a86Enpa, aros, 76, disgrace, Plut. 2. 977 E. 

GSofta, 7, the state of an ddofos, ill-repute, disgrace, Hipp. Lex 2, Thuc.‘ 

I. 76, Plat. Phaedo 82 C, Dem., etc.: obscurity, Plut. Agis 2. II. 
contempt, App. Syr. 41. 
a-Sotoroinros, ov, not led by opinion, unreasoning, Polyb. 6. 5, 8. 

GBokos, ov, without dé¢a, inglorious, wbAcpor Dem. 58.6: disreputable, © 

téxvn Xen. Symp. 4, 56. 2. of persons, obscure, ignoble, Isocr. 286 A; 
dvwvupot kat 45. Dem. 106. 7, cf. Arist. Rhet. 2. 6, 24; of eunuchs, 
despised, Xen. Cyr. 7. 5, 61 :—Adv. —fas, Plut. Thes. 35. II.= 

mapdbotos, unexpected, Soph. Fr. 71; improbable, opp. to évbogos, Arist. 

Top. 8. 6, 1, etc.; 7d ddoférara A€yew Ib. g. 4. 

GBopos, ov, (5épw) =dvéxdapros, Suid. II. as Subst., ddopos, 
6, =kd&puxos, a skin, Antimach., cf. Schellenb, ad Fr. 56. 

a-Sopros, ov, without food, fasting, Lyc. 638. 

d-Sopipopyros, ov, without body-guard, Arist. Pol. 5.12, 4. 

dos, eos, 76, satiety, loathing, only in Il. 11. 88 Tdpvev dévipe 
Hakpa, ddos ré puy ixero Ovpdy, where Heyne proposes dup’, adds ré 
puy ixero: vy. sub nv. 

aSos, 74, a decree, Inscr. Hal. reprinted from Newton in Cauer’s Delect. 
Inscrr. 131. 20; cf. Hesych, dSnpa, dBos* yidiopa, déypa, with 
Schmidt's note, p. 44. 84, and addend.:—and Eust. 1721, 61 cites a 

Verb dSéw from Hipponax, ddnre BovAn, iyour iipecke 7d BovAEvpa, so / 

that dew, d5os seem to be from 4/AA, dvddvw, taba, 

&Sos, 45octvn, Dor. for F5os, #50cdvn. 

&-Soros, ov, without gifts, h. Hom. Merc. 573. 

a-BovAeutos, ov, one who has never been a slave, Isae. ap. Poll. 3. 80, 
Arr. Epict. 2. Io, 1. 

aSouhla, }, a being without slaves: poverty, Arist. Pol. 6. 8, 2 3. 

d-5ovdos, ov, unattended or hed by slaves, d5ovAa Shpad’ éorias 
Eur. Andr. 593; c. gen., Tav Troovray adovAos unattended by .., Ael. 
N.A. 6.10. 2. having no slaves, too poor to keep a slave, Phryn. 
Com, Movérp. 1; cf. Ruhnk. Vell. Paterc, 2. 19, 4, Madvig Advers. 1. 
580. II. impatient of slavery, dSovdérepos Tov AcdvTav Philo 
2. 451. 

&-5otAwros, ov, unenslaved, unsubdued, Diod. 1. 53, Or. Sib. 5. 18, cf. 
10, 22 (where ddovAevros seems to be an error); ddovAwror j5ov7q Crates 
OnB. 9. 

Btobiasts: ov, noiseless, Anth, P. 5. 294. 

G-Souros, ov, =foreg., Epiphan. 1. 262. 

“AiSo-hoirns, ov, 6, =“AcdoBarns, Ar. Fr. 198. 4. 

aSpata, Macedon, for ai@pia, Hesych. 

GSpiixts, és, =ddepxeqs, Hesych. 

Pp carte es, = ddpavys, restored by Dind. in Anth. P. 9. 135, for 

G-Bpaveua, 7, listlessness, weakness, Hdn, 2. 10, 17: Ep. dSpavty, Ap. 
Rh. 2. 200, etc. aa 

aSpiivéw, to be ddpavfs, Opp. H. 1. 296, Nonn. 32. 280. 

aSpiivis, és, (Spatva) inactive, powerless, feeble, Babr. 25. 3, Anth. P. 

9. 359, Plut. 2. 373 D, etc.; of nations, Arr. Epict. 3. 7, 13; of plants, 
Comp. —éo7epos, Diosc. 3.124: Sup.-€oraros, Lxx (Sap.13.19). 2. 
intractable, of iron, Plut, Lycurg. 9, Lysand. 17. II. act. ener- 
vating, Plut. 2. 987 E. . 

GSpavin, 7, poet. for ddpavea. 

*ASpacrea, Ion. "Adpqorea, 7, a name of Nemesis, from an altar 
erected to her by Adrastus, first in Aesch, Pr. 936, v. Blomf. Gloss., and 
cf. mpockuvéw. (From 4, didpdoxw, =dvanddpacros airia, acc, to Arist. 
Mund. 7, 5: for other derivs. y. Schol. Plat. Rep. 451 A.) 

a8Spacros, Ion. dSpyoros, ov, (Siipdcxw) not running away, not in- 
clined to do so, of slaves, Hdt. 4. 142 :—in Il. only as prop. n. II. 
pass. not to be escaped, Dio Chr., cf. "ASpdorea. 

a&Spacros, and dSparos, ~ eared oe done, Hesych., A. B. 7. 

dSpddatus or dSpadatus, 7, v. drpapagus, 

seen %, a kind of tree, often confounded with dvépdéxvn, Theophr. 
H. P..1. 5, 2, Plin. N. H. 13. 22. 

d-Spériivos, ov, untouched by sickle, Soph. Fr. 804. 

GSp-ernBodos, ov, (d5pds) attaining great things, Longin. 8. 1. 

a-Sperros, ov, unplucked, Aesch. Supp. 663 (lyr.). 

dSpevw, post. for dpdevw, W5pevcas Or. Sib. 9. 310. 

GSpéw, fo be ddpds or grown up, hdpnews Diosc. 2. 107 :—pass. forms 
adpetro, a5pwmpevov (—ovpevoy) in Hesych, 

ddpyoros, Ion. for dSpacros, ov, Hdt.; so too “Adpyaros, etc. : 

*ASpias, ov, Ion. ASptns, ew, 6, the Adriatic, Hdt. 5. 9, etc. :—Adj. 
*Abpuiivés, 7, ov, (cf. dAexropis), but in earlier Att. "ASpunvés, Adriatic, 
KOpa tas ’Adpinvas dxras Eur. Hipp. 736 (lyr.); so, in Aesch, Fr, 67, 
Herm. restores ’Adpinval re -yuvaikes :—also ’ASpravuxés, 9, dv, v. 1. 
Arist. H. A. 6.1, 3, al.; “ASprarucés, Ath, 285 D; “ASpuiixds dydi- 
popeds i.e. a cask of Italian wine, called Adriatic because imported 
through Corcyra, Anth. P. 6. 257, Arist. Mirab. 104, Hesych.: pecul, 
fem. “ASprds, d5os, Dion. P. 92. 

d-Sptpus, v, not tart or pungent, Luc. Trag. 323. : 

45p6-Bwhos, ov, in large pieces or masses, of bdellium, Diosc. 1. 80, cf, 
Plin. 12. 19. 

Abaaaehee, ov, with large head, Paul. Aeg. 6. 94. SG 

&Spo-peprs, és, of coarse, large grains, opp. to Aeropepys, Diod. 5. 
26: coarse, of wine, Ib. 10. Adv, -@s, Galen. 



4Bpd-prsos, ov, getting or asking high pay, Scymn. 352. : 
_ &pdopat, Pass, (aip/s) to grow ripe, come to one’s strength, Plat, Rep. 
498 B: to be stout, Myro ap. Ath. 657 D. 
_ GSpés, 4, dv, in the primary sense it seems, like ddwéds (to which it is re- 
lated as xvdpds to kvdvds), to mean thick, stout, bulky : I. of things, 
xtova GBpiy mimrovoay ideiy falling thick, Hdt. 4. 31; ra&v dvOpdxav of 
geet the most solid, Hipp. 648. 55; kioves ad. large, Diod. 3. 47; 
Tovs adpordrous ray AéuBwv Id. 20. 85 :—strong, great in any way, 
dipds méAeuos Ar, Ran. 1099; pevuara full, swollen, Arist. Probl. 28. 
I, 33° 0f rain, violent, Id. Mund. 4,6; of fire, Plut. Solon 1; d59ypa 
Diod. 1.35; Swpeds re kal rypds ddpds dodvar in abundance, Id. 19. 86; 
of style, grandiose, Longin. 40,4; 7d d8., Lat. ubertas, grandilo- 
quentia, opp. to 70 iaxydy, Schif. Dion. H. de Comp. p. 65:—Adv. 
Comp., ddporépws Siarray to live more freely, Hipp. Aph. 1243; ddp. 
pappaxevery Ib.; also neut. as Ady., dépdy yeAdoat to loud, 
Antiph. Anyy. 2. 8, cf. Poll. 4. 9; a3pérepov meiv to drink more deeply, 
Diphil. Aip. 1. II. of persons, large, fine, well-grown, re 
70 maudiov ddpdv yévnrar Hat. 4.180; 7@ macdl, émpy 2 éy Hipp. 
232. 42; Tav maldav bam dépot Plat. Rep. 466 E; of ddpérepoe the 
best-grown, the stronger, Isocr. 255 C; in Lxx, of ddpot are the chiefs, 
princes, 4 Regg. ro. 6, 2. so of animals, yotpos Xen, Oec, 17, 10; 
Av«os Babr. 101; and in later Com., often of flesh, fish, etc., Antiph. 
*Axeotp. I, Adteup. I, 21, Alex. Tayo. 1, etc. 3. of fruit or corn, 
full-grown, ripe, bxes ein xapros a5, Hdt, 1.17, cf. Arist. Metaph. 4. 7, 
8. 4, of an egg, ready to be hatched, Id. H. A. 6. 2, 7.—The word 
first occurs in Hdt., never in Trag., and is rare in the best Att. writers ; 
but the derivs. d5pérns, d5poctvn, dptvw occur in Hom., Hes., Soph., al. 

adpocta, 4, (Spdcos) want of dew, Joseph. A. J. 2. 2, 5. 

GSpocivy, 7, (d5pdés)=sq., of ears of corn, Hes. Op. 471. 

G5pé-oaipos, ov, with or in large balls or globules, of the padd- 

Ba§pov, Arr. Peripl. M. Rubri, p. 38, 

GBSporys, 7ros, 1), thickness, ripeness, vigour, strength, esp. of body, Il. 
16. 857., 22. 363., 24. 6 (ubi vulg. dvdpéryra) ; of plants, Theophr, H. P. 
7. 4, 11: metaph. of sound, loudness, Amarant. ap. Ath. 415 A. It. 
abundance, 2 Ep. Cor. 8. 20. 

GSpde, v. dipdopa. 

GSpua, ra, =dicpdSpva, said to be a Sicilian word, Ath. 83 A, Hesych. 

. dpvds, ddos, 7, (a copul., dpds)="Apabdpuds, Anth, P. 9. 664. 
GSpuvors, ews, %),a coming to maturity, Arist. Metaph. 10.9, 3,Phys.3-1,6. 
GBpuvrixés, 7, dv, ripening, strengthening, Epiphan. 1. 945. 

GBpive, (dipds) to make ripe, ripen, ddpvar Soph. Fr. 805 ; ddptvaw 
Xen, Mem. 4. 3, 8 :—Pass. to grow ripe, ripen, come to maturity, of 

fruit or corn, Hdt. 1. 193, Arist. Phys. 5. 6,6; of the embrya or young | 

animals, Id, H, A. 6. 10, 14., 9. 34, 3:—V. ddpéw, ddpdopar. 
a8Spurros, ov, (Spirrw) not scratching or tearing, Nonn. D. 11. 137. 
G-5pv , ov, unfenced, arelx.aros, aptAakros, dvev Sixacrypiov, 
Hesych. :—metaph., dovos nal dradatmmpos, A. B. 345. 
- &u-Boas, -yhwooos, —emys, -Adyos. —peAns, Dor. for 5v- 
éc, to want power, be incapable, Lxx (Sirach, in prologo).. 
BBivila, Ion. -iy, 4, want of strength or power, bodily inability or 
exhaustion, Hipp. Vet. Med. 12. 2. lly, inability, incapacity, 
Hat. 8.111, Antipho 129. 33, Plat, Legg. 646 ©, etc.; di’ dvvaplay 
” Arist.G: A. 1. 18, 55, etc. ; c. gen., a5. tov dduceiv for wrong-doing, Plat. 
Rep. 359 B; 7@v mpaypdrwv for business, Arist. Pol, 5. 11.16; c. inf., 
Plat. Legg. 532 B, 3. poverty, Xen, Occ. 20, 22, Dem, 399. 
20. 4. an impossibility, Arist. Pott. 25, 6. 
G-Stviipos, ov, = détvaros, Diosc. 5. 13. 
adiviiola, 4, =ddvvapia, Hat. 3. 79., 7-172, Thuc, 8.8; c. gen., a. 
Tod rE Id. 7. 8.—The. forms tes Dion, H. de Dem. 26, 
, Dinol. in A, B. 345, are prob. errors, Lob. Phryn. 508. 
euros, ov, not subject to a bvvagrhs, Synes. 19 C. 
ort, Ady. impotently, Suid. 

 aBivirée, of persons, to be ddvvaros, to want strength, Epich. 147 Ahr., 
- Plat. Rep. 366 D, Arist. de Somn. 1, 8: c. inf,, to be unable to do, Xen. 

Mem. 1. 2, 23, Arist. Eth. N, ro. 4, 10, Pol. 3. 16, 10, II. of things, 

to be impossible, Ev. Matth, 17. 20, Ev. Luc. 1. 37, cf. LXX (Gen, 18. 14). 
a Sivi 

v], ov, I. of persons, unable to do a thing, c. inf., 
. ace Epich. 130 Ahr. Eur. H, F. 56, etc.; advvaros elrety 
Rhet. 2. 2, 7:—Comp., tov 8uvarwrepov Tod ddvvarwrépov 

. pve éxew] Plat. Gorg. 483 D: Sup., -wraros Aéyew Eupol. Any. 

_ &. absol. without strength, powerless, weakly, Hat. 5:9: Eur. 
Ion 596, Andr. 746; of aBivaroe men disabled for service, incapable, 
whether as invalids or paupers, cf. Lys, bmp tod dbvvdrov, Arist. Fr. 
430, Bickh P. E. 1. 323, sqq.3 €v ois rows puOopopeiv Aeschin. 
14. 40; 43. cdpari Lys. 197. 26;.45. xphuact poor, Thuc. 7. 28; es 
7 Plat. Hipp. Mi. 366 B :—so of things, disabled, vées Hat, 6. 16 :—10 
68. want of strength, Plat. Hipp. Ma. 296 A; 7d 46. disabilities, Dem. 
262. 24. TI. of things, that cannot be done, im, e, Eur, Or. 
665, Hel. 1043, Plat., etc.; ddvvara BovAopat Lyne. Kevr, 12 :—ddv- 
yardy [ori] c. inf, Hdt. 1. 32, al.; or dddvard [éo71], Id. 1. 91., 6. 
106, Thuc.; 45. tut dore.., Plat. Prot. 338 C: 7d dd. impossibility, 
Hat. 9. 60, Att.; 7d 48, xaprepetv Eur. 1. A. 1370; ToApay dbvvara 
‘Id, Hel, 811; ddvvdrav épay Id. H. F, 318:—Comp., ddvvardrepov 
ér.., loldy re .. Plat. Theaet. 192 B, cf. Parm. 138 D: Sup., 8 57, may- 
tov ddvvarwraroyv Id. Phileb. 15 B. III. Adv. —rws, without 
power or skill, feebly, AéyeoOar Antipho 122. 42 5 dpiverbat Id. 127. 26: 
—dd. Zxew to be unwell, Plat. Ax. 364 B; to be unable, c. inf., Arist. 
Rhet. ad Al. 25, 3.—Little used in Poets, and of the Trag. only by Eur. 

45¥-ouvos, &5v-mvoos, 45v-moAts, Dor, for H5v-. 
&5us, Dor. for #3vs. 


se ddpdusoBos — tet 

— &-Bucdmnros, ov, not to be put out of countenance, shameless, inexorable, 
Plut. 2.64 F, etc. Ady. —rws, Ib. 534 B. fe7 f 
ov, (50) not to be entered, Pind. P. 11. 73 a5, éotw 6 rémos 

Strabo 650... II. mostly as Subst. the innermost sanctuary or 
shrine, Lat, adytum, Il. 5. 448, 512, Pind. O. 7. 59 (where however the 

is not determined) ; it is d5vrov, 70, in Hat. 5. 72, Eur. Ion 938 ; 
i. 6, in h. Hom. Merc, 247:—metaph., é« Tod 45. rHs BiBAou 
Plat. Theaet. 162 A; a5. ris Paddoons Opp. H. 1. 49. 

Sw, Att. contr. for deldw, q. v- 

ros, ov, (Swpaw) unbuilt, Nonn. D. 17. 40. Bye 

Bev [a], dvos, 4, Dor. for dndév, Mosch. 3. 9; cf doris. 

“Adav (a , wvos, 6, ="Adwvs, Anth,P.6.275; v. Burm. Propert. 2. 10, 53. 

Z » }, epith. of Aphrodité, Orph. Arg. 30: cf. Adavids. 

*ASdvevos, a, ov, of Adonis, Suid. 

*ASava, 74, the mourning for Adonis, celebrated yearly by Greek 
matrons, Cratin, Boux. 2, cf. "ASwvis :—hence ’Adwrid{ovoa (as if from 
*Adwvuitw, to keep the Adonia) as title of the 15th Id. of Theocr. 

*ASwviaxés, 7, dv, of or for Adonis, Arr. Epict. 4. 8, 36. 

*Adavds, d5os, ),=Adwvaia, Nonn. D. 33. 25. 

’Al , ob, 6, the mourning for Adonis, Ar. Lys. 390. 

*ASavos, 6, rare form of “Adwvs, Meineke Com. Fr. 2, p. 188, Plut. 2, 
706 C. IT. as Adj. os, ov, of Adonis: hence, 1. "Addviov, 
76, a statue of him borne in the Adonia, Suid. 2. (sub. wétpov) a 
kind of verse, consisting of a dactyl and spondee, Herm. El. Metr. 715. 

“ASavs [i], s5os (also sos, Pherecr. Incert. 21), 6, Adonis, son of 
Cinyras and Myrrha, favourite of Aphrodité, @ tov “Adwvw Sappho 63 ; 
*Abwve dryopev kal tov “Ad. KAdopev Pherecr. Incert. 84; Gdwvs, i.e. 6 
“A6., Theocr. 3. 47 :—hence, generally, an Adonis, a favourite, darling, 
bet “Addévibas abrods dxovev Luc. Merc. Cond, 35, cf. Alciphr. 1. 39, 
Anth. P, 5. 113. 2. ’Adwvidos Kio, cresses and suchlike quick- 
growing herbs grown in pots for the Adonia, Plat. Phaedr. 276 B, 
cf, Theocr, 15. 113: proverb., of any short-lived pleasure, v. Interpp. 
Plat. 1. c. II. a kind of flying-jish, elsewh. é&@xorros, Clearch, 
ap. Ath, 332 C, Opp. H. 1. 157, etc. 

G-Sdpyros, ov,=ddwpos, h. Hom, Merc. 168; mpés twos Eur. Hec. 

a II.=ddwpos 1, Eus. P. E. 782 C, 

G-Swpia, 7, incorruptibility, Poll. 8. 11. 

&-Sapoddkyros, ov, = ddapoddxos, Aeschin, 65. 21, etc. Adv.—rws, Dem, 
310. 22., 342. 18. 

GSapodoxia, 7),=ddwpia, Dio C. Fr. 37. 

G-Bapodikos, ov, incorruptible, Anth. P. 9. 779, Nonn. 

&-Swpbdqmr0s, ov, =foreg., Hesych., Schol. Thue. 2. 65. 

E-BSapos, ov, without gifts, taking none, incorruptible, c. gen., dSapd- 
Taros xpnuarov Thue. 2. 65 ;—Adv. -ws, Poll. 8. 11. 2. unpaid, 
mpéaBevors C, I. 1625. 25. II. giving no gifts, c. gen., a5. Twos 
not giving it, Plat. Symp. 197D; ddapas édapnBodias by hunting 
from which no gifts were offered, Soph. Aj. 178. III. Gdwpa 
bapa gifts that are no gifts, like Bios éBiwros, Ib. 674; cf. ddcdapos. 

d-SaTys, ov, 6, one who gives nothing, Hes. Op. 353. as 

G€[}, Dor. for dei, Pind. P. 9.154 (si vera 1.), cf. Cramer An, Par. 3. 321. 

d-edvos, ov, undowered, Hesych., who also expl, it by moAvpepvos. 

Gévwros, ov, (é5vde) = foreg, : unaffianced, Lyc. 549. 

GeOdevw, &éAcupa, deg, —qT ip, —yT Hs, etc., Ep. and Ion. for d@A-. 

GeOAvov, Ep. and Ion. for GAov, the prize of contest, Il. 9. 124, Od. 8. 
108. II. for d@dos, the contest, Od. 24. 169 and later Ep. 

Gét0s, ov, also a, ov, gaining the prize, or running for it, twmos Kady 
kat deOXin a race-horse, Theogn, 257; dé@dcos immos Call. Del. 113; 
pijkov dé0r. the apple of discord; Anth, P. 9. 637. ‘The contr. form 
GOAx0s is used in a restricted sense, 

GeOov, 75, dePAos, 6, Ep. and Ion, for d@Aov, dXos. 

GePAo-vixla, 7}, victory in the games, Pind. N. 3. 11, 

deOootvn, 7%, a contest, a struggle, Anth. P. 5. 294. 

dePAoddpos, oy, Ep. and Ion, for dOAopépos. 

dei [4], Ep. aict, aiéy (v. sub fin.), Adv. ever, always, for ever, for aye, 
Hom., etc.; often with other specifications of time, as Stapmepes aici, 
auvexes alel, éupeves aici, Hom.; ded kab? hpepav, Kal’ jpepay det, det 
kat kal? huepay, ded kar’ énaurdv, ded Bid Blov, etc., Heind. Plat. 
Phaedo 75, D, Schiif. Greg. 169 and Appar, ad Dem, 3. 265, Pors. Phoen. 
1422; dep’ det until now, Pors. Or. 1679; also els del, eioact, éoacl, 
v. eloaet.—With the Artic., 6 det ypdvos eternity, Hdt. 1, 54, Plat. 
Phaedo 103 E, etc.; of ded dvres the immortals, Xen. Cyr. 8. 7, 32 
ete. :—but, 6 alet Bactrevwr the king for the ee being, Hat. 9- 116; 
ot del Bind Lovres Dem. 585. 243 6 det évrds -yevdpevos every one as he 
got inside, Thuc. 4. 68; Tov det mpooruxdvra Dem. 557. 20; Toit 
ToUToV aie? éeyévo.or to their descendants Jor ever, Hdt, 1. 105, cf. 3. 
83, etc.; in Aesch, Pr. 937, 0Gmre roy xparodvr’ del, the position of det is 
due to the requirement of the metre—Of this word 14 forms are enume- 
rated, Ahrens D. Dor. 378 sq.:—We here notice the following : 1 
aiet, Ep, and Ion,, and in all Poets except the Att.: Hom, aoe def three 
times, when his metre required the rst syll, to be short. 2. aiev, 
bt by = Sepals the ult. was required to be short; occasionally also 
68a, ofa 5 aba er er Fa op Pr. 428, Ag. 891, Soph. Aj. 
being long or short, as the oh aed € on 7 conioes Att. form, the rst syll. 
Gopyists often substituted the Ion uit key nee was lone the 
edit Peiee but io the b on, aiel, and introduced this form even 

s ? z est MSs. the true Att. form is often pre- 
age Sa ge Sad long, as in the Laur. of Soph., and the Rav. of 
+5 Ch ‘OS, €l0ael, Kaiw, Kralw, H 
Bion 1 I. 1, Tab, Heracl. in C, I, B774. rie 4. “, ria of pov 
cf. d€é-vaos, 6. Ht, Boeot., and 7. Aeol. ats or ay, & or “Ww, 

aePrarrIs — deipw. 

Ahr. D, Aecol. p. 156; di- is freq. in Inserr., as dtovros, etc. (The 
MAITP occurs in aifei, C.1.1: with aifév, dfidios, cf. Skt. atva (Ved,), 
évas (vitae ratio), Lat. aevum, aetas (aevitas), aeternus (aeviternus), Goth, 
aivs (aidv), aiveins (alwvios), aiv= Germ. ewig = ever.) 

N. B, Some compds. of del, which are in no way altered by compos., 
are left out: for they are written divisim in the best Edd., and they can 
always be found under the simple form. 

da-Bhaoris, és, ever-budding, Theophr. C. P. 1. 11, 6. 

' deaBddoryos, ews, 7, a perpetual budding, Theophr. Ibid, 

det-BXacrtos, ov, = de.BAaorHs, Manass. Chron. 189. 

odos, ov, (BdAAw) continually thrown, Anth. P. 6, 282. 

de-Bpuis, és, (Bpiw) ever-sprouting, Nic. Th. 846. 

de-yeverta, 4}, perpetual generation, Iambl, ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 900. 

deu-yevernp, Tpos, 6, ever-generating, Orph, H. 7. 5. 

dev-yevérns, only in Ep. form atevyevérns, ov, 6, (yevéa0ar) epith. of the 
gods, like aitv éévres, everlasting, immortal, used by Hom. only at the end 
of a line, Oe@y alevyeverdov Il. 2. 400, al.; Oeois alevyevérnow 3. 296, al. 

det-yevijs, és, everlasting, Plat. Legg.773E,Symp.206 E, Xen. Symp.8,1. 

Gevyevvyris, ov, 6, (yevvdw) perpetual producer, epith. of Apollo (7 
roy avrov det yiyvecOa Kat det yevvav), ap. Macrob. Sat. 1. 17. 

Gei-yvyros, ov, =devyevérns, Orph. Arg. 15. 

* G-edéAtos, ov, =sq., E. M. 21. 33. 

G-elSedos, ov, (* Feldw) unseen, dark, Hes, Fr. 61: obscure, Opp. H. 1. 
86, etc. II. not to be looked on, and so, dazzling, Nic. Th. 
20, (For didnAos, as dld.os for detdios, dmepelaros for dreipéotos, Buttm. 
Lexil. s. v. didnAos 7.) 

d-cdns, és, (* Feldw) unseen, without bodily form, immaterial, opp. to 
cwparoednys, often in Plat., as Phaedo 79 A. II. (eidévar) un- 
known, obscure, Plat. Ax. 365 C. III. (eldos) without form, 
Arist. Cael. 3. 8, 3. 2. dvceadys, unsightly, Philetaer. Kuv, 1:—Ady. 
~64s, dub, 1, Theophr: C. P. 2. 4, 11. 

_ Gedia, 7, (derdqs 111) deformity, Joseph. B. J. 7. 5, 5. 

Ge-divnros [7], ov, ever-revolving, Anth. P. 6. 289. 

GetStos, ov, Adj. from del, as sempiternus from semper, everlasting, 
Hesych., Orac, ap. Didym. de Trin. 2, 17, 1. 

Ge-Bovdeta and de-SovAla, 7, perpetual slavery, Poll. 3. 80. 

del-Spopos, ov, ever-running, Greg. Naz. 168 B. 

. defSw, Ion. and poét. form (cf. deipw) used by Hom., Pind., and some- 
times by Att. Poets (even in trim., Aesch. Ag, 16, Eur. Fr. 188, Cratin. 
Incert, 142), also in Ion. Prose; Att. contr, qSw (also in Anacr. 45, 
Theocr.), Trag., Plat., etc. :—impf. #e:5ov Od., also Gedo Il., etc.; Att. 
qoov Eur. Alc. 761, Thuc, :—fut. deicowar Od. 22. 352, Theogn., but 
Gooua h, Hom. 5. 2., 32. 19, and always in Att. (for in Ar, Pax 1297 
ioet is now admitted ; and in Plat. Legg. 666 D Pors, restored motav 6é 
Hoovcw ..pavhy ;): rarely in act, form delow Sapph. 11, Theogn. 4, Ar. 
Lys. 1243 (Lacon.), and late Poets (in Eur. H. F. 681 detéw is restored 
by Elmsl.) ; still more rarely dow (y. supr.) Babr. 12. 13; Dor, doedpar 
Theocr, 3. 38, ¢o@ Id. 1, 145 :—aor. Hetoa Call. Ep. 22. 4, Opp., Ep. 
deca [a] Od. 21. 411, and late Ep., decoy Eur. Tro. 513, Ar.; joa 
Ar. Nub. 1371, Plat. Tim, 21 B.—Pass., defSoua: Pind., Hdt.: poét. 
impf. deiSero Pind.: aor. ony, v. infr. 1. 1: pf. #owae Plat. Com. 
Aaxwy, I, 11.—An imper. aor, med. defoeo occurs in h. Hom, 16. 1, 
unless deiSeo be read,—Cf. d:-aetdw, én-, mpoo-, cvv-ddw, (From 
4/ FEIA with a prefixed, as in deipm, défw, come deldw (4FelSw), dovdds, 
ania: cf, Skt. vad, vaddmi (loquor), vadas (sermo); Lith. vadint (voco) ; 
cf. also the later Gr. words t5w, #5ys.) [&: but @ in arsi Od. 17. 
519, h. Hom. 27, 1, Theogn. 4, Theocr. 7. 41, etc.] To sing, ll. 
1. 604, etc.: hence all kinds of sounds of the voice, ¢o crow, as cocks, 
twitter as swallows, hoot as owls, croak as frogs, etc., Arist. Mirab. 70, 
Theophr. de Sign. 3. 5, etc.:—also of other sounds, to twang, of the 
bowstring, Od. 21. 411; to whistle, of the wind through a tree, Mosch. 
5. 8; to ring, of a stone when struck, Theocr, 7. 26 :—mplv vevixnnévat 
G5ev to crow too soon, Plat. Theaet. 164 A.—Construction :—éeid. rivi 
to sing to one, Od, 22. 346; but also ¢o vie with one in singing, Theocr, 
8.6; d5. mpds addAdy 7 Avpay to sing to.., Arist. Probl. 19. 93 ia 
avAdy Plut. 2. 41 C ;—deloas .. xaipey Anuoxdéa, post. for eires, C. 1. 
3256. 7. II. trans., 1. c. acc. rei, to sing, chant, pivw 
" debe werd. I. 1.13 marhova 1. 473; wAéa dvdpayr, vdoror, etc., 9. 189, 
Od. 1. 326; rdv Borwrioy vdpov Soph. Fr. 858:—also absol., a. dpdpi 
Tivos to sing in one’s praise, Od. 8. 267; els twa Ar. Lys, 1243: later 
simply = xadeiv, Ael. N. A. 2. 28:—Pass., of songs, to be sung, Hdt. 4. 
353 Ta AexOévra Kal doOévra Plat. Lys. 205 E; dopa nadas Gober, 
opp. to Adyos Karas fnOels, Xen. Cyr. 3. 3, 55+ 2. c, acc, pers., 
to sing, praise, as Lat. canere, Pind. P. 5. 32, and Att.; hence in Pass., 
deiSerat Opépaic’ ijpwas is celebrated as the nurse of heroes, Pind, P. 
8. 35. 3. in Pass. also, to resound with song, deldero may Tépevos 
- - Oadlas Pind. O. 10 (11). 92. 

de-eord, %, eternal being, Antipho ap. Harp.; cf. eveorw, dmeorw. 

delola, 7%, eternal life, Eccl. 

de{-Lwos, ov, Att. contr, delLws, wy, ever-living, everlasting, mop dei{wov 
Heraclitus 20; del(wy mbar, decChou méas, both in Aesch. Fr. 31; det(ws 
ryeved: Soph. Fr. 806; defCwv €drxos Ib. 807; deifws Oeds C. I, 4598; 
dei(hou Ywvyxas Melanipp. 6, cf. C. 1. 6199: metaph., dos diary Aesch, 
Supp. 988. II. dei(wor, 76, an evergreen plant, prob, houseleek, 
Lat. sempervivum, Theophr. H. P. 1. 10, 4, Plut., etc. 
delwdrys, nros, 7),=derCwia, Isid. Pelus. 
del-Lwros, ov, ever girded, aye ready, E. M. 22. 20. 
dea-ldwv, ova, ov, ever-living, de(wovra ..lepd Call. Del. 314; 
yeverijpos de{hovros Nonn, Jo. I. 343 deQwoucay pdrAny Anth. P. 
1. 10, 35+ 



deu-OtAys, és, ever-green, Anth: P. 7. 198., 12. 256: metaph, ever- 
blooming, Xdpures Orph. H. 60, 5:—rd deBades Tav pvAdwy Diosc. 4. 88. 

der-Oiivijs, és, ever-dying, ever fearing death, Manetho 1. 166. 

deWepys, és, (8€pw) always warming, Eratosth. p. 144 Bernh. 

del-Poupos, ov, ever-warlike, Opp. C. 2. 189. 

det-OpvAnros, ov, ever talked of, celebrated, lo. Lyd. de Magistr. 3. 51. 

det-Kaptros, dv, ever fruit-bearing, Theophr. C.P. 1. 22, 4. 

é€\uos, a, ov, Od, 4. 244, but also os, ov 19. 341; collat. poét. form 
of dens, Od. 13. 402, Il. 14. 84, and Hdt.; contr. atkéAvos Theogn. 
1344, Eur. Andr. 131 (lyr.) :—of things, words, and actions; more rarely 
of persons, Od. 6. 242. Adv. —iws, Od. 8. 231., 16. 109. 

d-eunns, és, unseemly, insulting, shameful, dekéa dovyoy dpdbyey Il. I. 
456, al.; deteéa [efpara] éooa Od. 24. 250; Seopds Aesch. Pr. 97, cf. 
525; deel odv orodp Soph. El. 191; detkéorepa érea Hat. 7. 133 
obdéy dees mapéxegOar to cause no inconvenience, Id. 3. 24; deen 
pucOdv mean, scanty, Il, 12. 4353 so, ob..deméa..dmowa 24. 494. 
Ady. de:nas, Hesych.; Ion. -€ws, Simon, 13; demés as Adv., Od. 17. 
216. 2. oddity deés éort, c. inf., it is nothing strange that.., 
Hadt. 3. 33., 6. 98, Aesch. Pr. 1043.—Cf. the Att. form ais. 

deta, Ion. -ty [7, whence in the Mss. often written —e/n], 7), outrage, 
injury, wacav deiny dmexe xpot (from Hector’s body) Il. 24. 19; pl. 
pn tis pot deias evi otk pawérw Od. 20. 308; decein meprémery Td 
Hat. 1. 73, 115; dwad}s ris a. Id. 3. 160.—Cf. the Att. form alia. 

dele, fut. «@ Il. (v. infr.), Ep. also detxioow Q. Sm. 10. 401: Ep. 
aor. detxiooa Il, 16. 545:—Med., Ep. aor. deueioodpuny Ib. 559., 22. 
404:—Pass., Ep. aor. inf., deioOquevac Od, 18. 222. To treat 
unseemly, injure, abuse, Hom.; ob yap ey o° €xmaryAov de® I will do 
thee no great dishonour, Il, 22, 256, cf. 24. 22 and 54, etc.:—Med. in 
act. sense, Il. ll. c.—Cf. the Att. form aixi¢w. 

de-Kivycta, %, perpetual motion, C. 1. 3546. 35, Galen. 

det-Kivntos, ov, ever-moving, in perpetual motion, Plat. Phaedr. 245 C. 
Adv. -rws, Arist. Mund. 6, 37. 

det-Kapos, ov, continually revelling, Manetho 4. 301. 

def-AdAos, ov, ever-babbling, Anth. P. 5. 178. 

dev-Aapmns, és, ever-shining, Stob. Ecl. I. 494. 

dertBns, és, (AeiBw) ever-flowing, Nonn, Jo. 3. Vv. 34+ 

det-Arxvos, ov, ever-eager, Philo 1. 348. 

devdoyéw, fo be always talking about, Tt Eccl. 

GeAoyla, 4, a continual talking :—as Att. law-term, tiv 4. mporeive- 
oOat or mapéxety, to court continual inquiry into one’s conduct, Dem, 
341. 16., 1306. 27. 

Gethos, ov, (€iAn) unsunned, Aesch. Fr. 419. 

del-papyos, ov, ever-greedy, Opp. H. 2. 213. 

det-pvnpdveutos, ov, ever-remembered, Joseph. A. J. 17. 6, 2. 

det-pvipev, ov, gen. ovos, ever-remembering, of good memory, Arist. 
Physiogn: 3, 14. 

del-pvyoros, ov, had in everlasting remembrance, ever to be remem- 
bered, épyov Aesch. Pers. 760; tapos Soph. Aj. 1166, Eur., etc.; per 
dey. papruplov Thuc. 1. 33; Tpowata Lys. 192. 24; dmace deiuy. 7 
dpapria Antipho 138. 34. Adv. —rws, Aeschin. 52. 22. 

de-viits, és,=sq., Nic. ap. Ath. 61 A, in Ep, dat. pl. dewwaéeoot. 

del-vaos, ov, =dévaos, q. V. 

dev-vatrat, dv, of, a Milesian magistracy, which held its sittings on 
ship-board, Plut, 2. 298 C. 

dei-vynortis, cos, 6, 7, ever-fasting, Anth. P. 9. 409. 

dctvws, wy, Att. contr. for deivaos, v. dévaos. 

der-riOys, és, ever-suffering, liable to be perpetually acted on, 
Crito ap. Stob. 43. 42, cf. Philolaiis in Stob. Ecl. 1. 420. 

delrats, macdos, 6, %, ever-maiden, of the Virgin, Eccl. 

devrrdpQevos, %}, ever a virgin, Sapph. 96 (in Aeol. form dim, cf. Cramer 
An, Par. 3. 321), Eus. Laus Const. 17; of the Vestals, af fépacae ai deur. 
Dio C. 56. 5, cf. 59. 3. 2. in Pythag. language of the number 7, 
Philo 1. 46, 4973 cf. @yovos II. I. 

det-mhivos, ov, ever-wandering, Epigr. ap. Suid. 

&el-poos, oy, contr. —-pous, ovy, =sq., Aristeas, etc. 

del-piros, ov, ever-flowing, xpjvn Soph. O. C. 469. : 

delpw, Ion. and poet. Verb (cf. detw), used by Hdt., and also in Aesch. 
Th. 759, Pers. 660 (both lyr.); but the Att. form is aipw (q. v.), Acol. 
déppw (q. v.): impf. fepoy (ovy-) Il. 10. 499, Hdt., Ep. decpov Il, :— 
fut. dp [a], contr. from dep (which never occurs), Aesch. Pers. 795, 
Eur. Heracl. 322, Tro. 1148 (cf. é¢ewalpw) :—aor. 1 Hepa (ovr-) Il. 24. 
590, Ep. detpa 23. 730, part. deipas Soph. Ant. 418 (in the speech of 
the ¢vAag):—Med., Hom., and in Soph. Tr. 216 (lyr.): fut. dpotjuae 
(v. sub aipw) :—aor., imper. delpao Ap. Rh., inf. defpacOae (dvr—) Hat. 
7. 212, part. -duevos Hom. :—Pass., aor. ép0nv Ap. Rh., (wap-) Il. 16. 
341, Ep. dépOny Od., 3 pl. depOev Il. 8. 74, subj. dep0@ Eur. Andr, 848, 
part. depOeis Hom., Pind., Hdt., Aesch. Ag. 1525: pf. fepyat Ap. Rh. 
2. 171: Ep. plqpf. 3 sing. dwpro IL, Theocr., Ion. dopro (q. v.) for 
jjopro.—The form deipw, being Ion., is generally used by Hdt. and Hipp., 
as by Hom., except in Il. 17. 7243; also in Pind. and a few Lyric Blages 
of Trag., never in Att. Prose. Hom. however prefers the aor. 2 dpé 
to deipagOar: cf. aipw.—vV. dv-, dm-,<la—, én, map-, ovv—aetpa. (The 
Root appears, by comparison of the Skt.and Lat., to have been SEP or EP, 
with a prefixed as in delSw, déga.—From 4/EP we have cepa, cf. Skt. 
sarat, sarit (linum), Lat. sero (serui), sera; frofn 4/EP, Sppos (monile), 
Sppadds, Spyud; also etpw, d-elpw, éepuévos. The sense of junction, union, 
lost in de(pw, appears in the derivatives cvvaelpm, maprjopos, ouvnopos, 
cuvwpis, and to some extent in the words cited below, TI. 2.) a, 
when unaugmented; but @ in arsi in late Ep., as Opp., cf. C. 1.177, 
; 347-] 0 lift, heave, raise up, ido’ detpas O7jKev [xvvény, etc.] Il. 10, 


4053 tora . . ore?Aay cetpayres farled the sails by brailing them up, 04.3. 
11 :—esp. to lift for the purpose of bringing or carrying, to bear, carry, 
€« Bedéav Saprydova Sioy deipas Il. 16.678; voogu te as 24. 583; 
dx0os delpev, of ships of burden, Od. 3. 312; pijAa yap ef “Iedens.. 
detpay ynvot carried them off, 21. 18; pA por olvov deipe offer me not 
‘wine, Il. 6. 264: often in participle with Verbs of motion, ém orepd- 
ynv Kepadrnpy deipas OjxaTo 10. 30; tivaxas mapéOnkey deipas Od. 
I. 141; evpapiy detpwy Aesch, Pers. 660. 2. to raise, levy, Aexroy 
dpodpev arddov Ib. 795. II. Med. éo lift up for oneself, 
i.e. bear off, win, take, freq. c. acc. rei, mavras detpdpevos meAéceas 
Il. 23. 856, etc.: but also just like Act., [wéwAwv] & depayévy Il. 
6.293: cf. aipw. 2. to raise or stir up, vetkos detpapevos Theogn. 
90; deipacda wédAepov to undertake a long war, Hdt. 7. 132, 156; 
Bapis a. slow to undertake anything, Id. 4. 150. 3. deipaca Ta 
ioria to hoist sail, 1d. 8. 56, 943 also without iorla, 1. 27: so Ap. Rh. 
has deipewv ioria in Act., 2. 1229. III. Pass. to be lifted or 
carried up, és aidépa diay dépOn Od. 19. 540, cf. Il. 8. 74; ipso 
depbels . . Exdunv Od. 12. 432; detpecOa eis... to rise up and go toa 
place, Hdt. 1. 170; depOévres &« .. , Ib. 165 ;—mostly of seamen, but 
also of land-journeys, as depOfva: 9. 52:—depOels, like Lat. elatus, 
rising above or exceeding due limits, Pind. N. 7. 11. 2. to be 
suspended, hang, [paxaipa] map fipeos péya xovdedy aity 
Il. 3. 272., 19. 2533; cf. wepeOoua, aiwpéouar, peréwpos, dop, 
doprnp. 3. metaph. to be lifted up, excited, Soph. Tr. 216. 
Gels, part. of anu. 
de-céBacros, ov, ever-august, title of late Emperors, C. I. 5187, al. 
det-ctros, ov, always fed: esp. of those who lived at the public expense 
in the Prytaneum, C, I. 115. 41., 184-197 :—in Epich. 18, Ahr. restores 
aivel atrov. 
del-oxwp, a kind of owl (oxdy), so called from not being migratory, 
strix aluco, Arist. H. A. 9. 28, I. 
76, poét. and Ion. for dopa, as deldw for gdw, Hdt. 2. 79, Call. 
Ep. 28; also in Eupol. EiAwr. 3. 
det-o60s, ov, ever-safe, Nonn. 
det-orévaxros, ov, ever-sighing, Nicet. Eugen. 5. 119. 
dev-otpedryjs, és, ever-turning, Greg. Naz. 
del-orpodos, ov, =foreg., Eust. Opusc. 109. 92, Tzetz. 
det-ctpopos, ov, ever-useful, Cleanth. ap. Eus. P. E. 679 C. 
»del-cupos, ov, f. 1. for anjaupos. 
. deiras, a, 5, Boeot. for derds, Lyc. 461. II. v. sub dérns. 
dei-reAns, és, ever-perfect, Oeds Alcin. Intr. 477. 
del-rpemrtos, ov, ever-turning, ever-changing, Pisid. 
vis, és, ever-shining, of stars, Arr. Ind. 24. 6. 
visible, of the pole, Stob. Ecl. 1. goo. 
delpitos, ov, (pnt) ever-famed, Or. Sib. 3. 415. 
eyis, és, ever-burning, Greg. Naz., cf. Anth. P. 11. 409. 
det-povpyros, ov, =sq., Nonn. 
del-ppoupos, ov, ever-watching, i.e. ever-lasting, Hesych., as emended 
by Pors. Ar. Nub. 518 (for despdpos); TQ d. pe Cratin. Mad8. 1. 7; 
olenots delopp., of the grave, Soph. Ant. 892; mévor Opp. H. 4. 189. 
, , exile for life, pevyérw depvylay Plat. Legg. 877 C, C. I. 
158 B. 26; depuyia (nmody rd Dem. 528. 7. 
iets, %, a being evergreen, Theophr. C. P. 2. 17, 2. 
os, ov, evergreen, Arist. G. A. 5. 3, 25, Theophr. C. P. 1. To, 7. 
delwros, ov, (pas) ever-light, fAcos Dion. Areop. 188C. 
deryelpacros, ov, (xetud(w) ever-stormy, troubled, Joann. Clim. 
“ del-yAwpos, ov, evergreen, eG 64. 
det-ypovios, ov, everlasting, Anth. P. 12. 229. 3 
Sexats + 1, OY, asticls form =dékowv, Oa, 18.135; OAN dexals- 
pevos (Vitals multa reluctans), 13. 277- 
exfdtos, ov, for déeédtos, Il. 18.775 cf. delBedos. — 
 d-é or dexyrt, Epic Adv. against the will, often in Hom.; c. gen., 
od pie , déenrt older, Lat. te invito, Od. 16. 94.. 3- 2133 Gea 
déenrt, déenti Oeav, Lat. Diis non propitiis, Il. 12.8, Od. 4.504- 
d-exovoros, ov, also a, ov Luc, Syr. D. 18; Att. contr. ov (@], 
but the uncontr. form is used in anapaest. rid Soph. Tr.1263- 0 9 
the will, constrained, forced, of acts or their consequences, TovTo . . ov 
de. abr& eyévero Hat. 2. 162; TApcopar . . dexovora modkAd Theogn. 
13433 9pdoos dxovatov (as Canter emended éxovovoy, but Ahrens better 
tic Ouordv), Aesch. Ag. 803; és dxovatous dydyxas mnrey Thue. 3. 82; 
‘often in Att. of involuntary offences, dx. ¢évos Antipho 121. 36; 
dxovalov mpaxropes Ib. 39, cf. Plat. Legg. 733 D, 864 A, Arist. Eth. N. 
3.13 7a piv dkovora MW Socege dard, 7a BF Exovora demdy C. I. 
71d. II. like déxav, of persons, but only in Adv. dxovoiws, 
involuntarily, Thuc. 2. 8, Plat. Tim. 62 C; dx. drofaveiv, opp. to 
éxovolas drokrelvey, Antipho 112. 10; dxovolws rwt dpixOat to have 
come as an unwelcome guest, Thuc. 3. 31 (Madvig. dxovoly). : 
dékwv, Att. contr. &kev [a], ovea, ov, but the uncontr. form used in 
anapaest. by Aesch. — 40: (éxdv, v. sub Exndos) : involuntary, 
constrained, of persons, dexovros €yeto Il. I. 310; éxiv Géxovtt ye Oupd 
4. 43; strengthd., 7AA’ déewv (Virgil's multa reluctans), 11. 557 :— 
Hom. uses the contr. form only in aia 7 8 ob« axovre weréoOnv 
(where however the metre would admit déxovre) Il. 5. 366, Od. 3. 484; 
otherwise it first occurs in h. Hom. Cer, 413, Hdt. 2. 131, al., and then 
is common in all Att. writers (cf. dexovotos) ; deovros Aids, invito Fove, 
Aesch. Pr. 771; often repeated, dxovrd o’ dnav mpoomaccarevow Ib. 19, 
cf. 671; so, dxwy dnote obs éxdv elrev Aé-yous Soph. Fr. 668, cf. Ant. 
276; pndéva phr déxovra pévew Karépvee Pherect. Xefp. 2 (mock 

2. always 

heroic) :—Adv. dxévrws, see a dporoyeiv Plat. Prot. 333 B, cf. 
Hipp. Mi. 374 D; ob de., GAdr 

mpobtpas éretcOncav Xen. Hell. 4| 

dels — af 

8, 5. II. in Poets, but rarely, like dovotos, of acts or their 
consequences, involuntary, kaka éxdvTa kovx ax. Soph. O. T. 1230; 
épyov ax. Id. O. C. 240, cf. 977- F +) 5 
GéAvor, of, brothers-in-law, whose wives are sisters: Hesych. writes at- 
Avot, but wrongly, v. Eust. 648. 45, E. M, 31. 24. (M. Miiller, Oxf. 
Essays (1856), p. 21, compares Skt. sydlas (uxoris frater) ; in which 
case a must be taken as euphon., d-€A:01.) ‘ 
&éAvos, 6, Dor. for HéAcos, fAcos. [a, but made short in Soph. Tr. 835, 
Eur. Med. 1252, Jon 122.] oe : 
dedAa, Ep. <AAn, 75, 7), @ stormy wind, a whirlwind, often in Hom., 
not rare also in pl.; dpyaAéov dvéyav ..dédAp Il. 13. 7953 dedAac 
mavrotov dvéuov Od. 5. 292, 3045 ye J déddAn oxidvar’ (i.e. the 
dust), Il. 16. 374. 2. metaph. of any whirling motion, dkvipdpos 
4., of an animal, Eur. Bacch. 873 ; dorpwv in’ dédAmor Id. Hel. 1498. 
Used by Soph. also in derivs. and compds. (v. infr.), but the word is 
mostly Ep. (For the Root, v. sub iw.) 
GehAatos, a, ov, storm-swift, meAerds Soph, O. C. 1081. 
GAGs, ddos, 7, =foreg., immo: Soph. O. T. 467; pawai Id. Fr. 614. 
GedAnets, eooa, ev, =deddaios, Nonn. D, 5. 322, etc, 
dehdjjs xovicaros, 6, in Il. 3. 13, eddying dust, i.e. an eddy of dust, not 
found elsewh.: Buttm., Ausf. Gr. § 41 Ann. 15 n., would write deAAqs, 
contr. from deAAHes ; cf. Spitzn. ad 1. (For the Root, v. sub efAw.) 
GeXo-BSpépos, ov, storm-swift, mHdos Bacchyl. 6. 
GEAAS-OprE, Tpixos, 6, 4, with hair floating in the wind, Soph. Fr. 273. 
GehAo-paxos, ov, struggling with the storm, Anth. P. 7. 586. 
GeAXb-1ros, rrodos, 5, %, for deAAdmous (like dpriwos, Oidtzos, etc.) :— 
storm-footed, storm-swift, Il. 8. 409, etc. (never in Od.): dat. pl. deA- 
Aondbecow h. Hom. Ven. 218; pl. deAAdrodes, -1é5wy, Simon. 7, Pind. 
N. 1.6, etc. : once only in Trag., viz. Eur. Hel. 1330.—Later deAAoré5ns, 
ov, Opp. C. 1. 413. 
GedAbs, 6, a Bird, perth. the stormy petrel, Hesych. 
*AehKQ, dos, contr. ods, 7, (deAAa) Storm-swift, name of a Harpy, Hes. 
Th. 267; also of a hound, Ovid. Metam. 3. 219. 
GeAASys, €s, (<250s) storm-like, stormy, Schol. Il. 3. 13. 
ded , to be deArros, have no hope, despair, only found in part., deA- 
mréovres aéov eivai Il. 7. 310; &. Tovs “EAAnvas brepBadréecba Hat. 7. 
168 :—the forms deAméw, deAmns are defended by Lob. Phryn. 569. 
G-eharys, és, unhoped for, unlooked for, unexpected, yatay dednréa 
bGKev idécOa Od. 5. 408; ubi olim deAzéa, v. foreg. 
G-ehwria, 7), an unlooked for event, ¢ dedmrins, Lat. ex insperato, un- 
expectedly, Archil. 54. II. despair, Pind. P. 12. 55 [where 7]. 
mrs, ov, (€Aropa:)=dedmrys, h. Hom. Cer. 219; &¢ déAmrov be- | 
yond hope, unexpectedly, Hdt. 1. 111; so é¢ déAmTwv seems to be used 
in Soph. Aj. 715, cf. Aesch. Supp. 357; why d., d. xaxdy Id. Pers. 265, 
1005 ; elwep dYoua tay deArrov dpépay Eur. Supp. 785; deAmra yap 
Aé€yers Id. Hel. 585. 2. beyond hope, despaired of, Archil. 74, 
Solon 35, Hipp. Art. 808. II. act. hopeless, desperate, h. Hom. ; 
Ap. 91, Aesch. Supp. 907. III. Adv. -rws, beyond all hope, 
Lat. insperato, Aesch. Pers. 261, Soph. El. 1263; and in bad sense, Aesch. 
Supp. 987: also neut. pl. as Adv., Eur. Phoen. 311. 
dcppa, 76, Ep. for &upa, a bowstring or bow, Call. Dian. 10, Apoll. 33. 
Gévaos [G-], ov (vdw A), also del-vaos Hdt., contr. detvws Ar. Ran. 
146, (never dévyaos, which, though often introduced by the Copyists, 
Herm., Eur. Ion 117, has shewn to be against analogy, cf. del 5); used 
by Trag. only in lyr. passages.  Ever-flowing, xpnyns 7° devdov Kat 
dmoppirov Hes. Op. 597; deivaos Aiuyn, morapyds Hat. 1. 93, 145, cf. 
Simon. 120; morapovds devdous Aesch. Supp. 5543 Tav dévaoy mayday 
Eur. Ion 117, cf. 1083, Or. 1229 ; devdov rupés Pind. P. 1.9; BdpBopov 
kat oKup deiveov Ar. 1, c.; dévaor vepérau Id. Nub. 275 :—generally, 
everlasting, dperas .. nécpov dévady re wAgos Simon. 4; devdors ev 
Tpamé{ais, of the dinners in the Prytaneum, Pind. N. 11. 9 ;—also in 
Prose, dév. rpoph Xen, Ages. I, 20; devawrepoy .. Tov GABov mapéxe 
Id. Cyr. 4. 2,44; dévaoy oictay mopioa Plat. Legg. 966 E; worapot 
dévao: Arist. Meteor. 1. 13,6. Adv. devdws Id. Occ. 2. 4, I. 
devawy, ovoa, ov, =foreg., Od. 13. 109, Hes. Op. 548. 
G-evvénros, ov, never thought of, Schol. Soph. Tr. 1057. 
deE(Bros, ov, increasing while one lives (?), wévOos Epigr. Gr. 562. 
deki-yutos, ov, strengthening the limbs, deOXa Pind. N. 4.120, 
def{-Kakos, oy, multiplying evil, Nonn. D. 20. 84. 
ny ag ov, gen. w, making horns grow; C. 1.6272. 
r £(-voos, ov, contr. ~Vvous, ovv, strengthening the mind, Procl.h,. Mus. 16. 
efi-roKos, ov, nourishing the fruit of the womb, Nonn. D. 5. 614, etc. 
debt-rpodos, ov, fostering growth, Orph. H. 51. 17. 
defl-puAAos, ov, nourishing leaves, leafy, Aesch. Ag. 697. 
dekl-piiros, ov, nourishing plants, ’Hws Mel. in Anth. P. 9: 363, 5- 
rea zm. form of aife (aigdvw), found once in Hdt., twice in 
rag. yt. passages); used by correct writers only in pres. and impf. 
without augm.: later Poets formed a fut. deffow (Nonn. D. 12. 24), 
aor. 7é£noa (Ib. 8. 104, Anth. append. 299), fut. med. def7oopar (Ap. 
Rh. 3. 837), aor. pass. defhOny (Anth. P, 9. 631), plqpf. (dv-)negnro 
(Nonn. D. 4. 427). (Prob. from / FEE, with a prefixed (cf. detdw, 
deipw), whence also afm, etc.; cf. Skt. vakshami (cresco); Goth. 
vahstus (abgnats) ; O. Norse vaxa, to wax; O.H.G. wachsa (wachsen) : 
the Lat. augeo is referred by Curt. to a diff. Root ; v. sub dys.) To 
“ata enlarge, foster, strengthen, dvipt BE Kexun@re pévos peya 
upos defer Il. 6, 261; Oupoy dégay Tl. 17. 226; wévOos a. to cherish 
Hes Od, 17. 489; vidv 4. to rear him to man’s estate, 13. 360; épyor 
«four . . devi they bless the work, 15.372: 2. to exalt by one’s deeds 
to glorify, magnify, aitous 7 agéor wal méAw Pind. O. 8, fin.; ob 
TAHP0s deta Hat. 3. 80: to magnify, exaggerate, [d-yyediay] po0os 

demros — ayAos. 

défer Soph. Aj. 226. 8. détev Botray pévov Eur. Hipp. 537; cf. 
abfave I. 4. II. Pass. to increase, grow, TnAéuaxos 5 véov 
pev détero was waxing tall, Od, 22. 426; ob... mor’ dégero Kdpd y ev 
ab7@ no wave rose high thereon, 10. 93; XéAos .. dvipav év orhbecow 
d, hire nanvés rises high, Il. 18. 110; 765e épyov 4d. it prospers, Od. 
14. 66 ; défero lepdv juap was getting on to noon, ll. 8. 66, etc.; so, 
paris dégerac Emped. 375; wépdos dégerar Aesch. Cho. 825, cf. Supp. 
856. III. in Soph, Ant. 353 Dind. has received Déderlein’s 
doubtful conj. dégerae (for dgera:) as a med. form, exalts, adorns; 
better (with Schone) éxpaerai, v. Schneidew. ad 1. IV, intr. = 
Pass., Q. Sm. 1. 116. 

demos, ov, epith. of young animals, as the Schol. read in Aesch. Ag. 
141, explaining it by rots émecOat Tots -yovedor i) Suvvapévors: the Med. 
Ms. gives déAmrois: but the word is no doubt corrupt. 

d-epynhds, 7, bv, =depyds, Ap. Rh. 4.1186, etc.; d-epyfs, és, Nic. Fr. 4. 

d-epyla, Ion. ty [7], , a not working, idleness, Od. 24. 251, Hes. Op. 
309, Bion 6. 6 (ubi vulg. depyety). 2. of a field, a lying fallow 
or waste, Orac. ap. Aeschin. 69. 1.—Cf. the Att. form dpyia. 

d-epyds, dv, like depyns, depynrés, not-working, idle, ll. 9. 320, Od. 
1g. 27, Hes. Op. 301, etc. ;—d, ddpor idle houses, i.e. where people are 
idle, Theocr. 28. 15: c. gen., not working out, not doing, épyav alsxpav 
draé}s kat 4. Theogn, 1177. 
381.—Cf. the Att. form dpyds. 
sow, Adv. (deipw) lifting up, Aesch. Ag. 235.—Cf. the Att. form 

Gepopar, see under Ion. form jep-. 

depOev, v. sub deipw. 

*Acpia, as, Ion. "Hepln, qs, §, old name of Egypt, prob. from dtp, the 
misty or dark land, Aesch. Supp. 78, cf. Ap. Rh. 4. 267; also of Crete, 
Plin. H. N. 4. 20. 
depifw, (dnp) to be like air; and so, 

I. 83. 2. to be sky-blue, Id. 5. 100. 

Gepikév, 7d, name of a tax by Justinian, Georg. Cedr. 742 C. 

Géptvos, 7, ov, aerial, like air, Arist. Metaph. 8. 7, 5» 2. sky-blue, 
éc6ns Poll. 4. 119. 

dept-orxos, ov, dwelling in air, Eubul. Incert. 16 (mock heroic). 

&épros [4], ov, also a, ov: Ion. Hépros, , ov (q.v.): (amp). In 
the mist or thick air of morning, Eur. Phoen. 1534. IL. in the 
air, high in air, Eur. Tro. 546: of the air, aerial, opp. to x@dos, Id. 
Fr. 27; pvots Arist. Mund. 3, 4; ¢@a Ib. 6, Luc. Prom. 6; dépiov yévos 
Plat. Epin. 984 D :—Adv. -ws, Iambl. de Myst. III. wide as air, 
infinite, Diod. 1. 33, etc. 

depiris, #, pec. fem. of dépios, Diosc. 2. 209. 

depos, ov, (epya, eipyw) unfenced, open, Lys. 110. 42. 

GepoBapev [a], ov, travelling the air, of birds, cf. Lob. Phryn. p. 431- 

depoBiitéw, to walk the air, of Socrates, in pres., Ar. Nub. 225, 1503, 
Plat. Apol. 19 C: aor. part. depoBarfaas Luc. Philopatr. 12. 

depo-Barns, ov, 6, one who walks the air, Plut. 2. 952 F. 

depo-Bivijs, és, Ion. jep-, wheeling in air, derés Anth. P. 9. 223. 

Gepo-5évyros, ov, air-tossed, soaring, Ar. Av. 1385 ; cf. vupdBodos. 

Gepodpopéw, f. jaw, to traverse the air, Luc. V. H. 1. to. 

Gepo-Spojtos, ov, traversing the air, d. tiwp, of an aqueduct, C. I. 4535 
(add.), cf. Eust. 1503. 10, Manass. Chron. 143, 410. 

depo-eSis [4], Ep. and Ion. hepoedys, és: like the sky or air, 
Plat. Tim. 78 C, Arist. Gen. et Corr. 2. 3, 5 :—sky-coloured, Id. Color. 3, 
8: cf. depwins.—For the Homeric usage of the word, v. jepoe:d4s. 

depdets, Hesych., but elsewh. only in Ion. form jepdets, q. v. 

depdbev, Adv. out of the air, from on high, cited from Eust, 

depo-Képak, dios, 6, an air-raven, Luc, V. H. 1. 16. 

depo-kavo, wos, an air-gnat, Ibid. 

depo-éoyns, ov, 6, a man of big empty words, Hesych, 

Gepo-piixta, 4, an air-battle, Luc. V. H. 1. 18. 

Gepd-peAt, ios, 76, honey-dew, Virgil's aérium mel (some say manna), 
Ath. 500 D; also Gov péar. 

depo-petpéw, to measure the air; hence to lose oneself in vague specu- 
Zation, in pres. inf., Xen. Oec. 11, 3; cf. depoBaréw. 

depo-ptyys, és, compounded of air, Diog. L. 7. 145, etc. 

depopv0éw, = perewpodoyéw, epi cednvys Philo 1. 457:—from depé- 
pv0os, Id. 2. 268. 

depovnxyjs, és, (vpXopuat) floating in air, of the clouds, Ar. Nub. 337. 

<po-vopew, fo move in air, Heliod. 10. 30; cf. xetpovopéw. 

Gepdopat, Pass. to become air, Heraclid. Alleg. 22. 

depo-trerns, és, (wimrw) fallen from the sky, Sanchun, ap. Eus. P. E. 38 C. 

Gepo-mérns, es, (wérouat) flying in air, Horapollo 2, 124. 

Gepé-miivos, ov, wandering in air, Hesych. s. ¥. jepoporrts, 

Gepotropéw, to traverse the air, Philo 2. 116, 300. 

Gepo-mépos, ov, traversing the air, Plat. Tim. 40 A, Philo. 

depo-cKomta, 77, divination by observing the heavens, Schol.Il. 1.62, Tzetz. 

deporépos, ov, (réuvw) cleaving the air, seems to have been coined by 
way of derivation for” Apreyus, Clem. Al. 668. 

Gepé-tovos, oy, stretched or driven by air, Philo in Math. Vett. 77. 

Gepo-éBos, ov, afraid of the air, Cael, Aurel. M. A. 3. 12. 

depé-hovros, ov, roaming in air, Aesch. ap. Ar. Ran. 1291. 
Mates ov, upborne by air, Eubul. Srep. 2. 2 (Meineke suggests 


_ dep6-xpoos, —ous, sky-coloured, Diosc. 5. 85, v- 1. Orph. Lith. 264. 

Gépowp, Ion. Hépory, owos, 6, Boeot. name for the bird pépoy (q. v.), 
Schol. Ar. Av. 1354. 

déppw, Acol. for defpw, Sappho 91, Alcae. 78; an aor. 1 subj. dépop 
Panyas. 6, 13 Diibner, 

1. to be thin as air, Diosc. 

II. act, making idle, Nic. Th. 


depor-Kdpyvos, ov, carrying the high head, Paul. Sil. Ecphr. 397. 

depat-Aodos, ov, higeoiied, Ap- Rh. 2. 1061, Nonn. the 

depot-voos, ov, contr. -vous, ovy, haughty, Nonn. Jo. 8. v. 44. II. 
act. cheering, olvos, prob. l. Ion g; also, dep. Baxxov ap. Tzetz. Schol. 
ad Hes. p. 18, Gaisf. 

depotrérns, es, (réropar) =deporndrns, Q. Sm. 3. 211. 

depat-mé65ns, ov, 6, =depotmous, Nonn. D. 10. 401. 

depat-mépos, ov, going on high, Nonn. D. 1. 285. 

depotmdrns, ov, 6, (wordopat) high-soaring, Hes.Sc.316, Anth.P. 5.299. 

Gepot-mérnT0s, ov, =foreg., Hes. Op. 775. 

depot-mous, 6, , mouv, 76, lifting up the feet, brisk-trotting, trot 
depoimodes Il. 18. 532; contr. dpoimodes h. Hom, Ven. 211. 

deptato, lengthd. Ep. form of delpw, to lift up, Ap. Rh. 1. 738, Call. 
Fr. 19, etc.; impf. #épra¢oy Anth. P. 9.12, Ap. Rh., etc., Ep. aor. 
depragoee Nonn. D. 43- 99:—besides these forms, we have (from 
a aor. I #éprqce Anth. P. 6, 223; pf. pass. #épryrat, Ib. 5. 230, 

pp. C. 2. 99. 

depmdys, es, (el50s) like air, Arist. Mund. 4, 18: light of texture, Schol. 
Eur. Or, 1431. 2. like depoe:dns, of colour, rv xpéay Diosc. 5. 170: 
as subst., 70 dep@bes the airy nature, Emped. ap. Plut. 2. 888 B. II. 
full of air, Arist. P. A. 3. 6, 8. Cf. depoedns. 

dés, Dor. for dei. 

, décaper, contr. doapev, decay, inf. décat, an aor. 1 (with no 
other tense in use) fo sleep, Od. 19. 342., 3. 151, 490., 15. 40, never in 
Il. (Akin to dni, dw, cf. rvéovra .. imvw Aesch, Cho. 622, and Virg. 
proflare somnum : cf. Lob. Rhemat. p. 144.) [4 in arsis or by contrac- 
tion, & in thesis.]’ 

deovppootvn, 7, silliness, folly, deorppootvat Od. 15. 470, Hes. Th. 502. 

dect-ppav, ov, gen. ovos,=ppeaty dacbels, damaged in mind, witless, 
silly, Il. 20. 183, Od. 21. 302, Hes. Op. 333 ;—and therefore for dagt- 
ppwy (from ddw, ppjv), Buttm. Lexil. s. v. ddoas. j 

Gérevos [a], ov, (derds) of the eagle, Suid.; cf. alérios. 

ders, és, v. sub averns. 

deriBevs [Z], ews, 6, an eaglet, Acl. N. A. 7. 47. 

derirys [7] Aldos, 6, the eagle-stone, said to be found in the eagle's 
nest, Ael. N. A. I. 35. 

derés, Ep. and Ion. aterés (v. sub fin.), o0, 6, an eagle, as a generic 
name, Il. 8. 247; its epithets in Hom. are dyxvAoxelAns, tyumerns, 
tyemerhes, aidwy, pédas, Kdpriotos Kal wxaros werenvav, o¢vtaros 
5€preoOat, and in respect to omens, TeAerdraTos, Il. 8. 247, cf. 12. 209, 
Od. 2. 146: it was the favourite of Zeus, do7e gol ait@ Pidraros 
oiwvy Il. 24. 310; so in Trag., Arvds..mrnvds xvwy, dapowwds a. 
Aesch, Pr. 1022, cf. Ag. 136; 6 oxnmrpoBdpor d., riwv Ards Soph, Fr. 
766 :—proverb., alerds év roravois Pind. N. 3. 138 ; derds év vepéAatat, 
of a thing quite out of reach, Ar. Eq. 1013; derdv xavOapos patevoopar 
(v. sub paredopar) ;—the diff. kinds are distinguished by specific names, 
a. yvhowos seems to be the golden eagle, xpvoderos, Arist. H. A. 9. 32, 
6, sq.; in this chapt. he enumerates the other kinds, muyapyés, mAdyyos or 
vnrropévos, peAavderos, Tepkvomrepos Or bmdTos (yur—), dAideros, 2. 
an eagle as a standard, of the Persians, Xen, Cyr. 7. 1, 4; of the 
Romans, Plut. Mar, 23, etc. II. a kind of ray, of the class 
oédaxos, Arist. H. A. 5. 5, 3- IIT. in architecture, like dérwpa, 
the gable of a house, the pediment of a temple, Lat. fastigium, Ar. Av. 
II10, ubi v. Schol., C. I. 160 1. 80; said to be invented by the 
Corinthians, Pind. O. 13. 29:—also* called rUpmavov and SéAra. Cf. 
Valck. Diatr. p. 214 (Eur. Fr. 764). (The Ion. form alerds is constantly 
used by the Ep. and Lyr. Poets; but the only correct Att. form is derds, 
though aierds has often been introduced by the Copyists into Trag., etc., 
cf. det.— Another form, ainrés, is now read in Pind, P. 4. 6, v. Bergk Anacr. 
99, Arat. 522, 691. The dial. form aiferds, i.e. aiferds, cited in 
Hesych., confirms the belief that the Root is AF, v. sub déw (A).) [4, 
Piers. Moer. 231, and in all derivs. and compds. 

deropédpos, 6, a standard-bearer, Lat. aguilifer, Plut. Caes. 52. Cf. 

dermdns [a], es, (ei50s) eagle-like, Luc. Icarom. 14. 

dérwpa [a], 76,=derds 11, a gable, Lat. fastigium, otkov Hipp. Art. 
808, cf. Timae. 50, Joseph. A. J. 3. 6, 4: alrepa in C. I. 481. 5. 

dérwors [a], ews, 9, the forming of a gable, Lat. fastigatio, Athen. de 
Mach, p. 4. 

ala, %, (v. d¢w) heat, jeAtov Opp. C. 1. 134, cf. 3. 324 :—dryness, of 
the skin, xpods Nic. Th. 304, ubi Schneid. ary :—but in Od. 22. 184 an 
old shield is said to be wetadaypévoy &¢p coated with dirt or mould :— 
of dry sediment, Schol. Theocr. 5. 109. 

alatvw, (d{w) to dry, parch up, aor. subj. a¢nvn, —nvnot Nic. Th. 205, 
368 (Schneid. reads also avav. after Cod. 11): Pass., d¢aivera: (Schneid. 
avaiverat) Ib. 339. Cf. d{avw, xaraCaive, 

aLidéos, a, ov, dry, parched, odpos Il. 20. 491; UAn Od. g. 234, etc. ; 
Rav d¢adrény dry bull’s-hide, Il. 7. 239; 4(. yijpas withered, sapless, 
Epit. in C. I. 6280. 12, Plut. 2. 789 B. 2. metaph, dry, harsh, cruel, 
like dreyxros, Anth. P. 5. 238, v. Lob. Aj. 648. II. act. parch- 
ing, scorching, Xeipios Hes. Sc. 153, cf. Ap. Rh. 4. 679; of love, paviac 
Ibyc. 1.—Poét. word. 

*Alavia, 7, land of Zdy or Zeds, i.e. Arcadia, Steph. Byz. 

alavw, =d(aivw, h. Hom. Ven. 271, in Pass. 

d-leuxtos, ov, unyoked, Dion. H. 2. 31, etc.; &¢. yauou Schol. Ar. Lys, 
217: also without yapou, e.g. mapbévos, Schol. Ap. Rh. 4. 897. 

alyXla, %, freedom from jealousy, Clem. Al. 171. II. simplicity, 
Plut. Lyc. 21. 

a-fndos, ov, like d¢hAwros, unenvied, unenviable, dreary, ynpas Simon. 

PE I. 11; @poupa Aesch. Pr. 143; Bios, épyov Soph. Tr. 284, 745 ; 


6éa El, 1455; in Orac. ap. Hdt. 7. 140, 
Lob. Aglaoph. 1353 corrects diSnXa. 2. generally, sorry, incon- 
siderable, Plut. Lyc. to. II. act. not envious, Ath, 594 C. 

a-fnAorimyros, ov, unenvied, Plut. 2. 787 D. 

G-fndorimos, ov, free from envy, Plut. Comp. Lyc. c, Num, 3. 

Tos, ov, not to be envied, Plat. Gorg. 469 B. 

-fipros, ov, free from further payment, Hat. 6. 92. 2. without 
loss, scot-free, Lat. immunis, dm6t a¢. Id. 1. 2123 in legal usage, dBAaBH 
eal a(jmov mapexérw Plat. Legg. 865 C: unpunished, Eur, Med. 
Ios0, Ar. Ran. 407, Antipho 123. 37, etc.; é9d twos Plat. Rep. 366 A: 
‘not deserving punishment, Soph. El. 1102: c¢. gen., doeBnpdrov aC. 
Polyb. 2. 60, 5.. Adv. -fws, with impunity, Philem. Incert. 10: also 
‘without fraud, honestly, Joseph. A. J. 15. 4, 4- II, act. not 
amounting to punishment, harmless, of sour looks, Thuc. 2. 37; ov« a¢. 
Joseph. A. J. 15.5, 1. 

*Alnota, 7, a name of Demeter, prob. corrupt for Adgyata, Soph. Fr. 809. 
ee bi ov, unexamined, Aeschin. 57. 3. Adv., a¢ynrjtws éxew Tivos 

lo 1. 96. ; 

alnxis, és, unceasing, excessive, d5vn Il. 15. 25; dpuparydés 17. 741: 
neut. as Adv., d(nxés payépev Kat ht Ded Od. 18. 3; [dies] a¢. pepa- 
xviat Il. 4. 435. II. hard, rough, xopivn Ap. Rh. 2. 99; Ovpds 
v. 1. Il. 15. 25, cf. Lob. Aj. 648. (Ep. word, perhaps an old dialectic 
form for déexqs (a copulat.), v. sub Ca-.) . 

&£opar, Dep., used only in pres. and impf.; act. only in Soph. O. C. 
134, part. d{ovra. To stand in awe of, dread, esp. the gods and one’s 
parents, d(dpevor. ."AmddAAwva Il. 1. 213 par’ obv pyrép’ éuiy 
17. 401; followed by inf., xepot 8 dvinroww Act delBew . . dCopat Il. 6, 
267; gelvous ody dCeo. . Eobépevar Od. 9. 478; GC. ph Il. 14. 261 ;—so 
in Theogn., ris 64 xev..d(orr’ d0avdrous 748; and in Trag., ris oby 
7a8 ovx Gera: Aesch. Eum. 389, cf. 1002; Gfovrar yap dpatpous Id. 
Supp. 651; mAd«apor obddy’ &Cerar Tb. 884 (all lyr.) ; obx aGopat Cavey 
I fear not to die.., Eur. Or. 1116 (vulg, ob xé(opat, cf, Elmsl. Heracl. 
600, Monk Alcest. 336). 2. absol. in part. awe-struck, Od. 9. 200; 
dup = a(épevos Soph. O.T. 155. (From 4/AI' y, dyos, ayos, dyvés, 


fos, 6, contr. from do¢os, a servant, Clitarch. ap. Ath. 267 C. 

' &-Liyns, és,=ad¢vé, Clem. Al. 106. 

G-fiyos, ov, =a (ut, unwedded, xoirn Luc. Amor. 44. 
a pair, cavbdAra Strabo 259. 

‘Opos, ov, without process of fermentation, Plat. Tim. 74 D:—of 
bread, unleavened, dpros Ath. 109 B, dprous a¢., dupa Adyava LXXx 
(Exod. 29. 21, Levit. 2. 4): absol., d(vya, 74, Exod. 12. 15; but 7a 
a{upa the feast of unleavened bread, Ev. Marc. 14. 1,=% €opr?) Tay 
a(ipov Ev. Luc. 22. 1. 

alupodpayla, the eating of unleavened bread, Just. Mart. 231 D (in pl.). 

aluk, vos, 5, 4, 76, (Ced-yvupn) unyoked, unpaired, Archil. 157, Arist. 
Pol. 1. 2,10; and so unmarried, Eur. Bacch. 694; of Pallas the virgin 
goddess, Id. Tro. 536: with a gen, added, d(ug A€erpav, yapar, edv7s, 
Lat. nuptiarum expers, Eur. Hipp. 546, I. A. 805, Med. 673. 

Gw, v. sub dCopa. 

&lw (A), to dry up, parch, énére xpda Selpos ale Hes. Se. 397, cf. 
Op. 585, Alcae. Phe [atyeipos|] dopevn xe?rat lies drying, Il. 4. 
487. (From 4/AZ come also d(a, dfatva, -dvw: atw, abalvw come 
from a diff. Root.) a 

fw (B), to cry a (as ald¢w to cry aiat), to groan, sigh, Soph. Fr. 808;— 
and perh, this is the sense of the Med., ef 71s. .d¢nrax kpadiny dxaxnpevos 
Hes.Th.99. 2. to breathe hard, Nicoch. Incert. 2; cf. ald(w 2, dd{w. 

alata, 4, (d¢wos) lifelessness, Porph. ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 820, 

at » 7, Ov, =sq., Psell. 1. c. an 

&-Lwvos, ov, confined to no zone or region, opp. to local deities, Serv. 
Virg. Aen. 12. 118, Psell. Exp. Dogm. Chald. 114. z : 

‘wos, ov, ((w7) lifeless, Porphyr. IL. ((Gov) without worms 
in it, of wood, Theophr. C. P. 4. 15, 3- 

&-Lworos, ov, ((évvup.) ungirt, from hurry, Hes, Op. 343: generally, 
not girded, Plat. Legg. 954 A. 

' d-Lwros, ov, =foreg., E. M. 22. 20. r 

andée, to feel disgust at, delnvq dandfoesev as the Vienn. Ms. in Od. 1. 
134, ubi nunc ddjceev (v. ddéw). 
_ dn bis, és, (Fd0s) unpleasant to the taste, distasteful, nauseous, of food, 
drugs, etc., Hipp. Aph. 1246, Plat. Legg. 660 A. 2. generally of 
all things unpleasant, as ovdty of dndéarepov eceoba: Hdt. 7. 101, 
Plat. Legg. 893 A, al.: in Plat. freq. of narration andés or obk anbés 
éort, Apol. 33 C, 41 B, Phaedo 84 D:—Comp. andéorepos, Hat, |. c.: 
Sup. dndéoraros, Plat. Legg. 663 C, Phaedr. 4o B. II. of per- 
sons, unp t, disagreeable, odious, émorynpas 4. ylyverat Alex. Incert. 
1s, cf. Dem. 1147. 12, Arist. Eth. N, 2. 7,13, al; mvt to one, Plat. 

aédo gi B. III. Ady. -38s, unpleasantly, (iv Id. Prot. 
351 B, cf. Phaedo 88 C, al.; dndas exe Twi to be on bad terms with 
one, Dem. 500.15; so, dndas draxeicOa, dndwis drareb7vat, mpos Tiva, 
Lys. 145. 36, Isocr. 237 A. 2. without pleasure to oneself, un- 
willingly, ob 4, Plat. Prot. 335 C, al. 

& h, a being disagreeable, nauseousness, 
IT. mostly of persons, wnpl 


{nda ede all are in ill plight, 

2. in pl. not 

of drugs, Hipp. Acut. 
, oi Dem. 564. 
tiv anv a, your odious presence, 
s disgust, dislike, Plat. Phaedr. 
240D, Legg. 802 D, etc.; pl. d. wal Bapvrnres rev Gddov Isocr. 

B. A : 
ndilo, to disgust, riy yedatv Sext. Emp. P. 1, 92:—Pass, to be dis- 

gusted with, Eccl. 
andiapés, 5, disgust, opp. to 7)50v}, Sext. Emp, P. 1. 87. 

aev Od. | 

aCndoTUTHTOS — airys. 

Sn Séveros, ov, =ayddvios, Uvos dnb. proverb. of the least wink of sleep, 
Nicoch. Incert. 3, cf. Nonn. D. 5. 411. 

a, #, loss of pleasure, Diog. L. 2. 89, 90. ; 4 

& is, dws, 6, a young nightingale, Theocr. 15. 121, in poét. pl. 
s abeaal ef. Valck. ad 1. (p. gor B). Cf. dbbvevos. : one 

mbévos, ov, of a nightingale, y6os, vopos &. the nightingale’s dirge, 
Aesch. Fr. 420, Ar. Ran. 684; cf. dnddvetos. 

Gnpovis, (dos, 4, =dnduv, a nightingale, Eur. Rhes. 550, Call. Lav. Pall. 
94, Theoer. 8. 38; Movodow dnbovis, of a poet, Anth. P. 7. 414; of a 
girl, Epigr. Gr. 551. 6.—Dim. only in form. — é 

950, =dndév, of which we have gen. dy5ovs Soph. Aj. 628 (the Schol. 
Says it is a Mytil. form), vocat. anor Ar. Av. 679. 

anBav, évos, , (del5w) the songstress, i.e. the nightingale, Hes. Op. 
201; in Hom. of the daughter of Pandareiis, who was changed into a 
nightingale, Od. 19. 518, where the description (i Te Oapd tpardoa xéet 
mohunxea pavhy) plainly indicates the nightingale, though the epiths. 
xAcipyis (Od. |. c.), xAwpavxny (Simon. 73), hardly suit its colour; cf. 
also fouv0ds, rorxcAddetpos; it is called Alyera, AryUpovos, etc., in reference 
to its voice:—Mdvaayv dnddves, periphr. for poets, Valck. Phoen. 321; reat 
Gndéves thy strains, Call. Ep. 47; (wovoas eiqes yap dnddvas songs, 
Epigr. Gr, 618 a. 9. IL. the mouth-piece of a flute, Eur. Fr. 560: 
so for the flute itself, Ib. 923.—The masc. is known only from Anth. P. 7. 
44, Eust. 376. 24 (Arrucds dvip rov alya Aéyer omep Kat Tov dndéva). 

Gera, Ion. anOiy [i], 4%, (anOns) unaccustomedness, novelty of a situa- 
tion, Batr. 72; a0. twos inexperience of a thing, Thuc. 4.55; bad dy- 
Gcias from inexperience, Plat. Theaet.175 D. Cf. dy@ia. 

GnPéoow, post. for dndéw, to be unaccustomed, c. gen., dnBercov ert 
vexpav Il. 10. 493 (the only Homeric passage where it occurs); so, 
dnbéccovea bins Ap. Rh. 4. 38; andéccorres Nic. Al. 378 :—in Ap. Rh. 
I. 1171 anOecoy appears to be used metri grat. for djdeaoor. 

GHOns, «s, (70s) unwonted, unusual, strange, dyrs Aesch. Supp. 568 ; 
els G70 Swpara Soph. Fr. 517:—Adv. -Ows, unexpectedly, Thuc. 4. 

II. of persons, unused to a thing, c. gen., waxns Thuc. 4. 
Theaet. 146 B, al.; dnOes rod Karaxovew, TOU mpornAaki- 



34, cf. Plat. 
(ecba: Dem. 15. 28., 538. 2 :—in Soph. Tr. 869, Wunder dds. 
without 700s or character, rpayydia Arist. Poét. 6, 15, cf. 24, 14. 

Gn Sia, 7),=a70ea, Eur. Hel. 418. 

GnPifopar, Dep. to be unaccustomed to a thing, Strabo 198. 

dmpa, 76, a blast, wind, Aesch. Ag. 1418, Eum. gos ; devayv a. mvev- 
parov (Lob. Ady) Soph. Aj. 674. 

Emp, 3 sing. dnote Hes. Op. 516, 2 dual dyroy (not deror) Il. 9. 5, 3 pl. 
Geot Hes. Th. 875; imper. 3 sing. dnrw Ap. Rh. 4. 768; inf. éfvae Od. 
3- 183, Ep. dqjwevan Ib. 176; part. dels, dévros Il, 5.526: impf. 3 sing. dy 
Od. 12. 325., 14. 458 (cf. d:anur), 3 pl. decay Ap. Rh. :—Pass., 3 sing. 
dnrat, impf. dnro, part. djyevos, v. infr. (From 4/AF (for FA) come 
also da, drys, aiipa (i.e. dFpa), dnp (Acol. adfp or fF hp), atiw, tatu, 
deca (dw), da(w, af B, diw (Gnu), dicw: cf. Skt. vi, vimi (spiro), 
vitas, viatyus (ventus); Lat. ventus; Goth. vaia (avéw), vinds (dvepos) ; 
O. Norse vindr; etc.) Ep. Verb, to breathe hard, blow, of the winds, 
7H Te Oprxnbev dnroy Il. 9. 5, cf. Od. 3. 176, 183, etc. ; of Te vépea. 
dracmbvacw dévres Il. 5. 526; dvépov .. pévos iypdv dévrav Od. 19. 
440, cf. Hes. Th. 871 sq. :—the pass. forms are used sometimes in strictly 
pass. sense fo be beaten by the wind, dépevos kai dsjpevos Od. 6. 1313 
but more commonly absol. fo toss or wave about, as if by the wind, diya 
Ovpds dnro their mind waved to and fro, i.e. was in doubt or fear, Il. 21. 
386 ; Oupds dyrat rept matdwy Ap. Rh. 3. 688; but, papripia dnrat én 
dvOpdsmous they are wafted to and fro among men, one knows not how, 
Pind. 1. 4.153 mepi 7 dui re Kaddos dnro beauty breathed all around 
her, Ruhnk. h. Hom. Cer. 276; so, rotov dnro dd xpHOev Hes. Sc. 8. 

aap, dépos, in Hom. ajp, 7}épos, while Hipp. (Aér. 282, 290) has the 
nom. 77p ; Aecol. aimp, Dor. éBip (i.e. df#p), Ahrens D. Aecol. 39, Dor. 
491 :—fem. in Hom. and Hes. (except in Op. 547); from Hdt. downwds. 
masc., ql. 5. 776., 8. 50, h. Cer. 383, cannot be quoted for the masc. 
usage, since there wovAvs and Badus need not be masc.) ; so aér was fem. 
in Enn., Gell. 13. 20. In Hom. and Hes., the lower air or atmosphere 
the thick air or haze that surrounds the earth, opp. to aiOjp the pure 
upper air wv. esp. Il. 14. 288, where a tall pine paxpordrn Tepuvia oe 
TE pos aidép txavev, and cf. Ar. Nub. 264 sq.); hence misty darkness, 
mist, gloom, mepl 3 jépa movddv exevev Il. 5.776, cf, 3- 381., 8. 503 Hepa 
pev oxedace kat dnioey opixAny 17. 649 ; tpls 8 hepa TUpe Babeiay 20. 
446; so sometimes in Prose, Hipp. ll. c.; ef, Epos, Hepoecdys :-—but 
later, , 2+ generally, air, Soph. El, 87, Ar. Av. 694, Eur., Plat. 
ete. ; mpds Tv dépa diarpiBe in the open air, Ar. Nub. 198; Tov dépa 
Anew ka@apdy Philyll. Incert. 1, cf. Philem, Incert. 27 a3 éomasas tov 
Load Bed rowdy Menand, Incert. 2. 7; dépa dépew (cf. Virg. verberat auras), 
1 Ep. Cor. 9. 26:—in pl., Plat. Phaedo 98 C, D; cf. mephitic vapours 
Strabo 244. 8. personi "Ar | PIE PP > Ala. 
a 44. personified, "Ap, dy dv Tis évopdoee ad Ala 
as in Lat. Jupiter for aér, Philem. Incert. 2, 4, cf. Diphil. Incert. 3.—CF. 
Buttm. Lexil. 8. Ve IL. the open space in baths, Galen. (a, ex- 
cept in Arist. Epigr. ap. Eust. 17. 37, Pseudo-Phocyl. 108. In Sopht 
El. 87, for & «+ V8 iadpotpos dnp, Pors. restored iodpoup’.) 

dors, ews, 7), (any) =dnpa, a blowing, Eur. Rhes, 417. 
he ory. 2 we SAFTHTOS, OV, uncongquered, not beaten, Thuc. 6. 70, 

- 914, fin., Dem. 309. 17. f s 
d hotles, for As ced i & Pa fa dae Plat. Rep. 375 B. 
Aovpos, ov, (dw, é io} ji edt 4 
Blom an ¢ 4 A pate ge air, hence little, Aesch, Pr, 452, ubi v. 
Gyréopar, Dep. (dtyrns) to fly, read in 
in, 4, = anrns, Hes, CA 673. 
4 diyrns, ov, 5, (Gu, énut) a blast, gale, 

Arat. 52 3- 

dvé Z, , a7 a2 
€H010, Zepupowo, cvéeuayv anrat 

’ 4 ° , 
anroppoos — aberéw. 

Il. 15. 626, Od. 4. 567, Hes. Op. 619: absol. a wind, Theocr. 2. 38 :— 
poét. word, of monral ra nvevpara dhras Kadodar Plat. Crat. 410 B. 

&nrép-poos, ov, contr, —povs, ovv, creating dijrat, a word coined by 
Plat. Crat. 410 B. 

dros, ov, an old word, only found in phrase, @dpoos dyror Il. 21. 395 
(written @dpoos darov in Q. Sm. 1. 217); but quoted also from Aesch. 
(Fr. 2) by Hesych., djrous* peydAas :—prob. from dyt, in the sense of 
stormy, furious, terrible, like ainros: but cf. Buttm. Lexil. s. v. 

anto-pépos, ov, eagle-bearing, Aeyedves Or. Sib. 8. 78 ; v. derds sub fin. 

&-qrTnTOos, ov, later Att. for dfaanros. 

d-nxXos, ov, without sound, pavh Aretae, Caus. M. Diut. 1. 11. 

dpeutos, ov, unwedded, jArwin Epigr. Gr. 372. 32. 

G0aAdocevtos, Att. —rrevros, ov, = dBaddaowros, Poll. 1. 121. 

pete Att. —rrla, 4, ignorance of the sea, Secund. in Galei Opusc. 
P. 039. 

4-0ddaccos, Att. —rros, ov, without sea, far from it, inland, Menand. 
Tpop. 1. 9. II. not mixed with sea-water, oivos Damocr. ap. 
Galen., Horace’s vinum maris expers. % 

G0iAdoowros, Att. —Trwros, ov, (Gadacodw) unused to the sea, a land- 
Jubber, Ar. Ran, 204, Agath. Hist. p. 8. 8. 

4-0adys or G-OadArs, és, of the laurel, not verdant, withered, Plut. 
Pomp. 31, Orac. ap. Ath. 524 B. 

GOadays, és, (64Amos) without warmth, Nonn. D. 37. 151., 40. 286, 
Paul. Sil., etc. Adv. -wéws, Hipp. Acut. 388. 

d-fapBis, és, fearless, Ibyc. 1, Phryn. Trag. ap. Hesych.; oxérov Plut. 
Lyc. 16. 

aPapBla, Ion. -ty, %, imperturbability, Democr. ap. Cic. Fin. 5. 29. 

&-PapBos, ov, imperturbable, Democr. ap. Stob. 38. 39. 

*AOava, ’“Adavar, "AOavata, Dor. for Adny-, v. AOnvN. 

G0ivicla, %, immortality, Plat. Phaedr. 246 A, al.; 6 5& Acpds éorw 
d@avacias pappaxov Antiph. AeA. 2. [penult. made long in Or. Sib. 2. 
41, 150]. 

pasate: to make immortal, Arist. Fr. 601 :—Pass. to become or be 
immortal, Polyb. 6. 54, 2. II. to hold oneself immortal, Térat 
ot dPavarifovres Hat. 4. 93, sq., cf. 94; @' bcov evdéxerar GO. to put 
off the mortal, Arist. Eth. N. 10. 7, 8; cf. dwaSavarifw. 

Aivariopes, 4, the gift of or belief in immortality, Diod. 1. 1. 

&-Qdviiros, ov, also 7, ov (as always in Hom., rare in Trag., Elsm. Med. 
807). Undying, immortal, opp. to @vnrés and Bpords, Hom., Hes., 
etc.:—hence d@dvarot, oi, the Immortals, Hom., etc.; d@dvarar Grrat, 
i.e. the sea goddesses, Od. 24. 47: Comp. —Wrepos, Plat. Phaedo 
99 C. 2. of immortal fame, Tyrtae. 12. 32. II. of things, 
etc., everlasting, 40. xaxdv Od. 12. 118; xdpis Hdt. 7. 178; dpern, 
dpx7 Soph. Ph. 1420, O. T. 905; a0. cvxopayrns Hyperid. Lyc. 3; so, 
a9, Kréos, wvjun, dd€a, dpyn, etc. ; 40. 6 Odvaros death is a never-ending 
state, like Tennyson's ‘death that cannot die,’ Amphis T'vva:xoxp. 1. 2. 
G0. Opig on which life depended, Aesch. Cho. 620. III. of d0dvaroe 
the immortals, a body of Persian troops in which every vacancy was filled 
up by successors appointed beforehand, Hdt. 7. 83, 211; so, 40. dvqp one 
whose successor in case of death is appointed, (as we say, the king never 
dies,) Ib. 31. IV. Adv., d0avarws et5ev Anth, P. 9. 570. [ae- 
always in the Adj. and all derivs., v. sub A, a, fin.] 

G-Siviréw, to make immortal, Tzetz. Hist. 6. 740. 

Gavaro-rovss, dv, making immortal, Eus. V. Const. 4. 62. 

G-Otivas, és, undying, yxy Max. Tyr. 28. 2. 

Garros, ov, unburied, Il. 22. 386, Trag., etc.; dOarrov wOciv, Bad- 
drew, éay Td Soph. Aj. 1307, 1333, Ant. 205. II. unworthy 
of burial, Anth. P. 9. 498. 

GPdpy (not dédpa Piers. Moer. 184), 4, groats or meal, a porridge 
thereof, Hellanic. 179, Ar. Pl. 673, Pherecr. Meraaa. I. 3, Crates “Hp. 2, 
Nicoph. Xep. 2, Anaxandr. Wpwr. 1.42. (An Egypt. word, acc. to Plin. 
22. 25; but v. sub dvdos.) [Oapy, ll. c.: written déqpy in Eust. 
1675. 60, Epiphan.] 

4-Qapoys, . discouraged, downhearted, Plut, Cic. 35: 70 d@apcés 
want of courage, Id. Nic. 4. Adv. —-os, Id. Pomp. 50. 

Wipadns, es, (el50s) like d8dpyn, Ruf. Ephes., Gramm. 

Gavpacria, %, the character of an d0atpaaros, Horace’s nil admirari, 
Strabo 61. The form d@avyacia is dub., Lob. Phryn. 509. 

&-Satpacros, ov, not wondering at anything (cf. foreg.), mpés Te Zeno 
ap. Ath. 233 B, M. Anton. 1, 15 :—Adv. -rws, Soph. Fr. 810; also 
abavpaori, Suid. II. not wondered at or admired, Luc, Amor. 13. 

v [a], ov, gen. ovos, not beholding, twds Synes. 147 D. Ady. 
—bvas, ig. dvemarnydvws, dmelpws, Poll. 4. 10, who also quotes the 
Subst. dPeapooivn, Ib. 8. 

G-0éaros, ov, unseen, invisible, Luc. Mar. 14. 2, Plut. 2. 7. 
not be seen, secret, Pseudo-Phocyl. 100, Plut. Num. 9, etc. 
act. not seeing’, blind to, rivés Xen. Mem. 2. 1, 31, Arist. Mund. 1, 5. 

Aenotn, 7, Ion. Noun, want of sight, blindness, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 1.4. 

Ged, Adv. (Geds) without the aid of God, mostly with a negat., ob« 
abeei, Horace’s non sine Dis, Od. 18. 353, Philostr., Nonn., etc. 

4-Qeta, 7), =dbedrns, Eccl. 

4-Qelacros, ov, uninspired, ov G0. Plut. Cor. 33- 

Gaps, és, Ep. for depqs: v. sub dbepiw. 

2. that may 

G0€MBw, fo filter, Hesych.:—Pass, (written d0éAS5opnac in A. B. 350), 

Diocl. Mederr, 1. 

a-Yeryns, és, unappeased, Nonn, D. 33. 200. 

GB yw, = duéryo, Hesych, :—Pass., d0éAyerat is drawn off or pressed 
out, Hipp. 47. 22, (expl. by Galen. d:nBefrat, SiexAverar) ; so éfa€Ayo- 
pat, Hipp. Art. 744.—For aOeAgts, v. dAdegis. 

GPéXeos, ov, (0<Aw) = sq, dub, ]. Aesch, Supp, 862. 


&-0€\nT0s, ov, unwilling, Hesych.,Eccl. Adv.—rws, Aspas.ap. Ath, 219D. 

&-Yederos, ov, implacable, Aesch. Supp. 1056, Lyc. 1335. 

&-OehEivoos, ov, not beguiling or seductive, Modoat Auson. Epist. 12. 26.: 

GepetAvos, ov, without foundation, an Ep. word concealed in two glosses 
of Hesych.: d0éymAos* ob5dv ode Exovca ob8% GepéArov,—dOepidros. 

dxpoopadns, pevorns. 
a-i » ov, =foreg., Hesych.; a0. olxia, of a ship, Secund. p: 639° 

G-Vewis, eros, 6, 4, lawless, Pind. P. 3. 56., 4. 193, Eur. Ion 1093 :— 
Comp. -iorepos, Opp. H. 1. 756: Sup. -éoraros, Or, Sib. 1. 169. 

Gepioréw, to do lawless deeds, Hesych. 

Weporta, 7, lawlessness, App. Civ. 2. 77. 

d-Beplorios, ov, lawless, godless, dvnp Od. 18. 141; mostly in phrase 
dbepioria eldds, versed in wickedness, 9. 428, etc. 

&-Déprorros or d0éuitos, ov, (the first form being required in Poetry, the. 
latter prob. more correct in Prose). Lawless, without law or govern- 
ment, godless, Lat. nefarius, Il. 9.63; of the Cyclopes, Od. g. 106;. 
abepordrepo Xen. Cyr. 8. 8, 5:—Ady. —rws, Phaénnis ap, Paus. 10. 
15; 3- II. of things, lawless, unlawful, d0éyira epdew Hat. 7. 33., 
8.143; moeiy Xen. Mem. 1.1, 9; evxeoOa Id. Cyr. 1.1, 6; dOémora 
Spay Soph. Fr. 811; xelvors 8 ove GPeusoroy Epit. in C. I. 1046. 88. 

aeprroyapéw, to form an unlawful marriage, Eus. P. E. 275 C:— 
“yinlas %, Eccl. :—so dOepuroprtta, 4, Tzetz. Lyc. 1143. 

~Péptros, ov,=adbémaros, 40. épya Hat. 7. 33, cf. Antipho 113. 395 
Dion. H. 6. 61, Plut. Aem. 19. Adv. —rws, App. Pun. 53. 

GPcproupyéw, (*épyw) to do lawless deeds, with the Adj.-ovpyés, and 
Subst. -oupyla, freq. in Eccl. ; 

Aeptropayew, to eat unlawful meats, Eus. P. E. 6. 10, 8. 

Gcprro-payos, ov, feeding on unhallowed food, Ptolem. 

-Qeos, ov, without God, denying the gods, esp. those recognised by the 
state, Plat. Apol. 26 C, etc.: hence several philosophers were named 
deo, Cic. N. D. 1. 23 :—1d GBeov, opp. to 7d Oefov, Plat. Theaet. 176 
E. 2. generally, godless, ungodly, Pind. P. 4. 288, Aesch. Eum. 
151, Soph. Tr. 1036 :—Comp. —wrepos Lys. 106.6; Sup. -@raros Xen. 
An. 2. 5, 39. 8. abandoned of the gods, Soph. O. T. 661. A 
not derived from God, as KXewvupos, Ath, 448 E. II. Adv. -ws, 
impiously, Ib, 254, El. 1181; Sup. -rara, in most unholy wise, Ib. 124. 

Gedrns, ros, 7), ungodliness, Plat. Polit. 308 E; in pl., Id. Legg. 
967 C, Plut., etc. II. atheism, Philo 1. 360, 368, etc. 

a-Yeparreta, 7), =sq., neglect of medical care, Antipho 127. 38. 

Gepitevola, 7, want of attendance, c. gen. neglect of a thing, 0eav- 
adeparevatat Plat. Rep. 443 A}; Tod cwparos Theophr. Char. 19. 

d-Qepamevros, ov, not attended, uncared for, of animals, Xen. Mem. 2. 
4, 3; of persons, Dion. H. 3. 22: 70 G0. negligence of one’s personal 
appearance, Luc. Pisc. 12. II. unhealed, incurable, Luc. Ocyp. 
27: 70 G0. impossibity of being cured, Achm. Onir, 236:—Ady. —Tws, 
Philo 2. 404. III. not prepared or cured, atéap Diosc. 2. 93. 

Gepnis, (dos, 4, having dbépes or spikes, Nic. Th. 848. ; 

aQepifw, Hom.: aor. 1 d0épifa Ap. Rh. 4. 477, Orph. Lith. 675, Ma- 
netho, and prob. |. for d0épiaca Ap. Rh, 4, 488; but med. itwank 
Dion, P. 997. To slight, make light of, Lat. nihil curare, c. acc. pers., 
ovmoré pe oty abépCov Il. 1. 261; ov..7w’ dvatvoya obd a0. Od. 8. 
212; absol., 23. 174; also c. gen., like dueAéw, Ap. Rh. 2. 477. (In 
Hesych. is the gloss ddepés* dvénrov, dvéatov ; and Bgk. restores d0ephs 
(in this sense) in Theogn. 733. The Root is prob. the same as Opdw, to 
set, support.) 

aOepivy [é], %, a kind of smelt, Arist. H. A..6, 17, 6, Call. Fr. 38, 

GOepivos, 6,=dOepivn, Arist. H. A. g. 2, I. 

G0épioros, ov, unheeded, Zonar. 2. act., xadnds 0., i.e. 6 dOe- 
pitwv kat ovdevds éxwv Adyor, Aesch. Fr. 127 c. II. (Gepigw) 
not reaped, Theophr. H. P. 8. 11, 4. ’ 

G-Qéppavros, ov, not heated: in Aesch, Cho. 629 40. éoria, prob, a 
household not heated by strife or passion. 

G-Yeppos, ov, without warmth: 10 GOeppov Plat. Phaedo 106 A. 

GPepodAsyvov, 74, a surgical instrument for extracting splinters, Oribas. 

GbepdSys, es, (4Oqp, el50s) bearded like ears of corn, Theophr. H. P. 7. 
Il, 2. 2. =d0apwins, Galen, . 
aPépwpa, 74, v. s. dOnp-. 

&Orota, h, faithlessness, fickleness, Polyb. 3. 17, 2, etc. 

adeopla, 7), lawlessness, Eccl. 

a0écpros, ov, unlawful, lawless, Nonn. Jo. 19. v. 6. 

Beop , ov, living a lawless life, lawless, Hipp. 1282. 32. 

&0eopd-Aextpos, ov, joined in lawless love, Lyc. 1143. 

dWeopo-mpayla, %, lawless conduct, Manass, Chron. 4418. 

é-Yerpos, ov, = d0éop105, Philo2.165, Plut. Caes. 10. Adv.—pas, Hesych. 

decpo-pdyos, ov, eating lawless meals, Manetho 4. 564. 

eoros, ov, (Géccac0ar) not to be intreated, inexorable, of the Erinyes, 
cf. Meineke Com, Gr. 3. p. 8. 

d-Pérdhitos, ov, beyond even a god's power to express: inexpressible, 
unutterable, ineffable, marvellous, of horrible or awful things, opuBpos, 
Oddagoa, vé Il. 3. 4, Od. 7. 273., II. 373: but also simply of vast quan- 
tities or size, a0. ofvos, otros Od. If. 61., 13. 244; Ades 20, 211; of 
great beauty, Uuvos Hes. Op. 660 :—only once in Trag., 40. @éa Eur, I. A. 
232 (lyr.). Cf. Buttm. Lexil. s. v. Péoxedos 7. : 

aderéw, f. how, (d0eros) to set aside, disregard a treaty, oath, promise, 
law, C. I. (add.) 2374 e. 19, Polyb. 8. 2, 5, al.; a0. ria to deny one, 
refuse his request, Ev. Marc. 6, 26. 2. c. dat. to refuse one’s assent 
to a thing, Id, 12. 14, 6. II. in Gramm., fo reject as spurious, 
= dfedl(w, Dion: H, de Dinarch. 9, Diog. L. 7. 34, etc. III. to 

reels revolt, LXx (2 Regg. 13. 3, al.). “3 

Gernpa, 74, a breach of faith, transgression, Dion. H. 4. 27, LXx, 
dérqors, %, a setting aside, abolition Sext. Emp. M. 3t it II. 

jection (of a spurious passage), Diog. L. 3. 66, cf. Cic. ad Att. 6. 9. 
éov, verb. Adj. one must set aside, Polyb. 3. 29, 2. 

» ov, 6, a violator, Tod vdpov Eccl. 

_ GBeros, ov, (ri@npx) without position or place as a unit (uovds) is called, 

in opp. to a point (o7vypyH) which is Oerés, Arist. Metaph. 4. 6, 253 4 

Hovds arvypi a0. éort Ib. 12. 8, 27; cf. An. Post. 1. 27. 2. not 

in its place, i.e. lying about, mAivos, Ai@os C. I. 160. 1.10, 22. IL. 

set aside, invalid, Polyb. 17. 9, 10: hence useless, unfit, Diod. 11, I5i— 

Ady. -Tws, = d0éopws, lawlessly, despotically, Aesch. Pr, 150. 
Wewpyota, %, want of observation, Diod. ¥. 37. 

Ady. inconsiderately, Antipho ap. Harp. 

‘0S, ov, not seen, not to be seen, Arist. Mund. 6, 26: 7d 46. 
invisibility, M. Anton, 1. g. II. act. not having observed, not 
conversant with, rav imapxévrov Id. Gen. et Corr. 1, 2, 10; 40.év Adyors 
Plut. 2. 405 A:—Adv. -rws, Plut. Num. 18. 

GOqnTOs, ov, Ion. for ddéaros, Nonn. D. 2. 6. 

GOnAhs, és, (8nAH) not having suckled, patés Tryph. 34. 

G£ndos, ov, (6nAn) unsuckled, Ar. Lys. 881: just weaned, Horace’s jam 
lacte depulsus, Simon. lamb. 5. II. @ eunuch, Cyrill. ap, Suid. 
-4-OhAw Tos, ov, not womanish, Clem. Al. 282, Ptolem. ; 

; us, v, not womanish, Plut. 2. 285 C. II, unfeminine, 1d. 

Comp. Lyc. c. Num. 3. 

*AOnva, Att. for A@nvatn, "AOhvn. 

*AGyivat, Dor. ’A@avar, dv, ai, the city of Athens, used in pl., because 
it consisted of several parts (cf. @7 8a, Mu«jva), Hom., etc. ; the sing. 
form (like ©7487) occurs in Od. 7. 80:—'A@fvax generally =’Arruch, of 
the whole country, Hdt. 9. 17. II. Adverbs, ’A@qvafe, to Athens, 
Inserr. Att. (Berl.) 38 g. 11., 43, Thuc. 4. 46, Xen. Rep. Ath. 1. 16:— 
*"AOAvnVev, from Athens, Lys. 132. 7, etc.; poét. “AOtvobev, Anth. P. 7. 
369 :—AOHvnow, at Athens, Inscrr. Att. (Berl.) 26, 28, 29, Dem. 247. 
1, etc.:—these forms were more Att. than els "AOhvas, ef “AOnvav, ev 
’AOnvats, Greg. Cor. p. 165, Heind. Plat. Hipp. Ma. 281 A. 

"AOyvata, 7a, older name of the Mavadfvaia, Paus. 8. 2, I. 
earnet, to be an Athenian, Just. M. II. to be wise as Athena, 

ust. 1742. 2. 

*"AOhvatov, 74, (AOnva) the temple of Athena, Hat. 5. 95. 

*AQnvaios, a, ov, Athenian, of or from Athens, Il. 2. 551, etc. 

*AOivn, %, Athené, in Hom. the goddess of mental power and wisdom, 
of warlike prowess, and of skill in the arts of life, often called MaAAds 
*AOHvn (v. TadAds): she is also called "A@qvaty or TaAAds ’A@nvaln.— 
The latter name (in Att. A@nvaia, Aesch. Eum. 288, Ar. Eq. 763, Pax 
271, Av. 828, Xen. An. 7. 3, 39, and freq. in Inscrr.) was afterwards 
contr. into ’"A@nva, Athena, and became (after the archonship of Euclides, 
B.C. 403) her common name at Athens, the city under her special protec- 
tion, C. I. 87., 99. 6, al.: Dor. "A@dva, which is the form always used 
by Trag., though they wrote ’A even in lyrics, Pors. Or. 26; 
*Adavaia Theocr. 15. 80: Acol. *A@avda [va], Alcae. 9, Theocr. 28. 1, 
and also in Att., C. I. 150. 1.,154. She was believed to have founded 
the court of Areopagus, and to have given her casting vote in favour of 
~ Orestes, whence the proverb ’AO@nvas Whos, cf. Aesch. Eum. 753. 2. 
=’AOjvat, in Od. 7. 80 ’AOjvn..ikero és..’AOHvnv. (On the Root, 
vy. sub dv6os.) 

*"AOnvidw, to long to be at Athens, Luc. Pseudol. 24. 

GOAp, Epos, 4, a beard or spike of an ear of corn, an ear of corn 
itself, Lat. spica, Hes. Fr. 2. 2, Arist. H. A. 8. 8, 1:—husks, chaff, Luc. 
Anach, 31. II. the point of a weapon, Aesch. Fr. 153, Hipp. 

. §4., 1153 H, Plut. Cat. Mi. 70. (On the Root, v. sub dv@os.) 
cp ov, not caught, or not to be caught, Opp. C. 1. 514, Al. 

N. A. 1. 4. 
i , ov, not hunted, Xen. Cyr. 1. 4, 16. 
, ), =abapn, Diosc. ; 5 : 
ovyds, 6, (20%p) consumer of ears of corn, epith. of a winnowing- 
fan (wrdov), Od. 11. 128., 23. 275: cf. dOnpéBpwros. 
, %, want of game, Ael. N. A. 7. 2. 
ov, not made savage, Eust. Opusc. 304. IT. : 
&0npb-Bpwros, ov, (d0hp) devouring ears of corn, WO. dpyavoy, i.e. a 
winnowing-fan, Soph, Fr. 404; cf. dOnpndovyéds. 
: ov, without wild beasts or game, xwpn Hat. 4. 185 : 70 aOnpov 
éveor: rats Aipvats, =dOnpia, Plut. 2. 981 C:—d0. jpepa a blank day, 
Aesch, Fr. 239. II. repelling noxious animals, Geop. 

Io. 32, etc. ; 
es, (€f50s) =d0epuins, Basil. ap. Ruhnk. Tim. 124. 
one aros, 76, a tumour full of gruel-like matter (40hpy), Galen. 
G-Onoatpiotos, ov, not hoarded, not fit for hoarding, Plat. Legg. 
D: of food, Theophr. H. P. 6. 4, 11. aa 
ys, és, (Ovyeiv) untouched, Theopomp. Hist. 79: of a virgin, Anth. 
Be . 248. 2. intangible, Sext. Emp. M. g. 281. ay 
, ov, untouched : mostly c. gen. untouched by a thing, axrivos 
8. Soph. Tr. 686; 40. #ynrhpos Id. O. C. 1521, etc. ; Kepdav dOinrov 
Bovdeurhpiov untouched by gain, i.e. incorruptible, Aesch. Eum. 704, cf. 
Plut. Cim. 10; also c. dat., vdcors 40. Aesch. Supp. 561; 48. Too 
vou Plut, Pericl. 13. 2. chaste, virgin, Araros lav. 2; cf. a0. 
. napbevins Epigr. Gr. 248. 8. 3. not to be touched, holy, 
sacred, rov a9. yas bupadéy, of Delphi, Soph. O. T. 899; 49. ovd olxn- 
ros [6 x@pos] Id, O. C. 39; GOuera holy things, Aesch. Ag. 371, oO. T. 
. II. act. not touching, c. gen., Call. Dian. 201. 
, Arist. Meteor. 4. 8, 5., 4- 9; 10. 
Yo: f. edow Aesch. 

Pr. 95 (lyr), Q.$m., | 

abérnpwa — GOXos. 

/Nonn.; (d@A0s, GAov). T'o contend for a prize, combat, wrestle, absol., 
GeOdeverv mpowaritero Il. 4. 389; «i ..deBrcdorpev 23. 274; Oppa.. 
GeOrctwow Ib. 737, cf. Hes. Th. 435; once in Hom. in contr. form, 
GPAcvaw mpd dvaxros struggling or suffering for him, Il. 24. 734 ; once 
in Hdt., de@Aeveww 5. 22; and once in Plat., év dyau GOA. Legg. 873 E; 
but the Trag. always used d@Aéw, except Aesch. |. c. 

GOAéo, Ion. impf. déPAcov Hdt. 1. 67., 7. 212: fut. —how Or. Sib. 2. 

43: aor. 0Anoa (v. infr.): pf. 70Anxa Plut. Demetr. 5 :—Med., aor.. 

év-nOAnodpny Auth. P. 7. 117:—Pass., pf. carjOAnuar Suid. : (dOdos, 
aOAov Commoner form of d@A¢evw, used by Hom. only in aor. part., 
Aaopédovre . . dOAHcavres having contended with him, ll. 7. 453; moAAG 
mep AncavrTa having gone through many struggles, 15. 30: to contend 
in battle, Hdt. 7. 212; mpés Twa 1. 67; GOAciv dOAous, GOA, Kara Tiv 
dyaviay Plat. Tim. 19 C and B, cf. Legg. 830 A; 70Anca xwduvedpar 
have engaged in perilous struggles, Soph. O. C. 564; patAoy d@Anoas 
mévov Eur. Supp. 317; a0Aciv TH owpart Aeschin. 47. 37. zi. 
to be an athlete, contend for the prize, in games, Simon. 149, C. I. (add.) 
2810 b, 2811 b. 

GAnpa, 76, (40AEw) a contest, struggle, Plat. Legg. 833 C, etc. It. 
an implement of labour, Theocr. 21. 9. 

GPAnors, 7, a contest, combat, esp. of athletes, Polyb. 5. 64, 6, C. I. 
5913. 36. 2. generally, a struggle, hard trial, dO, dtopevey Ep. 
Hebr. to. 32 ; of martyrdom, Mart. S. Ignat. 4. 

GOAnTHP, pos, 4, older form of a0Anrns, Od. 8. 164, Epigr. Gr. 969. 

G9AqrHs, contr. from dePAnrhs, 08, 6: (G0Aéw). A combatant, cham- 
pion; esp. a prize-fighter, Lat. athleta, Pind. in both forms, N. 5. 9o., 
10. 95, oft. in C. I. 2. as Adj., GOA. immos a race-horse, Lys. 157. 
39, Plat. Parm, 137 A. II. c. gen. rei, practised in, master of, 
modépou Plat. Rep. 543 B; 7av naday épyav Dem. 799. 16; tev épyov 
(sc. T@v moAeuix@v) Arist. Pol. 6. 7, 3; THs GAnOvijs A€Lews Schiif. Dion. 
Comp. p. 415 ; dons dperfs Diod. Excerpt. p. 551; dA. vfs a skilful 
farmer, Philostr. ; etc. 

GAnriKés, 7, dv, of or for an athlete, athletic, éfis Arist. Pol. 8. 8, 3 ; 
dyaives GOA. Plut. 2.724 F. Adv. -xéis, Id, 2. 192 C. 

G-OIBHs, és, not pressed or hurt, Nonn. D. 9. 31. II. act. not 
pressing, Id. 37. 220. ' 

GPAréTrats, rac5os, 5, %, wretched in one’s offspring, Eumath, 213. 

G Atos, a, ov, also os, ov Eur. Alc. 1038, etc., Att. contr. from a€OAcos: 
(GeOAov, dOdov). Winning the prize or running for it (this sense only 
in Ep. form dé@Ax0s, q. v.). II. metaph. struggling, unhappy, 
wretched, miserable (this sense only in Att. form d0A1os), of persons freq. 
from Aesch. downwds.: Comp. -iwrepos Soph. O. T. 815, 1204: Sup. 
-thraros Eur. Phoen. 1679 :—sometimes also of states of life, dO. -yapor 
Aesch, Th. 779, Eur. ; Bios, réxn Eur. Heracl. 878, Hec. 425 :—also of 
that which causes wretchedness, dp’ dd.ov robvedos Soph. O. C. 753, cf 
El. 1140; mpéooys Eur. Or, 952 :—Ady., roy d0Alws Oavdyra Soph. Ant. 
26, cf. Eur. H. F. 707, etc. 2. in moral sense, pitiful, wretched, Dem. 
142.18; ris otrws GOAvos dare ..; who such a wretch, as to..? Id. 
536. 7; wat ydp ay GOs jr, ei.. 576. 18. 3. without any 
moral sense, wretched, sorry, Onpotv dOdiav Bopév Eur. Phoen. 1603 ; 
GOX. Cérypapos Plut. 2.6 F:—Adyv., d0Alws nai kaxas with wretched 
success, Dem. 276. 2; (ijv d@Aiws Philem. Incert. 109. 

GOALOTHS, NTOS, }, suffering, wretchedness, Plat. Rep. 545 A, etc. 

GAurros, ov, (GAiBw) = 40AiBns, Galen. 

GPAo-feoia or —Oeria, 7, the office of d@Aobérns, Ar. Fr. 585, ubi v. 
Dind., cf. Lob. Phryn. 510. 

GPA Veréw, (TiOnpx) to propose a prize, offer rewards, 4 Macc, 17. 123 
mvt Ath. 539 B. II. to manage, direct, Heliod. 7, 12. 

GPAo-Bernp, pos, 6,=sq., C. I. 1397, 6250. 

&OA0-Dérns, ov, 6, one who awards the prize, the judge or steward in 
the games, Plat. Legg. 764 D, Arist. Eth. N. 1. 4, 5, C. I. 144. 6., 147- 
5, al.; cf. dyavoberns, BpaBevs. 

GAov, 74, Att. contr. from Ep. and Ion. de@Aov (which alone is used 
by Hom. and Hadt., mostly also by Pind., and once by Soph. (Tr. 506) ina 
lyr. passage). The prize of contest, a prize, ll. 23. 413, 620, etc., often 
in Pind. (though the gender can seldom be determined), Eur. Hel. 43; 
also in Prose, d@Aa dperfjs Thuc. 2. 46; dyaprnudroy Lys. 96. 8. 
Phrases: deOAa wetrax or mpdwerar prizes are proposed, Hat, 8, 26., 9. 
Iol; d0da mpopaivey, mporiévar, TiWévar to Propose prizes, Xen. Cyr. 
2. I, 23., I. 2,12, etc.; d0Aa AapBdvew or pépeoOa to win prizes, Plat. 
Rep. 613 C, Ion 530 A, etc., cf. Thuc. 6. 80; d@Aov viens AauBave as 
the prize, Arist. Pol. 4. 11,17; 0. woreioOar rd xowd Thuc. 3. 82; 7a 
d0da bmép dy tar 6 méAewos Dem. 26.11; d0Aa moA€pov Id. 4l. 25 ; 
Tis dperns Id. 489. 21; d. mpoxe?rar 4 edevOepla Arist. Pol, ¥: Io, 
14. IL. =dOAos, a contest, Cavvuvral re véou xa) émevrbvoyrat 
debra Od. 24. 89, cf. Xenophan. 2. 5, Pind. O. 1, 5, and y. GO potty :— 
metaph. @ conflict, struggle, aruyepdv 768° GOAov Aesch, Supp. 1034, ef. 
Pr. 634; moAAdY eckev BudcicTav mévav Gor’ Soph. Ph. £08: 
GeO dydwew Id. Tr. 506 :—this usage is censured by Luc, Soloce. 2 
cf, Coraés Isocr. Paneg. 37. III. in pl. the place of combat, 
Lat. arena, Plat. Legg. 868 A, 935 B. (For the Root, v. sub OXos.) : 

G0Ao-vinns, ov, 5, a victor in the games, Eust. Opusc. 173. 2 5 } 

G0o-vixla, %, victory in the games, Pind, N. 3. 11. ; 

Gos, 6, contr. from Ep, and Ion. de@Aos, which alone is used 
(except in Od. 8. 160), and mostly by Hdt. and Pind. A contest either 
in war or sport, esp. contest for a prize, toil, trouble, like névos, Lat 
labor, Hom. ; vindy Tog én’ dé0Aw (for the arms of Achilles) Od. 11. 
548; deOAos mpdxerrac a task is set one, Hdt. 1.126; deOdov mporwévas 
to set it, Id. 7.197; dOAoe AeAdurol, MvOxol Soph. El. 49, 682 ; often 
in Pind,:—metaph. @ conflict, struggle, Trag., as Aesch, Pr, 702, 752, 

by Hom, 

abXocvvn — abipw, 

Soph. Ant, 856.—On the proper difference of G@Aov and GOAos, v. 

d@dov 11. (‘The proper form of the word seems to be GFeO-dos, aFed- 

Aov, from 4/FEO with a prefixed; cf. Lat. vas (vadis); Goth. vadi 

Cigmus) 3 O. Norse vedja (to wager); O. H. G. wetti (Germ. wette),) 
Aoctvn, 7, =dOAos, Anth. P. 6. 54. 

49A0-pépos, ov, bearing away the prize, victorious, imnos Il, 9. 124: 
dydpes Pind. O, 7. 13, etc.; in Ion. form &eOA-, Il. 22. 22, Hat, 1. 
3I. Il. prize-giving, dy@ves C. I. 1582. 

G-BoXos, ov, not turbid, clear, Luc. de Hist. Conscr. 51. 
ea api ov, untroubled, of water, Hes. Op. 593; of pure air, Luc. 

Tag. 2. 

Gopos, ov, (Bopeiv) of male animals, veneris expers, Ant. Lib. 13. 

4-SopiBnros, ov, undisturbed: 7d 40. tranquillity of mind, Xen. Ages. 6, 7. 

4-O6piBos, ov, without uproar, undisturbed, tranquil, Plat. Legg. 640 C. 
Adv. —Bws, Eur. Or, 630. 

Gos, Dor. for #0os. 

Gpayévn, 7, a tree of which tinder was made, Theophr. H. P. 5. 9, 6. 

py woes ov, (Opdocw) =drdpaxros, Soph. Fr. 812. 

G-Opdvevros, ov, expl. by dotpwros, prob. uncushioned, Eur. Fr, 573> 
A. B. 352. 

a-Apavoros, oy, unbroken, undestroyed, unhurt, sound, Eur. Hec. 1; 
€tc.: not to be broken, Arist. Meteor. 4. 8, 5, etc. 

GOperros, f. 1. for drperros, Anth. P. 5. 178. 

GOpéw or GOpéw: fut. jow (v. Elmsl, Med. 519): aor. opt. dOphoese, inf. 
aBpjoa Hom., Soph.: aor. med. d@phaac@a: Timo 6: Ep. part. d0peto- 
Hevov Manetho 6.60. (The Root appears to be OEP, with a prefixed ; 
cf, @pdw.) To look earnestly at, gaze at, observe, perceive, iva ph Ts 
*Axaidv Brhpevov GOpnoee Il. 12. 391, cf. 14. 334; odd mp GOpjoa 
duvapny (sc. SevAAqv) Od. 12. 232, cf. 19. 478, Eur. Hec. 679, El. 827; 
[ot peOvovres] GOpeiv 7a méppw ob StvayTa Arist. Probl. 3. 9. 2. 
absol. or with a Prep. to look earnestly, gaze, 61 és mediov 7) Tpwikdy 
aOphocer Il. 10.11; GOpet observe, watch, Aesch, Fr. 225 ; Sedp’ dOpnaov 
look hither, Eur. Hipp. 300; Aevooer’, dOphoare Id. Andr. 1228; ob ydp 
ios dv dOpav by observing, Soph. O. C. 252. II. later, of the 
mind, ¢o look at or into a thing, to observe, consider, 7 Pind. P. 2. 129; 
TOAAG TuPécbat, TOAAA 8 dOphoa Soph. O. T. 1305, cf. O. C. 1032; 
apnoov airé Eur. Bacch. 1282, cf. 1327, etc.:—foll. by an interrog. or 
rel. clause, at rad7’ GOpyaov, et . . consider this also, whether .., Soph. 
Anf. 1077, cf. 1216; rdde roivuy dOpe mérepov.. Plat. Rep. 394 E; 
ape pr) ob .. Id. Phaedo 104 B, Gorg. 495 B; Ope Sr.. Id. Rep. 
583 B; and Plat. generally uses this imper. form, but .40p@ Parm. 
144 D, dOpav Tim. g1 E. 2. absol. dOpnoov, consider, Eur. I. A. 
1416. IIL. ¢o perceive, ovacww dOp. Nic. Th, 164. 

G0pqpara, 74, =drrqpia, Hesych. 

&-Opqyytos, ov, unlamented, to expl. vavupvos, Eust. 928. 63. 

GOpnvi, Adv. (Opijvos) without mourning, Suid. 

GOpytéov, verb. Adj. of dOpéw, one must consider, Eur. Hipp. 379, Xen. 
Symp. 8, 39. 

4-Op.d rte, ov, uncelebrated, Eust. Opusc. 237. 57. 

G-Oplyywros, ov, without coping, E. M. 

&-OpE, rptxos, 6, 4, without hair, Matro ap. Ath. 656 F: cf. d0pig. 

Gptrndeoros, ov, not worm-eaten, Theophr, H. P. 5.1, 2, where the 
Mss. d@pirniéoraroy : cf. Opimhdearos. 

GOpoet, Adv. of GOpoos, Philes 5. 149. 

G£potlw or &Ppoifo (Elmsl. Heracl. 122): fut. ow: aor. #Opoca Eur., 
etc, :—Pass., aor. 7Opoic@nv: pf. 7Opocpae: plapf. 7Opo.cro Aesch. 
Pers. 414:—the quadrisyll. form d@poi{w is used by Archil. 104, Anth. 
Plan. 308: restored by Dind. in Pseudo-Eur. I. A. 267, Ar. Av. 253: 
(48péos or dOpédos). To gather together, collect, esp. to muster forces, 
aOp. adv, orpareupa, Sivamy, etc., Soph. O. T. 144, Xen. An. I. 2, 1, 
etc.; Tpolay dp. to gather the Trojans together, Eur. Hec. 1139; 
mvedpa GPpo.goy collect breath, Id. Phoen. 851, cf. Arist. G. A. 2. 4, 53 
mepimAokds Adyar GOpotcas having strung together, Eur. Phoen. 495 :— 
absol. to collect or hoard treasure, Arist. Pol. 5.11, 20:—Med. to gather 
Sor oneself, collect round one, Eur. Heracl. 1. c., Xen. Cyr. 3. 1, 19 :— 
Pass. to be gathered or crowded together, etre mpos deOAa Shpyos 7)Opoi- 
(ero Archil. 1. c., cf. 60; és rv ayopiy dbp. Hdt. 5. 101; dOpocdévres 
having rallied, Thuc. 1. 50; 70 82. . €¥ymay HOpoicGn dicxircoe but the 
whole amounted collectively to.., Id. 5.6; évrad0a 7Opoifovro they 
mustered in force there, Id. 6. 44, etc.: to form a society, Plat. Prot. 
322 B; dOpoocdévres having formed a party, Arist. Pol. 5. 5, 3;—of 
things, mept moAA@y GOpocbévtwy taken in the aggregate (cf. dOpor- 
opa 2), Plat. Theaet. 157 B. 2. in Pass. also of the mind, dOpoi{ec@ae 
els éaurdv to collect oneself, Plat. Phacdo 83 A, cf. 67 C; pdBos 70pa- 
ora fear has gathered strength, arisen, Xen. Cyr. 5. 2, 34- 

GOpotaipos 7yuépa, a day of assembling, Eccl. : 

Gporors, ews, }, a gathering, collecting, mustering, arparod Eur. Hec. 
3143 xpnudrov Thuc. 6. 26; af ray vepay a. Arist. Meteor. 1. 3, 16, 

pocpa, 7d, that which is gathered, a gathering, Aaod Eur. Or. 
874. 2. a process of aggregation, Plat. Theaet. 157 B. II. 
in Epicur. philos., the concourse of atoms, Diog. L. 8. 66. _ 

GPporcpds, 6, =dOpo.ois, Theophr. C. P. 1. 10,7: condensation, Ib. 5.2, 1. 

GPporeréov, verb. Adj. one must collect, Xen. Lac. 7. 4. 

G@poreriprov, 74, a muster-place, Eust. (?) 

aPpororikds, 4, dv, of or for collecting, like dOpotoipos, Eccl. 
in Gramm. collective, dvéuata: copulative, abvber pot. 

GOpdos, a, ov, rarely os, ov (Heraclid. Tar. ap. Ath. 120 D), or better 
G9péos as Aristarch. wrote it (Schol. Ven. Il. 14. 38), Att. pos, our, 
poét, dat. pl. dOpoiow Epigr. Gr. 1034. 26:—but in later writers the 
spir, lenis prevailed; (a copulat., @pdos). 


In crowds, heaps or ane, t 

crowded together, often in Hom. but only in ph; wee NS €s 
aOpdor Od. 3. 34, etc.; the sing. first in Pind, P. 2, 53 aOpda, of 
soldiers, in close order, Lat. conferto agmine, Hdt. 6. 112, Xen. An. 1. 
10, 13, etc.; opp. to dovvraxrot, Id. Cyr. 8. 1, 46; in column, Ib. 5235 
36; also, woAAat K@par dOp. close together, Id. An. $359. XE. 
brought together, in a body, G0péa mavr’ dméricev he paid for all at 
once, Od. 1. 43; GOpda wédus the citizens as a whole, opp. to Exacrot, 
Thuc. 2. 60; so, d@p. dtvayus Id. 2. 39, cf.1.141; dOp. Fv ait@ rd 
orparevpa was assembled, Xen. Cyr. 3. 3, 22; 7d aOpéoy their assembled 
force, Ib. 4, 2, 20, cf. An. 5. 2, 1; dOpdq ordyare with one voice, Eur. 
Bacch. 725 ; d@pdous xpivew to condemn all by a single vote, Plat. Apol. 
32 B; modAods dOpdous iu@y Dem. 558.1; dOpous apOn was seen with 
all his forces, Plut. Themist. 12, cf. Id. Syll. 12 ; d0pdov Aeydpevoy used 
in a collective or general sense, opp. to xara pépos, Plat. Theaet. 182 A; 
% perdBaats GOpoa ~yiverat takes place at once, Arist. Pol. 5. 8, 3, opp. 
to éx mpocayaryijs Ib. 12 ; xarnpiev dOp. he fell all at once, Theocr. 1 Zs 
49, cf. 25. 252; dOpdac wévre vueres five whole nights, Pind, P. 4. 231; 
kardoraots aOpéa kat aicOnrh Arist. Rhet. 1, 11,1; xdBapais d., opp. 
to xar’ dAtyov, Id, H. A. 7. 2,2; xarameiv GOpous tewaxiras at a 
gulp, Eubul. Avagw(. 1, cf. Plut. 2, 650 B, etc.; dOpdov exnayxdcew 
to burst out laughing, Arist. Eth. N. 7. 7, 6, cf. Hipp. 1281. III. 
multitudinous, or continuous, incessant, G0p. xaxérns Pind. P. 2. 65; 
ddxpv Eur. H. F. 489; Adyos Plat. Rep. 344 D, Arist. Meteor. 2. 8, 
20, etc. IV. Adv. d@péov, all at once, v. supr. 11:—also in 
regul. Adv. d@péws Arist. H. A. 4. 8, II, etc.; d, Aéyew to speak gene- 
rally, Rhet. V. Comp. d@powrepos Thuc. 6. 34, etc.; later 
a Dpovarepos Plut, Caes. 20, Ath. 79 B, etc. ; cf. Lob, Phryn. 143. 

G-Opoos, ov, noiseless, only in Gramm. 

GBpodrys, Tos, 7, (GOpéos) a being massed together, Diog. L. 10. 106. 

GOpés, a, dv, for ddpés, Inscr. Aeg. in C. I. 4710. 

&-OpvAnTos, ov, not much spoken of, Jo. Chrys. 

GOputrros, ov, (Opimrw) unbroken, imperishable, Plut. 2.1055 A. Tr. 
not enervated, Pythag. Carm. Aur. 35, and often in Plut.; a@pumros els 
yeAwra never breaking into laughter, Plut. Pericl. 5. Adv. —rws, Id. Fab. ae 

aOpuipia, 7, a simple way of life, Plut. 2. 609 C. 

a0ipew, f. Now, to be aOvyos, be disheartened, lose heart, despond, és 
vécov meodv dupeis Aesch. Pr. 4743; oi’ ds GOvp@ Soph. Aj. 587; dé. 
tw at or for a thing, Id. El. 769, etc. ; émi rev Isocr. 41 B; eis 7 Plat. 
Soph. 264 B; mpdés 7 Thuc. 2. 88; 7 Id. 5. 91 :—also foll, by a relat. 
word, to be sore afraid, dbvpd 8 el pavjcopa Soph. Tr. 666; devas 
déup@ pr BAémov 6 pavris j O. T. 747. 

GPipnréov, verb. Adj. one must lose heart, Xen, An. 3. 2, 23; Tots map- 
ovat Tpdypacv ove 40. Dem. 40. 11. 

G0dpta, Ion. tn, 1), want of heart, faintheartedness, despondency, Hdt. 
I. 37, Soph. Ant. 237, Eur. H. F. 551; els d0. xa®tordvar or éupddrAcw 
wd Plat. Legg. 731 A, Aeschin. 79, 12; 40. mapéxewv twit Xen. Cyr. 4. 
1,8; els 40, ataorhva Lys. 120. 23; év a0. eivac Xen, Hell. 6. 2, 24; 
adupiayv éxev Soph. |. c., Xen. ; 40. €umimre twi Xen, Mem. 3. 12, 6; 
—pl., 40. cat péBor Arist. Probl. 30. 1. 

G-Giplaros, ov, not exhaling, Arist. Meteor. 4. 8, 5. 

G-Oipos, ov, without heart, fainthearted, spiritless, once in Hom., doxe- 
Ages kai 40. Od. to. 463 ; xaxds wal G0. Hdt. 7. 11; od Tots a0. 4 TUXN 
fvAAapBavee Soph. Fr. 666, cf. O. T. 319; of nations, opp. to év@upos, 
Arist. Pol. 7. 7, 2; 40. efvas mpds 71 to have no heart for it, Xen. An. 1. 
4,93 80, GOdpos éxew mpds te Id. Hell. 4.5, 45 GOvpums didryew Id. 
Cyr. 3. 1, 243 GOdums woveiv to work without heart or spirit, Id. 
Oec. 21, 5. 2. without anger or passion, Plat. Rep. 411 B, Legg. 
888 A. II. act. unpleasing, 660i Aesch. Eum, 770 (if the line 
be genuine), % 

a0vptSwros, ov, (Gupis) without door or , Jo. Chr. 

aOuppa, 76, (d0vpw) a plaything’, toy, like ralynor, Il. 15. 363, Od, 18. 
323, h. Hom, Merc, 40: like @yaAya, a delight, joy, "AwoAAd@Moy G0., 
of the Pythian games, Pind. P. 5. 29; d@Upyara Movoay, i, e. songs, 
Bacchyl. 48; d8pdv d@., of a pet dog, Epigr. Gr. 626, cf. 272. 10., 810. 
4:—tare in Att., Eur. Fr. 274, Cratin. ‘Odvec. 16, Com. Anon. in Mein, 
4. p. 663, Alcidamas ap. Arist. Rhet. 3. 3, 2 and 4. 

aOvppariov, 76, Dim. of foreg., Eupol. in Com. Fr. 5. p. 40, Philox. 3. 
24: a pet, Luc. D. Mar. 1. 5. 

abtpoyAwrréw, to be dbupdyAwrros, v. Suicer s. v. 

bipoyAwrria, 4, impudent loguacity, Polyb. 8. 12, I. " 

a0tp6-yAwrros, ov, one that cannot keep his mouth shut (@ yAdoon 60- 
pat ov« émixevrac Theogn. 421), a ceaseless babbler, Eur. Or. 903. 

d0tpé-vopos, ov, making game of the laws, Hesych. 

G0vpos, ov, (Oipa) without door, Plut. 2. 503 C, Hdn., etc. II. 
metaph. open, unchecked, yA@rra Philo 1, 678, Clem. Al. 165; ordya 

abtpooropiw, = dbupoyAwrréw, Eccl. 

a0ipocropia, ),=ddupoyAwrria, Anth, P. 5. 252. 

abtp6-cropos, ov, =dbupiyAwrros, a0. dxw ever-babbling Echo, Soph. 
Ph, 188 ; cf. @@upos 11, A. B. 352. 

&-Oupaos, ov, without thyrsus, Eur. Or. 1492. 

48upw [0], Ep. word, used only in pres. and impf., rare in Att. (v. 
infr.). Zo play, sport, of children, ds bre... mais... , do7 émet monon 
ddppara vyménow, dy admis ovvéxeve moot Kat xepaiv aOvpay Il. 15. 
304; véos pev ody .. HAGT’ AOvpov Eur. Ion 53; Tax’ dv mpds dyndAacoe 
..mdav abdpo Id. Fr. 325; revi with a thing, Ap. Rh. 4. 950 5 of 
dancing, Plat. Legg. 796 B; playing on an instrument, ard ryeridav 
Anacreont. 41. 10; ¢. acc, cogn., podoay dbUpay singing sportive songs, 
h, Hom. 18. 15 :—Med., simply, fo sing, h. Hom. Merc. 485. _ it. 
c, acc., mais av dOupe peydAa Epya (of Achilles) when yet a child he 


sported with great deeds, did them in play, i.e. great deeds were the 
sports of his childhood, Pind. N. 3. 78; épya pwrév 40. to play the 
deeds of men, of an actor, Anth. P. 9. 505. 2. to sing, sing of, 
dperdy abipew Pind. I. 4. 67 (3. 57). Cf. mai. 

&-Hipwros [i], ov,=d8upos, ordua Ar, Ran. 838, Phryn, Com. Incert. 

d-Qvoros, ov, =sq., ipd Simon, Iamb. 7. 56. 
, ov, not offered, i.e. omitted, neglected, iepd Lys. 175. 
34- 2. not successfully offered, iepd a0., Lat. sacra inauspicata, not ac- 
cepted, Aeschin. 75. 12., 72. 16, cf. Soph. Ant. 1006 (é« Ovpdrow “Hoai- 
oros ov é\aumev) and v. daupos, dviepos :—metaph., dura makAaxav 
onéppara, of illegitimate children, Plat. Legg. 841 D, cf. Suid. s. y. d0u- 
ToL vapor. II. act. not offering, without sacrificing, d@vtov 
dredOeiy Xen, Hell. 3. 2, 23. 
&0G0s, ov, (Ga) :—unpunished, scot-free, Eur. and Oratt.; d0gous xa6t- 
ax Twds to secure their immunity, Dem. 31.17; d0Gov ddrévar ap. 
Dem. 549. 27 ; G0@os Gmadddrrev or -eqGat to get off scot-free, Plat. 
Soph. 254 E, Lys. 103. 28; dmépxeo@a Archipp. ‘Piv. 1; diapvyeiv 
Menand. Avo. 4. 2. c. gen. free from a thing, mAny@v Ar. Nub. 
1413; but, dO. dducnudrow unpunished for offences, Lycurg. 157. 38, cf. 
Diod. 14. 76. 3. unharmed by, GOGos THs SiAurmov . . Svvagrelas 
Dem, 316. 18. II. not deserving punishment, guiltless, without 
fault, &y piv 40G0s dract Dem. 269. 4. III. act. causing no 
harm, harmless, Dem.(?) 1437.9. (The form and accent d0os is main- 
tained by Elmsl. Med. 1267.) 

“AQwos or” AQwos (as Choerob. wrote it to distinguish it from é0Gos), 
7, ov, of mount Athos, Aesch. Ag. 285, ubi v. Blomf. 

G0@dw, (d0d0s) to hold guiltless, dor aOwody twd LXXx (Nah. 1. 3): 
—fut. pass, d0qwOncoua (Prov.). 

aYamevros, ov, unflattered, without flattery, ris {us yAdoons from 
my tongue, Eur. Andr. 460. II. act. not flattering, Teles ap. 
Stob. 524, fin.: hence rough, rude, harsh, Anth, P. 6, 168. 

a-Owpakurros [ax], ov, without breastplate or body-armour, Xen. Cyr. 
4. 2, 31. 

&-Qadpykros, ov, =foreg., Nonn, D. 35. 162. 
(v. Ouphoow It), Hipp. 263. 3. 

*AQus [a], w, 6, acc.”AOw Aeschin. 72. 25, Theocr. 7. 77, etc., but in 
earlier writers “A@wy, Hdt. 6. 44 7-21, Thuc. 5. 3:—Ep. nom, ’AQé6us, 
ém, Il. 14. 229: later nom. Kear, wvos, Strabo 330:—mount Athos, 

-"Adws onate vara Anpuvias Bods Soph. Fr. 348. 

Agwors, 7), (40qdw) acquittal, Ctes. Pers. 61. 

ai, Dor. for ei, if, Epich. 44, 94, Ahr., al.:—in Hom. only al xe or kev, 
if only, so that, Lat. dummodo, always with subj., except in orat. obliq., 
as in Il. 7. 387; (in Il. 5. 279 Wolf writes al xe rime for TUX OUpt ; 
and in Od. 24. 217 émvyvéy should be written for émyvoin, cf. Spitzn. 
Il, 24. 688) ; so Dor. atxa, Epich. 19, 11, Theocr. 1. 4, al. Bs 
al (with accent), Ep. for ei ydp (v. ei VII. 2. b), to express a wish, 
O that! would that! Lat. utinam! Hom,; always with optat.; for in 
Od. 7. 311 al yap... aida 7’ Epi éxépev Kal ends yapBpods KadréecOat, 
some word like 0éAois must be supplied; so Hdt. 1. 27; so also ai alone, 
in Aeol. and Dor. writers. Cf. ai@e. 

ai, exclam. of astonishment or indignation, ha! Hdn. ap. Arcad. 183. 20, 
Joann, tov. mapayy. 32. 25, who quotes at rdAas, as in Ar. PI. 
706. II. at (perispom.) exclam. of grief, ak! Lat. vae, only used 
in the dissyll. alaf (as we learn from Hdn. 7m. pov. Aég. 27. 13), not al ai 
or al ai (as in the Mss.). It is freq. in Trag., alat réAwas Eur. Hipp. 
814; and repeated, aiat aia? peAéwy épywv Aesch. Cho. 1007, cf. Pers. 
1039: often placed extra versum with an hiatus, ala? ixvotpat Soph. El. 
136, cf. Tr. 969 :—later c. acc., aiaf rdy Ku0éperay Bion. 1. 28, etc. ; 
alat wérpov éxeivoy Anth. P. 7. 554, cf. 9. 424.—In Ar. Ach. 1083 the 
aia? of Lamachus is mockingly repeated by Dicaeopolis. 

at, Aeol. for dei. 

ala, %, Ep. form used for yata metri grat., Hom.; also by Trag., 
chiefly in lyr. passages: never in pl. II. Afa, }, orig. name of 
Colchis, Soph. Fr. 774: also part of lacie by Ib, 

aiaypa, 74, a wail, Eur. Alc. 873, etc. : alaypds, od, 6, Eust. 

aidfw, Trag.: fut. dw Eur. H. F. 1054 (restored by Herm. for ald¢ere) : 
aor. part. aldgas Anth. P. append. 127: to cry ala? or ah! to wail, 

IL. not drunken 

Trag.; and c. acc. fo bewail, Aesch. Pers. 922, Eur. 2. like dd{w, 
Ga (B), to breathe hard, ai. wat éxmveiv Arist. H. A. 4. 9. 20, cf. 
G. A. 5. 7, 24. 

alat, vy. sub al. 

Aidxevos, a, or, of seg , Soph. Fr. 434. 
Aiat5ns, ov, 6, son of Aeacus, Il. 9. 191, etc. 
alaxrés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. of alate, bewailed, lamentable, mipara 
Aesch, Th. 846, cf. Ar. Ach. 105: lamented, ree Epigr. Gr. 
205. Il. wailing, miserable, Aesch. Pers. 931, 1 

obi , Ion. ainvas, és, an old poét. word, first in Archil. 38 Setrvoy 
ainvés; next in Pind., alavis xépos, évrpov, Apds P. 1. 161., 4. 420, 
I. 3. 4;—then in Aesch. and Soph., vuxros alavn téxva Eum. 416 ; 
vurrds alavis Kvdos Soph. Aj. 672; aiavijs vécos Aesch. Eum. 479, 
942; alava Béypara Id. Pers. 635; alav naviuproy avddy Ib. 940 ; 
Thédomos .. inreia, ds pores alavis 7H5e yh Soph. El. 506: of time, 
els roy alavfj xpivov Aesch. Eum. 572, Epigr. Gr. 263; and so in Adv. 
aiavas for ever, Aesch. Eum, 672.—The form atavés, which occurs as a 

v.1. in Eum. 416, 479, Soph. Aj. 672, El. 506 is prob. corrupt, v. Nauck 
anges Gréco- 

-Romains, 1862, 2. p. 441. (The prob. deriv. is 
everlasting, for ever, (as it must be with xpévos, and in Ady. 
whence might come the notion of never-ending, wearisome, as 

ab’pwros —aiyidub. 

other places cited, though this sense is commonly thought to connect the 
word with aivds.) oe 

, a, ov, of Ajax : 70 Aidvreoy his tomb, Philostr.; 7a Aidvreca 
(sc. tepd) festivals in his honour, Hesych.: Al. yéAws of insane laughter, 
Paroemiogr., v. Lob. Aj. 301 :—a post. form Aldvreos in Pind. O. 9. 166; 
Nic, ap, Ath. 683 E. - 

Aiavriins, ov, 5, son of Ajax, patron.: hence, one of the tribe Alavzis 

in Attica, Dem. 1399. 2. “ 

Ss, avros, 6, Ajax, masc, pr. n., borne by two heroes, the Greater, 
son of Telamon, the Less, son of Oileus, Hom. A nom. Alas occurs in, 
Aleman 68; acc. Alay, Pind. Fr. 179; voc. Alay (postulante metro) Soph. 
Aj. 482, elsewh. in Trag. Aias; pl. Aiayres, proverb. of deep tragedies, 
Arist. Poét. 18, 6. (Soph. derives it fancifully from aiat, Aj. 430.) 

eros, i.e. aiferds, 6, dial. form of derdés, Hesych. 

t, bah! exclam. of disgust or astonishment: but aifo‘, Bot, of laughter, - 
Ar, Pax 1066. 

aty-aypos, 6 and #, the wild goat, capra aegagros (cf. aif), Babr. 102. 8, 
om oe a 71 

yyabev, Dor. for AiyOev, Adv., from Alyai (an island off Euboea), 
Pind. N. 5. 68. 

Alyaios, a, ov, Aegaean, médaryos Aesch. Ag. 659; dpos Aiy. mount 
Ida, Hes. Th, 484, v. Gaisf. ad 1. II. Aiyaios (sc. mévros), 6, 
the Aegaean, Plat. Eleg. 9. 1, Arist. Meteor. 2. 1, 10, etc. 

Atyatov, wvos, 6, Aegaeon, the name given by men to the hundred- 
armed son of Uranus and Gaia, called by gods Bpidpews (q. v.), Il. 1. 404, 
Hes. Th. 714, 817. (Prob. akin to dicow.) II. the Aegaean 
sea, mévriov T Al-yaiow’ Eur. Alc. 595, cf. Salmas, Solin. 1.125 F; where 
however others take it as Adj. agreeing with the following word d«rav. 

alyavén, 7), a hunting-spear, javelin, ll. 2. 774, Od. 4. 626, Anth. P. 
6.57. (Perh. from aig, a goat-spear, cf. Od. 9. 156.) 

Sv, Adv. (dicow) rushing swiftly, impetuously, Ap. Rh. 2. 826. 
alyéa, 7, v. sub alyeos. 

atye.os, a, Ion, 7, ov, Ep, lengthd. for atyeos, which is used by Hom. 
only once, y. infr.: (aig). Of a goat or goats, Lat. caprinus, ai-yetov 
“vip Tupdy goats-milk cheese, Il. 11. 639; dox@ év aiyeiw in a goat's 
skin, 3. 247; atyeoy dandy éxov Od. 9. 196; aiyein xuvén a helmet of 
Roatshin, 24. 231; bipOeppory aiyénow Hat. 5.58; yada at-yeor Arist. 
H. A. 3. 20, 12. II. as Subst. aiyén (sc. dopa), 4, a goat's skin, 
Hdt. 4. 189; 7?}v aiyéay Joseph. A. J. 1.18, 6; and contr. aiy# Arcad. 
105. 2. 

Atyes, a, oy, of Aegeus, Aesch. Eum. 682, acc. to Well. and Herm. : 
—Aiyetor, 76, (properisp.), his temple, Dinarch. ap. A. B. 354. 

atyetpos, 7), the black poplar (cf. Aevny), paxedvh, paxph Od. 7. 106., 
Io. 510, cf. Soph. Fr. 24; aly. bdarorpepées Od. 17. 208, cf. 9. 140., 5. 
64, 70, Eur. Hipp. 211 (lyr.); with smooth bark and foliage chiefly at 
top, Il. 4.482; with trembling leaves, Od. 7.106: Arist. was aware that 
the tree was dicecious, aly. dxapros (Mund. 6, 37, cf. G. A. 1. 18, 60), 
and xkaproddpos (Mirab. 69): as a tree of the nether world, Od. 10. 510. 

aiyepav, avos, 6, a black poplar grove, Strabo 774. 

aielieus [@], ov, 6, (€Aatyw) a goatherd, Plut. Pomp. 4, Anth. 
Plan. 229. 

atyeos, a, ov, =alyeios, q.v. 

aiyepos, 7), =atyetpos, Com. Anon. in Mein. 4. p. 621. 

alyalw, to talk of goats, Eupol. Aiy. 9. 

aiyédeios, a, ov, of or on the shore, Aétius:—so aiyidebs, jos, 5, 
Nic, Th. 786:—aiywiAtrys, ov, 6, fem.—trs, «50s, Strabo 182, Anth, P. ' 
Io, Io. 

alyuiNés, 6, the sea-shore, beach, ll. 4. 422, Od. 22. 385, Hdt., and some- 
times in Att. Prose, as Thuc. 1. 7, Xen. An. 6. 4, 4; distinguished from 
Gxrq, Arist. H. A. 5. 15, 6;—also in lyr. passages of Eur., I. T. 425, 
I. A. 210; alyaddv evdov tpépe, i.e. he has a whole sea-beach (i. e. 
quantities of voting-pebbles, Yppor) in his house, Ar. Vesp. 120:— 
proverb., aiyiaA@ Aadeis, of deaf persons, Suid. (Not from dyvupe, ars, 
that on which the sea breaks, like durn; but from dfoow, dds, that over 
which the sea rushes (cf. al Iv, alyis 11, alyi(w). 

aiyahadys, es, (el50s) frequenting the shore, (Ga Arist. H. A. 1. 1,1 Be ; 

aiyids, ddos, 7), a white spot on the eye, Hipp, Coac. 218. d 

aty-Barns [a], ov, 5, goat-mounting, epith. of he-goats, etc., Pind. Fr. 

2153 of Pan, Theocr. Ep. 5, Anth. P. 6. 31, 

aiyl- » WS, H, a goat-pasture, Anth. P. g. 318. 

aiy.-Borns, ov, 6, feeding goats, browsed by goats, Anth. P. 6. 334. 

aiyi-Boros, ov, browsed by goats, "18dxn Od. 4.606; so in Od, 1 3. 246, 
yaia must be supplied from y. 238. ; a 

aiyldvov, 76, Dim. of alg, a kid, Pherecr. Adrop, 4. 

aly(fw, (alyis) to rend asunder, Aesch. Fr. 60. 

alyi@addos or atyl@ados, 6, the tit, titmouse, Lat. parus, 

Aleae, Com. Tay. 2, cf. Arist. H. A. 8. 3, 4., 9. 15, 2. 
written oxyt., but v. Arcad. 55, A. B. 360. 

aiyos, also aiyloOos, 6, the hedge-sparrow or perth, the bunting, Arist. 
HLA. 9. 1, 18., 9. 15, 3. : i 
2 atyl-Kvypos, rai goat-shanked, Anth. P. 6. 167. 

aiyt-kopets, éwy, of, goatherds; name of one of the f i 
Tribes, Hdt. 5. 66 (who derives it from Alyedpys a son ey bat ‘be 
Ton 1581, Plut. Sol. 23:—there were four Tribes at Cyzicus with the 
same names, C. I. 3665.—On the question whether these Tribes were 
Castes, v. Thirlw. Hist. of Gr. 2. p. 4 sq., Grote 4. p. 69, Clint. Fasti 1. | 
p. 53, Herm. Pol. Ant. § 94. (If from aif, xopévvuju, the literal sense 
would be goat-feeders. But Curt. takes the p to represent an older A, so that 
the Root would be the same as that of Bov-xoAos, al-modos, Lat. colo.) 

Ar. Av. 887, 
In the Mss, often 

and then that of dreary, dismal, direful, horrible, as in cong! 

akyihup [70], tos, 5, 4, (perh. from alg, Acinw) destitute even of goats, . 

atyiAos — aldjjpor. 

hence steep, sheer, mérpn Il. 9. 15, al. (not in Od.) ; also in Aesch. Supp. 

794 (lyr.). 

atytos, 9, an herb of which goats are fond, perh. the same as alyiAwy, 
Theocr. 5. 128, Babr. 3. 4. 

aiyAdmov, 76, =aiyiday It, Diosc. 3.144. 

aiyidwy [7], wos, post. oros, Nic. Th. 857, 5, a kind of oats, wild 
oats, Lat. avena sterilis, Theophr. C. P. 5. 15, 15. II. a kind of 
oak with sweet fruit, v. 1. Theophr. H. P. 3. 8, 2. IIL. an ulcer in 
the eye, lachrymal fistula, Diosc. 4. 71. 

Aiyiva, ns, %, Aegina, Il., etc. ; also Atywaty (sc. vfjos) Hdt. 5. 86:— 
hence, Aiywatys, ov, 6, fem. —Hrs, 50s, an Aeginetan, Hdt., etc.:— 
Adj. Atywvatos, a, ov, Cratin. TAoor. 2, al.; d8oAds Aly., 5paxpi) Aiy., 
etc,, Thuc. 5. 47, etc., v. Dict. of Antiqq. p. 811 ;—also y Crna 
h, 6v, Luc. Tim. 57, Paus., etc. 

aiyw8os, 4, v. sub atyGos. 

aiyt-vopets, éws, 6, a goatherd, Anth. P. 9. 318. 

atylvépos, ov, (véuw) feedixg goats: as Subst. a goatherd, Anth. P. 6. 
221, cf. 9. 744. II. alyivopos (proparox.), pass. browsed by goats, 
Bordvn Anth. P. 9. 217. 

aiyloBos, 5, v. sub aty:0os. 

aiyl-oxos, ov, Aegis-bearing, epith. of Zeus, Hom.; later also of Athena. 

Alyi-rav, avos, 6, goat-Pan, goat-footed Pan, the Rom, Silvanus, 
Plut. 2. 311 B. 

aiyl-mhaykros, ov, wandered over by goats:—hence dpos AlyimAayxrov 
Mount Aegiplanct, near Megara, Aesch. Ag. 303. 

aiyt-165ns, ov, 6, goat-footed, h. Hom. 18. 2, 37. 

aiyt-mrous, modes, 6, , mouv, 76,=foreg., Hdt. 4. 25. 

aiyl-ripos, 6, a plant with a red flower, of which goats were fond, 
perh. buckwheat, Theophr. H. P. 2. 8, 3, Theocr. 4. 25; alyimupoy, 74, 
in Anth. P. append. 120. ¥ 

atyts, (56s, 7, I. the aegis or shield of Zeus, flashing forth terror 
and amazement, as described at length in Il. 5. 738 sqq.; and so prob. 
from the same root as dicgow, to move violently.—In works of Art the 
aegis appears on the statues of Athena, not as a shield, but as a sort of 
short cloak, covered with scales, set with the Gorgon’s head, and fringed 
with snakes (@vccavéeooa) ; hence «éAmos aiyidos Aesch. Eum. 404. 
The artists no doubt took the word to come from aif, and to mean a 
goatskin, v. Hdt. 4. 189, Dict. of Antiqq. s.v. 2. simply a goat- 
skin coat, Eur. Cycl. 360. Il. a rushing storm, hurricane, 
terrible as the shaken aegis, Aesch. Cho. 592; cf. aiyi(w, éravyifw, 
raravyls. III. a yellow kernel in the pith of the pine, Theophr. 
H. P. 3. 9, 3- IV. a speck in the eye, Hipp. Coac. 153. 

atyloxos, 6, Dim. of aif, Lxx. 

atyAdets, contr. atyAds, Dor. for aiyAjecs. 

alyAdlw, to beam brightly, Manetho 4. 264. 

alyAn, %, properly the light of the sun, radiance, Od. 4. 45, etc.:—then 
simply daylight, Xeve atyAn Od. 6. 45; els atyAay poreiy, i.e. to be 
born, Pind. N. 1. 55; ‘OAdpmov papyapdecoay alyAav Soph. Ant. 610 
(lyr.) :—for Soph. Ph. 831 (lyr.) v. sub dvréya I. 2. any dazzling 
light, atykn xadxod the gleam of brass, Il. 2. 458; Tas muppdpovs 
*Apréudos aiyAas the gleam of her torches, Soph. O. T. 208 (lyr.); 
péAawayv atyhay, of dying embers, Eur. Tro. 549; cf. Virgil’s atro 
lumine taedas Aen. 7. 456. 3. metaph. splendour, glory, atyAn rodar, 
of swiftness, Pind. O. 13. 49; d:dadoros aiyAa Id. P. 8. 136. II. 
it is cited by Hesych. from Soph. (Fr. 524), as=yAldov, a bracelet, and 
from Epich. as=7é6n, a band; cf. A. B. 354, where other singular uses of 
the word are cited. 

alyAjeas, eooa, ev, dazzling, radiant, beaming, in Hom. always aiyAq- 
evtos ’Odvprov Il. 1. 532, Od. 20. 103; so, KAdpos al-yAjeooa h. Hom. 
Ap. 40; m@Ao aiyd. h. Hom, 32. 9; neut. as Adv., Ib. 31. 11 :—Dor. 
aiyAdes, contr. alyAGs, x@as aiyAder .. Qvodvw Pind. P. 4 411; ai- 
yAavra kécpov Ib. 2. 19; alyAdvra ompara Eur. Andr. 286 (lyr.). 

alyAnrys, ov, 6, the radiant one, epith. of Apollo, Ap. Rh. 4. 1716, 

alyAo-Bodéw, to cast beams of light, Manetho 4. 188. 

aiyAo-piivis, és, radiant, Anth. P. 12. 5. 

aiyo-Barns, ov, 6,=the older aiy:Barns, Anth. P. 12. 41. 

aiyé5opos, ov, (Sopa) of goatskin, Opp. H. 5. 356. 

aiyo-Ondas, ov, 6, the goatsucker, nightjar or fern-owl, caprimulgus 
Europaeus, Arist. H. A. 9. 30, 2, Ael. N. A. 3. 39. 

aiyo-képas, aros, 7d, fenugreek, foenum Graecum, Galen. 

aiyo-Kepevs, éws, Ion. Fos, 6,=sq. I, Arat. 386. 

aiyé-Kepws, gen. —xepw, dat. —xepw Manetho 1. 106, acc. —xepay Plut., 
Luc,; later gen. -Képwros Julian, cf. Thom. M. 193: (xépas): — goat- 
horned, Anth. Plan. 4. 234. II. as masc. Subst. Capricorn in 
the Zodiac, C. I. 6179, Arat. 286, Plut. 2. go8 C, Luc. Astr. 7. 

atyo-Képtihos, 6, perh. the horned owl, strix otus, Arist. H. A. 2. 15, 7. 

aly-dAcOpos, 6, goat’s-bane, prob. azalea pontica, a poisonous herb, 
Antig. Car. p. 30, Plin. H. N. 21. 13. 

aiyo-peAns, és, goat-limbed, Orph. H. fo. 5. 

aiyo-vopets, éws, lon. fos, 6, =alywopeds, a goatherd, Nic. Al. 39. 

aiyo-vépiov, 74, a herd of goats, Hesych. s. y. al-yordAuoy, etc. 

aiyo-vépos, ov, =aiyivdpos, Anth. P. 7. 397- 

aiy-dvuE, vxos, 6, }, =alyavvg, Anth. Plan. 4. 258. 

atyo-rlOnkos, 6, a goat-ape, Philostorg. H. E. 3. 11 ;—a goat-bearded 
species, acc. to Cuvier. 

aiyé-rAacros, ov, goat-shaped, Emped. Sphaer. 139. 

atyo-165ns, ov, 6,=aiyerdins, Anth. Plan, I. 15. 

alyo-mpécwmos, ov, goat-faced, Hdt. 2. 46. 

alyo-oxedys, és, goat-shanked, Tidy Philostorg. H, E. 3. 11, 

aiyo-rptxéw, to have goat's hair, Strabo 822. 


aiyérpul, tBos, 5, 4, (rpiBw) trodden by goats, Dion, H. 19. 12. 
aiyo-pdyos, ov, goat-eating, epith. of Hera at Sparta, Paus, 3-15, 7- 
aly-6p0aApos, 6, goat’s-eye, a precious stone, Plin. 37. 72. 

aiytmds, 6, a vulture, often in Poets from Hom, downwards, aly. -yap- 
Pavuxes, dykvdoxeira Il. 16. 428, cf. Od. 16. 217, Hdt. 3. 76, Arist, 
H. A. 9. 1, 20 and 25 :—alyumids and -yWy differ (alyumot yurés re Nic. 
Th. 406), the former being the yy aly&yv (yunderos or imderos), the 
Limmer-geier, Vultur barbatus L., which preys on live animals (cf. Il. 17. 
460, Od, 22.302, Soph. Aj. 169); the latter the carrion-vulture, V. cinereus. 

Aiyurriéle, to be like an Egyptian, to follow the Egyptians, i.e. to 
be sly and crafty, Cratin. Incert. 32, cf. Ar. Thesm. 922, Valck. Adon. 
Pp. 3573 Aly. 7@ déypart, of Plato, Eus. P. E. 698 D, cf. D. E. 20 
Cc. 2. to speak Egyptian, Luc. Philops. 31. II. to be like 
Egy, i.e. be under water, Philostr. 831. 
iyumrtakés, 4, dv, of or for the Egyptians, Plut., etc. Ady.-«@s, Eccl, 

Aiyurnacpés, 6, imitation of the Egyptians, Eust. ad Dion. P. 
Aiyurnacrt, =Alyurrioti (as Dind. reads), Joseph. c. Apion. 1, 14. 
Aiytirwos, a, ov, Egyptian, Hom., etc. [In Hom. Alyurrin, Alyur- 
Tiov, etc., are necessarily a trisyll., Od. 4. 83, 127, 229., 17. 432: in 
Aesch. Supp. 817 Herm. restores Al-yérre.ov, metri grat.] ; 
At ow, to make like an Egyptian, i.e. swarthy, xpéav Comic. 
Anon. 95 B (ubi v. Meineke), Hesych. s. v. 

Aiyurriori, Adv. (as if from *Alyurri(w), in the Egyptian tongue, 
PP 2. 46, II. in Egyptian fashion, i.e. craftily, Theocr. 15. 
Alyurri-ddys, es, Egyptian-like, Cratin. Min. I'vy. 2, ubi y. Meineke. , 

Alyurro-yevis, és, of Egyptian race, Aesch, Pers. 35. 

Alyurros, 6, the river Nile, Od. 4. 477, al.; though even Hes, calls 
it NeiAos. 2. King Aegyptus, Aesch. Supp. Io, etc. Be 
%, Egypt, Od. 17. 448, ete. ; Aiyurrévie to Egypt, Od. 17. 426. 

aiywdtés or alydAvos, 6, a small kind of owl, Arist. H. A. 8. 3, 3., 
9. 17, 2; written aizwAxos in 6. 6, 3. 

alyvut, txos, 6, 4, (vug) goat-hoofed, Anth. P. 6. 35. 

aiy-avixov, 74, goat's hoof, a plant, the same as Ardameppov, Diosc. 

aiy-wrés, dv, goat-eyed, of persons, Arist. G. A. 5.1, 17; also like 
those of a goat, of eyes, Ib., cf. H. A. I. 10, I. 

&iSaXos, ov, Dor. for dtdyAos. 

*AtBSas, Dor. for ’Azdns, “Acdns, freq. in lyr. passages of Trag. 

aiSéopar, Il., etc., Ep. imper. aidefo Il. 24. 503, Od. 9. 269: poét. 
also aiSopat, Hom., part. aldduevos Aesch. Supp. 362, Eum. 549, Eur. 
Phoen. 1489 (all lyr.) ; imper. aldeo Il. 21. 74:—impf., jd00vro Aesch. 
Pers. 810, etc., aidéovro Pind., poét. aidero Il. 21. 468 :—fut. aldécopat 
22. 124, Att., Ep. aidéocopat Od. 14. 388; late aldecOnoopat Dio C. 
45. 44, Galen., (€w-) Eur. I. A. goo :—aor. med, qdecdunv Od. 21. 28, 
Att. (v. sub fin.), Ep. imper. aiderca: Il. 9. 640:—aor. pass. pdéo0nv 
Hom., etc., and in Prose, Ep. 3 pl. aideoGer Il. 7. 93: pf. 75eopae (v. 
sub fin.): the act. form is found only in «ar-aldéw, q. v.: Dep. To 
be ashamed, to feel ashamed, c. inf., aidecdev piv dvnvacda deicay & 
brodéxOar Il. 7. 93; aldéopar dt ployer GPavdro: 24. 90; ald. yap 
yupvovoGa Od. 6. 221: rarely c. part., alSecar pev marépa mporeinov 
feel ashamed of deserting him, Soph. Aj. 506 :—absol., aldeqGels a 
sense of shame, Il. 17. 95. 2. mostly c. acc. pers. to stand in awe 
of, fear, but in moral sense, to fear his bad opinion, atdeto Geovs Il. 24. 
503, Od. 9. 269; aid. Tp@as Il. 6. 442, cf. 22. 124, Od. 2. 65, etc. ; 
GdAnHAous aideicbe shew a sense of shame or honour one for another, Il. 
5. 5303 so, ovde Oedy omy ydécar7’ neither regarded he .. Od. 21. 28; 
and of things, aideroa: péAabpoy respect the house, Il. 2 640; éxOpdv 
G8 aide? véxuy ; Soph. Aj. 1356; Tévd Spor aldecGeis Id. O. T. 647, cf. 
1426:—in Pind. P. 4. 308 aidecOévres prob. means shewing a 
sense of shame in their strength, i.e. using it moderately :—also in Prose, 
Ala aidecbévres Hat. 9. 7, 1, cf. 7. 141; PoBodpat ye.. rods poxOn~ 
pods (ob ydp Snore eimoip’ Gv ws ye aldovpar) Plat. Legg. 886 A, cf. 
Euthyphro 12 B, Phaedr. 254 E; later also, aid. énl ru Dion. H. 6. 
92; bmép Tivos Plut. Cim. 2. II. to respect another's misfortunes, 
feel regard for him, phde tt pe alddpevos.., und éAcatpay Od. 3. 96; 
ald. riv rev pndey ddixotvray evoéBaay Antipho 120. 25. III. 
as Att. law-term, to forgive or be reconciled to a person, said of a kins~ 
man who allows a homicide to return from exile (cf. dwenauri{w), av 
éAdy tis dxovciov pévov..aldéanra: wat app Dem. 983. 19, cf. 991 

., 1069. 2; Ib. 644. 1, Tov dAdvra én’ dxovciy pivy.. pevyev, Ews 
iy aidéonral ria Tov ev yever merovOdrav, it seems necessary to read 
mis, cf, 635. 22; so aldovpevos Plat. Legg. 877 A; qdecpévos Dem, 
645. fin.: cf. dvatdea 11. 

aidéouysos, ov, iting sh or respect, venerable, Luc. Nigt, 26; 
holy, Paus. 3. 5,6. Adv. —pms, reverently, Ael. N. A. 2. 25. 

aiSeors, %, respect, compassion, aldécews kat pidavOpwrias Dem. 528. 8, 

aideoréov, verb. Adj. one must reverence, Eust. 1434. 35- 

aideorés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. revered, venerable, Plut. 2. 67 B. 

GiBnAos [1], Dor. -tSaAos, ov, (a priv., Fideiv) making unseen, anni~ 
hilating, destroying (cf. dpavi{w) : so always in Hom., as epith. of Ares, 
Athena, etc., Il. 5. 897; but mostly of fire, 2. 455, etc.; later, ruxa 
C. I. 3328. 5; drn Opp. H. 2. 487; mérpos Ib. 1, 150; aidados Txa 
Anth. P, append. 200 :—Adv. —Aws, = dAcOpiws, Il. 21. 220. II. 
pass. unseen, unknown, obscure, Hes. Op. 754, Parmenid, 135: as epith. 
of Hades, either in the Homeric sense, or dark, gloomy, Soph. Aj. 608 
(lyr.). Poét. word, on which v. Buttm. Lexil. s. v.; cf. di{nAos. 

ivn, %, modesty, Zeno ap. Stob. Ecl. 2. p. 106, C. 1. 6236. 
pe ped ov, gen, ovos, ba: , modest, Xen. Lac. 2, 10, Arist. Eth. N. 
2. 7, 14, al.: Sup, aldqyovéoraros, Xen, An. 1.9, 5. Adv. —pévas, 


Id, Symp. 4, 58. 
’ yMp. 4, § 


GiBHs, és, (a priv. Fideiv) unseen, annihilated, Hes. Sc. 477. 
act. not seeing, Bacchyl. 46. 

*Atdms, 6, post. for “Avdys ; y. sub 4dys. 
--aidfjoipos, ov, post. for aldécryos, Orph. Arg. 13.46. 

diBvos [G15], ov, also n, ov Orph. H. g. 21, etc. (del). Everlasting, 
eternal, for detdvos, h. Hom. 29. 3, Hes. Sc. 310; often in Prose, af 
xpévos Antipho 113. 36; &y@pa Thuc. 4. 20; &. otxnots, of a tomb, 
Xen. Ages. 11, 16; 4 d. odota eternity, Plat. Tim. 37 E; 4. orparnyia, 
dpxh, Bacthela, vavapxta perpetual .., Arist. Pol. 3. 14, 4.5 4. 15, 13 
so, d, Baotheis, yépovres Ib. 3. 13, 25., 5. 6, 11; 7a d., opp. to 7d 
yevnra and pOaprd, Id. Metaph. 8. 8, 15, Eth. N. 6. 3, 2, al. :—és dédiov 
Jor ever, Thuc, 4. 63; also ad infinitum, Arist. P. A. I. 1, 14. 

‘Gid.67 5, N70, 4, eternity, Arist. Cael. 2. 1, 7, Phys. 8. 1, 21, al. 

Gidvés, 7, dv, (a priv., Fedetv) poet. word, = dtdcos, aiins, unseen, hidden, 
dark, Hes. Th. 860 :—Iater, diSvqeis, eooa, ev, Euphor. 60; and didvis, 
és, Poéta ap. Plut. Thes. 1, Opp. H. 4. 245. 

aidoin, 7, =aidus, Or. Sib. 8. 184. 

aidSouikds, 7, dv, of or belonging to the alSota, Oribas. p. 184 Mai., 
Paul. Aeg., Aét. 

aiSotov, 74, often in pl. aidofa, 7d, the privy parts, pudenda, both of 
men and women, Il. 13, 568, Hes. Op. 731, Hipp. Aph. 1253, Plat., ete. ; 
also in sing., Hdt. 2. 30, 48, and mostly so in Arist. II. aidozoy 
sortie a sea animal, perh. pennatula, Nic. ap. Ath. 105 C, cf. Arist. 

oA. 4. 75-14, Le - A i 

aiSoios, a, ov, (alSouat) regarded with awe or reverence, august, vener- 
able,.in Hom. and Hes. only of persons, as superiors or elders, persons 
under divine protection, esp. of the wife or mistress of the house; then 
generally of women, deserving respect, tender, mapOévos aidotn Il. 2. 5143 
tarely of the gods, 18. 394, 425, Hes. Th. 44; of guests and suppliants, 
often joined with piAos and devds in Hom. ; also aidotos absol. for ixé- 
tns, Od. 15. 373, ubi v. Schol. 2. later of things, deserving rever- 
ence, yépas Pind. P. 5. 22; aldovéoraros kredvew xpvads Id. O. 3. 
76. II. act. bashful, shamefaced, Od. 17. 578, Plat. Legg. 943 
E:—Ady. -ws, reverently, Od. 19. 243. 2. of things, shewing 
reverence, reverent, xdpis Pind. O. 7. 164; aid. mvedpa, Ad-yor a spirit, 
words of reverence or respect, Aesch. Supp. 29, 455- III. Comp. 
aidodrepos, Od. 11. 360, —€arepos, Dion. P. 172; Sup. aldoéoraros, 
Pind. O. 3. 76.—A poét. word; for the few places in which Plato uses 
it are from Poets. 

alSousdns, es, (ef50s) like the alSota, Arist. H. A. 5. 6, 3. 

aidopar, post. for aidéouat. 

“AiSos, Ep. gen. of an obsol. nom, “Ais, v. sub “Acdys, dns. 

ivy), %, late and incorrect form of aléquoodvn, C. 1. (add.) 4316 h. 
aidé-ppwv, ov, gen. ovos, (pphy) regardful of mind, compassionate, 
Soph. O. C. 237 (lyr.): respectful, mpés rwa Eur. Alc. 659. 

Gidpetn or -Ly [i], 4, want of knowledge, ignorance, Od. 12. 41; also 
in pl., Od. 10. 231., 11. 272 :—Ep. word, used by Hdt. 6, 69 in Ion, form 
GiSpnin or rather didpin. ae Kase . 

G-iSpyets, evoa, ev, later collat. form of sq., Nic. Al. 415. 

G-iSpis, «, gen. cos and eos, post. Adj. unknowing, ignorant, Il. 3.219, 
Pind. P. 2. 68; often c. gen., Od. 10. 282, Hes. Sc. 410, Aesch. Ag. 
1105, etc. [The penult. is short by nature, long by position in Aesch. 
1. c., Soph. Aj. 213 (lyr.).] : 

diBpo-Slens [Si], ov, Dor. Sluas, a, 6, unknowing of right or law, 
lawless, Pind. N. 1. 96. 

1d-tSptros or dv-{Spuros, ov, unsettled, vagabond, like dvéarios, docs, 
of Timon the misanthrope, Ar. Lys, 809, cf. Dem. 786. 10; Spdpous ay. 
in vagabond courses, Eur. I. T. 971; . kaxdv Cratin. Sepip. 3, expl. 
by E. M. d ob« dv ms abr@ idpdcavro:—metaph. unsettled or unstable 
in mind, Philo 2. 112. 2. of a floating island, Dion. H. 1. 15, 
ef, Plut, 2. 925 F, Ady. -ras, Theod. Metoch.—The better form seems 
to’be diSpuros, though the other is freq. in Mss., v. Lob. Phryn. 730. 

JAiBwvets, éws (in Anth. P. 7. 480, éos), 6, lengthd. poét. form of 
“Atdys, Hom., Aesch. Pers. 650. Later authors, as Mosch., used the 
obl. cases ‘AiSovijos, fi, ja, with the first syll. long, metri grat. : trisyll. 
nom. Aldwveds in Soph. O. C. 1560. In Hesych., the form “Alden is 
corrected by Bentl. into Azeri from Il. 5. 190. 
saldes, dos, contr. ods, 7, as a na pron dy a mare Siew ca 
modesty, Il. 24. 453 6 8 ..dyopeder aldot pedrxin Od. 8. 172, etc. : 
a sense of shame, 5 edling of honour, self-respect, ali@ 0é08 evi Oupe 
cherish a sense of shame within you, Il. 15. 561; toxe ‘yap aléds «at 
déos shame and fear held them back, Ib. 657 (v. sub 60s) ; aldoé eixov 
10. 238; 50, GAAG pe mwArer aldés Alcae. 55; dua moar exdvopery 
ouverbberar kat Thy alb& yuvh Hat. 1. 8; aidds ris  €xet Plat. Soph. 
217 D; aidds xal dien Id. Prot. 322 C; aldods éumimkacda Xen., ete. : 
—personif., Zyvi ctvOaros Opdvav Aiddés Soph. O. C. 1268. 2. 
regard for others, respect, reverence, aidods ovdemis érvxov Theogn. 
1266, cf. Eur. Heracl. 461; aidds roxéwv respect for them, Pind. P. 
Pa 8s riv euhy al’® respect for me, Aesch. Pers. 699; al8@ AaBeiv 
éni ru Soph. Aj. 345 daxpiar révOipov alba tears of sorrow and pity, 
Aesch. Supp. 5773 70 yap tpapfvac pi) xax@s alb@ péper Eur. Supp. 
gi. 3. mercy, pardon, Antipho 114. 16, Plat. Legg. 867 E. II. 
that which causes shame or respect, and so, 1. a shame, scandal, 
aliés, ’Apryetor, xan’ @déyxea! IL. 5. 787, ete.; aldds, & Avucor wot 
pedyere; 16. 422; aldds pev viv He. . 17. 336. 2.=72 aidoia, 
Il. 2. 262. 3. dignity, majesty, aldds eat xdpis h. Hom. Cer. 214. 
(On the Homeric notion vd word, v. Gladstone, Hom, 2. 431 sqq.) 
altel, Ion. and poét. for del, q. v. 
vale~yev 3. post. for devyevérns, Il. 2. 409, Od. 2. 432, al. (For 
compds. of aici here omitted, v. sub de-.) : 


$ 150; alOnp Copepds, 

aidys — aibiip. 

atei-yevis, és,=foreg., Opp. C. 2. 397: 
— aigAuot, v. sub dion 
Liehoupos, v. sub alAoupos. 
atéy, v. sub dei. 
, ov, lulling in eternal sleep, epith. of Death, Soph. O.C. 1578. 
aiés, Dor. for aiéy, aici. 
alernSév, Ady. like an eagle, Apollon. Lex, Hom. 68, Schol. Il, 18. 


alertatos, a, ov, (derds 111) belonging to or placed in the pediment, 

G.I. 160. col. 2. 73. 

ov, =déreos: proverb., alériov xdpw éxricw, of those who 
repay benefits quickly, Apost. Cent. 1. 78. 
aieréeis, coca, ev, of eagle-kind, Opp, C. 3. 117. 
aierds, 6, v. sub derds. : 
aifqes, eooa, ev, late form of al(nds, Theopomp. Coloph. ap. Ath. 183 B. 
alfjios, 6, lengthd. form of ai(nds Il. 17. 520, Od. 12. 83, Hes. Se. 408. 
Gifpdos, ov, =didndos, unseen, Tov piv al{ndov O7jKev Oeds Il. 2. 318, 
as restored (for dpi{jAov) by Buttm. and others from the Scholiasts, 
Hesych., and Apollon. Lex. Hom.—On the change of 6 and ¢, cf. dptin- 
Ros, dpi{ndos and y. Curt. Gr. Et. p. 605. ; 
aifnos, lengthd. aifijtos, 6, in full bodily strength, active, vigor- 
ous, in Hom. of kings and warriors generally ; of the brother of Hecuba, 
Il. 16. 716: of a stout, lusty slave, recoepaxovraérns ai(nds Hes. Op. 
439, cf. Th, 863 :—as Subst. a warrior, Cratin. Aax. 1; simply a man, 
Ap. Rh. 4. 268. These passages shew that the common transl. of 
youthful, youth, is inappropriate, except in the latitude allowed to the 
Lat. juvenis, junior, vy. Gladstone, Hom. 3. 41 sqq. (The deriv. is as 
yet not made out, v. Curt. Gr. Et. p. 615.) 
ainvas, Ion. for aidyjs, Archil. 38. 
ai: » in Il.*18. 410 Vulcan is called méAwp alnroy, prob.=dyrov, 
mi, ae tiecane Buttm., Lexil. s. v. 4. 
6s, 6, Dor. for derds, alerds. 
aidadéos, a, ov, (aidadn) smoky, Ap. Rh. 4.777. 
aidaddeis 11. 2, Nic. Th. 750. 
aidadn, 7), (ai0w)=aiPadros, esp. soot, Luc. D. Deor. 15. 13; cf. Lob. 
PI . p. 114. 
iibahts [ae], és, =de.Badns, Orph. H. 8, 13. 
aifadtwv, wvos, epith. of the rér7if, prob.=aldaddes 11. 2, Theocr. 
. 138. 
elixien, éeaca, dev, contr. aiBadots, ofcca, ody: (ai@ados). Poet. 
Adj. smoky, sooty, wéAaOpoy Il. 2. 415, cf. Theocr. 13. 13; Kéms aid. 
black ashes that are burnt out, Il. 18. 23, Od. 24. 316. II. burning, 
blazing, xepavvds Hes, Th. 72; pAdé Aesch. Pr. 992. 2. burnt- 
coloured, i. e. red or reddish-brown, Nic. Th. 566. Z 
aifahoxopmia, 7, empty, boasting, that is nothing but smoke, Schol. 
Ar. Eq. 696. 
aiPados, 6, like Aryis, a smoky flame, the thick smoke of fire, soot, 
Hipp. 634.23, Eur. Hec. 911: also aidan. II. as Adj. ai@ados, 
ov, =aldaddes 11. 2, Nic. Th. 659. 
ai8GAbw, fo soil with soot or smoke, Eur. El. 1140:—Pass. to burn to 
soot, Diosc. 1. 79; poét. to be laid waste by fire, Lyc. 141. 
aifardbns, €s, (€f50s) sooty, black, Arist. Mund. 4, 20. 
aidddwors, ews, 4, a raising of vapor, Max. Tyr. 41. 1. 
aifadwrés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. burnt to ashes, Lyc. 338. 
aide, Ep. for cide, as ai for ei, in Hom. ai’ dperes, Il. 1. 415, al. 
Gideos, Dor. for 7i8eos. 
aiSep-epBiiréw, to walk in ether, Anth. Plan. 328, : 
aiBépos, a, ov, also os, ov Eur. Fr. 836. Of aidnp or the upper air, 
and so, 1. high in air, on high, Aesch. Pr. 157, Th. 81, Soph. O. C. 
1082, etc.; aifepia dvémra flew up into the air, Eur, Med. 440, cf. Andr, 
830. ; 2 ethereal, heavenly, -yovn Eur. Fr.1.c. Adv.-‘ws, Iambl. Myst. 
1.9. In Trag. used only in lyric passages; also in Arist. Mund. 2, 1 Wieay 
albepubins. €s, («lB0s) = alBepadns, Galen. peice 
aidepo-Bapwv [Gy], ovos, 6, 4, walking in air, Eust. Opusc, 183. 21, etc. 
aidepo-Biiréw, = aidepeuBaréw, Luc. Philops. 25. 
aidepo-Béckas, ov, 6, living in ether, Cercid. ap. Diog. L. 6. 76. 
aidepodpopéw, to shim the ether, Welck. Syll. Ep. 32. 
aifepo-Spopos, ov, ether-skimming, Cines, ap. Ar, 
Plan. 384, C. I. 1907. 
aidepo-adhs, és,=aldepmins, Plut. 2. 430 E. 
aiSepo-Aaparys, és, shining in ether, ovpavés Manetho 4. 29. 
aiepo-Adyos, ov, talking of ether and the like, of Thales, Anaximen. 
ap. Diog. L. 2. 45 hence al@epodoyéw, Ib. 2. 5, cf. 8. 50. 
aidepovipos, ov, (vépopat) =aidepoBdcxas, Hesych. 
aidepo-vopdw, to rule the sky, Manetho 4. 25, 
aifepé-mAaykros, ov, roaming in ether, Orph, H. 5. 1. 
aidepains, es, (€/5os) like ether, Plut. 2. 432 F. 
Ai@y, 7, name of a horse of Agamemnon, fiery, i.e. bright bay, Il. 23. 295 
aiffjes, coca, ev, (aldw) =aidaddes U1. 2, Nic. Al. 394. ; 
aifjp, épos, in Hom. always 4; in Hes. and Att. Prose always 6; in 
Pind. and Trag. mostly 6 as always in Aesch., but # in Soph, O, T. 867 
and often in Eur.: (aidw). Ether, the upper, purer air, opp. to dp 
(v. sub yoc., and cf. Arist. Cael. 1. 3, 13, Meteor. 1, 3, 8): hence 
heaven, as the abode of the gods, Il. 13. 192; Zeds aidép valwy 2, 412; 
and in later philosophy equiv. with the Deity, Zeds orw aidh Aesch.. 
Fr. 65 a, cf. Virg. G. 2. 325:—also the blue sky, sky, Ore 7 émiero 
vhvepos aidmp Il. 8. 556; but in 16. 365 a cloud is said to come aldépos 
&« dins, cf. alOpyyevns, and v. Spitzn. ad 1,: later it is used where dnp 
might stand equally well, Aesch. Pr. 1044, 1088, Pers. 365, Eur. Bacch. 
axAvées Ap. Rh, 3. 1264., 4-927; and Enr., Cyc}. 

II. of ants, = 

Av. 1393, Anth. 

aiOie — airXwos. 

410, even has it for the fume from the Cyclops’ mouth. II. in 
Eur. Alc. 594, a clime, region. 

= és, burning : ai6i)s wémdos the robe of Hercules, hence proverb, 
of a demagogue, Paroemiogr., cf. Meineke Cratin. KAeoB. 4 

aidwos, 7, ov, burning, Hesych., E. M. 

Aivtomife, to speak or be like an Ethiop, Heliod. to. 39. 

Aidlowp, oros, 6, fem. Aiftomts, fos, , more rarely Aldo as fem., 
Lob. Aj. 323: irr. pl. Ai@comfes Il. 1. 423,—whence Call. (Del. 208) 
formed a nom. Ai®torreds, fjos: (aldw, oy). Properly Burnt-face, i.e. 
an Ethiop, negro, Hom., etc.:—proverb., AiSiona ophxew ‘to wash a 
blackamoor white,’ Paroemiogr. II. Adj. Ethiopian, Ai@coms 
y~haooa Hdt. 3. 19; yi Aesch. Fr. 304, Eur. Fr. 230:—a form At@- 
émvos, a, ov, is found in Eur. Fr. 351: Ai®tomés, 4, dv Hdt., etc.: and 
as Subst, Ai®tomlia, 4, Hdt., etc. 2. in the literal sense, like af@oy, 
sun-burnt, Anth. P. 7. 196. 

aiddré, wos, 7), a pustule, pimple, Hipp. 427. 4. 

aldos, 6, a burning heat, fire, Eur. Supp. 208, Rhes. 95 :—later also 
al8os, eos, 74, Ap. Rh. 3. 1304. 
( aiés, 4, dv, burnt, Ar. Thesm. 246, 
of a red-brown colour, Bacchyl. 13. 

aiovea (sc. rod), %, in the Homeric house, the corridor or cloister 
of the adAq, open in front like a verandah, on each side of the mpd@upov 
looking E. or S. to catch the sun, whence the name (for it was originally 
partic. of ai@w), dduov.. fers aidovonar rervypévoy Il. 6. 243, cf. 
20, 11. Hom. makes it the sleeping-place of travellers who wish to 
start.early, Od. 3. 399: in Od. 4. 302 he says the same of the mpdéd5opos, 
prob. as including the ai@ouca. 

alforp, ors, (aids, dp) fiery-looking, in Hom. as epith. of metal, flash- 
ing, aidom xadx@ Il. 4. 495, etc.; and of wine, sparkling (not fiery- 
hat or strong, as others) ai@ora olvoy 4. 259, etc.; once of smoke, 
Od. 10. 152, where it prob. means red smoke, smoke mixed with flame, 
like ai@ados; later alboy proypés, Aaumrds Eur. Supp. 1019, Bacch. 
594. 2. swart, black, Opp. H. 1. 133, etc.; al@om xoo@ Anth. 
P. append. 69. II. metaph. fiery, hot, keen, Lat. ardens, Apds 
Hes. Op. 361; Bacxavin Anth, P. 5.218: fiery, furious, dvip Soph. Aj. 
224; Y. sub aldwy, 

aifpn, %, in Att. as well as Hom.:. later ai@pa, Piers. Moer. p. 184: 
(related to ai€hp, as yaorpa to yaorhp): clear sky, fair weather, 
Lat. sudum, rotnoov 8 ai€pny Il. 17. 646; ddAd par’ aldpn rérrarat 
dvépedos Od. 6. 44: rare in Att. Poets, as Eur. Fr. 781. 50, Ar. Av. 
778. Poét. word, cf. aidpia. 

aidpnyevis, és, (yevéaGaz) epith. of Boreas in Il, 15.171, born in ether, 
sprung Jrom ether, (not act. making a clear cold sky, Spitan. Il. 1. c.); 
so a pnyeverns, Od. 5. 296, cf. Soph. O. T. 867. 

aifpnes, ecoa, ev, = aldpos, Pherenic, ap. Schol. Pind. O. 3. 28, Opp. 

II. fiery, Pind. P. 8. 65: 

C. 4. 73. 

atbpia, Ion. -ty, %, prose form for af@pn, first used however by Solon, 
13. 22; & al6pins kat ynveulns Hdt. 7. 188; ef aidpias dorpdyw 
Cratin. Apam. 4, cf. Hdt. 3. 86, Xen. Hell. 7. 1, 31; aiOpias otons in 
clear weather, per purum, opp. to bray émvépedoy 7, Arist. Meteor. 2. 
9, 11, al.; so ai@pins or —tas alone, Hdt. 7. 37, Ar. Nub. 371; Tis 
ai@pias Arist. Probl. 25. 18. II. the open sky, ind rijs ai€pias 
in the open air, Lat, sub dio, Xen. An. 4. 4, 14. 2. esp. of the 
clear cold air of night, Hdt. 2. 68; and so prob. in Hipp. Aér. 285. 
[t in penult. except in dactylics and anapaestics, Solon |. c., Ar. Nub. 
371; cf. Meineke Com. Fr. 2. p. 34.] 

atOprate, to clear the sky, dépa Arist. Probl. 26. 8 :—but Hesych., Suid., 
etc., quote aidpe? in the sense of xecudcer, i.e. to be chill, cf. sq. 

alOpidw, to expose to the air, to cool, aléproas Hipp. 497, fin.; but 
just below p@pracpéva (from alépidw). II. intr. ¢o be clear, of 
the sky, ds 8 7Opiace Babr. 45. 9 (Meineke 70ptace). 

al€pwés, 7, i cxpgtiie Hesych. 

alOpro-Kovréw, fo sleep in the open air, Theocr. 8. 78. 

aifpios, ov, clear, bright, fair, of weather, h. Hom. Ap. 433; al@plou 
éévros Tov Hépos Hat. 2. 25. 2. also as epith. of Zevs, Theocr. 4. 
43, Arist, Mund. 7, 2, Theophr. C. P. 5. 12, 2: of winds which cause 
a clear sky, Arist. Meteor. 2. 6, 18; esp. of the North winds, Ib. 2. 6, 
22. IL. in the open air, kept there, Cratin. Ana. 5. 2. 
cold, chill, mayou pavévros ai@piov Soph. Fr. 162; for Id. Ant. 357, 
v. sub imraiOpios. III. ai@pov, 7d, an adaptation of the Lat. 
atrium to a Greek sense, Joseph. A. J. 3. 6, 2, Luc. Anarch, 2. 

aidpusins, es, («l50s) like the clear sky, Heracl. Alleg. 36. 

aifpo-Barns, ov, 6, walking through ether, of Abaris, lambl. V. Pyth. 
1. 28. II. a rope-dancer, Manetho 4. 278. 

alOpo-Bodéw, to dart rays at, shine on, c. acc., Manetho 4. 224. 

, ov, whirling through ether, Manetho 4. 298. 

aidpo-mhavns, és, wandering in ether, Manetho 4. 586. 

aidpo-rodetw, to roam through air, Manetho 2. 383; also -€w. 

alOpos, 6, the clear chill air of morn, Od. 14. 318; cf. ai@pn, alépia. 

al€ps-rokos, ov, generated in air, Manetho 4. 339- 

alOpwros, ov,=aidpios, Manctho 4, 166, with v. |. al@wmd. 

al®vypa, aros, 76, (aidvoow) a spark: metaph., ai9. ebvolas, dégns 
Polyb. 4. 35, 7+, 20. 5, 4, cf. Plut. 2. 966, 21. 
Ova, 7, a sea-bird, prob. a kind of gull, Larus marinus, Od. 5. 337, cf. 
Arist. H. A. 5.9, 1; at. ixvBéAo Anth. P. 6. 23 :—epith. of Athena, 
as protecting ships, Paus. I. 5, 3. II. metaph. a skip, Lyc. 230. 

Qu16-Operrros, ov, feeding with gulls, Lyc. 237. : : 

aiduerip, jpos, 6, that which darts ae the air, of wild animals, 

arrows, etc., Opp. C. 2. 332, Anth. P. 6, 296. 

aidicow (cf, dv-, d-, war-, rap-a0Ucow): aor. map-aidvga Rind; J. 


(akin to aiéw). To put in rapid motion, stir up; kindle, Soph. Fr. 
486 :—Pass. to move rapidly, quiver, of leaves, Sappho 4. II. 
intr., Arat. 1033. 

ai9w, only found in pres. and impf., to light up, kindle, atdew nip Hat, 
4.145, Aesch. Ag. 1435; Oeois ipa Soph. Ph. 1033; Aapmddas Eur. 
Rhes. 95, Theocr., etc. (whence perh. mip ai@ey should be read for 
mupaidey, Eur. Rhes. 41, 78, 823) :—metaph., oéAas dupaow aide: Anth. 
P. 12. 93; xéAor aid. Ib. 5. 300. 2. rarely intr. to burn or blaze, 
Pind. O. 7. 87; Aapmrijpes ovxér’ HOov Soph. Aj. 286. 3. in this 
sense the Pass. atfopat is used by Hom. always in part., wupds pévos 
aldopévoo Il. 6, 182, cf. 8. 559, etc.; aid. dadds 13. 320; ald. dades 
Od. 7. 101; so, Pind, O. 1. 2, Eur. Hipp. 1279, etc.; so, after Hom., 
aidera: ndddora [ra baréa} Hdt. 4.61; aidécOw 5% wip Eur. I. A: 
1471; Sépar’ aldecOar doxey Id. Bacch. 624, cf. Xen. An. 6. 3, 193 
metaph, like Lat. uri, épwrt aiOeoOac Xen. Cyr. 5. 1, 15, ef. Anth, 
P. 12. 83; also, ai@er’ épws (Ep. impf.) burnt fiercely, Ap. Rh. 3. 
2096. (From 4/AIO come also ai0és, af@os, aidwv, prob. also aldhp, 
aidpn; cf. Skt. indh, indhé (accendo), iddhas (bright), édhas (firewood) ; 
Lat. aestus, aestas, aedes; A.S. ad (a pile); O. H. G. eit (fire); M.H.G. 
eiten (to glow).) 

aifwv, avos, 6, 7%, v. sub fin.: (ai0w). Fiery, burning, blazing, of 
lightning, etc., Pind. O. 10, 98; also of fiery smoke, Pind. P. 1. 44:— 
cf. aldo. II. of burnished metal, like aléoy, flashing, glittering, 
otSnpos Il. 4. 485, Od. 1. 184, Soph. ; ai@wves AeByres, Tpimodes Il. g. 
123., 24. 233. III. of various animals, as in Hom. of the horse, 
lion, bull, eagle, and in Pind. O. 11. 20, of the fox:—some take it to be 
Jiery, fierce; others of the colour, like Lat. fulvus, rufus; others of their 
bright, fiery eyes; alOaves O7jpes Plat. Rep. 559 D. 2. metaph. of 
men, ablaze, fiery, like Virgil's igneus, Soph. Aj. 222, 1088, Hermipp. 
Moi. 1; aidwv Aja fiery in spirit, Aesch. Th. 448; Atuds aiOwy Epigr. 
ap. Aeschin, 80. rr (Anth. P. append. 205), Call. Cer. 68.—[The penult. 
of the oblique cases is sometimes shortd. in Poets,’ metri grat. Thus 
dvSpds aidovos is restored by W. Dind. (for at@omos) in Soph, Aj. 222 
from the Laur. Ms.; ai#ova A.pdv (for ai@ora) by Bgk. in Hes. Op. 361; 
so vipoat dat. pl. from vfipor, in Theogn.; and ai#ova (wrongly altered 
by Musurus into af@wva) is cited by Hesych.] 

aixa [xa], Dor. for ef xe, éav, e conj. Valck. Theocr. 1. Io. , 

aixddAw, only used in pres. and impf.: (aldAos). To flatter, wheedle 
Sondle, properly of dogs (v. ad fin., and A. B. 21), c. acc., Soph. O. T. 
597 (Mss. éxxadodor), Eur. Andr. 630; Tov deomérny fadAe Ar. Eq. 
48; 7a pev Adyt aixddAdc pe flatter, please me, Ib. 211; 
Kapdiav éuhy it cheers my heart, 1d. Thesm. 869 :—of a dog, like catvw, 
to wag the tail fawningly, Babr. 50. 14. 

aixdos, 6, a flatterer, Hesych, (Perh, from the same Root as deny, 
dxéwy, v. *axn I.) 

aike, aikev, poét. and Dor. for éav. 

aixeta, y. sub aixia. , 

aixéAvos, ov, poét. for deuédvos, Theogn. 1344, Eur. Andr. 131. 

dixh [az], 4, (dtoow) rapid motion, flight, Lat. impetus, régwv dixal 
Il. 15. 709; éperpav Opp. H. 4. 651. Cf. flan. 

dihs [7], és, post. for dewps, Adv. dixds Il. 22. 336: in Trag. also 
alkys, és (cf. alxia), aixts mya Aesch, Pr. 472; Oavarous alxeis Soph. 
El. 206. Adv. aix@s, Soph. El. 102 (Mss. ddixws), 216, Plat. Com. 
Incert. 60. 

aixta, 4, Att. for the Ion. de:eln (q. v.), injurious, insulting treatment, 
an affront, outrage, esp. of blows, stripes, etc., Aesch. Pr. 177, Soph. El. 
514, O. T. 748; in pl., Aesch. Pr. 93, Soph. El. 486, 511. 2. in 
Prose mostly as law-phrase, alias din a private action for assault, less 
serious than that for #Bpis (which was a ypapy), Plat. Rep. “5 D, 
464 E, and often in Oratt.; jv 6 rijs BAGBns bpiv vdpos tAat, Tv 6 
ths aixias, jv 6 ris UBpews Dem. 525. 14, cf. Lys. Fr. 27, Bockh P. E. 
2. p. 102. 8. generally, suffering, disgrace, Thuc. 7.75. [alxia, 
wherefore Dawes, Pors., etc., would write aixeia, cf. decein: but vy. 
Ellendt, Lex. Soph.] 

aixtfw, Act. used only in pres., to treat injuriously, to plague, torment, 
twa Soph. Aj. 403, Tr.839; ofa storm, magav aluiCav poBqy bAys Id. Ant. 
419 :—Pass. to be tormented, pres. in Aesch. Pr. 168 ; mpds kuvaiy édeordv 
aixo6évr’ Soph. Ant. 206; es 7d cGya aixioO7jvac mAnyais Arist. Pol. 
5. 10, 19. II, more commonly as Dep. aixtfopat, Aesch. Pr. 
195, Isocr.: fut. alxicowat Anth., Att. —vofpar (*ar—) Eur, Andr. 829: 
aor. #atoduny Soph, Aj. 111, O. T. 1153, Xen., but also gxloOnv Andoc, 
18. 11, Lys. 105. 32, Isocr. 73 A, Xen. (for its pass. sense, v. infr.) : so, pf. 
jxvcpar Eur. Med. 1130, plgpf. yxtoro Plut. Caes. 29 :—in same sense as 
Act., c.acc., Il. c.: and even 7d xwpia aix. Dem. 1075.11; ¢. dupl. ace. 
pers. et rei, almifecOal ra 7a éo xara Xen, An. 3.1, 18; of. Ep. decci{w, 

aixuopa, aros, 74, an outrage, torture, Aesch. Pr. 989, Lys. 105. 29:— 
in pl. mutilated corpses, Eur. Phoen. 1529. ; 

aixtopés, 6,=foreg., Dem. 102. 20, and often in later writers. 

aixtorikés, 7, dv, prone to outrage, known from Adv. -«@s, Schol. Ven. 
B. 22. 336, Poll. 8. 75, and other Gramm. :—fem. aixiorpua, 7, (as if 
from a masc. almorhs), Suid. Ady. -«a@s, Schol, Ven. B. Il. 22. 336. 

alAov or dixXov, 76, an evening meal at Sparta, Epich. 20 Ahr., Aleman 
71, cf. Ath. 139 B: another form aixvov is quoted by Hesych., Suid., 
Eust. :—cf. aodos. i, (Goon) Ga enaruhons dean 

dik G], fipos, 6, (atoow) the swift-rushing, Opp. H. 1. . . 

av 2) (evéouat) unapproachable, Hesych.; restored by Herm. in 
h. Hom, Merc. 346, for 58 é«rds. 

aixas, Adv. of aixhs. 

aidtvos, 6, a plait dirge, repeated, alAwvoy aidwoy elmé Aesch. Ag. 
121 (lyr.), cf. Soph, Aj. 627 (lyr.), Eur. Or. 1395 3 (aid to be from af 


Aivov, ah me for Linos ! Paus. 9. 29, 8; v. sub Alvos.) 2. Adj. ai- 

Awos, ov, mournful, plaintive, aidtvos kaxois Eur. Hel. 171; Bpépos atd, 

unhappy, C. 1. 6251 :—neut. pl. atAwa, as Adv., Call. Ap. 20, Mosch, 


aidotpios, 6, cat-mint, E. M. 34. 9. 

aidoupos, Arist. H. A. 5. 2, 7., 6. 35, 3, or aléXoupos, 6, 4, Hdt. and 
Comici Il, c. A cat, felis domesticus, Hdt. 2. 66, Ar. Ach. 879, Anax- 
andr. Io. 1. 12, Timocl. Alyumr. 1. II. later, a weasel, v. 
Moschop. 7. cxe5. 148. (Acc. to Buttm., Lexil. s. v. aléAos 5, from 
aiddos and ovpd, as expressive of the wavy motion of the tail peculiar to 
the cat kind.) 

aipa, aros, 74, blood, Hom., who often joins pdvos re xat alpa, etc. ; 
yuxijs dxparoy aiya Soph, El. 786; also in pl. streams of blood, Aesch. 
Ag. 1293, Soph. Ant. 120, Eur. El. 1176, Alc. 496. 2. of anything like 
blood, aipa orapvaAjs Lxx (Sir. 39. 26), cf. Anth. P. append. 69. 3. 
with collat. meaning of spirit, courage, obx €xwy aipa pale, spiritless, 
Aeschin. 76. 28; cf. Arist. de An. 1. 2, 21 alua pdcxovot tives tiv 
Youxqv. II. bloodshed, murder, Aesch, Cho. 520, Soph. O. T. 
tol, cf. Elmsl. Bacch. 139; Spatpov aipa ylyvera: a kinsman’s murder 
is done, Aesch. Supp. 449; elpyacra: unrpgov afya Eur. Or, 284, cf. 
406; alya mparrew Ib. 1139; and even aia xraveiy, as if alya were 
a cognate acc., Soph. Fr. 153 :—é@’ aipare pevyew to avoid trial for 
murder by going into exile, Dem. 548, fin.; which in Eur. Supp. 148 is 
aipa pevyetv, v. Miiller Eumen. § 50 sq.—The pl. is used in this sense 
by Aesch. Ag. 1302, Cho. 64, 650, often by Eur., never by Soph.; aivara 
avyyova brothers’ corpses, Eur. Phoen. 1503.—The words of Soph. 
El. 1394 led Hesych. and others to interpr, afua as=pdyxatpa, but v. 
veakovnros. III. like Lat. sanguis, blood, blood-relationship, 
kin, alud re wat yévos Od. 8. 583 ; aipvaros els dyaboio 4. 611; of ofs 
€ aiparéds ior yevéOAns Il. 19. 111; 7d alud twos his blood or origin, 
Lat. stirps, Pind. N. 11. 44; aly’ éupddcoy Soph. O. T. 1406; 6 mpds 
aiparos one of the blood or race, Id. Aj. 1305, cf. Arist. Pol. 2. 3, 7; 
pytpos THs éutjs év aipars akin to her by blood, Aesch, Eum, 606, cf. 
Th. 141; d¢’ aiuaros from the race, Soph. O.C. 245. 2. concrete 
of a person, & Aids... aipa Epigr. Gr. 831. 1; alya ody Ib. 722. 8; cf. 
1046. 4, al. (The Root of the word is uncertain.) 

aip-aywyés, dv, (dyw) drawing off blood, Diosc. 3. 137. 

aipdxopta: or aipaxoupiat, Gy, ai, (xopévvupe) offerings of blood made 
upon the grave to appease the manes, Pind. O. 1. 146, v. Dissen, (g0):— 
the sing. in Plut. Aristid. 21.—Dor. and Boeot. word. 

_aipakrucds, 4, 6v, making bloody, Schol. Soph. Ant. 1003. 

ie h, ov,-verb. Adj. of aipdoow, mingled with blood, of blood, 
Eur. I. T. 

.aipadéos, 3 ov, bloody, blood-red, Anth. P. 6. 129, Tryph., Nonn., etc. 

atpahwris, (50s, %, a clot of blood, Diosc. 2. 95. 

aipddwrp, wos, 6, (aiuadéos) a mass of blood: a bloodshot place, Hipp. 
207 C, 240. II, etc. II. as Adj. looking like clotted blood, xupds 
Aretae. Caus. x i 2. oy or 4 eae : 
atpatis, ews, 4, a letting o , Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 1. 6. 2 

aipds, ddos, , a gush or stream of blood, Soph. Ph. 697 (lyr.) ; = aipa- 
‘ros fdots, as the Schol. has it. 

, %, a wall of dry stones, Lat. maceria, aipacids re Aé-yeww to 
build walls (v. Aéyw A. 1. 2, alpwactodroyew), Od. 18. 359; alu. A€fovres 
24. 224, in Hdt. x. 180, 191, of the walls of Bab lon; of walls as the 
haunts of lizards, Id. 2. 69 ; aly. éyyeyAuppeévn Tuma, of a wall round 
an Egyptian temple, Ib. 138; of a defensible wall, Thuc. 4. 43; aip. 
oixodopeiv Dem. 1274, fin.; and in Theocr. 1. 47, etc., a boy is sitting 
ép’ aipacinow. (The sense of wall therefore is quite: certain ; that of 
thorn-hedge seems to rest on the supposed deriv, from aids. Cf: Buttm. 
Lexil. s. eerong fe be 5 ee a 

aipacto- , to bui 's, Theopomp. . Incert. II. 
siadanihea, es, (eldos) like an aipacid, Plat. Legg. 681 A. : 
, Att. —rrw: fut. -déw: aor. fpagta (v. infr.) ree aor. )uax- 
Eur. El. 574, but aiuay@nv Soph: Aj. gog ; part. Aesch. Pers. 595 :— 
oe. Verb ye cf. éf-, nad-arpdcow). To make bloody, stain with 
blood, medio Pind. I. 8 (7). 110, cf. Aesch. Ag. 1589; éorids OeGy Id. Th. 
275; xeipas aludgar Borois to stain them in the blood of beasts, Soph. 

Aj. 453, cf. alypatw 11:—hence to wound, smite so as to make bloody, 
xpar éudv 749 avrixa wérpq ..aipdgw meodv shall dash my head 

against the rock, Soph. Ph. 1002; mérepos dpa mérepov aipdager; shall 
bring to a bloody oad, Eur. Phoen. 1288; so, mésea ddia. . aiudgeroy 
Ib. 1299; aiudfes .. ras adAupOdyyous @dds Id. Ion 168 ; absol., ror 
yap e%§ fivaccer Bédos their weapons wounded none, drew no blood, 
Id. Bacch. 761:—Med., jpdgavro Bpaxiovas Anth. P. 7. 10:—Pass, 
to welter in blood, be slain, Soph. Ant. 1175. 2. as medic. term, to 
draw blood, as by cupping, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac: I, 4. II. intr. 
to be bloody, blood-red, Nic. Al. 480, Opp. H. 2. 618. ; 
aipardw, to be bloodthirsty, cf. povde, prob, 1. Aleman 68. 
vata, 4, shedding of blood, Ep. Hebr. 9. 22, Eccl. : 
aipa é, év, in Eur, Or. 962 also és, dv, —_ Bloody, bloodstained, 
re chiefly used by Trag.; aip. xedpes, fipos, etc; pdrdé aipa- 
rnp Kad... dpvds, i.e. dp’ aiparos wat dpuds fed by the blood of the 
victim and the wood, Soph. Tr. 766: esp. bloody, murderous, mvetpa 
Aesch. Eum, 137; Tedxos aly. the fatal urn, Id. Ag. 15; aip. BrAdpa 
Id. Eum. 359; 6updraw b:apPopat Soph. O. C. 5525; aTdvos aip. caused 
the eeking wound, 1d, Ph. 695; cf. Onydvn. II. of 
thereof, pévos Aesch. Ag. 1065; orayéves aip. gouts 

blood, istin, oe 
1B oen. 1415; aly. pods a bloody flux, discharge of blood, 

of blood, Eur. 
Hipp. Coac. 201. 

, ov, bringing blood : bloody, pépos Aesch, Th. 419. 4 

* , « , 
aiAouptos — aimoppayTos. 

aipitta, 7, blood-broth; the Spartan black broth made with blood, Poll. 
6. 57; cf. Manso Sparta 1. 2, p. 192. 
ai @, to stain with blood, aor. aiparica: médov yas Aesch. Supp. 
662. II. to draw blood, sting, Arist. H. A. 4. 7, 6. 
aiptrixés, 7, dv, of the blood, Oepudrns Arist. P. A. 4.13, 273 typérns 
Id. G. A. 4. 8, 13; rpopy, HAn Id. P. A. 2. 6, 8., 3. 4, 3- II. 
=€vatpos, of animals which have blood, opp. to dvatpos, Id. H, A. 1. 4, 
2, BP. A-'2. I, at, etc. 
aipdrivos, 7, ov, of blood, bloody, orvyph Arist. H. A. 6. 3, 23 ddxpua 
Schol. Eur. Hec. 238. 
, 76, Dim. of afya, a little blood, M. Anton. 5. 4. 
aiptirts, iS0s, , a blood-red cloak, Arist. Color. 5. 
aiparirys [ir], ov, 5, blood-like, Ai@os aip. hematite, a red iron-ore, 
Theophr. Lap. 37, Diosc. 5. 143; elAeds aip. a disease, Lat. convolvulus 
sanguineus, Hipp. 557. 12:—fem., afwariris pAéy a vein as conductor 
of blood, Id. 1286. 42; aip. xopdh a black pudding, Sophil, }vA. 2. 
aiptiro-S6yxos, ov, holding blood, Schol. Od. 3. 444. 
atpiiro-edns, és, like blood, blood-red, Diod. 17. 10. 
aipiiroes, decoa, dev, contr. aiparots, odcca (restored by Pors. in 
O. T. 1279 xGAa(a @ aiparoiao’ for xaddtns aiparos), ody, =aipa- 
typos, Il, 5. 82. 2. blood-red, or of blood, yiddes, ou@dit 16. 459., 
2. 267; aipardey fé0s aicxtve spreads the blood-red blush of shame, 
Soph. Ant. 529; (so, polvix’, épv@nua mpoowmov in Eur. Phoen. 
1488). 3. bloody, murderous, méA€pos, etc., Il. 9.650; épis Aesch, 
Ag. 699; BAaxai Id. Th. 348. 
aiptiro-orxés, dv, (Acixw) licking blood, pws aiu. thirst for blood, 
Aesch, Ag. 1478 (lyr.). 
alpiro-rovew, to make into blood: Pass. to become blood, Medic. 
atparorolnats, ews, %), a making of blood, Theophil. Med. 
ards, ), dv, calculated for making into blood, Galen. 
ere or aipo-trocta, 4, a drinking of blood, Porphyr. ap. Stob. 
. I. 1024. 
aiptiro-roréw, (rive, mordy) to drink blood, Schol. Ar. Eq. 198. 
aiptiro-marys, ov, 6, a blood-drinker, blood-sucker, Ar. Eq. 198: in 
fem. —m@ris, 150s, Manetho 4. 616. 
aipiroppodos, ov,(popéw) blood-drinking, Aesch,Eum.193, Soph.Fr.813. 
aiptiroppiros, ov, (séw) blood-streaming, ain. pavides a shower of 
blood, Eur. I. A. 1515. 
iis, és, (ora{w) blood-dripping, reeking with blood, Aesch. 
Pers. 816, Th. 836, Eur. Supp. 812, Ar. Ran. 471 :—in Aesch. Eum. 365 
the word is against the metre: on Cho. 842, cf. deyaroorayhs. 
aipirs-pupros, ov, blood-stained, BéAn Anth, P. 5. 180. 
atpiro-xupns, és, delighting in blood, Suid. 
aiptiro-xdppys, ov, =foreg., Anth. P. 15. 28. 
aipiré, f. wow, to make bloody, stain with blood, aipdrov beads Bapdv 
Eur, Andr, 260; 5: mapydos dvuxa.. aiyarodre Id. Supp. 77 :—Pass., 
pndev aipardpeba Aesch. Ag. 1656; xpa@ras aiyarovpevo. Eur. Phoen, 
1149; Tparwuévn xeipas Id. Bacch. 1135; cf. Ar. Ran. 476, Thue. 7. 
84, Xen. Cyr. 1. 4, Io. 2. to slay, aor. aiparacat Soph. Fr. 
814. II. to make into blood, Medic. 
aipireins, es, (ef50s) looking like blood, blood-red, Thuc. 2. 49, Arist. 
Meteor. 1. 5, I, al. 2. of the nature of blood, Arist. G. A. 1. 19 
9, P. A. 4. fa 4, al. : 
aipir-orbds, dv, bloody to behold, blood-stained, aip. xépat, of the Furies 
Eur. Or. 256; aip. depudrar d:apPopat Id, Phoen. 870. : 
atpdrwots, ews, 7}, (aiuardéw) a changing into blood, Galen. 
atpir-o, dros, 6, },=alyarwmds, Eur. H. F, 933) € conj. Pors. 
aipy-mérns, 6, Ion. for aixonérns, Apollon. in A. B. 602. 
aipnpés, a, dv,=aipvarnpds, Manetho 1. 338, of women; cf. Steph 
th S.V- eee r 
aipvov, 70, a basin for blood, v. 1. Od. 3. 444, for duvior, 
aipo-Bipys, és, heavy with blood, Opp. ne Pa pc: 
aio Babys, bathed in blood, Soph. Aj. 219, Nonn. 
aipo-BéAvov, 74, a word of dub. sense in C. I. 8558. 
aipo-Bépos, ov, blood-sucking, of certain insects, Arist, H.A.8--11 I; yao- 
tépas aip., of serpents, greedy of blood, Theocr. 24.18; €xidva CL 152 
aipo-Sarréw, to revel in blood, Theophr. ap. Porph, ele 
aipé-Supos, ov, bloodthirsty, Luc. Ocyp. 97. 
aipo-86xos, ov, = aivaroddxos, E. M., Suid, 
ial és, aiparoedhs, Philo 2. 244. 
aipo-Kepyvov, 76, a slight cough with blood-spitts i 
aipo-Admns, 7, Blood-swekin obi Gre; ee 
Dan ewes, ban lace ; ' i sea 2. 221. 
Os uous person; aipoprtia, %, incest, Pandect. 
Gipo-rorns, = aluaromwrns, Or. Sib. 8. 94:— i 
eal Pie aes crn b. 8.94:—for alpomogta, #, v. Stob. 
o-rrvikds, 7, dv, spitting blood, Androm. ap. 
alo-nleras, ov, piped ges Lape ire: Galen, 13. 78, sq. 
aipsé-poos, ov, post. for aiudppoos, Nic. Th. 318. 
alpoppiyéw, to have a hemorrhage, bleed violently, éx pwav Hi 
Acut. 395; aipopparyet mAH00s there is a violent hemorrhage, Id Ap: 
os :—also impers. aipoppaye? Ib. 1252; ain, wi Id, Epid 1 mes E 
op-piiyys, és, bleeding violently, Hipp. 1029 F, Soph. Ph 825. 
aipoppiyla, 9, hemorrhage, Hipp. Aph.1259, etc.: a bloody flux ee an 
ore bleeding (esp., says Galen, from the nose), Hipp. Aph. i 253, an y 
pe evevness h, ov, liable to aipoppayia, Hipp. 79 B, etc. Adv. -xas, 

aipoppaydns, es, (el50s) =foreg. 
shoge gp. oH Oe 

atpdppavros, ov, (Jalvw) blood-sprink 
iene ue sprinkled, blood-boltered, @vota: Eur. 

onpeta atx. symptoms of hemor- 

€ , FOF 
apoppoew — aivos, 

aipoppoéw, fo lose blood, Hipp. 129 H, 133 A, etc.: to have a aipép- 
poa, Ev. Matth. g. 20. 

aipdppowa, 7, a discharge of blood, bloody flux, Hipp. 167 A, 168 B, 
etc.; ai. &« pvéwy Id, Aér. 282. 

aipoppotSo-kaverms, ov, 6, an instrument for stopping hemorrhage, 
Paul. Aeg. 6. 79. 

aipoppoikés, 7, dv, belonging to aiudppoa, indicating or causing it, 
Hipp. Aph. 1254, cf. 168 B, ete. 

aipoppois, ‘dos, %, mostly in pl. aipoppotdes (sc. pAéBes) veins liable to 
discharge blood, esp. hemorrhoids, piles, Hipp. Aph. 1248, etc. Et, 
a kind of shell-fisk, Arist. H. A. 4. 4, 34 (v. 1. daroppatdes). Til. 
=aipéppoos I, Plin. N. H. 20. 81. 

aipdp-poos, ov, contr. —pous, ovy, flowing with blood, rp&para Hipp. 
Art. 831; ai. préBes veins so large as to cause a hemorrhage if wounded, 
Id. Fract. 759, ubi v. Galen. ; suffering from hemorrhage, Id. II. 
as Subst., a serpent, whose bite makes blood flow from all parts of the 
body, Diosc. io8. 30, Nic. Th. 282; cf. aiyoppots 111. 

aipoppomdys, €s, (<ld0s) =aivoppaywins, Hipp. Coac. 168. 

aipop-purs, és,=aiudppuros, A. B. 16. 

aipdp-pitats, ews, 7), =aipdppoa, Poll. 4. 186. 

aipdp-piros, ov, (péw) blood-streaming, Aesch. Fr. 230:—poét. aipé- 
putos, Anth. P. append. 384. 

aipopuyxido, (Jv-yxos) to have a bloody snout, Hermipp. Incert. 3. 
aipds, 6,=dpupds, cf. Aesch. Fr. 8. 

aipoodrys, 6, a Samian stone used in burnishing gold, Diosc. 5. 173, 
ubi v. Sprengel. 

aipo-oriyys, és,=aivarocrayis, Eur. Fr. 388. 

aipé-oracis, ews, }, a@ means of stopping blood, Galen.: a plant used 
as a styptic, Diosc. 4. 82. 

aipo-péBos, ov, afraid of blood, i.e. of bleeding, Galen. 
aipoddpuxros, ov, (poptcow) defiled with blood, xpéa Od. 20. 348. 
aipsé-dupros, ov, =aipardgupros, Polyb. 15. 14, 2- 

aipo-xapis, és, = aiuaroxapys, Or. Sib. 3. 36, cf. Schol. Hec, 24, Or. 1563. 
aipé-xpoos, oo, contr. —xpous, ouv, blood-red, Joann. Euch. in Mustox. 
Anecd. p. 2. 

aipo-xpoddys, es, (el50s) =foreg., Hipp. 1139. I. . 
aipow,=alyardw, from which we have Ion. part. pass. afuevpevat in 
Hipp. 1138 C; and Dind. restores aiyotdoa for aipdocovea in Eur. I. T. 
226. Hesych. expl. aipwOn by yuardhOn. 

aipvAla, 7, (aiuvdos) winning, wily manners, Plut. Num. 8. 
aipvaAtos, ov, = aiptdAos, Od. 1.56, h. Hom. Merc. 317, Hes., Theogn. 704. 
aiptAo-pyrys, ov, 6, of winning wiles, Lat. blande decipiens, h. Hom. 
Merc. 13, where Ruhnk. conj. afuvAdpuOos. 

aiptAo-mAdxos, ov, weaving wiles, Cratin. Incert. 39 ; cf. 5oAomAdKos. 
aipvaAos [i], 7, ov, also os, ov Anth. P. 7.643. Flattering, glozing, 
wheedling, wily, mostly of words, Hes., Op. 372, Pind. N. 8. 56; so, 
aipvAat pnxavat wily arts, Aesch. Pr. 206; of persons, rov alyuAdraror 
Soph. Aj. 389 (lyr.), Plat., etc. ; of foxes, Ar. Lys. 1269. 

aipvAd-dpov, ov, gen. ovos, (ppyv) wily-minded, Cratin. Incert. 39. 

aipwdéw, f. now, to be aipwins, Suid., A. B. 10. 2. to have the 
teeth benumbed or set on edge, Hipp. 49. 30: to suffer from scorbutic 
gums, Orion Theb. 617. 30. 

aipadns, es, (ef50s) bloody, blood-red, Luc. D. Syr. 8. 
scorbutic, Galen. 

aipwdla, %, a scorbutic affection of the gums, Arist. Probl. 1. 38. 

aipwdiacpds, 6,=foreg., Hesych. s. v. youpracpés. 

aipwbidw, to have the teeth set on edge, Arist. Probl. 7. 5, 1 :—metaph. 
of one whose mouth waters, jywdia Timocl. Emyap. 1. IT. trans., 
aip. Tous dddvras to set the teeth on edge, Hipp. 534. 33- 

aipwv, ovos, 6,=daipov B, danywr, skilful, Zxapavdpoy atpova Onpns 
Il. 5. 49; v. Herm. Aesch. Ag. 1450. II. (alya) bloody, Aesch. 
Supp. 847, Eur. Hec. go. 

aipavos, ov, blood-red, cdxa Ath. 76 B. ; 

aip-wnds, dv,=aiparads, Anth. P. 6. 35, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 44. 

alv-tipérns, ov, 6, (aivds) cerribly brave, Il. 16. 31:—so, aivdperos 
Oavaros Epigr. Gr. 425. 

Aivelas, ov, 6, Aeneas, Ep. gen. Aiveido, but in Il. 5. 534 Alvelw: 
Att. also Atvéas, Soph. Fr. 342. 

aiveots, ews, %, (aivéw) praise, Lxx, N. T.; in Philo 2. 245, aivyots. 

aiveréov, verb. Adj. one must praise, Synes., Medic. ; cf. émaveréov. 

aivérys, ov, 6, one that praises, Hipp. 5. 48. 

aiverés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. praiseworthy, Arist. Rhet. 2.25, 7, Anth. P. 7.429. 

aivéw, cf. aivnut, alvi¢ouac: impf. qveoy, qvouv Eur., Ion. aiveoy Hdt. 
3- 73, etc.: fut. alvjow Od. 16. 380, Theogn. 1080, Pind. N, 1, fin. ; 
in Att. Poets always alvéow, as in Pind. N. 7. 92, Simon. Amorg. 7. 112: 
aor. jvnva Hom., opt. aivfoee Simon. 57; Dor. aivnaa Pind. P. 3. 25; 
in Att. always #veca, Ion. aiveoa Hat. 5.113: pf. jvexa (ér-) Isocr. 276 
B :—Med., fut. aivécoua: (only in compds. éx-, tap-) :—Pass., aor. 
part. aiveBeis Hdt. 5.102: pf. gvnpar (én-) Hipp. Acut. 392. 34, Isocr. 281 
Cc. Poét. and Ion. Verb, very rare in good Att. Prose (Plat. Rep. 404 D, 
Legg. 952 C), éma:véw being used instead; cf. also KatT—, wap-, ovv-, 
ouven-, inepen-aivéw. Properly, to tell or speak of (cf. alvos), Aesch. Ag. 
98, 1482, Cho. 192, Soph. Ph. 1380. II. commonly, like the Att. 
éravée, to speak in praise of, praise, approve, Lat. laudo, c. acc., Hom. 
and Hdt.:—Pass., to be praised, id Sipovibew aivedeis Hat. 5. 102; 
éni rum for a thing, Theocr. 16. 15. 2. to allow, recommend, Od. 
16. 380, 403: c. inf. to recommend to do a thing, euphem. for eAeva, 
Aesch. Cho. 555, 715 (as émaiv@ is used Ib. 581); also c. part., aiveiv 
iévra to commend one’s going, Id. Pers. 642. 3. like dyamdw, to 


be content, acquiesce, Pind, N. 1.112; Kav piv 0édwow alvéoa Eur. | 


Supp. 388 :—c. acc. rei, 4o be content with, acquiesce in, accept, yapov 
Pind. P. 3. 25, cf. Aesch. Eum. 469, Supp. 902, 1071; @j00av Tpamefay 
aivécat Eur. Alc. 2. 4. to decline courteously, Hes. Op. 641 (cf. 
Plut. 2. 22, fin.), Soph. Fr. 96; like laudare in Virg. G. 2. 412. Itt. 
to promise or vow, Tivi Tt or Tt Toteiv TL Soph. Ph 1398, Eur. Alc, 12. 
aivy, },=alvos, praise, fame, év alvy éév Hat. 3. 74., 8. 112. 

aivnpt, Acol. for aivéw, Hes. Op. 681; cf. émaivnpe. 

aivyots, v. sub aiveois. 

aivynrés, 4, dv, verb. Adj.,=aiverds, Pind. N. 8. 66; alvnrdv mavrecow 
émy@oviows Arist.(?) Epigr. 14 (8) Bgk.; mapaxoiris C. I. 6203. 6; 
oréupa Epigr. Gr. 247, al. 

aivypa, aros, 76, (aiviccoya) a dark saying, riddle, like alvvypés, 
Pind. Fr. 165, Aesch. Pr. 610, etc., cf. dvordwacros: often in pl., 
alvvyparoy in riddles, darkly, Aesch. Ag. 1113, 1183; 5¢ aiveyparav 
Aeschin. 70. 34 (cf. alveypds); atv. mpoBddrdcuy, fuvribévar, mAEKELY to 
make a riddle, Plat. Charm. 162 B, Apol. 27 A, Plut. 2. 671 E; opp. to 
aivypa demeiv, cidévar, dev, eiploxey to solve it, Soph. O. T. 3935 
1525, etc. II. a taunt, Aristaen. 1. 27. 

aivypartas, ov, 6,=aiveypariorhs, Diod. 5. 31. 

aiviypariorys, ob, 6, one who speaks riddles, LXx. 

aivvyparo-rovds, dv, proposing riddles, Eust. 1074. 60. 

aivvyparadns, €s, (el50s) riddling, dark, Aesch. Supp. 464; alv. jnya+ 
toma, of the Heracliteans, Plat. Theaet. 830A. Ady. -8és, Diog. L. 9. 3- 

aivypés, 6, a riddle, mostly like aivrypa in pl., 8° alvvypav épeiv, 
Ar. Ran. 61, cf. Plat. Tim. 72 E; év aivvypotoe onpatvew re Eur. Rhes, 
7543 &v aly. Aadeliy Anaxil. Neorr. 23. 

aiviopar, Dep. only used in pres.,=aivéw, Il. 13. 374, Od. 8. 487:— 
Act. aivifw in Anth, P. 11. 341. , 

aivukrnp, fpos, 6, one who speaks darkly, alv. 0eaparwy Soph. Fr. 707. 

aivucryptos, ov, known from the Adv. —iws, in riddles, Aesch. Fs 

aivikrns, od, 6,=alvernp, of Heraclitus, Timo ap. Diog. L. 9. 6. 

aivucrés, 7, 6v, expressed in riddles, riddling, Soph. O. T. 439- 

aivlocopat, Att. —-rropar: f. fouar: aor. yvigauny :—Dep., but also 
as Pass., v. infr. 11: (alvos). To speak darkly or in riddles, Pind. P. 8. 
56; pay quegdunv; Soph. Aj. 1158; Adyouse xpumroior aly. Eur. Ion 
430; ywpipws aivi~oua, so as to be understood, Id. El. 946; aivic- 
cec0a ene to speak riddling verses, Hdt. 5. 56:—c. acc. rei, to hint a 
thing, intimate, shadow forth, Plat. Apol. 21 B, Theaet. 152 C, etc. :— 
also, aiv. eis refer as in a riddle to, to hint at, eis KAéwva Totr" 
aivirrerat Ar. Pax 47; Thy KuddAnvny..cis tiv xeip dp0Gs qvigaro 
thv ArorelOous used the riddling word Cyllene of .., Id. Eq. 1085; so, 
ivitad’ 6 Baxis Todo mpds Tov dépa Id. Av. 970; aiverrépevos els Ene 
Aeschin, 42. 19; aiv. ws.. Arist. Fr. 66:—aiv. tov deeavdv to form 
guesses about it, Id. Meteor. 1. 9, 5. II. also as Pass., to be 
spoken darkly, to be wrapt up in riddles, but perh. in good Greek only 
in aor. nvixOnv Plat. Gorg. 495 B; pf. #vvywat, Theogn. 681, Ar. Eq. 
196, Arist. Rhet. 3. 2, 12. 

aivo-Baxyxeuros, ov, raging direfully, Lyc. 792. 

aivo-Bias, Ion. Bins, ov, 6, dreadfully strong, Anth. P. 7. 226. 

aivé-ytipos, ov, fatally wedded, Eur. Hel. 1120, Orph, Arg. 875; cf." 

aivo-yévebAos, ov, born to ill luck, Manetho 1. 145. 

aivo-yévetos, ov, with dreadful jaws, Call. Del. 92. 

aivo-ylyas, avros, 6, a terrible giant, Nonn. D. 4. 447. 

aivé-yoos, ov, terribly lamented, C. I. 1653, Keil Inscr. p. 129. 

aivo-Spudis, és, sadly torn, in sign of mourning, Poéta ap. Apoll. de 
Pron, 356 C. : 

atvé0ev, Adv. from aivdés, only found in the phrase aivd@ev alvais, from 
horror to horror, right horribly, ll. 7. 97: cf. old0ev. 

aivé-Oputros, ov, sadly enervated, lazy, Theocr. 15. 27. 

aivo-haparys, és, horrid-gleaming, Aesch. Ag. 389. 

alvé-Aexrpos, ov, fatally wedded, Aesch. Ag. 7133; cf. alvodexns, alvd= 
yapos. II. with a frightful bed, of the cave of Echidna, Lyc. 1354. 

aiv-oérns, ov, 6, a dire destroyer, Orph. Arg. 424. 

aivo-hexis, és, =aivddexrpos, Orph. Arg. 876. 

aivo-Aéwv, ovros, 5, a dreadful lion, Theocr. 25. 168. 

aivé-ivos, ov, unfortunate in life's thread, in allusion to the Parcae, 
Anth. P. 7. 527. 

aivé-AtKos, 6, a horrible wolf; Anth. P. 7. 550. 

aivo-pavns, és, raving horribly, Nonn. D. 20. 152, etc. 

aivé-popos, ov, doomed to a sad end, Il. 22. 481, Od. g. 53: come toa 
dreadful end, Aesch. Th. 904. 

aivo-1a0ns, és, suffering dire ills, Od. 18. 201, Anth., etc. 
Aivé-napts, cdos, 6, like Avowapts, unlucky Paris, Paris the author of 
ill, Aleman 40, Eur. Hec. 944. 

aivo-mairhp, épos, 6, unhappy father, Aesch. Cho. 315. 

aivo-aréhwpos, ov, fearfully portentous, Opp. H. 5. 303+ 

aivo-mrAnt, Fyos, 6, }, with dire sting, Nic. Th, 517. 

aivé-rrotpos, ov, =aivduopos, Orph. Arg. 1014. A 

alvos, 6, an old poét. and Ion. word (cf. aivéw), used, I. =p000s, 
a tale, story, Od. 14. 508, Archil, 86. 89; aiveiv aivoy to tell a tale, 
Aesch. Ag. 1482, Soph. Ph. 1380: hence a fable, like Aesop's, Hes. 
Op. 200: generally, a saying, proverb, Eur. Fr. 511, Theocr. 14. 
43- II.=Att. érawvos, praise, Il. 23. 652, Od. 21. 110, Pind. 
and Trag.; émrupBidios alvos Aesch. Ag. 1547, cf. 780, Soph. O. C. 
707, C. I. 380. 17; dgtos alvov peydédou Hdt. 7. 107. (Buttm., Lexil. 
s. V., compares Lat. aio.) 2 

aivés, 4, dv, Ep. and Ion, word =Sdeuds, used also by Pind. P. 11. 85, 
Soph. Aj. 706 (lyr.). Dread, dire, grim, horrible, often in Hom.., of feel- 
ings, dxos, xdAos, Tpdpos, Kdparos, déCds; of states and actions, as Sndrys, 


mbrnos, pdpos, etc.: of persons, dread, terrible, esp. of Zeus, alvérare 

Kpovidy Il. 4. 25, etc.; of Pallas, 8. 423. IL. Ady. —vés, terribly, 

i. e. strangely, exceedingly, Il. 10. 38; €oumé Ti 3. 158, Od. 1. 208; 

pirdéecke 1. 264; emt ydvu Kéederar Aesch. Pers. 930 (lyr.); pevyew 

7 Hdt. i 76; also with an Adj., aiv@s xaxds terribly bad, Od. 17. 243 

ai, mixpds Hdt. 4. 52; ris Sxvicchs aivas dfvaov éodons Ib, 61 ;— 

also aiva as Ady., Il. 1. 414; Sup. -érarov 13. 52. 

divos [T], ov, (is) without vessels or fibres, Theophr. H. P. 1. 5, 3. 

‘aivo is, dvos, 6, most miserable, Antim. in A. B. 1422. 

caivérys, 770s, 9, (aivds) =devdrys, Hdn. m. pov. Af. 33. 27. 

aivo-roxeia, 7, unhappy in being a mother, Mosch. 4. 27. 

.aivo-rékos, ov, unhappy in being a parent, Opp. H. 5. 526, C. I. 6259. 

aivo-ripavvos, 6, a dreadful tyrant, Anth. Plan. 5. 350. 

‘aivupar, poét. Dep., used only in pres. and in impf. without augm.; cf. 

draivupa. To take, aivuto revxe dm’ dyov ll. 11. 580., 13. 550; 

amd magaddou aivuto régov Od. 21. 53; xeipas alvipevor taking hold of 

them, 22. 500; c. oy partit., rupv alvupevous taking of the cheeses, 

9. 225: metaph., 4 p ’Odvojos 7400s alyura a longing seizes me 

for him, 14.144, Hes. Sc. 41; also ¢o enjoy, feed on, kapwéy Simon. §. 17. 

aive,=nricow, to sift, winnow, Pherecr. Incert. 18 (ap. Eust. Il. 8or. 

56); podydv aivey, proverb. of any impossibility, v. Bgk. ap. Meineke 

Com. Fr. 2. pp. 988, 1066, sq., Dind. Ar. Fr. p. 504. 

aif, aiyés, 6, 7: dat. pl. atyeow Il. 10. 486. A goat, Lat. caper, 

capra, in Hom. mostly fem., but masc. in Od. 14. 106, 530 (cf. tpayés); 
its bleating is described by pyxdopa, pynxds; the kid being epipos: 
flocks of goats were common in Homer's time, cf. alméAcov, atmodos ; 
once in Trag., Soph. Fr. 962 (lyr). 2. alg dypios the wild goat, 
' lov@ds (bearded) Od. 14. 50; tfados (bounding) Il. 4 105; with 
horns six spans long, Ib. 109, is no doubt the ibex; the alyes dpeox@or 
of-Od. 9. 155, dypérepae of 17. 294, and the alyaypos (q. v.) may belong 
to diff. species:—proverb., até otpavia in . as a source of mysterious 
and suspected wealth, in allusion to the horn of Amalthea, Cratin. (Xecp. 

21) ap. Zenob. 1. 26; otpdmov afya mAovropépov Com. Anon. 

281. 8. the constellation so called, Arat. 157. II. a water- 

bird, apparently of the goose kind, Arist. H. A, 8. 3, 16. III. 

a fiery meteor, Arist. Meteor. 1, 4, 6. IV. aiyes, high waves, 

Artemid. 2. 12; cf. aiyadds. (From 4/AII' prob. =4yu, as appears 

from Skt. aga (goat), agas (buck): the deriv. from dtcow must give way, 

for its root is dik: see Curt. no. 120.) 

GE, dixos [7], 4, (dicow) =dieh, dvépav dikes Ap. Rh. 4. 820. (The 

word occurs earlier in the compds. woAvdif, xopuOdift, cf. aiyis, alyi{w.) 

aitaoke, Ion. and Ep. aor. of dicow, Il. 

aifwveviopar, Dep. to be foul-mouthed, slanderous, like the people of 

Aexoné, v. Menand. Kaynp. 5. x 

, Pass, (aidAos) to shift about, be restless, Hipp. 664. 8. _ 

. Alodevs, éws, 6, an Aeolian; pl. Alodées, Hdt. 1. 28, Att. AloAets or 

~fjs, Thuc. 7. 57 :—hence Adj. AtoAucés, 4, dv, of or like the Aeolians, 

Theocr, 1.56, etc.;—fem, AloAis, idos, Hes, Op. 638, Hdt., etc.; poét. 

fem, AloAnis, Pind. O. 1.164 :—Adv. AloAwwas, Gramm. 

-aiodéw, = moeiAdrw, Plat. Crat. 409 A: on édAet, €6ANTO, v. sub vocc, 

Anos, ews, 7, a rapid motion, Schol. Pind. P. 4. 414. 

aloAtas, ov, 6, a. speckled jisk, Epich. Fr. 52 Ahr., Plat. Com. a. 1, 

ubi v. Meineke; as Adj., aloAinv xopaxivoy Numen. ap. Ath. 308 E. 

fo, f. tow, =aidAdw: metaph., like morwiAdw, to trick out with 

Jalse words, pn8 aiddc(e radra Soph. Fr. 815. II, (Alodeds) 

to imitate the Aeolians, alod. r@ péAci Pratin. Fr. 5: to speak Aeolian, 

Strabo 333, Plut. Cim. 1. 

"Atohwert, (AioAifw) in the Aeolic dialect, Strabo 333. . ; 
aiéAdw, only used in pres., to shift rapidly to and fro, ws 8 bre yaorep 
avip .. alddAn.Od. 20. 27; (for Pind. P. 4. 414, v. sub édAer). Les 
to variegate, Nic. Th. 155 :—Pass. to shift colour, bupaxes aldAdovrat 
the grapes begin to turn, Hes. Sc. 399; cf. Buttm. Lexil. s. v. aidAos Io. 
aiohs- Bovdos, ov, wily, Opp. C. 3.449. ; 

aiodo-Bpévrys, ov, 6, wielder of forked lightning, Zeis al. Pind. O. 9. 64. 

aiodo-deikrys, ov, 6, shewing himself in various forms, of Phoebus; 
' yoc. aloAdbetxra, restored by Herm, in Orph. H. 7. 12 for deere. 

aiodé-Setpos, ov, with changeful neck, Ibyc. 8; cf. rrountAdbetpos. 

aiod6-Seppos, ov, with variegated skin, Pseudo-Theocr. in Boiss. Buc. 268. 

ov, bestowing various gifts, Epimen. ap. Schol. Soph. 

O. C. 42. - ' 
- ato) 5 Nios, é, na pte breastplate or moving easily in 
s breastplate (v. aidAos), Il. 4. 489. 

mat nay oe 6, %, full of bar wiles, like atodéBovdos, Hes. Th. 
511, Aesch, Supp. 1037; also atoAo-pirqs, ov, 6, Hes. Fr. 28. 

rpms, ov, 6, with glancing or glittering girdle (for it was plated 
with metal, Il. 4. 216), or moving easily in one’s girdle (v. aiddos), Il. 5. 
707. II. with variegated mitre or turban, Mépaa Theocr. 17. 19. 

aE NGtoNean ov, of varied strain, oipvyé Nonn. D. 40. 223.“ 
aiodd-popdos, ov, of changeful form, Orph. H. 3. 7, etc; 

atodé-vwros, ov, with speckled back, Opp. H. 1. 125. 
_aloAé-rrerrdos, ov, Mr peer robe, tig Pa. 173. 
_alodo-mrépvt, , 6, 9, quick-fluttering, Telest. 1. 
_aiohé-rrwdos, ape esa steeds, Il, 3. 185, Theocr. 22. je 
_alédos, 7, ov, quick-moving, nimble, rapid, Lat. agilis, 7édas alddos 
tnmos Il. 19. 404; aidda evAat wriggling worms, 22. 509; opiKes 
péoov 12. 167; Ib. 208 ; alddos ofarpos Od. 22. 
300. 2. elsewh, in Hom. as epith. of armour, tedxea Il. 5. 295 ; 
adxos 7. 222., 16. 107 (cf, Soph. Aj. 1025), wheré most Critics interpret 
it in signf. 11, but Buttm. (Lexil. s. v.) ing with the body, easily 
moved, manageable, Lat. habilis :—in this case t 

¢ Homeric sense is con- $ for taking a place, Thuc. 2. 75. 

Mee CA 
. atvog —— apEects, 

fined to that of quick-moving, cf. aidaAdw; though it must be confessed 
that this sense passes easily into that of guick-glancing, gleaming’ (cf. 
1): the same ambiguity prevails in the compds. aloAo-Owpné, 
—pirpns. II. after Hom., certainly, changeful of hue, gleaming, 
glancing, sheeny, (like shot silk), Spaxwv Soph. Tr. 12. 2. variegated, 
dappled, aiéda vvé star-spangled night (cf. Cic. caelum astris distinctum), 
Tb. 94, cf. aioAdypws; Aesch., Th. 494, calls smoke flushed by fire-light 
aidhn mupds Kaos; kdov al. speckled, Call. Dian. gt, etc.; aldAa dp dis- 
coloured from disease, Soph. Ph. 1157. III. metaph., 1. change- 
ful, shifting, varied, aléX dvOpwrav xaxd Aesch. Supp. 327 ; of sounds, 
iaxf Eur. lon.499, of. Ar. Ran. 248; aiddo: juepat changeable days, Arist. 
Probl. 26. 13, 1 (the only place where it is known to occur in Att. Prose, 
or to have the fem. in os); cf. aloAd-ynris, —oTopos, etc. : CY shifty, 
wily, slippery, ros Sol. 11; yedbos Pind. N. 8. 43; pyxXavnpa Poéta 
ap. Plut. 2. 16 D.—Cf. mot«idos, which is used in a similar variety of 
sense, and also takes a peculiar accent. é 
B. as prop. n., proparox. Aiodos, ov, 6, the lord of the winds, properly. 
the Rapid or the Changeable, Od., al. [The penult, is lengthd. in the 
gen. AidAov peyadyropos, metri grat., Od. 10. 36.] 
aiodé-rropos, ov, shifting in speech, of an oracle, Aesch. Pr. 661. 
aiors-hidos, ov, of divers kinds, Opp. H. 1. 617. 
atohé-pwvos, ov, with changeful notes, dndav Opp. H. 1. 728. 
aiodo-xairnys, ov, 6, with wavy hair, Eust. 1645. 5. 
aiods-xpws, wros, db, 4), spangled, vig Eur. Fr. 596. 
aiovdw, to moisten, foment, Hipp. 424.5,¢etc.; aor. 1 névyoa Aesch. Fr, 366. 
aiévnpa, aros, 74, a fomentation, Dio C. 55. 17, E. M. 348. 27. 
aidvyots, ews, ), a fomenting, Hipp. 424. 37. 
aitrewés, 7, dv, (aims) post. Adj. high, lofty, of cities on heights, Hom., 
ef. Aesch. Fr. 99 b, Soph. Tr. 858, Ph. 1000; of mountain-tops, Il. 2. 869, 
Od. 6. 123. II. metaph., 1. almewvot Ad-you precipitate, 
hasty, wicked words, Pind. N. 5. 59, ubi v. Dissen. 2. hard to 
win, copia pév aimeavai Id, O. 9. 161; aim. pavreta difficult, Eur. Ion 
Saas? Dor. for etep, Theocr. 
almnes, eooa, ev, pott. for almevés, Il. 21. 87. 
aimoAéw, only used in pres. and impf., to tend goats, Eupol. Aly. 9, 
Theoer. 8.85; 7éAe rats aifiv Lys. Fr. 13 :—Pass., dveu Borjpos airo- 
Aovpevat a flock tended by no herdsman, Aesch. Eum. 196. 
aimoluKés, 7, dv, of or for goatherds, Anth. P. 12. 128, cf. 9. 217. 
aiméAvov, 74, a herd of goats, aixérr aiyav Il. 11.679, al.; also in Hdt. 
1, 126, Soph. Aj. 375 (lyr.). II. a goat-pasture, Anth. P. 9. 101. 
aiméAos, 6, a goatherd, alimddos aiyav Od. 20. 173, cf. Plat. Legg. 
639 A: in Hat. 2. 46 for of aimédAcx Schiifer restored of #éAoz, cf. Theocr. 
8.51. (al-édos is evidently for aiyo-rddos, cf. Pakapnéros, Oentddos, 
povgonébdos; from 4/IIEA, 4/IIOA, which appear in méAopat, woAéw, 
Toretw, dvatroretar, dudtrodos, and agree in sense with the Lat. versari, 
colere. It is prob. that 4/ITIOA and 4/KOA are merely diff. in form, cf. 
Tin, 11, so that Bovxddos = Bourddos, ainddos =alxdXos.) 
alsos, €0s, 76, (aims) a height, a steep, Aesch, Ag. 285, 300, etc.; cf. 
dméropos:—mpds aimos iévat, SSormopeiy to toil up hill, Hipp. 479. 17 and 
44., 485. 51; mpos alos épyerai, metaph. of a difficult task, Eur. Ale. 
500; and in Phoen. 851 aimos éxBaddy 6500 (the weariness of the 
joumey) is the prob. reading, for Hesych. has a gloss almos* xdparos, cf. 
Eust. 381. 19 (where however dos stands in the text). 
aiés, 4, dv, Ep. for almis, high, lofty, of cities, Il. 13. 625, al.; alma 
péeOpa streams falling sheer down, Il. 8. 369., 21. 9. 
aimvSpnros, ov, (Sum) high-built, Coluth. 2 35, Nonn. D. 4. 13. 
aim-do THs, oD, 6, an arch knave, Timon ap. Sext. Emp. M. 11. I7Is 
auTU-KEpws, wy, gen. w, =tYixepws, E. M. 37. 38, Suid. 
aimt-Aodos, ov, high-crested, Noun. D. 2. 379, ete. 
almu-pirys, ov, 5, with high thoughts, @éu50s almuuira wat Aesch. Pr.18. 
— age ep Epigr. Gr. 1028. 19. 
Tu-varos, ov, (vyaTov) high-backed, on a hi in-ri 
Bidithies cach. x. 230. ) higi high mountain-ridge, of 
aimu-rhavas, és, high-roaming, Manetho 4. 249. 
aims, «ta, v, Ep. Adj., used also by Pind., but very rare in Trag., high 
and steep, in Hom. mostly of cities on rocky heights, esp. of Troy, Od. 
3. 485, al.; of hills, Il. 2. 603, al.; in Soph. Aj. 845 also rdv aimby 
ovpavév:—Bpbxos alm. a noose hanging straight down, Od. 11. 
278. 2. metaph. sheer, utter, aims ddeOpos freq. in Hom., death 
being regarded as the plunge over a precipice (cf, dréropos) ; so, pévos 
aimis Od. 4. 843; Odvaros aims Pind. O. 10 (11). 50: also of passions, 
aimds xédos towering wrath, Il. 5. 223; 8é6dos aimés h. Hom. Merc. 66, 
Hes. Th. 589. 8. metaph. also, arduous, tévos Il. 11. 601., 16 
651; almv of éocetra: twill be hard work for him, 13. 317 : < It. 
after Hom. deep, oxdros Pind. Fr. 252; almeta lsh - a BaD Ss 
Th. 6825 almvréry copin Anth, P. 11. 354. paar 
alpa, 7, a hammer, aipday tpya smith’s work, Call. Fr. 129. 
a weed in wheat, darnel, Lat, lolium, Theophr. H. P. x. 5, 2; in pl, 
Ar. Fr. 364, Pherecr. Incert. 17 ;—acc. to Arist. Somn, 3, 9 it was dmrva~ 
zuxds, so that it is prob. the lolium temulentum 1. 
aipdpov, 74, the Lat. aerarium, treasury, C. I. 4033, al 
aipeot-dpyys, ov, d, the leader of a school, Sext. Emp P 3. 2453 es 
of a medical school, C. I. 6607, Galen. II the chief of eone a 
heresy, an heresiarch, Eus. H.E. 6. 13, 5; whence af eorapxéw, Eccl 
aipéowos, ov, (aipéw) that can be taken, Xen, Orns 2 aes Parpi: 
aipecto-paxos, ov, fighting for a sect, Philo 2, 84. bee 
aipecis, «ws, }, (aipew) a taking, esp. of a town Hdt 
Baaihfjos aip. the taking by the king, Hdt. 9: 3. ; : 


4. I, ete.3 9 
2. a plan or means 

aiperwrys — alpw. 

B. (alpéopar) a choosing, choice, aipecty ré por Sidov Aesch. Pr. 
7793 Tavbe..aipeow mapdidap: Pind. N, 10.154; foll. by a relat., aip. 
Sddvar dwérepov.., ei.., etc., Hdt. 1. 11., 9. 26; also, atpeow mport- 
Oévat, tpoBddAev Plat. Theaet. 196 C, Soph. 245 B; el vépor 71s aipeow 
Soph. Aj. 265; aipeow AapBdvew to have choice given, Dem. 947. 18; 
dip. yiyverai ru a choice is allowed one, Thuc. 2. 61; ob« éxet aipeowv 
it admits no choice, Plut. 2. 708 B. 2. choice or election of magis- 
trates, Thuc. 8. 89; aip. moveic@ax Isocr. 143 C, cf. Arist. Pol. 36 x; 
15., 4. 6, 3, etc. 3. a striving after, aip. duvapews, Lat. affectatio 
imperii, Plat. Gorg. 513 A: inclination, choice, preference, mpés twa 
Philipp. ap. Dem. 283. 12, Polyb. 2. 61, 9, etc. II. a choice, 
plan, purpose, course of action or thought, like mpoatpecis, Plat. Phaedr. 
.256C; % aip. rhs mpeaBelas Aeschin. 29. 30; aip. “EAAnuiKh the study 
of Greek literature, Polyb. 4o. 6, 3. 2. a philosophic principle or set 
of principles, or those who profess such principles, a sect, school, Sext. 
Emp. P. 1, 16, Dion. H. de Dem. et Arist. 7, etc., cf. Cic, ad Fam. 15. 
16, 3: esp. a religious party or sect, such as the Essenes, Joseph. B. J. 
2. 8,1 ; the Sadducees and Pharisees, Act. Ap. 5. 17., 15.5, 26.5; 
by them used of the Christians, Ib. 24. 5, 14., 28. 22; and by orthodox 
Christians of those who dissented, Eccl.: also of their doctrine, heresy, 
Eccl. 8. a proposed condition, proposal, Dion. H. 3. 10. 4. 
@ commission, 4 émt rods véous ai. Plat. Ax. 367 A. 5. in Lex 
(e.g. Lev. 22. 18) a freewill offering, opp. to a vow. 

aipecoiorns, ov, 6, Eus. H. E. 6. 2, 13, fem. Otis, Sos, a heretic, Eccl. 

aiperéos, a, ov, verb. Adj. to be taken, desirable, Xen, Mem. I. 1, 7, 
al. II. aiperéov, one must choose, Plat. Gorg. 499 E, al. 
, aiperifa, = alpéw, to choose, select, Hipp. 1282. 20, Babr. 61. 5, Epigr. 
Gr. 252, Lxx, N. T.:—as Dep., Ctes. Pers. 9. II. to belong to 
a sect, Eccl. 
- aiperixés, 7, dv, (aipéw) able to choose, Def. Plat. 412 A:—Adv. -Kas, 
Diog. L. 7. 126. 2. heretical, Ep. Tit. 3. 10, Eccl. 

aipéris, dos, }, one who chooses, LXXx (Sap. 8. 4). 

aipertorys, ov, 6, a partisan, Trav rpdmav Twds Philem. Incert. 43; also 
in Polyb. 1. 79, 9, etc.: a sectarian, in philosophy, Diog. ers 6. 

atperés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. that may be taken or conquered, 56Aw Hat. 4. 
201: to be understood, Plat. Phaedo 81 B. II. (aipéopar) to be 
chosen, eligible, desirable, opp. to pevicrds, Plat. Phil. 21 D, sq., Arist. 
Eth. N. 1. 7, 4, al.; often in Comp. or Sup., Hdt. 1. 126, 156, al.; 
(ofjs wovnpas Odvaros aiperdwrepos Menand. Monost. 193 (Aesch. Fr. 
395), etc. 2. chosen, elected, deacrat aip., opp. to KAnpwrot, 
Plat. Legg. 759 B, cf. 915 C, Aeschin. 58.6; aip. BactAeis Plat. Menex. 
238 D; aiper? dpx7 an elective magistracy, Isocr. 265 A, Arist. Pol. 2. 
12, 2; cf. xetporovnrds :—aipero) avdpes commissioners, Plut. Lyc. 26; 
oi aiperot Xen. An. 1. 3, 21; also the optiones or accensi in the Roman 
army, Jo. Lyd. de Mag. 1. 46. 

aipéw: impf. fpeov Il., Ion. aipeoy Hdt., but contr. fee even in Il. 17. 
463: fut. aipjow Il, Att.: aor. fpyoa late (dy-) Q. Sm. 4. 40, etc.: 
pf. pnxa Aesch. Ag. 267, Thuc., etc., Ion. dpatpnka or aipnxa (dv-) 
Hat. 4. 66., 5. 102: plqpf. dparphee 3. 39 :—Med., fut. aipfoouar Il., 
Att.: aor. ypnodpny Polyb., etc. (cf. farpéw) : pf. in med. sense Fpnuac 
Ar. Av. 1577, Xen. An. 5. 6, 12, Dem. 22. 21, etc.: 3 pl. plqpf. npyvro 
Thue, 1. 62 :—Pass., fut. afpeOnoopa: Hdt. 2. 13, Plat. ; rarely ypnoopae 
Plat. Prot. 338 C: aor. ypéOnv and pf. fpypar v. infr. C, al.: plqpf. 
Hpnvro Xen, An. 3. 2, 1, dpatpnro Hat. 1. 191, etc.—From 4/ ‘EA come 
the following: fut. €A@ only late (5:-) Inscr. Ther. in C. I. 2448 vi. 19, 
(dv-) Dion. H. 11. 18, Diod., (a8) Anth. Plan. 334: aor. 1 elAa (dv-) 
Act. Ap. 2, 23, (dv-) C. I. 3272. 24; elsewhere aor. 2 efAov Hom., etc., 
Ion. Aeoxe Il. 24. 752 :—Med., fut. €Aodpwar Dion. H. 4. 75, Or. Sib. 8. 
184, (4p-) Timostr, S:Aodeom. 1, Anth., (5) Dion. H., (€¢-) Alciphro: 
aor. I elAduny Anth. P. app. 257. 5, (dp—) Ath. 546 A, (&—) Anth. P. 
9. 56; elsewh. aor. 2 eiAdunv Hom., etc.—Cf. dv-, d-, 5:-, é£-, xad-, 
Tap-, Tept—, Tpo-, mpoo-, auv-, bp-arpéw. (Curt. believes that the 
Roots aip (Gpt), A may be closely related: cf. also dAicxowa:, which 
often serves as a Pass. to aipéw.) 

A. Act. to take with the hand, grasp, seize, alp. rt év xepolv, pera 
xepoty to take a thing in hand, Od. 4. 66., 8. 372; alp. twa xeipds to 
take one by the hand, Il. 1. 323; «duns red Ib. 197; we EA@Y em pd- 
oraxa xepoiv Od, 23. 76; also, aip. xepat dépu, etc. :—the part. éAdy is 
sometimes used as Adyv., like AaBdv, by force, Soph. Ant. 497; but, év- 
Oev édAdv having taken up [the song], Od. 8. 500. 2. to take 
away, Tt dnd twos Hom.; but also twd 71, like dqpatpetoOat, Il. 16. 
805. II. to take, get into one’s power, vais Il. 13. 42; esp. to 
take a city, 2. 37, Soph. Ph. 347, etc., cf. dxpa 3: to overpower, kill, 
Hom., etc. :—often of passions, etc., to come upon, seize, as xaos Il, 18, 
322; tpepos 3. 446; Umvos Io. 39; ANOn 2. 33, etc.; of disease, Plat. 
Theaet. 142 B:—simply fo conquer (in a race), ob« €06’ bs Ké o° Anat 
perddpevos Il. 23. 345 :—the Med. is sometimes used in this sense, kana 
viv €dovro poipa Soph. O. T. 887, cf. Aj. 396. 2. to catch, take, 
(wdy édeiv Il. 21.102: to take in hunting, Hom., etc. : also to catch, 
win, seduce, entrap, Soph. O. C. 764, etc.; and in good sense to win 
over, Xen. Mem. 2. 3, 16, cf, 3. 11, 11, Plat. Lys. 205 E, etc. ch b. c. 
part. to catch or detect one doing a thing, Soph. Ant. 385, 655 3 €@ avTo- 
popy édeiv to catch in the very act, Eur. lon 1214; p&pa ém Krom} 
éAciv Plat. Legg. 874 B. 8. generally, to win, gain, xdbos Il. 17. 
3215; orepdvous Pind., etc. ; esp. of the public games, “Iojua é«iy, etc., 
Simon. 158 :—Pass., dydv_ 1jpé0y the gamie was won, Soph. O. C. 1148 ; 
cf. xaBatpéw Iv, b. generally, to obtain, gain, opp. to Expetyw, Plat. 
Rep. 359 A, cf. Tim. 64 B, etc. 4. as Att. law-term, to convict a 
person of a thing, teva twos Ar, Nub. 591; elA€é o° 4 Alen Eur. Heracl. 

+636: also c, part., alpety rd KAEwTovra to convict of theft, Ar. Fad 

829, Plat. Legg. 941 D3; so, yipfoOae kromeds (sc. dv) Soph. Ant. 493, 
cf. 406. b. aipeiy dixny or ypapny to get a verdict for conviction, 
Antipho 115. 24, etc. ; but also, dikny éAciy twa. to convict one on trial, 
Isae. 64. 19; éAciv Ta dapaprupnévra to convict the evidence of false- 
hood, Isocr. 374 B. e. absol. to get a conviction, of éXévTes, opp. to 
of éadandres, Dem, 518. 16 ; Kimps efde Adyous alddas (sic Musgr. pro 
dodtows) Aphrodite won her cause.., Id. Andr. 290, cf. Supp. 608, Plat. 
Legg. 762 B, etc. d. of a thing or circumstances which convict, 
tour éorv } éue alpjoe Id. Apol. 28 A. 5. 6 Adyos aipée, Lat. 
ratio evincit, reason or the reason of the thing proves, Hdt. 2. 33; also 
c. acc, pers., reason persuades one, Id. 1. 132., 7. 41; ws eur) yep 
aipée Hat. 2. 43; Srp 6 Adyos aipe? BéATioTa exe Plat. Rep. 604 Cc, 
cf. 607 B; c. inf., Ib. 440 B, III. to grasp with the mind, take 
in, understand, Plat. Phileb. 17 E, 20 D, Polit. 282 D, 

B. Med., with pf. gpnuac (v. supr.), to take for oneself, éyxos EXé~ 
Oat to take one’s spear, Il. 16. 140, etc. ; Sépmov, Setmvov to take one’s 
supper, 7. 370., 2. 3993; mew 8 ob elxev EX€aBar Od. 11. 584; Tpwoly 
«. Opkov éX, to accept it from.., Il, 22. 119; and so in most senses of 
the Act., with the reflexive force added. II. to take to oneself, 
choose, Il. 10. 235, Od. 16. 149: hence to take in preference, prefer one 
thing to another, 7+ mpé ruvos Hdt. 1. 87 ; 71 dvri twos Xen. An. 1. 7, 
3, Dem. 22. 21; also, ré rivos Soph. Ph. 1100; tt m@AAov #.., or 
PGAXéy Tivos, freq. in Att.; and sometimes, like BovAecOa, aipeiadac 
#}.., without paddov, Pind. N. 10. 110, Theoer. 11. 49, and even in 
Att. Prose, Lys. 196. 23. b. c. inf. to prefer to do, Hdt. 1, 11, al., and 
Att.; also, waAAov aipeioOaz, c. inf., like Cicero’s potius malle, Plat. Apol, 
38 E, etc. c. aipetoba «i.., to be content if.., Anth, P. 12, 
68. 2. alpeicOat 74 twos or twa to take another's part, join 
his party, Hdt. 1. 108, etc.; afp. ywdpny to adopt an opinion, Id. 4. 
137. 3. to choose by vote, elect to an office, aipeiaOai twa dpxovra, 
orparnyéy, etc., freq. in Att.; also, afp. rwva én’ dpxny Plat. Meno go B; 
aip. ria dpxev Id. Apol. 28 E, cf. Il. 2. 127. 4. v. supr. A. II. 1, 

C. Pass. to be taken, Hat. 1. 185, 191., 9.102; but in this sense, 
GAicxowar is more used in Att. as Pass. 2. v. supr. A, II. 
3- II. as Pass. to the med. sense, to be chosen, in pf. Hpnyae 
(which is also med.), Aesch. Ag. 1209, etc.; Ion, dpatpnua: Hdt. 7. 
118, 172, 173, al.; orparnyeiv npnuevos Xen. Mem, 3. 2, 2; én’ dpyns 
nphicda Ib. 3. 3, 2; én dpxny twa Plat. Legg. 809 A;—the aor. qpée- 
Onyv is always so used, Aesch. Th. 505, Ar. Av. 799, Thuc., etc.; the pres. 
rarely, aipovvra: mpecBevrai, are chosen, Arist. Pol. 4. 15. 3. 

aipnot-retyns, ous, 6, taker of cities, name of a play by Diphilus. 

aipucds, 7, dv, Diosc. 2. 137, or aipwos, 7, ov, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 2. 
6 :—of or made of darnel (aipa). t 

aipé-mwov, 74, a sieve (ev @ mupot andorra: brép Tod Tas aipas SieA~ 
eiv), Ar. Fr. 404; v. Phryn. in A. B. 22, Hesych., Suid. 

d-ipos [T], 6, Od. 18. 73 “Ipos dipos, Irus unhappy Irus,—a play upon 
his name, like 5@pa diwpa: cf. Avomwapis, kaxolAros. 

aipw (lengthd. Ep. and poét. detpw q.v.): f. dp® [a] (which hardl 
occurs in the act. form, v. infr.); from it must be distinguished dp@ [a], 
contr. from dep®, fut. of defpw:—aor. jpa Hdt. 9. 59, Aesch. Ag. 47, 
Thuc., with @ through all moods, imper. dpov, subj. apps, opt. dpeas, 
part. dpas [@], Aesch., Soph., inf. dpae Call. Cer. 35 :—pf. jpxa Dem. 
786. 4, (dm-) Thuc, 8. 100:—plqpf. jpxecay (dm—) Dem, 387. 28 :— 
Med., Eur. El. 360, Thuc. 4. 60: impf. gpéunv Soph. Ant. 907: fut. 
dpodpua [a] Id. O. C. 460, Aj. 75 (where dpe? seems to be the true read- 
ing), Plat. Legg. 969 A; peouar Pind. P. 1.146; (for dpodpat [a] v. 
deipe) :—aor. I ipauny Il. 14. 510, Eur., Plat., with @ through all 
moods, bubj: dpy, opt. dpaiuny, inf. dpac@a, part. dpdyevos, Soph., Eur., 
and in Prose :—in Ep. poets also aor. 2 dpéuny [a] Il. 11. 625., 23.5923 
Ep. subj. dpnat Hes. Op. 632, &pnrat Il. 12. 4353 opt. dpoipny Il., Trag.; 
inf. dpéo@a: Hom., Soph. Aj. 245; part. dpduevos Aesch. Eum. 168 :— 
pf. (in med. sense) #pyae Soph. El. 54 :—Pass., fut. dp@ncopar Ar. Ach. 
565: aor. qpOnv Aesch., Thuc., etc., and ém-apQels, etc., even in Hdt. 4. 
go, etc: perf. #pyat Eur. Fr. 1027, Thuc., but in med. sense, Soph. El. 54. 
—Cf. dv-, dvr-, dm-, 5, eio—, &f-, en-, kaT-, wer-, mpoo—, uv-, bre 
aipw. (For the Root, v. defpw: Curt. thinks that the tenses with 4, viz. fut. 
dpeicOa, aor. 2 dpéoOa:, cannot belong to the same Root with those 
which have 4, fut. dp@ (v. sub defpw), aor. I Gpat, dpac@ac: no doubt 
the fut. cited belongs to deipw: but the aor. forms may have arisen 
from aipw, independently of detpw, just as paiva, fut. pave, has &pnva for 
its aor. I. 

A. a to take up, raise, lift up, véxuy Il, 17. 724 (the only in- 
stance in Hom. of alpw for deipw); so, ¢umvous dpbeis Antipho 116. 7: 
to raise up, support, rd Soph. Ph. 879; amd yijs alp. Plat. Tim. 90 A; 
often in part., dpas éma:ce he raised [them] and struck, Soph. O. T. 
1270:—to take up to carry, and so to carry, bring, tivi Te At. Ran. 
1339.—Phrases, atpeay Bijjya to step, walk, Eur. Tro. 342; ap. oxéAn, 
of a horse, Xen. Eq. 10, 15; cf. Arist. Incess. 11, 3 :—dp0dv alpew 70 Kapa 
Aesch. Cho. 496; ép@adpov dpas Soph. Tr. 795; dpaca pifas, of a 
deer, Id. Fr. 110:—alp. retxos txavdv Thue. 1. go, cf. 2, 753 alp. on- 
peiov to make signal, Xen. Cyr. 7. 1, 23; alp. unxavhy to make a coup 
or unexpected scene in the theatre, Antiph. TMoinc. 1.15; aip. Geos to 
call up the gods, Plat. Crat. 425 D:—Pass. to mount up, ascend, Xen. 
Hell. 5. 2,5; dvo dp0jva to be high in heaven, of the sun, Hipp. Aér. 
283; (so intr. in Act., @s dv..#Acos aipy Soph. Ph. 1331):—to be 
seized, snatched up, sublimis rapi, Ar. Ach. 565, cf. 571. 2. often 
of armies and ships, aip. rds vavs to get the fleet under sail, Thue. I. 52: 
—also intr. to get under way, start, set out, dpae TQ oTpare Id. 2.123 
so absol., Ib. 23: Hdt. has the Pass. dep@7jvac in this sense, cf. deipm ; 
also in Med., Soph, Tr. 1255. II. to bear, sustain, udpov Aesch. 


Pers. 547; a@Aov Soph. Tr. 80. III. to raise up, exalt, awd 
opuxpod 8 dv dpeas péyay Aesch. Cho, 262, cf. 791; dABov dy Aapetos 
jjpev Id. Pers. 164:—esp. of pride and passion, ¢o exalt, excite, ipod 
aipew. Oupdy to grow excited, Soph. O. T. 9143; alpev Oapaos to pluck 
up courage, Eur., etc.; cf. infr. B:—Pass. to be raised, increased, 7) dv- 
vapis ypero Thuc. 1. 118; qpero 7d Hyos rod Telxous péya Id. 2.75; 
pon wéyas rose to greatness, Dem. 20. 9; ob Hp0n vowv és dracba- 
Aipy Simon. 111; dpOjvar pPoBy, Seiuacr Aesch. Theb. 196, Eur. Hec. 
68 ; absol. to be excited, Soph. Ant. 111. 2. to raise by words, 
and so to praise, extol, Eur. Heracl. 322, etc.; atpew Ady to exagge- 
rate, Dem. 537. 13. IV. to lift and take away, to remove, and 
He TYGv Fpay Aesch. Eum. 880; tivd éx méAews Plat. Rep. 578 E; 
generally, to take away, put an end to, Ta Kaka, Eur. El. 942; aip. rpa- 
mé(as to end dinner, Menand. Kexp. 2; dp0évros 70d aitiov Arist. Probl. 
Ig. 36. 2. to take away from a thing, c. gen., Aesch. Eum. 
846. 3. later to take off, kill, Ev. Matt. 24. 39, Luc. 23. 18, etc. 
B. Med., with pf. pass. jpyat (v. supr.), to take up for oneself or 
what is one’s own: to carry off, win, gain, kA€os écOA0v dpoiro Il. 5. 3, 
cf. Plat. Legg. 969 A; dé0Aca mogoly dpovro (of horses) Il. 9. 124; 
Kddos dpécOat g. 303, Od. 22. 253:—hence simply ¢o receive, Akos 
GpéoOa Il. 14.130; TéApav Pind. N. 7. 87:—so also in Att., de:Alay 
pei (so Schneidew. for dpeis) wilt incur .., Soph. Aj. 75; dyKov dp. to 
be puffed up, Ib. 129, cf. Plat. Polit. 277 B. II. to take upon 
oneself, undergo, carry, ov8 dv vnis..dxOos dporro Il. 20. 247; a&yos 
Aesch. Eum. 167 ; mévov Soph, Ant. 907; Bdpos Eur. Cycl. 473. 2. 
to undertake, begin, méAcuov Aesch. Supp. 341, Thuc. 4. 60, Dem. 58. 
7; lvbuvoy Antipho 136. 44; vetos, €xOpar, etc., Eur. Heracl. 986, 
991 :—also puyhv dpécOar fugam capere, Aesch, Pers. 481, Eur. Rhes. 
54; so, modoiv xAomav Soph. Aj. 247- IIT. to raise up, owrijp 
tut Soph. O. C. 460: of sound, atpeoOar puvhy, to raise, lift up one’s 
voice, Ar. Eq. 546; mévOos Soph. O. T. 1225. IV. like Act. to 
pobre Eur. He veote nse 
F s, es, (el50s) =aipixds, Theophr. H. P. 8. 4, 6. 

*”Ais, obsol. nominat., “4 sub “Aline or Gdns. 

Alcoa, 7, like Motpa, the divinity who dispenses to every one his lot or 
destiny, Lat. Parca, doca ot Aica yryvopévy énévyge Il. 20. 127, cf. Od. 
7.197. II. as Appellat., 1. the decree, dispensation of a 
god, reriphjoba Ards aicy Il. 9. 608; biép Aids afoay 17. 321, cf. 6. 
487; daipovos alaa xaxn Od. 11. 61; Tedy kar’ alcav by thy ordi- 
nance, Pind. N. 3. 25; @¢o0 aloa Eur. Andr. 1203 (lyr.):—xar’ alcay 
Jitly, duly, like xara poipay, Il. 10. 445, etc.; kar’ alcav, od imtp 
aloay, Il. 6. 3333 év aiog Aesch. Supp. 547; opp. to map’ aicay, Pind. P. 
8. 16. 2. one’s lot, destiny, like poipa, ob yap of TH8 aioa. . ddé- 
aOat, GdX’ Eri of poip’ tort . . Od. 5.113, 114; c. inf, ere yap vd por 
aloa Bidva 14. B50, cf. 13. 306, al.; xaxp atop. . éAduny by ill luck, 


Il. 5. 209; Tov ‘dmdaros ioxet Soph. Aj. 256 (lyr.), ef. Anth. P. 7. 
624. 8. ally, a share in a thing, Anidos, éAmidos alaa Od. 5. 
40., 19. 84; x8ovds Pind. P. 9. 99; for the proverb év xapds atop, v.s. 

xép.—On the Homeric alga, as compared with pofpa, v. Gladstone, 
Hom. 2. 286, sq.—The word was much used by Pind., not seldom by 
Aesch., twice each by Soph. and Eur., but only in lyr. passages. 
aigakos, 6, a branch of myrtle or laurel, handed by one to another at 
table as a challenge to sing, Plut. 2. 615 B, Hesych. 
atedéAwv, wvos, 6, a kind of hawk, prob. the merlin, Falco aesalon, 
Arist. H. A. 9. 36, I. 
aloOévopat (cf. aicAopat), Ion. 3 pl. opt. alc@avolaro used by Ar. Pax 
209: impf. jo0avéuny: fut. aloOjcopa, Att., (in LXx aicdavOjcopar 
and aig6nOncopat) : aor. 2 joOdunv Hat. and Att.; pf. foOnuar; later, 
aor. I mv Schol. Arat. 418, and in Lxx poopony : Dep.: (dé). 
(The 4. seems to be a lengthd. form of AI, dim, q. v.) Att. Verb 
(used also by Hdt.), to perceive, apprehend or notice by the senses, Hdt. 
3.87; aiod. rH axon, TH 6op9 Thuc. 6.17, Xen. Mem. 3. 11,8: to see, 
Soph. Ph. 75, etc.: to hear, Bony Id. Aj. 1318, cf. Ph. 252; ob« el5ov, 
HoOdpny 8 er’ dvra vw Ib. 4453 909. Twds iwoorevotans Id. El. 79, 
cf, Eur. Hipp. 603, etc. 2. of mental perception, ¢o perceive, 
understand, also to hear, learn, often in Att.: absol., alc@dver, Lat. 
tenes, you are right, Eur. Or. 752. II. Construct. in both senses, 
c. gen. to take notice of, have perception of, rav kaxav Eur. Tro. 633, 
etc.; rarely wept rivos Thuc. 1. 70; aig@. id twos to learn from one, 
Id. 5. 2; 5:4 t1vos by means of some one, often in Plat.; also c. acc., 
Soph. El. 89, Ph. 252, Eur. Hel. 653, 764, etc.:—dependent clauses are 
mostly added in part. agreeing with subject, alcOdvopat kapvwv Thue, 2. 
51; alaBavdpueda yedoto Svres Plat. Theag. 122 C; or agreeing with 
object, rupdvvous éxneaévras yoOduny Aesch. Pr. 957, cf. Thuc. 1. 47, 
etc.: more rarely c. acc. et inf., Id. 6. 59; also, faOero 1d orpa- 
revpa Ort fv... Xen, An. 1. 2, 21; alod. ds..Ib. 3.1, 40; etc.; 
otvexa . . Soph, pee mr ¢ Th a sare — full 
possession of my faculties by reason of (or notwithstanding) my age, 
Thue. §. inf v. Poppo ad 1.—The Pass. is supplied by alo@now XW, 
cf. ataOnats. 
aros, 76, the thing perceived by the senses, or the sensation of 
any object, Arist. An. Post. 2. 19, 3, Metaph. 3. 5, 29, etc. IL. 
sense or perception of a thing, xax@v Eur. 1. A. 1243. 
aicOnors, ews, }, perception by the senses, esp. by feeling, but also by 
seeing, hearing, etc., sensation, . myarav perception, sense of .., 
Eur. El. 291: also of the mind, perception, knowledge of a thing, Plut. 
Lucull. 11, etc.—The phrase alcOnow éxew is used 1. of persons, 
aicd. éxeav rivbs,=alcbdverOai rivos or Tt, to have a perception of a 
thing, perceive it, Plat. Apol. 40 C, Theaet. 192 B; also, aloOnow 
0 Phaedr. 240 C; AapBave Isocr, 12 C. 2. of things, 

g tiara Id. Pers, 811; éy dioros reAdOay Id. Ag, 465 

. ZS Men . 
apo 4S — alo Tos. 

to give a perception, i.e. be perceived, become perceptible, and so serving 
as a Pass. to alc@dvopa, Thuc. 2. 61; more freq. atcOnow mapéxer, 
Id. 3. 22, Xen. An. 4. 6, 13, etc.; aicOnow moreiv mwvés Antipho 134. 
29, Dem. 133. 14; aicOnow wapéxery Twés to give the means of observing 
a thing, furnish an instance, Thuc. 2. 50. II. one of the senses, 
% Tod dpav aiod. Plat. Rep. 507 E; am spews # twos ddAns aiod. Td. 
Phileb. 39 B, etc.: and in pl. the senses, Plat. Theaet. 156 B, etc. IIt. 
in object. sense, =ato@nua, a sensation or perception, Arist. Metaph. 1. 
I, 14, Poét. 15, fin.; so, alc@prers Seay visions of the gods, Plat. Phaedo 
111 B. 2. in hunting, the scent, track, slot, Xen. Cyn. 3, 5.—Only 
in Att. Prose, except Eur. |. c., Antiph. Samp. I. 5. 

v, 76, an organ of sense, Hipp. 375. 44, Arist. de An. 2. 9, 
12., 2. 10,4; émdv jf kalapd rdcOnrhpia Macho Emor. 1.5; 7d aiod. 
the faculties, Lxx, Ep. Hebr. 5. 14. 

ris, od, 5, one who perceives, Plat. Theaet. 160 D. 

aloPyrids, 4, dv, of or for sensation or perception by the senses, sensi- 
tive, perceptive, Plat. Tim. 67 A; (a7) aicOyrinh Arist. Eth. N. 1. 7, 
12:—generally, quick, sharp, ypats Alex. eis 70 &péap 1 :—Adv., aicOn- 
TiK@s exe to be guick of perception, Arist. Eth. E. 3. 2, 8; aio@. éxew 
€avrod, c. part., to be conscious of myself doing, Ael. V. H. 14. 23. 2. 
pass., ddvvn aicOnrixy a keen, sharp pang, Galen. II. of things, 
perceptible, Plut. 2. go B. 

s, 7, dv, and ds, év Plat. Meno 76 D:—verb. Adj. sensible, per- 
ceptible by the senses, opp. to vonrés, Id. Polit, 285 E, etc. ; 7d ala@nrév 
an object of sensation or perception, Id. Tim. 37 B, etc. Ady. 7s, Arist. 
Color. 3, 13, Plut. 2. 953 C. 

aicPopar, a late form for aic@dvopa, Clem. Al. 519, 882, Origen., etc.; 
introduced here and there by the Copyists into the early writers (but prob. 
incorrectly), as Thuc. 5. 26, Isocr. 27 D, Plat. Rep. 608 A. 

GicQw, (nur) Ep. verb, to breathe out, like adnomvéw, Oupdv diode he 
gave up the ghost, Il. 20. 403; Ovpdv dicdwv 16. 468. Cf. diw=anys. 

aiousta, %, happiness, alotpiars rAovrou Aesch. Eum. 996. 

atcoipos, ov, also 7, ov, Od. 23.14: (aloa):—Ep. Adj., like Lat. 
fatalis, appointed by the will of the gods, destined, aio.pov jyap the fatal 
day, day of death, Il. 8. 72, Bacis ap. Hdt. 9. 43, etc.; ato.pdy éore 'tis 
fated, Il, 21. 291. Il. agreeable to the decree of fate, meet, 
right, fitting, aiotpa eimety Od. 22. 46; aloipa cidés, opp. to aiavaa 
pee, 2. 231; aloiun ppévas right-minded, well-disposed, 23. 143 
atgipa ive to drink in decent measure, 21. 294. 

aicvdopat, Med. to take as a good omen, think lucky, Plut. 2.774 C, etc. 

aigwos, ov, also a, ov, Pind. N. 9. 43, Eur. Ion 421: (aloa) :—poét. 
Adj. boding well, auspicious, coming at a good time, lucky, opportune, 
é5oumépos Il. 24. 376, cf. Aesch. Ag. 104 (lyr.), Soph. O. C. 34; Hpyépa 
Eur. 1. c.; atovos év piddrnr: Epigr. Gr. 615 :—most freq. of omens, 
aigia opus Pind. 1. c., Soph. O. T. 52; cf. derds Xen. Cyr. 2. 4, 19, etc.: 
v. sub 6dc0s :—Adyv. -iws, Eur. Ion 410. IL. meet, right, atovos 
6AKh, Lat. justum pondus, Nic. Th. 93. 

‘ios, ov, =dvisos, unlike, unequal, Pind. 1. 7. 60. 

Gicow, Hom., Hdt.; in Pind. and Trag. contr. doow; in other Att. 
writers drrw, or Grrw (without ¢ subscr.) in Mss. of Plat., etc. : impf. 
juoooy Il, 18. 506, Ion. diocecxov Ap. Rh., Att. joooy Aesch. Pr. 676, 
Eur, :—fut. digw, (im) Il. 21. 126, Att. dw Eur., Ar. :—aor. #i¢a Hom., 
(&:-) Hdt.; Att. péa Aesch. Pr. 837, Soph. O. C. 890, etc., part. déas 
Isae. 47. 21, Ion. difacxov Il. 23. 369:—Med., aor. ditac@a Il. 22. 
195 :—Pass., Hom.: aor. #ixOn, dixOnv Il. (v. infr.).—The Trag. use 
the uncontr. forms in lyr. passages, Soph. O. C. 1497, Tr. 843, Eur. Tro. 
156, 1086, Supp. 962; sometimes also in trim., as maintained by Pors. 
Hec. 31, Elmsl. Bacch. 147; whereas Piers. and other scholars would 
emend all such passages :—in later times the Verb lost the x subscript., v. 
tiaisow. It is a poét., chiefly Ep., Verb, rarely found in good Prose, as 
also the compds. dv—, dm-, d:-, eio—, &f—, é-, xar- peT—, Tap-, 7 ours 
tn-aioow, From 4/AIK ig, alyph Ta- in. rhe 

( o. , cf. aig, aixpn.) [a- in Hom., save in 
the compd. bmdige: Il. 21. 126: cf. Nic. Th. 455.] To move with 
a quick shooting motion, to shoot, dart, glance, as light, avyn Il, 18. 212 
etc. ; $0, véos I. 15. 80; of shooting pain, Eur. Hipp. 1352 :—hence of 
any rapid motion, as of one darting upon his enemy, dlocew éyyet 
pacyavy, immots, Lat. ruere, impetu Jerri, ll. 11. 484., 5. 81., Ti. 460, 
etc.; c. dat. pers., 18. 506; of the rapid flight of birds, 23. 868, etc 4 
also, Higey meréoOar (cf. BH 8 teva) 21. 247; of ghosts gliding Be 
Od. 10. 495; of darts, Il. 5. 657; of a tree, to shoot up, Pind. N. 8. 69; 
so also once in aor. Med., dyriov digac@a: Il. 22. 195: . acc. cogn ; 
dlocew dpdunua Eur. Phoen. 1394; rijv..xéAevOov Fas Aesch, Pr. 
837; so also in Pass., [@yxos] woev . . érdacov dixOjva Il. 5. 854; és 
ovpayov GixOnTHY 24. 973 & xeipiv jvia HyOnoar slipped Ree ie 
hands, 16. 404; dpi 8 yxairar Spo diccovra tossed about his 
shoulders, 6. 510; xépyn 8: aupas .. docerat floats on the breeze 
Soph. O. C. 1261:—so in Act. to be driven, mveuydrav ind Buoxluow 
dicow Eur. Supp. 962. 2. later, to turn eagerly toa thing, be eager 
after, eis rt Eur. Ion 328; also c. inf. to be eager to do, Plat. Leg. 3 
A; and freq. in later Prose. IT. in a trans. sense, atjpay ~! bin. 
voy iting the air in motion (with a fan), Eur. Or. 1429 (ubi v. Pax ); 
= tiger x‘pa, Soph. Ai. 40, rather ees the phrase Baiveyr x68c., 
etc., where the acc. is the instrum. o' ion :— ; 
drive, force, Or. Sib. 5. 27. en ne ry cian 

diori, Ady, of sq., Suid. 

é-icros, ov, contr. doros Aesch.: (iSeiy, cf. aidhs, 
Adj. unseen, at xé p’ diorov dm albépos éuBare mévrw Il. 14. 258: 
keivoy pev digrov énoincay mept mavrow Od, 1, 238; Oxer’ ale 
Gmvugros Ib. 242; dider’ dxAavros, doros Aesch. Eum. 565 ; Boxpot e 

3 Gmorpépeey 

aidnA0os) :—post. 

Ses , . , 
alae Tow — aia XuUVO). ' 

diarov bBptv (prolept. for dare elvar diorov) Id, Supp. 881, cf. Pr. 910: 
—late Adv., dicrws Oupdy ddAeocay obscurely, ingloriously, Manetho 3. 
263. II. act. unconscious of, dras éuds dioros Eur. Tro. 1313, 
ef. 1321. 2. in Stesich, Fr. 97 (Kleine) dub. as epith. of Athena, 
v. Dind. ad Schol. Ar. Nub. 964, Bgk. ad Lampr. 1. : 

dioréw contr. goréw: fut. dow: aor. iieTwoa, contr. for- (v. infr.):— 
poét. Verb, not in Il., used by Hdt., and once in Plat., to make unseen, 
to annihilate, make away with, destroy, like apavilw, ds ep’ diordociav 
Od. 20. 79; tip..dicrwoev tray Pind. P. 3.67; diarwoas yévos 7d 
may Aesch. Pr. 232; marpld’ gaTwoas dépe: Soph. Aj. 515; xnpdv dard 
oas mupi Id. Fr. 481 a; 7d mply d& meAdpia..diorot Aesch. Pr. 151; 
so, dictwoa pv Hdt. 3. 69; S00 Hpéov jlorwoe Ib. 127 :—Pass., of 3 
dp dicrdOnoay dodrées Od. 10. 259; Tadra éunxavaro.., ph Te yévos 
dioraein Plat. Prot. 321 A. 

d-iotwp, opos, 6, 4, unknowing, , alorap dv ards Plat. 
Legg. 845 B; rwés of or in a thing, Eur. Andr. 682. 

diorwrps, ov, (dicréw) destructive, Lyc. 71. 

dictwots, ews, %, annihilation, C. I. 127. 5 (?). 

aicinrip, jipos, 6, a word found in many of the Mss. of II. 24. 347, as 
epith. of xovpos, explained by some Gramm., happy, wealthy (from at- 
aos); by some as=vopevs, a shepherd:—Heyne and Spitzn. follow 
Aristarch. in restoring xovpg aicupynrip, princely youth: yet the Ms. 
reading derives support from the prop. n. Aiod#rns in Il. 

aivvdo-epyés, dv, =aiavaa pear, ill-doing, Poéta ap. Clem. Al. 28. 18, 
Maxim. 1. catapx. 368 ; read by Aristarch. in Il. 5. 403 for dBprpoepyds. 

aiciAos, ov, unseemly, evil, godless, opp. to atotpos, alevAa péCov Il. 
5.403; pvdnoacba 20. 202; ofdevy h, Hom. Merc. 164, cf. Anth. P. 7. 
624. (Pott., Et. Forsch. 1, 272, thinks it is for dfovAos =diaos.) 

aicupvdw, to rule over, alovpra xOovds Eur. Med. 19 (only in this 
place) ; cf. aicupynrns 1, aicupynreia. 

aicupvyreta, %,=aiperi) rupavvis, an elective monarchy, Arist. Pol. 3. 
14, 14, Diog. L. 1. 100. 

aioup) wd Tjpos, 6,=sq.; v. sub alovnrap. : 

aioup s, ov, 6, a regulator of games, chosen by the people, a judg: 
or umpire, like BpaBeds, Od. 8, 258: generally a president, manager, 
Theocr. 25. 48. II. a ruler chosen by the people, an elective 
prince (aiperds rUpavvos), not necessarily for life, Arist. Pol. 3.14, 8 and 
9-, 4. 10, 2; v. Argum. Soph, O. T., Dict. of Antiqq. 2. used to 
express the Rom. dictator, Dion. H. 5. 73.—Fem. aiovpvijtis, cdos, Suid. 
(Acc. to E. M. from ations pypoacOat, and Curtius favours this deriv.) 

aigxeoxepdyjs, s,=alaxpoxepdjs, Manetho 4. 314; alcxedpv0os, ov, 
and aicxeopypos, ov, talking shameful things, Ib. 57, 592. 

aicynpov, ov, v. aicxphywv. 

aicxtwv, atcxueres, used as Comp. and Sup. of aloypés, q. v- 

aloxos, eos, 76, shame, disgrace, Hom. (who often has it in pl., as Il. 
3- 242), Hes. Op. 211, Solon 3, Aesch. Supp. 1008, etc. 2. in pl. also 
disgraceful deeds, Od. 1. 229. II. ugliness or deformity, whether 
of mind or body, Plat. Symp. 201 A, Xen. Cyr. 2. 2, 29, etc.; alaxos mept 
Ti Karngw Hipp. Art. 790; aioxos évduaros Arist. Rhet. 3. 2, 13. 

aicxéw, censured by Hdn. 7. pov, Aég. 26, as a faulty form for aioxtva: 
he cites #oxouy from the EiAwres of Eupol.; cf. Kaibel Epigr. Gr. 336. 

aioxpipov, ov, gen. ovos, (aicxpés) shameful, base, Anth. Plan. 1. 15%, 
ubi al. aioxjpov (as in a recent Schol, ad Soph. Aj. 1046 ed. Erf.); Pors. 
Phoen. 1622 reads doyfpov. 

aicxpé-Bios, ov, filthy-living, Or. Sib. 3. 189. 

aicxpo-yeAws, wros, 6, %, shamefully ridiculous, Manetho 4. 283. 

aicxpo-5ddnrys, ov, 5, teacher of shameful things, Manetho 4. 307. 

aicxpo-eréw, (€os) to use foul language, Ephipp. A. 3. 

aicxpoepyéw, (*épyw) v. sub alc xpoupyéw. 

aicxpoxépSera, 7), sordid love of gain, base covetousness, Soph. Ant. 
1056, Lys. 121. 43, Plat. Legg. 754 E, etc.; but the analogous form is 
aia xpoxepdia, as in Diphil. Incert. 13. 

aicxpokepdéw, to be aicxpoxepdqs, Hyperid. ap. Poll. 3. 113. 

aioxpo-KepBijs, és, sordidly greedy of gain, Plautus’ turpi-lucri-cupidus, 
first in Hdt. 1. 187, then Eur. Andr. 451, Plat. Rep. 408 C, etc.; v. 
Arist. Eth. N. 4. 1, 43. Adv. -8@s, 1 Ep. Pet. 5. 2. 

aicxpoxepSia, 7, v. sub aicxpoxépdeaa. 

aicxpodoyéo, = aicxpoenéw, Plat. Rep. 395 E, Bryson ap. Arist. Rhet. 
S18, 13: 

aloxpodoyia, 4, foul language, Xen. Lac. 5,6: abuse, Polyb. 8. 13, 8. 

aicxpo-Aédyos, ov, foul-mouthed ; and Ady. —yws, Poll. 6. 123., 8. 80, 81. 

aicxpé-pyrtIs, vos, 5, %, fostering or forming base designs, Aesch. Ag. 222. 

aicxpo-pi0éw, = aicxpoeréw, of a delirious woman, Hipp. Epid. 3. 1109. 

aicxpo-ribis, és, submitting to foul usage, Philo 2. 268. 

aigxporrotéw, Zo act filthily, Ath. 342 C. II. trans. to degrade, 
dishonour, Tas réxvas Hipp. 2. 41. : 

aicxpororia, 7, euphem. for fellatio, Schol. Ar. Nub. 295. 
aicxpo-mrovds, dv, doing foully, Eur. Med. 1346: euphem. for fellator, 
Macho ap. Ath, 582 D. : : 
aicxpo-mpayew, = alcxpororéw, Arist. Eth. N. 4. 1, 8, Cyril. 
aloxpompayta, 7, = aicxporota, Nilus. 

aicxpo-npaypoowvn, 7, =foreg., Phot. Bibl. 22. 36. ; > 
aicxpo-mpemns, és, of hideous appearance, Schol. Eur. Hipp. 74, Suid. 
s.v. “ApxiAoxos. ; - 

po-mpocwrros, ov, of hideous countenance, Suid. s. v. prdokAjjs. 

aicxpoppypovéw, = aicxpoeréw, Incert. ap. Stob. 291. 13. 
alcyxpoppnpocivn, 7, =alacxpodoyia, Dem. Epist. 1489. 8. 
aicxpop-pypwv, ov, =alcxpoddyos, and Adv. —péves, Poll. 8. 81. 
aicypés, d, dy, also ds, dv Anth. Plan. 151: (aloxos). In Hom. 

causing shame, dishonouring, reproachful, veixercev . . aia xpois tnlesow | 


Il. 6. 325, etc.; so in Adv., aloxpas événome 23. 473. II.=Lat. 
turpis, opp. to Kadds : 1. of outward appearance, ugly, ill-favoured, 
of Thersites, Il. 2. 216, cf. h. Hom. Ap. 197, Hdt. 1. 196, etc.; de- 
formed, Hipp. Art. 790; aicxp@s ywdrds with an ugly lameness, Ib. 
829: but commonly 2. in moral sense, shameful, disgraceful, 
base, infamous, Hdt. 3. 155, Aesch. Th. 685, etc. ; aloxpots yap alcxpa 
mpaypar’ éxdiSdcnerar Soph. El, 621; aioxpdv [éo7c], c. inf., Il. 2. 
298, Soph. Aj. 473, 1159, Plat., etc.; év aicxp@ 0éoOa ri Eur. Hec. 
806 ; én’ alcxpots on the ground of base actions, Soph. Fr. 196, Eur. 
Hipp. 511 :—70 aioxpdy, as Subst., dishonour, disgrace, Soph. Ph. 476; 
70 éudv alcxpév my disgrace, Andoc. 21.1; the Socratics and Stoics 
spoke of 7d xaddv kat 70 alaxpéy, Lat. honestum et turpe, virtue and 
vice, cf. Arist. Rhet. 1. 9, 1:—Adv. shamefully, Trag., Plat., etc.; Sup. 
aicxiora Aesch. Pr. 959, Soph. O. T. 367. 3. ill-suited, pi, & 
6 xaipés Dem, 287. 25; alaxpds mpés 7¢ awkward at it, Xen. Mem. 3. 
8, 7. III. instead of the regul. Comp. and Sup. alaxpérepos, 
—éraros, the forms alcxiav, aloxioros (formed from a Root aioxo) are 
used by Hom., Hadt., and in Att. 

aioxpérys, 770s, %, ugliness, deformity, Lat. turpitudo, Plat. Gorg. 
525 A. II. obscenity, euphem. for fellatio, Schol. Ar. Ran. 1308. 
—In Tzetz., aioxpootvn, 7). ; 
aicxpoupyéw, contr. for alaxpoepyéw, to act obscenely, masturbare, 
Sext. Emp. P. 3. 206 :—Pass., rd aloxpoupyovpeva Diog. L. prooem. 5. 
aloxpoupyia, 7, contr. for alcxpoepyia, shameless conduct, Eur, 
Bacch, ap Be pl., Eus. H.E. 8. 14, 12. II. obscenity, Aeschin. 41. 13. 
aicxpoupyés, dv, contr. for aisxpoepyds, obscene, Galen. 9. 274. 
AicxtAeos, a, ov, of or like Aeschylus, Schol. Il. 19. 87. 

aicywvy [0], 7%, (aloxos) shame done one, disgrace, dishonour, és 
aicxivny pépet it leads to disgrace, Hat. 1. 10, cf. 3. 133 ; so, aloxdvny 
péper, €xer it brings, involves dishonour, Soph. Tr. 66, Eur. Andr. 244, 
etc.; alcx. mepioraral pe, ovpBalvee por Dem. 30. 24., 254. 2} 
alcxivp mimrev Soph. Tr. 597; mepuminrav Xen. Hell. 7. 3, 9 
aicxtyny wepianrev rvt Plat. Apol. 35 A; alox. mpooBaddew TW 
Id. Legg. 878 C; é aicx. moretv twa Dem. 272. 18 :—of a person, 
aicxivn marpg Aesch. Pers. 774; aloy. rivds dishonour from .. , Dem, 
17. 6. 2. alc, yuvanay a dishonouring of women, Lat. stupratio, 
Isocr. 64 D, 287 B; also, ypapeoOai twa -yévous aloxuvns for dishonour 
done to his race, Plat. Legg. 919 E. II. shame for an ill deed, 
Lat. pudor, personified in Aesch. Theb. 409; Aloxvvny od vopicaca 
Oedy Anth. P. 7. 450. 2. generally, like aldws, shame, the sense of 
shame, honour, wacav aicy. dpeis Soph. Ph. 120; 4 yap aiaxuvn mapos 
tod Civ .. vopiferar Eur. Heracl. 200; &¢ alaxtvns €xev to be ashamed, 
Id. I. T, 683; also, aioxdvny éxew tivds for a thing, Soph. El. 616; or 
aicxivn mids éxe pe Ib. 20; alcy. emi ri Plat. Symp. 178 D; 
inép tivos Dem. 43. 6; joined with dé0s Soph. Aj. 1079; with @Acos ~ 
and aiéws, Antipho 114, 22:—rare in pl., goovoay aicxvvaow 
Soph. Fr. 588; év alcxdvais éxw I hold it a shameful thing, Eur. Supp. 
164. III. in late authors, as Orig. Philoc. c. 2, Schol. Ar. 
Eq. 364, =aldoiov; cf. rv Tod owparos aicx., Alcid. ap. Arist. Rhet. 
‘eae %, a kind of Mimosa, Plin. 24.17. __ 

aicxivopévws, Ady. from aicxtvw, with shame, Dion. H. 7. 50. 

aicyuvréov, verb. Adj. of aicxvvopat, one must be ashamed, Xen. Cyr. 

. 2, 40. 
Vieni, %, bashfulness, Plut. 2. 66 C. : 

aicy’ és, 7, dv, bashful, modest, Plat. Charm. 160 E, Arist. Eth. N. 
4-9) 3 ” alcx. modesty, Plat. Charm. 158 C:—Adv. —Ad@s, Id. Legg. 
665 E. II. of things, causing shame, shameful, Arist. Rhet. 2. 6, 27. 
aicxuvrip, jpos, 6, a dishonourer, of Aegisthus, Aesch, Cho. 990; so 
karacxuvrnp, Id. Ag. 1363 :—otherwise aicxvvrhp occurs only in a 
late Inser. in C. I. 8664. 

aicyuvrypés, 7, dv, =aicxuyrnAds, in Comp., Plat. Gorg. 487 B. (It 
is disputed which is the more Att. form, Piers. Moer. p. 28.) 
aicyuvtikds, 7, dv, shameful, Arist. Rhet. 2. 6, 12. 3 
al . 0, Ov, shameful, Pseudo-Phocyl. 176, ubi Bgk. aioxuvrnpots. 
aicyive [0]: Ion. impf. aicxtveoxe (kat-) Q. Sm. 14. 531: fut. 
-tv@ Eur. Hipp. 719, Ion. -vvéw Hdt. 9. 53 : aor. foxbva Il., Att. ca pf. 
foxvyxa Dio C. 58. 16, goxtxa Draco 12:—Pass., fut. aioxivotpat 
Aesch. Ag. 856, Ar. Fr. 21, Plat., rarely aioxuv@qcopat v. sub fin.: aor. 
noxvveny Hdt. and Att., poét. inf. alcxuvOqpey Pind. N. 9. 64: pf. 
foxvppae (v. infr. B. 1) :—cf. da, ér-auocxvvopat, Kat-aicxvve, To 
make ugly, disfigure, mar, mpécwnov, kouny Il. 18. 24, 275 alox. Tov 
tmmoy to give the horse a bad form, Xen. Eq. 1, 12. 2. mostly in 
moral sense, fo dishonour, tarnish, pnde -yévos warépav alaxuvéper Il. 
6. 209, cf. 23. 271; Tiv Xndprny Hat. 9. 53; freq. in Att., as aicx. 
feviay rpameay Aesch. Ag. 401 ; Tovs mpds aipatos Soph. Aj. 13053 
Tovs matépas Plat. Menex. 246 D. b. esp. to dishonour a woman, 
Eur. El. 44, ete.; alox. otras Aesch. Ag. 1626 ;—for Soph. Ant. 528, 
y. sub aipardes. 8. to dishonour, disdain, émxdpra Pind. P. 3. 38. 

B. Pass. to be dish ed, Lat. lia affici, véxus HoXup- 

pévos, of Patroclus, Il. 18. 180; els 7d o@pa aicy. Arist. Pol. §. 10, 
17. II. to be ashamed, feel shame, absol., Od. 7. 305-, 18. 12, 
Hdt, 1. 10, Eur. Hipp. 1291. 2. more commonly fo be ashamed 
at a thing, c. acc. rei, aloxuvdpevor par dvdpav Od. 21. 323; THY 
duoyévecay Thy Eni aloy. Soph. O. T. 1079; also c. dat. rei, Ar, Nub. 
992, Lys. 97. 12, etc.; and with Preps., alox. émi ruc Xen. Mem. 2. 2, 
8; év ru Thuc. 2. 43; bwép twos Lys. 142. 24, Dem., etc. b. 
c. part. to be ashamed at doing a thing (which however one does), 
Aesch. Pr. 642, Soph. Ant. 540, Ar. Fr. 21, Plat., etc.; but ce. 
c. inf. to be ashamed to do a thing (and therefore not to do it), Hdt. 1. 

82, Aesch. Ag. 856, Cho. 917, Plat. Rep. 414 E, Phaedr. 257 D, etc. ; 
though this condition must not be pressed absolutely, v. Apol. 22 B. a. 
foll. by a relat. clause, aicydveoOa ei or Hv .., to be ashamed that .., 
Soph. El. 254, Andoc, 34. 31, Plat., etc.; aloy. ui).., Plat. Theaet. 
183 E. 3. c. acc. pers. to feel shame before one, Eur. Ion 933, 
1074, Pherecr. Air. 1. 6, Plat. Symp. 216 B; tév ye pndev «idér’ 
aicxwv@qoera Philem. Incert. 51 D; c. acc. et inf., Eur. Hel. 415; 
HoxwOnpev Oeods .. mpododvar adrév Xen. An. 2. 3, 22:—also, aicy. 
mpés twa Arist, Rhet. 2. 6, 1. b. to reverence, Aeschin. 25. 36. 
aicxtvopa, aros, 76,=70 aldoiov, Lxx. 
‘os, ov, made by Aesop, Quintil. Inst. 5. 11. 
dtras [7], 6, Dor. word for a beloved youth, answering to elomvfAas or 
eionvydos (the lover), Ar. Fr.576, Theocr. 12.14 (where it is said to be 
a Thessalian word), 23.63: also generally a lover, Xptcas (sc. ’A@avas) 
& dtrns Anth. P. 15. 26:—a fem. diris (-fos), occurs in Alcman 
125. Cf. Miiller Dor. 4. 4,6. (Either from diw, a hearer; or from 
dm, anus, cf. elamvndas.) 
aite, Dor. for etre, 
_ airéw, cf. airnu: Ion. impf. atreov, Hdt.: fut. airfow: aor. area: 
pf. ira Aristid.; pf. pass. propa, etc. To ask, beg, absol. in 
Od. 18. 49, Aesch. Supp. 340. 2. mostly c, acc, rei, to ask for, 
erave, demand, ll. 5. 358, Od. 17. 365, Att.; d80v air. to beg one’s 
departure, i. e. ask leave to depart, Od. 10. 17; air. rit 7 to ask 
something for one, 20. 74, Hdt. 5. 17:—c. acc. pers. et rei, to ask a 
person for a thing, Il. 22. 295, Od. 2. 387, Hdt. 3. 1, al., and often in 
Att.; dikas air. Twa pévov to demand satisfaction from one for .., 
“Hdt. 8. 114; also, air. re mpés tevos Theogn. 556; mapé twos Xen, An. 
I. 3, 16. 8. c. acc, pers. et inf. to ask one to do, Od. 3. 1'73, Soph. 
O.C. 1334, Ant. 65, etc.; also, air. mapd twos dodva Plat. Eryx. 
398E. 4. in Logic, to postulate, assume, Arist. An. Pr. 1.24, 2, Top. 
8. 13, 2, ete. II. Med. to ask for oneself, for one’s own use or 
purpose, to claim, Aesch. Cho. 480; often almost =the Act., and with 
the same construct., first in Hdt. 1. 90., 9. 34, Aesch. Pr. 822, etc.; 
aireio@ai Twa b1ws .. Antipho 112. 413 often absol. in part., alrovpérw 
pot bds Aesch. Cho. 480, cf. 2, Theb. 260, Soph. Ph. 63; atroupévn mov 
revgerat Id. Ant. 778 ; airnoduevos éxphoaro Lys. 154.245 o¥ wp yap 
‘airay, ob8t Aowad airovpevos Menand. “Tyuv. 5; alretsOar imép Twos to 
beg for one, Lys. 141. 35. III. Pass. of persons, to have a thing 
begged of one, airnbeis 7 Hat. 8. 111, Thuc. 2.97; alrevpevos Theocr. 
“14. 63: also c. inf. to be asked to do a thing, Pind. I. 8 (7). 10. 2. 
of things, to be asked, 70 airedpevoy Hat. 8, 112; tmmor yrnuévor bor- 
rowed horses, Lys. 169. 17. 
aimnpa, aros, 7d, a request, demand, Plat. Rep. 566 B, N. T. II. 
in Logic, a postulate, assumption, Arist. An. Post. 1. 10, 7. 
airnpaticds, 7, dv, disposed to ask, Artemid. 4. 2. 
-airnparabins, es, (<f50s) like a postulate, Plut. 2. 694 F. 
- atrnpt, Acol. for airéw, Pind, Fr. 127. 
. airyots, ews, %, a request, demand, Hat. 7. 32, Antipho 129. 40. 
in Logic, assumption, rijs Groxpiocews Arist. Interpr. 11, 3. 
airytéov, verb. Adj. one must ask, Xen. Eq. Mag. 5, 11. 
aityris, od, 5, one that asks, a petitioner, DioC. Excerpt. p. 67.39 Reim. 
airntixos, 7, dv, fond of asking, twds Arist. Eth. N. 4. 1,16. Adv., 
airnrinds éxew mpds twa Diog. L. 6. 31. 
aitnrés, dv, verb. Adj. ale Ped Supynrév, ob airnréy freely 
iven, not asked for, Soph. O. T. 384. ; 
Tio, (aintase charge, ‘seul’. imputation, blame, Lat. crimen, and 
so the guilt or fault implied in such accusation, first in Pind. O. 1. 55 and 
Hat. (but Hom. uses aérios, dvatrios, and airidopar in this sense) :— 
Phrases: airiay éxev, Lat. crimen habere, to have the imputation, be 
accused, twvés of a thing, Hdt. 5. 70, Aesch, Eum. 579; also c. inf., Ar. 
Vesp. 506; foll. by as .. Plat. Apol. 38 C; c. part., Id. Phaedr. 249 E ; 
ind rivos by some one, Aesch. Eum. 99, Plat. Rep. 565 B ;—reversely, 
airia éxe pe Hat. 5. 70, 71 ;—also, airiay éxev tivds from a person, 
Soph. Ant. 1312; air. pedyew ruvés Id. Ph. 1404; & airia eivar or 
~ylyvecOa Hipp. Art. 830, Xen. Cyr. 5. 3,185; airiay inéxey to lie 
under a charge, Plat. Apol. 33 B, Xen. Cyr. 6. 3, 16; dmopévey 
Aeschin. 73. 24; pépecOa Thuc. 2. 60; Aafeiv dd twos Ib. 18 ; so, 
airias wéxecOa Plat. Crito 52 A; alrias wepimimrew Lys. 108. 
at; es airiay éuntrrev Plat. Theact. 150 A; airlas rvyxdvev 
Dem. 1467. 17; é«ros airtas xupeiv Aesch. Pr. 330:—opp. to these 
are év airia éyew to hold one guilty, accuse, Hdt. 5. 106; &: airias 
éxew Thuc. 1. 35, etc.; é alrig Bdddaw Soph. O. T. 655; mv 
airiay émpépev Twi to impute the fault to one, Hdt. 1. 26; airiay 
véuew rwi Soph. Aj. 28; érdyer Dem. 320. 9; mpooPddrgqw rut 
Antipho 121. 32; dvaribévai, mpooridévat, ete., Att.; dmodvew tia 
‘ris airlas to acquit of guilt, Oratt. 2. in good sense, ei. . ed 
apd¢aiper, airia Oeod the credit is his, Aesch. Theb. 4; 6 dvrwva airiay 
Zxovaw "AGnvaioe Bedrious yeyovévat are reputed to have become 
better, Plat. Gorg. 503 B, cf. Alc. 1. 119 A; dv ..mépe aitiay exes 
diapépe in which you are reputed to excel, Td. Theaet. 169 A; of.. 
Zxova1 ravrny riy aiziav who have this as their characteristic, 1d, Rep. 43 
E, cf. Legg. init., Arist. Metaph. I. 3, 17 :—ef. airiao, ough . 
opat. 3. expostulation, admonition, pa én’ €xOpq 76 wA€oy 7 airig 
‘Thue. 1. 69. II. in Plat. and the philosophic writers, a cause, 
Lat. causa, Tim. 68 E, Phaedo 97 A sq., etc.; on the four causes of 
i Metaph. 1. 3:—alria rod yevéoOat or yeyovevat 
3 70d peylorou dya00d 7H méhe airia % Kowovia 


. Phaedo : a 
Td :—dat. airia, like Lat. causa, for the sake of, kowod 
. 4. 87, cf. Dion. H, 8. 29 :—the first traces of this sense 

he . 8¢ Hy airiny énodéuncay :—airioy (neut. of airios) > 

° v ° J ” 
ALT XUVOLA — Airvaios. 

is used just like afria in the sense of cause, but not in that. of accusa~ 
tion. III. an occasion, opportunity, airtav poaiot Mowav 
évéBane gave them an occasion, argument, theme for song, Pind. N. 7.16 ; 
airiay mapéxew Luc. Tyrannic. 13. IV. the head or category 
under which a thing comes, Dem. 645.11. | (The word cannot but be 
from the same Root as airéw, though the connexion of sense is obscure.) 
airidfouat, Pass. to be accused, % wéAts alria{erae Xen. Hell. 1. 6, 5, cf. 
123 qridgero Tuvds of a thing, Dio C. 38.10. The Act. is not found, 
i , aTos, 76, a charge, guilt imputed, AaBeiv ém’ airidpati twa 
ek Pr. 194; Tooicde Shoe Zeds én’ airidpacw aixifera: Ib. 255; cf. 
uc. 5. 72. 
onal used by Hom. only in Ep. forms, 3 pl. airwwvra, opt. 
aitiéwo, —wro, inf. airidacda, impf. #ridacbe, —dwvro :—fut. -doopat 
Ar. Nub. 1433, Plat.: aor. qrvdéodyny Eur., Thuc., etc., Ion. part. airs 
nodpevos Hdt.: pf. ridpac Dem. 408. 7, Ion. -inwat Hipp. (also in pass. 
sense, and aor, bridény always so, v. infr. 11): cf. ém—, xaT-arridopar: 
(airia). To charge, accuse, censure, blame, c. acc. pers., Taxa Kev 
wat dvairiov airdéwro Il, 11. 654, cf. 78; dvairiov airiiacOa 13. 775, 
cf, Od. 20. 135; Gods Bporot airibwyra Od. 1. 32; Kab p’ yridacbe 
éxagros Il. 16. 202; so also Soph. O. T. 608, Ph. 685, etc.; aiv. ws 
Hiapovs Plat. Rep. 562 D; air. ruvd twos to accuse of a thing, Hdt. 
§. 27, Plat. Rep. 619 C, Dem. 548. 21, etc. ;—c. inf., air. Twa moveiv 
7t to accuse one of doing, Hdt. 5. 27, Plat. Criti. 120 C; alr. rivd ds... 
or 671.., Thuc. 1. 120, Xen. An. 3. 1, 7; alr. twa epi rvos Xen. 
Hell. 1. 7, 6; c. acc. cogn., air. airiay xara tiwvos to bring a charge 
against one, Antipho 144. 32:—in this sense, certain tenses are used as 
Pass. to be accused, aor. 1 qj7:dOnv (always) Thuc. 6. 53., 8. 68, Xen. 
Hell. 2. 1, 32; pf. riauae Thuc, 3. 61, Plat. Criti. 120 C; fut. airia- 
Ojcopat Dio C. 37. 56. b. in good sense, to give one the credit of 
being, suppose, o¢ ris airiGra: vopobérny dyafdy -yeyovévat; Plat. Rep. 
599 E, cf. 309 C, Crat. 396 D; and v. airia m1. 2. 2. c. acc. rei, 
to lay to one’s charge, impute, rodro air. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1, 29; Tatra 
Dem. 408. 7; c. dupl. acc., ri radra rods Adcwvas altipeOa; Ar. 
Ach. 514. II. to allege as the cause, air. ra airiov Plat. Phileb. 
22 D, Gorg. 518 D; od 70 airov air. not to allege the real cause, Id. 
Rep. 329 B; tiva éxes alridoagba .. rodrou kipiov; Ib. 508A; dards 
7é..kat GhAa pupia air. Id. Phaedo 98 D; ravavria Id. Tim. 88 A; 
dy riy meviay airidoar’ dv 1s Dem. 314. 20; Thy divny Arist. Cael. 
2. 13, 23; 70 abréuarov Id. Phys. 2. 4, 5. 2. c. inf., to allege 
that, ov éyov air. Bucxeph evar Plat. Prot. 333 D, cf. Meno 93 D; 
iAlyyous é« pidrogopias eyyiyvecOat to allege by way of accusation 
that.., Id. Rep. 407 C; rijs iepas xdpas yridro elvac he alleged that 
it was part of.., Dem. 277. 11. 
airtacus, «ws,7,acomplaint, accusation, Antipho 1 32.25, Arist. Poét. 18. 3. 
ainaréoy, verb. Adj. one must accuse, Xen. Cyr. 7. 1, 11. Ii. 
one must allege as the cause, Plat. Rep. 379 C, Tim. 57 C, 87 B. 
almaricés, 7, dv, of or for accusation :—t aimiatixn (sc. mr@ats) casus 
accusativus; Adv. —x@s, in the accusative, Gramm. 
airvirés, 7, dv, verb. Adj. produced by a cause, effected, Arist. An, Post. 
1.9 4; 70 airwaréy the beet, opp. to 70 atriov the cause, Ib. 2. 16, 1. 
mifw, Ep. form of airéw (not in Il., used once by Ar.) ; only found in 
pres. (except aor. part. aiticoas in Anth. P. 10. 66) to ask, beg, c. acc. 
tei, otro . . alri{wy kara djwov Od. 17. 558, cf. 222; Hie av airi(nr’ 
diprov Ar. Pax 120. 2. c. acc. pers, to beg of, airitew .. mavras 
érrotxdpevov pynorijpas Od. 17. 346. 8. absol., airi{ay Béoxew 
iy yaortpa by begging, Ib. 228, cf. 4. 651. 
aitto-Aoyéw, to inguire into the causes of a thing, account for, Plut. 2. 
689 B; 7d (yrodpevoy Sext. Emp. P. 1. 181: also as Dep. airtoAoyéouat, 
Apoll. de Conj. 507. 
airtodoyntéov, verb. Adj. one must investigate causes, Diog. L. 10. 80. 
airodoyta, }, a giving the cause of a thing, Archyt. ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 
724, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 181. 
aitiodoyikés, hy dv, ready at giving the cause, inquiring into causes, 
airiohoyindraros, of Aristotle, Diog. L. 5. 32:—as Subst. 7d —edy ot 
h -«n (sc. réxvn), investigation of causes, Strabo 104, Galen. 2. 
otvbecpo air. causal conjunctions, Gramm, 
airvos, a, ov, more rarely os, ov Ar. Pl. 47: (v. alria). To blame 
blame-worthy, culpable, ret oi ri por aircot eiory Il. 1. 153, cf. 3. 164 Hat. 
7- 214: Comp. airiwrepos, more culpable, Thuc. 4.703 Sup. rods adres. 
tarous the most guilty, Hdt. 6. 50; air. twos most to blame for a thing, 
Id. 3.52. 2. as Subst., airios, 6, the accused, the culprit, Lat. reus, 
Aesch, Cho. 68, etc.; of airio Tod warpds they who have sinned against 
my father, Ib. 273 ;—c. gen. rei, of alr. roo pévov Aesch, Cho. 117, cf. 
Soph. Ph. 590, Hdt. 4. 200. II. being the cause, responsible for, 
c. gen. rei, Hdt. 1. 1, etc; airids rivds trun being the cause of a thing fo 
a person, Lys. 135. 10, Isocr, 179 C; ¢. inf. with and without the Art. 
aizios Tov moeity Hat. 2, 26., 3 12, etc.; airs Oaveiy Soph. Ant. 
11733 air, meppOjvat dryyedov Antipho 132. 14:—Comp., rod. . éAev- 
9épav eivat .-alri@repov Dem. zor. 11, cf. 1234. 8; Sup., aiziwraros 
Vv TY OTEVY VavpayxToa mainly instrumental in causing the sea-fight 
Thuc. 1. 74, cf. Hdt. 3. 52; air. rod pi dmodaverv Dem. 469. 
35. 2. aircov, 76, @ cause, often in Plat., etc.; ri mor’ ody dort 
A gi ie Ee pnbeva elnetv ; what is the cause that ..? Dem, 103. 17. 
ubi v. Dind.; rovro airiov drt. . Plat. Ph sit is i 
like airia 1, v. Indices Plat. et Arist. PRR Aine Bienes x 
ainains, es, (e750s) causal, Schol. Eur, Or. 439: 7) alrwBdes, formal, 
as opp. to 7d bAuedy, M. Anton. 4. 21, ete.: Adv. -dws, formally Clem. 
Al. 930. Il. of or respecting the cause, &yvoa 1d, 449. : ‘ 
Giriavupos, ov, (6vopa) named from a fault, Schol, Soph. Aj. 205. 
Airvaios, a, ov, of or belonging to Etna (Airvn), Pind, P, 3-121, 0.6, 

aitpia —‘Axadjmea. 

161, Aesch. Pr. 365, etc. 2. metaph. huge, enormous, Eur. Cycl. 
395: and so some explain it when used of horses, but better Etnean, 
Sicilian (for the Sicilian horses and mules were famous), Soph. O. C. 312 ; 
jestingly applied to the beetle, Ar. Pax 73; v. Schol. ad 1. et ad Ar. Ach. 
347; cf. Phot. s. v. éxos Axeoraios, Plaut. Mil, Glor. 4. 2, 73. II. 
airvatos, 6, a sea-fish, Opp. H. 1. 512. 

airpia, for aidpia, barbarism in Ar. Thesm. oor. 
_ ditedAtos, v. sub aiywAcds. 

aidvys, Adv.,=dpvw, ealpyns, on a sudden, Pseudo-Eur. I. A. 1581 
and other late writers:—the forms aidvydis, -8év, are cited in Hdn. 
Epim. 27, A. B. 1310, etc. 

aidvidios, ov, (or rather &dviStos (cf. dpyw) as Elmsl.). Unfore- 
seen, sudden, quick, Aesch. Pr. 680, Thuc. 2. 61, Arist. Eth, N. 3. 8, 15. 
Adv. —iws, Thuc. 2. 53; also -rov, Plut. Num. 15. 

aixpdes, aixpards, Dor. for aixynes, aixunrhs. 

aixpdfo, fut. dow, to throw the aixpn or spear, aixpas alypacer Il. 
- 4.324; &vbov aixpatev to play the warrior at home, Aesch. Pers. 756; 
aixpdoa 7d5¢€ to perform these feats of arms, Soph. Tr. 355. II. 
to arm with the spear, mpds Arpetatow #xpacas xépa (but Musgrave 
tpagas), Soph. Aj. 97. 

aixpiAwota, 7, (GAwats) a being prisoner of war, captivity, Diod. 20. 
61. II. a body of captives, Id. 17. 70, Lxx, N. T. 
alxpidAwretw, =sq., Lxx, Ep. Eph. 4. 8. 

aixpiidorile, fut. iow, to make prisoner of war, take prisoner, Diod. 14. 
37:—Dep. aixpadwrifouat, in same sense, Joseph. B. J. 4. 8, 1: fut. 
~igouat Ib. 2, 4: aor. jxwadwriodyny Id. 1. 22, 1, Diod. 13. 24: pf. 
PXHGAw@TiopaL Joseph. B. J. 4. 9, 8:—pf. also in pass. sense, C. I. 3668, 
aixpidoricds, 7, dv, of or for a prisoner, Eur. Tro. 871. 
aixpiderts, dos, 7, a captive, Soph. Aj. 1228, Eur. Tro. 28. 
Adj. fem. of aixydawros, rds aixpadwridas xépas Soph. Aj. 71. 
at OTIS, ews, 7), =alxpadwota, Hesych. s. v. dpravy: so, atxpa- 
Awricpds, 6, Schol. Ar. Nub. 186. 

aixp-GAwros, ov, taken by the spear, captive to one’s spear, taken 
prisoner, Hdt. 6. 79, 1343; esp. of women, as of Cassandra and Iolé, 
Aesch. Ag. 1440, Soph. Tr. 417; cf. doprdAwros :—alxpddwror prisoners 
of war, Andoc. 32. 7, Thuc. 3. 70; alxyddAwroy AapuBdvey, dyew to 
take prisoner, Xen. Cyr. 3. 1, 37., 4.4, 13 alxp. ylyvec@a to be taken, 
Ib. 3.1, 7; of things, aiyy. xpywara Aesch. Eum. 400, cf. Ag: 334, 
Dem. 384. 13; vées Xen. Hell. 2. 3, 8; 7a aixpddwra booty, Ib. 4. 1, 
26, An. 5.9, 4. IL. =aixpadrwrixds, dovrdoctvn aixp. such as 
awaits a captive, Hdt. 9. 76; evn Aesch. Th. 364. 

aixy7, %, (v. fin.) the point of a spear, Lat. cuspis, mapowWe 5¢ Adymero 
Soupds aixun xadxein Il. 6. 319; so, aixpr eyxeos 16. 315; the shaft 
being fvardy, Hdt. 1. 52. 2. the point of anything, dyxiorpou, 
xeparav Opp. H. 1. 216, C. 2. 451. IL. a spear, Iil., Hadt., 
and Trag.; mpds riv ‘alypuny érpamero took to his spear, Hdt. 3. 78; 
aixpy cide with the spear, i.e. in war (v. infr. 3), Id. 5. 943; TofovAKds 
aixpuh, of an arrow, Aesch. Pers. 239; v. infr. 3; rare in Att. Prose, 
Xen. Cyr. 4. 6, 4. b. perh. in the sense of a sceptre, Aesch. Pr. 405, 
925, Vv. infr, IT. 2. a body of spear-bearers, like dons, Pind, O. 
7. 35, P, 8. 58, Eur. Heracl. 276; cf. domis I, 2. 8. war, battle, 
Kanws % alxpr éornxee the war went ill, Hdt. 7. 152; Onpa@v with wild 
beasts, Eur. H. F. 158:—esp. in compds., as aixpdAwros, peralxpuos, 
dpatxpla: cf. ddpu. 4. metaph. of plague, pestilence, and the like, 
Aesch. Eum. 803 (if the word be not corrupt). IIL. warlike 
spirit, aixpa vewy O4AAa Terpand. 6; Opepe 8 aixpady ’Auderpiavos 
Pind. N. 10. 23; so, in Aesch. Ag. 483, Cho. 625, yuvackds or yuvarreta 
aixpd seems to be a woman's spirit; but Herm. interprets it imperium, 
sway, rule, vy. supr. I. 1. (Perh. related to dicow, as dpaxpyn to 
Spdscoua, Donalds. N. Crat. p. 224: Curt. takes it to be for dpy, 
from dh, dicis.) 

aixprets, Dor. deus, eooa, ev, armed with the spear, Aesch, Pers. 136, 
Opp. C. 3. 321. 

aixpyra [a], 6, Ep. collat. form of alyynrgs, Il. 5. 197. 

.aixpnrip, jpos, 6,=aixunrns, Opp. C. 3. 211. 

aixpyripios, a, ov, warlike, Lyc. 454. 

aixpnrns, of, Dor. -drds, a, 6, (aixun) poét. Noun, a spearman, 
warrior, esp. as opp. to archers, Il. 2. 543, Od. 2. 19, al.; cf. aix- 
pyra. II. In Pind. as Adj., 1. pointed, aixpards xepav- 
vos P. 1. 8. 2. warlike, aixp. Ovpds, N. 9. 87.—Fem. aixpytis 
(sic), E. M. 535. 39- 

aixp6-Seros, ov, (5€w) bound in war,=alxpadwros, Soph. Fr. 41, cf. 
E. M. 41. 3. 

a a ov, one who trails a pike, a spearman, Hat. 1. 103, 
ee 2. esp. like Sopupépos, of body-guards, Id. 1. 8., 7. 49. 

atija, Adv. quick, with speed, forthwith, on a sudden, often in Hom. 
(who also joins al~a pada, al~a & éwera Il. 4. 70, Od. 15. 193, 
straight thereupon); so also Theogn. 663, Solon 2, Pind. P. 4. 237, 
Aesch. Supp. 481 (in dialogue); rare in other Poets, and never in Prose. 
(Hence aiwnpdés, Aaunpéds, q. v-) 

alipnpo-kéAev0os, ov, swift-speeding, epith. of Boreas, Hes, Th. 379. 

aidmpos, 4, dv, (aia) quick, speedy, sudden, aiympos 5& wdpos kpvepoto 
*y6or0 satiety in grief comes soon, Od. 4. 103; Adoev 6 deyophy alnpnv 
he dismissed the assembly so that it quickly broke up, i.e. in haste, ll. 19. 
276, Od. 2. 257; like Oohy dAeylvere daira Od. 8. 38.—Not used in 
Att.: cf. Aauwnpds. ; 

éto [%], Ep. word, often used by Trag. in lyrics (and so Hermipp. Moup. 2); 
once only in dialogue (Soph. O. C. 304); found only in pres. and impf. : 
but cf. ématw: (y. sub fin,), To perceive by the ear, to hear, c. acc. 

rei, ob dies & Té pyar; Il. 15.130, cf. 248; Néorwp 5& mparos seriwoy |, 


die Lo. 532, cf. 21. 388, Aesch. Ag. 55, Supp. 59, Eur. Med. 148, etc. ; 
c. gen, rei, Soph. O. C. 304, Ph. 1410; c. gen. pers., déec pou . . BactAevs 
Aesch. Pers. 633, cf. 874:—also to perceive by the eye, to see, Od. 18. 
11, Soph. O. C. 181:—generally, to perceive, ovx ates ds Tpdes . . ciarat 
dyxe vebv ; Il. 10. 160. 2. to listen to, give ear to, dixns Hes. Op. 
211: to obey, Aesch. Pers. 8'74, Ar. Nub. 1166; cf. éraiw. (From 
AF comes also déras; cf. Skt. av, aviimi (tueri, favere), avas (gratia), 
Zd. av (tueri), Lat. au-dio, and perh. au-ris: Curt. would also recognise 
aic6-dvopa as belonging to this Root: cf. also derds.) (Hom. 
uses & always in pres., dlw; so also Aesch. Pers. 633, Soph. Ph. 1410; 
but dies, aiwy Soph. O. C. 181, 304, cf. ératw: in impf. aie Il. 10. 532., 
21. 388 (as always in Trag.), but ditev Il. 11. 463, dfov 18. 222 :—+ is 
always short, except die in Hes, Op. 211, Aesch. Eum. 844, 878, and 
perh. diévreoa: in Od. 1. 352.) 

diw [@],=Gny, to breathe, found only once in the impf., éred pidov 
diov irop when I was breathing out my life, Il. 15. 252; like @vpor 
diode (cf. dtcOw). 

diay [2], Dor. for jidy. 

aidv, @vos, 6, but in Ion. and Ep. also #, as also in Pind. P. 4. 331, Eur. 
Phoen. 1484: apocop. acc. ai@, like Towed, restored by Ahrens (from 
A. B. 363) in Aesch, Cho. 350: (properly aifdy, aevum, v. sub 
aici). A period of existence (rd tédAos 7d tepiéxov Tov THs ExdoTov 
(ans xpdvov .. aldv éxdorov xéxAnrar Arist. Cael. 1. 9, 15): 5 Hf 
one’s lifetime, life, Hom., who joins yuxi) nal aid ; ke 8 aidy réparac 
Il. 19. 27; POive Od. 5. 160; Aetme tivd Il. 5. 685; dm’ aldvos véos 
ddeo (Zenod. véov) 24. 725; TeAevray roy ai@va Hat. 1. 32, etc.; 
ai@vos orepeivy twa Aesch. Pr. 862; al@va dorxveiy Id. Eum. 315; 
ovviiarpiBev Cratin. ’Apy. 1; aidy Aiaxday, periphr. for the Aeacidae 
(but Bgk. reads diwv), Soph. Aj. 645 :—dmémvevoer aidva Eur. Fr. 798; 
éuov kar’ ai@va Aesch. Th. 219:—this is the common sense in Poets. 2. 
an age, generation, Aesch. Th. 744; 6 péAAwy aldy posterity, Dem. 
295. 2, cf. Plat. Ax. 370 C. 8. one’s lot in life, tiv’ aidy’ eis 73 
Aourov ees ; Eur. Andr. 1215. II. a long space of time, an age, 
Lat. aevum, aidy yiyverat tis an age, Menand. Incert. 7; esp. with 
Preps., dm’ aidvos of old, for ages, Hes. Th. 609, N. T.; &¢ ai@vos paxpod, 
dmatorov Aesch. Supp. 582, 574; Tov &¢ al@vos xpévoy for ever, Id. 
Ag. 554, cf. Cho. 26, Eum. 563, Soph., etc.; dv al@va for ever, Plat. 
Tim. 37 D; Tov dravra ai. Arist. Cael. 1. 19, 14, Lycurg. 155. 423 eis 
Gmayra tov ai. Id. 162. 24; eis roy ai. Diod., Luc., etc.; én’ ai. Philo 
2. 608, 2. a space of time clearly defined and marked out, an era, 
epoch, age, period of a dispensation, 6 aid ovros this present world, 
opp. to 6 wéAdwy, Ev. Matth, 13. 22, Luc. 16. 8:—hence its usage in 
pl., els rods al@vas Ep. Rom. 1. 25, etc.; eis rods al. Trav aidyvwy Ep. 
Phil. 4. 20, etc. ; dd r&v al., mpd Trav ai. Ep. Eph. 3. 9., 1 Cor. 2. 7; 
7a TéAn TeV aiwvoy Ib. Io. II. 
1. 496, 619. : 

B. the spinal marrow, h. Hom. Mere. 42, 119, Pind. Fr. 77, Hesych., 

E. M.; cf. Ruhnk. Ep. Cr. 29. 

aiwvifw, to be eternal, Theod. Metoch. 355, Suid., etc. 

aidvios, ov, also a, ov Plat. Tim, 38 B, N. T. Lasting for an age 
(aidy 11), perpetual, péOn Plat. Rep. 363 D, etc. 2. like ditios, 
ever-lasting, eternal, dvw@debpov .., GAA’ od« aiwmoy Id. Legg. 904 A; 
cov rov ai. Tim. Locr. 96 C ; ob xpovin podvoy .., GAN’ aiwvin Aretae. 
Cur. M, Ac. I. 5. 

alwvidrys, 7TOs, 7), eternity, Eccl. . 

aiwvé-Bios, ov, immortal, Inscr. Rosett. in C. I. 4697. 4. 

aiwvo-mipeiov, 74, the place of everlasting fire, C. 1. go65 b. 

aiwvo-rékos, ov, parent of eternity, Synes. 322 A, etc. 

aiwvo-yapis, és, rejoicing in eternity, Hymn. in Clem. Al. 115. 

aidpa, 7, (deipw) a hine for suspending bodies, a swing, hammock, 
chariot on springs, Plat. Legg. 789 D, Plut. 2. 793 B, etc. ; v. Millingen 
Uned. Monum. f. 77, pl. 30. ° 2. a noose for hanging, a halter, 
Soph. O. T. 1264 (in the form éépa). II. a being suspended or 
hovering in the air, oscillation, Plat. Phaedo 111 E, Dion. H. 3. 47, etc. 

aiwpéw, fut. jou : fut. pass. -nOAcopar Dio C. 41.1, but —hoopas Aristid. 
Pp. 4797 aor. japhOny (v. infr.): pf. ié&pnuae Opp. H. 3.532: (delpw). To 
lift up, raise, iypov v@rov aimpe’, of the eagle raising his back and 
feathers, Pind. P. 1. 17: ¢o swing as in a hammock, aiwp. [yvvaixa)} 
émt «Alvns pepouévny Hipp. 617, cf. Aretae. Cur. M, Ac. 1. 4; Tods 
bpeas..imtp Ths Kepadrjs alwpav Dem. 313. 26:—cf. éwpéa. 2. 
to hang, twa éx rot drpdxrov Luc. J. Confut. 4, ef. Plut. Brut. 37 — 
metaph., jdper.. Amis, bre TOV Xdpaxa alphoovor excited them to think 
that.., App. Civ. 2. 81:—never in good Att. II. more freq. 
in Pass., to be hung, hang, 5€ppara wept rors wpovs alwpedpeva Hat. 
7. 92, cf. xaTarwpéopat to hang in a bandage or sling, Hipp. Fract. 757 ; 
alwpoupévey rav dara being raised, lifted, Plat. Phaedo 98 D; alpa 
qepetro spouted up, Bion I. 25. 2. hang suspended, float in air, 
Plat. Lach. 184 A, Arist. Mirab. 79: to hover, of a dream, Soph, El. 
1390: to vibrate, oscillate, Plat. Phaedo 112 B. 3. metaph. fo be 
in suspense, Lat. susp esse, ev xivdtve, to hang in doubt and danger, 
Thuc. 7. 77; alap. év dAdors to depend upon. ., Lat. pendere ab aliquo, 
Plat. Menex. 248 A; alwpndels iméep yeyddwv playing for a high stake, 
Hat. 8. 100; aiwp. tiv Yuxqv Xen. Cyn. 4, 4. 

aidpypa, aros, 7d, that which is hung up or hovers, Lyc. 1080. 2. 
a hanging cord, halter, Eur. Hel. 353: of hanging slings or chains, Id. 
Or. 984; v. sub xoupi¢w II. 1. 258 

aidpyors, ews, 7, a hovering: suspense, Plat, Tim, 89 A. 

aiwpyros, dv, hanging, hovering, Anth. P. 5. 204. 

aa, Dor. Adv.=deqy, softly, gently, Pind. P. 4. 277. 

*AxdSypera or la [7], %, the Academy, a gymnasium in the suburbs of 

3. on aidy and xpévos, v. Philo _ 



dpyiis Thy ax. dpedéobat Id. Vesp. 884. 

44 "Axadymerkds — axavOoBoros. 

Athens (so named from the hero Academus, éy dpépmorow "Axadjou bod 
Eupol. “Agvp. 3), where Plato taught: hence the Platonic school of 
philosophers were called Academics :—proverb., ’AkaSnptndev jes of 
a philosopher, Apostol. Cent. 2.1. (Commonly written in the Mss, 
*Axadnyia. But the form ’Axadyed, acknowledged by Steph. Byz. 
s. V. ‘Exadjpeca, is here and there preserved in the oldest Mss. (as the 
Bodl. of Plato and the Ven. of Athenaeus); and that the penult. is long 
appears from several poét. passages, Ar. Nub. 1002, Epicr. Incert. 370, 
Alex. “Agwr. 1. 2, ‘Imm. 1.) 
*AxtSnpecds, 7, dv, Academic, C. I. (add.) 5814. 
GkiPaiperos, ov, (xafaipéw) not to be put down, Philo 2. 166. 
axiOapoia, 7, uncleanness, foulness of a wound or sore, Hipp. Fract. 
772, Plat. Tim. 72 C. 2. moral foulness, impurity, foul depravity, 
Dem. 553. 13. , 3 : é 
a&xdPaptos, ov, (*a8aipos) uncleansed, impure, foul, anp Hipp. Aér. 
283; of the body, Arist. Probl. 5. 27; of a woman, quae menstrua non 
habet, Luc. Lexiph. 19. b. unpurified, Plat. Legg. 866 A, 868 A; 
axdOapre thou beast! Bato Svveg. 1. 2. 2. morally unclean, im- 
pure, Plat. Phaedo 81 B, etc. ; also like wavidhdns, Achae. ap. Hesych. :— 
Ady., dxa8dprws éxewv Plat. Tim. 92 A. 8. of things, not purged 
away, unpurged, Soph. O. T. 256, Plat. Legg. 854 B. Etstact. 
me jit “+ cleansing, [pdppaxa] éAxéaw diafaprérepa Aretae. Cur. M. 
ut. I. 3, 
axiPerréopat, Pass. to be left void, Sext. Emp. M. Io. 3. 
axdPexros, ov, ungovernable, Pseudo-Phocyl. 180. Ady. -Tws, Cyrill. 
&-KiPoolwros, ov, unpurified, Epiphan. 1. 495 C. 
daa, ns, 7, (den, duls) a thorn, prick, goad, Lat. stimulus, Ap. Rh. 
3- 1323, Anth. P. 6. 41. II. a ten-foot rod, used in land-survey- 
ing, Lat. acnua, acna, Schneid. Ind. Script. R. R.; cf. Call. Fr. 214. 
-kaworopntos, ov, not altered, Phot. 
dxoatpevopat, Dep. to behave unseasonably, Philo 2. 166, 280. 
dxatpéw, to be without an opportunity, opp. to edxaipéw, Diod. Excerpt. 
Vat. p. 30:— Med., impf. jeatpeiobe, in Ep. Phil. 4. 10, = éxwdveode 
Kaipov ov« éxovres, acc. to Phot. 
dxatpla, 4, unfitness of times, opp. to edeatpia, Plat. Phaedr. 272 A; 
to éyxaipia, Id. Polit. 305 D. 2. of bad bl 
énavray moddGy dx. Id. Legg. 709 A; Tay mvevparow Arist. Probl. 26. 
13, I. 3. opp. to naipds, want of opportunity, viv dxaiplay riv 
éxeivou ratpov Pa Mahees voploavres Dem, 16. 4: also want of time, 
Plut. 2. 130 E. II. of persons, the character of an dxatpos, want 
of tact, importunity, Plat. Symp. 182 A, Theophr. Char. 12. e, 
dxatpizos, 7, ov, ill-timed :—proverb., 6 Tt Kev én” dkapipay yA@ooay 
2d0, quicguid in buccam venerit, Schiif. Dion. Comp. p. 8. 
dxatptos, ov, post. for dxarpos, dx. Ayes, of untimely death, C. I. 6203. 
a as, ov, 6, an unseasonable brawler, Eccl. 
dxaipodoyéw, to prate unseasonably, Schol. Thesm. 39; -Aoyla, 7, Phot. 
hecowar 0s, ov, an unseasonable prater, Philo 2. 268, Eust. 208. 38. 
pitied 5 %), unseasonable talk, Lex. Havn. 
dxavpo-rappyota, %, ill-timed freedom of speech, Eust. Opusc. 225. 50, 
al,, and ouacrHs, ov, 6, Id. 1857. 2. 
dxatpo-repiTaryros, ov, walking at unseasonable times, Eccl. 
dxatpop-phpwv, ov, = dxaipoAdyos, Origen. a 
&-xatpos, ov, ill-timed, unseasonable, inopportune, és dxaipa troveiv, Lat. 
operam perdere, Theogn. 919; ov« dxatpa Aéyev Aesch. Pr. 1036; dx. 
mpodupia Thuc. f 65; éAevOepia Plat. Rep. 569 C; €mavos Id. Phaedr. 
240E; fadvpta Dem, 241.8; yéAws Menand. Monost. 88 :—Adv. ~pws, 
Aesch. Ag. 808, Cho, 624, si Vet. Med. 11, Acut. 386: Comp. —orépws, 
Id. 955; neut. pl. as Adv., deatp’ dm@AAvro Eur. Hel. 1081. EE. 
of persons, importunate, troublesome, Lat. molestus, ineptus, Theophr. 
Char. 12; dx. wai AdAos Alciphro 3. 62. 2. c. inf. ill-suited to do 
a thing, Xen. Hipparch. 7, 6, in Compar. 
&xaxaAts, (50s, x, the white tamarisk, Diosc. 1. 118. f 
&-Kiixéudaros, ov, in no ill repute, Hesych., Method. Conv. Virg. 3. 20. 
&-ndxns, Dor. dxdkas [aedic], 6, post. form of axaxos, Aesch. Pers. 
855 (lyr.); epith. of Hades, C. I. 1067; cf. GKannTa. 
chan, 6, epith. of Hermes in Arcadia, =sq., Call. Dian. 143. 
&xdxnré [céindix], Ep. form, =a. , guileless, gr epith. of Her- 
mes, Il. 16. 185, Od. 24. 10 (cf. éprovmos) ; of Prometheus, Hes. Th, 614. 
éxaxia (A), #, (dxf) an Egyptian tree, the acacia, Diosc. 1. 133. 
dxitixia (B), 9, (deanos) guilelessness, Dem. 1372. 23, Arist. Rhet. 2. 
12, 15, Lxx, etc. 
, es, guileless, Eus., Phot. : Ady. -@ws, Iambl. Protr. p. 
350 Kiessl. :—in Eust. 404. 8, d-kaxonPevros, ov. 
Reaxowabee, to be free from suffering, E. M. 86. 12 :—Ady. dxaxomra- 
Apoll. Mirab. 35. . 
ixotouds, dv, doing no evil, Jo. Chrys. 
&-Kixos, ov,.unknowing of ill, guileless, beni , Aesch. Pers. 664, 
Plat. Tim. 91 D. 2. innocent, simple, much like bq Ons or dmAois, 
Dem. 1153. I1., ane 13; dx. GvOpdmay rpémos Anaxil, Incert.1. Adv. 
, Dem. 1154. 18. 4 
prea amie ag ov, uncorrupted, Harpocr., E.M. Adv. ~Tws, Epiphan. 
&-Kixotpyws, Adv., used to expl. eins, Schol. Dem. 393- 22- 
&-«dnuvros [xi], ov, =sq., Hierocl, Carm. Aur. Adv, ~Tws, Id. 
&xéxwros [Kd], ov, unharmed, Dio C. 77. 153 de. ebxm Epigr. Gr. 
618. 39. II. unsubdued, M. Anton. 5. 18. 
axthavO%s, iS0s, , =dkavbis, Ar. Av. 872, cf. Pax 1076. 
mms, ov, 5, (dxadés, péw) soft-flowing, epith, of Ocean, Il. 7. 
422, Od. 19. 434 :—in Orph. Arg. 1185, aka&Adp-poos, ov. a 
akadqhn, 7, a nettle, Lat. urtica, Ar. Lys. 549, etc. : metaph., amd rps 

II. a kind of mollusc 

ee Hog: like a nettle, urtica marina, of the actinia kind, Arist. H. A. 
4. 6, 6., 8. 1, 7, al. 
4s, és, without charms, c&pa Luc. Hist. Conser. 48; yj abxpnpa 
wat dx. (v. 1. dxaphs), Id. Prom. 14. 
pyTos, ov, not accepted by the gods, ill-omened, iepd Aeschin, 
72. 16., 75.12; punoes Eus. H.E. 9. 3. 
d-kahA@morros, ov, unadorned, Luc. Pisc. 12. 

dkaNés, 4, dv, like Hxados, peaceful, still, Hesych., Eust. 1009. 30, E. M. 

or Ady. -Ad@s, Eust., E. M. 
, ov, uncovered, unveiled, Soph. O. T. 1427, Arist. H. A. 1. 
5, 2; év dxadtmrw .. Big, of one who has no house over his head, 
Menand. Tox. 4 :—Adv. -rws, 3 Macc. 4. 6. 
&-KiADb As, és,=dxdAvmros, Soph. Ph. 1327, Arist. de An. 2. 9, 135 
and dxdAudos, ov, Diog. L. 8. 72. 
Gxtipavro-héyyns, ov, 6, unwearied at the spear, Pind. I. 7 (6). 13. 
Gkapavro-payns, ov, 6, unwearied in fight, Pind. P. 4. 304. 
Gkapavré-trovs, 6, }, mov, 74, gen. wobos, untiring of foot, trmos Pind. 
O. 3. 5; also, du. Bpovry, djvy Ib. 4. 2., 5- 6. 
akdpavro-xdppas, a, 6, unwearied in fight, Pind. Fr. 179, in voc. dxa- 
pavroxdppay Aiav,—(kard ovvexdpopiy Tov Alay, as Choerob. observes, 
106, 128 Gaisf.). 
SL ares, 5, (népvw) untiring, unresting, éAvos, Srepxevds, 
etc., Il. 18. 239., 16. 176, al. (not in Od.); immo Pind. O. 1. 140; 
Néros, > gone “3 oy 112 (lyr.); xpévos Eur. Fr. 597; da. movor 
unceasing, Arist. Fr. 596. 
een [xd], ov, sles n, ov, Hes. Th. 747, Soph. Ant. 339. Without 
sense of toil, hence, 1. like foreg., untiring, unresting, in Hom. 
always epith. of fire, Il. 5. 4, Od. 20. 123, al.; dvewoe Emped. 464; 
aOtvos Aesch. Pers. go1; di. yj earth that never rests from tillage, or 
inexhaustible, Soph. 1. c.:—neut. dxdyara, as Adv., Id. El. 164. 2. 
not tired or weary, Hipp. 752 D. II. act. not tiring, Aretae. 
Cur. M. Diut. 2.13. Adv. -rws or -ri,Gramm. _—[@xtiytiros, Soph. 
El. 164; but first syll. long in dactylic verses; v. A @ sub fin.] 
G-Kdppucros, ov, without winking, Hesych. s. v. doxapddpunros, 
G-kapmnys, és,=dapmros, Theophr. H. P. 3. 10, 4, etc. : 
dkapmla, 7),=dapipia, Hipp. Art. 822. 
dxapré-rrous, 6, 7}, with unbending foot, &Xépavres Nonn. D. 15. 148. 
G-Kaparros, ov, unbent, that will not bend, rigid, Hipp. Fract. 751, 
Plat. Tim. 74 B (in Comp.), etc. ; dx. x@pos évépwv, Virgil's irremeabilis, 
Anth. P. 7. 467; eis dx. oxéduny rpiBov Epigr. Gr. 193 ; 70 dx. the part 
that will not bend, Arist. H. A. 1. 15, 3. 2. metaph. unbending, un- 
flinching, Bovdai Pind. P. 4.128; yuxdv dxapmros Id. I. 4. 89 (3. 71); 
dxapmrq péver Aesch. Cho. 455; 70 mpds rods mévous, TO mpos émeixeray 
dxapmrov Plut. Lyc. 11, Cat. Mi. 4. 
Gxapipla, 7), inflexibility, Arist. P. A. 2. 8, 9. 
Gkav, avos, 6,=sq., only in Lxx (2 Regg. 14. 9). 
dxav0a [cx], 1, 7), (ann) a thorn, prickle, Arist. P. A. 2. 9, 2, Theocr. 
7. 140, etc. : hence _1, a prickly plant, of the thistle or cardoon kind, 
xvvapos ax. Soph. Fr. 643, cf. 746: in pl. thistle-down Od. 5. 328; cf. 
dxavOos ;—used also in Lxx (Isai. 5. 4, where E. V. has wild grapes) 
cf, Ev. Matt. 7. 16:—proverb., ob ydp dxavOat no thistles, i.e. nothing 
useless, Ar. Fr. 407. 2. of the prickles or spines of the porcupine 
and of certain fish, Ion ap. Ath. gt E, Arist. H. A. 4. 5, 2:—also the 
thorns of certain plants, Arist, Plant. 1. 5, etc. 3. the backbone or 
spine of fish, Aesch. Fr. 270, Ar. Vesp. 969, Alex. Kparev. 1. 11, al.; of 
serpents, Hdt. 2. 75, Theocr, 24. 32:—also of men, Hdt. 4. 72, Hipp. 
Art. 791, Eur. El. 492, Arist. P. A. 2. 8,9, etc.; but improperly used of 
mamumnalia, acc. to Arist, An. Post, 2. 14, 4 :—technically, acc. to Galen. 
2. 451, of one of the spinous processes of the vertebrae. 4, metaph. 
GnavOat (CyrHoewv), Cicero's spinae disserendi, thorny questions, Luc. 
Disp. c. Hes. 5, Ath. 97 D; cf. dxavO0-Barns, —Adyos, axavOwdns. Il. 
a@ thorny tree, prob. a kind of acacia, found in Egypt, the Mimosa 
Nilotica (whence gum arabic is obtained), Hdt, 2. 96 (cf. dxav@vos) : 
several kinds are mentioned by Theophr. ; ean j ni 
dxavOedv, dvos, 6, a thorny brake, Lat. dumetum, Greg. Naz., Eust., etc. 
GkavOijes, coca, ev, thorny, prickly, Nic. Th 638 
GxavOnpés, 4, dy, with spines, of certain fish, Arist. 
dncavOnb5 » will spines, of certain fish, Arist. H. A. 9. 37, 16. 
Seattes 7", ov,=akavbopdpos, cited from Hdn. Epim. 

» OU, 0, a prickly thing, and so, 1. a kind of shark, prob. 
squalus acanthias L.., Arist. H. A, 6. 10, Sqes 9» 37 2. a kind of 
Grasshopper, Acl. N. A. 10. 44. 3.4 ‘prick! ; aspara, s, Theoph 
H. P. 6. 1, 3, Poll. é “4 een 

dkavOxds, 7, dv, thorny, Theophr. H. P. 6. 4, 6 
&xdvotvos, 7, ov, of tharns, orépavos Ev. Mains - 17, Jo. 19. 5. 2. 
metaph. tho ix. d a 5 9:5 
na wig ‘y dk. araprois Anacreont. 53. 12. II. of 
Reese , » loros Hat. 2, 96; rd dm. cloths made of its inner bark, 
dxdvOrov, 76, Dim. of dxavOa 2, Arist. H. A. 3. 7, 11. 
of Th onopordum acanthium, Diosc. 3. 18. 
fr lk ts, os, 7, a bird, the goldfinch, fringilla carduelis, or the linnet. 
r. linaria, Arist. H, A : 4 
for the plant senecio Cail ap. Pik oe : ne ai tie 
Adj. prickly, rary n Kaa in. H. N. 25. 106, III. as fem. 
akavOlov, ovos, 6, i . 
dave rs, i, walking pone dors wkname of 
Ae a mene ee ie ee 
198. ; a I. 4:—fem, dkav0o-Baris, c5os, Anth. P. 7. 
GavBoBéhos, oy, (BadAw) shooting thorns, pricking, pé5ov Nic. Th. 

542. cy . - 
aes 6.32. Il. 6 dk, a surgical instrument for extracting bones, Paul. 

2. a kind 

3 , bJ ’ 
axavOoXdyos — axaracraréw. 

&kavOo-Aébyos, ov, gathering thorns, nickname of quibbling arguers, 
Anth. P. 11. 20 and 347; cf. dxavOa 1. 4. 

dkav06-vwros, ov, prickle-backed, Hesych. 

dxavO6opat, Pass. (davOa) to b prickly, Theophr. H. P. 7. 6, 2. 

GxavOo-mAnE, Fyos, 6, %, wounded by the prickle of a fish, ’Odvcceds 
dx. name of a play of Sophocles. 

dxavos, 5, Lat. acanthus, brank-ursine, a plant imitated in Corinthian 
capitals, dypds dx., Lat. mollis, Theocr. 1. 55, cf. Diosc. 3. 19; cf. 

avOa I. II. a prickly Egyptian tree, prob. the same as 
dxav0a 11, Voss Virg. G. 2. 119. 

dxavé s, és, of a fish, prickle-backed, Arist. Fr. 279. 

dkav0o-pdyos [a], ov, eating thorns, Arist. H. A. 8. 3, 6. 

dxavOodopéw, to bear thorns, Greg. Nyss. 

dxavbo-pdpos, ov, prickly, bristling, éxivos Nonn. D. 13. 421. 
bearing thorns or thistles, Greg. Naz. 

dxav8o-puéw, to bear thorns or thistles, Diosc. 3. 21. 

dxav06-xoupos, 4, a porcupine or ahedgehog, Hesych.s.v. éxivos,Gramm. 

dxavOvAXs, (Sos, 7, Dim. of dxavbis (in form), aegithalus pendulinus, 
the pendulous titmouse, Eubul. Incert, 14, Arist. H. A. 8. 3, 9., 9. 14, 2. 

dkavOadns, es, (ef50s) full of thorns, thorny, x@pos Hat. 1. 126; 7d 
fd5ov Arist. Probl. 12. 8, etc. 2. prickly, yA@rra Arist. H. A. 
2.10, 2; Tpixes Ib. 1. 6, 6; of the vertebrae, spinous, Ib. 3. 7, 11, 
al. 3. metaph., Adyou dx. thorny arguments, Luc. D. Mort. Io. 8 ; 
dx. Blos Paroemiogr.; cf. dxavOa I. 4. 

dkavOav, avos, 6,=dxavOewv, Gloss. 

dxivilo, (deavos) to bear or be like dxavor, Theophr. H. P. 6. 4, 8. 

dxavixés, 4, dv, like the dxavos, Theophr. H. P. 4. 6, Io. 

&kavov, 76, Dim. of dxavos, Hesych. 

dxtivos, 6, (anh, axis) a kind of thistle, and the prickly head of some 
fruits, like the pine-apple, v. Theophr. H. P. 1. 10, 6, al., and Schneid. 
Ind. ; v. also Schleuin. Thes. Vet. Test. 

akivabns, es, like the dxavos, Theophr. H. P. 6. 4, 3. 

&-KamiAeutos, ov, free from tricks of trade, sincere, Synes. 187 D. 

&-KdamnAos, ov,=foreg.: Bios dx. a life without tricks, Strabo 513. 

&-katvucros, ov, unsmoked, wédr de. honey taken without smoking the 
bees, Strabo 400. 

d-xamvos, ov, without smoke, free from it, oxérn Hipp. Acut. 395: not 
smoking, making no smoke, mip Theophr. Ign. 71; @vala dkamvos an 
offering but no burnt offering, Luc. Amor. 4; so a poem is called Kad- 
Auémns de. Ovos Anth. P. 6. 321 :—but, deanva yap ality dodol Ovopev 
we sacrifice without a fire of our own, i.e. live at others’ expense, Poéta 
ap. Ath. 8 E. II.=foreg., Plin. H. N. 11. 16. 

a-Kamveros, ov, free from vapour, Eur. Fr. 781. 50. 

d-Kapadéxyros, ov, unexpected, Eust. 1127. 62. 

G-KdpSvos, ov, wanting the heart, Plut. Caes. 63: metaph. heartless, 
weak, Lat. excors, Lxx, Galen. II. of wood, without heart or 
pith, solid, Theophr. H. P. 3. 12, 1. 

&-Kapnvos, ov, headless, Anth. Plan. 116, C. I. 4746. 

dkipys, és, (xelpw) properly of hair, too short to be cut, hence generally, 
short, small, tiny, dxaph Twa évOvphpara Dion. H. de Isocr. 20. II, 
metaph. within a hair's breadth of, all but, dxapihs mepidrrmibwoa 
you have become all but as thin as Philippides (v. Meineke Com. Fr. 
4. p. 100), Alex. Mavdp. 5; dx. éAwkas Menand. Incert. 226; 
karémecov dx. TO 5ée Id. Com, Anon. 3. III. mostly in neut. 
dxapés, 1. of Time, a moment, év dxape? xpdvov Ar. Pl. 244, 
Alciphro 3. 56, Luc. Tim. 3 (not é dx. rod xpdévov, as written Ib. 
23); év dwape? alone, Id. Asin. 37, etc.; dxaph diadumdy (sc. xpdvor) 
having waited a moment, Ar. Nub. 496; also, dxapts pas in a moment, 
Plut. Anton. 28 ; #uépas yuds dx. Id. 2.938 A; én’ deapés Aretae. Caus, 
M. Diut. 2. 2. 2. d«apij is also used adverbially without reference 
to Time, mostly with a negat., od« dmodaves Tod b pépers dxaph not a 
bit, not at all, Ar. Vesp. 7o1; ov8 dxaph Ib. 541, Dem. 1223. 28; 
dxapi mavreda@s (v. 1. deapel or -pet) Xenarch. Topp. 1. 15; so, map’ 
dxaph within a hair’s breadth, Plat. Ax. 366 C. IV. 70 dwapés, 
a ring on the little finger, Poll. 5. 100, Hesych. 

dxapt, 76, a kind of mite, bred in wax, Arist. H. A. 5. 32, 2. 

dxaptatos, a, ov, (dxaphs) momentary, brief, mAovs Dem. 1292. 2; 
ef, Arist. H. A, 8.2, 11, Dion, H. 8.70. Adv. -ws, Alciphro 1. 39 

dxapva, 7s, 7, 2 kind of thistle, Theophr. H. P. 6. 4, 6. 

a , to be dxapmos or barren, Theophr. H. P. 3. 3, 4- 

dxaptia, 7, unfruitfulness, barrenness, Aesch. Eum. 801, Hipp. 378. 
491, Arist. Mirab. 122. 2. [dxapmin, Or. Sib. 4. 73.] 

G-Kdpmorros, ov, =dxdpmwros, where nothing is to be reaped, unfruit- 
ful, of the sea, like drptyeros, Eur. Phoen. 210; v. meplppuros 2. 

G-xaptos, ov, without fruit, barren, Eur. Fr. 890. 8, Plat. Tim. 91 C; 
c. gen., Aiuyn a. ixOdwv Paus. 5. 7, 3- 2. metaph. fruitless, un- 
profitable, révos Bacchyl. 19 ; Adyot Plat. Phaedr. 277 A; Ta dx, Arist. 
Eth. N. 4.3, 33:—Adv. ws, Soph. O. T. 25.4; cf. eapmés (A) III. II. 
act. in Aesch. Eum. 942, making barren, blasting. 

a-Kdprwros, ov, not made fruitful, without fruit, Theophr. C. P. 3. 13, 
3. 2. metaph., xpyopds dx. an unfulfilled oracle, Aesch. Eum. 
714; vixas dxdprwroy xdpw because of some victory which yielded her 
no fruit, Soph. Aj. 176 :—cf. xapmés (A) 111. 

‘ TépynTos, ov, insupportable, Plut. 2. 733 B, Galen. 
patient, Niceph. Blemm. 

dxaprtos, ov, (xelpw) unshorn, uncut, Ath. 211 E. 

dxapoas, és, (xappw) not dried or withered, Nic. ap. Ath. 133 D. 

dxacKd, (* dxf 11) Adv. gently, dx. mpoBdvres Cratin. Nép. 5. 

II, im- 


Gxdra, a corrupt word in Aesch. Ag. 985; Ahrens’ emend. (Yappis 
ded for Pappids dxdra) would suit the metre. 
a-cataBlacros, ov, unforced, unenslaved, Cyril. 

a-Ka se ov, irrefragable, Mé-yos Ar. Nub. 1229. 
d-KardyyeAtos, ov, unproclaimed, méAeuos Dion. H. 1. 58, App. Bell. 
Hisp. 434. 19. 

a-Katayveoros, ov, not to be condemned, 2 Macc. 4. 47, Ep. Tit. 2. 8, 

C. I. 1971 6, Epigr. Gr. 728. Adv. —rws, Eccl. 
KaTay » ov, unconquerable, Diod. 17. 26. 

a-Katadéxacros, ov, unbribed, Eccl. 

d-Karddecros, ov, not accepted, Eccl. 

d-kataSixacros, ov, not condemned, Eccl. 

&-xatadovAeutos, ov, =sq., Theod. Prodr. 

a-catadovAwros, ov, not enslaved, Schol. Eur. Hec. 417, 737. 

é-Karalyrijrws, Adv. without examination, Epiphan. 

d-Kataduptos, ov, disagreeable, Artemid, 2. 48, Eust. 149. 28, etc. 

d-Katatoxuvros, ov, not to be ashamed of, Eccl. 

d-Kataitlaros, ov, not to be accused, Joseph. B. J. 1. 24, 8, Cyrill., ete. 

a-KataxdAutros, ov, ed, LXX, Polyb. 15.27, 2, 1 Cor. 11. 5, 13. 

G-Katdkaptros, ov, not to be bent, Eust. Opusc. 220. 78. 

d-cardxavoros, ov, not burnt, Apollon. Mirab. 36. 

d-KardkAacros, ov, not to be broken, stubborn, Schol. Od. 10. 329, Eust. 

d-KatdkAuorros, ov, not open to the waves, Greg. Nyss. 

d-Katdkotros, ov, unwearied, Gramm. 

é-kataxéopntos, ov, unarranged, Plut. 2. 424 A. 

é-katakpdtyros, ov, not to be subdued: 7d —rov Eust. Opusc. 151. 22. 

d-Katdxptros, oy, uncondemned, Act. Ap. 16, 37., 22.25. Adv. —rws, 
Eust., étc, 

a-Kdraros, ov, not to be broken, Arist. Meteor. 4. 8, 5. 

G-Katéhykros, ov, incessant, Arr. Epict. 1. 17, 3, etc.:—Adv. —rws, 
Ib. 2. 23, 46 (where wrongly dxaradnkrin@s). II. acatalectic, 
in prosody, Hephaest. 

dkataAntréw, not to understand, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 201. 

a-katahytros, ov, that t be reached or touched, Arist. Probl. 19. 
42: not held fast, M. Anton. 7. 54 :—Adv. -Tws, Schol. Il. 17. 75. II. 
not to be conquered, Joseph. B. J. 3. 7, 7. 2. metaph. incompre- 
hensible, a word of the Sceptical philosophers, Sext. Emp. P. 2. 22, Plut. 
2. 1056 F, Cic. Acad. 2. 9, 18:—hence, dxaraAnita, 4, the incompre- 
hensibleness of things, Sext. Emp. P. 1. 1, Cic. ad. Att. 13. 19, 3- 

d-KarédXaxtos, ov, irreconcilable, Zaleuc. ap. Stob. 280, 12, Diod. 
12.20. Adv. -raws, dw. wodeueiy Dem. 153. 17. 

G-karahAndos, ov, not fitting together, heterogeneous, Arist. Mund. 
6, 6, Dion. H. de Dem. 27, etc.: Adv. -ws, Diog. L. 7. 59 :—Subst. 
dkatahAndérys, nTos, 4%, or dkatahAnAla, 7, Apoll. de Constr. 194 
and 199. 

phat SS ov, indissoluble, Dion. H. 10. 31, Ep. Hebr. 7. 16. 

d-Katapda0nros, ov, not learnt or known, Hipp. Acut. 384. 

d-kaTépaxtos, ov, not softened by kneading, Schol. Ar. Lys. 656. 

é-Katapdaxyntos, ov, unconguerable, Pseudo-Luc. Philopatr. 8, M. Ant. 
8. 78. 

a-katdépaxos, ov, =foreg., Eus. D. E. 424 D. 

d-katapérpytos, ov, unmeasured, Strabo 77, Nicom. Geras. I. 77. 

G-karavéyKacros, ov, not compulsory, Eus. P. E. 196 D, 199 A. 

d-katavixnros, oy, invincible, Athanas. 

a-Katavénros, ov, inconceivable, Pseudo-Luc. Philopatr.13, and Gramm. 

a-KatavuKros, ov, without compunction, Eccl. 

a-katdteoros, ov, not hewn, C. 1. 160. col. 1.60, 68, al., Eust. 

a-caramdéAaurros, ov, unconguerable in wrestling, Schol. Pind. N, 4. 
153+ Md 

p a ad ov, not to be set at rest, incessant, Polyb. 4. 17, 4, 
etc.: that cannot cease from, twwés 2 Ep. Petr. 2. 14. Adv. -rws, Schol, 
Ap. Rh. I. 1002. 

G-katamAnkros, ov, undaunted, Dion, H. 1. 81, Eus. H. E. 8. 7, 4. 
Ady. -rws, Dion. H. 1. 57. 

dxatarAntia, 7, undauntedness, Clem. Al. 498 (restored forxardamAngty). 

d-Katatévyros, ov, not to be worn out, xdcpos Philolatis in Stob, Ecl. 

I. 420. 

Fines eh ov, not to be swallowed, Lxx (Job 20. 18). 

d-karampaivros, ov, unappeasable, Schol. Soph. Tr. 999- 

a-karatrénros, ov, not to be scared, Schol. Il. 3. 63. 

a-Kkatdmrwrtos, ov, not liable to fall, Eust. Opusc. 187, fin. 

a-Kardpynros, ov, never: ing, ied, vods Epiph 

a-katdapdevros, ov, not watered, Cyrill. 

a-kardoBerros, ov, unguenchable, Galen. 
d-Kardcaoros, ov, not to be shaken, Hesych., Eust. Ady.—ras, Cyrill. 

Hpavros, ov, unsealed, unwritten, dx. évradpa a commission 
by word of mouth, Hdn. 3. 11, 19. 

G-kaTéoKetros, ov, inconsiderate, Eccl, 

a-Katacketacros, ov, unwrought, rough, inartificial, Theophr. H. P. 
g. 16, 6, et ibi Schneid., Lxx (Gen. 1, 2):—Ady. -rws, Dion. H. de 
Isaeo 15. II. not admitting of high finish, Vit. Hom. 218. 

a-Katdokevos, ov, without preparation, inartificial, v.1. Aeschin. 77-3, 
Dion. H, de Thuc. 27, Philostr. 249 :—Adv. —ws, Polyb. 6. 4, 7. II, 
without regular establishment, without a dwelling, Bios Diod. 5. 39- 

a-KaragKkomyros, ov, not to be gazed upon, airyh Greg. Naz. 

é-kardoKwrros, not liable to derision, Cyrill. 

a-Katacopucrros, ov, not to be put down by fallacies, Apoll. Tyan. 44. 

d-cataotiola, 7), instability, anarchy, confusion, LXx (Prov. 26.28), 
Polyb. 1. 70, 1, Dion, H. 6. 31, etc. II. unsteadiness, Polyb, 7. 4,8. 

Gkackatos, a, ov, (*dxy 11) gentle, dyaApua mAgvrou Aesch. Ag. 741. A 

; dkaracrdréw, tobe unstable, Arr, Epict, 2,1, 12:—Pass., Lxx(Tob, 1.15). 

46 . 
dxardoriros, ov, (xablornue) unstable, unsettled, Hipp. Aph. 1247 ; 
ax, — ye 383. 7: cf, per? Probl. 26, 13; modvurefa Dion. H. 6. 
74 :—of men, fickle, Polyb. 7. 3 of fevers, irregular, Hipp. WAT: 
—Ady. -rws, ax. exe Isocr. peo B. II. oe pas rae a ek 
thick, obpov Hipp. 69 F, 149 F. 
a-Katacrépecros, ov, not to be laid low, képara Ann. Comn, 
Xaoros, not to be conjectured, Suid. 
aorpemros, ov, not to be overthrown, Schol, Pind. O. 2. 146. 
oos, ov, never-ending, ap. Stob. 374. 22: of style, not 
rounded, Dion. H. de Comp. p. 168 Schaf. 
dkatacxecta, 7, ungovernableness, Ptol., etc. 
dxardoxeros, ov, (aréxw) not to be checked, Pseudo-Phocyl. 90, Diod, 
Me 38, etc. Adv. -rws, Plut. Cam. 37. 
Kardrakros, ov, not to be placed under subjection, Dion. Areop. 
dxararpyros, ov, (katarerpaivw) not pierced, Galen. 
a-Kardrpunros, ov, not to be used up, Polyb. 3. 89, 9. 
bAekros, ov, not burnt up, Eccl. 
a-kardppacros, ov, inexpressible, Eccl. 
d-Katadhpévyros, ov, not to be despised, important, Lat. haud spernendus, 
Xen. Ages. 6, 8, Plut., etc. : 
& XpyTTOS, ov, unused, Eust. 812. 52. 
a-karaxapioros, ov, undigested, tAn Arist. Probl. 28. 3. 
G-Kardipexros, ov, (Wéyw) blameless, Eccl. Ady. —rws Cyrill. 
a-catdipevorros, not fabulous, Onpia Hat, 4. 191: kardyevaora is a mere 
conjecture, ; 
é-Karépyacros, ov, not worked up, unshapen, Longin. 15.5. II. 
undigested, rpoph Arist. P. A. 2. 3, 9: indigestible, Galen. 6. 484. 
G-Katevvaoros, ov, not put to bed, waking, Hesych. 
G-Karevodos, ov, not easy to travel, 656s Achmes Onir. 170, 
d-xarnydpyros, ov, blameless, Diod. 11. 46. 
G-KaTnXnTOS, ov, not encompassed by sound, Suid. 
structed in the rudiments of the Faith, Eccl. 
dxdriov [dei], 76, Dim. of dxaros, a light boat, used by pirates, Lat. 
actuaria, Thuc, 1. 29., 4. 67, Polyb., etc. II. a kind of sail, 
either used separately from the large square sail (uéya torlov, 606vm), or 
added to it in a fair wind; perh. a stay-sail, cf. 5éAwv: in Xen. Hell. 
6. 2, 27, Iphicrates leaves his péyaAa ioria behind, ds én? vavpaxiav 
mdéov, and makes little use even of his dxdtia,—so that here they 
plainly were used separately; but in Epicur. ap. Plut. 2.15 D, a person 
desiring to increase his speed, dxariov dpdpevos pevye, cf. 1094 D, 
—so that here they must have been used in addition to the ordinary 
square sail; and in Luc. Jup. Trag. 46, 6 dveyos éumlarav 7p d0dvp 
nat éunindas Ta dxdria, the two are mentioned as both set together, cf. 
Hist. Conscr. 45 :—in Epicr. Incert. 2, there isa play on the double sense of 
Gxariov (sail and cup, y. dxaros 11), kaTdBadde Tdxdria Kal kvrna (?) 
aipov 7a pel( down with your stay-sail cups and up with your main 
goblets. . III. a sort of woman's shoe, Poll. 7. 93, Hesych. Iv. 
a little man, dwarf, Phryn. in A. B. 19,—rTods puxpods 7a odpara 
axdria Aێ-yovaty. 
ros, ov, uninhabited, Theophyl. 
bpacros, ov, unnamed, nameless, Epicur. ap. Plut. 2. 898 D: dk. 
xévBpos the cricoid cartilage of the larynx, Greenhill Theophil. p. 110. 
a-ka&romros, ov, unobserved, Heliod. 6.14. - 
é-KarépQwros, ov, incorrigible, Cyrill., etc. > 
Gxtiros [tx], 4, (rarely 6, as in Hdt. 7.186): a light vessel, boat, 
Lat. actuaria, Theogn. 458, Pind. P. 11. 60, Hat. 1. c., Thuc., etc. ; 
cf. dedriov :—generally, a ship, Eur. Hec. 440, Or. 342. ; Il. a 
boat-shaped cup, Theopomp. Com. ’AAG. 2 (=Telest. 6), Antiph. “A-yp. 
5; cf. éxarioy I, fin., Pors. Med. 139. _ 
a-Karou ov, not scarred over, Oribas., Paul. Aeg. 
a-Kdrrtiros, ov, unshod, Teles. ap. Stob. 523. 49+ 
d-«avhos, ov, without, stalk, Diosc. 2. 212. 
without shaft or stalk, Arist. P, A. 4. 12, 3- 
dkavoros, ov, (xalw) unburnt, Xen. An. 3. 5, 13- 
Arist. Meteor. 4. 9, 24. 

II. unin- 

II. of a feather, 
2. incombustible, 

é-Kavmmplacros, ov, not branded, of horses, Strabo 215: v. Kaurnpiaca. 
é-cavyyota, 7, humility, Eccl. 
pee Eada axKax’ axaxmpevos (on the accent, v. 

Ainth, Plan. 720 oh 
d-KéAcv0os, , res: i. 
ee. adie peas Ag. 731; Soph. Aj. 1263, Eur. El. 
a a pene fon slag ee Theophr. C.P. 1. 17,8 
roe f sg id » soithont vain conceit, M. Anton. 1. 16: -Bokia, %, Zonar. 
‘ov, without a vacuum, Diog. L. 10. 89. 
ov, shunning vain pursuits, Cic. Fam, 15. 17, 4, M. 

op lothes-mending, Plat. Polit. 281 B, 

at ide 
akaTacTaros — akeoTiKkds. 

d-Kévrnros, ov, needing no goad or spur, Pind. O. 1. 33. 

d-Kevrpos, ov, stingless, xnphves Plat. Rep. 552 C, 564 B: without 
spur, of a cock, Clytus ap. Ath. 655 E: without thorns, Bdros Philo 1. 
gl. 2. without force or energy, Lat. aculei expers, Longin. 
21. II. not central, Manetho 5. 108. 

axévwros, ov, (xevda) unemptied, Eccl. 

' Géopar [@], Ion. imper. deo (for dxéeo) Hdt. 3. 40; Ep. part. dued- 
pevos Il. 16. 29, Od. 14. 383, also in Pind. P. 9. 180: fut. deécopas 
Dio C. 38. 19, Ep. dxéooopat Musae. 199, Att. dxodpar Plat. Rep» 
364 C: aor. Wxeodunv, Ep. imper. deooa, etc.: v. sub fin.: 
Dep.: I. trans. to heal, cure, c. acc. of the thing healed, €d«os 
dwecoat heal it, Il. 16. 523; Axe’ dxedpevor 16. 29; Papny dxéecacOa 
Hat. 4. 90; or of part healed, BAépapov dxéoao tuprdov Eur. Hec. 
1067 ; also of the person, émt .. pdppaxa ndcowv jxécar’ healed him of 
his wound, Il. 5. 402, got, cf. 448; c. gen. morbi, votcov.. mw’ dxéow 
Bapvar-yéos Epigr. Gr. 803, cf. Paus. 8. 18, 8. 2. to stanch, quench, 
miov T dxéovrd re diay Il. 22.2, cf, Pind. P. 9.180. 8. generally, to 
mend, repair, vijas dxedpevos Od, 14. 383; often applied to a tailor or 
cobbler, like Lat. resarcire, Luc. Fugit. 33, Necyom. 17; to a spider, 
mending its web, Arist. H. A. 9. 39, 43 cf. dxeorhs, dxeorixds. 4. 
metaph., di. dpaprdda Hdt, 1. 167; 7a émpepdpeva Id. 3. 16; Kandy, 
dxos Soph. Ant. 1027, Tr. 1035, cf. Eur. Med. 199; phvewa Antipho 

128. 4; ddi«nyua Plat. Rep. 364 C ; dmopias Xen. Mem. 2. 7, 1. II. 
intr. or absol. to apply a remedy, make amends, GAX’ dxewpeOa OGacor~ 
dxeorai ro ppéves écOAay Il. 13. 115; GAN’ axécacbe, pitor Od, Io. 
69, ef. Hdt. 3. 40, Plat. Phileb. 30 B. III. the Act. déw occurs 
in Pseudo-Hipp. 412. 34, C. I. 511. 18; cf. éfaeéopar ; and dxéerar in 
pass. sense, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 1. 1; d#eouévov Tod Kaxod Id. Caus. M. 
Diut. t. 6; aor. dwecOjva Paus. 2. 27, 3. 

Gxepardopat, Pass. to be dxépaios, Eust. 277. 16. 

G-Képatos, ov, Prose word (used by Eur.) for the poét. denparos, un- 
mixed, t5wp Arist. H. A. 8. 24, fin., cf. 6. 21, 4. 2. of a person, 
pure in blood, Eur. Phoen. 943. IL. entire, unharmed, unravaged, 
dx, dmorAapBaveay tiv médw Hat. 3.146; y7 Thuc. 2. 18 (perh. with 
allusion to xepal{w); dx. Svvayus, of an army, in full force, fresh, Id. 
3: 33 éav mT dowes Kal dx. C. I. 989 6, ggi b. 2. in many rela-~ 
tions, déparoy ds ohoayu Mevedéw dAé€xos inviolate, Eur. Hel. 48; 
[réxvn] 4BAaBis cat dx. Plat. Rep. 342 B; pvAaxes ris oixelas dxe- 
paiov [xwpas] Dem. 17.13; otota dx. Id, 1087.24; Amides, Spun 
Polyb. 6. 9, 3., I. 45, 2, etc.:—é duepatov anew, Lat. de integro, Id. 
24.4, 10; or, in a fresh, entire state, Lat. re adhuc integra, Id. 6. 24, 93 
év dkepaiw éay to leave alone, Id. 2, 2, 10:—Ady. -ws, Cic, ad Att. 15., 
21. 8. of persons, uncontaminated, guileless, Eur. Or. 922: c. gen., 
Gi. Kaxdv 70Gv uncontaminated by .., Plat. Rep. 409 A. 

dkeparoown, %), guilelessness, innocence, Ep. Barnab., Suid. 

Gkepardrys, 770s, %, integrity: freshness, Polyb. 3. 73, 6. 

G-Képacros, ov, unmixed, pure, twds from a thing, Plat. Polit. 310 
Dz. II. that cannot be mixed or confounded, Dion. H. de Comp. 22. 

priest ov, («épas) without horns, Plat. Polit, 265 C, sq., Arist, H. A. 
2. 1, 51, al. 

d-Képauvos, ov, =sq., of Capaneus, Aesch. Fr. 1 5. 

G-Kepativwros, ov, not struck by lightning, Luc. J. Trag. 25. 

axépSeua, 4, want of gain, loss, Pind. O, 1. 84. 

G-KepSns, és, without gain, bringing loss, Soph. O.C. 1484, Plat. Crat. 
417 D, etc.:—bringing no gain, Dion. H. 6. g:—Ady. —8@s, without 
profit, gratis, Arist. Pol. 5.8, 19, Plut. 2. 27 D. II, not greedy 
of gain, Plut. Arist. 1. 

Gxépxioros, ov, (xepxicw) unwoven, Anth. P. 7.472. 

-Kepkos, ov, without a tail, Arist. P, A. 4. 10, 52. 

Gxepparia, 7, (épua) want of money, Ar. Fr. IQ. 

d-xepos, ov, =axepws, Arist. H. A. 2. 1, 31. 

dxeprexdpns, ov, 6, (xelpw, xdun) with unshorn hair, ever-young (for 
the Greek youths wore their hair long till they reached manhood), epith. 
of Phoebus, Il. 20. 39, h. Hom. Ap. 134, Pind. P. 3. 26 and late Poets: 
cf. detpexduns :—Nonn. has a dat. pl. axepoexdpoow, D. 14. 232. 

&-Kepxvos, ov, without hoarseness, Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. I. Io. 
act. curing hoarseness, 1d. Cur. M. Diut. 1. 8. 

d-Kepws, wy, gen. o, = dnéparos, Plat. Polit, 265 B, cf. depos. 

aképwros, ov, (xépas) not horned, Anth. P. 6, 258. 

dxeola, 7, =dxeors, Hipp. 6. 33- 

deol pBporos [4], ov, healing mortals, of Aesculapius, Orph. L. 8. 

dxéowpos, ov, (duéouat) wholesome, healing, Plut. 2. 956 F. 

dkéovos, ov, healing, epith. of Apollo, Lat. opifer, Paus. 6. 24, 6. 

dxeors, ens, }, a healing, cure, Hat. 4: 90, 109; Tov etpdyevor mavot- 
névous dxéoes C. 1. 434. II. name of a salve or plaster, Galen, 

Aesoe, 24 Viana ots Rend, P. 5. 86, Aesch. Pr. 482, Anth. 
Peat , » and akeopios, ov, curable, Hesych. (nisi leg, 
Pi ah ores, ov, post. Adj, healing disease, Anth. P. 9. 516 (e conj. 

ali Bag he ws Sfive! Adie need pain a fall Nonn. D. 7. 86. 
the steed, Soph, 0. C. N4. \j+» Gu. yards the rein that tames 

xeoriptov, 76, a tailor’s shop, Liban, 

dxeorhs, ov, 0, =dxeorhp, Lyc. 1052, Alciphro 3. 27 ;—in the Phrygian 
dialect acc. to Schol. Il. 22. 2, Eust, 1254. 2, E.M. 51. 7. 2. are~ 
ee iparion payévrav menders of tor clothes, Xen, Cyr. 1.6, 16 (with 
v. 1. qnrat, cf. Phryn. p. 91 (Lob.)), v. sub Gréopa I. 3, 

dxeorikés, 4, dv, fitted for healing or repairing : 4 -«h (sc. réxv7) 



| en 
axeoropia — aklyyros. 

dxeoropia, %, the healing art, Ap. Rh. 2. 512, Anth. P. 9. 349, al., etc. 

axeoropts, idos, 7, fem, of dxéorwp, Hipp. 295. 48. ae 

dxeorés, 7, dv, curable, Hipp. Art. 825; mpa@ypa Antipho 140. 15 :— 
aor. dxearat ppéves éo0day the spirit of the noble is easily revived, 

|. £3. 115. 

dxéorpa, 7, a darning-needle, Luc. D. Mort. 4. 1. 

La, %,=sq.: a sempstress, Luc. Rhet. Praec. 24. 

axeotpls, ios, , fem. of dxeorhp, a midwife, Hipp. 254. 50. 

dxeorrpov, 74, a remedy, Soph. Fr. 427. 

dxéorwp, opos, 6, a healer, saviour, PoiBos Eur. Andr. goo, 
axerhopia, 7, healing, salvation, Maxim. xarapy. 167. 

deo-opos, ov, bringing a cure, healing, c. gen. rei, Eur. Ion 1005, 
Astydam. ap. Ath. 40 B. 

dxeo-wdivos, ov, allaying pain, Paetus in Hipp. 1279. 2, Anth. P. 9. 
815, C. L. 5973 ¢. 

G-Ké Ss, ov, without head: of dxépador, fabulous creatures in Libya, 
Hadt. 4. tg1, cf. Plin. 5. 8. 2. without beginning, dd-yos, pdOos 
Plat. Phaedr. 264 C, Legg. 752 A; orixo: de., hexameters which begin 
witk a short syllable, Ath. 632 D, Gaisf. Hephaest. p. 181. 8. 
aipeots dx. a sect with no known head, Suid., etc. ; dxépadot, schismatics, 
Eccl. II. =dripos, Horace’s capitis minor, Artemid. 1. 35. 

dxéw, v. dxéopat sub fin. II. v. sq. 

dkéwv, ovra, (v. sub dxf 11) a participial form, used by Hom. as Adv. 
like deny, stilly, softly, silently, ll. 1. 34, Od. 9. 427, etc.; used in sing. 
even with pl. verb, dxéwy Saivucbe 21. 89, h. Hom. Ap. 404; but dual 
dxéovre Od. 14. 195; never in pl—Though dxéovoa occurs Il. 1. 565, 
Od. 11. 141, yet dxéwv stands also with fem., ’A@nvain dxéwy jy Il. 4. 
22.—Ap. Rh. 1. 765 has an opt. dxéois, as if a Verb dxéw, to be silent, 
really existed. Cf. Buttm. Lexil. s. v. 

an, %, a Subst. cited by Gramm. (Hesych., Suid., Eust., E. M.) in three 
senses, I. a point, (cf. axis, dxwv, dxava, dxavos, axovh, axpos, 
dds, the term. —hxns, the part. dxaxpévos, also dxwxh, and perh. dxpuh, 
aixpn; Skt. agan (dart), dgus (swift); Zd. aku (a point); Lat. acus, 
acuo, acer, ocior, and perh. acies; O. H. Germ. egg-ja (acuo).) EES 
silence, (cf. dkhv, dxéwy, Gna, dxacka, dxackaios, Ka, ixora, hKa- 
dos). III. healing (whence dxéopa, and perh. aixddos, aixddAdw) 
Hipp. 853 C, 866 B.—Curt. suspects that 1 and 11 belong to one and 
the same root ; the common notion being that of soothing, gentleness. 

axqSera, 7), (dendqs) carelessness, indifference, in pl., Emped. 441, Ap. 
Rh. 3. 298. 

dxnSepdvevros, ov, (xndeudv) neglected, slighted, Eccl. 

a-KySeoros, ov, uncared for, unburied, Il. 6.60: so in Adv., —Tws, 
without due rites of burial, or (peth.) without care for others, recklessly, 
remorselessly, Il. 22. 465., 24. 417, cf. Anth. P. 9. 375. 

a-«qSevros, ov, unburied, Plut. Pericl. 28, Joseph. 

dxndtw, fut. fom, Q. Sm. 10. 16., 12. 376, but aor. defdeoa Il. 14. 
427: (dxnoqs). To take no care for, no heed of, c. gen., od tis €b 
dundecer Il. l.c.; od pév pev (Gyros dxhdes, GAAd Oavdvros 23. 70; 
gavrod 8 dxnde Svorvxodvros (imperat.) Aesch. Pr. 508, cf. Mosch. 
4. 81 :—ef. dpedéw, 

d-Kndqs, és, I. pass. uncared for, unheeded, unburied, dppa piv 
"Extop xeirat dx. Il. 24. 554; 7) airws xeirar de. Od. 20.130; oépar’ 
dxndéa Keira Od. 24. 187, cf. 6. 26., 19. 18. II. act. without 
care or sorrow, Lat. securus, o@p’ dmodxphoovra axndées Il. 21. 123, 
cf. 24. 526, Hes. Th. 489, Anth. P. 11. 42. 2. careless, heedless, 
Tov 5é yuvaixes dundées ob nopéovao Od. 17. 319; taking no care of, 
maldwy Plat. Legg. 913 C. 

akndla, Ion. -ty, },=dendea: indifference, torpor, from grief or ex- 
haustion, Hipp. 272. 39, Cic. ad Att. 12. 45, Aretae., etc. 

dxySidw, fo be careless or reckless, Basil., Io. Chrys. 
torpid, exhausted, weary, Lxx (Ps. 60. 2., 142. 4, etc.). 

a-KHAnros, ov, to be won by no charms, proof against enchantment, Plat. 

Phaedr. 259 B:—hence unconquerable, inexorable, in Hom. only once, 
denanros véos, Od. 10. 329 (a line susp. even by old Gramm.) ; pavia 
dx. Soph. Tr. 999 (lyr.), also of persons, Theocr. 22, 169. 

a-xnAlSaros [7], ov, spotless, pure, LXX. 

dknpa, 76, =dxeopa, a cure, relief, ddvvdav Il. 15. 394- 

, ov, unmuzzled, Eccl. 

axkqv, (v. sub dey 11) an accus, form used as Adv. séilly, softly, silently, 
Hom. mostly in phrase, d«hy éyévovro awry Il. 3. 95, al.; also, of & 
ddd any icay 4. 429. 

G-«ihmevtos, ov, not in a garden, wild, Posidon. ap. Ath. 369 D. 

d-«knos, ov, without a garden, xijros dxnwos Greg. Naz. 

é-«npacta, %, purity, Hesych. (4xnpeota in Ms.), Apollin. Psalm. 

d-Knpdoros, ov, Ep. form of dxhparos, unmixed, olvosOd.g.205. IT. 
untouched, Lat. integer, dx. Aepaves meadows not yet grazed or mown, 

h. Hom. Merc. 72; dvOos dx. pure, fresh, Anth. P. 12.935 oxfwrpa dx. 
powerful, C. 1. 4158. F 

axhparos, ov, (xepavvupr) like dxépacos, g ) Un= 
defiled, pure, properly of liquids, #5wp Il. 24. 303; wordy Aesch. Pers. 

614; xedpa, bpBpos Soph. O. C. 471, 690; dx. xpuods pure gold, Hat. 
7. 10, I, Simon. 64, cf. Plat. Rep. 503 A, Polit. 303 E. _ iL 
metaph., 1. of things, untouched, unhurt, undamaged, Lat. integer, 
ofxos Kat KAFpos, erhpara Il. 15. 498, Od. 17. 532; sedqos Aesch. Ag. 
661 ; dviat strong reins, Pind. P. 5.433; ax. eéun unshorn hair, Eur. Ion 

1266; dx. Aepdév an unmown meadow, Id. Hipp. 73; ax. pitta, wécpos 
Xen. Hier. 3, 4, Cyr. 8. 7, 22; émorhyun, Hn Plat. Phaedr. 247 D, Legg. 
735 C; dx. pappyaxa spells that have all their power, Ap. Rh. 4. 157 — 
in Hadt. 4. 152, 7d éumdpiov rodro Hy ax. rodroy rv xpdvoy, it may be 

2. to be 

a casita? 

taken for either untouched, unvisited (like du. dA-yeot suprt.), or in full 4 


force and freshness. . 2. of persons, Lat. integer, wapBévos dx. an 
undefiled virgin, Eur. Tro. 670; so, de. Aéxos Eur. Or. 575; and c. dat., 
duxhparos GA-yeot, TUxats untouched by woes, etc., Eur. Hipp. 1113, H. F. 
1314: mostly c. gen., d«. xaxdv without taint of ill, Ib. 949; dx. yapor 
Plat. Legg. 840 D; de. wbivew free from throes of child-birth, Ap. Rh. 
1.974, etc. Cf, dxépacos, dxnpdotos, dxparpyys. 

G-«nptos (A), ov, unharmed by the Kijpes, generally unharmed, Hom. 
(never in II.), Od. 12. 98., 23. 328; Yuya denpion, = dbavaron, free from 
the power of the Fates, Pseudo-Phocyl. 99. II. act. unharming, 
harmless, paB5os h. Hom, Merc. 530; juépa Hes. Op. 821. 

d-Kiptos (B), ov, («fjp) without heart, i.e., I. lifeless, Hom. 
(never in Od.), dunpiov alfa ridnor Il. 11. 392, cf. 21. 466. II, 
heartless, spiritless, Lat. vecors, a€ mov déos ixe Gxnpiov 5.812; juevor 
ab Exacror dichptot 7. 100. 

dxnpéraros, a post. Sup. of denparos, Anth. P. 12. 249. 

é-«npuxrel and —rt, Adv. without needing a flag of truce, Thuc. 2. 1: 
but in Dio C. 50. 7, without admitting one; cf. sq. , 

a-Kfpuktos, ov, d, unproclaimed, dn. wéAepos a sudden war, 
Hdt. 5. 81; but also a war in which no herald was admitted, truceless, 
implacable, Xen. An. 3. 3, 5, Plat. Legg. 626 A; fv yap domovdos Kat 
dinpuxros ipiv mpds rods cards TéAcuos Dem. 314. 16 (cf. domovdos) ; 
dx. €xOpa Plut. Pericl. 30. 2. without herald, 76 dx. THs 6500 
the fact that the journey was unprepared by heralds, App. Mithr. 
104 :—Adv, —rws, without needing a flag of truce, Thuc. 1. 146; cf. 
foreg. II. not proclaimed victor by heralds, inglorious, unknown, 
Eur. Heracl. 89, Aeschin. 86. 37. III. with no tidings, not 
heard of, Soph. Tr. 45. 

axipwros, ov, («npdw) unwaxed, Luc. Icarom. 3, Polyaen. 

axnxéSarar, dkny épevos, v. sub dxéw, 

dunxedav, dvos, 6, =dxos, Hesych, 
4-«BSqAevTOs, ov, =sq., Philo 1. 565, etc. 

&-«(BSndos, ov, unadulterated, genuine, Plat. Legg. 916D; démpa 
wat de. Luc. Hermot. 68. 2. metaph. of men, guileless, honest, 
Hdt. 9. 7, 1, Phryn. in A. B. 371. Adv. —Aws, Isocr. 3 C. £ 

axvbvbs [&], 7, dv, weak, feeble, faint, Hom: Od., always in the Comp., 
eldos dxidvérepos 8. 169, cf. 5. 217., 18. 130; insipid, éecpa Archestr. 

ap. Ath. 117 A.—Ep. word, found also in the Prose of Hipp., 27. 43, etc. © 
axiBaSqs, es, (els, eldos) pointed, Theophr. H. P. 4. 12, 2. 
axtBards, n, Ov, =foreg., Poll. 1.97., 10. 133, A. B. 331, Hesych. II. 
70 dx., a plant, =morhpiov 11, Diose. 3. 15. 
a-«iOadpts, 1, gen. cos, without the harp, Aesch. Supp. 681. 
d-«ikus, vos, 6, 4, powerless, feeble, Od. 9. 515., 21. 131. I: 

weakening, vodoos Orph. Lith. 22.—Ep. word, used by Aesch, Pr. 548 
(lyr.), and in the Ion, Prose of Hipp. 504. 5. 

dxlvaypa [det], 76, —ypos, 6, =Tivaypa, —ypds, Poéta ap. E. M. 48. 39. 

dkwdens, 6, Lat. acindces (Hor. Od. 1. 27, 5), Persian word, a short 
straight sword, often in Hdt., who declines it -eos, ei, -ea, 3. 118, 
128., 4. 62., 9. 107; but in 7. 54.,-.9- 80, almost all the Mss. give acc. 
dxwvaeny, axiwdkas (as in Xen. An. 1. 2, 27, al.) for -ea, -eas; dx. 
énixpuaos, (prob.) a Persian sword kept in the Parthenon, C. I. 139. 16, 
ubi v. Bickh. ; also, v7) rdv daevdeny, a Scythian oath, Luc, Tox. 38; v. 
Dict. of Antiqq. s. v. [Zin Horace]. 

axww5ovi, Adv. of sq., without danger, Suid. 

G-xivSivos, ov, without danger, free from danger, Simon. 51., 107, 
Eur. I, A. 17, Thuc. 1. 124; muperot Hipp. Aph. 1260; dperai dxivé, 
virtues that court no danger, i.e. cheap, easy virtues, Pind. O. 6. 14, cf. 
Thuc. 3. 40; dx. elval rin tov dyava Hyperid. Lyc. 7; dx. yépas, of 
silence, C. I. 6308. II. Ady. -vws, Eur. Rhes. 584, Anti- 
pho 120. 3, etc.; 4 dk. dovAeia Thuc. 6. 80; 7d du. dwedOeivy abrovs 
their departure without danger to us, Id. 7.68: Comp. dawduvdrepov 
with less danger, Plat. Phaedo 85 D; Sup. dmvduvérara Civ Xen, 
Mem. 2. 8, 6. 

dxw5ivorns, 770s, 6, freedom from danger, Galen. : 

&-kw5ivedys, €s, (<l50s) of no dangerous appearance, Hipp. 829 H, 

&-xiviets, eooa, ev, =dxivnros, Nic. Al. 436. 

axivnola, #, quiescence, rest; Arist. H.A. 5.17, 11: also dxlvqots, ews, 
%, Theod. Metoch. 798. 

dxivyréw, to be dxivyros, Hipp. 596. 30, Sext. Emp. M. 7. 188; of 
bones, as opp. to joints, Galen. 19. 460. 

axivyrt, or —rel, Adv. immovably, Poll. 3. 89., 9. 115. 

dkivytifo, =dxwnréw, Arist. H. A. 4. 10, 12, etc. 

dxivyntivbd, Adv., dx. waifew to play a game of standing stock-still, 
Poll. 9. 110; so BacAivéa, =a 4 ae : 

a-Kivyros, ov, also 7, ov Pind, O. 9. 51, Anth. P. append. 50. 14 :— 

d, not ing, ionless, of Delos, Orac. ap. Hdt. 6. 98; then 
in Pind., etc. ; €£ d«wvfrov wodds without stirring a step, Soph. Tr. 875 ; 
ras kwhoes axivnros Plat. Tim. 40 B; dorpa dx. fixed stars, Poll. 4. 
156. 2. idle, sluggish, én’ dxwhrovor xabicew to sit in idleness, 
Hes. Op. 748 (where others, to sit on graves, v. infr. 11. 2); de. ppeves 
a sluggish soul, Ar. Ran, 899; of the Boeotians, Alex. Tpop. 1; xwpa 
dx, untilled, Plut. 2. 1054 A. 3. unmoved, unaltered, dx. vopipa 
Thue. 1. 71, etc.; Tods vdpous éav dxwhrous Arist. Pol. 2. 8, 21, cf. 
Plat. Legg. 736 D; de. diapéverw Xen, Lac. 14, 1. f II. im- 
movable, hard to move, Plat. Soph. 249 A, Luc. Imag. 1 (in Comp.) :— 
Ady., dxwijrws éxeyv Isocr. 293 C, Plat., ete. 2. not to be stirred 
or touched, inviolate, Lat. non dus, rapos Hat, 1. 187: esp. proverb. 
of sacred things, aveiv 7d duivgra Id. 6. 134, cf Soph. O. C. 1526, Plat. 
Theaet. 181 A:—hence that must be kept secret, Taxivnr’ ern Soph. 
O. C. 624; ‘raxivnra ppdoa Id, Ant. 1060. 3. of persons, not 
to be shaken, steadfast, stubborn, Ib, 1027; dxivyros meOot Plat. Tim. 

51 E; de. ind pdBov Def. Plat. 412 A; 
B. IIT. Adv. -rws, v. supr. I. 1. 

dktvos, 6, a chaplet of dxtvos, Ath. 680 D. 

dxtvos, 6, basil-thyme, Diosc. 3. 50. 

dxvos, ov, (xis) not worm-eaten, Sup. dxuraros Hes. 

dkipés, dy (al. dxipos, a, ov), Theocr. 28. 15, v. 1. 
word of dub. signf., prob. = d«dvds. 

xls, (50s, 7, (v. sub de I) a point, Hipp. 554. 44; a splinter, Id. 
1153 E: the beak of a ship, Diod. 13. gg. 2. the barb of an arrow 
or hook, Lat. cuspis, BéAous Plut. Demetr. 20; dyxtorpov Anth. P. 6. 
5:—an arrow, dart, Ar. Pax 443, Mnesim. A. 1, Opp. H. 5. 
151. 3. metaph., épws . . ) ppevav duts Timoth. Aid. 5; 1é0av 
Guides the stings of desire, Anth. P. 12. 76: also shooting pains, Aretae. 
Caus, M. Diut. 2. 4. II. a surgical bandage, Galen. 

G-kiynros [Tr], ov, not to be reached, unattainable, dulynra dioxow Il. 
17. 753 peradeiv Ael. N. A. 4. 52. II. of persons, not to be 
reached by prayer, inexorable, Aesch. Pr. 184. 

G-klwv, ovos, 6, %, not supported by pillars, Hesych, 

Gxkifopar, Dep. (dxxd) to affect indifference, properly of prudish girls, 
74. wey oby yivata . . jxi¢ero Philippid. ’Avay, 1, cf, A. B. 364, Suid. 
and vy. dxxiopés. 2. generally, to affect ignorance, dissemble, oiv0a, 
GAN dxxifer Plat. Gorg. 497 A, Cic. ad Att, 2. 19, 5: cf, Ruhnk, Tim. 
s. v.—Act. d«xifw in Ael. Epist. 9. 

dxkurqotos, 6, Lat. acipenser, the sturgeon, Ath. 294 F. 

dkxvopa, aros, 76, = sq., Nicet. Eug. 6. 404. 

axkiopés, 6, affectation of indifference, prudery, Philem. AdeAd. 1. 14: 
cf. dxxiCopat. 

dkxiorixés, 7, dv, disposed to be coy, Eust. 1727. 28. 

dkkop, Lacon. for doxdés, Hesych. 

axa, 4, like dAgir&, popped, a bugbear, that nurses used to frighten 
children with: acc. to others, @ vain woman, Zenob. 1. 53, ubi v. 

akhayyl, Adv. («Aayyf) without clang or noise, Longus 1.5: in Aesch, 
Pr. 803, Dind. reads d«Aaryyets. 

G-kAdSeuros, ov, unpruned, Eccl.: Aeol. fem. akAds, ados, Hesych. 

akAdpwros, Dor. for dxAnp-, Pind. \ 

d-kAaoros, ov, unbroken, Theophr. C. P. 1. 15, 17, Anth. P. 2 322: 
metaph. of an unbroken line, % xdiwAq pope dd. Arist. Cael. 2. 6, 3. 

akAavorrel or ri, dkAavret or -rl, (wAalw) Ady. of sq., without weep- 
ing, Call. Dian. 267. 

Fikavcs or d-kAavorros, ov,—the former being the only form used 
by Hom., and prob. also by the Trag.: (#Aalw): I. pass. un- 
wept, esp. without funeral lamentation, Il. 22, 386, Od. 11. 54, Solon 
21; dder’ dkdavros, datos Aesch. Eum. 565: c. gen., dihavros 
Soph. Ant. 847 :—in Eur. Andr. 1235 Thetis says, éy dp, iv dkhavr 
exp rixrev réxva.., i.e. children not liable to death. II. 
act. unweeping, tearless, obdé o€ pnut diy dkdavrov évecbat Od. 4. 494, 
cf. Aesch. Th. 696, Eur. Alc. 173:—in Soph. El. 912=xalpay, with 

Fr és: gen. os: acc. dwAeG, Ion. dxAeff, Ep. deed Od. 4. 728: 
—Ep. dwAerjs, Ap. Rh. 3. 932, Poéta ap. Plut. a F, Nonn.; pl. 
Gxdeveis or dwAnets, Il. 12. 318, Spitan. Exc, 22: (#Aéos). Without 
fame, inglorious, unsung, Hom., Pind. O. 12. 22, Hdt. prooem., Eur., ete. 
Adv. dxAeas, Hat. 5. 77, Antipho 113. 38, Ep. dxdeds, Il. 22. 304: 
also neut. as Ady., dxAets airs Il. 7. 100.—Cf, Buttm. Lexil. s. v. 
émrnoés I. 3. 

é-xActa, Pe —ty, 9, be aa Anth. P. 9. 80. 

&-KAeuns, és, Ep. for Ss. ; 

oie im lon. iy Call. Fr. 41, Att. contr. dd 
Eur. Andr, 593, Thuc, 2. 93: (#Aelw):—not closed or fastened, ll. c., 

en, Cyr. 7. 5, 25. 

bert clad hg a stealing, not deceiving, Soph. Fr. 615. 

mpos 7d Qeioy Plut. 2, 165 

Op. 433- 
Hes. Op. 433, 2 

akAnjs, és, v. sub dxAefs. 

dich , OV, Ve aes II. («Ael{w) nameless, 
Greg. Naz. 4 

&-KA‘paros, ov, («ARpua) not from the vine, yavuopa Greg. Naz. 

&kAnpéw, to be dxAnpos, be unfortunate, Polyb. 1. 7, 4, etc. 

axAnpnpa, aros, 74, a loss, mishap, Diod. 13. 31. 

&xAnpla, %, misfortune, Soph. Fr. 816, Antiph. “Adwy. 1, Polyb., etc. 

pity sre de aiehbat inheritance, Eccl. IL. without heirs, 
Eust. 533. 32, Gramm., Eccl. 

G-«Anpos, ov, without lot or portion, poor, needy, Od. 11. 490, Xen. 
An. 3. 2, 26, etc.: c. gen. without lot or share in, Aesch. Eum. 353; 
Isae. 41. 15, etc. :—Adv. d«Anpel, Zonar. II. unallotted, with- 
out an owner, bh. Hom. Ven. 123, Eur. Tro. 32. 

dKAnpov ov, not having received a lot, C. 1. 3137. 102. 

a-« or -l, Adv. without casting lots, Lys. 147. 19, C. 1. 2880. 

&-KAnpwros, ov, without lot or portion in a thing, c. gen., xépas 
Gkddpwros Pind. O. 7. 108. 2. without 7 lots, Dio C. Fr. 
62. ° ILI. not distributed in lots, Plut. 2. 231 E. 

Anoros, v. sub dxAcoTos. 
font Ady. uncalled, unbidden, Zenob. 2. 46 [where Tr]. 
&-«Anros, ov, uncalled, unbidden, Asius 1, Aesch. Pr, 1024, Cho. 838, 

h. Aj. 289, Thuc. 1. 118, Plat., etc. ; : 
gece 3, bending to neither side, ing, ving, Plat. 
Phaedo 109 A: regular, dAwvéwy kaddpow Anth. P. 10, 11, etc. :—Ady. 
-vas, Philo 2,669; Ion. -véws, Anth. P.5.55.  - 2. metaph. stead- 
fast, steady, Anth. P, 12. 158, Ep. Hebr. 10. 23, Luc., etc. :—wnmoved, 

il, Nonn, D. 35. 11, etc. 
"“Gentato, %, indeclinableness, 

Apoll. in A. B. 551, 552. 

> , 
— dkms. 
d-«Xtros, ov, , indeclinable, Soa : Ael. Dion. wrote ept 
dkdtrov trav. Ady., dxdirws éxew Eust. 162. 32. 
ecg unshaken, unmoved, Synes., Suid., C. I. 8672. Ady. 
=rs, Cyril. :—in Galen. 9. 205, dxAovos, ov. . F 
d-«Aomros, ov, not stolen, Greg. Naz. ; II. not liable to seduction, 
Id. III. not furtively concealed, dyxcarpov Opp. H. 3. 532. 
&-KADSavicros, ov, not lashed by waves: generally, sheltered from, Auuiy 
Gk. Tay mvevparuy Polyb. Io. 10, 4. 5 
G-KAvoros, ov, =foreg., Lyc. 736, Plut. Marius 15, Nonn., etc. ; Aruiy 
Gd. Diod. 3. 44; fem., AdAw dxdvoray Eur. I. A. 121. ; 
G-«hiros, ov, (KAdw) unheard, Epigr. Gr. 1046. 91 :—the sense is dub. 
in Plut. 2. 722 E. 
G-Kov, 6, 7), without twig or branch, Theophr. H. P. 6. 6, 2. 
, OV, (HALOw) unspun, oThpoves Plat. Com. Incert. 53. 
Gxpdto, fut. dow, (dept) to be in full bloom, be at the prime, 
flourish : I. of persons, Hdt. 2. 134, Plat. Prot. 335 E; dx pacerv 
Chpart, popn, Xen. Mem. 4. 4, 23, Plat. Polit. 310 D, ete, 5 so of cities 
and states, Hdt. 3. 57., 5.28; dp. 70 oGpa dad ray X’ era péxpe 
tov € kai p’ Arist. Rhet. 2. 14, 4. 2. to flourish or abound ina 
thing, mAovr@ Hdt. 1. 29; mapacxevp waon Thuc. 1.1; vedrnre Id. 2. 
20; ev Tit Aeschin. 46. 23. 3. c. inf. to be strong enough to do, 
Xen. An. 3. 1, 25. TI. of things, dxpage: 6 m AE HOS, % vdcos 
is at its height, Hipp. Aph. 1245, Thuc. 3. 3., 2. 49; ampatoy Oépos 
mid-summer, Id. 2. 19; of corn, to be just ripe, Ibid. 2. so also, 
jwika . . dxpator [6 Ovpds] when passion was at its height, Plat. Tim. 7o 
D; depagovoa pwn Antipho 127. 25; dxyate mavra émpedelas ded- 
peva require the utmost care, Xen. Cyr. 4. 2, 40. 3. impers., c. 
inf., depacer Bperéwy exeoOat ‘tis time to.., Aesch. (lyr.) Th. 96; viv 
yop dxp. Tede .. fuyxaraBiva now 'tis time for her to .. , Id. Cho. 726. 
Gkpatos, a, ov, in full bloom, at the prime, blooming, flourishing, 
vigorous, m@Ao Aesch. Eum. 405; #8 Id. Th. 11; dapatos pvow in 
the prime of strength, Id. Pers. 441; dxp. Tv dpyny Luc. Tim. 3; 
Kade Giepard Epigr. Gr. 127; 76 dxpadrarov Dion. H. 5.22:—dxp.mpos 
épwra, Lat. nubilis, Anth. P. 7. 221, cf. Luc. D. Deor. 8. 2, Ael. N. A. 
15. 10:—so in Adv., dxpatws éxav xard riv Hrixiav Polyb. 32. 15, 7: 
—of things, at the height, 6 dxpatéraros xaipos ris Hpépas, i.e, noon, 
Polyb. 3.102, 1; 70 dxpaioy rod xepavos Arr. An. 4. 7, I, etc. II. 
in time, in season, Lat. opportunus, ws dxpatos . . uddor (Wakef. depai” 
ay), Soph. Aj. 921; dxp. hyépar the seasonable days, Ath. 180 C, cf. 
Anth. P. Io. 2. 
éxpaorys, od, 5, =foreg., Hdn. 1. 17, 24. 
dxpaoriKés, 7, 6v,=dxpaios, dxp. uperds Galen. 10. 61 5, of a kind 
of continuous fever, when the amount of heat is kept up steadily through- 
out; also dudrovos. Ady. —Kis, Theod. Metoch. 59. 
axpy, 7, (vy. sub ds 1) a point, edge: proverb., én fupod dxujs on 
the rasor’s edge (v. sub fupdv) ; dxpi) pacydvou, gious, 6ddvTav, Pind., 
etc. ; Kepkldav dual Soph. Ant. 976; Adyyns duh Eur. Supp. 318 ; 
duqidégcor dicpat both hands, Soph. O. T. 1243; modoty dxpal the feet, 
Th. 1034; mupds dxpal, Eumupor dxpat, v. sub pets. II. the 
highest or culminating point of anything, the bloom, flower, prime, zenith, 
esp. of man’s age, Lat. flos aetatis, dxpa) #Bns Soph, O. T. 741; év ride 
Tov KddAous axyq Cratin. Mur. 13; odpards Te Kab ppovacews Plat. 
Rep. 461 A; perpios xpdvos dupis Id, Rep. 460 E; dxpt Biov Xen. 
Cyr. 7. 2, 20, etc.; els dehy @Ody Eur. H. F. 532; & deuh dva= 
dpa Ce Plat. Phaedr. 230 B; & airais rats dxpais Isocr, 147 A; 
aicpy éxewv, of corm, to be ripe, Thuc. 4. 23 TooovrToy Ths akpis 
torep@y Isocr. 418 D; rijs dxpis Anyew to begin to decline, Plat. 
Symp. 219, A:—then in various relations, as d. tjpos the spring-prime, 
like Milton’s ‘the point of dawn,’ Pind, P, 4. 114; d. 6épovs mid-summer, 
Xen. Hell. 5. 3, 19; 4. mAnpwparos the highest condition, prime 
of a crew, Thuc. 7. 14; 4. rod vavrixod the flower of their navy, Id. 8. 
46; a. rijs dbgns Id. 2. 42 :—al dxpal the crisis of a disease, Hipp. Aph. 
1245 :—generally, strength, vigour, éy xepds axud Pind, O. 2. 113, cf, 
Aesch. Pers. 1060; 4. wodav swiftness, Pind. 1. 8 (7). 83, of. Aesch. 
Eum, 3705 ppevav Pind. N. 3. 68; Bapbs deué terrible in strength, Id. 
1. 4. 86 (3. 81):—periphr. ‘like Bia, dep Onoeday Soph. O. C. 
1066. : III. of Time, like xaipés, the time, i.e, the best, most 
Sitting time, often in Trag., fyi’ dy 5) mpds yao Henr’ dxpds Soph, 
O. T. 14925 épyav, Abyav, Epas dept the time for doing, speaking, 
ama still, Id, Ph. 12, El, 22, Aj. 8115 c. inf., coveér Fy péddrew a. 
Aesch. Pers. 407, cf. Ag. 1353; dmmAdx Oar 8 d. Soph, El, 1338; én” 
dpiis elvat, c. inf., to be on the point of doing, Eur. Hel. 897, cf. Ar. Pl. 
Some to co a et Cot aby at i ed 
c ime, Dem, - 4 i 
the right moment, Isocr, (Epist.) a he ‘; pease 1% oe sete 
to let it pass, Plat. Rep. 460 E. Cf. fie sq. sprees 3 
axprhy, ame og kph, used as Ady 
Tare in Att., 7d oxevoddpa.. d é 7‘ ; 
iver, Xen, hn. 4. 3,361 (aoc, 1 ie ao eect rae te 
or Bix Sayed 13) 12.5 3. 17, 5, al.; also Theocr. 4. 60, Anth. 
aap tn Poly i ee a véos dy C. I, 6864; strengthd., 
és, h, dv, dkyh pets t 5 rs 5 
tiv bs vy jones meee Pi ye Oe ee 
PVCS, ov, (not dxunyd : 1. L rn 
dxpnvos ctroo Il. |, Sie hide poe whe - 163) ae J - Jo . : 
absol., vhaorias, dxunvous Ib 207; dey : me Mle Tb. 346 ‘enh 
is said to have been Aeol, = ryote ‘ Gone ei pene le aah im ge 
dxphs, Fros, 5, 4, al a: others from eapety.) 
» also as neut., Paus. 6, 15, 5; C. I. 428: (dpa): 
unwearied, ll. 11. 802., 15. 697, Aesch, Fr. 330, 

Es eS 


+ much like ért, as yet, still, very 

=dkdpas, untiring, 


. , BJ , 
akyTEel — akovy, 

Soph. Ant. 353; mvAal dep. Anth, P. 9. 526:—also in late Prose, as 
Dion. H. 9. 14 (ubi male depyqrny), Paus. 1. c., Plut. Cim. 13. 

G-Kpyrel and —ri, Adv. without toil, easily, Joseph. B. J. 1. 16, 2. 

dxpntos, ov, (apy) = dxphs, unwearied, moctv h. Hom. Ap. 520. II. 
not causing pain, Nic. Th. 737. 

axpo-Sérns, ov, 6,=sq., Poll. 10. 147. 

Gxpd-lerov, 76, (riOnut) the anvil-block, stithy, Ul. 18. 410, Od. 8. 274. 

axpdwov, 7d, Dim. of sq., Aesop. 

dxpov, ovos, 6, orig. prob, a meteoric stone, thunderbolt (v. sub fin.), 
XGAxeos dxpav odpavddey katy Hes. Th. 722, cf. 724. II. an 
anvil, Il. 18. 476, Od. 8. 274, Hdt. 1. 68: metaph., mpds dxpovr ydd- 
keve yA@ooay Pind. P. 1. 167; Adyxns dxpoves very anvils to bear 
blows (as the Schol. takes it), Aesch. Pers. 51; so, dropévery mAnyds 
dxpoyv Aristopho ‘Iarp. 1; TiptvO0s dkpwr, i.e. Hercules, Call. Dian. 
146. 2. a pestle, a Cyprian usage acc. to Hesych. III. = ovpavés, 
and d«povidar = odpavida:, Hesych., cf. Aleman 111 (ubiy. Bgk.). IV. 
a kind of eagle, Hesych. V. a kind of wolf, Opp. C. 3. 326. (With 
the above-cited senses, cf. Skt. agma (a stone, meteoric-stone), agmaras 
(lapideus) ; O. Norse hamarr ; O. H. G. hamar (hammer) ; Lith, akmi 
(a stone).) mt 

dkvaptros, dxvatros, dkviidos, = dyv-. 

dxvnpos, ov, (xvhun) without calf of the leg, Plut. 2. 520 C. 

a-Kvnopos, ov, without irritation or itching, Hipp. Offic. 747. 

dxvnortis, 10s, 7, (dxavos) the spine or backbone of animals, Od. ro. 

161. II. a plant, Nic. Th. 52. 

dxvioos, ov, (x«vica) without the fat of sacrifices, Bods Anth. P. 10. 7; 
so Cobet restores Bwpotor map’ dxvicorc: in Luc. J. Trag. 6, 2. 
meagre, spare, of persons, Theophr. C. P. 2. 4, 6; of food, Plut. 2. 123 B. 

dxvicwros [ov without the steam of sacrifice, Aesch. Fr. 422. 

axon, 4, Ep. dxoun (the stem being d«of, as in dxovw=dxdfw) :—a 
hearing, the sound heard, éxadev 5€ re yiyver’ dxovn Il. 16.634. 2. 
the thing heard, news, tidings, werd warpds dxoviy ixécOa, Bivat to go 

in quest of tidings of his father, Od. 2. 308., 4. 701, cf. Anth. P. 7. 
220; xara tiv SdAwvos dxohy according to Solon’s story, Plat. Tim. 
21 A, cf. 22 B, 3. the thing heard, a hearing, report, saying, 
Same, Pind, P. 1. 1624174; dxod copois a thing for wise men to listen 
to, Ib. 9. 135; don toropeiv, mapadafeiv Tt, etc., to know by hearsay, 
Hat. 2. 29, 148, etc.; éwlorac@a: Antipho 137. 17, Thuc. 4. 126; so, 
€{ dons Aéyev Plat. Phaedo 61D; ras dxods Tay mpoyeyernuévwr 
traditions, Thuc, 1. 20; doa. . Adywy Id. 1. 73; axon paprupeiy to 
give evidence on hearsay, Dem. 1300. 16; dxony mpogdyey to bring 
hearsay evidence, Ib..14; Baptv . . dons Pépov Auth. P. 6. 220. tf, 
the sense of hearing, Hat. 1. 38, etc.; joined with dys, Plat. Phaedo 
65 B, etc.; ofs dra péy éorw, dxoai 5¢ ove vaow Philo 1. 474. 2. 
the act of hearing; hearing, és dxody éuny to my hearing, my ear, 
Aesch. Pr. 690; yapuy dpapeiy dxoaio: Simon, 41; dfeiay dxony . . dd- 
ryois &Sovs Soph. El. 30; dxof xAvew Id. Ph.1412; deoais déxeoGat, 
eis dwods épxerai 7 Eur. 1. T. 1496, Phoen. 1480; 8 dxofjs aicbdve- 
oOa Plat. Legg. goo A; oddevds dxony bremay Eur. H. F. 962 (perh. 
in allusion to the herald's cry, dkovere dew); Tots axpodpact Tas 
dxods dvar@éva Polyb. 24. 5, 9. 3. the ear, drmdreca 8 obdiv 
dpnp’, émBpdpeor 8 dxovai Sapph. 2.12; dmecGie pov tiv dx. Her- 
mipp. =rpar. 7, cf. Pherecr. Incert. 24; dvoty dxoats xpivev with two 
ears, Arist. Pol. 3. 16, 12. III. a hearing, listening to, dxohs afvos 
worth hearing, Plat. Theaet. 142 D; els dxony davis within hearing 
of the voice, Diod. 19. 41. 
a-xotAvos, ov, without hollows, Hipp. 409. fin., Eust. Opusc, 194. 
3. 2. without stomach, Galen. 5. 384. 

G-«orhos, ov, not hollow, Arist. H. A. 3. 5, I. 

G-Kotpyros, ov, sleepless, unresting, of the sea, Aesch. Pr. 139, cf. 
Theocr. 13. 44, Diod., Plut., etc.; dw. Sdepvor C. I. 1778; of the 
Emperor, Epigr. Gr. 1064. g:—the form d-koipioros, ov, is dub. in 
Diod. Excerpt. 616. 48. 

d-Kowos, ov, not common, Themist. Or. 142 A. 

axowwvycia, 7, the non-existence of community of property, Arist. Pol. 
2.5, 12. II. unsociableness, Stob. Ecl. 2. 320. III. ex- 
communication, Eccl. 

G-Kowavyros, ov, not shared with, yapous dxowdynroy ebvay a bed not 
shared in common with other wives, Eur. Andr. 470. 2. not to be 
communicated, évopa LXx (Sap. 14. 21). II. act. having no share 
of or in, c. gen., vouwr Plat. Legg. g14 C: also c. dat., dx, Tots KaKots 
Arist. Top. 3. 2,8; absol. unsocial, Plat. Legg. 774 A: inhuman Cic. Att. 
6. 3, '7:—so in Adv. —rws, Ib. 6. 1, 7. IIL. excommunicated, Eccl. 

dxowvwvia, 7, unsociableness, Ep. Plat. 318 E. 

dxolrys, ov, 6, (a copul., xolrn, cf. dAoxos) a bedfellow, spouse, hus- 
band, Il. 15. 91, Od. 5. 120, Pind. N. 5. 51, Soph. Tr. 525, Eur. :—fem. 
dxoutis, tos, #), a spouse, wife, Il. 3. 138, Pind., Aesch, Pers. 684, Soph., 
Eur.—Poét. words, cf, Plat. Crat. 405 C. 

' d-Kodkeuros, ov, not to be won by flattery, Plat.Legg.729A. —S» TI. 
act. not flattering, Teles ap. Stob. 524, fin.:—so in Ady. ~ras, Cic. Att. 
13. 51, I. 

G-Kohuikos, ov, not flattering, Diog. L. 2. 141. n 

dodiicta, 7, licentiousness, intemperance, excess, opp. to cwppocvyn, 
Hecatae, 144, Antipho 125. 35, Thuc. 3. 37, Plat., etc., cf, Arist. Eth, 
N. 2. 7, 3; in pl., Lys. 146. 34, Plat. Legg. 884. ; 

dxodacralve, fut. ava Ar. Av. 1226, to be licentious, intemperate, Ar. 
1, c., Mnesim, ‘Inmorp. 1. 19, Plat. Rep. 555 D, al. 

ékokdocracpa, 7d, (as if from *deokacTatw) = dxohdornya, restored 

by Dobree in Ar. Lys. 399, for dxéAaor’ dopara; and Meineke suggests 


axorkacrdopara for -dara in Anaxandr. Incert, 24, cf, Alciphr. 1. 38. $ 

akokdornpa, aros, 7d, an act of dkodacia, Plut 
II. 20, Orig. 

akokaaryréov, verb. Adj. (as if from *dxoAacréw), one must behave 
licentiously, Clem. Al. 2. 28. 

akoAaorta, 4, probl. |. for dwoAacta, Alex. Tad. 1. 6; v. Meineke. - 
G-«éAagros, ov, Lat. non castigatus, unchastised, undisciplined, un- 
bridled, 6 Sijyos Hdt. 3. 81; SxAos Eur. Hec. 607; orpérevpa Xen, An. 
2. 6, 9; so Plat, etc. 2. commonly, unbridled in sensual pleasures, . 
licentious, intemperate, opp. to a@ppwv, Soph. Fr. 817, Plat. Gorg. 507 
C, Arist. Eth. N. 2. 2, 7; mepi 7: Id. H. A. 6. 18, 8; mpds ve (v. fin.) : 
—so in Adv., dwoAdoras éxetv Plat. Gorg. 493 C; Comp. -orépas éxew 
mpés tt to be too intemperate in a thing, Xen. Mem. 2. I, I. 

dkoAAnri, Ady, of sq., Herm. ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 1078, 

&-KédAnTOS, ov, not glued or adhering to a thing, tii Galen. 
not to be so fastened, incompatible, Dion. H. de Comp. p. 42. 

d-KoAXos, ov, without glue, not adhesive, Theophr, C. P. 6. 10, 3. 

GKoAAvBioros, ov, v. sub «dAAUBos I. 

&-Koh, os, ov, not curtailed, Eust. 727. 39. 

dkodos, ov, %, a bit, morsel, like ywpds, Od. 17. 222, Anth. P. 9. 563, 
cf. 6. 176: Boeot. for éOeaxs, Strattis boty. 3. 7. (Curtius suggests 
that dxoAos and afAoy may perh. be akin to the Skt. 4/ag (to eat).) 

axodoviéw, fut. jaw, to be an dxddovOos, to follow one, go after or with 
him, esp. of soldiers and slaves :—Construct, mostly c. dat. pers., Ar. Pl. 
Ig, etc.; d«. 7@ iyoupévy Plat. Rep. 474 C; also with Preps., de. 
pera tivos Plat. Lach. 187 E, Lysias 193. 18, etc; Tois cpa per’ 
éxeivaw jxodovbour, rais 8 edvoias peb’ hye Foay Isocr. 299 C; dk. 
ovv Tit Xen, An. 7. 5,33 Karémy rivds Ar. Pl. 13; very rarely c. acc., 
as Menand. Incert. 32, cf. Lob. Phryn. 354:—absol., often in Plat., etc. ; 
dx, ép dpmaryijs, of soldiers, Thuc. 2. 98; dxoAovday, 6, as Subst.,= 
dxédovOos I, Menand, KéA, 3. II. metaph. ¢o follow one in a 
thing, Jet oneself be led by him, tH vamp tivés Thuc. 3. 38; Tois 
mpaypacwy, Tois Kapois to follow circumstances, etc,, Dem. 51. 14., 730. 
18: to obey, rots vépos Andoc. 31. 35. 2. to follow the thread of. 
a discourse, Plat. Phaedo 107 B, etc. 8. also of things, to follow 
upon, to be consequent upon, in conformity with, dxorovbeiv Tots eipn- 
Hévos Plat. Rep. 332 D; etAoyla . . ednbeia dx. Ib. 400 E, cf. 398 D: 
to follow the analogy of, to be like, Arist. H. A. 2. 1, 3, al. 4. 
absol. dxoAovOel, it follows, Lat. sequitur, Id. Categ. 12. 2,—Only in 
Att. Comedy and Prose: cf. d«éAouv8os. 

dxodovOnats, ews, %, a following, sequence, Arist. Rhet. 3.9,7. 2. 

lusion, Id, An, Pr. 1. 46, 17. II. obedience, 

a ’ 
Def, Plat. 412 B: 

axodoulyréov, verb. Adj. one must follow, absol., Xen. Qec. 21,7; 70 
Ady Plat. Rep. 400 D. 

dxoAovdntikés, 4, dv, disposed to follow, rais émOuplas, rots mabece 
Arist. Rhet. 2. 12, 3, Eth. N. 1. 3, 6. ; 

dkodovila, 4%, a following, attendance, train, Soph. Fr. 818, Plat. Alc. 
1, 122C. 2.-a series, continuous succession, Clem. Al., etc.; Kat’ dxo- 
AvvOiav in regular succession, Hdn. 8. 7. II. a following upon, con- 
| formity with, rots mpaypact Plat. Crat. 437 C: a grammatical agreement, 
right construction (cf. dvaxodov6la), Dion, H. de Comp. p. 178. 2. 
obedience, M, Anton. 3. 9. IIL. a consequence, Philo 2. 497. * 
axohoviickos, 5, Dim. of dxdAovOos, a foot-boy, Ptol. ap. Ath. 550 A. 

dxéAoubos, or, (a copul., eéAevGos, Plat. Crat. 405 C) :—following, at- 
tending on; mostly as Subst. a follower, attendant, footman, Lat. pedi- 
sequus, Ar. Av. 73; Stovot mais dx. tory who keep a lacquey, Eupol. 
Koa. I. 3; often in Att. Prose, Antipho 115. 19, Thuc. 6. 28., 7. 75; 
Plat. Symp. 203 C, etc.; of dxdAovOor the camp-followers, Xen. Cyr. 5. 
2, 36: also fem., Plut. Caes. 10. 2. following after, c. gen., TAdTa@ 
. . Noprdwy di. Soph. O. C. 719 (lyr.). 3. following or consequent 
upon, in conformity with, c. gen., Taxddov8a Tay faxav Ar. Ach. 438, 
cf. Plat. Phaedo 111 C: but mostly c, dat., Id. Legg. 716 C, Tim. 88 
D; dxddrovda rovros mparrev Dem. 312. 25; ax. Tots elpnuévors éort 
70 deppho@a Arist. Pol. 6. 8, 1 ;—absol. correspondent, Lys. 162. 26; 
agreeing with one another, Xen. An. 2. 4, 19, Hyperid. Euxen, 36 :— 
Adv. —@ws, in accordance with, rots vépors Dem, 1100. 14, cf. Diod. 4. 
17: absol. consistently, eixérws wat dx. Aristid. 2. 142.—Used once by 
Soph. 1. c.; otherwise only in Com. and Prose. 

akodovréw, for dxoAovew, barbarism in Ar. Thesm. 1198. 

d-«oAtros, ov, without bay or gulf, Ael. N. A. 15. 16. 

a-KédupBos, ov, unable to swim, Batr. 157, Strabo, Plut. 

ako} a, Ep. ly [1], 4, want of tending or care, Od. 21, 284, Themist: 
a-Koptoros, ov, untended, Diog. L. 5. 5, Nonn. 
G-Képpwros, ov, unpainted, Themist. 218 B. 

dkopos, ov, (dun) without hair, bald, Luc. V. 
less, Poll. 1. 236. 

d-Kopracros and d-Koptros; ov, unboastful, Aesch. Theb. 538, Ib. 554- 

a-Kophevros, ov, inartificial, Dion, H. de Comp. 178, 200. P 
d-Kopipos, ov, unadorned, boorish, Archil. 158; éyo & dxopwos ‘rude 
I am in speech,’ Eur. Hipp. 986; d«. eat paddos A. B. 369, cf. Diogs 
L. 3. 63. Adv. -yws, Plut. 2. 4 F. 

dkovdw,. fut. Row, (dxdvn) to sharpen, whet, paxatpas Ar. Fr. 551; 
Adyxnv Xen. Cyr6. 2, 33:—Med., dxovac0a paxaipas to sharpen their 
swords, Id. Hell. 7. 5, 20. 2. metaph, like @yyw, dfdve, mapaxo- 
vaw, Lat. acuo, to provoke, inflame, yA@oaav jxovnpévos Poéta ap. Plut. 
Comp. Lys. c. Syll. 4, cf. Xen, Occ. 21, 3; Ovpoy én’ Amid: Twds deovay 
Demad. 180. 30. 

G-kév5tA0s, ov, without knuckles :—without blows, Luc. Char. 2. 

éxévy [%], §, (v. sub duet 1) a whetstone, hone, Lat. cos, ABivn Chilo 1, 

H, 1. 23: of trees, leaj= 

Hermipp. Mojp. 1, etc,; a, Nagia (the best were a Pind, Is 


6 (5). fin. 2. metaph., défav exw dxdvas Avyupas emt yAdoog I 
have the feeling of a whetstone on my tongue, i.e. am roused to song, Pind. 
O. 6. 141: esp. of persons, like Horace’s fungar vice cotis, of "Epws, 
Anth, P. 12. 18, cf, Plut. 2. 838 E, Greg. Naz. ap. Suid. s. v. oben 

Gxévyois, ews, }, a sharpening, Hesych., E. M. s. v. Bpuypés. 
dkovias, ov, 6, a kind of fisk, Numen. ap. Ath. 326 A. 
Space ov, (xovidw) unplastered, not whitewashed, Theophr. H. P. 
dkovov, 74, in medicine, a 5 
bing on an dxdvn, Diosc. 1. 1 
&-Kovlopros, ov, without dust, kovcopr@bns, Theophr. H.P.8. 11, 1. 
Gkovirt [ri], Adv. of dxéviros, without the dust of the arena, i.e. with- 
out a struggle, without effort, Lat. sine pulvere, of the conqueror, Thuc. 
4. 73, Xen. Ages. 6, 3; but, ef radra mpoeiro dxovirt Dem. 295. 7. 
dxovirikés, 7, dv, made of dxdviroy, Xen. Cyn. 11, 2. 
akévirov, 74, =sq., Lat. aconitum, a poisonous plant, like monkshood, 
wing on sharp steep rocks (év dxévas), or in a place called "Axévat, 
heophr. H. P. 9. 16, 4, cf. Sprengel Diosc. 4. 76, Theopomp. Hist. 200: 
—also dxéviros, 7}, Schneid. Nic. Al. 42. 2 
Gkéviros, ov, (Koviw) without dust, combat or struggle, Q. Sm. 4. 

319. IL. =dkd&veros Diosc. 1. 6 :—Adv. -rws, Id. 
dkovri [7], Adv. of dxwy, for dexovri, Plut. Fab, 5, etc.; but not in 
good Att. (Lob. Phryn. 5). ‘ 
dkovrias, ov, 6, (dxwv) a quick-darting serpent, Lat. jaculus, Nic. Th. 

491, Galen., Luc. II. a meteor, mostly in pl., Plin. H. N. 2. 23. 

ovrifw, fut. Att. @, (dxwv) to hurl a javelin, or absol. to throw, dart, 

tivés at one (cf. croxdCopat), Aiavros . . dxdvrice paldipos “Exrwp Il. 
14. 402, cf. 8, 118; also, Alas .. ép’ “Exrop: .. ter’ dxovricca 16, 
359; ax. és or cad’ Surov Od. 22. 263, Il. 4. 490:—the weapon is 
mostly put in dat., # Kat dxdvrice Soupi darted with his spear, ll. 5. 533; 
a. dovpt pacv@ Ib. 611, al.; also in acc., dedvricay df€a dodpa darted 
their spears, Od, 22. 265; dxovri{ovor Oapelas alxpas éx xetpay Il, 12. 
44, cf. + 422, Pind, I. 1. 33: to use the javelin, rogedew nat ax. Hdt, 
4.114; dx. dd tOv trey dpbds Plat. Meno 93 D. 2. after Hom., 
¢, acc, pers. to hit or strike with a javelin, or simply to aim at, Lat. 

petere, dx. tov ody Hadt. 1. 43, etc.; hence in Pass, to be so hit or 
wounded, Eur. Bacch. 1098, Antipho 120, ult., Xen. 3. dk. 
éavrds én rorapédv to hurl themselves, Eus. H. E, 8. 12, 4. 4. to 
shoot forth rays, of the moon, Eur. Jon 1155; in Med. ¢o flash, Arist. 

Mund, 2, 11. “II. intr. to dart or pierce, ecw yijs Bur. Or. 1241. 
&kévriov, 74, Dim. of dxwy, a dart, javelin, h. Hom. Merc. 460, Hat. 
I, 34, al. 2. in pl. the javelin-exercise, Plat. Legg. 794 C. 
dxdvriots, ews, }, the throwing a javelin, Xen. An. I. 9, 5. . 
akévtiopa, aros, 76, the distance thrown with » Aspen évrds dxovric- 
paros within a dart’s throw, Xen. Hell. 4. 4, 16. II. the thing 
thrown, a dart, javelin, Strab. 576, Plut. Alex. 43, etc. III, in 
pl.=the concrete dxoyriorat, Id, Pyrth, 21, 

Gkovricpés, 5,=dxdyriois, Xen. Eq. Mag. 3, 6, Arr. An. 1. 2,6; as 

a game, C. I. 2360. 24: @ darting out of liquids, Galen., Eust., etc. 2. 
dxovricpol dorépay, of shooting stars, Procl, paraphr. Ptol. 147. 

pecific for the eyes, prob. powdered by rub- 

ak » pos, 6,=sq., Eur. Phoen, 142. Il. as Adj. darting, 
hurtling, tptawa Opp. H. 5. 535 :—metaph., éayBo Christod. Ecphr. 359. 
ax! , ob, 6, a darter, javelin-man, Il, 16. 328, Od. 18. 262, 

Hadt. 8. go, Aesch; Pers. 52, Thuc. 3. 97, etc. 
dxovrurticés, 7, dv, skilled in throwing the dart, Xen. Cyr. 7. 5, 63; 
Sup., Ib. 6. 2,4; 7a dxovriatucd the art of throwing the dart, Plat. 
Theag. 126 B. 
hecttieerse, tos, #, Ion. for dudyriats, the geome of the dart (like the 
Eastern jerid), dxovrioriy eiadiceat Il. 23. 622 
dc édos, ov, spear-throwing, Ap. Rh. 2. 1000. . res 
a bKos, ov, receiving (i.e. hit by) the dart, or watching (i.e. 
— ing) hes dart, Simon, Se ae “ a 
ovTO-> , ov, carrying a dart, Nonn. D, 20. 140. 
dévrws, Ady. of dxwy, ae déxov. 
dkoéds, dv, =dxovorixds, Plat. Com. Incert. 61. 
, Ady. of dxomos, Liban. ; ees 25 
Goria, %, (dronos) freedom from fatigue, Cic. Fam, 10. 15. 
~ aay ov, pelts not wearying, 686s Arist. Mund.1,2. IT. 
untiring, unwearied, Stob, Ecl. 1. 952 >—Ady. —doTws Schol. Soph, Aj. 
852; also —ao7i, Socr. H. E. 6, 11. ; 
omros, ov, without weariness, and so, aL. untired, kaTa- 
nvetaoa Plat. Legg. 789 D. 2. free from trouble, Amips. Incert. 
14. _ II. act. not wearying, Sxnots Plat. Tim. 89 A; of a horse, 
easy, Xen, Eq. 1, 6; rots rerpdmoow v 7d éordvar Arist. P. A. 4 
10, 55- 2. removing weariness, refreshing, Hipp. Aph. 1246, 
Acut. 395, Plat. Phaedr. 227 A: (sc. pappakor), 76, a restora- 
tive, Galen., etc. ; dx. wddAaypa Diosc. 1. 93; in Galen, also dxomos, 7): 
—Ady. -mws, Theophr. C. P. 4. 16, 2. III. (from «ér7w) 
not worm-eaten, Arist. Probl. 14. 2. 2. not broken or ground, 
, Alex. Aphr. : 
— ie (wompl(a) not manured, Theophr. C. P. 4. 12, 3. 
ov, with little re wes in the bowels, Hipp. Acut. 394. 
Theophr. H. P. 8. 6, : 
* my producing Tittle excrement, of food, Hipp. Acut. 393. 
&xépectos, ov, (Kopévvups) Att. for dxépyros, insatiate, Trag., in lyr. 
passages (vy. dwdperos); c. gen., aixpas dxdpeoros Acsch, Pers. 999: 
“—in Soph. O. C. 120 (6 mévraw axoptoratos, most insatiate, most 
shameless), the word is either sync. for dxopeoréraros (cf. péooaros, 
yéaros), or is the Sup. of dxopys (a word cited by Hesych. s. v. dryxopés 

= foreg., 

gs | , 
aKovnols — akoveT kos. 

Lat. i s, ot(ds Aesch. Ag. 756; olparyé Soph. El. 123 ; velen Eur. 
Med. 638; -ydors dxopéoros (as Prien for ~rordros) Aesch. Pers, 
545. II. act. not satiating, Aesch. Ag. 1331. 2. not 
liable to surfeit, pista Xen. Symp. 8, 15. E 

Gképeros, ov, used in Trag. (metri grat.) for dxdpeoros, Aesch. Ag. 
1114, 1143, Soph. El. 122. 

akopys, Pa v. sub dxdpearos. ; 

Gkopnros, ov, (Kopévvupt) insatiate, unsated, c. gen., ToAEpoU, paxns, 
dGmeiXdwy Il. 12. 335., 20. 2., 14. 479 (never in Od.), cf. Hes. Sc, 3465 
mpordday h, Hom, Ven. 71: cf. dxopeoros. II. («opéw) unswept, 
untrimmed, Ar. Nub. 44. : . 

Gxopla, 1, (dxopos) in Hipp. 1180 F, a not eating to satiety, moderation 
in eating ;—but in Aretae. Cur, M. Ac. 2. 2, dx. worot, prob, an insa- 
tiable desire of drinking. ty : 

Gkopirys [7] oivos, 6, wine flavoured with axopos, Diosc. §. 73. 
‘dkopva, 7), a prickly plant, Theophr. H. P. 1. 10, 6 and 13, 3. y 

Gxopos, ov, =dxdpecros: untiring, ceaseless, Lat. improbus, eipecia 
Pind, P, 4. 360. 

Gxopos, 7), the sweet flag, acorus calamus (Sprengel iris pseudacorus), its 
root being dxopov, 76, Diosc. I. 2. 

Gkdpidos, ov, (copy) without top, without beginning, Dion. H. de 
Comp. 198. II. =sq., Hesych. 

G-Kopidwros, ov, not to be summed up, Hesych. s. v. dxpira. 

dxos, eos, 7d, (dxéopat) a cure, relief, remedy, resource, Cc. gen. rei quae 
avertitur, nax@v Od. 22. 481, cf. Il. 9. 250, etc.; vuppie@y EdwAlow 
Aesch. Cho. 71; «vBous . . , repmvdv dpyias dxos Soph. Fr. 380; xaxdv 
Kak® d:50ds axos Id. Aj. 363 :—absol., dxos ebpety Il. g. 250; diCno@at, 
éfeupety, exmoveiv, AaBeiv, woeicOa, Hdt. 1. 94., 4. 187, Aesch. Supp, 
367, Eur. Bacch. 327, Plat., etc.:—in literal medical sense, Hipp, Acut. 
383; and (by a medical metaph.), dos évréuvev, Tépvety, Aesch. Ag. 
y (cf. Cho. 539), Eur. Andr. 121:—dxos [éo7], c. inf., dos yap ovdev 
Tovde Opnvetabat it boots not to... , Aesch. Pr. 43. 2. a means of 
ies Dy thing, c. gen. rei, guae expetitur, owrnptas Eur. Hel. 1055. 

Gkoopéw, fut. now, fo be disorderly or unmannerly, to offend, oi dxoo- 
podvres Soph. Ant. 730, Ph. 387, Lys. 140. 42, Dem, 729. 7; dit. mept 
tt to offend in a point, Plat. Legg. 764 B. 

Gkoopnes, ecoa, ev,=drocpos, Nic. Al. 175. 

G&kéopyros, ov, («ocpéw) unarranged, unorganised, Plat. Gorg. 506 
E, Prot. 321 C:—Adv. -rws, Id. Legg. 781 B. 2. of style, un- 
adorned, Dion. H, de Thuc, 23, etc. 3. unfurnished with, trwi 
Xen. Oec. 11, 9. 

dxoopta, %, disorder, Plat. Gorg. 508 A: extravagance, excess, Adyar 
Eur, I. A. 317 :—in moral sense, disorderliness, disorderly conduct, Soph. 
Fr. 726; in pl., Plat. Symp. 188 B, Il. an interregnum (vy. 
xéapos 11), Arist. Pol. 2. 10, 14. 

d-Koopos, ov, without order, disorderly, puyh Aesch, Pers. 4703 de. 
kal Tapaxwins vavpaxia Plut. Mar. 10:—in Hom, once, in moral sense, 
disorderly, unruly, of Thersites’ words, Il. 2. 21 3 :—Adv. —pws, Hdt, 
7. 220, Aesch., etc, II. xécpos dxoopos, a world that is no 
world, Anth. P. 7. 561, but in 9. 323 of an inappropriate ornament. 

dxoordo or ~€w, (dxoorh) only used in aor, part., immos dxoorhaas 
ént parvy a horse well-fed at rack and manger, a stalled horse, Il. 6. 506., 
15. 263 :—cf. kptOdw, Buttm. Lexil. s, v. dxoorhaas. 

oor, 7), barley, Nic. Al. 106. (Said to be a Cyprian word, cf, 
Buttm. Lexil, ubi supr.) 

G-Koros, ov, without grudge, Hesych. 

dxovdfopa. [ax], Dep. =dxovw, io hear, hearken, or listen to, 
do5od Od. 9. 7, cf. 1 
feast, like xadcio0at, 
483. 10.—In h. Merc. 423, also dxovdto, 

axoun, %, Ep. for ra é. v.). a 

Gxotpeutos, ov, (ovpedw) unshaven, unshorn, 

dkoupos, ov, (Kodpos for Képos) childless, 
Pe ~ AI. (covpd) unshaven, unshorn, Ar. 
ovoelw, Desiderat. of drove, 

Hesych., thé series of words requi 
dkovota [ax], %, involunta 
dkovotdfopar [ax], 

c. gen., 
3- 73 dards dxovalecOov ye are bidden to the 
Lat. vocari, Il. 4. 343 :—absol, ¢o listen, Hipp: 

Hesych., Suid., etc. 
without male heir, Od. 7. 
Vesp. 477, Lyc. 976, Strabo. 
to long to hear, Soph. Fr. 820; and in 
tes dxovoelwy for dkoveTiav. 

: ry action, Soph. Fr. 822. $ 
im aor. I. Pass, ¢o do a thing unwillingly, Lxx 

(Num, 15. 28). 
dxouci-eos [4], ov, heard of God, Anth. P. 6. 249. 
akovorpos [i], 1, ov, audible, Soph. Fr. 823, 

akovctos, ov, Att. contr, for dexovctos, 
Gkovcrérns [aK], nT0s, },=dxovcia, Hesych. s. v. dé«nrt, etc. 
dxovors [a], ews, }, a hearing, Arist, de An, oe Se 
dkovcpa [ax], aros, 76, a thing heard, such as music, 7doroy dk. 
the sweetest strain the ear takes in, Xen, Mem. 2. 1, 31, cf. Arist. Eth, 
N, 10. 4, 7, Menand, Incert. 115; dx. xa 6pdyara Arist. Pol. 7. 17, 
ye 2. a rumour, report, tale, Soph. O. C. 517 (lyr.). 
ovopariKds, 7, dv, willing or eager to hear :—oi dxovoparixol the 
Per oners in the school of Pythagoras, Clem. Al, 246. 
crear 76, Dim. of dxovepa, Pseudo-Luc, Philopatr. 18. 
ee ig Adj. of dwovw, one must hear or hearken zo, c. gen. 
ys, Fe es. ee I. A. roto, Xen., etc. ; c. acc, rei, Plat. Rep. 386 
: + absol., Soph. .T. 1170. : 2. dxovoréos, a, ov, to be hearkened 
vt Tov Kparouvraw éarl navr’ dxovaréa Id, El, 340.—Cf. dxovw Iv. 
overs [2], 00, 5, a hearer, listener, Menand. Incert. 403. 
xh eo Page aa Agathem, Geogr. 1. 1, Dion. H., etc. 
Pag K = fal, nh, ov, of or for the sense of hearing, ataOnors ax. 
- 2. 37 F3 médpos dx. the orifice of the ear, Galen.: 7d dx. the 

and used by Themist. Or, 90D). 2, of things, insatiate, unceasing, d 

LSaculty of hearing, Arist, de An, 3: 2, 5 2, =dxovoparixds, 

° , p ‘sy , 
akouo'Tes — akpaTicTos. 

c. gen., Arist. Eth. N. 1. 13, 19, Arr. Epict. 3. 1, 13 :—Adv. -x@s, Sext. 
Emp. M. 7.355.  . IL.=dxovords, Schol. Eur. Or. 1281. 

dxovords, 7, dv, verb. Adj. of dxovw, heard, audible, h. Hom. Merc. 512, 
Plat., etc. ; opp. to Oeards, Isocr. 42 C. II. that should be heard, 
Soph. O. T. 1312 ; dxotca: 8 ob dxota’ Sums OéAw Eur. Andr. 1084. 
’ dxourifw [a], fut. iow, Att. «&, to make to hear, rwé 7 or Tivds LXX: 
in Pass., to hear, Byz. 

Gkovw [a]: Ep. impf. dxovoy Il. 12. 442: fut. deovooua (the Act. 
form dxovow first occurs in Alexandr. Greek, as Lyc. 378, 686, Lxx, 
Dion. H., etc., cf. Winer’s Gramm. of N. T. p. 9, Veitch’s Irreg. Gr. 
Verbs s. v.): aor. #xovea, Ep. deovoa Il. 24. 223: pf. dxfoa, Lacon. 
dxovea Plut. Lyc. 20, Ages. 21: later 7 : plqpf. denxdev Hat. 2. 
§2., 7.208, Lycurg. 15; jenxdev Xen. Occ. 15,5; old Att. junxdy Ar. Vesp. 
800, Pax 616 (ubi v. Schol.); d«nxén Plat. Crat. 384 B.—Rare in Med., 
pres. (v. infr, 1. 2): Ep. impf. dxovero Il. 4. 331: aor. jxovodyny Mosch. 
3. 120.—Pass., fut. dxovcOjcopa Plat. Rep. 507 D: aor. jovodnv Thuc. 
3. 38, Luc.: pf. #*ovepa: Dion. H. Rhet. 11. 10, Pseudo-Luc, Philopatr. 
43 dxhxovopa in Luc. de Hist. Conscr. 49 is now corrected. (The 
Root seems to be KOT, i. e. KOF, with a prefixed; cf. xoéw, axon.) 

To hear, Hom., etc.: KAvev, dxodoa (Aesch. Cho. 5) is ridiculed 
as tautology by Ar, (Ran. 1173, sq.), but cf. 11. 3.—Construct., properly, 
c. acc. of thing heard, gen. of pers. from whom it is heard,—as radra 
Kaduyods ijxovoa Od. 12. 389, cf. Soph. O. T. 43, etc.; the gen. pers. 
being often omitted, wav7’ Pe Adyov Id. Aj. 480, etc. ; or the acc. 
tei, dkove Tov Oavdvros Id. El. 643, cf. 644 :—often however c. gen. rei, 
pooyyiis, xrdmov to have hearing of it, hear it, Od. 12. 198., 21. 237; 
Adyov Soph. O. C, 1187. b. c. gen. objecti, to hear of, hear tell 
of, ax, marpés Od. 4. 114; to this a partic. is often added, dx. marpds 
TeOvnwros Ib. 1. 289, etc.; in same sense, c. acc., 287: this in 
Prose is commonly a. wept twos, as first in Od. 19. 270, cf. Eur. I. T. 
964. c. in Prose the pers. from whom the thing is heard often takes 
a Prep., dxovew 7 dad, éx, mapa, mpds tivos, as first in Il. 6. 524, cf. 
Hat. 3. 62, Soph. O. T. 7. 95, Thuc. 1. 125; rarely bd revos, Xen. 
Oec. 2, 1; rarely also c. dat. pers., as Il. 16. 515, Soph. El. 227. d. 
not often c. dupl. gen. pers. et rei, to hear of a thing from a ‘person, as 
Od. 17. 115, Dem. 228. 12. e. the act or state of the person or 
thing is added in part. or inf.,—in part. when the hearing amounts to 
certain knowledge, otherwise in inf., as ef mrdocovras ip “Exropt 
mavras dxovoat should he hear that all are now crouching under Hector, 
Il. 7. 129, cf. Hdt. 7. 10, 8, Xen. Cyr. 2. 4, 12, Dem. 31. 3; but, dx. 
abrov dABtov eiva to hear [generally] that he is happy, Il. 24. 543, cf. 
Xen. An, 2. 5, 13, etc.:—this is often changed for dxovew Or or ds 
with finite Verb, as Od. 3. 193, Xen. Mem. 4. 2, 33; also, du. obvexa 
Soph. O. C. 33. f. c. gen. et partic. to express what one actually 
hears from a person, tadr’. . Hxovoy capOs Odvocéws A€éyovTos Soph. 
Ph. 595; dx. twos A€yovros, duadeyouévov, Plat. Prot. 320 B, Xen. 
Mem. 2. 4, 1.—Hom. once uses the Med. for Act., dxovero Aads diris 
Il. 4. 331. 2. to know by hearsay, €£0.5' dxotvwv Soph. O. T. 
105: this sense sometimes involves an apparent use of the pres. like a 
pf., vijeds res Supin muxAnoneras, ef mov dxoves Od. 15. 403, cf. 3. 1933 
and so in Att. Prose, Plat. Gorg. 503 C, Rep. 407 A, Luc. Somn. 13. 3. 
absol. to hear, hearken, give ear, esp. to begin a proclamation, dxovere 
Ae@ hear, v. Aads I sub fin.: for Soph. O. T. 1387, v. my? 2. 4. 
of dxovovres readers of a book, Polyb. 1. 13, 6, al. IT. to listen 
to, give ear to, c. gen., Il. 1. 381, etc.; rarely c. dat., dove dvép 
wnSopévy to give ear to him, Il. 16. 545; by an anacoluth. with gen, 
of part. after a dat., Srre of Gx’ Heovoe . . Oeds edfapévaco Ib. 531. 2. 
to obey, Bacihjjos, Geod Il. 19. 256, Od. 7. 11; so in Med., Aewpidrou 8 
dxoverat [mavra] Archil. 69. 8. to hear and understand, kdvovres 
ob« jxovoy Aesch, Pr. 448. III. after Hom., serving as Pass. 
to €¥ or Kak@s Aéyewy Tid, to hear oneself called, be called so and so, 
like Lat. audire, eimep dp6’ dxovers, Zed, Soph. O. T. 903 (cf. Aesch. Ag. 
161); kakOs ax. ome tivos to be ill spoken of by one; pds Twos Hat. 
7. 16, 1; wept tuvos for a thing, Id. 6. 86, 1; €d, naxds, dpiora dic, 
Lat. bene, male audire, Hdt. 2. 173., 8. 93, Soph. Ph. 1313, Antipho 
138, 13, etc. 2. with nom. of the subject, dove xaxds, xadds, 
Soph. O. C. 988, Plat. Lys. 207 A; viv médaxes wal Oeois éxOpol. . 
dxovovar Dem. 241. 13, etc. ; 3. sometimes c. inf., jeovoy eiva 
mpa@rot were said or held to be the first, Hdt. 3.131; so also, dxodoopat 
pev &s epuv olxrov mAéws Soph. Ph. 1074. 4. c. acc. rei, dx. 
xakd, to have evil spoken of one, Ar. Thesm. 388, cf. Soph. Ph. 607 ; 
so too, dx. Adyov écddy Pind. I. 5.17; phuas.. kaxds Hovey Eur. 
Hel. 615. 5. ows dx., to hear it so said, i.e. at first hearing, Wolf. 
Dem. Lept. 235, Schiif. Mel. 80; ds orm y° dxodoa Plat. Euthyphro 
3 B; ds ye obrwot dxodaa Id. Lys. 216 A. IV. in Scholl. ¢o 
understand so and so, subaudire, Schol. Eur. Or. 333; 7t nt Tewos Schol. 
Hipp. 73; so dxovoréoy, Schol. Or. 1289, Schol. Ap. Rh. 3. 86. 

dpa, Ion. dkpy, 7, (fem. of axpos) like dxpoy, the highest or furthest 
point: 1. a headland, foreland, cape, ll. 4. 425., 17. 264, Od. 9. 
285, Soph. Tr. 788, Plat. Criti. 111 A; dxpav imepéev (metaph.) Aesch. 
Eum. 562; «déymrrev Menand. ‘AA. 9. 2. a mountain-top, peak, 
Soph. Fr. 265, etc.; metaph., «iparos dxpa the top or summit, Eur. 
Fr. 232. 38. used by Hom. only in the phrase ear’ dxpns (though this 
may mean Kar’ dxpns médews, v. infr. 3), vdv dAeTo Taga Kat dxpys 
“Taos almewh from top to bottom, i.e. utterly (so Virg., ruit alto a 
culmine Troja, sternitque a culmine Trojam, Aen. 2. 290, 603), Il. 13. 
772, cf. 15. 557., 24. 728; so, wéAw aipeav war dxpys Hat. 6. 18, cf. 
Plat. Legg. go9 B; (cf. xar’ dxpav mepydpow édeiv wéAw Eur. Phoen. 
1176); also, €Aacey péya Kdpa Kar’ dxpns a billow struck him from 
above, Od. §. 313; so in Att., yfv. marpdav..mpjoa xar’ drpas 



utterly, Soph. Ant. 201; and metaph., cat’ dkpas ds mopBovpeba how 
utterly .., Aesch. Cho. 691, cf. Soph, O. C. 1242, Eur. I. A. 778, Thue. 
4. 112, Plat., etc. :—cf. dxpnOev, nardxpyber, xpas. 4. the castle 
or citadel built on a steep rock overhanging a town, Lat. arx, Xen. An. 
7: I, 20, etc.; cf. Nieb. R. H. 3. n. 311: this is called depy méAs in 
Hom., and in later times d«pdémodcs. 5. an end, extremity, Arist. 
H. A. 3. 2, 8., 3. 11, 5 ; map” dxpas (acc, pl.) at the ends, Eur. Or. 128. 

axpdavros [xpd], ov, (xpataivw) =axpavros, without result, unfulfilled, 
Sruitless, Lat. irritus, Il. 2. 138, Od. 2. 202. 

dxptiyyjs, és, (xpa(w) not barking, deparyets kbves, of the gryphons (like 
nip dvnpaoroy, etc.), Aesch.Pr. 803. Hesych. expl. plot by ducxepés, 
axdnpov, dgbxodov, and in A. B. 369 we read dxparyyes (1. duparyés)” 
dxpdxodov, whence Meineke Com. Fr. 3. p. 452 suspects the word to 
be a compd. of dxpos, dyos; Herm. of dipos, dyn. Cf. dwAaryyl. 

axpdSavros, ov, (kpadaivouar) unshaken, Philo 2. 136,etc. Adv. —rws, 
Nicom, Harm, p. 8. 

dxparjs, és, (dupos, dnut) blowing strongly, fresh-blowing, of the north 
and west wind, Od. 14. 253., 2.421, Hes. Op. 592; si dxpags erit, if it shall 
be clear weather, Cic. Att. 10. 17. Ady. dkpact mAciv to sail with a 
Fresh breeze, Arr, Ind. 24, 1. 

dxpatos, a, ov, =dxpos, often in Hipp. (as Epid. 1. 954., 3. 1066), and 
Galen, in plur. 7a dxpata, the extremities (of the body); in the Mss. and 
Edd, almost always written dkpea. Il. dwelling on the heights, 
epith. of Hera, Eur, Med. 1379; of Aphrodité, Paus. 1. 1, 3., 2. 32, 6; 
of Artemis and Athena, Hesych. s, v. dapla (leg. dxpata); of éy dxpo- 
more Geol dxpatot [clot], xat worAtc7s, Poll. 9. 40. 

&-KpalmiiAos, ov, without from drunk , Arist. Probl. 3. 

17. 2. of certain wines, not producing such nausea, Ath, 32 
D. 3. of certain herbs, counteracting nausea, Diosc. 1. 25. 
éxparpvijs, és, syncop. form of dxepato-pavfs (which is not in use), = 

dxépaios, unmixed, pure, eépns axp. apa Eur. Hec. 537; bdwp Ar. Fr. 
98: metaph., wevia dup. sheer, utter poverty, Anth. P. 6. 191. It. 
untouched, unharmed, entire, Lat. integer, Eur. Alc. 1052, Thuc. 1. 19, 
52. 2. c. gen. untouched by.., dup. T&v karnteAnpevwy Soph. 
O. C. 1147; «dpous dxparpveis puppivns free from .., Lysipp. Incert. 3. 

d-«pavros, ov, poét. Adj., like the Homeric dxpéayTos, unaccomplished, * 
unfulfilled, fruitless, idle, érea, ¢dntdes Pind. O. 1. 137, P. 3. 41; Téexvat 
Aesch, Ag. 249 :—neut. pl. as Adv., in vain, Pind, O, 2. 158; axpavra 
Bd{w Aesch. Cho.. 882; od Gxpavr’ éxdpvopey Eur. Bacch, 435; 
Gkpavr’ d5vpe Id, Supp. 770.—For Aesch. Cho. 65,-v. sub d«paros 2. 

axp-atéviov, 76, (dgwv) the end of the axle, Poll. 1. 145. 

axpacta, 4, (axparos) bad mixture, ill temperature, opp. to edxpacia, 
dup. dépos an unwholesome climate, Theophr. C. P. 3. 2,5; da riv dxpy- 
olny, of meats (nisi legend. dxpaotny, intemperance), Hipp. Vet. Med. 10, 

dxpictla, ,=dxparea, q. v. 

akparera [xpi], 7, (dxparns) want of power, debility, vedpav Hipp. 
Aph. 1253. II. the conduct and character of an Gxparhs, in- 
continence, want of self-control, opp. to éyxpaérea, Plat. Rep. 461 B, 
Legg. 734 B, etc.; dup. j5ovav Te nal émOuyudy Ib. 886 A, etc.—The 
prevailing form in later writers is depacta, Arist. Eth. N. 7. 1-4, Rhet. 
I. 12,12, Menand. Aeco. 4; and this form occurs in Mss. of Plat. (Rep. 
1. c., Gorg. 525 A) and Xen, (Mem. 4. 5, 6, al.): the form dxparia also 
occurs in Mss. of Hipp, Coac. 145, Plat., etc., prob. by error :—yv. Lob. 
Phryn. 524 sq. 4 

dxparevopat, Dep. (dxparhs) to be incontinent, Arist. Eth. N. 7. 2, 1., 
7. 3, 3, etc.: censured by Phryn. p. 442, who quotes however Menand. 
Incert. 449.—The Act. occurs in Plut. ap. Stob, 81. 40. ° 

dxpareutixés, 7, dv, arising from incontinence, ddieqpara Arist. Rhet. - 

2. 16, 4. 
ancpiréeo, to be dxparhs, Hipp. 600. 35, Poll. 2. 154. 
apis, és, (patos) powerless, impotent, yjpas Soph. O. C. 1236; 
madia. Hipp. Aph. 1247; of paralysed limbs, Aretae. Caus. M. Diut. 1. 
\ II. c. gen. rei, not having power or command over a thing, 
Lat. impotens, yhdoons Aesch, Pr. 884; pavijs Hipp. 447- 243 opyis 
Thuc. 3. 84; Ovpod Plat. Legg. 869 A; dp. rv xetpwv, of persons 
with their hands tied, Dion. H. 1. 38 :—also, intemperate in the use of a 
thing, dppodiclev, olvov Xen. Mem. ¥. 2, 2, Oec. 12, 11; so, dep. xépdovs, 
tips intemperate in the pursuit of them, Arist. Eth. N. 7. 1, 7; also’ 
with Preps., dp. mpos rdv oivoy Arist. H. A. 8. 4, 2; wept ra mépara 
Id. P. A. 4. 11, 5; and c. inf., dp. efpyec@al rivos unable to refrain 
from .., Plat. Soph. 252 C. 2. absol. in moral sense, without com- 
mand over oneself or one’s passions, incontinent, unbridled, licentious, Arist. 
Eth. N. 7. 1, sq.3 dup. oréua Ar, Ran, 838; vndds Aristias ap. Ath. 686 

A:—Adv., departs éxew mpds Te Plat. Legg. 710 A. 3. also of 
things, uncontrolled, immoderate, damdvn Anth. P. 9. Fa oupor .» 
dxparés incontinence of urine, Aretae, Caus. M, Ac, 1.6; so in Adv., 

dupart ra odpa éxxéewv Id. Caus. M, Diut. 1. 7. 

&-kpatyros [pi], ov, uncontrolled, Arist. Meteor. 4. 7, 11: incontrol- 
lable, émOvpia Hdn. 1. 8. II. incomprehensible, Eccl. 

dxparia, 7, v. sub depdraa. F 

dxpar(fopar, fut. topar: Dep.: (deparos). To drink pure wine (me- 
rum): hence, to breakfast, because this meal consisted of bread dipped 
in wine (Ath, 11 C, sq.), Ar. Pl. 295, ubi v. Schol., Canthar. Incert. 1 — 
c, acc., dp. koxkdynra to breakfast on plums, Ar. Fr. 505 a; puxpov Ari- 
stom, Incert. 1:—metaph., c. gen., duryods jupariow aogias Philo 2. 166. 

dxpdriopa [kpa], aros, 7d, a breakfast, éws duparicparos &pas Arist. 
H. A. 6. 8, 3, cf. Ath. 11D. pe ligeee 

arirpes, 6, breakfasting, . 16D. 

yar ba [xpa], - the Nis. reading in Theocr, 1. 51, mply #} dupd- 

TioTov émt Enpoior Kabign,—defended by Herm., who eines duparie- 


tov émt énpoict, having made a dry breakfast, i.e. none at all. One Ms. 
gives dvapioroy, dinnerless ;—if this be received, émt £npotar must 
be joined, leave him on dry ground, i. e. bare and destitute ;—so, of ships, 
we have én’ ovj5ei xadicoa h. Hom. Merc. 284; cf. Ovid's in siccd destitui, 

GxpGro-Ka0ev, wos, 6, a hard toper, Hyperid. ap. Prisc. 18. 25. 

akpatomocia, Ion. dxpytotoctn, 7), a drinking of sheer wine, Hat. 6. 
84, Hipp. Aph. 1257; akpGrototéw, to drink sheer wine, Arist. Probl. 
3. 5: GxpGro-mérys, ov, Ion. dkpytomérys, ew, 6, (mivw) a drinker of 
Sheer wine, Hdt. 6. 84. 

akparos, Ion. dxpyros, ov: (xepavyvyu) : 1, of liquids, unmixed, 
pure, sheer, unadulterate, esp. of wine, Od. 24. 73; dkpnro omovdat 
drink-offerings of pure wine, Il. 2. 341 4. 159; olvos mavy axp, very 
strong indeed, Xen, An. 4. 5, 273 ofvos axpyros wine without water, 
Lat. merum, Hdt. 1. 207, etc.; and dxparos (without oivos), Ar. Eq. 
105, and freq. in Com.; so, dxparoy, 76, Arist. Poét. 25, 16, Ath. 441 
C; also of milk, Od. 9. 297; of blood, Aesch. Cho. 578, etc. :—said to 
mean dark-coloured in Hipp. Epid. 1. 966:—Adv. ~rws, Id. 107 C. Oty 
of any objects, dxp. odpara pure, simple bodies, Plat. Tim. 57 C; dup. 
Hé\ay pure black, Theophr. Color. 26; d&paros vif (sheer night) should 
perh. be read with Schiitz in Aesch, Cho. 65 for axpavros, cf. axparoy 
oxdros Plut. Nic. 21; dup. oxd Id. 2.932 B. 3. of qualities, pure, 
absolute, dep. vods Xen. Cyr. 8, 7, 20; mas..% dxp. Sucatoodyn mpos 
Gdiciay dip. éxet Plat. Rep. 545 A, cf. 491 E. 4. of conditions or 
states, pure, untempered, absolute, trhevOepia, hdovy, Plat. Rep. 562 D; 
ddvyapxia Arist. Pol. 2. 12, 2, etc.; dp. vduos absolute law, Plat. 
Legg. 723 A; dxp. pedSos a sheer lie, Id. Rep. 382 C:—so Adv. dxpd- 
Tws, absolutely, entirely, dxp. pédas or Aevkds Acl. N. A, 16. 11, Luc. 
D. Marin. 1. 3. 5. of persons, hot, intemperate, excessive, violent, 
dxparos dpynv Aesch, Pr. 678; dxparos éA0é come with all thy power, 
Eur. Cycl. 602. 6. so of things we feel, dxparos dpyn Alcid. ap. 
Arist. Rhet. 3. 3, 2; twepos Soph. Fr. 678; dip. Siappora Thuc. 2. 49; 
xp. xadpa Anth. P. 9. 71; pdBos Joseph., etc. II. a Comp. 
dxparéarepos (as if from dxparjs) Hipp. Vet. Med. 10, Hyperid. ap. Ath. 
434 D, Arist. Probl. 3. 3: Sup. dmparéoraros Plat. Phil. 53 A: but 

pardrepos Plut. 2. 677 C ;—cf. Lob, Phryn. 524. 

dkpiiré-cropos, ov, unbridled of tongue, Schol. Eur. Or. 891. 

dkparérns, nros, }, an unmixed state, oivov, pédtTos Hipp. Acut. 393. 

dxparo-pédpos, 5, and &kparo-pépov, 76, a vessel for pure wine, elsewh. 
yuernp, Cic. Fin. 3. 4, 15, Poll.'6. 99., 10. 70, Joseph. B. J. 5. 13, 6. 

dxpdrup [i], opos, 6,=dxparhs I, Soph. Ph, 486. II. = departs 
Ui, dep. Eavrod Plat. Rep. 579 C, Criti. 121 A. ; 
II. dxpiirds of dxparhs: v. sub voce, 

dxparas {al Ady, of dparos. 
&xpaxodkw, to be passionate, only in pres, part., Plat. Legg. 731 D. 
&xpGxoXla, Ion. dxpnxoAln, 1), passionateness, a burst of passion, Hipp. 
1212 H: later dxpoxoAta, Sopat. ap. Stob. 313. 30, Plut. 
_dxpa-xodos [@], ov, quick or sudden to anger, e, Ar. Eq. 41; 
gov dxp. an ill-tempered dog, Id. Fr. 5353 pédooa Epinic. Myyo. 1 ; 
dxep5os dxp. a wild pear that pricks on the least touch, Pherecr. Incert. 
32:—also dkpéxodos, oy, Arist. Eth. N. 4.5, 9, Philo, Plut., etc. s II. 
generally, in passionate distress, Theocr. 24. 0c (The forms dxpa- 
XoAos, —Xodéw, are confirmed by all the poetic passages, as also by the 
Ion. form a4xpyxoAla in Hipp.; and in A. B. 77 dxpaxohos is co teen 
Plat. Rep. (411 C), where the bulk of the Mss. give dupéxoAor, w ox 
in Legg. 731 D, 791 D is read dupdx.; cf. Eust. 1243. 23. 1735. 4 i 
The orig. form seems to have been dupaxoXos, and this Le S| Ja 
ened from dxpard-yoXos, v. axpnré-xodos, and cf. Lob. Phryn. 643 ts 
this sense was forgotten, the form Lepxconon was gradually introduced.) 
ea, v. sub dxpaios. i 
re taped h, by, like an dxpépaw or twig, Theophr. H. P. OF 8. 
dkpépav, ovos, 5, or better dxpepay, dvos, Arcad. 14.2, Suid.: ( oe 
properly a bough or branch, which ends in smaller branches an twigs, 
Arist. Plant, 2. 10, 3, Theophr. H. P. 1. 1,9: but also, simply, a branch, 
twig, spray, Simon. (?) 183, Eur. Cycl. 455, Theocr. 16. 96. a 
pos, ov, at eventide (cf. dxpos 11), Nic. Th. 25, Anth. oa 
633 :—dupéomepov as Adv., Hipp. 1216 B, Theocr. 24. 75; for whic 
Arist. ap. Ath. 353 B says rv dpxéomepoy (nisi legend. dup OTEpOY). 
dxp-48ns, ov, 6, a youth in his prime, Anth, P. 6, 71., 12. 124. 
- Bos, ov, in earliest youth, Theocr. 8. 93- ; ‘ 
vos, ov, without head-band, Opp. C. 1.497, Christod. Ecphr. 62. 

é , v. sub axpar—. 
dxpyros, akpyro-roctn, —réTys, ¥ ane ssa " ipp. Brac. 778. 

dxpia, 74, =dxpa, depia fivds Opp. C. 2. 552- 
Eee sar = depiBbe, LXX ; censured by e 5.152: akpiBacpa, 76, 

é , ob, 6, a close 
enquirer, LXX. 
“aiptBesa [spi], 4, 

- ¥, 22, etc.; rev mpaxbévrav Antipho 127. 12, cf. Lys. 148. 38 :—often 
with Brees in ae Sina 5 Westies, = dunn with minuteness or 
precision, Plat. Theaet. 184 C, Tim. 23 D, ete. ; bid maons dup. Id. Legg. 
876 C;—els Thy dup. pidogodeiy Plat. Gorg. 487 C;—es 3 esa oe. 
Pol. 7.11, 9 ;—mpos Thy dxpiBeay Plat. Legg. 769D; mpos dxp. Arie. fe 
Resp. 16 :—#) dup. Tod vav7iKod its fine state, exact Beeline, uc. i 
13; dup. vopov strictness, severity, Isocr. 147 E, ef, Isae. 65. 7 :—pl. 
niceties, Plat. Rep. 504 E. 2. niceness, punctuality, also A ra 
ness, pedantic precision, Polyb. 32.13, 11. _ 8. parsimony, rug ity, 
Plut. Pericl. 16; #8wp d¢ dupiBelas éork ri is scarce, Plat. Legg. 844 
B.—Hardly to be found save in Att. Prose. 

. dxprBéu,Schol. Pind, N. 4. 

exactness, literal or minute accuracy, precision, Thuc. 

1 = 

“muperds returning precisely at its time, Id. Epid. 1. 943. 

Ss iad 

dxparoxwOwv — dxprros. 

Gkptpijs, és, exact, accurate, precise, made or done to a nicety, in all sorts 

of relations, Eur. El. 367, Thuc., etc. ; Siarra Hipp. Aph. 1243 3 Bet 
exact, precise, strict, uxaorgs Thuc. 3.46: exact, consummate, 

pos Plat. Rep. 342 D: painfully exact, over-nice, precise, curious, Id, 

762 D; dupiBis Tors Oppact sharp-sighted, Theocr. 22. 194 :— 
so also of arguments, Ar, Nub. 130; of thoughts and notions, Eur., etc., 
cf, mepioads 11, 3 :—7d dicpiBés = dxpiBea, Hipp. Vet. Med. a1, Thue. 
6. 18 :—very freq. in Adv. —Bds, to a nicety, precisely, aupiBas eldévat, 
éricrac@at, KaBopay, pabeiv, etc., Hdt. 7. 32, etc. ; depiBas ay repicad~ 
pow Aesch. Pr. 328; opp. to éxAds, Isocr. gt D 3 to rum (in outline, 
roughly), Arist. Eth. N. 2. 2, 3; axpiBds wal podrs, Lat. vix ac ne vie 

idem, with the greatest difficulty, Plut. Alex. 16: $0, obi eis dxpiBes 

Ades at the right moment, Eur. Tro. gor; én’ dxpiBés Eus, H. E. 6. 31, 
2, al. 2. parsimonious, frugal, stingy, akp. Tovs tpémous Menand. 
ap. Stob. 387. 45, v. Gaisf. adJ.; dupiBws darrao@ar Andoc, 33. 19.— 
Rare except in Att., and mostly in Prose: the Comp. and Sup. —éorepos, 
-toraros, freq. in Plato, with -éo7epov, -€orara, as Adverbs, (The 
sense points to dipos as the first part of the word, but -{8ys remains dub.} 
dxptpl, Adv. exactly, Theodos. Gramm. p. 74. 

&xptBo-8{xaros, ov, severely judging, dxp. emt 70 x¢lpov extreme to mark 
what is amiss, Arist. Eth. N. 5. 10, 8. ; 
GxptBdrexros, ov, stated with precision, Eccl. 2 
axptBoroyéopar, Dep. to be exact or precise in language, investigation, 
etc., absol., Plat. Rep. 340 E, Crat. 415 A; also c. acc. rei, to weigh 
accurately, Id. Rep. 403 D, and Oratt. ; Tadra navra tbrép THs dAnbetas 
dxpiBoroyodpar Dem. 232. 5; Hod mept TovTaw axptBoroyoupévov Id, 
307. 9.—The Act. is found later, as in Dion. H. de Dem. ult, 

&kptBodoynréov, verb. Adj. one must weigh accurately, Arist.Rhet. 3.1, 10. 
TBodoyia, 7, exactness, precision in speech, investigation, etc., Arist. 
Rhet. 1. 5, 15. 2. parsimony, stinginess, Id, Eth. N. 4. 2, 7. 
GxptBo-Aoyos, ov, precise in argument, in pl., Timo ap. Diog, L. 2. 19. 
GxptBde, fut. dow, fo make exact or accurate, Eur. Hipp. 469; dxp. rade 
to be perfect in bearing these hardships, Xen, Cyr. 2. 2, 13; to arrange 
precisely, Ar. Eccl. 274:—Pass. to be exact or perfect, Ar, Ran. 1483; 
HepBAc0a mpds macay dperjy Arist. Pol. 3. 7, 4.—The Med. is later, as 
Joseph. A, J. 17. 2, 3, Eust. 1799. 33, etc.; but v. daxpiBdw. 2. 
to investigate accurately, to understand thoroughly, ot ra8° 7jxpiBandres 
Eur. Hec. 1192, cf. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2,9; Tovvoud pov od axpiBois; are 
you sure of . .? Plat. Charm. 156 A. 3. absol. to be exact, corre- 
spond exactly, Arist. Meteor. 2.6, 9; dxp. wept rt Id. G. A. 5.1, 36, cf. 
4. 10, 10, de An, 2. 9, 2.—Cf. d:-, éf-anpiBow. 
axpiBopa, 74, exact knowledge, Epicur. ap. Diog. L. 10. 36. 
&xptBwors, %, exact observance, véuov Joseph. A. J. 17. 2, 4. 
akptBwréov, verb, Adj. one must examine accurately, Philo 1. 357. 

axptdvov, 74, Dim. of dxpis, Diosc. 2, 116. 

&xptSo-PyKn, 7, a locust-cage, Theocr. 1, 52, Longus I. Io. 

axptBo-payos, ov, a locust-eater, Diod. 3. 29, cf. Strabo 772. 

Gkpifw, (akpos) to go on tiptoe, Eur. Fr. 574: cf. é¢axpiar, 

Gps, os, 7, (dxpos) Ep. Noun, a hill-top, mountain-peak, Hom. only 
in Od. and always in pl., depes veudeooat the windy mountain-tops, 
Od. 9. 400, cf. h. Hom. Cer. 383: generally, a hill-country is called 
dupes Od. 10. 281;—in sing., Tepyaplns itp dxplos C. I. 3538. 
18 :—cf. dxpis. 

axpis, f50s, 4, a locust, Lat. gryllus, Il, 21. 12, Ar. Ach. 1116, al. 

Gkptoia, %, (dxpros) want of distinctness and order, confusion, Xen: 
Hell. 7. 5, 27. II. want of judgment, bad judgment or choice, 
perversion, Polyb. 2. 35, 3. III. the undecided character of a 
disease, its not coming to a crisis, Hipp. Epid. 1. 945. 

akp-loxtov, 74, the end of the icxtov or hip, Medic. 

Guptri [zi], Ady. of dxprros, Lys. Fr. 56, Gramm. 

dxptré- jovhos, oy, indiscreet of counsel, Manetho 4. 530. 

,akprroyuros, ov, perh. with confused, unsteady gait, Emped. 31'7 (Sturz 

axplrd-Saxpus, , shedding floods of tears, Anth. P. 5. 236. 

dxpiro-< 8, és,=dxpiréuvb0s, Theod. Metoch. 77. 

Axplropibes, to babble, Eust. 349. 17: pOta, 4, babbling, Id. 1878. 4. 

Axplro-pilos, ov, recklessly or confusedly babbling, Il. 2. 246; ef. depi- 
Tos I. I. II. évecpor dps hard of interpretation, Od. 19. 560. 

axptros, oy, (ueplve) undistinguishable, confused, disorderly, widOos Il. 2. 
7965 dupera TAX dyopevery Od. 8. 505 3 THuBos dxp. one common un- 
ee grave, Il. 7. 337; Gp. maryos a confused mass, Hipp. ap. 

alen. ; cf. Plat. Gorg. 465 D, 2. continual, unceasing, axea ll. 3. 

412; neut. as Adv., mevOnnevar dxprov alet Od. 18. 174., 19. 120; 
Bnpov ai diproy h, Hom. Merc, 126 :—Opos dp. a continuous chain of 
Mountains, Anth. P, 6, 225, 3. after Hom. in Poets, countless, 
akp. GoTpay oxdos Eur. Fr. 596; pupia pda Kat dp. Opp. H. 1. 80; 
G@kpiTov TANBeL cited from Babr., etc, II. undecided, doubtful, 
vetved, deOXos Il. 14, 205, Hes. Sc. 311; axptrav bvrow while the issue 
Was doubiful, Thuc, 4. 20; dxp. &pis kat rapaxn Dem. 231. 8: un- 
certain as to time, Arist. Meteor, 2. 5, 43 muperos dup. a fever that will 
ees to a crisis, Hipp. 399. 22; and so Ady. —rws, Id. Epid. 1. 941; 

GkpiTas weyis ris dutdrns without decisive issue, Thuc. 7.71. 2. 
unjudged, untried, of persons and things, dupiréy ria «reivewv, dvaipeiv, 
ete to put to death without trial, Lat. indicta causa, Hat. 3. 80, 

as 67, cf. 8, 48, Dem, 212. 23; dxp, dro8ayety Antipho 135. 10, 
o. Pelle ap. a cause not yet tried, Isocr. 385 A, cf. Plat. Tim. 51 
d age: subject 10 no judge, mpurams, Aesch, Supp. 371:—Adv., dupirws 

mokrelvey Dion, H, tr, 43. IIT. act. not giving a judgment, 

3: in Med., Sext. Emp. M.1, os 

Hdt, 8, 124: not capable of judging, rash, headstrong, Polyb, 3. 19, 9; 

axprrogudXos — axpovuxé, 

so, dkpira unxavdpevot engaged in rash attempts, Eur. Andr. 549. 2. 
not exercising judgment, undistinguishing, of the Fates, Anth. P. 7. 439, 
cf, 5. 284; axpire Saipor, of death, Epigr. Gr. 204. 3. 
dxpiré-puAdos, ov, of undistinguishable, i. ¢. closely blending, leafage, 
Opos Il. 2. 868. 
axptré-huprtos, ov, undistinguishably mixed, Aesch. Theb. 360. 
axpiré-dwvos, ov, to explain BapBapdpeyvos, Apoll. Lex., Hesych. 
dxpodLopar, =dxpodoua, Epich. 75 Ahr., Menand, ’Eyy. 2 (si vera 1.) 
axpdapa, aros, 76, (dxpodopat) Lat. acroama, like dovcpa, anything 
heard, esp. with pleasure, anything read, recited, played or sung, as a 
play, musical piece, etc., Xen. Symp. 2, 2, Hier. 1, 14, Arist. Eth. N. Io. 
3, 7, and freq. from Polyb. downwds. II. in pl. for the concrete, 
lecturers, singers, or players, esp. during meals, Polyb. 16. 21, 12, al. 
axpoGparuds, 4, dv, designed for hearing only, ai dup. didackadta 
the esoteric doctrines of philosophers, delivered orally, Plut. Alex. 7; cf. 
dxpoarikds, écorrepids. 
dxpodopat, 2 sing. impf. #xpodco Antiph, *Emd. 2: fut. -dcopar [4] 
Plat. Apol. 37 D, etc.: aor. ijepododuny Ar. Ran. 315, Plat., etc.: pf. 
jxpédpae Arist. H. A. 4. 10, I1: aor. *«podOnv (in pass. sense) Joseph. 
A, J. 17. 5, 2, Aristid.: Dep. (Perh, from the same Root as #Avw, 
with a prefixed: cf. AA, Iv.) To hearken to, listen to: Construction 
as with dxovw, c. gen. pers., Antipho 129. 38, Plat. Euthyd. 304 D; c. 
acc. rei, Thuc. 6. 17, etc.; but sometimes also c, gen. rei, Thuc. 2. 21, 
Plat. Hipp. Ma. 285 D. 2. absol. to listen, Ar. Lys. 504, Pherecr. 
Wevd. ©: 6 depodpevos a hearer, Eupol. Anu. 6; esp. of those who hear 
lectures, a pupil, disciple, Plat. Rep. 605 C, Xen. Symp. 3, 6; hence like a 
Subst. c. gen., dvijp "ApearoréAous jxpoapévos Strabo 608, cf. Plut. Caes. 3, 
and v. depéapa, adxpoaris. II. to attend to, obey, rwds Thuc. 
3. 27, Lys. 158. 35, Plat. Gorg. 488 C: absol. to submit, Thuc. 6. Io. 
dxpdaats, ews, 7, a hearing, hearkening or listening to, Antipho 129. 
41, Thuc. 1. 21, 22, etc. ; dxp. moveioOal Tivos, = dxpoda0a, Andoc. 2. 
21; KAémrew Ti dxpéacww byay to cheat you into hearing, Aeschin. 
58. 37. 2. obedience, rivés Thuc. 2. 37. II. the thin 
listened to, a recitation, lecture, Hipp. 28. 1 5, Polyb. 32. 6,5 ens 
dxp., name of a work by Arist. III. =dxpoarjpor, Plut. 2. 58 C. 
axpoaréov, verb. Adj. one must listen to, rev kperrévev Ar. Av. 1228. 
‘dxpodriptov, 76, a place of audience, Lat. auditorium, Act. Ap. 25. 23: 
a lecture-room, Plut. 2. 45 F. II. an audience, 1d. Cato Ma, 22. 
* adkpoaris, of, 6, a hearer, Lat. auditor, of persons who come to hear a 
public speaker, Thuc. 3. 38, Plat., etc.: one who hears a teacher, a dis- 
ctple, a pupil, Arist. Pol. 2. 12, 7, ef. Eth. N. 1. 3, 5. II. a reader, 
lecturer, Plut. Thes. 1, Lysand. 12. 
axpodriés, 7, dv, of or for hearing, dep. Xyot esoteric discourses 
(v. dxpoaparixds), Arist. Fr. 612; juc0ds dp. a lecturer's fee, Lat. 
honorarium, Luc. Encom. Dem, 25. Adyv., depoarin@s éxewv to be fond 
of hearing, Philo 1. 215, etc. 
dxpoBapovéw, = dxpoBaréw, Hippiatr. p. 265. 
axpoBdpwv, ov, (Baivw) walking on tiptoe or erect, Greg. Naz. 
axpoBiréw, to walk on tiptoe, skim along, of ostriches, Diod. 2. 50; 
of haughty people, Philo 1. 640, etc.: v. Lob. Aj. 1217. II. to 
climb aloft, Polyaen. 4. 3, 23. 
axpoBiricés, 7, dv, fit for mounting, Lat. scansorius, Vitruv. Io. I. 
axpé-Biiros, ov, = dxpoBdpar, txveoty dxpoBdroow Nonn. D, 47. 234. 
axpo-Bidys, és, tinged at the point or slightly, Auth. P. 6. 66. pa 
skimming the surface of the water, Nonn. D. 1. 65. 
&xpo-Bedrs, és, with a point at the end, Anth. P. 6. 62. 
axpo-BeNXis, (os, 7), the point of a dart or spit, Archipp. “Hp. 3. 
dkpo-Bynpatilw, =dxpoBaréw, Hesych., Schol. Il. 13. 158. 
dxp6-BAaoros, ov, budding at the end, Theophr. H. P. 1. 14, 2. 
axpoBodéw, to be an dxpoBdaos, to sling, Anth. P. 6. 106. 
axpoBodys, és,=dxpofeAs, Anth. Plan, 213. 
a&kpoBoAta, %, a slinging, skirmishing, App. Civ. 1. 84, etc. 
BoAtfopar: aor. jxpoBortoduny Hdt., Thuc.: Dep. To throw 
from afar, to fight with missiles, as opp. to close combat, to skirmish, 
mpds twa Thuc. 4. 34; absol., Id. 3. 73, Xen. Cyr. 8. 8, 22 :—metaph., 
dup. éreot Hat. 8. 64.—The Act. only in Anth, P. 7. 546, and Hesych. 
axpoBddwors, ews, 7, a skirmishing, Xen. An. 3. 4, 18, etc. 
&kpoBéAtopa, aros, 76,=foreg., App. Pun. 36. 
axpoBoAopds, od, 6, =dxpoBdrArots, Thuc. 7. 25, Xen. Hell. 1. 3, 14, ete. 
a&kpoBodtorys, of, 6,=sq., Xen. Cyr. 6. 1, 28. 
Gxpo-Bodos, ov, pass., struck from afar, Aesch. Theb. 158. _ It. 
GxpoBddos, 6, one who throws from far, a skirmisher, Hesych., Suid. 
d&xpoBuoréw, to be uncircumcised, LXXx. 
dxpoBuoria, 7, the foreskin, Lat. praeputium, Lxx, Act. Ap. II. 
3- II. the state of having the foreskin, uncircumcision, Ep. Rom. 
2. 25, etc. 2. collect. the uncir ision, i.e. the uncir : 
Ib. 2. 26., 3. 30, etc. 

(The deriv. from xpos, Bia is difficult to 
understand, Perh. the word is a corruption for d«poroo@ia; in which 
case the Adj. dxpéBuoros, ov, occurring as v. 1. in Lxx and in Eccl, 
writers, must have been formed from the Subst.) : 

dxpo-yéveos, ov, with prominent chin, Arist. Physiogn. 6, 40. 

axpoyaviatos, a, ov, (yavla) at the extreme angle, dxp. AlOos the corner 
Soundation-stone, Lxx (Esai. 28. 16), Ep. Eph. 2. 20. 

dxp6-Seros, ov, bound at the end or top, Anth. P. 6. 5. 

axpo-Sikatos, ov, =dxpiBodixaros, Clem. Al. 413. 

dxpé-Spua, rd, fruit-trees, Plat. Criti. 115 B, Xen. Occ. 19, 12. x 
Fruits, Arist. H. A. 8. 28, 8, Probl. 22. 8;—acc. to Geop. Io. 74, properly 
of hard-shelled fruits, as acorns, chestnuts; so Spvds dxpa in Theocr, 15. 
112 :—the sing. occurs in Anth, P. 9. 555, Ath. 49 E. 

dxpo-éAuxros, ov, twisted at the end, Paul. Sil. Ambo 178. 


dxpéferros, ov, ((éw) boiled or heated slightly, Diosc. 2. 146. 
Kpo-Levyia, 7d, = CetyAn, Hesych., Poll. 1. 253. 

pase Tyee ov, slightly leavened, Galen. F 

dxpo-OdAumros, ov, burnt at the end, Lat. adustus, Hesych. 

dpdbev, Adv. from the end or top, Arist, Physiogn. 6, 20, Nic. Th. 337. 

dxpé-Oeppos, ov, very hot, cited from Philes de Propr. An. 

GKpo0, Adv. at the beginning, c. gen., vuerds Arat. 308. 

dxpo-Giyijs, és, touching on the surface, touching the lips, pthnua Anth. 
P. 12. 68. Adv., dxpobtyas éuBdarew just to dip in, so that it is hardly 
wetted, Diosc. 2, 105. 

dxpolividfopar, Dep. to take the dupoBina, take of the best, pick out 
Sor oneself, Eur. H. F. 476. 

dxpo-Sivov [67], 74, Eur. Phoen. 282, Thuc. 1. 132, Plat. Legg. 946 B; 
but mostly in pl. dxpodina, in Pind. also dxpé0tva: (dxpos, als) The 
topmost or best part of a heap; hence the choice part, first/ruits of the 
field, of booty, etc., to be offered to the gods, like dwapxat, Simon. 109, 
Hadt. 1. 86, go, al., Pind., and Trag.; dxpdé@va modéyou, in Pind, O, 2. ie 
the Olympic games, as being founded from spoils taken in war.—Properly 
a neut, Adj., as in Aesch. Eum. 834 dxpoOivia 6n offerings of firstfruits. 
Post-hom. word, rare in Prose, 

axpobadpat, dios, 5, , (Owphocw I) slightly drunk, Arist. Probl. 3. 25 
tenant’ H5n 7° dxpoOwpax’ évra Diphil. ‘Hp. 1; Ion. -Odpyé, Hipp. ap. 
Erotian. p. 178. 

dp ros, ov, fruiting at the top, potvig Theophr. H. P. 1. 14, 2. 

dxpo-keAaivid, only used in Ep. part. dxpoxeAaindav, growing black 
on the surface, of a swollen stream, Il, 21. 249; cf. Nonn. D. 18. 156. 

dxpoxépata, 74, (xépas) the ends of sail-yards (cf. xépas VIII), Poll. 1.9 
also dkpéxepa, Schol. Ap. Rh. 1. 566. 

&kpoxronov, 74, (xlar) the capital of a pillar, Philo 2. 147. 

—so, dkpo-kvedrs, és, Luc. Praec, Rhet. 17, Lexiph. rz. 

axpéxopos, ov, (xdun) with hair on the crown, epith. of the Thracians, 
who either tied up their hair in a top-knot, or shaved all their head 
except the crown, Il. 4. 533: with hair at the tip, of a goat’s chin, Polyb. 
ap. Strabo 208:—in Poll. 2. 28, dxpoxépys, ov, 6. II. with leaves 
at the top, tufted with leaves, Eur. Phoen. 1516, Theocr. 22. 41; esp. of 
the palm, Diod. 2. 53, Dion. P. roto. 

*Axpo-xépwvOos, 4, the citadel of Corinth, Eur. Fr. 1069, Xen. Hell. 4. 4, 4. 

axpoKiparéw, (xia) to float on the topmost waves, a bombastic word 
ridiculed by Luc. Lexiph. 15. 

Gkpo-KaAtov, 7d, mostly in pl. the extremities of the body, esp. of ani- 
mals, the snout, ears, trotters, pettitoes, Lat. trunculi, Pherecr. MevaaA. 1. 
14, Telecl, Incert. 13, Ar. Fr. 109, Archipp. “Hp. 2, Arist. Probl. 23. 40, I, 
etc. ;—the sing. in Antiph. Kopiv@. 1, Alex. KvB. 1, Eubul. “Auadé. 1. 

axpdodevov, 7d, (Acia) = dxpoBinoy, Suid. 

dxp6-Aos, ov, with the ends made of stone; fdavov dup. a statue with 
the head, arms, and legs marble, the rest wood, Anth. P. 12. 40; cf. 
Miiller Archiéol. d. Kunst, § 84. 1. 

&xpo-Aivov [Ar], 74, the edge of a net, Xen. Cyn. 2. 6., 6. 9, ubi olim: 
(ut in Poll. 5. 29) dxpwAenov. 

dxpé-Aivos, ov, at the edge of the net, Opp. C. 4. 383. 

dxpo-Almiipos [Ar], ov, fat on the surface, Alex. Movnp. 7. 

dxpo-Aoyéw, to gather at top, araxvas Anth. P. 9. 89. 

dxpododta, 4, a mountain ridge, hilly country, Polyb. 2. 27, 5,Strab. 699. 

axpododitys [Tt], ov, 6, a mountaineer, Anth. P. 6. 221. 

dxpé-Aodos, ov, high-crested, peaked, mérpar Opp. C. 1. 418, Anth. 
P, 12. 185 :—as Subst. a mountain crest, Plut. Poplic. 22. : 

axpo-Airéw (avy, to play with the ends of the belt, as if untying it, 
Anth, P. 5. 253. j 5 

axpé-paddos, ov, having short,wool, dub. in Strabo 196, where Coraés 
proposes paxpdpaddos. ae 

axpo-pavis, és, on the verge of madness, somewhat mad (cf. dxpdxodos, 
dxpoOepat), od ppevnpys dnp. Te Hadt. 5. 42. 

axpo-peiioos, ov, =dxpoOwpaf, Schol. Ar. Ach, 1132, Vesp. 1190. 

&xpo-poArB8os, ov, leaded a the edge, Aivoy Anth. P. 6. 5. 

dxp-oppdArov, 74, the middle of the navel, Poll. 2. 169. 

dxpov, ov, 76, (neut. of dpos) like dxpa, the highest or furthest 
point. la tain-top, peak, it, Pap-yapov, depov “1dys Il. 
14. 292; dxpoy drepBadgev Od. 11. 597; 7a dxpa the heights, Hadt. 6. 
Ioo, Plat., etc. 2. a headland, foreland, cape, Zovnov dxpor 
*AOnvav Od, 3. 278. 8. an end, extremity, Ta a. Tis Paddoons 
Plat. Phaedo 109 D; dpa xep@v the hands, Luc, Imag. 6; if axpav 
at the end, Ar. Fr. 94; & @xpou Com. Anon. in Mein. 4. p. 653 ;:ér 
depos Plat. Soph. 220 D :—a border, frontier, Polyb. I. 42, 2. II. 
metaph. the highest pitch, the height, mavdogias dxpov Pind. N. 1. 
14; els dxpov ixéoOat to the highest pitch, Simon. 58; «ls dxpoy dbus 
exceedingly, ‘Theocr. 14. 61; én dupov adduxéobat, eddeiv Plat. Polit. 
268 E, Tim. 20 A; mpds dxpw yevécOa Id. Phaedr. 247 B: dupa, Ta, 
the heights, highest point, otro 100’ dyper rv dxpaw dvev névov Soph. 
Fr. 463; 7 dpa rots dxpois drodidévat the highest place to the highest 
men, Plat. Rep. 478 E; dxpa pépeo@ar to win the prize, Theocr. 12. 

oul: Theocr. 15. 142; v. Valck. Adon. p. 414. ‘ III. Spvds 
dxpa, v. sub dxpddpva. IV. in the Logic of Arist. 7a dxpa are 
the major and minor terms of a syllogism, as opp. to the zégov or middle, 
cf. péoos III. 4. 

dxpoviiyas, (vicow) Adv. touching at the edge, Galen. : 

axp6-vuKros, ov, = dicpd-vuxos, Procl. etc.; in Manetho 5. 177, -vUKTtos, 

dxpb-vuk, vurros, },=dxpovuyia, night-fall, A. B. 372, Suid. 

dkp-ovixl [7], Adv. with the tip of the nail, for dxpawvyi, Anth. P. 12. 


2. of persons, “Apyeos dpa TeAaoyol the oldest rulers of - 

dxpo-kvédatos, ov, at the beginning of night, in twilight, Hes. Op. 5655 


126 (Cod. Pal. depovvyj, from an Adj. -vvxis; but cf. abrovuyi). 
Cf. dxp-dvuxos, 
akpovixta, 7, =depdvuf, Suid., Tzetz. Hes. Op. 565. 
axpé-vixos, ov, at night-fall, at even, Arist. Meteor. 2. 8, 28, Theophr. 
Sign. Pluv. 1. 2, Theocr. 31. 3, Nic. Th. 761:—neut. as Adv., Arist, 
Probl. 26. 18, 
axp-dvixos, ov, =dxpévuxos, Anth. P. 6. 103, Q. Sm. 8. 157. 
rol 8 » €s, fastened or nailed at the end, Nonn. Io. 4. 23. 
axpd- , ov, f. 1, for dxpdmAoos, q. v. 
axpémactos, ov, (mécow) sprinkled on the surface: slightly salted, 
Sopat. ap. Ath. 119 A, Xenocr. Aquat. 5. 
akpo-rax 7s, és, thick at the end, Moer. 346. 
Gxpo-mevOns, és, exceeding sad, Aesch. Pers. 135 (lyr.): but Paley 
- dBporevOeis, mourning effeminately, from the Schol., cf. d8pd-yoos. 
dxpé-mndos, ov, muddy on the surface, Polyb. 3. 55, 2- 
dxpoms, disabled, yA@aooa Hipp. 1259 H, 1221 G:—but the readings 
are doubtful, see Littré 4. p. 410. 
axpé-mA00s, ov, contr. —tAous, ovv, swimming at the top, skimming 
the surface, Hipp. 451. 38 (v. Galen. Gloss. p. 420), Aretae., Plut, :— 
restored for dxpdéraGos in Hipp. 95. 263 :—superficial, Id. Epist. 1286. 
akporroSyrt or —tri [77], Adv. (wovs) on tiptoe, stealthily, Luc. Prom. 
I, etc. f 
dxpo-roAetw, to traverse the top, Manetho 4. 79. 
dxpé-roAts, poét. dxpd-mrodts, ews, #, the upper or higher city, hence 
the citadel, castle, Lat. arx, és dxpémodw Od. 8. 494 (in Il, only divisim, 
Gupyn mds, v. xpos 1), Pind. O. 7. 89, Hdt. 1. 84, etc.; rad’ és dupd- 
mrohw Aesch, Theb. 240, cf. Eur. Or. 1094; as the seat of a tyranny (in 
arce tyrannus, Juven.), Philo 1. 401, 417. 2. in Att. writers the 
Acropolis of Athens, Andoc. 10. 31 (cf. Hdt. 1. 60., 8. 51); which 
served as the treasury, Thuc. 2. 13; as a record office, C. I. 84, 85, 87, 
ali; yeypapOar év 7H dxpowdrc, dvevexOjvar eis dxpdmodw to be 
entered as a debtor to the state, Dem. 1337. 24., 1327. 253 (in this 
sense the Art. is often omitted). II. metaph. of men, d«pdéroAus 
kat pros ev Snuw Theogn. 233; dxp. “EAAdvwv, of Corinth, Simon. 
137: also the most important part, chief stronghold, ris yuxijs, Tot 
owparos Plat. Rep. 560 B, Arist. P, A. 3. 7, 11, cf. Plat. Tim. 7o A. 
dxporddos, ov, (woAéw) high-ranging, lofty, ev dxporddooww bpecow 
Il. 5. 523, Od. 19. 205. ’ 
dxpo-répos, ov, boring through, piercing with the point, dBedoi Od. 3. 
463. 2. proparox., dxpézopos, ov, pass. with an opening at the end, 
avpeyg Nonn. D. 2. 2, II. (wopevopat) going on high, Ib. 46. 136. 
axpo-rroaGia, Ion. -(n, #, the foreskin, Lat. praeputium, Hipp. Aph. 1257, 
Arist. H. A. 1. 13, 3: batov, 74, Poll. 2.171. (Cf. depoBvaria,) 
dxpo-rérys, %, a hard drinker, Nonn. D, 14. 108. 

lous word 

akpovuxia — depwpia, ; 

Theaet. 152 E; ris piAocopias Clem. Al., etc. ; also, axpos els gudoco~ 
giav Plat. Rep. 499 C; mept dmdopaxtay Id. Legg. 833 E:—so also in 
Sup., highest, most excellent, Id, Theaet. 148 C, al. 2. of things, 
highest, extreme, cvpcpopa Alex. Tapavr. 4 (as amended) ; vnareta Diphil. 
Any, 1:—Sup., Plat. Phil. 45 A. IV. as Subst., v. sub axpa, 
axpov. V. neut. as Adv. on the top or surface, just, dkpov én’ 
dyOepixov Oéov Il. 20. 227; dxpov ént prypivos Ib, 229; so, dxpa e én’ 
airas BaOuidos Anth, P. 7. 428, 3. - b. exceedingly, ovd' dpa 
Tiphecoa Theocr, 27. 43; dkpov épwrav elddros, xpa haxas Anth, P. 
7.4483 dxpov éxav coins Epigr. Gr. 442; dxpa pépova’ dperijs Ib. 2245 
cf. Gxpov 11. 2. also in the rep. Adv., dxpws dveorad@a to be 

. 855. b. utterly, completely, 
Plat. Rep. 543 A, Ath. 248 F; ydvos dxpws Euphro “AS. 1. 5. 

ol és, (ofwopar) rotten at the end, Hipp. 382. 41. 
dkpo-ctSnpos, ov, pointed or shod with iron, Anth. P. 6. 95. 

axpo-oxipia, 7), a hill-copse, Tab. Heracl. in C.I. 5774.65, 71; cf. oxtpos. 

Gkps-codos, ov, high in wisdom, Pind. O. 11. 19, Dion. H. de 
Demosth, 51. 

, ov, without tassels, Athanas. 2. 116, Geop. 20. 22. 

dxpo-ornProv, 74, the chest, Arist. Physiogn. 6, 10. 

dxpo-ortyis, iSos, 7, an acrostic, i.e. a short poem in which the first 
letters of the verses form a word, Dion. H. 4. 62, Cic. Divin. 2. 54 :— 
also, -orixtov, 74, Or. Sib. 8. 249., II. 17, 23. 

Gxpo-orodvov, 74, the gunwale of a ship, Plut. Demetr. 43, Callix. ap. 
Ath, 203 F. II. also=dpAacrov, Diod, 18. 75, Paus. 9. 16, 3. 

Gxpo-orbov, 74, the edge of the lips, Dion. H. de Comp. p. 164. Il. 
=dxpopiator, Eust. 1153. 38. 

Gkpo-opaipia, ra, the rounded tips of the fingers, Exrmerins Anecd. 
Med. p. * 

a&kpoopahs, és, (opdAAw) apt to trip, unsteady, Plut. 2. 713 B; dxp. 
mpos iryleay precarious in health, Plat. Rep. 404 B:—so in Adv., dkpo- 
opadds éxew Plut. 2. 682 D. II. act. apt to throw down, slip- 
pery, dangerous, Polyb. 9. 19, 7- 
gupeeeyes, 7d, a sort of woman's shoes, Hesych.; &kpoodipta ap. 

oll. 7. 4. 

Mier on he, és, cloven at the end, Theophr. H. P. 3. 11, 1. 

Gkpo-rehevriov, 74, the fag-end of anything, esp. of a verse or poem, 
Thue, 2.17, Phryn. A. B. 369: hence the burden, chorus, cf. Dio C. 63. 10. 

Gxpo-revis, és, stretching high, Nonn. D. 7. 310. 

Gxpérys, 770s, 7), (depos) an extremity, Hipp. Vet. Med. 17, Arist. Plant. 
2.9, 12. II. an extreme (in point of height), opp. to weodrns, Id. 
Eth. N. 2. 6, 17:—metaph. excellence, Dion. H. de Demosth. 2, etc. 

G-KpoT70s, ov, not beaten down, Heliod. g. 8. II. not struck 
together or in unison, én tapavdra Kaxpérnra xtipBadra Com, Anon, in 
Meineke 4. p. 606. 

turned up at the point, Hipp. Moch 

dxpotous, 6, the extremity of the leg, i.e. the foot, an 

for dxpos mous in Hipp. Fract. 285; v. Lob. Phryn. 603, cf. dxpdxetp. 
ap: ov, 76, the end of a ship's prow, Strabo 99 Tol. 
, 76, the tip of the wing, Anth. P. 6. 229; dxpdmrepa 

gordy, the men in the wings of a company, Opp. C. 4. 127. 

axp6-mroAts, %, poét. for dxpdrods, 

axpopprtos, ov, (i(a) not striking deep root, Basil. 

axpop-plvov, 76, (pis) the tip of the nose, Poll. 2. 80. 

&xpop-piprov, 74, the fore-end of the pole, Poll. 1. 146. | 

xpos, a, ov, (on the Root, v. dif 1) at the furthest point or end, and 
so either highest, topmost, Lat. summus, or, outermost, Lat. extre- 
mus: 1. highest, topmost, dxporary agp Il. 1. 499, al.; é& 
dupy mode =ev dxporddre, Il. 6. 88; e aupys wodos Ib. 2575 axpy 
Oddy 13. 5233 Papyipe dup 14. 3523 Adwovres . . péAav Uap 
Gxpov at its surface, 16, 162; dxpnv te v the surface of the skin, Od. 
22. 278, cf. infr. v; én’ dxpav dpéwy on the mountain tops, Soph. O. T. 
1106; cf. drdropov; Sup., dxpordros dpdporct Orac. ap. Hdt. 7. 
140. 2. outermost, nar’ depas omthdbos on the edge of . . , Soph. 
Tr. 678; méd.ov én’ dupov Id. Ant. 11973 esp. of the extremities of the 
body, d«py xelp, dipor wé5es, dicpos wate the end of the hand, ends of 
the feet, #ip of the shoulder, Il. 5. 336., 16. 640, etc.; dxpos mots, xelp 
the foot, hand itself, Hdt. 1. 119 and (prob.) Thuc. 2. 49, cf. apdxeip ; 
yAaaoav dxpay Soph. Aj. 238; dxpas Tis nopns by the ends of the 
foliage, Cratin, Incert. 138 :—én’ dxpwy [BaxriAwy] on tiptoe, Soph, Aj. 
1230, ubi v. Schol.; so, comically, én’ dpa muyiblov on tip-tail, Ar. Ach. 
638, cf. Plat. Tim. 76 E; d«poraros xeiAeow Epigr. Gr. 547. 8 :—oix 
dn’ dupas ppevés not from the outside of the heart, i.e. from the inmost 
heart, Aesch, Ag. 805, cf. Eur. Hec, 242; dkpos puedds the inmost 
marrow, Id. Hipp. 255 ; Gxpo.ot Aatpous paoédas with the mere edges 
of the sail, i.e. under close-reefed sails, so as to escape the fury of the 
wind, Id. Med. 524 (where the Schol. interprets with sails full set, but 
y. Ar. Ran. 1000, et ibi Schol.). II. of Time, axpos denotes 
completeness, dupa adv éonépa when eve was fully come, Pind. P. 11. 18; 
dupov Oépos mid-summer, Hipp. Aph. 1247; dxpas vuxros at dead of 
night, Soph. Aj. 285; cf. dxpéomepos: though in some later compds. 
dxpos signifies that the time is only just come, cf. axpé-vuxos, —pavns, 
dxpwpia. IIT. of Degree, the highest in its kind, prime, exceed- 
ing good, consummate, excellent, Lat. capitalis, 1. of persons, Hdt. 
5. 112., 6. 122, Aesch. Ag. 628; Berparov yvapov dxpos Ib. 1130; 
pavris Soph. El. 1499; of wavrn dxpot, of dxpérarot Plat. Theaet. 148 C; 
ois dxpos Ta dxpa dmoddévat Id. Rep. 478 E: then of any extremes 
(opp. to pécos), as of classes in a state, 

Arist. Pol. 4. 12, 4: of moral 
conditions, Id. Eth. N. 2. 7, 8, ef. Ib. 8. 1 and dxpoy 111:—often with 

an acc. modi added, yuxiv ov« dupos not strong of mind, Hdt. 5. 124; 

depot 7a work wa 7. 111; dxpos Opryty quick to anger, passionate, 1. 735 

Evipdomn dperiy dxpy 7. 53 so c. gen. modi, 

of dxpot THs mongews Plat. b 

axporopéw, to lop off, shave the surface, Xen. Oec. 18, 2. 

Gxpdropos, ov, (réuvw) cut off sharp, abrupt, of a precipice, Polyb. 9. 
27, 4, Philo 1. 82; % dxp. (sc. wérpa), Lxx (Ps. 113. 8, cf. Job 28. 9, 
Deut. 8.15): of a stone, sharp, Theodot. Exod. 4. 25. 

&xpé-rovos, ov, strained to the utmost, muscular, Polemo ap. Ath. 552 D. 

a-Kporos, ov, unapplauded, Hesych. 

dxp-ovAos, ov, curled at the end, Arist. Physiogn. 6, 42. 

axp-oupavia, 7, heaven's citadel, Luc. Lexiph. 15. 

Gpouxtw, (dxpov, éxw) to haunt the heights, Soph. Fr. 290. 

axpo-dais, és, = dxpopavys, Nonn. D. 4. 130. 

Gxpo-Piirnprdw, to shine or to be white at top, only in Ep. part. dxpopa- 
Anptoavra Nonn. D, 2. 460. 

dkpo-diivas, és, just dawning or bright-shining, often in Nonn. 

akpo-pins, és, grown at the tip or end of a branch, Theophr. H. P. 9. 
5.1. II. high-bred, Synes. 180 B; dp. vods Id. 60 D. 

dxpo-pvAag, dios, 6, governor of a citadel, Polyb. 5. 50, 10. 

dxpd-pudXos, ov, with leaves at top, Theophr. H. P. 1. 14, 2. 

axpodvoroy, 74, (pioa) the snout or pipe of a pair of bellows, Soph. 
Fr. 824, Thuc. 4.100; fnyara .. émbdexviva révr’ dw dpopvatwy fresh 
from the bellows (or, as we say, from the anvil), Ar, Fr. 561. II. 
a comet’s tail, Dio C. 78. 30. 

dipo-xdué, 6, },=adxpoPapag, Ap. Rh. 4. 432. 

dxpo-xivijs, és, yawning at top, dépua Anth. P. 6. 57. 
: axpd-xerp, xetpos, #, later form for dpa xélp, i.e. the hand, whereas xelp 
includes the arm, Galen. ; in Ptol. also axpoxerpov, 76. Cf. dxpdmous. 

axpo-xeipifo, to seize with the hands, Aristaen. 1. 4 II. more 
usual in Med. ¢o struggle at arm's length, of a kind of wrestling, in which 
they grasped one another's hands, without clasping the body (the latter 
being called ovprdoxn), Arist. Eth. N. 3-1,173 axp. Tue or mpds Twa, 
Plat. Alc. 1, 107 E, Posidon. ap. Ath. 154 B; cf. Ruhnk. Tim. 

dxpoxetpuars, cas, %,=sq., Hipp. 374. 3; and to be restored in 364. 16 
(for dipoxeipit), 372. 38 (for —xetpift). 

axpoxepropes, 0, wrestling with the hands, 

akpoxeipioris, 07, 6, a handwrestler, Paus. 
axpo-xAlapos [7], ov, just warm, 
axpoxodéw, -xoALa, ~xodos, v. sub dxpax-. 

dxpoxopdav, dvos, #, (xop3}) a wart with a thin neck, Hi p. Aph. 1248, 
Plut. Fab. Ty Galen., etc. ; distinguished from Huppnea, 7a, Paul. Aeg. 4. 
15 :—axpoxopBovabys, es, troubled with warts, Dio C. Fr. 16 ; 

axpd-ptAos, ov, bare or bald at top, Hipp. 1133 Boer 

dxpd-pwdos, ov, wdds at the end, Schol. Ar. Eq. 960. 

d-Kpurrros, ov, unhidden, Eur. Andr, 836. Adv. -rws, A. B. 8. 

G-Kpvoraddos, ov, free from ice,  xwpn, Hdt. 2. 22. f : 
axp-wAénov, 74, the point of the elbow :—y. sub dxpodtvioy, 
axp-opla, 2; the point of the shoulder, acromion process, Hipp. Att. 791: 

Luc. Lexiph. 5, Galen. 
6. 4, I. 
lukewarm, Hipp. Acut. 394. 

” ” ¢ 
ak pov — axupos, 

in a horse, the withers, Xen. Eq. 1, 11, cf. Arist. H. A. 2. 1, 19:— 
so dxp-optov, 7d, Hipp. Art. 780, Arist. H. A. 8.5, 4. Cf. Greenhill 
Theophil. 176. 13. 

dxpwv, ovos, 6, and dkpwvapuov, 75, =dxpoxwAov, Hippiatr. p. 32, etc.; 
like acro in late Latin. 

dxpwvia, %, in Aesch, Eum, 188 is taken by H. Steph, as =dxparnpiac- 
és, mutilation, which Herm. (Opusc. 6, 2. p. 41) calls impossible: the 
Schol. interprets xaxod dxpowia by kak@y dOpo.ots, the height of woe, 
and in A. B. 372 the word is expl. by d@poicpara, dxpérns, axpuh :—but 
the passage is prob. corrupt, v. sub. yAodrs. 

Gxpwvixia, 7, (dvug) the tip of the nail : hence, the ridge or top of a 
mountain, = dxpwpea, Xen. An. 3. 4, 37, Hell. 4. 6, 7. 

axpavixos, ov, (dvut) with nails, claws, hoofs, etc., xepds axpwvuxa, 
the tips of the fingers’ or toes, Anth. P. 12. 82; ixvos dxp. the traces of 
one walking on his toes, Plut. 2. 317 E, cf. 325 B:—dkpa@vvE, Suid. 

axpapea, 7, (pos) a mountain-ridge, Xen. Hell. 7. 2, 10, Theocr. 25. 
31, etc. 

dxpwpta, %, (pa) daybreak, Theophr. Sign. Pluv. 3. 5. 

dxpwrnptatw, to cut off the axpwrhpia, of ships, tas mpepas hxpwrn- 
placay cut the beaks off the prows, Hdt. 3. 59 :—so in Med., rds rpujpes 
dxpwrnpagdpevor Xen. Hell. 6. 2, 36; pf. pass. in med. sense, #xpwrn- 
piagpévor rds rarpibas having foully mutilated their countries, Dem. 324. 
22. 2. of persons, to cut off the hands and feet, mutilate, Polyb. 
5. 54, 10, etc.; pndty dxparnpiaons évOdde, Inscr. on a statue, C. I. 
6855. II. intr. to form a promontory, to jut out like one, Polyb. 4. 
43, 2, Strabo 28. 

axpwtyplacpa, 74, mutilation, Hesych. v. ropia, Schol. Ap. Rh. 4. 478. 

akpwrnpiacpés, 6, mutilation, Diosc. 7. 1, Poll., etc. 

Gxpwrnpvov, 7d, (pos) any topmost or prominent part, axp. Tod ovpeos 
a mountain-peak, Hdt. 7. 217, cf. Pind. O. 9. 12. 2. a cape, pro- 
‘montory, Hdt. 4. 43, Pind. O. 9. 12, Thue. 1. 30. II. the end or 
extremity of anything, dxp. vnds a ship’s beak, Lat. rostrum, Hdt. 8.121; 
dxpwrhpia mpvpyns h. Hom. 33. 10. 2. in pl. the extremities of the 
body, hands and feet, fingers and toes, Hipp. Aph. 1258, Acut. 390, Thuc. 
2. 49; axp. dworunOjcecOa Lys. 105. 29; Ta axp. THs Nixns her wings, 
Dem. 738. 14, cf. C. I. 150. 22., 151. 10. 3. in pl. the angles of a 
pediment, i.e. the top and ends of base, on which stood statues, Plat. 
Criti. 116 D, Plut. Caes. 63, etc. 

dkpwrnpiddys, es, like an dxpwrhpiov, Schol. Aesch. Pr. 726. 

axparns, ov, 6, (dxpos) a chief, v. sub dypérns. 

dra, 7d, the Latin acta, C. I. 2927, al. 
axralw, fut. cw, (de7h A) to banquet on the shore, to enjoy oneself, Lat. 
in actis esse, convivari, Plut. 2. 668 B, in the proverb., onuepov axracw- 
pev,—v. Lob. Aglaoph. p. 1021, Hesych. s.v. d«rq. II. =dk- 
taivw, E. M. 

dxtata, as, %,a fine Persian state robe, Democr.ap. Ath. 525 D. Il.a 
marble ball, Clearch. ap. Ath. 648 F; cf. derirns. IIT. v. sub deréa. 

dxratvw, to lift up, raise, deraivew oraow to raise myself so as to 
stand, to get on my legs, stand upright, Aesch, Eum. 36 (Bdow is an 
emendation written over ¢rdow in the MS.) :—so also in the form dk- 
Taivéw, dxrav@oa Anacr. 137; bray dxrawdon éavrd Plat. Legg. 
672 C.—Both forms are recognised by the Gramm., dxraw@oa .. 7d 
iyaoa nat eEGpar nal perewpioar’ (Plat. Com. $a, g), . . AlaxvAos od- 
ner Gxtatve dyat Bapurévws, olov odkér’ dpOodv Sivayae évavrdy 
Phryn. in A. B. 23. 7, cf. 373. 18, E. M. 54. 34, etc. V. Ruhnk. Tim. 
s.v., ef dxra I, dnaxraive, drepucraivopat, 

dkrtatos, a, ov, (4nrH) on the shore or coast, as epith. of Ionian cities, 
Thuc. 4.52: so, Axrata (sc. yf), %, an old name of Attica, =a«r7 (A), 
I. 2, Call. Fr, 348. 2. dwelling on the coast, belonging thereto, Oeot 
Orph. Arg. 342; Bdrpaxor Babr. 25. 6. 

dréa, contr. dr, %, the elder-tree, sambucus nigra, Hipp. 564. 1., 
609. 31, Theophr. H. P. 1. 5, 4, etc. The uncontr. form appears in Luc. 
Tragop. 74, where the Mss. give the faulty form deraia, Cf. A. B. 23, 
Lob. Paral. 337. 

G-«réiivos, ov, without property, poor, rivos in a thing, Anth. P. 7. 353. 

d-Krévirtos, ov, uncombed, unkempt, Soph. O. C. 1261. 

dxréov, verb. Adj. of dyw, one must lead, Plat. Rep. 467 E, etc.; eiph- 
vnv dréov one must keep peace, Andoc, 28. 28, Dem. 91. IT. a 
one must go or march, Xen. Hell. 6. 4, 5. 

a-creptioros, ov, unhallowed by funeral rites, Anth. P. 7. 564. 

d-«repys, és, =foreg., Or. Sib. 3. 481. 

G-Krépiotos, ov, =dkreptiaros, Soph. Ant. 1071; cf. maords. 

akrh (A), %, a headland, foreland, promontory, deri mpodxovoa Od. 
24.82; drat mpoBAjjres 5. 405., 10. 89; opp. to AcuHy, Il. 12. 284; 
often with epithets denoting a high rugged coast, tpyxeia, bYnAq Od. 5. 
425, ll. 2. 395; tpaxéa Hat. 7. 33; orupads Aesch. Pers. 303 ; dpol- 
«dvoros Soph. Tr. 752; ordv Bpépovoe  dvrimdjyes derai Id. Ant. 
592 :—even of the rugged banks or strand of rivers, drat EAdpov, 
NeiAov Pind. N. 9. 96, L. 2.62; Siudevros Aesch. As. 697; ’AxépovTos 
Soph. Ant. 813.—Rare in Att. Prose, as Xen. An. 6. 2,1, Lycurg. 149 
sq. 2. generally, a tract of land running out into the sea, a penin- 
sula, or generally. coast-land, drat dipdora of the N. and S. coasts of 
Asia Minor, Hdt. 4. 38; of Africa, conceived as jutting out from Asia, 
4. 41, cf. 177; of Cape Sepias to the S. of Thessaly, 7. 183, al.; of Mt. 
Athos, Thuc. 4. 109; of Italy, Arist. Pol. 7. 10, 3; an old name of 
Attica, like "Axraia, Soph. Fr. 19, cf. Suid. s. v. II. generally, 
any edge or strand, like the sea-coast, Lat. ora, as xdparos dxth of a 
sepulchral mound, Aesch. Cho. 722, cf. Ag. 493; xXAwpd d., of a moun- 
tain, Soph. Ant, 1133; Adpuos a. of an altar, Id. O. T. 183. (Com- 

monly derived from @yvupe, as pyyyly from piyyvupt, the land haa § 

which the waves break: but Curt. remarks that the Root of dyvupe is 
FAT, whereas there is no trace of the F in é«r7.) 

axry (B), %, an old poét. word for corn or meal, Anuhrepos dxrh Il. 
13. 322., 21. 76, cf. Eur. Hipp. 138, Epin. Mvye. 9 ; aan Gdopirov 
d, Od. 2. 355, cf. 14. 429, Il. 11. 630;—in which places the sense of 
Jine meal or flour seems to suit, and so the Scholl. take it, deriving the 
word from @yvu. But, as in der (A), here also, there is no trace 
of the F; and in Hes. Anuhrepos a. plainly means corn, either still 
in the fields, or not yet ground, Sc. 290, Op. 32, 464, 595, 803; so 
that in this word also the deriv. from dyvupe becomes dub. 

dxrq, contr. for d«réa, q. v. 

dtnpovéw, to be derhpov, live in poverty, Eust. Opusc.96.83., 220.17. 

dxrnpootvn, %, poverty, Poll. 3. 111., 6. 197, and Eccl, 
G-erqpav, ov, gen. ovos, without property, poor, xpuaoio in gold, Il. gs 
126; absol., der. wevia Theocr. 16, 33; cf. Plut. Sol. 14. 

a-KThy, vos, =derhyw, E. M. 

a-«ryota, %, =dxrnpootyn, Eccl. 

d-«rnTos, ov, not worth getting, Plat. Hipp. Mi. 374 E. 

dxtivndéov, Adv. like a ray, Luc. Salt. 18. 

dxtivoBodéw, to send forth rays, Philo 1. 638 :—Pass. to receive the rays 
of the sun, Isid. Char. ap. Ath. 94 A, Eust., etc. 

akrivoBoAia, %, the shooting of rays, Plut. 2. 781 A: in Manetho I. 322, 

dxrtivo-ypipta, 7), a treatise on radiation (by Democritus), Diog.L.9. 48. 

dxtivoedys, és,=derihdns, Philo 2. 559. 

durivées, ecoa, ev, =dxrivarrds, Or. Sib. 8. 191 [with f, incorrectly]. 

durivos, 7, ov, (dxrf) of elder-wood, Theophr. H. P. 5. 3, 3: but prob. 
dsréivos should be restored, Lob. Paral. 337. 

dktivo-pépos, ov, bearing rays :—as Subst., a radiated shell-fish, Lat. 
pecten, Xenocr. Aquat. p. II. 

axrivadys, es, like rays, Philostr. 133. Adv. -8as, Galen. 

dxrtivwrés, 7, dv, furnished with rays, Lat. radiatus, Philo 2. 560. 

dxriov, 76, =dierh (A), Ael. N. A. 13. 28. 

dxrvos, ov, (dxrh), of or on the sea-beach, epith. of Pan as god of the 
coast, Theocr. 5.14; of Apollo, Ap. Rh. 1. 402: cf. dAéwAayeros, Atwevirns. 

arts [7], ivos, 9, a ray, beam, dxrivecow éoixdres Hedi Il. 10. 
547, cf. Aesch. Pr. 797, etc.; dwris alone, Od. 5. 479, Emped. 225, 
Soph. Tr. 685, Arist. Meteor. 3. 4,17, etc.; dvd péooay dxriva, i.e. 
from the south, Soph. O. C. 1247; derives reAevT@oat sunset, Eur. Ion 
1136 :—also of lightning, dxrives orepomas dropnyvipevat Pind. P. 4. 
352; @ Ads deris, matvov Soph. Tr. 1086; of the eyes, Pind. Fr. 
88. 2. metaph. brightness, splendour, glory, axrls ayavev, ka- 
Ady Epyparov Pind, P. 11. 72, I. 4. 72 (3.60); derives OABov splendid 
fortunes, Id. P. 4. 454. II. like Lat. radius, the spoke of a wheel, 
Anth, P. 9. 418. Poét. word, but used by Plat. Tim. 78 D, and not 
seldom by Arist. 

d-«tvetos, ov, unbuilt : uncreate, Eccl. 

dxtirys [7], ov, 6, (drm) adweller on the coast, Anth.P. 6.304. II. 
dr. AiBos stone from Aitica (cf. derH (A) 1. 2), i. e. Pentelic marble, 
Soph. Fr. 72, Hyperid. ap. Harpocr. s. voc, G#T7. 

é-«tiros, ov, poét. for deriros, untilled, h. Hom, Ven. 123. 

axros, 4, dv, brought, (dub. word, v. sub vaxrés). 

d-«riitros, ov, noiseless, Eust. 964. 60:—Adv. dxrumi, Polemo. 
aurwdpios, 6, the Lat. actuarius, C. I. 4004. 

dxtwp, opos, 5, (yw) a leader, Aesch. Pers. 557, Eum. 399; as prop. 
name, II., etc. II. a leash, =dyoryeds, Hesych. 

dxtwpéw, from akr-wpds, 6, a guard of the coast, both in Hesych. 

a- pynros, ov, without a steersman, Plut. Caes. 28, Luc., etc. 
a-KUBeuros, ov, risking nothing upon a die: cautious, prudent, M. 
Anton. 1. 8. ee ra ise och 
d-cuntiptov (sc. pappyaxor), 76, a drug to cause abortion, Hesych. 
astene, ie Koehn) like dvappédi:ros, Lat. invenustus, without 
charms, Cic. Fam. 7. 32, 2, Eunap. Io. 

akv0os, ov, (xdw) unfruitful, Call. h. Apoll. 52: also devuros. 
&-«tKAvos, ov, one who has not gone the round of studies, opp. to éyxv= 
«wos, Plat. Com. Incert. 62. 

é-Ktiduorros, ov, not to be rolled about: metaph., xpadin de. an un- 
daunted heart, Timon ap. Ath. 162 F. II. of Protagoras, od« 
dx. not without volubility or versatility, Id. ap. Sext. Emp. M. 9. 57. 
dxvdos, 6, a kind of acorn, given to swine with the BdAavos, Od. 10. 242, 
Arist. H. A. 8. 6, 4: the fruit of the ilex (mpivos), Amphis Incert. 6, cf. 
Theophr. H. P. 3. 16, 3. (Perh. from same Root as Skt. dg (edere).) 
d-Kipavros [0], ov, not washed by the waves, Yapabors én’ dxvpdyrors on 
sands washed by no waves, i.e. on the sands of the stadium, Eur. Hipp. 
235, cf. 229. II. waveless, calm, wéXaryos dx. Luc. D. Marin. 5. r. 
a-Kiparos [0], ov,=foreg. 1, Poéta in A. B. 6. 

d-Kdpos, ov, =dxvdpavros, Arist. Probl. 23. 4, Plut., etc.: metaph., dx. 
Bioros Eur. H. F. 698. 

axtpov [0], ov, gen. ovos, (Koya) =dedparros, Pind. Fr. 259, Aesch. 
Ag. 566: metaph. calm, Bios Plut. 8 B, etc., v. Wyttenb. ad 1. 

aktpov [BD], ov, gen. ovos, (xvéw) without fruit, barren, of women, 
Eur. Andr. 158; of the earth, Moschio ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 242. 

&-Kipis, és,=druvxqs; hence dxdpynpa and deuppa, 7d, Hesych., E. M. 

a-Kipla Adfews, impropriety of language, Hermog. 

-Kiplevtos, ov, not ruled, suffering no master, Eust. Opusc. 252. 31. 
axupo-héxrnros, ov, incorrectly used, Eust. 569. 6 (ubi male dxupio-). 

dxupodetla, 7, =dxupodroyia, Eust. 1770, fin., etc. 

axDpodoyéw, to speak incorrectly, Philo 1. 216, Gramm. 

axipodoyia, 4, an improper phrase, Dion. H. de Lys. 4. 

d-kipos, ov, without authority, opp. to KUptos, and so, I. of 


laws, sentences, etc., of no validity, unratified or obsolete, pidiopa 
Andoc. 2. 11; diey Plat. Legg. 954 E; ovvOjnat Lys. 150. 353 dkupov 
moeiv, karaoTioa, Lat. irritum facere, to set aside, like dxupody, Plat. 
Prot. 356 D, Isae., etc.; dupov yiyvec@a, elvat, to become or be of no 
force, to be set aside, Plat. Legg. 954 E, etc.; vdyos dxtpors xpwpern, 
ie, having laws, but not enforcing them, Thuc. 3. 37. II. of 
persons, having no right or power, dx, moveiv twa Xen. Hell. 5. 3, 243 
wabiordvar Lys. 115. 42; twéds over a thing, Plat. Theact. 169 E; 
dxvpo nmavrow .. yevnoecbe Dem. 342. 2; c. inf, Plat. Legg. 929 
E. 2. so too of things, dxuporépa xplars a less trustworthy decision, 
Plat. Theaet. 178 D; dxupos dyopeds the voting urn into which the 
neutral votes are said to have been thrown, Schol. Ar. Eq. 1150, Poll. 8. 
123: 7a dupa the unimportant parts of the body, Galen., cf. Arist. G. A. 
4. 4, 41. III. of words and phrases, used in an improper sense, 
Lat. improprius, Cic. Fam. 16. 17, 1 :—so Ady. pws, Eust. 457. 41, etc. 
Gxipda, fut. dow, to cancel, set aside, Dion. H. 2. 72. 
dictipwors, ews, 7, a cancelling, Dion. H, 8. 21. 
axupwréov, verb. Adj. one must cancel, Strab. 362, Clem. Al. 223, 
Aixtpwros, ov, verb. Adj. unconfirmed, Eur. Ion 800. 
dkiros, ov, (xJw) =dxvOos, Hesych. 
&xxaA(Bap, =xpé8Baros, Lacon. word in Hesych. 
6s, 6,=@pos, Hesych. (Curt. takes this to be the same as Lat. ala 
(i.e. axla), Dim. axilla: cf. dgowv.) 
A-Kabovcros, ov, not tested, Ar. Lys. 485; v. kbdwv. 
axoKy [4], %, (dun 1) a point, edge, Lat. acies, Soupds, BéAcos, éyxeos 
Il. 10. 373-, 13. 251., 22. 327, cf. Od. 19. 453, Theocr. 22. 195; also 
in late Prose, Luc. D. Mort. 27. 4; duis being the usual Att. word. 
‘Gxddvorros, ov, not divided into clauses (k@Aa), Dion. H. de Comp. 23. 
G-Kwdos, ov, without limbs, mutilated, Paus. 1. 24, 3- II, ill- 
jointed, and so moving slowly, Schol. Od. 12. 89. 
&-KoADros, ov, unhindered, Luc. Tim. 18, C. I. 2321. 8, etc. Adv. 
~ros, Plat. Crat. 415 D; also dewAvri, Democr. in Fabr. Bibl. 4. 338. 
G-Kopacros, ov, without revelry, Liban. 
_a-Ke Tos, ov, not ridiculed :—Ady. -rws, Luc. V. H. 1. 2. 
dev [a], ovros, 5 (deh 1) a javelin, dart, smaller and lighter than the 
éyxos, Il. 15. 709, Od. 14. 531, al., Pind. P. 9. 37, Eur. Phoen. 1402, etc. 
dxwv [a], dxovca, dxoy, Att. contr. for déxwr. 
_dkavirros, ov, (xavitw) unpitched, Diosc. 1. 6. 
rif s, ov, without a conical top, midos Joseph. A. J. 3. 7; 3- 
_&-Kamros, ov, not having oars: unequipt, A. B. 373, Hesych. 
a-Kwmos, ov, without oars, Anth. P. 9. ae 
GAGBa or GAGBq, %, a kind of ink, Hesych. 
ahi Bapxéw, fo be dAaBdpxns, Joseph, A. J. 18. 8, 1., 20. 5, 2- 
GAGBdpyys, v. sub ’ x78. - 
xta [GA], %, the office of dAaBdpxns, Joseph. A. J. 20. 7,33 & 

dAafapxins [Tt], Anth, P. 11. 383. 

nad 1 Dim. of dndBinoros, Eubul. rep. 7. 

aX ms (sub. AlGos), ov, 6, calcareous alabaster, Theophr. Lap. 6: 
also iris, c5os, 4, Ath. 206 C; v. sub dAdBaorpos. 

OtKn, ), a case for alabaster ornaments, Dem. 415.5: gene- 
rally, a small box or casket, Ar. Fr. 463: v. dAdBacrpos. ‘ 

oros [ada-], 5, a box or casket of alabaster (cf. dAaBaatirys), 

Hdt. 3. 20, Ar. Ach. 1053, Crates 2. 6, Alex. Eicou. 1, Mavip. 4. In 
the places cited the best Mss. preserve the form in dAdBaoros, which is 
recognised as the old and correct form in A. B, 206, Phot. Lex. s.v. 
AjxvOov. The other form dAdBacrpos occurs in the common dialect, 
as Lxx, N. T., Plut., etc.: Dor. acc. pl. dAaBdorpas Call. Lav. Pall. 15. 
—A neut. dAdBaorpov occurs in N. T., pl. dAdBaarpa or —ra in Theocr. 

te Anth. P. 9. 153. 

bdpos, ov, carrying alabaster vases, Aesch. Fr. 354- 
o-evd5as, Adv. like alabaster, Diosc. 4. 77. 
: pos, Vv. GAGBacros. 

GAGBn, v. sub dAdBa. ah 
GAdBys or GAAGBys, 77s, }, a fish of the Nile, Strabo 823; in Plin. 

alabetes, ; 
&AGGe [AA], Adv. (GAs) 2o or into the sea, Il. 1. 308, etc. ; also, eis 
ddade Od. 10. 351. II, GAade pica, name of the second day 
of the Eleusinian mysteries, the 16th of Boédromion, Polyaen. 3. 11, 2. 
GAé-Spopos [aA], 4, dithyrambic word in Ar. Av. 1395,—by some 
derived from GAAopa, the bounding race; by others from GAs, a race 
over the sea. Sarg 
dAaloveta, 7, the character of an ddalév, false pretension, imposture, 
kery, Ar. Eq. 903, Plat. Gorg. 525 A, etc.; described by Arist. Eth. 
N. 4. 7, Theophr. Char. 23; bm ddagoveias Ar. Ran. 919; in pl. Id. 
Eq. 290, Isocr. 237 B:—metaph., dA. xopday their over-readiness to 
sound, opp. to édpvnots, Plat. Rep. 531 B.—That the penult. is long 
appears from Ar. Il. c., Menand. Incert. 195 ; dAa{ovia [¢] only in late 
., Or. Sib. 8. 32. ! 
% Blo ad 7, an imposture, piece of quackery, Aeschin. 87. 41: 
in pl. guackeries, Ar. Ach. 87, Aeschin, 25. 23. 
vahaloved fut. 29 abit Dep.: (dAa¢év). To make false preten- 
sions, Lys. Fr. 42, Plat. Hipp. Mi. 371 A; of the Sophists, Xen. Mem. 
I. 7, 5, etc.; mept nos Wen, KoA. 10, Isocr. 293 B. B..c:.ace. 
ign, pretend, Arist. Oec. I. 4, 3- : 
xe petals ov, 6, a boaster, braggart, Hdn. Epim. 183. 
GAalovixés, 4, 6v, disposed to make false pretensions, boastful, braggart, 
Hipp. 20. 14, Xen. Mem. I. 2, 5, Arist. Adv, -«@s, Plut. Mar. g. 
aNatovo-xauve-bAdapos, 6, a swaggering empty babbler, Archestr. ap. 
Ath. 29 C. 

 ddafdy [4A], dvos, 6, %, (@An) properly a wanderer about the country, > 

’ , > , ; 
axupow — aapmys. 

vagabond, the Scottish landlouper, Alcae. Com. Incert. 5. ; II. 
like dydprns, a false pretender, impostor, quack, esp. of Sophists, Cratin. 
Incert. 41, Ar. Nub, 102, Plat. Phaedo 92 D, al.; cf. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2, 12, 
Arist. Eth. N. 4. 7, 11, and v. dAa{oveia. 2. as Adj. swaggering, 
boastful, braggart, Lat. gloriosus, Hdt. 6, 12; dA. Adyou Plat. Rep. 
560 C:—Sup., jdov) dAaConardrn (not -erary, v. Eust. 1441. 27), 
most shameless, Plat. Phil. 65 C. 

GAdGera, GAGOAs, Dor. for dA7O-. 

GAG0els, v. sub dAdopat. ; 

G-AdOnros [AG], ov,=GAnoros, which nothing escapes, Aesop., Eust., 
and late writers. 

GAaive [GA],=dAdopa, to wander about, Aesch. Ag. 82, Eur. Tro. 
1083, El. 204, 589, Cycl. 79; ddA. ré5a dvarnvov (vy. Baive A. Tl. 4), 
Id. Phoen. 1536; always in lyrics, except Eur. Or. 532.—Cf. 7Aaivw. 

Gdavos, dv, f. 1. for dAeds; cf. HAeds LU. 

GAaxKdra, 4, Dor. for jAaxarn. 

Ghakd, Dor. for dAad7, q. v. SS : 

GhGAGy4, 7), a shouting, Soph. Tr. 206; cf. dAaA}, dAadd tw. 

aypa, aros, 7é,=sq., Call. Fr. 310, Plut. Mar. 45. 
GAahaypos, 6,=dAadrayj, Hdt. 8. 37. II. generally a loud 
noise, Tupmavev, avdovd Eur. Cycl. 65, Hel. 1352. > 

Gdaddfw: fut. —dgoua Eur. Bacch. 593, -dfw Lxx: aor. AdAaga 
Eur., Xen., etc., poét. dAdAaga Pind. O. 7. 69 :—Med., Soph. Fr. 479, 
Arr. An. 5. 10: (formed from the cry dAaAai or ddadn, as €AeAiCw (B), 
6AoAU{w from similar sounds: cf. dv-, ér-, cvv-adada (a). To raise 
the war-cry, 7@ Evvadiy 7AdAagay (v. |. #AéAigav) Xen. An. 5. 2, 14, 
cf. 6. 5, 27, and so in Med., Arr. I. c.; c. acc. cogn., vieny ddadaler 
to shout the shout of victory, Soph. Ant. 133. 2. generally, to cry 
or shout aloud, Pind. 1. c., etc.; of Bacchus and the Bacchae, Eur. 
Bacch, 593, 1133, etc. 3. rarely of a cry of pain, RAGAaCe ducbv7j- 
okov povw Eur. El. 843 (where Valck. éopadace), Ev. Marc. 5. 38, Plut. 
Luc. 28. II. rarely also of other sounds than the voice, to sound 
loudly, Wadrpos 8 ddaddfe Aesch. Fr. 55; x¥uBadov ddaddQov 1 Ep. 
Cor. 13.1: cf. dAaAaypds I, dAaAnrés.—Poét. word used by Xen. and 
in late Prose. 

GAGAat [GA], exclam. of joy, in the formula dAaAat i) mandy, Ar. Ay. 
1763, Lys. 1291 ; and restored in Av. 953 for dAaAdy. 

GAaAdELos, J, epith. of Ares, Cornut. N. D. 21. 

édadarés, 6, Dor. for dAadnrds. 

GAadH [GAG], Dor. ddadé, §, (dAadal)=ddaAnrés, a loud cry, paviat 
7 ddadai 7 dpwopévwy Pind. Fr. 224; ddAadal aiaypdrov (v. 1. 
GAadayat) Eur. Phoen. 337 :—esp. the cry with which battle was begun, 
hence the war-cry, battle-cry, Pind. N. 3. 109, I. 7 (6). 15.—’AAaAd 
personified by the same Poet, «Ad0’, ’AAaAd, toA€pov Ov-yarep, Id. Fr. 
225, cf. Plut. 2. 349 C. 

GAGAnpar [GAG], pf. of dAdoyar, but only used in pres. sense (and part. 
Hpevos takes the accent of pres., Od. 14. 122), to wander or roam 
about, like a beggar, Hom. mostly in Od., as 2. 370., 15. 10, etc.; of 
seamen, payrdios dAddnobe 3. 72, cf. 313; of a departed spirit, dA. 
dy’ edpumvAts “Aidos 8H Il. 23. 74; -of things, pupla Avypd kar dy- 
Opdrous GAGAnrat Hes. Op. 100 :—once in Trag., Eur. Andr. 307 (lyr.). 
Cf. dAaAvKTnuat. 

G-AdAnTOS, ov, unspeakable, unutterable, Anth. P. 5. 4, Ep. Rom. 8. 26. 

GAGAnros, 08, 6, (GAadal) the shout of victory, Il, 16. 78: the war-cry, 
battle-shout, Hes. Th. 686, Pind. P. 1. 13% 2. generally, a loud 
shouting, Il, 2. 149. 3. rarely, a cry of woe or wailing, 21. 10; 
comically, 7@v 5€ mAaxotvraw . . Hv dd. Teleclid. "Aud. I. 13. a 3) 
rarely of other sounds, a loud noise, abAdv Anth, P. 6. 51. 

GaXla, %,=Tovnpia, dragia, Soph. Fr. 220. 

Gdadke [diAa], 3 sing. aor. 2 (also 2 imperat., Theogn. 13) Hom., Hes., 
Pind. ; subj. (v. infr.) ; opt. dAdAxous, -xot, —Korev Od. 13. 319, Il. 21. 
138., 22. 196; inf. dAadnévevar, —éuey Tl, 17. 1§3-, 19. 30, GAadxeiv 
only in Anth, ; Part. ddaAKwy Il. 9. 605, Anth, To ward or keep off, 
rk rine something from a person, Il, 19. 30, etc. ; more rarely ri Tivos 
al. 539: also, Gd. ri run pads Od. 10, 288.—No other tenses are in 
use in Hom., for Wolf rightly altered the fut. dradunoe (Od, 10. 288) 
into aor. GAdAKpor; but Ap. Rh. 2. 2 35 formed a fut. dAaAKhoovoww, 
and Q. Sm. 7 267 a pres, dAdAkovaw. (From W AAK come dAadxe, 
dAKabeiv, GAKh, Gwap, ddripos, GAxrhp, dAééw: identical with 
WVAPK (v. Ad. IV), whence dpkéw, Lat. arceo, arx, arca; cf. Skt. 
of the aka a (defendo) : prob. dptyyw also is a modification 

Akadxopevyts, ios, epith. of Athena, Il, 4. 8., 5. 908: acc. to Ari- 
starch. from the Boeot. town Alalcomenae, but better from dAaAxeiv, 
the P pia ee hea Ben ones, éws, of Zeus, E. M. 

v\? 4 Socot. month, answering to the Att. uauaxrnpiay, 
ate 1569, Plut. Aristid. 21, cf. Miiller Orchom, p. at. Ee 

1 egpeagale aig @ remedy, Phavorin., Zonar. 

» , Speechless, dumb, Aesch. Fr, 57, Lxx (Ps. 37 (38). 13) 

3 A aie 9. 17, etc. ; neiwerba dr, Epit. in C. L. 6233. 8. 

ahvyt, YY, t= Avyyds, a gulping, choking, Nic. Al. 18. 

Kermpat [GAG], a pf. formed by redupl. from dAverém (like GAdAn- 
Hat from dAdoyat), once in I], (10. 94), od8€ por Frop Eumedov, GAN 
i ria in anguish, am sore distressed. ; : 

TETOS, OV, (Adumw) wi : : 
the nether world, re A pared ‘es ce é h. oe ne es 
the margin of the Laur, Ms.); dA res : C e bom uh - 7 Shee 
often Th, 2331, cf. 3333; oxtros Anth. Pg. g4meo 

Grelee een + OF eyes, Hipp. Progn. 37; aA, #Alou out of the 

GM, Soph. Tr. 691; ddaugas “Aidos edvds Anth. P. append; 

aXapmia — &ddomuat. 

Phoc. 1. 

Gdapmia, %, want of light, Theol. Arith. p. 6. 19, Phot. 

GAdopat [aA], Ep. 3 pl. dAdwvrat, imper. dAdw (v. infr.), but used by 
Hom. mostly in contr. forms dAdo@e, dAdwpevos, impf. AAdpyy, Ep. 
GdGro, fut. dAnoopa (dn-) Hes, Sc. 409 (but v. |. dwadqoaro): Ep. 
aor. 4AnOny Od. 14. 120, 362, Dor. part. dAa@eis Aesch. Supp. 870 : cf. 
GAdAnpat: Pass.: (4An). To wander, stray or roam about, Hom., Hdt., 
and Att. (though in Prose wAavdoyar was the commoner form), of4 Te 
Anoripes .., Tol 7 dAdovrat yas wapOépevor Od. 3. 73; Tis dU- 
arnvos dhapevos évOd8 indver 6. 206; pi) maDapev 7 dddpevor Hat. 4. 
973; aicxpas dd@pae Aesch. Supp. 98 ; dovros vnAiwous 7° GA. Soph, 
O. C. 349: esp. to wander from home, be banished, like pev-yey, Ib. 444, 
Thuc. 2. 102, Lys. 105. 41, Dem. 440. 21; é« aéOev by thee, Soph. O. C. 
4363 ;—often with a Prep., dvd orpardv ofc: dAGaGe Il. 10. 141; Kam- 
mediov .. olos GAa@ro 6. 201; moAAd Bporav ém dare GAdpevos Od. 
15. 4923 iis ém éxxdrois pois Aesch. Pr. 666; él ¢évns xwpas Soph. 
Tr. 300, cf. Isocr. 76 A; otrw viv... dddw xara méyrov Od. 5.377, cf. 
Aesch, Supp. 870; vopddeoat yap év SebOais ddGrar Ar. Av. 942: also 
c. ace, loci, GA. yijv to wander through or over the land, Soph. O. C. 
1686; wopOpods dd. Eur. Hel. 532; pea Theocr. 13. 66; cf. rAavdw 
Ir. 2. c. gen. to wander away from, miss or be without a thing, 
edppootvas ddarat Pind. O. 1.94; Yuxiy ddGra: THs wdpob’ eimpagias 
Eur. Tro. 635. II. metaph. to wander in mind, be perplexed, 
Soph. Aj. 23. 
dads, dv, not seeing, blind, Od. 8. 195, etc. (v. fin.), never in 
Il., and used by Trag. only in lyric passages; 7d ¢wrav dAadv 
yévos Aesch. Pr. 549; GAaot, as opp. to Sedopedéres, the dead, 
Id. Eum. 322; of the eyes, Soph. O. C. 150, 243, Eur. Phoen. 
1531; €Awos dAadv a blinding wound, i.e. blindness, Soph. Ant. 
974: II. like Lat. caecus, dark, obscure, vépos Ap. Rh. 2. 
259. III. invisible, imperceptible, pOiots ddan Hipp. 412. 24, 
restored by W. Dind. for GAAn, or (as Galen. Lex.) dAata. (If it be 
a compd, of d privat. and Adw video (though the existence of this Verb 
is dub., v. s. voc.), the accent is exceptional, and is so taken by Arcad. 
38.) [@Ados Od. |. c., etc. ;—hence, in Od. 10. 493., 12. 267, for 
Havrios GAGod, the best Edd. give pavrnos GAdod with the ult. of 
Hayrnos lengthd. in arsi, Herm. El. Metr. p. 347.] 

GAtio-cKxomd, Ion. 1h, 7, a blind, i.e. useless, careless watch, Il. 10. 
515 (ubi v. Spitzn.), 13. 10, Od. 8. 285, Hes. Th. 466. 

dhio-réKos, ov, bringing forth young blind, Suid. 

GAGba, to blind, dpOarpod ddawoat to blind him of his eye, Od. 1. 69., 
9. 516; c. acc., Anth. P. 7. 601. 

Gharabdvés, 7, dv, (dAawatw) easily exhausted, i.e. powerless, feeble, 
arixes, oOévos, pos, etc., Il. 4. 330, Od. 18. 373, h. Hom, Merc. 
334, al., cf. Hes. Op. 435; Comp., dAamabyérepor yap éceode Il. 
4. 305.—Ep. word, used by Aesch. without the a euphon. (cf. dAama(w), 
dvats Aaabyéy being restored by Musgr. for Aémadvov in Eum. 562. 

ahatradvocivn, 7, feebleness, Q. Sm. 7. 12. 

Graf [GA], Ep. impf. dAdwaoy Il. 11. 503 : fut. dgw 2. 367, Aesch.: 
Ep. aor. dAdwafa 11. 750, Theogn. 951 :—Pass., Il. 24. 245: aor. 
ddaraxOny (é-) Or. Sib. To empty, drain, exhaust, Od. 17. 4243 
GX. réAw to sack or plunder it, Il. 2. 367; and of men, Zo over- 
power, destroy, 5. 166., 11. 503, al.: metaph., [olvos] é« xpadias 
dvias dvipiv dX. Panyas. ap. Ath. 37C. Ep. word (cf. éfadamd(w) 
used by Aesch. without the @ euphon. (cf. dAamadvés), Aamagew doru 
Kadpeiov Big Theb. 47, 531; and Triclin. gave erhvy .. Motpa Aamage 
(for Motp’ dAamdger) in Ag. 130. (The Root appears to be AAIT 
with a prefixed, cf. Aamdoow: but Curt. hesitates to connect these words 
with Admro, q. v.) 

fdas, dros, 74, (GAs) salt, acc. to Suid. only used in the proverb GAaow 
Het ; but the nom. occurs in Arist. Mirab. 138, and often in late Prose, 
as Plut. 2. 668 F, Ev. Matt. 5. 13, etc. 
ddacraive, =sq., Hesych. 
dhacréw, (dAacros) to be full of wrath, jAdoreov Se Geol (as trisyll.) 
Il. 15. 21; gywtey .., kal dAaornoas eros nvda 12. 163, cf. Call. Del. 
239, ete., and v. éradacréw. 
adacropta, 7, wickedness, Joseph. A. J. 17.1,1. . 
addoropos, ov, under the influence of an dddorwp, Aesch. Fr. go (in 
acc. masc. dAdoropoy): suffering cruelly, GAacrépoow dpparav KiK- 
Aos Soph. Ant. 974 (lyr.). 

ddacros, ov, lon. dAnoros Philo: (a privat.,Aa@eiv, AnPopa). Not 
to be forgotten, insufferable, unceasing, wevOos, dxos Il. 24. 105, Od. 4. 
108, Hes. Th. 467, cf. Aesch. Pers. 990 ; éxafoy GAacra Soph. O. C. 
538: neut. as Ady., dAacroy ddvpopa I wail i t, Od. 14. 
174. 2. of persons, as in Il. 22. 261, where Achilles calls Hector 
Gdaore, thou whom I will never forget nor forgive !—an accursed 
wretch, Soph. O. C. 1482; so, marpds .. GA. aia Ib. 1672: cf. dAd- 
oTwp. Poét. word, used by Trag. only in lyr. passages. 

GAdorwp, opos, 6, the Avenging Deity, destroying angel, Lat. Deus 
Vindex, with or without daiyov, often in Trag., as Aesch. Pers. 3545 
Ag. 1501, 1508; dA. obuds Soph. O. C. 788 ; ef dAaarépawy vooeiv Id. 
Tr. 1235; dA. MeAomdav, proverb, of utter ruin, Xenarch. Bour. 1; 
generally, BovedAav dAdorwp the herdsmen’s plague, of the Nemean 
lion, Soph. Tr. 1092; as fem., of the Sphinx, Nicoch. Incert. 4; cf. 
Bidorwp I. II. pass. he who suffers from such vengeance, a pol- 
luted or accursed wretch, Aesch. Eum. 236, Soph. Aj. 3743 peapot “: 
ot xédranes wad GAdoropes Dem. 324. 21; BapBapdy te . . kai ddd- 
sTopa tov bidurnov dmokadav Id. 438. 28; dvOpwn’ addorwp Bato 
*Avbp. 1.5, cf. Meineke 3. p. 186; cf. dAdoropos. 

2. metaph. obscure, dperiv ..dpaupdy nat ddAapmf Plt. 

(The and signf, oft 


ddagros brings it into close connexion with dAdorwp. But Curt. refers 
this last word to 4/AA in aAn, dAdopat.) 

GAdras, dAGrela, Dor. for dAjrns, dAnreta. 

GAatwos, 7, ov, (dAas) made of salt, AOos Clem. Al, 461. 

dddriov, 76, Dim. of Gas, Aesop. 

Garo, Dor., 3 sing. aor. I of GAAopat. 

&-harépnros, ov, not hewn square, ap. Clem. Al. 452. 

Gddro-mrwAla, %, the trade of vending salt, Arist. Oec. 2. 4, 2. 

G-Adxavos, ov, without herbs, Greg. Naz. 

GAa-Gmis, Sos, , pecul. fem. of sq., Emped. 185. 

Gda-wnds, dy, blind-eyed: dark, Lat. caecus, Nonn. Jo. g. 14. 

GAawris, vos, 7%, (dAadw) a blinding, dp0adpod Od. g. 503. 

Gda-arp, Gros, 6, },=dAaards, Synes. Hymn. 3. 583. 

&ABaptos, 6, the Lat. albarius, a plasterer, C. I. 9863. 

adyewvés, 4, dv, (Gdyos) giving pain, painful, grievous, Aesch. Pr. 197, 
238, Soph. O. T. 1530, Eur. Med. 1037, Thuc., etc.:—Ady. -vas, 
Soph. Ant. 436, Ph. ro11, Plat. Gorg. 476 c. II. rare in act. 
sense, feeling pain, grievously suffering, suffering, Soph. O. C. 1664.— 
The Comp. and Sup. in common use are dAyiav, GAyoros, though 
Plat. has dd-yewérepos, -draros, Gorg. 477 D, Symp. 218 A; so Arist, 
Probl. 9, 8, and v. 1, Isocr. 306 A. The Hom. form is dAeyevés, q. v. 

éAyeol-Swpos, ov, bringing pain, Sappho 125, Opp. Hal. 2. 668. 

adyeot-Oijos, ov, grieving the heart, Orph. H. 64. 

ddyéw, fut. yaw, (GAyos) to feel bodily pain, suffer, ddyhoas smarting 
with pain, Il. 2. 269, etc.; to suffer, be ill, Hdt. 4. 68; more fully, 
ddyjoas ddévnc Il. 12. 206: the suffering part in acc., as dAynoov 
jjmap Aesch. Eum, 135; tds yvd@ous ddyhoere Ar. Pax 237; Tov 
ddxrvdoy Plat. Rep. 462 D; 7d Gypara Ib. 515 E. 2. to suffer 
hardship, i} GAds i emt yijs ddyqoere Od. 12. 27. II. to feel 
pain of mind, to grieve, be troubled’ or distressed, dd-yeiv Yuxny, ppéva 
Hdt. 3. 43, Eur. Or. 608, etc.: day. 7wi to be pained at a thing, Hdt. 
3- 120, Soph. O. C. 744, etc. ; émi rive Id. Aj. 377, etc. ; dud re Hat. 
4. 68; mepi re or Tivos Thue. 2. 65, Eur, Andr. 240; but also c. gen., 
adryeiv xpi) tUXNS wadvyxdrov Aesch. Ag. 571, cf. Eur. Hec. 1256: 
c. acc., dAy@ pev épya Aesch. Cho. 1016 ; mpagiv Hv HAyno’ éy@ Soph. 
Aj. 790 (v. sub xalpw, dopa): c. part., #Ayno’ dxovcas Hdt. 3. 50, 
Aesch. Pers. 844; dGAy& xAvov Soph. Ph. 86; dpa@v Eupol. Any. 
es III. trans, to cause pain, 7a ddyobvra (dA-yivorra ?) 
Clem. Al. 933. 

dAyndav, dvos, %, a sense of pain, pain, suffering, of body, Hdt. 5. 18, 
Eur. Med. 24, Plat. Prot. 354 B; éduvn tis 7 day. Id. Rep. 413 B, 
al. II. of mind, pain, grief, Soph. O. C. 215, Eur. Med. 56, al. (With 
the termin. -75av in this and yatpndwr, cf. Lat. torpedo, lib-ido, cup-ido.) 

Gdynpao, 76, pain felt or caused, suffering. Soph. Ph. 340, Hipp. Vet. 
Med. 10, Eur., etc. ; ot éore AUmns ady. wet{ov Menand. Incert. 121. 

adynpés, 4, dv, painful, Lxx (Ierem. 10. 19, al.). 

ddyyors, ews, 7), sense of pain, Soph. Ph. 792, Ar. Thesm. 147. 

Gdyivées, ecoa, ev, (GAyos) painful, grievous, Hes. Th. 214, 226, 
Mimnerm. 11, Xenophan. 2. 4. 

dhyiwv, ov, GAyvoros, 7, ov, irreg. Comp. and Sup. of dd-yewds, formed 
from Subst. dA-yos (as KaAAlwy, -1aros from KdAAos, aicxiov, -t0ros 
from aicxos). More or most painful, grievous or distressing. Of the 
Comp., Hom. has only neut. dAyioy, in signf. so much the worse, all the 
harder, T@ 8 Gdyov, al «° WeAgow.. dupe paxeoOa Il. 18. 278, cf. 
306, Od. 4. 292: he has Sup. only in Il. 23. 655, #7’ Gdylorn dapa- 
cacOa (of a mule) :—but both are common in Att., as dAylav Aesch. 
Pr. 934, Soph. Ant. 64; dAyoros Id. O. T. 675, ete.: cf. GA-yewds fin. 
[In Hom, dAyiov, but T always in Att.] 

ddyos, eos, 75, post. Noun, pain of body, Il. 5. 394, Soph. Ph. 734, 
1379; in Hom. mostly in pl. pains, sufferings, ddyea redxer Il. 1. 110; 
a, macxey 2. 667, al, 2. pain of mind, grief, distress, Il. 1. 2., 3. 
97, Od, 2. 41, etc.; Tv 8 Gya xappa Kat adyos Bre ppéva 19. 
471; a. demédAcoy 14. 32; dvqxeoroy Il. 5. 394; but more freq. in 
pl., Il. 2. 39, al.; 7a xtvrar’ dAyn Kady Eur. Supp. 807; bm’ dd-yous 
from pain, Aesch, Eum, 183 ; aioxdvas éuas in’ dd-yéwv from grief for 
my shame, Eur. Hel. 201. II. later, anything that causes pain, 
Bion 2. 11, Anth. P. 9. 390. (Hence ddeye:vds, dd-yewwds, dAyéw, etc. : 
cf, also yA@ooaXyos.) 

adytive [0], Ion. impf. daydveone (ér-) Q. Sm. 4. 416: fut. iv Soph. 
O. T. 332, etc.: aor. #Ayova Soph., etc.:—Pass,, with fut. med. ddA- 
yuvodpat (in pass. sense) Id. Ant. 230, Eur. Med. 622: aor. #AyUvOnv: 
—Trag. Verb, used by Eupol. Ajy. 2, Xen. Apol. 8, and in late Prose, 
to pain, grieve, distress, twa Aesch,, etc. :—Pass. to feel or suffer pain, 
be grieved or distressed at a thing, Twi Soph. Ant. 468, etc. ; émi tive 

’ Eur. Tro. 172; 7¢ Soph, Ph. 1021: c. part., elowdoved 7’ pAyivOnv Kéap 

Aesch. Pr. 245. 

GhSatve, rare po’t. Verb, used only in pres. and impf., except Ep. aor. 
3 sing. #Adave Od. Il. citand, (not elsewh. in Hom,), and dAdhoacKe 
Orph. Lith. 364, cf. év-aAdaive ;—Causal of ddAdjoKxw, to make to grow, 
nourish, strengthen, péde’ HASave wotmért Kady she filled out his limbs, 
Od. 18. 70., 24. 368, cf. Aesch. Th. 12; @vpdv GAdaivoucay ey edppo- 
otvas Id. Pr. 540: ¢o increase, multiply, ds obe edge yA@ooar . . Gd- 
daiver waxed Id. Th. 557. (From 4/AAA come also dAdjoxe and 
*ANShwos (a name of Zeus, Method. in E. M. 58. 20): diff. from AAO 
in éA@aive, etc.; though both prob. come from the older Root AA, 
v. sub dAgos.) 

aASqes, ecoa, ev, waxing, increasing, Maxim. ™. Kat. 533. 

wo, to grow, wax, Aniov GddnoKovTos Il. 23. 599. 
trans, = dAdaivw, Theocr. 17. 78, Epigt. Gr. 511. : 

GAS opat, = dAdjoKw, y. sub GAOaivw, and cf. évaddaiver, 




GAéa [GA], (A), Ion. GAey, , (An, GdA€opar) an avoiding, escaping, 
flight, eyyv0 por Odvaros .., ob8° édén Il. 22. 301 (not in Od.): c, gen. 
shelter from a thing, berod Hes. Op. 543: cf. dAekpn. Ep. word. 

&Xéa [aA], (B), Ion. dX€q, 1%, warmth, heat, of fire, Od. 17. 23 (not in 
-l.) ; but more commonly of the sun, év dAéy -yevéo@ai Hipp. Vet, Med, 
15; moréecOar mepimdrous év ad. Id. Aér. 285; ev Karareipevos 
Ar, Eccl. 541; dAéas wai yixous in heat and cold, Plat. Eryx. gor D, 
cf. Arist. Meteor. 2. 5,17; mv@yos xal adéa Id. Metaph, 5. 2, 7; in pl., 
Id. Probl. 5. 40, etc.: in late Prose animal heat, Plut. 2. 131 D, 658 C, 
etc. (From the same Root seem to come én-aAjs, ein (q. v.), though 
the breathing makes a difficulty in this word.) 

GXedLo, to be warm, Arist. Probl. 1. 39, de Resp. 4. 93 cf. Actor. 

GAcaive, aor. dva Ael. V. H. 9. 30, (dAén (B)) to warm, make warm, 
Hipp. 523 (acc. to Littré), Arist. Probl. 6. 3, P. A. 2. 10, 7. II. 
intr. to grow warm, be warm, Ar. Eccl. 540; GA. mpos Td Tp Kabnyevn 
Menand. Incert. 235. 

GXcavrixés, 7, 6v, fit for warming, Sext. Emp. P. 3. 179. 

GAéaoGar, dAéacGe, Ep. aor. 1 forms of dAéopat. 

GAcyewés, 7, dv, Ep. for dayewds, painful, grievous, atyyn, paxn, Ul. 
5. 658., 18. 248; elpeoin Od. 10. 78; pepypvépara Pind. Fr. 245: c. 
~ troublesome, immot ddeyevol dayhpevat Il. 10. 402. Adv. Q. 

mM. 3. 557- 

GAeyifo, Ep. Verb, only used in pres. and impf.: (@Aéyw). To trouble 
oneself about a thing, to care for, mind, heed, in Hom. (only in Il.) always 
with a negat., c. gen., rev ovr werarpémp ob8 ddeyiCes Il. 1. 160, al. ; 
Tév pev ap ove ddéye marhp 11, 80, cf. Hes. Th, 171: absol., 6 & 
dphpevos ob« ddeyiCe od8 Sera Il. 1 5. 106; in late Ep. c. acc., eye 
de pay ob dAcyifw Q. Sm. 2. 428; rarely without negat., ds zpla pev 
tixret, bto exdéme, ev 8 GdeyiCer Musae. ap. Arist. H. A. 6. 6, 1; 
jpdav ar. C. I. 6280. 42 :—Pass., ode ddeyCdnevos Anth. P. 5. 18. 

GAeyive, Ep. Verb, used by Hom. only in pres. and impf.: aor. dAé 
yova Ap. Rh. 1. 394, med. dAeydvaro Emped. 445: (GA¢ya). To 
mind, heed, care for, Hom. (only in Od.) always c. acc. datra or darras, 
Gras & ddeyivere dairas find your meals elsewhere, 1. 374; dair’ dAé- 
yuvov, of invited guests, 13. 23; but, dairas éloas.. dAeyuverv to pre- 
a a ei for guests, 11. 186; later, SoAoppottyny Gdeyivov h. Hom. 

erc. 361. : 

ddéyo, Ep. Verb, used also by Pind, and once in Aesch. (lyr.), only in 
pres., to trouble oneself, have a care, mind, heed,mostly with negat.: as 
absol., ob GA. to have no care, heed not, Lat. negligo, Il. 11. 389, Od. 
17. 390; KUves ode GAéyovaat careless, reckless.., Od. 19. 154; but 
without negat., Artal ddéyovot xodoa walk with good heed, ll. 9. 
504, II. with a case, 1. c. gen. to care for, ob8’ GAAHAav 
Gdeyovow Od. 9. 115; 0d yap KiAwmes Aids .. dAéyovow Ib. 275, ef. 
Simon. 37. 10; Bwydy ddéyovres obdév Aesch. Supp. 752; without 
negat., Yuyfs ad. rep Ap. Rh. 2. 634, cf. C. I. 6280. 65. 2. 
rarely c, acc. to heed, regard, respect, Oe@v dmw ov ddéyorres Il. 16. 
388, Hes. Op. 251: without a negat., vy@v SmAa.. ddéyovoww take care 
of, Od. 6. 268, cf. Pind. O, tr (10). 15, 1. 8 (7). 103. IIT. Pass. 
aréyeoOa év Tit, to be regarded or counted among’, Pind. O. 2. 142. 
(Commonly deriv. from a copul., Aéyw, to count with, and Pind, in the last 
passage seems to have taken it in this sense. Hence ddeyi{w, ddeyivw: 
the connexion with dAeyervds, dd-ye.vés, etc., is more than doubtful.) 

Gdeewés, 4, dv, (dAéa (B)) Lying open to the sun, warm, hot, xwpn 
Hdt. 2. 25; opp. to puxewéds, Xen. Cyn. 10, 6; xerdw Id. Symp. 4, 38; 

GXéq, v. sub adda. ’ 
Gdens, és, like dAcewés, warm, in the sun, tmvos Soph. Ph. 859 (lyr.) : 
—so the Mss. read and so the Schol. interprets; but the conj. of Reiske, 
ddens, is very plausible. eet 

Gidea, %, (@An) a wandering about, A. B. 376, Hesych. 

GXcia, },=dXela, like byela for bylea, v. |. Artist. Occ. 2. 4, 2, Hdn, 

GAectavros, ov, (Acaiva) unmasticated, tpopn Arist. P. A. 3.14, 9- 
Gdelara, 74, (dAéw) wheaten flour, Od. 20. 108; cf. dAeupov. 

. 13, C. 1. 2782. 25, al.; v. Schneid, Vitruv. 5. 10, 5. P 

i rales ark clr hence (cf. anelpes 1), the trainer and 
teacher in astic schools, Lat. aliptes, lanista, Arist. Eth. N. 2. 6, 7, 
Polyb. 27.6, 1, C.1. 418, al. 2. metaph. a teacher, rv moAcrucey Plut. 
Pericl. 4; 7s xaxtas Sext. Emp. M. 1. 298; cf. Wyttenb. Plut. 2. 133 B. 

éAeurrixés, 4, dv, of or for the ddelarns, trained under him, Plut. 2. 
619 A:—% -Kn (sc. Téxv9), the art of training, Tim. Locr. 104 A. 
Adv. —x@s, like an Gdeinrns, Schol. Ar. Eq. 492. 

ddeurrés, dv, verb. Adj. of dActpw, anointed, smeared, Clem, Al. 240. 

G-Aeumros, ov, (Acinw) not left behind, unconquered, minrns, dAnTHS 

C. 1. 5909, 5912-15, 6883-4. 

: aa — drecrwp. 

GXclarpra, 7, fem. of ddcirrys, Lys. ap. Poll. 7. 3; a title of plays by 
Amphis, Antiphanes, etc, 

Gheuntpov, f. 1. for éfdAeurrpov, q. Vv. 

Gels, civa, év, v. sub ciAw I. : 

GXevrov [a], 74, a cup, goblet, =denas (Ath. 783 A), Xxpuoevov Il. 11. 
774, Od. 3. 50, al., Call. Fr. 109: also as masc., ddecos, 6, At. Fr, 
521. II. the hip-socket, Marsyas ap. Ath. 479 C; cf. KoTvAn 2. 

eid %, (GAn) = dAirnya, Suid. 

, V. sub dAcrnpds. : 
ears, ov, 6, (GAn) suk who leads or goes astray, a sinner, of Paris 

and the suitors of Penelope, Il. 3. 28, Od. 20. 121 :—aaAelTys Tivos a 
Sinner against one, Ap. Rh. 1. 1338:—cf. ddurpos, dAotrys, ddorrds. 

GAevroupynota, 7), exemption from Accroupyiat, a late word for the Att. 
drédeia, C. 1. (add.) 4315 2; censured as evreAés by Poll. 8. 156. S 

G-Aevrotipynros, ov, free from derovpyiat, Lat. immunis, Gd. magav 
Tay Aecroupyiay Decret. Byz. ap. Dem. 256. 10, cf. Dinarch., ap. Poll. 8+ 
156; davpBoros Kai aa. C. I. 2271. 45., 2693 d. 10. ¢ 

GAeupa, 764, collat. form of sq., Hes. Th. 553 (Mss. dAepap), Hipp. 
620. 47, Aesch. Ag. 322, Call. Fr. 12, Q. Sm. 14. 265, C, I. 5953- , 

Gdeupap, aros, 7d, (dAcipw) unguent, anointing-oil, oil, fat, used in 
funeral sacrifices, Il. 23. 170, Od. 3. 408, etc.; GAeupap dad xéBpou, dad 
aiAAtkumplwy oil of cedar, etc., Hdt. 2. 87, 94. _IL. generally, 
anything for smearing with, hence in Theocr. 7. 147, pitch or resin, to 
seal wine-jars—Cf. foreg. 

Gheahatirns dpros, 5, bread baked with oil, Epich. ap. Ath. 110 B. 

Gherps-Bros, ov, one that lives by anointing, contemptuous word for 
GAcinrns, Ar. Fr. 578. 2. generally, poor, Philo 2. 537, Hesych. 

GAeldo, Hdt., Att.: fut. yw (éf-) Eur. 1. A. 1486, Plat.: aor. #Ae~a 
Hom., Att., Ep. dAeula Od. 12.177: pf. dAnAtpa (a—) Dem. 1243, 
fin., (€£-) Aristid.:—Med., fut.-ouar Thuc. 4, 68: aor, jAEayny 
Att., Ep. GA~ Il. 14. 171:—Pass., fut. dAecpOhoopar (€£-) Dem. 792. 
43 aor. I jAcipOny Hipp. 514. 6, Plat. Lys. 217 C, (@¢—-) Eur., etc.; but 
aor. 2 é£-nAigny is read from Mss. by Bekk. in Plat. Phaedr. 258 B, 
ef, Joseph. A. J. 17.12, 2, Dio C. 55.13: pf. dAmjAcupar Thuc. 4. 68, 
(€é-, ir) Dem. 791. 13, Xen. Occ. 10, 6.—The pf. forms dAnAepa, 
GAfAeppat, HAecpa, HAetwpyar occur in Mss., v. Arist. H. A. 5.19, 8., 
5- 23, 3, Plut. Marcell. 17, Luc. Pisc. 24 and 36, etc. (From 4/ATII 
with a prefixed, v. sub Aémros.) To anoint with oil, oil the skin, as was 
done after bathing, the Act. referring to another, Med. to oneself, Aodaat 
KéXer Gyepi 7’ Gdcipar Il. 24. 582; but Hom. elsewhere always adds Aira 
ot Aim’ éAalw (v. sub Alma), navra Noéccaro Kal Aim’ dAeuev Od. 6. 227; 
Aoeooapéve kat ddrcwapév dia’ édaig Il. 10. 577, cf. 14. I71., 18. 3505 
applied to anointing for gymnastic exercises, dima pera Tod yupvacecbar 
jarctparro Thuc. 1.6; Alva ddcipeabat Id. 4. 68. 2. to supply the oil 
for the gymnasts, dAepovons ris méAcws C. I. (add.) 1957 g, cf. 2820 A, 
3616-17, al. :—Pass., of Gdcupdpevor the youths at the gymnastic schools, 
those who were in training for the games, Ib 108 b, 256, 1183, al.; dAcl- 
pecOa mapa 71 to attend a gymnastic school, Arr. Epict. 1. 2, 26; cf. 
ddelnrns 2. 3. metaph. to prepare as if for gymnastics, to encou- 
rage, stimulate, Demad. 180. 29, Plat. ap. Diog. L. 4. 6; #Aeper [éav- 
Tov] én rov KAwooy App: Civ. 2. 16, cf. Plut. Themist. 3: cf. dAetrrns 
2. II. like éradeidw in Hom., generally to anoint, daub, plaster, 
besmear, Lat. linere, ovata ddcia to stop up the ears, Od. 12. 47, 177, 
200; dA. aipart Hdt. 3.8; piarw Xen. Oec. 10, 53 yepvbip Plat. Lys. 
4 a. III. to blot out, efface, cf. ddoupn IT. 

ups, €ws, 7), an anointing, Arist. G. A. 5. 5, 5, al. 

or custom of anointing, Hdt. 3. 22. 

GAexréperos, ov, (dAdcrwp) of a foul, @a Synes. 167 D. 

Gdexropwevs, éws, 6, a chicken, Ael. N. A. 7.47. 

Gerropts [di], (50s, #, fem. of ddéerwp and dAextpuwr, a hen, Epich. 
96 Ahr.:—the word was found both in Trag. and Com. (acc. to Phryn. 
p. 228, ubi Vs Lob.), being used as a generic name, v. Arist. H. A. 5.13, 
2., 9-9, 3; Adpraval dd., a small kind, Ib. 6. 1, 3- A-rare form dXex- 
Tpvovis occurs in Schol. Ar. Nub. 226, where however Suid. dAexropis, 
ef. Galen, 12. 285; and Ar. introduced a form éXexrpvava, by analogy 
6 pete Nub. Pe 

dexropickos, 6, Dim, of ddéxrwp, a cockerel, Babr. 5. 1., 97. 9- 
dAeKropd-Aodos, 6, cock’s comb, aohee Plin. H. N. “s 2 che ; 
adexropo-povia, %}, cock-crow, i.e. the third watch of the night, Aesop. 

44 de Furia, Ev. Marc. 13, 35, and Byz, writers, 

d-Aexros, ov, not to be told, indescribable, Pherecr, Incert. 20, Polyb. 
30. 13, 12, etc. 

G-heerpos, ov, unbedded, unwedded, Soph. Ant. O17, etc.; GAexrp, 
avuppa yapav QuiAAnpara, much like ydpos dyapos, a marriage that 
is no marriage, i.e. a lawless, unhallowed marriage, Id. El. 492; aA. (da 
Eur. Tro. 254 (lyr.); dAexrpa ynpacxew, as Adv., Soph, El. 962. 

GAextptawa, 7, v. sub ddexropis. 

dAexrpudveros, ov, of a fowl, kpéas Hipp. 645 A. 

dXekrpvoviov, 76, Dim. of ddcerpudy, Ephipp. ’OBeA. 1. 8. 

GAektpvovo-THAys, ov, 6, a poulterer, Poll, 7. 136. 

Gdextpvovo-rpodos, 6, a cock-feeder, Aeschin, ap. Poll. 7. 135- 

dAextpvovedys, es, (¢/805) like fowls, Eunap. in Phot. Bibl. 24. 

adexrpvo-medAns, ov, 6, = ddexrpuovorddns, Lob. Phryn. 669. 

2 maa ga or -mwAnriptov, 76, a poultry-market, Phryn. Com. 
ap. Poll, 7. 135. 

dAextpudy [a], dvos, 6, a cock, gallus gallinaceus, Theogn. 864, etc., 
ef, Arist. H. A. 4. 9, 14, etc.; 6 GA. de ’tis cock-crow, Plat. Symp. 
2230. ‘IL. 4, =dAexrptawa, a hen, Ar. Nub..663, Fr. 237, Plat. 
Com. Aaid, 1, Theopomp. Com. Elp. 3, etc. Cf. Gdéxrwp, ddexropis. 

2. a method 

ri ddéeetwp [4] (A), opos, 6, post. form of dAekrpudy, a cock, ws éBdnoe. 

ad€éxTwp — a7. 

da, Batr. 191, cf. Pind. O. 12, 20, Simon. 81, Aesch. Ag. 1671, Eum. 861; 
also in later Prose, Arist. Fr. 271, C. I. 523. 27. Il. a husband, 
consort, Tzetz. Lyc. 1094, and so perh. in Soph. Fr. 730, (Perh., like 
dxoirns, ddoxos, from a copul., Aé«erpov.) 

GXéxrwp (B), opos, %, (a privat., Aéyw) =dAexrpos, Ath. 98 B. 

GAexw [@)],=aréw, to ward off, adénos meviny Anth. P. 6. 245, ex 
conj. Salmas. pro dAéyois :—for the fut. dAéfw, etc., v. sub dréfw. 
Gd-éAarov, 76, salted oil, Galen. 

GAfparos, dAendrws, Dor. for jAeu-. 

GXev and dA, v. sub eiAw UT. 

GXet-alOpios, ov, screening from the chill air, Soph. Fr. 120. 
*AXctavipitw, to be on Alexander's side, Apolloph. ap. Ath. 251-D. 

*Aketavipioris, 08, 6, a partisan of Alexander, Plut. Alex. 24. 

*Adetavipo-KéAak, axos, 6, a flatterer of Alexander, Ath. 538 F. 

GAé-avBpos, ov, (dvnp) defending men, médA«pos Inscr. ap. Diod. 11. 
14. II. ‘the usual name of Paris in Il., cf. Aesch. Ag. 61, 363. 

ieee es, (e(50s) Alexander-like, Menand. Incert. 39. 

GAckavepia, #7, shelter from wind, Polyb. Mai. 2. 451. 

Gdet-dvepos, ov, keeping off the wind, Od. 14. 529, Philo. 1. 666. 

GAEnpa, aros, 75 (GA&EwW) a defence, guard, help, Aesch. Pr. 479; GA. 
mpos tt a defence against .., Dion. H. 7. 13. 

aXe§-tvwp, opos, 6, aiding man, as the name of a physician, Paus. 2. 
11, 6, in Dor. form —dywp. 

GAgEnors, ews, 7, a keeping off, defence, mpds GA. rpanécOac Hat. 
9. 18. 2. a helping, assistance, Hipp. 1279. 14. 

GAcEqretpa, 4, Anth. P. 9. 764, Nonn.; fem. from 

GheEnrnp, jipos, 6, one who keeps off, Lat. averruncus, dd. waxns stemmer 
of battle, Il. 20. 396; Aoipod aA. a protector from plague, Ap. Rh. 2. 
519; kaxav Epigr. Gr. 831. 13;—rare in Prose, rais tarpiow ddegn- 
Thpes eivar Xen, Occ. 4, 3. II. as Adj., updos dA. Opp. H. 4. 42. 

GdeEnrhptos, a, ov, fit or able to keep off, defend or help, esp. as epith. 
of the gods, like Lat. Averrunci, Zebs dX. Aesch. Theb. 8; ¢vAov dA. a club 
for defence, Eur. H. F. 464. 2. ddegnrhpiov (sc. Pappaxov), 76, 
a remedy, medicine, Hipp. Acut. 393: @ protection, Xen. Eq. 5, 6; dA 
Lg oneres a charm against .., Theophr. H. P. 7. 13, 43 GA. votoor 

. I. 1897. 

adetqrwp, opos, 6, =dArctnrhp, Zed dde~Hrop, Soph. O. C. 143. 

Gdett-dpy [ap], , (dpa) she that heeps off a curse, or (from”Apns) she 
that guards from death and ruin, Hes. Op. 462; dA. papvos a wand 
that served as an amulet, Nic. Th. 861.—The masc. dAefvdpys occurs 
in Paus. 9. 25, 6, cf. Hesych. 

Gdeki-Bedepvos, ov, keeping off darts, Auth, P. 6. 81. 

Gkcti-yapos, ov, shunning marriage, Baxxat Nonn. D. 40. 541. 

Gdeti-cdixos, ov, keeping off ill or mischief, uhvs Il. 10. 20, cf. Hes. 
Op. 123, Paus. 8. 41, 8: c. gen., dipys dd. Anth. P. 6. 170; as epith. of 
Heracles, Luc. Alex. 4, etc., cf. Schol. Ar. Nub. 1375; of Hermes, Ar. 
Vesp. 422. 

GAeki-Aoyos, ov, promoting or supporting discourse, ypdypara Critias 
(Fr. 1. 9) ap. Eust.1771. 44 (from Ath. 28 ubi Schweigh. AegiA.), A. B. 382. 

ddcti-pBpotos, ov, protecting mortals, Aéyxm Pind. N. 8.51; dA. Top- 
mai sacred processions to shield men from ill, Id. P. 5.122. 

dXett-popos, ov, warding off death, rproot adX., i.e. Apollo, Artemis, 
Athena, Soph. O. T. 164. 

adetpov, 76, = ddrcénrnpiov, Nic. Th. 702; also dAéfvov, Ib. 805, Al. 4. 

ddckus, ews, 7), help, E. M. 59. 22. II. Kao dAcgw rov “Hpaxdréa 
vopiCovor Aristid. 1. 60. 

GAcki-dappanos, keeping off poison, acting as an antidote, pavins 
against it, Hipp. 1274. 19. II. dAcgupappaxoy, 74, an antidote, 
Lat. remedium, Plat. Polit. 279 C, Theophr. H. P. 9.15, 73 “AAegepdp- 
Haka, title of a poem by Nic. 2. a charm, spell, "Epéota rots 
yapovow .. Aéywv ad. Menand. Maid. 2. 3. generally, a remedy, 
twés against a thing, Plat. Legg. 957 D. 

ddett-xopos, ov, helping or favouring the chorus, A@jvaC.1.511.1.17. 

Gdéw [Gi], Ep. inf. dreféuevar, -évev Hom.; fut. ddrefqow Id.: aor. 
opt. drefqoee Od. 3. 346 :—Med., fut. drcejoopar Hdt. 8, 81, 108.— 
Besides these tenses (formed as if from dAeféw), we find others formed 
from aAéko, fut. dAgtw, aor. HAega (vy. sub dm-addgw) :—Med, fut. ddré- 
fopa Soph. O. T. 171, 539, Xen. An. 7. 7, 3: aor. ddéfacGar Il, Hdt., 
and Xen. An. I. 3, 6., 3. 4, 33) 5+ 5, 21. Cyr. I. 5, 13 :—for the aor. 2 
dAaadxe, GAKabeiv, v. sub voce, (For 4/AAK, vy. sub dAadxe.) To 
ward or keep off, turn away or aside, like dpvvw, and constructed like 
it ;—c. acc. rei, Zeds 74 y' dAekhoee Od. 3. 346; c. acc. rei et dat. pers., 
Aavaoiow drefhoev kaxdy jap will ward it off from them, Il. 9. 251, 
cf. 20. 315; GAAHAas . . ddegéuevar pdvov aindy 17. 365, etc. :—then 
c. dat. pers. only, to assist, defend, ddeféyev GdApAowow Il. 3. 9, cf §- 
779, al., Xen. Cyr. 4. 3, 2; absol. to lend aid, Il. 1. 590.—Med., adé- 
fac0a to keep off from oneself, Lat. defendere, ddégac0at . . kdvas 75% 
nai dvdpas Il. 13. 475, cf. Hdt. 7. 207; also, dAéfacOat wept ru or Tivos 
Ap. Rh. 4. 551, 1488: absol. to defend oneself, Ul. 11. 348., 15. 565, 
Archil. 66, Hdt. 1. 211., 2. 63, al., Soph. O. T. 539, Xen. Cyr. 1. 5, 133 
also c. dat. instrum., 008 & ppoyridos éyxos, @ Ts dnéferat Soph. 
O. T. 171. 2. in Med., also, to recompense, requite, Tods eb Kat 
kakas mo.obvras ddetdpevos Xen. An. I. 9, 11.—Soph. alone of the Trag. 
has the word, except in compd. dm; and Xen, is the chief authority in 
Att. Prose. II. =dAéyw, to take care of, protect, only in the 
derivs, GAefis, dAegi-uBporos, —xopos. oe 

dAgopat [HA], contr. dAedpar Theogn. 575, also dAewopar Od. 24. 29, 
Hes. Op. 5333 part. dAedyevos Simon. Iamb. 7. 61: impf. adéovro (é-) 
Il. 18. 586:—but chiefly used by Hom. in aor., v. infr.; inf. dA€ac@ar, 

-elacGat Hes, Op. 732, 503; part. dAevdpevos Od, 9. 277, Theogn. 400. 4 


(Prob, from same Root as dAn, dAdopat : cf. ddevw, dAvonw, br-adevoua, 
bn-addiono.) Ep. Dep., to avoid, shun, c. acc. rei, éyxea 3 GAAHAoW 
Gdedspeba Il, 6. 220; HAevaro xdAneov &yxos 13. 184; euov éyxos dAevat 
22. 285; dAevaro xijpa pédawvay 3. 360; Ards 3 drcdhpeda phy 5. 34; 
oppa 70 Kiros .. dh€arTo 20, 147; kakdv.., 7d Kev obmis . . dA€aiTO 
Od. 20, 368; pd@ous pev tmeppiddous dAgacbe 4. 774; rarely c. acc. 
pers., Oeovs 7) detdipev 7) dAéacPa g. 274 :—c. inf. to avoid doing, Ai@ov 
& ddgacOa émavpeiv Il. 23. 340; ddeveras (Ep. for —nrat) Hrepomever 
Od. 14. 400. 2. absol. to flee for one’s life, flee, rov pev ddevd- 
Hevoy Tov 5 xrdpevoy Il. 5. 28; obre .. puyéety bivar' or’ GAéacOan 
13. 43603 wh mus. . ddéyra Od. 4. 396. 

GXeds, dv, =dAceuwds, Hesych., E, M. IT. v. sub Aeds It, 

aXedrys, nTos, }, (GAjs) an blage, like d@p , Galen. 

Ge6-ppwv, ov, gen. ovos,=Homer’s ppévas #Aeds, Hesych., E. M. 59, 
45. Cf. jAeds. 

G-Aer{Swros, ov, without scales, 7a weddxn Arist. P. A. 4. 13, 233 and 
so Schneider, for the faulty form Aeros, in Ael. N. A. 12. 27. 

&-Aémorros, ov, not scaled, unscaled, Archestr. ap, Ath. 311 B. 
unpeeled: of flax, not hackled, Schol, Ar. Lys. 737- 

ddeors, ews, 9, (dAéw) a grinding, Geop. 2. 32, cf.dAnots: also ddeo- 
pds, 6, restored from Mss, for dAeorayv in Joseph. A. J. 3. 10, 5. 

Gdeopa, aros, 76, meal, Tzetz. 

adecréov, verb. Adj. from dé, one must grind, Diosc. 5. 103. 

GXérns, ou, 6, a grinder, v. sub dvos VII. 2. 

aderds, 6, a grinding, Plat. Anton. 45; cf. dAgrds. 
thing ground, meal, Eust. Opusc. 260. 35, etc. 

dderpeva, fut. edow, strengthd. from ddéw, to grind, Od. 7. 104. 

Gde-rpiBiivos [aA ..T], 6, (rpiBw) that which grinds or pounds, a pestle, 
Ar. Pax 259, 265, 269. , 

dAetpts, (Sos, , a female slave who grinds corn, Lat. molitrix, yuh; 
dderpis Od, 20. 105. 2. at Athens, one of the noble maidens who 
prepared the meal for the offering-cakes, Ar. Lys. 643, Eust. 1885. 9. 

GAetpo-1d8t0v, 76, the constellation Orion, Petav. Uranol. p. 258. 

Gdetav, Gros, 5, = dAérns, dd. dvos, the upper mill-stone, v. Ovos VII. 2; 
also GAerwy alone, Dieuch. ap. Ath. 263 A, Eust., etc. 

dieu, v, sub dAevoua. 

aneeainnn pros, 6, bread of wheaten flour (dAevpa), Diph. Siphn. ap. 
Ath. 115 C. 

Geupo-OyKn, 77, a flour-bin, Hesych, 

GAcupo-pavtetov, 74, divination from flour, Oenom. ap. Eus. P. E. 219. 

GAeupé-pavtis, ews, 5, one that divines from flour, Clem. Al. Io. fin., 
Hesych., etc.; as epith. of Apollo, Lob. Aglaoph. 2. 815: cf. dAgrrépavrts. 

Gdeupov [a], 7, but mostly in pl. dXeupa (dAéw), = Homer's dAciara, 
wheaten flour, distinguished from dAgera, Hdt. 7. 119; &« piv Tay 
KpiOay GAgura ar i é« 88 r&v mupay GArevpa Plat. Rep. 372 B, 
cf, Legg. 849 C, Xen. An. 1. 5, 6, Arist. Probl. 1. 37 ;—in sing., Ar. Fr. 
141, Sotad, “Adevp, I. 24, Arist. Probl. 21. 1. 2. generally, meal, 
Gx. xpl@vov Diosc. 1. 94, ete. : 

dAcupo-rroréw, to make into flour, E. M. 62. 54: —movta, %, Eust. 

GAcups-ryaI8, ews, 7), (07)0w) a flour-sieve, Poll. 6. 74, A.B. 382. 
the flour sifted, fine flour, Suid, 

GdevphSns, es, (elds) like flour, Galen. 

GAevw, used rarely by Trag. in lyr, passages as the Act. of dAevopae 
(v. sub GAgouar), to remove, keep far away, Lat. averruncor, syncop. 
imp. dAev, for dAeve, Aesch. Pr. 568; fut. dAedow Soph. Fr. 825; 
aor. imper., dAevoov dvdpav UBpw Aesch. Supp. 528, cf. Theb. 141; 1a 
Geol . . xaxdv ddcdoare Ib. 87. aa 

Géw [a]: impf. #Aovy Pherecr. “Ayp. 1: aor. #A€eca Id. Incert. 18, Hipp., 
etc., Ep. dAecoa (kar—) Od.: pf. dAnAexa Anth, P. 11. 251 :—Pass., 
pf. dAnAeopa: Hat. 7. 23, Thuc. 4. 26 (where however Bekk. GAjAeuat; 
and that this is the true Att. form appears from the metre, if rightly given 
by Meineke, in Amphis P'uvaucop. 1): aor. HA€oOnY Diosc. 1.173. To 
grind, bruise, pound, ward mupdv ddecoay (which properly belongs to 
Karadtw), Od, 20.109; HAovy 7a avria Pherecr, |.c.; Bios dAnAepévos 
a civilised life, in which one uses ground corn and not raw fruits, v, 
Meineke Amphis l. c.; GAe, pvAa, dda grind, mill, grind! a song in 
Plut. 2. 157 E, Bgk. Carm. Pop. Lyr. 43. (From 4/AA come also 
ddAjOw, ddivw, ddetata, dA€eTos, GAevpoy (but not dAgurov), ddodw, dAws, 
ddan: Buttm, and others connect this Root with FEA in eiAw, which 
view is supported by the form ovAai (barley-groats). But there is no 
trace of the F in ddéw and its derivs.; and the cognate words in Lat, 
and others point to the loss of an initial M, so that the orig. Root may 
have been MAA, MOA, Lat. molo, mola, etc. ; v. sub pvAn.) 

*é)éw, only used in Med. dAéopat, q. v. 

édewpn, Att. —pd, 7, (dAdouar) avoidance, escape, Il. 24.216; ad, Ta 
eipécbat escape, relief, Hdt. 9. 6. 2. c, gen., a means of avoiding, 
a defence or shelter from, dniwy dvdpOv ax., of a palisade, IL 12. §7; of 
a breastplate, 15. 533; oxeviy BeAéwy ad, (mock heroic verse), Ar. Vesp. 
613; used also by Arist., 7?)v wept 7d cpa aA., of armour, P. A. 4. 10, 
2g,.cf. 4. 5, 23;,H. A. I. 1, 3X5 9.8, 1, ete. 

adehoow: vy. Ads II. 

adn [a], %, wandering or roaming without home or hope of rest, Od. 
10. 464, al.: &pyerae 3° dAn a troop of wandering ghosts (Hesych, 
G0pocpa), Soph. Fr. 693. 2. wandering of mind, distraction, Lat, 
error mentis, Eur. Med. 1285, Plat. Crat. 421 B. II. act., dAae 
Bporay Sicoppor, of storms suck as keep men wandering without haven 
and rest, Aesch. Ag. 195. (From the same Root seem to come dAvw, 
dAvoow, etc.; cf. dAvw.) 

én [a], %, the Lat. ala, a squadron of horse, C. 1. 3991, al. 

4%, #, only used in pl. dAai, Lat. salinae, salt-works, ddal Tov dpuxray 


II. the 


_——. | 

60 aAnyds — aces. 

a@yv Strabo 561 (as restored by Meineke); “Adus . . dvduaara: ard Tov 
‘dda Gs mapappet (the gend. shows it is not from GAs) Id. 546; so dAais 
is restored for dAAats, Id. 831 ; dAds, dAais for GAAas, GAAats in Dion. 

H. 3. 41; and no doubt ray dAd@y belongs to this word, not to dAs, 
Ib. 2. 55. 

Gh-nyos, dv, carrying salt, Plut. 2. 685 E. 

G-Anbipyntos, ov, free from lethargy, ever wakeful, C. I, 2804, 
Hesych., etc. 

GA7Pea [GA], 4, Dor. dAdGera; Ep, also Aneta, but the forms aAn- 
Gein, —ntn in Mss. of Hadt. are: false, v. Dind. de Dial. Hdt. p. xi: (4An- 
Ons): I. truth, opp. to a lie, or to mere appearance : Zs 
in Hom., and Pind., only as opp. to a die, and Hom. mostly has it in 
phrase dAndeinv xaradégat, Il. 24. 407, al.; GA. dwoemeiy 23. 361; 
maidds wacay dd, pvOeia@at to tell the whole truth about the lad, Od. 
TI. 507, cf. Pind. N. 5. 31; so too in Hdt. and Att., dmAG@ ydp éore Ths 
aX. &m Aesch. Fr. 173, cf. Eur. Phoen. 472; xpao0ar 7H GA. Hat. 1. 
116 ; eimac rH dA. Id. 6, 69; 4 GA. wept twos Thuc, 4. 122, Soph. Tr. 91; 
aX, éxetv to be true, Arist. Pol. 3. 11, 1: also in ph, rats dA. yphoba 
Isocr. p. Ig0 A; Tas dA, Aéyery Menand, ’Agp. 3, al. :—’AAOea was 
the title of a work by Protag., Plat, Theaet. 161 C, 162 A, Crat. 
391 C. 2. in Att. also opp. to appearance, truth, reality, #) dX. Tov 
mpax0évraw Antipho 11g. 21; Tav Epyaw 7) GA. Thuc. 2. 41; pyphpara 
GAndeias Plat, Polit. 300 D:—in adverb. usages, 7H dAnOela in very 
truth, Thuc. 4. 120, etc.; so, Tais dAnGelarovy Philem. Incert. 40 a, cf. 
Babr. 75. 20; rarely (without the Art.) dAn@etq; as Plat. Prot. 343 D ;— 
also with Preps., én’ dAnOetas in truth and reality, Dem. 323. 26; én 
Tis GAnOeias Kal Tod mpayparos Id. 538. 4; but, éw ddndela for the end 
or sake of truth, Aesch. Supp. 628, Ar. Pl. 891; also according to truth 
and nature, Theocr. 7. 44;—per’ ddnOetas Xen. Mem. 2. 1, 27, Dem. 
19. 1;—xard thy ddr. Isocr. 242 A, etc.; ear’ GAndeay Arist. Pol. 3. 
6, 6, etc. ;—¢dy dAnOeiqg Aesch, Ag. 1567 ;—mpds dAjP«ay Diod. 5. 67, 
etc, 8. in Polyb. real war, as opp. to exercise or parade, 5. 63, 
13, etc. 4. the true event or realisation of a dream or omen, Hat. 
3- 64, Damon ap. Schol. Ar. Pl. 1003; ef. dAnOfs I. 3. II. the 
character of the arnOhs, truthfulness, sincerity, frankness, candour, Hdt. 
I. 553 dAa@eia ppeva Aesch, Ag. 1550; cf. Arist. Eth. N. 2. 7, 12., 
4.7- III. the symbol of truth, a sapphire ornament worn by 
the Egyptian high-priest, Diod. 1. 48 and 75, Ael. V. H. 14. 34: so of 
the Thummim, Lxx. 

levers, ews, %,=dAnOea I, Sext. Emp. M. 7. 394- 

GAnYeurts, od, 6, a truthful, candid man, Max. Tyr. 21. 6. 
“ddnPeurixés, 4, dv, truthful, frank, candid, Arist. Eth. N. 4.7. Adv. 
~Kis, Eust. 385. 6, etc. 2 

GAnVevw, fut. edow Xen. Mem. 1.1, 5, al.i—to be dAnOys, to speak truth, 
Aesch. Theb. 562, Hipp. Progn. 42, Plat. Rep. 589 C; mept 7 Id. Theaet. 
202 B; and with neut. Adj., dA. av7a to speak truth in all things, Batr, 
145 TOAAG GA. Xen. An. 4. 4, 153 so also, Tas béea Huépas 7Andevoe 
he rightly foretold.., Ib. 5. 6, 18; GA. Tods éraivous to prove 
their praises ¢rue, Luc. Indoct, 20. 2. of things, to be or prove 
true, onueia Hipp. Progn. 46:—Arist. often uses the word ; in Act. of 
reasoners, to arrive at the truth, Metaph. 3. 5, 2, al.; in Pass. of argu- 
ments, to be in accordance with truth, Top. 5. 4, 2 sq-, al.; fut. med. in 
same sense, Eth. N. 1. 10, 7, al.; GAnOeveo@ar xara Tivos to be truly 
predicated of .., 1d. Metaph. 3. 6, 10:—Med. in act. sense, fo speak 
truth, Xen, Cyr. 4. 6, 10 Sree ote pws we read énl rovrors GAn- 
Oevopéevors on the fulfilment of these conditions). A 

aAndis [a], es theohe, és, i Aas 58 GAnbes 7d pt) ANOov, 
said Heraclit.) :—unconcealed, and so true, real, as opp. to false, or to 
apparent : I. in Hom., as opp. to Wevdys, in phrases dAnBea 
pu0jcacbat, eimeiv, d-yopevav, ddnbes enorety Il. 6. 382, Od. 13. 54 
3. 254, 247, al.; in Hadt,, and Att., 7d dAnés, by Trag. crasis Tad0 s, 
lon. rwAnbés (Hdt. 6. 68, 69), or Ta GAnOH, by crasis TaANO}, etc. 5 
aAndét 23 XphicGa Hat. 1. 14, etc. ; GAnPeorarn mpdpacrs Thuc. 1. 
23. 2. of persons, truthful, frank, honest, in Hom, only once, 
GAnOhs yun Il. 12. 433; so, GA. vdos Pind. O. 2. 167 ‘ martyyopos Aesch. 
Theb. 439; GA, «perms Thuc. 3. 56; olvos da, gore ‘in vino veritas,’ Plat. 
Symp. 217E, cf. Arist. Eth. N. 4.7; GAnOes elvar def 7) ceuvdv. ee 
Incert. 478. B. of oracles, ¢rue, unerring, Lat. certus, dhabea 
@axoy Pind, P. 11, 11, cf. Eur. Ion 1537, Soph. Ph. 9933 of 
dreams, Aesch. Theb. 692; cf. dAj0eaT. 4. II. of qualities or 
events, true, real, gidos Eur. Or. 414; GA. 70 mpax6éy Antipho - 
15. 2. realising itself, coming to fulfilment, dpa Aesch. Theb. oA 4 
a Eum. 796; and y. dAn&vés. III. Ady. ddnOas, so 
truly, Simon, 5, Hdt. 1. 11, al., Aesch. Supp, 310, etc. b. reali “9 
actually, in reality, -yévos réBe Znvés ear dd. Ib. 5853 GA. ovbev 
etnnacpéva Id. Ag. 1244; so Thuc. 1. 22, etc.; 7hy dAndes fer 
(sc. ovaav) Antiph. Tprr. 1. 6;—also, ds dAnO@s Eur. Or. 730, Plat. 
Phaedr, 63 A, etc.; } wev yap ds dAnOGs phrnp Dem. 563. 33 oad 
GAndéws as if really, Hdt. 3. 1553 so also, of GAndEi Ab-yw Bacrrées 
really, Id, I. 120. 2. also neut. as Ady., proparox. GAnOes ; itane? 
indeed? really? in sooth? ironically, Soph. O. T. 350, Ant. 758, Eur. 
Cycl. 241, Ar. Ran. 840, Av. 174; cf. éreds 11:—but 7) ddndés in very 
truth, really and truly, Lat. revera, Plat. Phaedo 102 B, etc.; so, 7d 

arov Thue. 7. 67. f 
as ees , Dep. whaoeta Hat. 1.136., 3. 72, Alciphro 3. 39, 59 — 
Act. Gdn@ito only in Plut. 2. 230 B. fe 
 GAnPtvo-Aoyla, #, a speaking truth, Plat. ap. Poll. 2. 124, Polyb. 

GAnPivés, 7, dv, agreeable to truth: 1. of persons, truthful, trusty, 
Xen. An. 1.9,17,Dem. 113.27. 2. of things, real and true, genuine, 

opp. to apparent or sham, Plat. Rep. 499 ©, ete. ; ixévs Amphis Aevx. Z 

1; méAayos Menand. ‘App. 1: 7a GA. real objects, opp. to 7a. yeypapupéeva, 
Arist. Pol. 3. 11, 4; so of persons, és dA. dvdp’ dwoBhvac to turn out a 
‘enuine man, Theoer. 13. 15 :—Adv. —vas, truly, really, Isocr. 111 B, 
lat., etc.; (Av GA. to be really alive, Plat. Tim. 19 B; da. yeydunner ; 
ae Pid. 1. huswinice (Far caee 
ywota, 7), (yv@var) knowledge of truth, Dion. Areop. 

inveo ete és, Sa truth, Hesych. : 

Ghn96-pavris, 6, %), prophet of truth, Aesch, Ag. 1341; cf. Kaxdpavris. 

AAnPopd0éw, to speak truth, Democr. ap. Stob. 140. 26. 

GAn96-p090s, ov, speaking truth, Democr. p. 627 ed, Gal. 

Ghn90-mrovéw, to make or prove true, 7 Euthym. 

GX0-opkéw, to swear truly, Chrysipp. ap. Stob. 196. 58; v. émopxew. 

GAnPoowvn, 7, post. for dAjbaa, Fheogn. 1226. 

GAn06rHs, ros, 7), =dANVea, Sext. Emp. M. 8. 472. 

GAnPoupyns, és, (*épyw) acting truly, Heracl. Alleg. Hom, 67. 

a [@], later form of the Att. dAéw, only used in pres. (and impf., 
Lxx), Theophr. C. P. 4. 12, 13, Diod. 3.13, Anth. P. 11.154. V. 
Meineke Com. Gr. 2. 285. 

*Adnrov rediov, 75, (dAn), lit. the land of wandering, in Lycia or Cilicia, 
Kar mediov 7d *AAtpoy clos dAGTO, . . maTOV oyeny ddecivwv (where 
there is a double play on dAdro, dAceivay), Il. 6. 201, cf. Hdt. 6. 95. 

GANS, ov, (Ajiov) without corn-lands or fields, poor in lands, opp. to 
modvAmuos, Il. 9. 125, 267. 

G\nKvo-meHAqs, ov, 6, (Lat. halec) a dealer in fish-pickle, C. 1. 9185. 

GdyKros, ov, (Ajyw) unceasing, C. I. 6303 (postulante metro); cf. 

GAnAeka, GAAepar or -eopar, v. sub dAéw, to grind. 

GAnAtha, GARAypar, v. sub drcipar. 

’ GAnpa [aA], aros, 74, (dAéw) fine meal: used metaph. by Soph. of a 

Jine-witted, wily knave, such as Ulysses (like mauméAnua, tpippa), Aj. 
381, 390 (lyr) :—cf. AdAnua. 

GAjpevar, GAfjvat, v. sub eiAw IIL. 

ala %, (@An) a wandering about, Dion. P. 716: in pl., Ap. Rh. 
2. 1264. 

Dieter [a], ovos, 5, %, (dAdopar) a wanderer, rover, Gdjpoves dvdpes 
Od. 19. 74; of planets, Anth. P. 9. 25; and absol., Od. 17. 376. Ep. word. 

GAné, nos, 6, a kind of pulse, Alex. Trall. 

&-AnTros, ov, not to be laid hold of, hard to catch, Plut., etc. ; in Comp., 
GAnrrérepos less amenable, Thuc. 1. 37, 82, 143. II. incom- 
prehensible, Plut. Nic. 11, al. EII. in Stoic philosophy dAnrra 
are things not to be made matter of choice, opp. to Anwrd. 

Gdns, és, Ion. word equiv. to Att. dOpdos, thronged, crowded, in a mass, 
Lat. confertus, Hdt. and Hipp. ; either in pl., ds dAées e’qoay of “EXAnves 
Hat. 9. 15, cf. 1. 196., 3. 13, al.; or with collective nouns, GAjs yevo- 
pévn waca % “EAs 7.157; drs éov 6 orpards Ib. 236; adéot piv .., 
opp. to évi 8% éxdorw.. 4. 184; Kara pev va .., dddes B.. 7. 1043 
XpEovrat Empophuacte . . ode ddéot not all put on table at once, 1. 133: 
—to this word Gottl. refers Hes. Op. 491, dAéa Aéoyny the crowded 
hall, where others take dAéa = dAcewdv. Adv. —éws, Hipp. 604. 
49. (From 4/°AA, akin to FEA in efAw, cf. aor. 2 pass. édAnv, 
GAjvat: hence also deAAqs, doAAhs, GAs, adit [a], ddia [aA], 
praia.) [@, as appears from Hes. 1. c., if tightly referred to this word, 
but at all events from Call. Fr. 86, and dAi¢w.] 

adqors, veg Shae of the course of the sun, Arat. 

19. » (dAew) a grinding, Achmes Onir. ; Dp. Q. 
a & 4 Onir. 194, Geop. 9. 19, 

ddnopes, 5, (dAéw) a grinding, crushing, Ignat. Rom. §. 

G-Ayjorevtos, ov, unpillaged, Joseph. A, J. 18. 9, 4, Arr, Epict. 4. 1, 93. 

G-hyoros, ov, v. sub Gdactos, F 

GAnrela, Dor. GAGreia, }, a wandering, roaming ; SvomAdvos dda- 
“rap Aesch. Pr. goo (lyr.) ; Gdareia Bedrov Taratppov Eur. Hel. 523, 
ch. 934+, 

GAynrevo, fut. ow Eur. Heracl, 515 :—to be an dAnrns, to wander, roam 
about, mostly of beggars, Od. 17. 501, al.; but also of hunters, 12. 330: 
of exiles, Eur. |. ¢., Hipp. 1048, etc. 

adqrn [i], ov, Dor. dddras, a, 6; voc. dAfjra Soph. O. C. 1096, Dor. 
dddra tb. 165: (dAdopat). A wanderer, stroller, rover, vagabond, 
i ee — ay in Od., and always of beggars (17. 420, al.); 
. di vic va sere Ag. 1282, Cho, 1042, Soph. O. C. 50, 746, 
eed aia “6 i alge ie Haxp@v ddAdray révev one who Aas 
Bios adtrns Hae sd op ‘ Aj, 888. _ 2. as Adj. vagrant, roving, 
sy Segre ws ie as so fem. dA¥jrts, Sos, as the name of a song 

dAnro-ad4s é like ist, Fr. 472, Poll. 4.55, Hesych.s.v.; cf. é&pa 11. 

» €, meal, meal-coloured, Hipp. Coac. 217. 

hoe meal, flour, (cf. édevpor), Hipp. Art. 802, Rhinthon ap. 

GAnrés, 4, powt. for ddrerés, 
mill, Babr. 29. 1. 

GAqrvs, vos, 4, Ion. for dy, Call. Fr. 2 

aNGata, %, wild mallow, marsh mallow’ ‘Theophe HP. 9. 15, 5 —as 
prop. name, Ill. 9. 555. f "a Cashier at aea 
“ appertgeing heal, Lyc. 582: fut. dA@now Nic. Th, 587: aor. HAOnca 
red? digs: 112 :—Pass. to become whole and sound, pres., émjyv 7d 
3 oy é atant, Hipp. 472. 4: Ep. impf. or aor. dA@ero xeip Il. 
5: dion). Hoge hes Sm. 9. 475 (where perh. dAdopévn is better, 
Hi P re A > Nona (dm—) Il. 8. 405: aor. GAOcaOHvar (cvv-) 
a tak 19 2 D (ch. dxGecOjvae from ax@opat) :—later aor. med. 
mrOnoapny Poeta de Herb. 44: cf. aegis. (With 4/AAO, cf. Skt. 
ardh (to thrive), ardhukas (thriving), Za. ared (to grow).) 

cis GA. émpd@n was sold to grind in the 

GNGekts, ews, H, a healing, cure, Hipp. Fract, 758, Art. 800 (where 

arbevs — arivdyars. 61 

Galen. d@eAgis), cf. Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 2. 2 :—a fut. med. adOeEopar 
(as if from *dAGéocw) =GAGjoopat, occurs in Caus. M. Diut. 2. 8. 

GNevs, des, 5, a healer, physician, Hesych. 

GAOHes, coca, ev, healing, wholesome, Nic. Th. 84, 645. 

aMeoripia, rd, remedies, Nic. Th. 493.” 

GOqoKw or dMioKw, = ddAdaivw, Hipp. 472. 31. 

Gos, «os, 76, a healing, medicine, E. M., Hesych. 

GXia, Ion. -n [GA-, v. sub ddAns], 7%, an assembly of the people, in 
Dor. states, answering to the Att. é«#Anota, as at Sparta, dA. cvAAéyew 
Hdt. 7. 134; at Byzantium, Decret. ap. Dem. 255. 21; at Corcyra, 
C. I. 1841-5; in Sicily and Magna Graecia, Inser. Sicil. ib. 5475-91, 
Tab. Heracl. ib. 5774. 118., 5775. 10: cf. dAiacpa, ddtata, doAAfs, 
Hraia. II. Hdt. uses the word generally, dAiny moreta@a, at 
Miletus, 5. 29; at Thebes, Ib. 79; of the Persians, 1. 125. 

GAva [cA], %, (GAs) a mortar for pounding salt, a salt-cellar, Archipp. 
“Hpaka, 6, Strattis Kino. 2; ddudv rpumay to clear out the salt-cellar, 
a mark of extreme poverty, (as Persius, digito terebrare salinum), Call. 
Ep. 51. 1, where however it is written parox. dAtn. 

‘GAtddys, ov, 6, (GAs) a seaman, Soph. Aj. 880 (lyr.). 

Ss, poét. —aleros, 6, the sea-eagle, prob. the osprey, falco 
haliaétus L., Eur. Fr. 637, Ar. Av. 891, Arist. H. A. 9. 32. 

aAv-a4s,-és, (dnp) blowing seaward, only in Od. 4. 361, cf. Nitzsch ad 1. 

Gdvata, 7,=dAcd, #Acaia, at Epidamnus and Tarentum, Arist. Pol. 
5. I, 9, Hesych. 

Avakés, 7, dv, Dor. for jAraxds. 

GAt-avOqs, és, properly sea-blooming, hence =GAumdpqupos, bright pur- 
ple, Anth. P. 5. 228., 7. 705. 

dAuapés, dy, (diAs) salted, Bust. 1506. 61. 

GAtds, ddos, 7, (GAs) of or belonging to the sea: ddtds (sc. ebpBa), }, a 
Fishing-boat or bark, Arist.H.A. 4.8, 12, Moschioap, Ath. 208 F, Diod. 3. 21. 

Gduas, v. dAcs sub fin. 

eee 76, (dda) a decree, Bovdas Inscr. Sicil. in C. I. 5475. 5, cf. 
~76, -9I. 
aNabeta, Dor. jAvaorhs. 

-GMlacros, ov, (Ard¢opar) unbending, unabating, not to be stayed or 
turned, paxn, bpyados, ydos Il. 14. 57., 12. 471., 24. 760; méA€uor 3 
@Xlacrov eyeipe 20. 31; GA. avin Hes. Th. 611; neut. as Adv., pn 
&Xiacrov dbdpeo nor mourn incessant, Il. 24. 549; and in same sense, 
piv adlacros ppicoe Eur. Hec. 85. II. of persons, undaunted, 
Eur. Or. 1479.—Ep. word, used twice by Eur. in lyric passages. 

4-A\Pdveros [av], ov, not honoured with incense, Plat. Com. Wor. 1. 

GXl-Barros, ov, dipped in the sea, drowned therein, Nic. Al. 618 [where 
&Ai- in arsi]. 

GhiBas, avros, 5, a dead body, corpse, Hippon. 102 ; évepot al dal- 
Barres Plat. Rep. 387 C; cf. Schol. Ar. Ran. 188, 196. 2. the 
dead river, i. e. the Styx, Soph. Fr. 751, cf. 831. 8. dead wine, 
i.e. vinegar, €Bnfay olov (v. 1. olvov) adiBavra mivovres Call. Fr. 88 ; 
vy, E. M. 63. 52. (Nothing is known of the origin of the word; for the 
notion of the Gramm. that it properly means dry, withered (a privat. and 
ArBas) is refuted by the fact that the quantity is G@A/Bas. Hesych, cites a 
Lacon. word d«yad:Bap = xpaBBatos, which may be related.) 

4A(Baros, ov, Dor. for #AiBaros. 

Gd-Bidts, és,=ddAlBarros, wodvdova chpab’ dduBadh restored. in 
Aesch. Pers. 275 (lyr.), for dAiSova o, moAvBapy. 

GA PSvw [0], Acol. for *aAcdUw, to sink or submerge in the sea, vias 
Gi Bddover Call. Fr. 269: to hide, aor. dAiBStcaca Lyc. 351. Perh. it 
should be written da? 66-. 

4XL-Bpexros, ov, washed by the sea, Anth. P. 7. 501, Nonn. 

GAC-Bpopos, ov, murmuring like the sea, Nonn. D. 43. 385. 

GXi-Bpoxos, ov, =ddAiBpexros, Ap. Rh. 2. 731. 

GAi-Bpwros, ov, swallowed by the sea, Lyc. 760; also 4A(-Bpws, 
eros, Id. 443. 

G\lySouTos, ov, post. for dAiSovmos, Opp. H. 5. 423, Nonn. 

Gdt-yelrav, ov, gen. ovos, near the sea, Ep. Hom. 4. 

Gdi-yevas, és, sea-born, of Aphrodité, Plut. 2. 685 E. : 

GAtyKvos [a], ov, resembling, like, dd. dorépt wad@ Il. 6. 401; GA, 
adavaroow Od. 8. 174; GA. ipwecow C. I. 6235. 3 ;—but the compd. 
évaAlyxtos is more freq.—Ep. word, used once by Emped. 138 and 
Aesch. Pr. 449 dvetpdrow ddlyeio poppatow. (Of uncertain deriv. : 
perh. akin to , WAtKos.) ; 

a-Aryt-yAwooos, ov, with no clear-toned voice, not voluble, Timo ap. 

Sext. Emp. M. 9. 57. . 

GAt-Bivas, és, sea-tost, Dion. P. go8. 

GX{-Bovos, ov, sea-tost, v. sub dAiBapys. . 

4At-Soumros, ov, sea-r ding, of Poseidon, Orph. H. 17. 4: cf. dAly5-. 

EAL-Bpopos, ov, running over the sea, Nonn. D. 43. 281. 

ddtela, 7%, (GAceds) Jishing, Arist. Pol. 1, 8, 7, Oec. 2. 4, 2, Strabo, 
etc. ; cf. dAcia, . 

“‘Adteta, 7d, Dor. for ‘“HAreia, the festival of the Sun, at Rhodes, Lysipp. 
{?) Incert. 2; v. Meineke 5. p. 52. 

G\v-ebqs, és, sea-coloured, Numen. ap. Ath. 305 C. 

dA-epys, és, working in the sea, fishing, Opp. H. 4. 635: also GAv- 
epyés, ov, Nonn. D. 40. 306. IL. =ddoupyjs, purple, E. M. 

dAt-epens, és, sea-fenced, sea-girt, of Aegina, Pind. O. 8. 34; of the 

Isthmus, Id. I. 1. 10; dA. dxOa Id. P. 1. 34. 

GXleupa, aros, 76, (dAredw) a draught of fish, Strabo 493. 

GAtevs, 6: gen. éws, Ion. fos, and contr. dAi@s Pherecr. Incert. a7; 
acc, pl. dAéas Antiph. MAove. 1. 17, Alex. "05. 2; gen. ddcéwy Id, “EAA. 

I. 5: (GAs, GAxos), One who has to do with the sea, and so, la 

ete. 2. a seaman, sailor, Od. 24. 419; €péras GAdjas rowers on 
the sea, 16. 349; so, ddceds orpards Opp. H. 5. 121, v. Bérpaxos I. 

Ghteurijs, ov, 6,=foreg. 1, Theodoret. 

Ghteurikés, 4, dv, of or for fishing, dd. mAoiov a fishing-boat, Xen. An. 
7-1, 20; ddA. eddapos a fishing-rod, Arist. P. A. 4.12, 11; GA. Blos a 
Jisher’s life, 1d. Pol. 1. 8, 8 ;—% -nf (with or without réxv7) the art of 
Jishing, Plat. Ion 538 D, Soph. 220 B; 7a “AAtevrixd a poem by Opp. 
on this subject. II. of persons, engaged in fishing, Arist. Pol. 4. 4, 21. 

GAretw, (GAs) to fish, Ev. Joann, 21. 3: to be a fisher, Plut. Anton, 29, 
Luc., etc,; dA. Ti)v @dAaccay to fish it, Basil.: metaph. of an avenger, 
adedery Td LXX (Jerem. 16. 16). II. only the Med. occurs in 
Att., Plat. Com. Etjpwm. 2; “Adevopévn as title of a play by Antiph. ; 
cf. Ath. 544 C, Thom. M. 36. 

GXifw (A): aor. GAtoa Eur. H. F. 412, (ovy-) Hadt., Xen.:—Pass., 
aor, #AloOnv Hdt., Xen.: Ion. part. pf. ddwpévos (without augm.) Hdt. 
4. 118., 7. 172: (aAjs). To gather together, assemble, of military 
forces, Hdt. 1. 77, 80, 119, etc. ; dA. eis €v Eur, Heracl. 404 :—Pass. fo 
meet together, Hdt. 1. 63, 79., 7-172: to be massed into a globe, Emped, 
241.—Rare in Att., the Act. being used twice by Eur., once by Plat. Crat. 
409A; the Pass. by Xen., An. 2. 4, 3., 6. 3, 3, Arist. Probl. 2. 28., 24. 9: 
genefally, the compd. ovvaAl(m is more freq. [@-, Elms]. Heracl. |. c.] 

GXile (B) [2%], fut. iow, (GAs) to salt, and Pass. to be salted, Arist. H. A. 
6.15, 10, Probl, 21. 5, Lxx, N. T. II. to supply with salt or salt 
food, Arist. H.A.8.10, 2, al.: Pass., of sheep, to be supplied with salt, Ib. 3. 

&At-Lwvos, ov, sea-girt, Anth. P. 7. 218. 

GAl-Lwos, ov, living on orin the sea,Anth. P. 7.654, Pancrat.ap, Ath. 321 F. 

4Xtm, 7, Ion. for dAta, 

adunyis, és, (dyvupe) broken on by the sea, érpa Opp. H. 3. 460. 

GAripns, «s, (épécow) sweeping the sea, kum Eur. Hec. 455. 

GAujrwp, opos, 6, post. for ddceds I, Hom. Ep. 16, 

GAt-nxys, és, resounding like the sea, Musae. 26: cf. dALBpopos. 

GAO.os, Dor. for #ALBcos. 

&-hiOos, ov, without stones, not stony, of lands, Xen. An. 6. 4, 5 Ss 
without a stone set in it, of a-ring, Poll. 7. 179. XII. free from 
the stone, as a disease, Aretae. Cur. M. Diut. 2. 3, 

GAt-KdkaBov, 74, .a plant, prob. physalis Alkekengi, Diosc. 4. 72. 

‘Aducapvacoés, Ion. -vyods, 9, a Doric city of Caria, Hdt., etc. + 
‘Aducapvaccets, éws, Ion. -vyoeds, eos, 6, a Halicarnassian, 1d, :— 
‘Aducapvacod0ev, Adv. from Halicarnassus, Luc. de Dom. 20—On the 
forms with single o, v. Buttm. Ausf..Gr. 2. p, 387: in Newton’s Halic. 
(Inscr, 1) a gen. pl. ‘AAccapvaréwy occurs. . 

Gducta, %, Dor. for jAcKia. ; 

&Xt-KAveros, ov, sea-washed, sea-beaten, of a coast, Soph. Aj. 1219 
(lyr.); GA. map xOovt Me:paéws Epigr. Gr, 113; ad. d€uas Anth. P. g. 
228. 2. high-surging, névros Orph. Arg. 335. 

GAl-Kpyros, ov, wearied by the sea, wépimva aX. the care and toil of a. 
sea-life, Paul. Sil. Ambo 198. 2 

Ght-kvipis ios, 6, 4, danvn Gd. a, Nonn, D, 43. 199. 

&Xikos, a, ov, Dor. for #Aixos. 

GAukéds, GAucérys, worse forms for dAveds, dAvedrns. 

GAt-Kpas, Gros, 6, 4), mixed with salt-water, Eust. 1559. 50. 

GAu-Kparwp [a7r—], opos, 6,=sq., Theod, Prodr. 5. 422. 

GAt-Kpelwv, ovros, 6, lord of the sea, Eust. 57. 27. 

Gdu-Kprmts, tos, 6, 4, at the sea's edge, Nonn. D. 1. 289. 

GAu-KpdkiAros, ov, shingly, pebbly, Orph. Arg. 337. 

éAL-Krimos, ov, groaning at sea, in bad weather, of ships, Soph. Ant. 
953 (lyr.); also, dA. xdpa roaring on the sea, Eur. Hipp. 754 (lyr.). 

GAt-cipwv [0], ov, surrounded by the sea Anth. P. 9. 429. 

GAuKadys, worse form for dAvewdys, Theophr. H. P. g. 11, 2. 

GAt-pédv, ovros, 6,=movropédav, Ar. Thesm. 323. 

dAtpevia, 7, want of harbours, Hyperid. in A. B. 78, Poll. 1. ror. 

G-Aipevos [i], ov, without harbour, harbourless, Lat. importuosus, 
‘Aesch. Supp. 768, Eur. Hel. 1211, Thuc. 4. 8, etc. 2. metaph. 
shelterless, inhospitable, épea, dvrAos Eur. Hel. 1132, Hec, 1025; 
Gdlpevoy dépos avAaka Ar. Av. 1400; «apdia Eur, Cycl. 349. 

GAtpevorns, 7, = dAmevia, Xen. Hell. 4.8, 7. 

GXl-pixtos, v. sub dAlopntros. 

GAtpos, ov, (GAs) of or belonging to the sea, Lat. marinus, Hesych. ; 
7a dhipa the sea-side, LXX (Jerem. 17. 6). II. as Subst., GAcpor, 
76, a shrubby plant growing on the sea-shore, perh. salt-wort, Antiph. 
Mrnp. 1, Theophr. H. P. 4. 16, 5: in Diosc. also GAtpos, 6, I. 120. 

a-Aipos, ov, banishing hunger, Plut. 2. 157 D. 

GAipiphes, ecoa, ev (uipw) flowing into the sea, rorapol Il. 21. 190, 
Od. 5. 460; cf. Ap. Rh. 2. 936; cf. sq. . 

GXt-pipys, és,=foreg., Orph. Arg. 346, etc. II. =GAuos (A), Ap. 
Rh. 1. 913, Phanocl. 1. 17, Anth. Plan. 180. ; 

Gdwb5éo or GAtvbo [4], (the pres. is only found in Pass.): the aor. 
qAica and pf. #AtKa only found in comp. with éf: (the formation of 
these tenses with 7 exactly resembles the form é«vAioa from xudwdéa or 
kvAiviw) :—to make to roll. II. Pass., mostly used in partici- 
ple, rolling in the dust, like a horse (cf. dAwdnOpa), dArvSovpevos Plut. 
2.396 E; ddwddpevor papdOou Nic. Th. 156; dAddnOels Ib. 204 ; 
qAwSnpevos rolled over,-over-turned, Dinarch. ap. Suid. 2. me 
to roam about, ddAny é dGAdAns eis xOdv’ dAwdépevos Anth. P. 7. 7365 
o} wept Thy "Axadjpecav.ddwdSodvra Alciphro 3. 14, cf. 31. : 

Gdw5H0pa, 4, a place for horses to roll in, Lat. volutabrum (cf. kovi- 
orpa), cf. Ar. Nub, 32: metaph., dAwdhOpa émdy, i.e. long rolling words, 
Id, Ran. 904. Se 3 

GXlvbqous, ews, 4, a rolling in the dust, an exercise in which the 

Jisher, Od. 12. 251., 22, 384, Hdt. 3. 42, Soph. Fr. 118, Plat., {, wrestlers rolled on the ground, Hipp, 364. 13., 308. 26. 


GAtvSopat, v. sub ddiwvdéew, 

GAivaKrepa, 7%, (v}xw) fem. as if from *éduwyerhp, swimming in the 
sea, Anth. P. 6. 190 [with 7 in arsi]. 

Xijs, és, swimming in the sea, Anth. P. 6. 29. 

GXtvos, 7, ov, (GAs) of salt, xévBpor Hat. 4. 185; Toto Ib. 

&-Ntvos, ov, (Aivoy) without a net, without hunting toils, dA. Ohpa a 
chase in which no net is used, Anth. P. 9. 244. 

GXiva, (dAéw) =Aerrdve, to pound, Soph. (Fr. 826) ap. A. B. 383. r1:— 
but Hesych. gives ddwety (leg. ddivetv)* drelpev ;—dAivat* emadeipat. 

GAuE, Dor. for Haig. 

Gg, teos, 5, =x dvdpos, Ath. 647 D. 

GXl-favros, ov, worn by the sea, xoupddes Anth, P. 6. 89; dA. pdpos 
death by being dashed on the beach, Ib. 7. 404. 

Gus, 6, Dor. for fAtos. 

Gvos (A), a, ov, also os, ov Soph. Aj. 357, Eur. Heracl. 82: (GAs) :— 
of the sea, Lat. marinus, epith. of sea-gods, nymphs, etc., Hom. etc. ; 

GXiovo yépovTos, i.e. of Nereus, Il. 1.556, Hes. Th. 1003, cf. 
Od. 4. 365, al.; Geat GArat sea-goddesses, Nereids, 18. 432; of Apollo, 
Arist. Mirab. 107, cf. dAimAaryeros ; GA. Wapaor the sea-sand, Od. 3. 38; 
GX. mpov Aesch. (lyr.) Pers. 131, 879; «dpa Id. Supp. 15; vais, mara, 
mpvyvn, etc., Pind. O. 9. 111, Soph. O. C. 716, etc.; dAla Spds, perh. 
the same as dAipdAotos, Eupol. A?y. 1. 4; v. Meineke ad 1. 

Gos (B), a, ov: (GAn, HAlOt0s):—like pdratos, of things, fruitless, 
unprofitable, idle, erring, €ros, wvO0s, wévos, BéAos, Spxioy, etc., Il. ; in 
Od. only with 68és, 2. 273, 318; of a person, Il. 10, 324: neut. GAroy 
as Adv,, in vain, 13. 505; and so best taken in 4.179; so also Soph. 
O. C, 1469; but regul. Adv. ~—iws, Id. Ph. 840.—Ep. word, used by 
Soph. in lyric passages. 

Lo-rpedys, és, feeding in the sea, sea-reared, p&xat Od. 4. 442. 

Arde, Post. Verb, only used in fut. dAcdow, aor. #Alwoa, Ep. dhiwoa: a 
fut. med. occurs in act. sense, Maxim. m. xarapx. 582, in pass., Ib. 512: 
(Atos 8B). To make fruitless, disappoint, Awds véov ..dAadoat Od. 
5.104; 00d’ dAlwoe Bédos nor did he hurl the spear in vain, Il. 16.737 ; 
ox HAlwoe Todmos spake not the word in vain, Soph. Tr. 258. 2. 
=diordw, to destroy, 7d pév Ts ov .. dAuwoe Soph. O. C. 704. 

G-Aimdpis, és, not fit for a suppliant, dr. Opig (perth. with a play on 
Almapds,—not sleek and smooth), Soph, El. 451. 

&l-racros, ov, sprinkled with salt, Aristom, P'éyr. 2,:Eubul. ’Apané, 
I. 10, Archestr. ap. Ath. 399 E. 

GAl-meSov, 74, a plain by the sea, sandy plain, Theophr. H. P. 7. 15, 
2, Lyc. 681; so the plain in Attica near Piraeeus was called, Xen. Hell. 2. 
4, 30; but Ar. (Fr. 30) wrote év dAcwé5q with spir. lenis, says Harp. [aAz— 
in arsi, Lyc. 1. c., which prob. explains the form dA‘oedor in Poll. 1. 186.] 

GXimis, és, (Ados) without fat, meagre, poor, Ath. 315 D: without 
any fatty substance, Strabo 195 : in Medic. not thick and fatty, of lotions 
as opp. to salves, Aretae. Caus, a= eee 2. 7. II. (Aci, Armeiv) 

‘ailing, mpoxoai Poéta ap. Porph. 
rascal s§ ov, roaming the sea, & Way, Wdv dAlmdayere . . pavyd 
prays the Chorus of Greek seamen at Troy (so, below, Apollo is sum- 
moned to come “Ikapiav tmép meAayéwv), Soph. Aj. 695; of Trito, Anth. 
P. 6. 65; éxus Gd. Epigr. Gr. 1033. 15 :—cf. dAlmAnKTos. 

&dv-rrAdvijs, és, sea-wandering, Anth. P. 11. 390. 

&\u-mdivia, }, a wandering voyage, Anth. P. 6. 38. 

&X-mAtivos, ov, =dAuAavns, Opp. C. 4. 258. 2 

&Av-TAetpov, ovos, 5, =wAedpa I, Marcell, Sid.27in Fabr. Bibl. 1. p.17. 
- &At-mAneros, Dor. -mAakros, ov, sea-beaten, of islands, Pind. P. 4. 24; 

_Oadacadrdnkros in Aesch., whence ddimAaxros is restored in Soph. Aj. 
597 (lyr.) for dAt@Aayeros. 
v-mAHE, Fos, 5, }, =foreg., Call. Del. 11, Anth, P. 6. 193. 

&i-mAoos, ov, contr. -mwAous, ovv, covered with water, Tetxea Il. 12. 
26. II. later act. sailing on the sea, vais Arion 17 (Bgk. p. 
873): as Subst. a seaman, fisher, Ap. Rh. 3. 1329, Call, Del. 15. 

en ov, redolent of the sea, Musae. 205. 

_Gdu-répos, ov, through which the sea flows, diaopag Luc. Tragoed. 24. 

nets nears tSos, 4, a bird, on the same as moppupis, Ibyc. 7; cf. 

adund, s Opis, Aleman 12 (26). 

are + ov, of sea-purple, of true purple dye, 7jAaKara, pape 

Od. 6. 53., 13. 108; ofSya Arion 18 (Bgk. p. 873). 

&Au-rolnros, ov, scared by the roar of the sea, Nonn. D. 8. 58. 
Gduppiyis, és, (Anyum) breaking the waves: oF rather pass., against 

which the tide breaks, axéredos Anth. P. 7. 383- ‘ 

&Atp-palorys, 6, (Jalw) ravening in the sea, dpdxow Nic, Th. $28. 
&Xippavros, ov (fatvw) sea-surging, méyros Anth. P. 9. 333- 
&Xlp-pyros, ov, =aArppayys, deipades Anth. P. 7. 275. 

, ov, also a, ov Anth. P. 7. 6, 624 :—sea-roaring, sea-beat, 
xévs, vnds Anth. Il. c. IL. roaring, @éAagca Orph. Arg. 1296. 

, ov, =foreg.; aA. mépor the roaring friths, or the pathways 
of the roaring sea, Aesch, Pers. 367, cf. Soph. Aj. 412 (lyr.); also, da, 
> Bas Eur. Hipp. 1205, Mosch. 2. 128: cf. dAb , GAlKTUTOS. 
AXip-porfos, ov, = 

aAtpp66.0s, Nonn. ae 3. 322, etc. 
‘os, ov, washed by the sea, Anth. P. 12. 55- 

ddoos a surging sea itself, Aesch. Supp. 868 (lyr.). ; 
Gus [dais], Adv.: (v. sub dAgs). In heaps, crowds, swarms, in abund- 
ance, in plenty, Lat. affatim, and in a modified sense, sufficiently, enough, 
; L. in Hom. mostly joined with Verbs, dis erorharac 

II. da. 

Lat. satis : Oi 
Il. 2. 90; mept 8% Tpwal drus Hoav 3. 384; xdmpos dds Ké- 
On ar: ao8) aus i of jaav dpovpa Il. r4. 122 :—from the con- 

i times takes the sense of just enough, like perpiws, et 3 dds 
too pees, Bur. Med. 629; épepe wawdv Gris Id. Alc. 907. 2. in 
Hom, also often closely attached 

aXtvdopnat — aNiorpa. 

gold and silver ix abundance, gold and silver enough, Od. 16. 231, ef. I. 
22. 340; vija Gris xpicov Kal xadxod vnfcacba: Il. 9. 137 ; Gus xé- 
pados (v. sub xépados) 21. 319; GAs 5° ebGdes EAauov Od. 2. 339 ;— 
this Homeric usage is rare in Att., dAcs Bioroy eipov Eur. Med, 1107; 
Avmas Gus éxwv (Elmsl. Avans) Id. Hel. 589:—rarely with an Adj., 
GXs Ha0’ dvapotos Aesch, Ag. 511. 8. ddus (sc. éare) ’tis enough, 
 obx Gdus, Srre..; ist not enough, that..? Il. 5. 349; } odx ads, 
@s..; 17. 450, Od. 2. 312; so, Gus, iv’ & pes Saxpdwv Soph. O, T. 
1515; and absol. Gs enough! Id. Aj. 1402 :—in Att. c, acc. et inf., 
"Apyelovot Kadpetous Gdus és xeipas édOeiv Aesch. Theb. 679 ; c. dat. et 
inf., Gus 5¢ eAdew rodpor Hy éuol Kaxdv Eur. Alc, 1041, cf. Soph. O. T. 
685. 4. like an Adj., as the predicate, GAis ydp 7) wapotoa oupppopd 
Eur, Alc. 673, cf. I. T. 983, Soph. Tr. 332. 5. Gaus (sc. eiué) with a 
part. added, Gas vocova’ éyw enough that I suffer, Id. O. T. 1061; 
Gds éy@ dvervy Gv Trag. ap. Arist. Eth. N. 9. 11, 5. 6. in Att., like 
Lat. satis, c. gen. rei, enough of a thing, dds éxewv THs Bophs Hadt. 1. 
119, cf. 9. 27; mppovas Gdis y’ tmdpxe Aesch. Ag. 1656, cf. 1659 ; 
Gis [ears] AcAcypvévor Id, Eum. 675 ; dAts Adyar Soph. O. C. 1016; 
Gdus apuns pot Ar. Fr, 421; to conclude an argument, kal rovTwy piv 
GAs Plat. Polit. 287 A; «at wept piv rovrov ads Arist, Eth. N. 1. 5, 6, 
etc. II. a form GAus, or dAtas, in Hippon. 101, cf. E. M. 63. 
18, Joann. Al. rdv maparyy. p. 38.12; and read by Dind. in Eur. Ion 
723 (lyr.), dAcas GAras 5 mapos dpxaryés, where the Mss. dAlcas. 
GAis, fos, 7), (GAs) =dApupis, Eust. 706. 56. 
éXoBn, %,=drarn, Hesych. 
Shcsibe, to pollute, Lxx (Dan, 1. 8, al.):—éAloynpa, aros, 76, a 
pollution, Act. Ap. 15. 20. 
dAtoKopat [aA].a defect. Pass., the Act. being supplied by aipéw(aAtoxw 
only in proverb €Aepas piv ob ddloxe, Paroemiogr.): impf. jAcoxduny 
(never éaA-) Hdt., Att.: fut. adAdoouar Hadt., Att.: aor. #Aew Od. 22. 
230, always in Hdt., and sometimes in Mss. of Att. writers, as Plat. Hipp. 
Ma. 286 A, Xen. An. 4. 4, 21, but the common Att. form was édAwy [4, 
Ar. Vesp. 355, but & Anth. P. 7. 114., 11.155; & in all other moods, 
etc., except in part. dAdve Il. 5. 487]; subj. dA@, Os, @ Aesch. Theb. 257, 
Eur. Hipp. 420, Ar. Ach. 662, Vesp. 898, etc., Ion. dAdw, ddd Il. 11. 
405., 14. 81, Hdt. 4.127; opt. ddoiny Plat., Ep, dAginv Od. 14, 183., 15. 
300; (the subj. dAwy and opt. dAqgy are often confounded, y. ll. Il. 9. 
§92., 14. 81, Hdt. 4.127); inf. dA@va Il. 21. 281, Att., Ep. dAdpevae 
Tb. 495; part. ddovs Il. 2. 374, Att., v. supr.:—pf. fAwxa Hat. 1. 83, 
Antiph. S7par. 1, Xenarch. Mop?. 1, and often in Dem. ; but commonly 
in Att. é4Aaxa [GA] Aesch. Ag. 30, Thuc., etc. (and in Mss. of Hdt,, I. 
191, 209) :*plapf. #A@Kew Xen. An. 5. 2, 12.—On the forms ffAwv éddwy, 
jana éddoxa, v. Veitch Gr. Verbs s. v.—Of these Tenses, Hom. uses 
only the aor.—Cf. mapaAfokopar. (The fact that dAlcxoya, with its 
tenses, serves as a Pass. to aipéw, aor. 2 efAov, éAciv, points to 4/AA= 
FIBA (cf. éFdAow), ini the sense of take, v. Lob. Rhem, 163. It seems to 
be unconnected with dyGAicxw, v. sub voc.) To be taken, conquered, 
fall into the enemy's hand, of persons and places, Il. 2. 374, al., Hdt., 
Trag., etc.; dAwoerat (sc, 6 Kpéwv) Soph. O. C. 1065 ; dAloxeaOat els 
modepious to fall into the hands of the enemy and be taken by them, 
Plat. Rep. 468 A; év ro.avrats fuupopats Id. Crito 43 C. 2. to 
be caught, seized, of persons and things, Oavarw dddvac to be seized by 
death, die, Il. 21. 281, Od. 5. 312; also without Oavary, Il. 12. 172, Od. 
18, 205, etc.; dvdp’ &e Oavdrou Kopica 5n ddwxdra [sc. véow] Pind, 
P. 3. 100; éddAwoay els ’AOjvas ypaypara letters were seized and taken 
to Athens, Xen, Hell, 1,1, 23:—in Ar. Ach, 700 there is a play on the 
law-phrase (y. infr. 11, 2); rots airdv mrepois ddtondpecba, of an 
eagle, i.e. by a feathered arrow, Aesch. Fr. 129, v. omnino Pors. Med. 
139 (viii) :—to be taken or caught in hunting, Il. 5. 487, Xen. An. 5. 3, 
10 :—also, aA, inv Aesch. Eum. 67; dérarais, pavia Soph. El. 125, Aj. 
216; in’ €pwros Plat. Phaedr. 252 C, étc. ; voonpart, Siappoia, etc. 
Arist. Probl. 30. I, 19, etc:—absol. to be overpowered, Soph. Aj. 649; 
ddobs épdvevoa, Lat. mente captus, Id. O. C. 547 (as Herm. for addovs, 
but v. dvous) ; Hig vikn adioKovrat by one victory they are ruined, Thuc. 
I. 121. 8. in good sense, to be won, achieved, attained, Soph. O. T. 
543, Eur. Ale. 786, Xen. Cyn. 12, 22; cf, ddwrds I. II. to be caught 
or detected doing a thing, ovre od dAdoea ddinéwv Hdt. 1. 112; ém- 
fet cas ts Say: fab tn cre 
‘ a st. or Adj., the part. dy being omitted, ob 
yap 8) poveds dAdaopuat Soph. O. T. 576; poixds yap dy tUxNs dAots 
Ar. Nub. 1079; also, aA. év xaxoior Soph, Ant. 496. 9 often as 
Att. law-term, to be convicted and condemned, in full, ddods 77 Bi Pl 
n , et ’ 7 OKT Plat, 
Legg. 937 C; Arroragiou ypaphy jrwxévar Dem, 549. I, cf. Antipho 
117. 18., 118. 26:—dA. mG YHpw Andoc. 30. 10:—c. gen. criminis 
adavat pevdopaprupiay, dotpareias, dceBelas, etc, (sc. ~ypaghy) v. ch 
voce.; dA, Oavarov to be convicted of a capital crime, Plut, 2 , 2 D; 
also, dAotaa Sinn a conviction, Plat. Legg. 937 D wae ai Fe oe . 
d\topa.,75,a water-plant, Alisma Parnassifoliaor Planta 7 Dicks aie 
ant phates, ov, sea-resounding, Nonn. D. 39. 362. ‘ afr 
“TPNKTOS, ov, washed by the sea, Lyc. : Hesych. has dato, 
erence a)* HAtcpéva, and Suid. a lg pain, ag ve 

TAPTOS, OV, sown or sprinkled with sal; ” 
oan areata ith sa ¢, Eust.1827.61, Hesych.,E.M, 

Gdt-orépavos, ov, sea-crowned, sea 
s.V. TampoBavn :—so, d ddv-oredrjs 
Arg. 146. 

GXi-rrovos, ov, sea-resounding,, paxiat Aesch, P 
groaning on the sea, of fishers, Opp. 4. Re a 

Te), 9, 6v, (GAlgw) salted, pickled, Anth, P, 

-girt, vijoos Alex. ap. Steph. Byz. 
Oaoos Epigr. Gr. 208. 16, cf. Orph. 

9: 377, Strabo 197. 

to a Noun, xaAndy re xpuody Te dis | 

, éAlorpa, 4, = GAw6nOpa, Poll, 1. 183. 

aXlorperros — adda. 

-Gdl-orpenros, ov, sea-tost, vads Anth. P. g. 84. 

_GXtraive [cA], Ep. Verb (also used by Aesch. in lyr. passages) chiefly 
found in aor, 2 act. and med. :—Act., in aor. #Atrov IL., Theogn. 1170, 
Aesch. Eum. 269 ; subj. dAirp Pseudo-Phoc. 208; opt. dAéroipe Aesch, 
Pr. 5333 part. dAcrmy Aesch. Eum. 316 (restored by Stanl. for ddurpa@r) : 
later Ep. aor. 1 dAirnoa Orph. Arg. 642:—Med., ddcraivera (v. 1. 
dXirp-) Hes. Op. 328: aor. dAlrovro, dAtrwpat, dduréoa Hom. : part. 
dAirnuevos, with accent*and sense of pres. (formed as if from adirnmt, 
cf. riOjpevos Ep. for riOéyevos), v. infr. (Akin to dAn, dAdopat, 
etc.?:—hence ddcirns, ddorrds, ddurfpios : dAutpaivw is merely an Ep. 
form.) To sin or offend against, c. acc. pers., ée yap 5h p’ aware 
kat Arey Il. 9. 3753 Oris op GAlrnra dudocas 19. 265 ; aBavdrous 
adrécbat Od. 4. 378; "AOnvainy adlrovro 5. 108; so Hes. Sc. 80 (ubi 
leg. wey’ for per’), Theogn., l. c., Aesch, Eum. 269 ; cf. ddrrpéw. 2. 
c. acc. rei, to transgress, Aids 8 dAirwpar éperpuas Il. 24. 570; Spxov, 
omovdds Ap. Rh. 4. 388, Opp. H. 5. 563. 3. c. gen. to stray from, 
Gdirnoev draprot Orph. |. c.; cf. Call. Dian. 2 55. 4, the part. 
Gdurjpyevos is used =ddurpés, as an Adj., Oeois ddurhyevos sinful in the 
eyes of the gods, Od. 4. 807; cf. dArripepos. 

G-Aurdveuros, oy, only found in poét. form dAduT-, q. Vv. Adv. -ws, 
A. B. 374, E. M. 57. 

aA s, és, stretching to or along the sea, Diod. 3. 44. Il. flat, 
low, of lands, Strabo 307, Arr. Ind. 21. 9; ambulatio ad. a walk on a flat 
place, Cic. Att. 14. 13, I: of boats, flat, Plut. Them. 14: of the sea, 
shallow, Polyb. 4. 39, 3, App. Civ. 2. 84. 

GAGréppov, ov, bounded by the sea, Anth. P. 9. 672. 

aAirnpa, aros, 76, a sin, offence, Anth. P. 5. 278. 

GAit-Npepos, ov, missing the right day, untimely born, like hAtréunvos, 
Hes. Sc. gt (€ conj. Guieti pro ddurjpevor), cf. E. M. 428. 10. 

GXirnpoowvn, ,=ddirnua, Orph, Arg. 1315. 

EXirhpov, ov, gen. ovos, (dArreiv) =sq., Il. 24.157,186, Call. Dian. 123. 

aXtriptos, ov, (dArreiv) sinning or offending against, c. gen., Tov GALTN- 
plow . .raiv rips Ged Ar. Eq. 4453 évaryets wal GA. ris Oeov, Thuc. 1.126; so, 
kowwoy Gdirhpiov . .dmdavrwy the common plague of all, Dem. 280.27; GAt- 
THhptos “EAAGSos Aeschin. 76. 7. 2. absol. sinful, guilty, Lat. homo 
piacularis, Lys. 137.19, Andoc. 17.11; parrarydpas . . ddurjpuos (i. e. 
6 GA.) Eupol. Koa. 10, cf. Anu. 7, Menand, Incert. 38. II. =dAdo- 
= an avenging spirit, Antipho 125. 32., 127.1; cf. Ruhnk. Tim. s. v. 

aAirnpidys, es, (ei50s) abominable, accursed, ruinous, olorpos Plat. 
Lege. 854 B; ordots Id. Rep. 470 D. 

dAtrnpds, ov, =dArrhpios : but in Soph. O.C.371, ag GAernpod ppevds 
must be corrupt, for the « is short; Toup suggested «dAurnpiov, Herm. 
nag Gdovrnpod, Dind. nag ddcrpias. 

Ghirys [i], ov, 6, =dAcirns, Hesych., Lex. de Spir. p. 209, etc.; whence 
it is restored by Herm. in Eur. Heracl. 614 for dAdrav, which is against 
the metre: but, II. dXirys [7], ov, 6, =@addcaros, Lex.-de Spir. 
ib., Hdn, Epim. 181, 263 ; whence it is restored by Ahrens in Epich. 24. 

GXird-pnvos, ov, =the Homeric 7Arréunvos, Suid., etc. 

GXiré-Eevos, ov, sinning against one's friend, Pind. O. 10 (11). 7. 

GXtro-ppocivn, 4, a wicked mind, Anth. P. 7. 648. 

&Xtrpatve, Ep. for dAvraivw (when required by the metre), absol. Zo siz, 
offend, Saris GArtpaive: or bs Kev Gdrrpaivy Hes. Op. 241 (vy. Aeschin. 
49: 27.5 73- 4)3 fy mev GAurpaivys Anth. P. 9. 763; oddéy GA. Tryph. 269. 

t-tpeis, és, sea-bred, Q. Sm. 3. 272, Nonn. D. 24. 116. 

aXitpéw, =ddcraivw, Aesch. Eum. 316; but Auratus restores dAuréy. 

&Xtrpia, 7, sinfulness, mischief, Soph. Fr. 42, Ar. Ach.go7; v.sub dAcrypés. 

GXitps-Bros, ov, living wickedly, wicked, Nonn, D, 12. 72. 

&Xitp6-voos, ov, wicked-minded, Orac. ap.Eus. P.E.168, Epigr.Gr. 1052. 

GXirpés, dv, syncop. for dArrnpés, sinful, sinning, wicked, Il. 8. 361, 
Theogn. 377, Solon 13. 27, Pind. O. 2. 107: but in Hom, also as Subst., 
daipoow dArrpés a sinner against the gods, Il. 23. 5953 and in milder sense, 
a knave, rogue, Od. 5.182; a fem., ddcrpijs dAd@exos Simon. lamb. 7. 7. 

aXtrpoowvy, },=dArrpia, Ap. Rh. 4. 699 (in pl.), Anth. P. 7. 574, etc. 

4Xi-rpodos, ov, living by or on the sea, of fishers, Opp. H. 1. 76. 

GAl-rpoxos, ov, rushing through the sea, Ibyc. 49, in metapl. acc. sing. 
GXirpoxa: cf. etrpoxos. 

8ALpir0s, ov, sea-beaten, sea-worn, yépav Theocr. 
Anth. P. 7. 294. 

GXi-ritros, ov, sea-beaten, ddA. Bapy griefs for sea-tost corpses, Aesch. 
Pers. 945 (lyr.): as Subst. a seaman, fisherman, Eur. Or. 373- 

GXi-ripos, 6, a sort of salt-cheese, Anth. P. 9. 412. 

aA 6w, to shipwreck, and metaph. to ruin, Sophr. ap. E. M. 776. 
46 :— adr pOepHoa dpavica, Hesych. Cf. Lob. Soph. Aj. p. 358. 

GdupGopia, %, a disaster at sea, shipwreck, Anth. P. 9. 41. 

4di-bO6pos, ov, destroying on the sea: as Subst. a pirate, Anth. P. 7.654. 

GXi-pAowos, 5, 4, sea-bark, a kind of oak, Theophr. H. P. 3. 8, 5, al. 

GAv-ppootvn, 7, =ikavt ppédynars (from GAts, ppqy), Hesych.; Adj. aAt- 
poves, Naumach. 63 ;—but prob. onlyf. ll. for xaArppootvn, xadidpoves. 

4Xi-xAawos, ov, purple-clad, Nonn. D. 20. 105 ; cf. dAumdppupos. 

GXup or GAup, =érpa in Hesych., v. sub jAlBaros. 

GAxdlo, to put forth strength or prowess, E. M. 56.11., 66,10 :—Med., 
HAKaCovro* jptyovro, ap. Hesych. Dia 

GAKGOeiv, post. aor. with no pres. in use (v. sub dAéfw), fo assist, cited 
in A. B. 383 from Aesch, (Fr. 425) and Soph. (Fr. 827): cf. duuvadety. 

GAxata, #, a lion's tail, Ael. N. A. 5. 39, Opp. H. 5. 264: cf. dAala, 

GAxaios, a, ov, (4Axq) strong, mighty, dépv Eur. Hel. 1152 (lyr.). 

a\kap, 74, only used in nom. and acc.:—a safe, uard, defence, ovre rt 

ce Tpwecow diopat GAxap ececOar Il. 5.644; GAkap ’Axa@y 11, 823, 
but -yhpaos dAkap a defence against old age, h. Hom. Ap, 193. Ep. 
word, used by Pind, P, 10, 81, Pseudo-Phocyl, 120, (Akin to Am.) 

I, 453 «0uBy 



GAGs, v. sub dAxjes. 

GAxéa, 7}, a kind of wild mallow, Diosc. 3. 164. 

GAkein, %, a poisonous plant, Orph. Arg. 925. 

Gdkh, %, (v. sub dAadxe) strength as displayed in action, prowess, 
courage, boldness, and so distinguished from pwn (mere strength), poét. 
word (used also in Hdt., and later Prose, as Tim. Locr. 103 B, Arist. Eth. 
N. 3. 6, 12, Pol. 8. 3, 7, etc.), in Hom. joined with o6évos, Bin, jvopén, 
pévos, Il. 17. 212, Od, 22. 237, al.; esp. in phrase émepévos aAKhy ; so, 
ppecty cipevos ddxhy 20, 381; dveca dAxhy 9. 231 :—later also, xepds 
Aug Pind. O. 10 (11). 122} Onpla és dAuhy dduiua Hat. 3. 110: gene 
tally, force, power, might, awhwav ddrhy (like o..uaxnv) Eur. Supp. 
683 :—in. pl. feats of strength, bold deeds, Pind. N. 7. 18} Eur. Rhes. 
933- II. strength to avert danger, a safeguard, defence, and so 
help, succour, aid, Acds dAxh Il. 15. 490, cf. 8. 140; ovd€ ris dAnh Od. 
12. 120., 22. 305; mov Tis dAwy; Aesch. Pr. 545 ; GAxi) BeAéwy Soph. 
Ph. 1151; d5opés Eur. Phoen. 1098 :—but, dA«h rivos defence or aid 
against a thing, Hes. Op. 199, Pind. N. 7. 142, Soph. O. T. 218, cf. 
GAkap :—dAxhy roeiabax or TiévaL to give aid, Soph. O. C. 459, 15243 
és or mpds dAxiy rpémecOar to turn and resist, stand on one’s guard, 
Hdt. 2. 45., 3. 78, Thuc. 2. 84; orpépas mpds dduqy Eur. Andr. 1149 ; 
és dAxiy éAGeiv Id. Phoen. 421; dAcps peprijoOa Hdt. 9. 70; éy ols 
éorw dAxn where [death] is helpful, Arist. Eth. N. 3. 6,12; cf. bropéve II. 
3- III. battle, fight, Aesch. Theb. 498, 569, 876, Eur. Med. 664. 

GAxn, %, the elk, Paus. 5.12, 1. (Cf. Skt. rigas, risyas (a hind of ante- 
lope), Lat. alces, O. H. G. elaho, A.S. elch.) 

GAkhes, egca, ev, valiant, warlike, h. Hom. 28, Anth. P. 6, 277: Pind. 
(O. 9. 110, P. 5. 95) has it in Dor. contr. form dAxgs, Gv7os. 

éAKnorhs, of, 6, a kind of fish, Opp. H. 1. 170. . 

GAxi [Tt], metapl. post. dat. of dAxq, might, strength: Hom. has it im 
phrase dAxt remoOws (five times) of wild beasts; once of Hector, Il. 18. 
158; cf. Theogn. 949. 

GAKBrdbes, ai, a sort of shoes (from ’AAKiBiddys), Ath. 534 C, Poll. 7. 89. 

&xi-Bios, 7), with and without éxvs, a kind of Anchusa, used as an an- 
tidote to the bite of serpents, Nic. Th. 541:—also éAxtBtdSerov or —dbtov, 
76, Diosc. 4. 23, 24, Galen. 13. p. 149. 

GAkt-pixos, 7, ov, bravely fighting, or a defender in the Fight, of Athena,, 
Anth, P. 6, 124. 

Gdxipos, ov, also 7, ov Soph. Aj. 401:—strong’, stout, brave, of men and 
things, Tp@es, éyxos, Sodpe Il.11. 483., 3. 338, Od. 22. 125, ete.; so in 
Comp. —wrepos Hdt. 1. 79, 103, 201, Xen., Arist., etc.; Sup. -wraros 
Eur. Phoen. 750; dAmpos 7d wodcumind Hat. 3. 4; és dAniy dacima Ib. 
110; then in Pind., Soph., and later Poets; dA«. wax Eur. Heracl. 683 :— 
proverb., méAat mor’ hoa GAxipor MrAnjacon, like ‘fuimus Troés,’ ‘times are 
changed,’ Anacr. 85, Ar. Pl. 1002 :—rare in Prose, Plat. Rep. 614 B (where 
there seems to be a play on’AAxivov), Arist. H. A. 8. 29,1., 9. 41, 12. 

GAxlppwv, ov, gen. ovos, (phy) stout-hearted, Aesch. Pers. 92 (lyr.). 

GAxrnp, jpos, 6, (v. sub dAaAxe) one who wards off, a protector from 
a thing, c. gen., dpjs, cuvav Kat dyvSpay Il. 18. 100, Od. 14. 531; so in 
Hé&. Th. 657, where the dat. depends on yéveo, Pind. P. 3. 13. 

adxriprov, 7é, a help, antidote, rwés against a thing, Nic. Th, 528, 
etc.; and so prob, Eur. Fr. 698 (cod. dperhpia). 

aAkvéverov and -tov, 746, bastard-sponge, a zodphite, so called from. 
being like the halcyon’s nest ; the latter form occurs in Diosc. 5. 135. 

aAxvovis, (50s, %, in form Dim. of dAxcvmy, but in usage =GAnvdy, Ap. 
Rh. 1. 1085, Epigr. Gr. 205, C. I. 3333. II. as Adj., dAxtiovides, 
ai, with or without 7épa:, the fourteen winter days during which the 
halcyon builds its nest, and the sea is always calm, hence haleyon days, 
proverb. of undisturbed tranquillity, Ar. Av. 1594, ubi v. Schol., cf. Theocr. 
7. 57, Arist. H. A. 5.8, 9 sq., Philoch. 180 ;—also, GAxuéveror 7uépar 
in Arist. 1. c., cf, Ael. N. A. 1. 36. 

aAxvav, dvos, %, the kingfisher, halcyon, first in Il. 9. 563, cf. Simon. 
12, Ar. Av. 251, Arist. H. A. 5.8, 8. (That the spir. asper, prob. due 
to the notion that the word is a compd. of GAs, «Ja (vy. dAxvovis), is 
incorrect appears from Lat. alcedo, O. H. G, alacra.) 

*ddww, = ddéfw: v. ddxabeiv, dAad«e. 

GAG, Conjunct., being originally neut. pl. of GAos, with changed 
accent, in another way, otherwise: AAG therefore serves to limit or op- 
pose sentences or clauses, being stronger than 6é€. I. to oppose 
single clauses, but, Lat. autem, the preceding clause being negat., freq. 
from Hom. downwds.; in this case it always stands first in its own clause, 
except in late Poets, as Call. Ep. 5.11 KAewlou dAAd Ovyarpt didov 
xapiv.—When two clauses are strongly opposed, dAAd is preceded by pév 
if the first clause be affirmative, by od pévoy if negative; év@ dAAoe pey 
mavres érevphunaay ’Axatol, GAN’ ob« Arpeidy . . , Il. 1. 24; od povoy 
Gna, dAAd 7oAAd«s Plat. Phaedr. 228 A :—in the latter case to heighten 
the opposition zai mostly follows dAAd, as Xen. Mem. 1. 4, 13., 2. 7,63 
GAAa kal is also found after oddév, ovdeis, etc., but on the contrary, Wolf. 
Leptin. 460. 2; so too obx (or pi) Sr, obx (or 2) Sms, are followed 
by GAAd.., wat..,not only.., but... The first clause is also often 
strengthd. by various Particles, as rol, 7 Tot, etc., and GAAd by the addi- 
tion of yé or Suas.—Special usages of dAAd with single clauses: be 
in hypothet. sentences, the apodosis is often opp. to the protasis by dAAd, 
GAAd kal, GAAG Tep, yet, still, at least, Il. 1. 281., 8. 154., 12. 349, ete.: 
so, after etmep Te... , GAAG Te. . Il. 10. 226, dAAa Te Kat... Il. 1.82: also 
in Prose, after ef. .,GAAG.., or GAAG.. ye Plat. Phaedo 91 B, Gorg. 470 
D, etc.; € «al peréxovot.., GAX od ... Arist. Pol. 3. 11, 12 :—less 
often after Conjunctions of Time, as émerdj, Od. 14. 151; eel, Soph. O.C, 
241. 2. after Hom., dAAd is sometimes attached to a single word, 
GAAG viv, GAAA TE xpéve, tandem aliquando: but in fact the usage is 
elliptic, and may be explained from the foreg. head, as in Soph, El, 411, 

64 t 

& Geol warpGor, cvyyéveade 7’ GAA voy (i.e. ei ph mpdrepor, AAA voy 
76), cf. Ant. 552, O. C. 1276 :—this usage is very freq. in Trag., v. Elmsl. 
Eur. Heracl. 565, Med. 912 :—so, éay ob GAAG viv +’ én, i.e. édv opv 
[17 GdAore], GAAA viv ye . ., if then now aft least ye still. . , Dem. 37: 
19g: v. infr, 11, 2. 3. after a negative dAAd sometimes=dAX’ 7} 
(q. V.), except, but, ottre or aitios dAdos, GAAA . . ToKHE no one else, 
but .., Od. 8. 312; ob5€ rs GAAn gaivero -yade, GAN’ odpavds BR 
Oddagoa 12. 404; emacer odris GAN’ &yh Soph. O. T.1331; Hdea... 
ove Earw GAA Tobros Arist. Eth. N. 10. 5, 10, cf. 7.12, 1; ef, the re- 
Verse process in our word but=be out, except :—so also, rdov, ob« ev 
@ keivrac padAov, ddr’ év @ # dda «TA. not more that in which they 
are lying, but .., Thuc. 2. 43; odx SwAwy 7d mA€ov, GAAA danayns Id. 
1. 83. 4. after a vocat., like 5€ 1. 5, Plat. Euthyphro 3 C. ce 
to oppose whole sentences, but, yet, Lat. at : 1. often in quick transi- 
tions from one subject to another, as in Il. 1.134, 140, etc.; so too dAAd 
wat &s 1.116; GAd’ ovd' &s.., Od. 1. 6:—after Hom. also in quick 
answers and objections, nay but. ., well but . ., mostly in negation, Ar. 
. Ach, 402, etc.; but not always, Plat. Prot. 330 B, Gorg. 449 A, When 

a number of objections follow in quick succession, both questions and 
answers are introduced by dAAd, as, wérepov jrowy oé 7. .; GAN’ dary 
Tow; GAAA wept mradinav paxdpevos; GAA pear émapdynoa; Xen. 
An. 5. 8, 45 (when all after the first may be rendered by or); so, @AAd 
piv .., answered by dAAd, Arist. Pol. 3. 16, 4q.:—in vehement answers 
Plato often uses vi) rods Beods GAAG.., wa Al GAAG.., Gorg. 481 C, 
Phil. 36A, cf. Alc. I. 110 B, C, al.:—Hom. also has dAAd at the beginning 
of a speech, to introduce some general objection, Od. 4. 472, cf. Xen. 
Symp. init. 2. dAAd is used, esp. by Hom., with imperat. or subj., 
to remonstrate, encourage, persuade, etc., like Lat. tandem, GAN’ (1, GAN’ 
dye, GAAA taper, ddAd TiBecHe Hom.; so, GAN’ Epre’ ds TaXLaTa Soph. 
O. C. 1643, cf. Ant. 1029, etc.: the vocat. sometimes goes before dAAd, 
as, ® Pivtis, GAA Cedfov Pind. O. 6. 37: ¥. supr. I. 2. 3. often to 
break off a subject abruptly, dAAd ravra pey Ti def Aéyery; Soph. Ph. 
11, cf. 756, Tr. 467, etc. 4, a number of Att. phrases may be 
referred to this head, as elliptic, ob pay GAAG, ob pevTor GAAG. ., it is 
not [so], but .., 6 tos mire wal pcxpod adrov éerpaxhAtcev* ov pry 
[éferpaxnducer], GAX’ érépecvey 6 Kopos it did not however [throw him], 
but .., Xen. Cyr. 1. 4, 8; cf. Plat. Symp. 173 A:—so, ob GAAG Ar. 
Ran. 58, 498 :—even after 5é, dpeis 5€ pw’ GAAA ratdt cvppovetaare Eur, 
Hec. 391. III. when joined with other Particles, each retains 
its proper force, as, 1. dAX’ dpa, much like GAAd in quick transi- 
tion, Il. 6. 418., 12. 320; but in Att, to introduce an objection founded 
on something foregone, Plat. Apol. 25 A; also in questions GAA’ dpa . .; 
Id. Rep. 381 B. 2. GAX’ obv, but then, however, Hdt. 3. 140, Soph. 
Ant. 84, etc.; also in concession, well then, Plat. Prot. 310 A; and in 
apodosi, yet at any rate, GAN odv ye Plat. Phaedo g1 B, cf. Aeschin. 66. 
5. 8. dAAd yap, often with words between, Lat. enimvero, but really, 
certainly, as, GANA yap Kpéovra Aetoow .., mavow yous, but this is 
irregularly placed for dAAd, Acdoow, tavow “ydous, Eur. 
Phoen. 1307; and so we find the collocation in Soph. Ph, 81, cf. Elmsl, 
Heracl. 481, Med. 1035; but the Verb accompanying dAAd is often omitted, 
Hat. 8.8, Aesch. Pr. 941: this usage in the negative form GAX’ od yap is 
earlier, Il. 7. 242, Od. 14. 355, al., Soph. O. T. 1409 :—also, aang yap 
54, GAAG yap To, Soph. Aj. 167, Ph. 81; v. ob yap GAAd. 4. 
el.., quid si. .? 11. 16.559. 5. GAA’ F in questions, Lat. an vero? 
ergo? GX #, 70 Aeydpevov, kardmy éopris jeopev; Plat. Gorg. 447 A, 
cf. Prot. 309 C, Elmsl. Heracl. 426: cf. ddd’ #j (suo loco). 6. GAG is 
followed by many words that merely strengthen it, as dAX’ iro: Hom.; 
GAAG To Aesch, Pers. 798. etc.; GAAG pévrot, GAAA phy, v. sub why IL. 35 
GAAG . . ye concessive, GAA’ Eporye . . palverat nay .., Plat. Theaet. 157 
D; so, dAAd 34, mostly with words between, Soph. Aj. 1271, O. C. 586, 
etc.; GAAd péy 57) Kal adréds Plat. Theaet. 143 B. 

aAAGyBnyyv, Adv. alternately, Theognost. p. 161. 20. 2 
‘addayh, 7, (GAAdoow) a change, Aesch. Ag. 482, Plat., etc.; dAAaya 
Btov Soph. O. T. 1206; 4 «ara rémov d. Arist. de Spir. 8. II. 
exchange, barter, whether buying or selling, Plat. Rep. 371 B, Arist. 
Eth. N. 5. 5, 10, sq., Pol. 1. 8, 8; so in pl, did rds GAA. for purposes 
of exchange, Ib. 3. 9, 6. III. in late Gr., a change of horses, 
a fresh stage, Eust. 531. 21; v. Ducang. 

GAXGyin, }, = foreg., Or. Sib. 2. 157. u a 

adda aros, 76, that which is given or taken in exchange, kawwns 
diairns Hipp. Vet. Med. 9. 2. the price of a thing, Anth. P. 12. 
132, Lxx (Deut. 23. 18). 

ypés, 6, =foreg., Arcad. 58, 5, Manetho 4. 189. 

GAAakréov, verb. Adj. one must change, Plut. 2. 53 A. ~ 

GAAaKrixés, 4, dv, of or for exchange: % -Kh or 70 —dv the business 
of exchange, aaah ge) C; ete bere ri Eth. N. 5. 5, 6. 

wrtov, 76, Dim. of dAAGs, Moer., Thom, M. 2 

pte és, sausage-shaped, GAX. bphy, xirav the allantoid mem- 
brane of the foetus, Soran. p. 68 Dietz., v. Greenh. Theoph. p. 332. 

dAXavro-rotds, 6, a maker of ddAGvres, Diog. L. 2. 60. 

GAAavromwA kw, to deal in dhAdyres, Ar. Eq. 1242. 

GAdavro-1dAqs, ov, 6, a dealer in dddGyres, Ar. Eq. 143, etc. 

, Adv. = évdaAag, C. I. 4957 (prob. 1). 
Drake, ews, }, exchange, barter, Arist. Lis a M. f. 34, 12. 6 
GAAGs, Gyros, 6, forced-meat, a sausage or black-pudding, Ar. Eq. 161, 

. 3, etc. 
hee, i Att. —rrw: fut. dgw: aor. #AAaga: pf. HAAGXa (dw) 
Xen. Mem. 3. 13, 6, (St) Dionys. Com. @eap. 1. 1o:—Med., fut. qoaeg 
foua Luc. Tyr. 7, (dv7—-) Eur. : aor. #AAagdpyy Eur., Antipho 138. 35, 

"Thuc., etc.: pf. (in med. sense), HAAayHa (év—) Soph. Aj. 208:—Pass., | 

aA cydnv — adAMrEyyuor. 

fut. dAAax@fjoopar and dddayioopa, the former always in Trag., the 
latter in Prose; aor. jAAGXOqy and jAAdyyy, the former most freq. in 
Trag., the latter in Prose; v. Veitch Gr. Verbs: pf. #AAaypat Antiph. 
Oud. 1, Anth.; plapf. #AAaxro Hat. 2. 26.—Freq. in compds. dyr-, 
dr, b1-, &-adAdoow, etc. To make other than it is (from dAAos), to 
change, alter, 7. Emped. 67, 157; xpordv, «léos Eur. Med. 1168, Bacch. 
53; 70 éavrod efdos els moAAds poppas Plat. Rep. 380 D; xdpay Id. 
Parm. 139 A. II. ddd. zi twos to exchange, give in exchange 
for, barter one thihg for another, ris o7s Aarpelas Ty éuny dvo- 
mpagiay .. ov dv Gdddga’ eyw Aesch. Pr. 9675 Te dyrt Tevos Eur. 
Ale. 661; and in Med., rv mapavrixa éAniba . . obdévos dy pAAdgavro 
Thue, 8. 82; cf. dvradAdoow, infr. 1. 2. to repay, requite, 
pédvov povedow Eur. El. 89. 3. to give up, leave, quit, obpavtoy 
$@s Soph. Ant. 944, cf. Eur. I. T. 193; v. infr. M1. 2, and Tapad- 
Adoow. 4. Med., ixvos &w rpiBov ddddocecba to remove one’s 
position, Eur. El, 103. III. to exchange, take one thing for 
another, xdsov rovabA0d twapedyros Theogn. 21; also, wév@ mévov ara. 
to exchange one suffering with another (nisi leg. mévov), Soph. Fr. 400 ; 
WpAarrépuec@ dv Sdxpva Sdvres xpvatov should take in exchange, 
Philem. Sap5. 1 :—aAA. Ovnroy eds to assume it, Eur. Bacch. 53, cf. 
1332 :—more freq. in Med., 7é twos one thing for another, edSatpovias 
Kakodatpoviay Antipho 138. 34, cf. Plat. Legg. 733 B; 7a oixnia xaxd 
GAAd~agPat Toto: TAnsiow: to exchange them with them, Hdt. 7. 152; 
hence, fo buy, te dvr’ dpyvpiov Plat. Rep. 371 C; 8¢ dvs i) xat. 
mpdcews addarreaOai ri tur Id. Legg. 915 D. 2. to take 
a new position, i.e. go to a place, ddAdcoev “Aida Oaddpovs Eur. Hec. 
483 (where the sense of ‘having escaped death only to fall into slavery,’ 
has also been suggested) ; méAuw éx mdAews Plat. Polit. 289 E; so, mutare 
in Hor, Od. 1. 17, 2, etc. IV. absol. ¢o have dealings, whether 
as buyer or seller, in Med., pds 7wa Plat. Legg. g15 E. 2. to al- 
ternate, oxirrp’ GAddoowr €xev to enjoy power in turn, Eur. Phoen. 
74, cf. Plat. Tim. 42 C:—Pass., dperal . . dAAacodpevar in turns, Pind. 
N. 11. 40, ef. Arist. Probl. 25. 22.—Cf. duei8w throughout. 

&dAaxaj, Adv. (GAAos) elsewhere, in another place, dAAos dAAaX} one 
here, another there, Xen. An. 7. 3, 47; GAAore dAAaxF now here, now 
there, Id. Mem. 1. 4, 12. 

GhAax60ev, Adv. from another place, Antipho 124. 16:—éAAayx6O, 
Ady. elsewhere, somewhere else, Xen. Mem. 4. 3, 8 :—dAAayéoe, Ady. 
elsewhither, to another place, Xen. Cyr. 7. 4, 7, Arist. Fr. 381 :— 
GdAaxod, Ady. elsewhere, somewhere else, Soph. O. C. 43, Xen. Hell. 2. 
3, 20.—These forms are censured by Thom. M. and Moer. as being less 
Att. than dAAo#er, dAAob, dAAove. 

G)Aeyov, GAACEat, v. sub dvadréyo. 

G\AerrahAnXia, %, accumulation, Eust. 12. 3. 

GAA-err mros, ov, one upon another, Td adder. accumulation, Paus. 
9. 39, 4, Gramm. : alternate, Eccl_—But in most passages, except in late 
authors, Editors write divisim GAA’ ér., v. Alciphro Fr. 6, 11, Heinichen 
Eus. H. E. 2. 6. 

G\Aq, Adv., properly dat. fem. of dAdAos: I. of Place, 2. 
in another place, elsewhere, Il. 13. 49, Soph. Ph. 23, Xen.; in Hdt. also 
7H GAAzy, 2. 36., 4. 28 :—c. gen. loci, dAAos GA TIF wéAEws One in one 
part of the city, one in another, Thuc. 2. 4; GdAoTe GAA (as in 
adXax7, q. v.), Xen. Hell. 1. 5,20; dAAy wat GAAp here and there, prob. 
1, Id. An. 5. 2, 29; GAAnv wal GAAqy Plat. Euthyd. 273 B. 2. to 
another place, elsewhither, ll. 5. 187, Od. 18. 288; épxerae GAAg, i.e. 
is lost, I, I. 120, cf. ddAws II. 3 fin.; GAAor GAAn Hat. 1. 46, cf. 7. 255 
adAn lodoa: Id. 4-114. II. of Manner, in another way, somehow 
else, otherwise, ll. 15. 51, Hat., ete.; 7H GAAn moAAayh Hat. 6. 21; 
cov tay mp Plat. Symp. 189 C; Gddp mas Xen. Cyr. 1. I, ¥, ete. 

5 ,=GdAa I. 3, except, but, after negat. words, esp. oddels or 
pnbels, which are often joined with dAAos or repos, as, ovdels GAX’ 7} 
éreivy no one except she, Hadt. 9. 109; pdtv dAdo Bowety eivas GAndis 
dar 7 70 guparoeibés Plat. Phaedo 81 B, cf. 83 A, 97 D, Rep. 429 B, 
Cte. ; apyupiov pev ode exw GAN’ 4 puxpdy 7 Xen. An. 7. 7, 533 80 
after questions implying a negat., Plat, Phaedr. 258 E:—in Ar. Ach. 
IIIT, 1112, for GAA’ H .., GAN’ 7 . . Kriiger’s emendation GAA’ ieee 
GAX’ 7 .. should prob. be accepted. (‘This form is best explained as= 
GAXo %, other than, except, the accent of ddAo having been lost; indeed 

the phrase appears in full in Hdt. 1. 49., 9. 8, ddd & 
that. . , cf. dAdo 71.) meas’ hase sistas 

arr’ 4, in questions, v. dAAd m1, 5. 

GdA-1yopéw, (ayopeta) to speak so as to imply something other than 
what is said, to interpret allegorically, allegorize, "EXAnves Kpévoy dA 
ee Xpivov Plut. 2. 363 D, cf. 996 B:—Pass., to be spoken 
allegorically, Ep. Gal. 4. 24; ddr trae 6 And, bi 
Se vig 4:24 nyopeirat 6 “AméAAay eis Tov “Hor, 

GAAHYopHTHS, 08, 4, an allegori 

» OV, O, orical expounder, Theodoret., Eust.:— 
&AAnyoptorv Eus. H. E. 271 A, ubi Dind, -yray. ’ 
adAnyopla, 7, an allegory, i. e. description of one thing under the image 
of another, Longin. 9. 7, Cic. Att. 2. 20, 3, in pl. :—an allegorical expo- 
sition of mythical legends, Dem. Phal, Iol, Plut. 2. 19 E; y. sub érdévoa 
ur, TI. metaphorical language, Cic. Orat. 27. : 
GAAnyopicés, 7, dy, allegorical, Longin. 32, etc 
Phal. 254. cis 
GAAnyopus, Adv. allegorically, T . 
é a cally, Tzetz. (?) ap. Schol. Aesch. Pr. 428. 

Spe the ov, post. for @Ankros, unceasing, ceaseless, véros Od. 12. 
325; d6vvat Soph. Tr. 985: implacable, Ovpds Il. 9- 636.—So ’AAAnKTH 
is restored for "AAnera (the Fury) in Lue. Tragop. 6. : 

GAAnA-altioL, of, one the cause of the other, Justin, M. 

Adv. -«®s, Dem. 

; z . 
b GhAqA-Eyyvor, a, bound in law one Jor another. mutual curetiee, Rvz.s 


- GdAnA-évEero1, a, bound one into the other, Byz. 

G@AnAlfe, to lie together, sensu obsc., A. B. 383, Clem. Al. 222. Two 
other usages are noted by Hesych., ddAmAifew* GAAws Kat dddws A€yerv, 
and GAAmAiCeaOac: 7d GAANAOUS émxerpHaat. 

md , ov, in pl. devouring one another, Hesych. s. v. dAAnAO- 
(BwBsrar (leg. GAANAcSecTal). 

GAAndo-ypadia, 7, the writing of amabaan poems, Eust. 55. 39. 

GAAnAo-Siabdxws, Adv. in continuous succession, Eccl. 

GAnAo-Spopor, a, running from one to another, Nicet. Eugen. 2. 314. 

GAAnAoKTovéw, to slay each other, Hipp. 1282. 32, Arist. Fr. 268. 

' GAXAnAoKtovia, 4, mutual slaughter, Dion. H. 1. 87, Philo 2. 567. 

GAAnAo-KrSvos, ov, of things, producing mutual slaughter, daires Mo- 
schio ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 242; (#Aos Dion. H. 2. 24. 

GdAnAopaxla, 4, a mutual fight, Schol. Il. 3. 443. 

GAAnAo-paxor, a, fighting one with another, restored by conj. in Arist. 
H. A 2 I, 26 for dAAnAopayor. 

GAANAS-rpoTroL, a, exchanging forms, Linus ap. Stob. Ecl. 1. 282. 

GAAnAo-rpbdhor, a, feeding one another, v. dhANASptACL. 

Ss %, mutual striking or wounding, Democrit. ap. Stob. 
_Ecl. 1.-348. 

adAnAouxéw, to hold together, Eust. Opusc. 316. 15 ; Pass., Ib. 308. 9. 

dAAndouxia, 4, a holding together, Dion. H. de Comp. p. 202 Schiif. ; 

ve Diosc. 5. 144. 

GhAnAodyo1, a,(€yw) holding together, Epicur. ap. Diog.L.10.99, Hesych. 
 GAANAohiyéw, fo eat one another, Arist. H. A. 8. 2, 25, Fr. 299. 

GdAnhopiyla, 7, an eating one another, Hat. 3. 25, Plat. Epin. 975 A. 

adAnho-payor, a, eating each other, Arist. H. A. 8. 3, 17, Orac. ap. 

Paus. 8. 42, 6; 7 GAA. dvouia Sext. Emp. M. 2. 32; GAA. diac Telecl. 

Aud. 4; cf. GAAnAopaxos. 

adn pogBovia, , (pOdvos) mutual envy, Dion. H. 4. 26. 

GAAnAopPopéw, fo destroy one another, Euseb. H. E. 1. 2. 

GAAnAopOopla, 7}, mutual slaughter, Plat. Prot. 321 A. 

GAAnAo-H0opos, ov, destroying one another, Max. Tyr. 

GAAHAS-rdor, a, fond of each other, Geop. 20. 6 (v. 1. —rpda). 

adAndogovia, Dor. AAAGAO-, %), mutual slaughter, Pind. O. 2. 74. 

GAnho-pévor, a, murdering one another, Aéyxat Pind. Fr. 137; 
xetpes, paviae Aesch. Theb, 931 (in Dor. form dAAaA-), Ag. 1575; 
dderpoi Xen. Hier. 3, 8. 

G&dAnAo-héverys, ov, 6,=foreg., Justin. M. 1 Apol. 39. 

GhAnAo-hins, és, in pl., grown out of one another, Plut. 2. 908 BE. 

alteri, alter alterum ; hence’ mutually, reciprocally, used of all the three 
persons, Il. 4.62, Od. 1. 209, etc.:—in Od. 12. 102, by the common 
punctuation, dAAqA@y must be taken for rod érépov ; but if the stop be 
‘put after wAnoloy (v. Schol.), there is no difficulty. Of the dual, Hom. 
uses dat. GAAjAotiv for ddAAow, perh. also as gen. Il. 10. 65; but, 
tovrw ..év GdAjAaioe Aesch. Pers. 188; in Prose the dual is rare. 
Often with Preps., év dAA7Aos, among one another, Pind. P. 4. 397, etc.; 
«is GAAHAOus, pds GAANAous Aesch. Pr. 491, 1087 ; mt or mpds dAATALLS 
Od. 22. 389, Aesch. Pers. 506, Ag. 654; é£ GAAHA@Y Xen. Mem. 4. 4, 
23, Arist.; map’ GAAHAv Hadt.; map’ GAAnAous, —a, Plat. Gorg. 472 C, 
Phaedr, 264 .B; &’ dAAjAow Arist. An. Pr. 2, 5, 3, etc.; per’ GAAAwY 
Id. Probl. 30. 1; im’ GAAA@Y Aesch. Theb. 821. 

&\Any, ace. fem. of dAdos, used as Adv., elsewhither, to another place: but, 
GAAnv Kai ddAnv aroPréray eis twa again and again, Plat. Euthyd. 273 B. 

GAME, tos, , Lat. alicula, a man’s upper garment, Euphor. Fr. 112, Call. 
Fr. 149, v. Miiller Archiol, d. Kunst § 337.6: also dAAné, nxos, }, E. M. 

G\Aoros, ov, Ep. for d-Acoros, (Alocopat) inexorable, “Atsns Emped. 
Fr. 50 (ubi v. Meineke), Anth. P. 7. 643. 

an Avediehutned: Ep. for d-Arrdveuros, inexorable, Anth. P. 7. 483. 

&)\Xo-yevns, és, of another race, a stranger, LXXx, Ev. Luc..17. 18. 

aNhoyhanots, h, the use of a strange tongue, difference of tongue, 
Joseph, A. J. 1. 5, 1. 

ANAS yNenenanis, ov, using a strange tongue, Hdt. 2. 154. 

GdAoyvoew, (yvo—, yvavar) Ion. Verb, to take one for another, to mis- 
know, not know, add\doyvwoas Kpoicoy (Ion. for ddAoyvonaas) Hat. 1. 
85. II. to be deranged, Galen. Lex. Hipp. 

GAXo-yvaes, Bros, 5, },=sq., Emped. 194, in dat. 

GAX6-yveros, ov, mis-known, unknown, strange, bijpos Od. 2. 366. 

adAoSarés, 7, dv, (dAdos, v. sub todamds).. Belonging to another 
people or land, foreign, strange, Il. 16. 550, Od. 17. 485, Pind. N. 1. 33, 
Aesch. Theb. 1077, Xen. Cyr. 8. 7, 14, etc. :—a later form is dAAoBaarjs, 
és, mentioned in E. M. 68. 2, and found in a few passages of later 
writers: cf. Bast. Greg. p. 891. : 

GAACSnpla, 4,—=drodnula, stay in a foreign land, Hipp. 558. 45; & 
GAdodnuig (for év dAAw dhuw), abroad, Plat. Legg. 954 E. il. 
concrete, a crowd of foreigners, Poll. g. 21; who also uses the Adj. 
GAAS-BypLos, ov, foreign, 3. 54. ee : 

GAdo-Bixns, ov, 6, having strange notions of justice, Or. Sib. 3. 390, 
(and ¢ conj.) Ib, 11. 216. ’ é 

GAAoBo0k~ew, to opine that one thing is another, mistake one thing for 
another, Plat. Theaet. 189 D, 190 D: and dAAobokia, 7, a mistake of 
this kind, Ib. 189 B, 190 E: cf. ddXAoppovec. Xe 

GAAb-Bokos, ov, holding a strange or wrong opinion, Athanas. 

GdAo-cOvijs, és, of a foreign nation, Diod. 2. 37, Joseph. A. J. 15. 11, 5. 

GAdoeOvia, 4, difference of nation, Strabo 534. 

&Ado-ad4s, és, of different form, looking differently, robver’ ap’ adda | 


«dea pavéckero mévra dvaxt: Od. 13. 194, [where dAdoedéa is a 
trisyll., as if dAAwSy; unless we follow Pors. in adopting the reading of 
the Harl. Ms., dAAoedéa paivero, i. e. ddAofF adéa, vy. Buttm. Lexil. s. v. 
Gcovdjs 3. not.] Adv, -d@s, Diog. L. 10. 104, where éAteoe:das is a 
plausible conj. 

&Xdo0’, by elision from dAAob, often in Hom. 

GAobev, Acol. GAA0Ga (rejected by Apoll. de Adv. 563): Adv. :— 
Jrom another place, dAdoPev ddAos one from one place, another Srom 
another, ll. 2, 75, etc., cf. Aesch. Ag. 92, 595, etc.; GAdoBer eiAfAovde 
he came from abroad, Od. 3. 318; dAdobéy obey from some place else, 
7. 525 in Att., dAAobev Sevodv or droGevodv from what other place 
soever, Plat. Legg. 738 C, Gorg. 512 A; ovdapd0ev Gddobev Id. Phil, 
30 A:—e. gen. loci, dAAoey Tay “EAAHvay Id. Legg. 707 E. 

dhAobt, Adv., elsewhere, in another place, esp. in a strange or Soreign 
land, Od. 14. 130, al. (never in Il.): ¢. gen., GAAoM% -yains in another or 
strange land, Od. 2. 131; but, GAAo®& marpys elsewhere than in one's 
native land, i.e. away from home, 17. 318; GAAoGt mou or my somewhere 
else, Plat. Phaedo gt E, Soph. 243 B: in Att., dAAo& ovdapod, mayra- 
X0v, ToAAaXod, etc., Plat.; in Plat. Lach. 181 E, followed by relat. &y 
ofs.., as if it had been év dAAos rémors; GAAOGt Kat GAAOBP On one side 
or another, Arist. Meteor. 3. 5, 12. II. in other ways, from 
other causes, Thuc. 1. 16; GAAob obdapod in no other way, Plat. Prot. 
324 E, Symp. 184 E, etc. III. sometimes also with Verbs of 
motion, where properly it should be dAAoge, Antipho 112. 7, and (with 
v. 1. ddAoge) Xen. Hell. 2. 2, 2, Dem. 918. 5. 

GAA6-Opoos, ov, Att. contr. -Opous, ovy (as always in Trag.). Speak- 
ing a strange tongue, én’ ddAoBpdous dvOpémous, kat’ ddAcPpdous avOp. 
Od., as I. 183., 3. 302., 15. 453; .€m GAAoOpdwy dvOp. 14. 43: gene 
tally, foreign, orpatds Hat. 1. 78 ; Alyumros Id. 3. 11; médAts Aesch. Ag. 
1200; strange, alien, yvmpn Soph. Tr. 844.—Not in good Att. Prose. 

GdA-owla, %), changing of wines, drinking several wines, Plut, 2. 661 C. 

GAAovs-popdos, ov, strangely formed, Hanno Peripl. p. 3. 

ddXoios, a, ov, (dAAos) of another sort or hind, different, with a notion 
of comparison, Il: 4. 258, Od. 16. 181, Pind., etc.; dAAore dAAoios 
Pind. I. 4. 8 (3. 23), etc.; dAAotéy 71, euphem. for caxdy 7, other than 
good, Hdt. 5. 40; €f 7 yévorro dddotov Diog. L. 4. 44; dv .. [5 Adyos] 
ddXrordrepos pay Dem. 1442. 11; cf. érepos:—from its comparative 
force, it maybe foll. by 7. ., Hdt. 2. 35, Plat. Apol. 20 CG, etc.; or by a 
gen., Id, Legg. 836 B:—but an:actual Comp. dAAotdrepos occurs Hdt. 7. 
212, Thuc. 4. 106, Dem: 1. c., Arist. de Cael. 1. 10, 9; later dAdo 
éorepos, Schol. Od, 2. 190, Eust. 2. simply, different in kind, Pind. 
P. 3. go, 187. II. Adv. -ws, ‘otherwise, Plat. Lys. 212: Comp. 
—érepov Xen. Mem. 4. 8, 2: neut. pl. as Adv., differently, Emped. ap, 
Arist. Metaph, 3. 5, Ir. 

addovb-orpodos, ov, of irregular strophés, i. e, not consisting of alter- 
nate strophé and antistroph¢, Hephaest. 9. , 

GAAovo-cxHpov, ov, of changed or different form, Diog. L. 10. 74. 

GdAouérys, 770s, 4, difference, Hipp. 296. 19, Plat. Tim. 82 B. 

GAAovoTpotréw or —€opat, fo vary, Galen. Lex. Hipp. II. trans, 
to alter, Hesych. 

GA mos, varying ; and Adv, —mws, Eccl. 

&Aors-xpoos, ov, contr. -xpovs, ouvv, (xpda) of changed or different 
colour, Sext. Emp. M. 7. 206. 

GdAoréa, fut. dow, (4AAo‘os) to make different, to change, alter, Hipp, 
Progn. 37, Plat. Rep. 381 A, etc, II. Pass., fut. -w6jcopar 
Galen. 3. 641, etc., but -waopuar Id. 3. 761:—to become different, be 
changed, Hipp. 342. 24, etc., and freq. in Att. Prose; dAAowovcOat Tijv 
wapnv Thuc. 2, 59; TH dpe Xen. Cyn. 9, 4; dAAolwow GddAotodabat 
to undergo an alteration, Plat. Theaet. 181 D; rare in Poetry, éAow7’ 
Wotca: roves dv 7AAOtwpévous Eur. Supp. 944. 2, to be estranged, 
Dio C, 37. 11. 3. to be changed for the worse, Xen, Cyr. 3. 3, 

fe 4. to be deranged in mind, Lat. mente alienari, Polyb. 8. 29, 5. 

GdAolwpa, aros, 7é,=59., Damox. Sdvzp, 22, 

GdAolwors, ews, 7, a change, alteration, Plat. Rep. 452 C, etc.; v. 
GdAordw IT. I. 2. aberration of mind, Polyb. 3. 81, 5. 

GhAowrikés, 7, dv, fit for changing, Arist. Sens. 4, 12, Phys. 8. 5, 15, 

ddAowrés, 7, Ov, changed, changeable, Arist. Phys, 3. I, 5, etc. 

d\Aoxa, Aeol. for dAAore, Theocr. ; 

&ASKoros, ov, of unusual nature or form, strange, monstrous, mis- 
create, portentous, Hipp. Fract, 750, Ar. Vesp, 71, Crates ap. A. B. 15, 
Plat., etc.; GAA, mp@ypa unwelcome, against the grain, Thuc. 3. 49; 
GAA, évopa a strange uncouth word, Plat. Theaet. 182 A: c. gen., dAAo- 
Korg yvauq Tay mapos with purpose utterly different from .., Soph. 
Ph, 1191. Ady, -rws, Pherecr. Incert. 26, Plat. Lys. 216 A.—Cf. 
Ruhnk. Tim. (Prob. derived directly from &AAos, —xoros being a mere 
termination, cf. vedxoros, waAl-yxoros ; for it is difficult to suppose, with 
A. B. 14. 28, that «éros can be used like dpy7 = 00s.) 

GAAopar: impf. jAAdpyy Xen., etc.: fut. dAodpar (bmep-) Xen. Eq, 
8, 4, Dor. dAevpyar Theocr, 3. 25., 5.1443 aor. | #Aduny Batr, 228, 
Eur. Ion 1402, Ar. Ran. 243 (cf. the compds. with eis-, év—, ég-), part. 
GAdpevos [1st syll. long] Ar. Av. 1395; but the obl. moods are mostly 
from the aor. 2 }Adpnv (which again is rare in indic.), subj. GAqrae [@), 
Il. 21. 536, Ep. also GAerat 11, 192; opt. dAoluny Xen, Mem. I. 3, 9 
(cf. eo); inf. ddéo@ar Opp., etc.; part, ddAdpevos [a], Aesch. Eum, 
368 (lyr.), Xen., etc.: to the aor. 2 also belong the Ep. 2 and 3 sing. 
dAao, dATo, part. dAyevos only in compds., exc. GAuevos in Opp. Hal. 5. 
666 (the only forms that take a smooth breathing). (From /AA 
come also GA-pa, GA-ars, GA-rhp; cf. Skt. sar (ire, fluere); Zd. har (ire); 
Lat. sal-io, sal-tus, sal-to, sal-ax.—In a Boeot. Inscr, (Keil p. 69) is ‘Em- 
, Faarns, as if the Root were Fad.) . To spring, Mat: bowed, properly 

66 adro, 

of living beings, pi) .. és reCyos GAnrar Il, 21. 536; eet x’ .. els trmous 
Gaera: (Ep. for —yrat) 11. 192; els GAa GAro 1. 532, (but, #Aaro 
névrov Call. Dian, 195); é bxéov ..GAro xapa¢e Il. 6. 103; adro 

war’ OvAvpmov 18. 616 :—dAdrcoOa emi Tin to leap os or against, 
21. 174, Od. 22, 80; émt orixas Il. 20. 353 :—c. inf., dATo Oéew, mére- | 

a0a: h. Hom. Cer. 390, Ap. 448: absol. of a horse, Xen, Eq.8,4. 2. 
of things, Garo diords Il. 4.125; of sound, Plat. Phaedr. 255 C; of 
parts of the body, to throb, GAAerar d@0adpds Theocr. 3. 37, cf. Arist. 
oe 24, 2, and y. dAya II. 

Hopdos, ov, of strange shape, Hipp. 379. 51., 380. 24. 
GAdo-1d0ea, 7), the state or an dnrowabie Bos Bd p. a ce 
GdAo-riOns, és, having influence on another, pijpa GdX. a transitive 

verb, opp. to avromadés (a neuter), Apoll. de Constr. 175 :—Ady. -0@s, 
transitively, Eust. 920. 27. 2. of pronouns, non-reflexive, E. M. 
496. 45, cf. 34. 5 ‘ 

GAdompécahhos, 5, i.e. dAAoTE mpds GAdov, leaning first to one side, 
then to the other, fickle, epith. of Ares, Il. 5. 831, 889; mAodros Anth. P. 
15. 12, cf. 1. 34. (Acc. to some from GAAopat, cf. Lat. Salisubsulus : 
v. Nake Opusc. p. 107.) 

Gos, 7, 0: (From 4/AAA come also dAAd, GAAoios, dAAérpios, 
GdAnrov, GdAAdcow, Lat. alius (old L. alis, alid), aliquis, alienus, etc. ; 
Goth. alis (dAdos), aljathré (dAAaxé0ev) ; O. H.G. ali-lanti (ausland), 
alles, elles (else): cf. évtot). Another, i.e. one besides what has been 
mentioned, either as an Adj. or as a Pron.: when used as an Adj., its 
Subst. is either in the same case, or in gen., dAAos "Axaidy or ’Axatds, 
Gvdpay dddos or Bpords dAAos Hom., etc. :—dAAos pev .. dAdAos BE .., 
one... another .. , rarely the one . . the other . . (of two persons, etc.) Il. 
22. 493, and Att.; but also, 6 wév.., dAdAos be. . Il. 6, 147, and Att. ; 
repos wv .. , dAdos dé. . Il. 9. 3133 GAAos wey .. , erepos 5€ .. Hat. 
1. 32; 6 pev érepos.., 6 8 Gddos Eur. I, T. 962; but dAdo in pl. 
only stands in the second clause, Spitzn. Il. 9. §94. II. the follow- 
ing usages may be distinguished: 1. GAAos zis or Ts GAAos, any 
other, some other, Hom. ; ovd5ets dAXos no other ; GAAOL TOAAOL or TOAAOL 
Gddot, or WoAAol Kat GAAot many others, Att.; €f Tis GAAos, Lat. si quis 
alius, Thuc. 6. 32, etc.; also, ef 71s wal GAAos Xen.'An. I, 4, 15, etc., 
y. sub ¢l VII. 1. d. 2. dddos is often joined with other of its own 
cases or adverbs derived from it, dAAos dAAo 4 owe man says one 
thing, one another, i.e. different men say different things, Xen. An, 2.1, 
15; GAAos GAAw éAeyev Plat. Symp. 220 C; GAdos GAAp éexpdmero Xen. 
An. £3 19; but the Verb may be in pl., mapaAapBavew dAdos dddov 
én’ GAdov, rv 8 én’ GAdov xpeiq.. . ebéueda TéAW voya Plat. Rep. 
369 B, cf. Xen. Cyr. 2.1, 4, etc.: the pl. dAAox is used when the several 
patties are pl., Aetmovar Tov Adpov . . GAAor GAAobey Xen. An. I. 10, 13; 
and so prob, GAAox should be restored in Hell. 7. 1, 15 ;—v. sub ddAaxy, 
GAAn, GAAnY, GAdober, dAdoceE, dAdorE, GAdou, GAAvdrs, 3. dAdAos 
wal GAXos, one and then another, one or two, Xen. An. 1. 5,12; so, 
GdAo Kal GAdo one thing after another, Id. Cyr. 4. 1, 15. 4. re- 
peated for emphasis, dAAos dAAos tpémos quite another sort, Eur. Phoen. 
132. 5. 008’ dAdos for obdérepos, Theocr. 6. 45. 6. joined 
with the Art., 6 GAdos, the other, the rest, all besides what has been 
mentioned ; in pl., of dAAou (in Hdt. contr. GAdox), all the others, the 
rest, Lat. ceteri, freq. from Hom. downwards, who has GAXot sometimes 
in same signf., Spitzn, Il, 2. 1; Td GAAa, contr. 7adaa or (as Wolf, Anal. 
2. p. 431) TaAAa, Lat, cetera, reliqua, not alia, Hom., etc. ; mi 
& xpuaés Pytherm, (Bgk. Lyr., Scol. 1, p. 1287); in Att. often used as 
Ady. for the rest: sometimes also of time,=rdv dAAov xpévoy Xen. 
Hell. 3. 2, 2; (where observe that 6 dAAos xpévos is usu. said of past 
time, 5 Aouwds xp. of future, Wolf Leptin. 462. 1; but 4 GAdos xp. of 
future, Lys. 139.45); of re dAdo Kal.., 7d re ddda Kal... all others, 
and especially .., Hdt. 1. 1, etc. ; dada Te 8% ele, kai. . Plat. Theaet, 
142 C; (v. sub dAAws 1):—r0 dAdo is much less freq. than 7a GAG. 7. 
@dXos is used with Numerals, when it must be rendered by yet, still, 
further, etc., méumros morapos dAdos yet a fifth river, Hdt. 4. 54, cf. 
Aesch. Theb. 486, Soph. Ant. 1295. 8. in enumerating several objects, 
where it seems pleonast., but serves to bring them into sharper contrast, 
as, dpa Thre kal dppirodrot xiov dAAat with her their mistress came attend- 
ants also, Od.6.84; teroBev dddow pynorhpay (where Athena is oken 
of), 1. 132, cf. 9. 367., 13. 266; and freq. in Att., wap dyyéhov Der 
other than myself, Soph. O. T. 73 0d yap Av xopros v5 GAXo Bév5pov 
ovdév there was no grass nor any tree at all, Xen. An. 1. 5, 53 ™poro- 
pady ob ry traBedlav pdvov dAAAd Kal GAdqy HBpwr besides, Aeschin. 
23. 26; cf. Herm. Soph. Ph. 38, Heind. Plat. Gorg. 473 D, Stallb. Plat. 
Apol. 36 B:—Hom. also often has it almost pleonast. with a Comp., 

s ceo velsrepos GAdos ’Axaidy Il. 15. 569, cf. 22. 106, al. 5 with a 
Sup., diup@raros dA Od. 5. 105; also with mAyotos Il, 4. 81, al. ; 
with fs or pévos, Eur. Med. 945, Plat. Charm. 166 E.—On the other 
hand GAAos is said to be omitted in phrases like & Zed «al Oeol Ar. Pl. 1, 
cf. Il. 6. 476. III. much more rarely like dAAotos, of other sort, 
different, Ul. 13. 64.5 21. 22. 2, in this sense sometimes like a 
Comp., ¢. gen., dAAa 7&v dicate other than just, Xen. Mem. “48 5 
so also followed by #.., when either a negat. goes before, oi5 Dds 
obdey dAdo (or ovdév), #.., nothing else than.., Hat. 1. 49., 
7. 168, Thuc. 4.14; ob5ev Gddo-y’ i) mrigas Aesch. Pers. 209 ; & pndey 
GdAo 4 Bavoeirai 71s which one only thinks,’ Plat. Theaet. 195 E:—or, 
more often, the clause is interrog., als dddos f) ya ..3 Aesch, Pr, 440; 7h 

huc. 3. 39, etc.; Th 5’ dAdo 4 mova. .; 

dddo H..; what else than. .? 
Bar: ellipt., 71 dAdo (sc. maa xo) 4 immonévraupos yiyvopat ; 
Be a. cowed Soph. Aj. 128, Ar. Ach. 39; 

op pos — adrdrpuos. 

sometimes by GAAd, Il, 18. 403., 21. 275., 24. 697 :—for dAdon, H.., 
v. sub voce.—Hence come several secondary signfs. : 8. other than 
common, strange, foreign, diAdos dirns Od. 23. 274- 4. other than 
what is, untrue, unreal, 4. 348., 17.139: 5. other than right, wrong, 
se Plut. 2. 187 D, etc.; cf. dAAws :—€repos is so used in better Greek, 
v. €repos III. 2. 

door, Ady. (GAAos) to another place, elsewhither, Od. 23.184; @Ados 
didAoge one one way, one another, Aesch. Pers. 359; GAAog’ . . dupa 
Oarépg 8 voov éxovra Soph, Tr. 272: to foreign lands, GAX..éeméumew 
to export, Xen. Hell. 6. 1, 11 :—joined with another Ady., dAAoce ovda- 
péce to no other place, Plat. Crito 52 B; GAA. woAAaxéce to many other 
places, Id. Phaedo 113 B; moi dAdoge ; to what other place? Id. Menex. 
241 E; GddAové mor to some other place, 1d. Theaet. 202 E :—often also 
c. gen., dAAogێ mor THs SeAlas to some other part of Sicily, Thuc. 7. 
51; dAAoge 70d odparos Plat. Legg. 841 A:—in the phrase GAAoge 
bro dy dgiiep Plat. Crito 45 B it is not=dAAaxod, but put for it by 
attraction to dzror. 

G\dore, Acol. dAAoKa A. B. 606, Adv.: (dAAos, Ste). Another time, 
at another time, at other times, first in Hom., who commonly opposes 
G@ddore.., GAAoTE.., at one another..,; also, 
bre pév .., GAdore dé Il. 11.65; dAdore pev .., GAdAoTE F adre Od. 16. 
209, Hes. Fr. 44; rér’ dAdos, dAdob’ drepos Soph. El. 739; wore péev 
xakdv, Gddor’ em’ éaOddv Epme Id. Ant. 367: GAAoTe pév.., Tére bE 
Xen. An. 4. 1, 17: sometimes the former dAAore is omitted, porray 
[@AAor’] évapyijs raipos, dAdor’ aiddos Spdxav Soph, Tr. 11; [@AAor’] 
€m dxrais, dAdo’ év mévrov oddw Eur. Hec. 28 ; sometimes the latter, 
Soph. O. C. 1675 :—dAdAore wal GAdore now and then, Xen. An. 2. 4, 
26 :—very often joined with dAdos, etc., mpds GAAor’ GAXov sometimes to 
this man, sometimes that, Aesch. Pr. 276, etc.; so too, GAAws GAAoTe at one 
time one way, etc., Aesch. Theb. 1071; dAAo7’ GAAD, GAAOBL, GAAogE, etc, 

Go 1, anything else, in interrog, sentences, mostly foll. by #, # aot 
GdAo tT paiverat . . i) Adyos; Plat. Phaedr. 258 A, cf. Phaedo 64 C:— 
hence often, mostly in Plat., in an elliptic phrase, equiv. to dpa ..; or 
nonne ..? implying an affirm. answer, GAAo 71 7) mewvnoovat; (i. e, dAAO 
7 melgovrat 7) mewnoova ;) will they not be starved? Hat. 2. 14, cf. 1. 
10g; so, dAdo Tt 7) Hpeua emavackeydpeOa; shall we not calmly re- 
consider? (i.e. let us do so), Plat. Theaet. 154 E, cf. Phaedo 70 C, 
Meno 82 D, Gorg. 481 C, etc.; 7@ Siaréyer od viv; GAAo Te 7) Enol; 
is it not with me? Id, Alc. 1. 116 D:—sometimes with other words 
interposed, GAAo 7 Aéyes 7) Td5€; Id. Symp. 200 D, ef. Phaedo 79 A, 
106 A, Crito 50 A, etc.:—so, dAdo 7 TARY. .; Id. Soph. 228 A :—but 
often GAAo 7 or GAAoTi..; stands alone, GAAo Tt ody . . ZAeyes ; did not 
you say? Id. Gorg. 495 C, cf. 470 B, Theaet. 165 E, Rep. 337 C, 
etc, II. rarely without a question, dwéyvoa rod GAAo Tt 7) 
Kpareiv ris yas Thuc. 3. 85. 

GAAorpratw, zo be ill-disposed, Lat. alieno animo esse, Polyb. 15. 22,1. 

GdXorpis-yvopos, ov, thinking of other things, absent, Cratin, Mavénr. 3. 
sped 6, a busy-body in other men’s matters, 1 Ep. Petr. 

. 15, Dion. Ar. 

OTpLo-Kdparos, ov, labouring for others, Eccl. 
Gdorpto-hoyéw, to speak of things foreign to the subject, Strabo 62. 
a. ov, ever changing in form, epith. of nature, 
. H. 9. 23. 
oTplo-vopéw, to assign things to their wrong place, opp. to d:avé- 
pew én ra abray Exacta Plat. Theaet, 195 A. we to adopt 
Soreign customs, Dio C. 52. 36. ; 
Spiel ci to —— with hres Solk’s business : to excite com- 
s, Polyb. 5. 41, 8:—hence & a 7 i i 
bother follk's bag ose, otpiompayia, 7, a meddling with 

GdAorprompdypov, ov, busy about other 
einem :—dAAotpionpaypooivy, %, meddlesomeness, Plat. Rep, 444 B. 

érptos, a, ov, (dAAos) of or belonging to another, Lat. alienus, opp. 

to téos, H ; eon 3 
tos, Hom, etc.; GAA. Bioros, ynis, éxea Hom.; GAA. yuvty another 
man’s wife, Aesch. Ag. 447 (lyr.); GdAoTpiav xapioacOa to be boun- 
ote what is another "sy Od, 17.452; yvabpoiar yeAolw Gddorplooy, 
nid h, eet eae a a face unlike one’s own, of a forced, unnatural 
gh, ighed with alien lips’ (Tennyson ; cf. Val. Flacc. 8,164), or 
(as Eust.) laughed where laughing is out of place, unseasonably, Od. 20. 
(ose par varomed the phrase, malis ridere alienis, but applied 
Y)5 » HHaow eiprov by the help of another's eyes, Soph. 
(lyr.) O. C. 146; ob GAA. drny not inflicted by other hands, 1d. Ant. 

T259 :—proverb., GAAérpioy day Gépos to put one’s sickle itovces 5 
neighbour's corn, Ar. Eq. 392, cf. Hes, Th ia x 
iii SetsrOcs to a 92, cl. Hes. Th. 599; dAdotpiwraros Tots 

xpnaGat to deal with one’s body as if it absolutely belonged 

niga ’ ee I. 70; wa @Adérpia, contr, 7ddAérpia, what be- 

ms gs to — bed ~~ ee 7. Semvetv Theop. Com. ’08, 3, 
: le » Joreign ii 

= oe ~ pas a mere stranger, Od aes bie Pagers, “3 

Hat. 3. 155 es Bab pee af 16. 102 3 ob8€ 71s dAXorplaw no stranger, 

8 parts ella ; Te otKelos 6 rebvews Plat. Euthyphro 4 B; 
oudeis Sort Hot GAX., dv F xpnords Menand. TMepikesp. 2; GAAoTpId 
Tepos TaY mardi less near than thy children Hat eet dire ead 
opp. to olwesdrepos, Arist. Eth. N. 8.12, 4. cf a 2 rapier ie 
GrArAbrprn iyiv dvres Isocr. 6c. 9 Aa See Ope enon ae dat., 
Plat. te A oF. 300 ©. 2. of things, alien, strange, 

» etc. ; €t Te mpdrepoy yévovev ddAXbrptoy Dem ; f dddorpl 
an a , ee a 

+ _ eprmabdg = enemy's country, oes 218 A ck. tit 7 83 ¢. 
acc tlepes oe Snuonparias dAAérpia Lys. 190. 12 5- 
Sea wasaes yk ts Fs ov Decret. ap. Dem, 289. 15. b. foreign 

4 Purpose, Plat. Rep. 491 D, Dem. 289. 14, etc. ; 

Solk’s business, meddlesome, 

Xen. Cyr. 4. j—also followed by Any, 
also oy Pe dxnros mpd.., Hat. 3.853 dAdos drt... , Aesch. Pr. 
467; mapd.., Plat. Phaedo 80 B, etc.: and when joined with a negat., | 

p Sup by Arist, Cates, 15, TIT. Ady., ddAorpiws éxew or dianel- 

ador porns — ddroyla. : 

aba mpds twa to be unfavourably disposed towards .., Lys. 911. 4 
Isocr. 266 C, 96 B: Comp. -idrepoy less favourably, Dem, 228. 
12. 2. strangely, marvellously, Epigr. Gr. 989. 2. 

GAAotprérys, y70s, 4, alienation, estrangement, opp. to oixeidrns, Plat. 
Symp. 197 C, Polit. 261 A: of persons, Arist. Pol. 5. 10, 17; Twos mpds 
twa Ep. Plat. 318 D, cf. Decret. ap. Dem. 282. 26. 

GAdorpropityéw, to eat another's bread, Eust. 1404. 9. 

&Aotpto-payos, ov, eating another's bread, Soph. Fr. 309. 

&AAorproppovéa, to be estranged, be ill-disposed, Diod. 17. 4. 

GdAotpié-hpwv, 5, %), otherwise-minded, Theod. Metoch. 499, Eust. 

GAdorpré-xpws, wros, 6, 4, changing colour, Anth. P. 11. 7. 

&Xorpid-xwpos, ov, of a strange land, Joseph. A. J. 3. 12, 3. 

adAorpiéa, fut. dow :—c. gen. pers. to estrange from, Tav cwpdray Thy 
médw ov« dddorpiodyres Thuc, 3. 65; GAd. éavrdy dnd THs Aevroup- 
vias to withdraw oneself from it, shift it from one’s own shoulders, Dem, 
1233. 11. 2. c. dat. pers. o make hostile to another, rv xd@pav 
Tots mokeutors Xen. Cyr. 6. 1, 16 :—Pass. to become estranged, be made 
an enemy, twit Thuc. 8, 73; dAdorpiodcbar mpbs Te to be prejudiced 
against a thing, Dion. H. de Thuc. 27. 8. in Pass. to be alienated 
from one’s true nature, Plat. Tim. 64 E. 4. in Pass. also, of things, 
to be alienated, fall into other hands, dAXorpiodrat 4 dpxh Hat. 1. 120. 

&ddotp  €ws, 1), estrangement, tivds from one, App. Civ. 5. 78; 
twos eis rwa Ib. 3. 13 :—ris funpaxtas obx Spota % GAA. its estrange- 
ment, its loss, Thuc. 1. 35. 

&)Aotpotréw, to be changeable, Hesych. 

aAAotporia, 7), variety, Eccl. 

GAXS-rpomos, ov, in another manner: Ady. -ws, Arist, de Plant. 1. 3, 
5, Gramm, 

a&ddorimwros, ov, differently formed, Manetho Apotel. 4. 75. 

GAAo-paviss, és, appearing otherwise, Nonn. Jo. 11. 47, etc. 

GAdo-pdcow, to be delirious, Hipp. Progn. 44; rejected by Lob. 
Phryn. 607. 

GXX6-hiiros, ov, (*péve) slain by others, A. B. 386, Hesych. 
(palvopa) =ddAdoparys, Nic. Th. 148. 

GAdodos, ov, Ep. for dAogos. 

GAAo-ppytwp, opos, 5, one of another pparpia, C. I. 5785. 11. 

aAAodppovéw, (GAAdppwy) Ep. and Ion.Verb, to think of other things, to 
give no heed, GAX’ fipny Gddoppovéov Od. to. 374; of one in a swoon, 
to be senseless, Kd 5 GAdoppovéovra .. cicay Il. 23. 698; Keir’ GAA. 
Theocr. 22. 128, cf. Arist. Metaph. 3. 5,14; td rovrar ddAoppovijca 
were seized with frenzy by reason of the thunder, etc., Hdt. 5. 85 ; dAver 
kal GAA, iwd ris d5bvys Hipp. 467. 6, cf. 607. 43 (where Littré dAAo- 
pacer). II. to be of another mind, have other views, Hat. 7. 205. 

adoppootvn, 7}, absence or derangement of mind, Poll. 8. 163. 

GAAS-hpwv, ovos, 6, %, thinking differently, Manetho 4. 563. 

GdAo-hins, és, changeful in nature, Nonn. D. 2, 148. 

Gdopidée, to adopt foreign customs or religions, LXx (4 Macc. 18. 5). 

GdodiXia, 7, foreign matter, Epicur. ap. Diog. L. 10. 106. 

GAdodirtopos, 5, adoption of foreign customs, LXX (2 Macc. 4. 13). 

GAAGS-hiAos, ov, (puvdyH) of another tribe, foreign, Lat. alienigena, 
Hipp. Aér. 289; és dAAdpvAov .. xOdva Aesch, Eum, 851; dv@pamo 
Thue. 1, 102, Plat. Legg. 629 D; méAepuos GAA. war with foreigners, 
Plut. Camill. 23:—comic phrase, pa@¢av én’ GAA. alien, not one’s own, 
Eupol. Koa. 1. 12. 2. of a different kind, (Ga Diod. 3. 18. 

opwvéw, to speak another tongue, Eust. Opusc. 122. 50. 

G\odovia, %, confusion of tongues, Joseph. A. J. 1. 4, 3. 

Ab-wvos, ov, speaking a foreign tongue, LXX, Hesych. 

Gddoxpotw, to change colour, Arist. Probl. 4. 29. 

GddSxpora, %, change of colour, Adamant. Phys. 2. 25. 

GAX6-xpoos, ov, contr. —xpous, ov, changed in colour, Eur. Hipp. 174 
(lyr.) :—so also, GAA6-xpws, wros, 5, %), looking strange or foreign, ld. 
Phoen. 138, Andr. 879. 

GAAvBis, Ady. (dAAos) Ep. for dAAove, elsewhither, used by Hom, only 
with dAdos, dAAviis GAAOs one hither, another thither, ll. 11. 486, Od. 
5. 71, al.; tpémerar xpws dAdvdis GAAD his colour changes now one way, 

now another, ll. 13. 279; imitated from Hom. by Eupol. KéAax. 1. 11, 

* ddAtecke, dAAvovea [0], Ep. for dvédve, dvadvouca, 

GAduras, v. sub dvadvrys. S 

Gddas, Dor. GAA@s (A. B. 581), Adv. of GAAos, in another way or 
manner, otherwise, in other respects, Hom., etc.: in Att. often joined 
with other Advs., AAws mws in some other way, dAAws ovdapas in no 
other wise, Plat. Rep. 343 B, 526 A, etc.: mws d. Xen. Mem. 2. 6, 
39. 2. nai dddas, and besides, d-yhvap tort Kat dddas Il. 9. 699; 
a womtan is described as very tall xa? d, everdns Hat. 1. 60, etc. ; dpiorov 
nal &. pportpwrérov Plat. Phaedo, fin. ;—so a. 5é. . Hdt. 6, 105. b. 
at all events, any how, éremep kat &. @0ére .. Hat. 7. 16, 31; so dAAws 
alone, ei a, BovAorro Id. 8. 30; émetmep GAdws . . eis “Apyos xlets Aesch, 
Cho. 680. 3. often in Att. phrase GAAws re kal .., both otherwise 
and so, .., i.e. especially, above all, Aesch. Eum. 473, Thuc. 1. 70, 81, 
ete.; strengthd., d. re mavrws xat.. Aesch. Pr. 636, Eum. 726; a. Te mostly followed by el, #v, érecdy, especially if.., Hipp. Aph. 
1246, Thuc. 2. 3; or by a part., Id. 4. 104., 7. 80:—so also d. re Xen. 
Mem. i. 2, 59, Cyr. 1. 6, 43. II. otherwise than something im- 
plied, differently, rodr’ ob« éorw a. efrat to deny it, Hdt. 6.124; od« 
a. Aéyw I say no otherwise, i.e. 1 say so, Eur. Hec, 302: hence several 
special usages : 2. in far other manner, i.e. better, Il. 14. 53, Od. 
8. 176, etc. 3. more freq., otherwise than should be, i. e. heedlessly, 
at random, without aim or purpose, without reason, Od. 14. 124, Hdt. 3. 
16., 4. 77, etc.:—also fruitlessly, in vain, like parny, Il. 23.144; and 


freq. in Att., GAd’ ¢. wove? Soph. O.T. 1151, cf. 333; with a Subst t 


eldwdov d. a mere image, Id. Ph. 947, cf. Eur. Hec. 489 ; dpOpoy a. Id: 
Tro. 476; mapd xaipoy d, Id. 1. A. 800; dpiOpds, mpoBar’ d. Ar. Nub. 

1203; dxAos d. eal Backavia Dem. 348, 23, cf. Thuc. 8. 78; also Thy 
a., v. THVGAAws :—for nothing, like mpotxa, Lat. gratis, Hdt. 3. 139 — 
also otherwise than right, wrongly, perversely, Dem. 1466. 5, etc. 

GApa, 7d, (GAAopat) a spring, leap, bound, Od. 8. To3, 128 (and in 
later Poets, myinua being the prose word); the leap, of one of the 
contests in the games, Simon. 153; Awa wérpas or werpatov a leap or 
fall from the rock, Eur, H. F. 1148, Ion 1268 ; xpnpvav &. ©. 1. 3026; 
oixetov .. dAp’ ént tipos Eur. Hel. 96; xuvijs Apa the leap of the lot 
from the helmet, Soph, Aj. 1287:—in Eur. El. 439 Achilles is called 
xodpoy dAya rodayv,—the abstract being put for the concrete, cf, Anth. 
P. append, 273. II. in Medic. a pulsation, palpitation, esp. of 
the heart, Hipp. 269. 7., 382. 45; and so Plat. Tim. 70D must be taken, 
v. Stallb. ; cf. GAAopat sub fin. 

Gdpa, 74, (dAdw) =dAoos, Lyc. 319. 

GApata, 4, =GApn, brine, Ar. Fr. 366, Nic. Fr. 3.18; in pl., Diosc. 2. 205. 

GApatvopar, Pass. to become salt, Theophr. H. P. 7. 5, 4. 

GApas, ddos, %, salted, steeped in brine, édda Ar. Fr. 190; és Tas dA- 
yddas (sc. éAdas) Hermipp. Incert. 2, cf. Eupol, Tag. 3, Ar. Fr. 345» 
Theophr. Char. 21. 

GApda, to be or become salt (cf. dAun 11), Theophr. H. P. 8. 10, 1 (ubi 
v. Wimmer p. 289), C. P. 6. 10, 5. ; 

GApevors, ews, #, brine for pickling, Diosc. 3. 91 :—dApeuris, 08, 6, 
a seller of pickled fruit, 1d. 1, 27 :—GApetw, (GApn) to steep in brine, 
pickle, Id. 2. 134. 

GAp, %, (GAs) sea-water, brine, Od. 5. 53, Pind., and Att.: spray that 
has dried on the skin, Od, 6. 219: a salt incrustation on soil, Hdt. 2. 
12. 2. after Hom., the brine, i.e. the sea, Arion 3 (Bgk. p. 872), 
Pind. P. 4. 69, Aesch. Pers. 397, etc. 38. salt-water, brine used for 
pickling, Hdt. 2. 77, Ar. Vesp. 1515; 7 Oaola d, Cratin. "Apy. 3; é& 
dun ehew [rov ixOty] Antiph. A, 1, cf. Bubul. Kapm. 1; xaranviyew 
Sotad. "Ey«a, 1. 21, etc. II. saliness, esp. as a bad quality in soil, 
Xen.Oec, 20, 12; in the juices of plants, Theophr. H.P.8. 10,1 ; cf. dApdo, 

GApies, ecoa, ev, salt, briny, mépos dAp., i.e. the sea, Aesch, Supp. 
Sat (lyr.) ; but Herm., metri grat., dApudecs, 

pia, 74, salted provisions, Menand, Tpog. 1. 5. 

Gdpotrocta, 4, a drinking of brine, Jul. Afr. Cest. p. 279. 

éApo-mbrys, ov, 6, drinking brine; fem. —wérts, t8os, Ath, 32 E. 

GApipife, to be saltish, Arist. H. A. 9. 6, 5, Diosc. 2. 156. 

GApiipis, iSos, 4, anything salt, and so, 1. a salt humour, Hipp. 
Epid. 3. 1089: a salt scum, Arist. Meteor. 2. 3, 13. 2. salt-pickle, 
Plut, 2. 801 A. 8. salt soil or land, Theophr. C..P. 2. 5,.4, Lxx 
(Job 39. 6); cf. dAimedov. II. saltness, Diod. 3. 39. 

GApips-yews, wv, (yf) with salt soil, wedids Philo 2. 111. 

GApipés, d, dv, (GApun) salt, briny, Hom. only in Od., and always in 
phrase, dApupdy tSwp the salt sea-water, 4. 511, etc.; dAp. méyros Hes. 
Th. 107; a6’ dap. Gda Epich. 26 Ahr., Eur. Tro. 76; dAp. BévOea 
Pind. O. 7. 105; dAp. morapés, of the Hellespont, Hdt. 7. 35. 2. 
in Att. Prose, of taste, salt, Xen. Cyr. 6. 2, 31; aiva Plat. Tim. 84 A; 
of drinking-water, brackish, Thuc. 4. 26; of soil, Theophr. C. P. 6. 10, 
1; opp. to pwpds (insipid), Com. Anon. 220. 8. metaph. bitter, 
distasteful, like Lat. amarus, axon, yerrévnpa Plat. Phaedr. 243 D, Legg. 
705 A, Alcm, 116, cf. Ath. 121 E; GApupd xAalev to weep bitterly, 
Theoer, 23. 34. b. piquant, Plut. 2. 685 E. 

GApipérys, 770s, %, saliness, Hipp. 1200 A, Arist. Meteor. 2. 3, 13. 

GAptpasns, es, (<f50s) saltish, Hipp. Epid. 1. 979, Theophr. 

GApabns, es, (Ayn, eldos) saltish, Hipp. Coac. 157, Xen. Occ. 20,12, ete. 

GAodw, Att., Ep. dAoudw Theocr. 10. 48 : Ep. impf. dAofa Il. : fat. -how 
Lxx: aor. #Adynoa Ar. Ran. 149, but part. dAodcas [ao] Pherecr. “Inv. 
33; Ep. jAotnoa [an-] Il., (cvv—) Theocr. :Pass., fut. -n0qcopat Lxx: 
aor. HAonOny Polyb. 10. 12, 9, Plut., but part. dAod@els Theophr. C. P. 4. 
6, 5: perf. #ASnwar Ib. 4. 12, 9 (Cod. Urb.): cf. dn-, kar-, cvv-arodw.— 
There is also found a poét. aor. part. dAotcas (as if from dAoiw) Epigr. 
ap. Diog. L. 7. 31, and 7Aace has been suggested in Soph. Fr. 21 ; cf. xat- 
adodw. (V. sub ddAéw.) To thresh, thresh out, Plat. Theag. 124 A, 
Xen. Oec. 18, 2. 2. to thresh, smite, yijv xepolv ddola Il. g. 568, 
cf. Epigr. 1. c.: to cudgel, beat, thrash, Soph. Fr. 21, Ar. Ran. 149, Thesm. 
2. II. to tread round, like cattle when treading out the corn, v. 
Schol. Ar. Thesm, 2. 

d-hoBos, ov, with a lobe wanting, of the livers of victims, GA. tepa Xen. 
Hell. 3. 4, 15, etc., v. Ellendt Arr. An, 7, 18. . 

dAoyevopat, Dep. to play the fool, Cic. Att. 6. 4, 3 ; al. dAAoyvoodperva. 

ddoyéw, fut. jaw, to be dAoyos, to pay no regard to a thing, Lat. ra- 
tionem non habere, c. dat., ef 5€ pow ob« énéeco’ émmeicerar, GAAt 
ddroyjoe Il. 15. 162; c. gen. to be disregardful of, maans cvpBovdtys 
Hat. 3. 125 ; rv évrodéwy Id, 8. 46; absol., Ib. 116. II. Pass. to be 
disregarded, Diog. L. 1. 32: to reckon without one’s host, to miscalculate, 
Polyb. 8. 2, 4., 28. 9, 8. 2. to be out of one’s senses, Luc. Ocyp. 
143- 3. to offend against the laws of language, E. M. 405. 34, etc. 
akevaens aros, 76, a mishap, Polyb. 9. 16, 5. 

ddoynréov, verb. Adj. one must take no heed of, rwés Philo 1. 312. . 
aAdynros, ov, disregarded, Schol. Eur. Or. 1156. x 

Gdoyla, Ion. -ty, 7, want of respect or regard, ddoylnv elxov Tod 
xpnornpiov took no heed of it, nullam ejus rationem habere, Hdt. 4. 
150; so, éy Gdoylp exew or moeicbal m1 6. 75., 7. 226 ;—in 2. 141, 
év ddoyinot éxew, wapaxpyodpevoy, ray Alyunriay, the gen. is an 
anacoluthon (as if he had said dAoyéewv or dAoyinv Exe Tay Aly.) ; 
ddorvins éyxupeiv to be disregarded, 7. 208 :—this sense is Ion, 2. 
in Att. want of reason, unreasonable conduct,  e. opp. to Adyos, 



Plat. Theaet. 207 C, cf. 199 D, Phaedo 67 E, etc.; moAA? GA. Tijs dia- 
votas Thuc.5.111. 3. confusion,.disorder, Polyb. 15. 14,2:—speechless- 
ness, amazement, Id. 36. 5, 4. 4. indecision, doubt, Paus. 7. 17, 6. 
GAoyilopar, Dep. fo-be irrational, Eust. 1656. 43, etc. II. Act. 
Gdoyilw, =ddroyéw, in Procop. 

GAoyiou ypagph, prosecution of a public officer, for not having his 
accounts passed, Eupol. Incert. 24; cf. Aoyorns. 

Ghoyioraive, to reason absurdly, Just. M. Apol. 1. 46. 
G-oylorevros, ov, unheeded, unprovided, Hierocl., Eccl. 

Gdoyioréw, to beithoughtless or silly, Plut..2. 656 D. 

GAoyori, Adv. of anions; thoughtlessly, Harp., A. B. 380. 
GAoyroria, 7, thoughtlessness, rashness, Polyb. 5. 15, 3, Plut., etc. 
4&-oy.oros, ov, unr ing, i iderate, thoughtless, heedless, réApa 
Thuc. 3. 82; épyn Menand. Incert. 25 :—Adv. -res, thoughtlessly, 
daravay ax. Bio Ib. 79, etc. 2. irrational, opp. to Aoyorckds, Plat. 
Apol. 37 C, Rep. 439 D, al. ; wAodros dA. mpocAaBay éfovctay Menand. 
Incert. 119: 70 GAdéyorov unreason, Thuc. 5. 99 :—Adv. —rws, Id. 3. 

5, Plat. Prot. 324 B, al. II. not to be reckoned or counted up, 
joph. O. C, 1675 (lyr.). 2. not to be accounted, vile, Eur, Or. 
1156, Menand. ‘Aon. 4. 

G-Aoyoypddytos, ov, undescribed, Eust. 888. 49. 

&-hoy Tos, ov, of which no account is given, Eccl. 
&-Loyorpayyros, ov, from whom no account is demanded, Eust, Opusc. 
23. 35, etc. 

tive. ov, without déyos, and so, I. without speech, speechless, 
Plat. Legg. 696 E ; so Soph. O. C. 131, in Adv. dAdyws :—dA. yépa Lat. 
dies nefastus, on which no business may be done, Luc. Lexiph. 9. 2. 
not to be expressed in words, Plat. Theaet. 203.A, cf. 205 C: unutterable, 
inexpressive, Lat. infandus, Soph. Fr. 241. IL. without reason, 
unr ing, irrational, jdovn, dxAos, etc., Plat. Rep. 591 C, Tim..42 D, 
etc.: 7a ddoya brutes, animals, Id. Prot. 321 B, Xen. Hier. 7, 3; (in 
modern Greek dAoyor is a horse, cf. dAoyorpopetov). 2. not ac- 
cording to reason, not guided thereby or springing thence, dd. d6£a, opp. 
to # pera Adyov 6., Plat. Theaet. 201 C; dA. rpiB?) Kal éymerpia mere 
routine, mechanical skill without knowledge, Id. Gorg. 501. A ; dddy 
mabe. tiv dAoyoy auvackely aicOnow, in appreciating a work -of art, 
Dion. H. de Lys. 11. 8. contrary to reason, absurd, Thuc. 
6. 85, Plat. Theaet. 203 D: unaccountable, unintelligible, Lys. 177. 9: 
unfit, unsuited to its end, Thuc. 1. 32: groundless, Polyb. 3. 15, 9:— 
the Ady. is most common in this sense, Plat..Rep. 439 D, Isocr. 28 B, 
etc. ; ob" GA, obd dualpws Id. 312 B. III. without reckon- 

ing: 1. not reckoned upon, epected, Thuc. 6. 46 (in 
Comp.). 2. act. not-having paid one's reckoning, of an épamorns, 
Gramm. IV. of magnitudes, bearing no ratio to each other, 

incommensurable, much like dovpperpos, Arist. An. Post, 1. 10, 3, de 
Lin. -Insec. 9, y. Schiif. Dion. H. de Comp. p. 130:—of quantities, irra- 
Fergie Euclid. big Pre Io. Fa’ ~ 

ado tov, Td, ui. 1) a stable, Athanas. ap. Suicer. 
ae. ith Taster or = , GA, GvOéwv orparés Chaerem. 
ap. Ath. 608 E. : : 

“GAoyddnys, €s, (€l50s) seeming irrational, v. 1, Arist. Spir. 2, 6. 

GXSn, 7, the aloe, Diosc. 3. 25, Plut. \ 

dhonddptov, 74, a purgative prepared from aloes, Medic. 

EAonors, ews, 7, ( ) a threshing, Gloss. Ree 
‘dAonrés, 6, (dAodaw) a threshing, Xen. Occ. 18, 5: threshing-time, Acl. 
N. A, 4. 253 cf. dunros. 

GASGev, Adv. (GAs) from the sea, ef ddddev Il. 21. 335- 
ddo-O4Kn, 4, a salt-bow, Eust. 183. 8. 

-ddordw, Ep, for ddodw. : 
&-howdpyros, ov, unreviled, Pluts2. 757 A, Epigr. Gr. 728. II. 
not reviling : neut. Adv., eound(ew ddorbdpyra Soph. Fr. 731. 
dhe, ov, not reviling or railing, Aesch. Ag. 412. 

, Hos, 6, (GAodw) a thresher, grinder, oldnpos, Nonn. D. 17. 
23f : . dddvres the grinders, Lat. molares, Anth. P. 11. 379. 
-GAowa, aros, 76, (si vera l.), and dAoupds,.od, 6, =dAcimpa, érddenyis, 
Soph. Fr. 43 
J pos, v. sub ddurnpds. 3 

Gdotrns, ov, 6, Acol. for dAetrys, Emped. ap. Plut. 2, 1113:B :—fem. 
*AXoiris, Sos, %, of Athena, Lyc. 936. 

GAourds, 6, (dArreiv) =dAcirns, aoe 136. 

Gdorpatos, a, ov, for anointing, Lyc. 579. é 
ddorby, 7, Ga soehinn- with ‘nek one-can smear -ot anoint : 
in Hom., mostly, 4og’s-lard, grease, whether in the carcase (Il. 9. 208), 
or when melted for use (17. 390): alsa of an unguent for making supple 
the limbs and softening the skin, as.early-as Od, 6..220., 18.179: then, 
generally, ointment, pitch, varnish, paint, etc., Plat. Criti. 116 B, Plut. 
II. an anointing, laying on of unguents or paint, da. 
III. a blotting out, erasure, Lat. 
litura, Plut. 2. 611 A. 

dAotw, y. sub dAode. ; ; 
GAoxlfw, (Gog) to trace furrows ;. esp. in waxen tablets, to write, draw, 
(cf. “Lat. ex-arare), Ar. Vesp. 850:—Pass., part. PL pAomopévos 
scratched, torn, Lyc. 119, 381, etc.; cf. KaT-ahoKi cor: : 
édévre [a], v. sub ddloxopar, , 

ddok, oxos, }, =atAag, 4. ¥- 

dom ve pats salt-pits Strabo 312, 605. e 

ddo-mnyés, dv, (my one-who prepares salt, Nic. Al. 519. 
eran pig Aer or peeled, Theophr. H. P. 5. 1, 2. 
&Aorros, ov, (Aéma’) not hackled, of flax, Ar. Lys. 736; cf, ddémearos. 
do-mdhns, ov, 6, a dealer in salt, Eust, 183. 10. 

' Gids, dads [a], (B) fem., the se 

ahoyiGouar — ads. 

&Xos, Dor. for #Aos. 
vOtvos, 7, ov, prepared with brine, Diosc. 5. 76. 

&X6o-avbov, 74, brine, Galen. ; v. Lob. Phryn. 304. 

Gdoo-dxvy, , (adds, dxvn, foam of the sea).a zodphyte of the class 
dAxvovea, Arist. H. A. 9. 14, 2. - 

“AXo-ovdvn, 7), the Sea-born, epith. of Amphitrité, Od. 4. 404, where 
the seals are called children of Halosydné, As appellat. in ll. 20. 207, 
where Thetis is named waAAcmAéxapos GA. fair-haired child of the sea: 
so the Nereids are called dAogvéva: by Ap. Rh..4. 1599; and a Nereid 
“Ydaro-avdvn by Call. Fr. 347. (The syll. av- is prob. from the same 
Root as vids, viz. Skt. su, st (generare): the term. —dvy is compared 
with éxi-dva, BaciAwyva, Aleruvya, etc.) 

GXs6-rpup, Bos, 6, (rpiBw) a pound salt, Anth, P. 6. 306: in 
Eust. 183. 10, GAo-rp{Bavos. 

Gho-rpodéw, to feed with salt, Schol. Il. 13. 493. 

Gdoupyijs, és, (GAs, épyov) wrought in or by the sea, but always in the 
sense of sea-purple, i.e. of genuine purple dye, as distinguished from 
imitations, €uBaivov@ ddAoupyéaw on cloths of purple (v. Arist. Color. 5), 
Aesch. Ag. 946; pinpa ddovpyjs Pherecr. Ap. 1; oTpwpyad’ ddoupyh 
Anaxandr, pwr. 1,7; yf Plat. Phaedo 110 C; 1d-dAoupyés Arist., etc.: 
—also ddoupyés, dv, gpa Id. Rep. 429 D; xurwvicKos C. I. 155. 10, 
14, etc.; (but x. dAoupyns Ib. 24); otpwpvai Com. An. 295 a, this 
form being less usual, A. B. 81.—The best Mss, of Plat. Tim.'68 C give 
a neut. dAoupyodv, as if from dAoupyéos; and in Ath. 540 A occurs a 
fem. acc, pl. GAoupyds. Cf. ddurdéppupos. 
eyes 7, purple clothing, Philostr. 159; so GAovpynpa, aros, 74, 


GAoupytatos, a, ov,=ddoupyds, Ar. in A. B. 380, (or Antiph. acc, to 
Suid.), in neut. dAoupyaioy, which Bernhardy conj. to be an error for 

GAoupyibtov, 74, Dim. of ddoupyis, C. I. 155. 56: v. foreg. 

GAoupyls, iS0s, 7, a purple robe, Ar. Eq. 967, C. I. 155.58, etc. II. 
as Adj., €o07)s GAovpyis Luc, Navig. 22; but prob, dAovpyis should be 
restored, as in Imag. II. } 

Goupyo-Badys, és, purple-dyed, Clem. Al. 235. 

Goupyo-maeAns, ov, 6, a dealer in purple, Arist. Mech. 1, 20. 

GoupyorwAucy (sc. réxv7), 4), the trade of an ddoupyorwaAns, Isae. ap. 
Harp., etc. 

GAoupyés, dy, v. sub dAoupyfs. 

dhovata, 4, a being unwashen, want of the bath, iyyplacar 5a pakpas 
Govgias Eur. Or. 226; in pl., ddovolyat... copmemrundes Hat. 3. 52 — 
~~ GXouria, Eupol. Taf. 7, ubi vy. Meineke. 

ovréw, to be Gdouros, go without bathin , Hipp. 338. 23, etc., Epict.,- 
etc.: dAovridw, in Schol. it, Nub. 442. a's ay : 

G-ovtos,-ov, unwashen, not bathing, filthy, Hat. 2. 64, Simon. lamb. 
7-5, Eur. El. 1107, Ar. Av. 1554. 

&-hodos, Ep. dAdodos, ov, without a crest, Il, 10. 258, Anth. P. 6. 
163; opp. to evAogos. 

a-Adxevtos, ov, born not in the natural way, of Athena, Coluth. 
180, IL. without birth-pangs, virgin, Nonn, D. 41. 53. 

Gdoxos [@], ov, % (a copul., A€xos, ef. dxolrns) : poét. word: —a 
partner of one's bed, a bed-fellow, spouse, wife, Il, 1. 114, Od. 3. 403, al. 
(cf. xoupidios); then in Aesch. Pers. 63, Soph. O. T. 183, Eur. also in 
Arist. Pol. 1. 3,.1; ddoxoy els dépous dyev Com. Anon. 349- 2. 
also a leman, concubine, Il. 9. 336, Od. 4. 623. II. (a privat.) 
unwedded, Gd. oda rhv Aoxeiav-€iAnye, of Artemis, Plat. Theaet. 149 B 

&bo, Ep. imperat. of dddouat, Od. 5. 377. * 

TVLETOS, 7, ov, Sup. of dmvos (only found in the compd. éxaAmvos, 
q. V.), sweetest, loveliest, Pind. I. 5.14: Hesych, gives dAma)éov (Ms, 
—aiov)* dyannrév. (From éArw (FéA7w), Lat. volup.) 

&iXs, dads [a], (A) masc.; dat. pl. GAaow (vy. infr.) :-—in sing..a lump 
of salt, esp. of rock-salt, Hat. 4. 181-185, cf. xévdpos, xovdpés.. 2. 
generally, salz, etc., mace 8’ dAds Belvo (cf, Getos) Il. 9, 214, cf. Od. 17 
4553 adds HeTaXdov a salt-mine, Hdt. 4.185 ; adds xévbpor Ib. 181; 
in sing. also Philyll. Incert. 13, Axionic. XaAx. 2 :—but in this sense the 
pl. was more freq., first in Od.11.123, then Hat, 4-53. 6.119.,7. 30, and 
often in Att.;—proverb. phrases: od ot 7 ay... o@ émorarp ovd’ dda dolns 

Od. 17. 4553 Ns por mavra ddyev raya 8’. . ob8 Gra Soins Theocr. 

27.60; Gdas suvavad@ou, i.e. to be bound by ties of hospitality, Arist. 
Eth. N. 8. 8, 3; trav GdOv ovynaredndoxévat 107 spa ohh eee a 
bushel of salt together, i.e. to be old friends, Plut. 2. 94 A, cf, Arist, Eth. E 
7+ 2,35; Spkov péyay, ddas re xat TpdameCay Archil, 96; Too dite : 08 
Tpamevas; Dem. 400. 16; rods Gras mapaBalvew Id, 401. 3; even, of 
THs mohews Ades, as constituting a claim on patriotism, opp. to gevuiy 
tpame(a, Aeschin. 85. fin.; dddv 52 pbpros evOev HrOev, Evo’ By, said 
of men who had lost what they had got, Paroemiogr. ; ‘@aow bet of 
great abundance, Suid. II. = Ayn, brine, Lat..muria, Call. Fr : oO: 
also Gdds dv@os, cf. ddocdvOwos, III. dacs, salt-works dab ; 
v. arg, IV. aes, also metaph, like Lat, sales, wit, Plut 3 685 
A. (From 4/AA come also GaA-as, GA-h, dA-uh, dd-pvpéds, dastGors, 
cf. Skt. Sar-as (sal).; Lat. sal, sal-inus, sal-sus; Goth, salt (Gdas) sal~ 
tun (GAifw) ; O.H.G. sulza (salsugo), etc.: v. sq.) : ; 

Nos ( a, often in Hom.,.and Poets, rare in 
Prose; els GAa diay ll. I. 141; Xelpas mpdpevos moAris adds in sea 
water, Od. 2. 261; i) GAds 4 ent ys either by sea or land, Od. 12. 27: 
sometimes seemingly pleonast. wévros dads Il, 21, 59, Theogn. 10; ‘dds 
mehdryn or médaryos Od. 5. 335, h. Apoll. 73, Eur. Tro, 88; wedorlas 
Gdds Aesch. Pers. 427; map’ dAuvpdv dda Eur. Bach, 17; in pl. (with 
a pun), Ar. Ach. 760. (Orig. the same as GAs masc.; hence &uos (ma- 

} rinus) ;—odAos, Lat, salum, is referred by Curt, to 2 diff, Root.) 

ddAonides —adgy. 

GlonlBes, wy, al, (dAcos) grove-nymphs, Ap. Rh. 1. 1066. 

4Aotvn, }, an unknown plant, perh, a kind of cerastium, Theophr. H. P. 
9. 13, 3: Diosc. 2. 214 identifies it with myosotis. 

GAars, ews, 9, (GAAopuat) a leaping, Arist. Eth. N. 10. 4, 3, etc. 

dois, ews, 7, (dAdaivw) growth, Apoll. Lex. s. v. dAdaiver, E. M., etc. 

GAoo, v. sub GAAopar. 

GAco-Kopos, 5, one who takes care ofa grove, Theodoret. Graec. Aff. 
8. p. IIL: GAcokopéw; dAookopuch, 7), (sc. Tex); GAcoKopixés, dv, 
Ady. -#ds, Poll. 7. 140, 141. 

Gdoo-rovla, %, a planting of groves, Poll. 7. 140. 

Gdoos, os, 76, a place grown with trees and grass, a grove, Il. 20. 8, 
' Od. ro. 350. II. esp. a sacred grove, Od. 6. 291, Hes. Sc. 99, 
Hdt. 5. 119, Plat., etc. :—hence = réyevos, any hallowed precinct or lawn, 
even without trees, Il. 2. 506, Béckh Pind. O. 3.19; so, Mapa@dmmoy 
aos, of the field~of battle, viewed as a holy place, in an Epigr. at- 
tributed to Aesch. (Anth. P. append. 3); metaph., mévriov dAgos, 
Cicero's Neptunia prata, the ocean-plain, Aesch. Pers. 111, cf. dAippuros. 
(Prob. from the same Root as dAdaivw, dAdhoxm, a fresh, green place:— 
ace. to Déderl. from AAopat, as saltus from salio:) 

ddoadys, es, (ef50s) like a grove, woodland, Eur. I. A. 141. 
growing in woods, of plants, Theophr. H. P. 3. 2, 4, Lxx, Plut. 

GAripes, wv, of, (GAAopat) weights held in the hand to give an impetus 
in leaping, something like dumb-bells, Crates "Hp. 4 (ubi v. Meineke), 
Arist. Incess. An. 3. 3, 4, Probl. 5. 8, cf. Juv. 6. 421, Martial. 7. 67., 14. 
49, Senec. Ep. 56.1, Miiller Archiiol. d. Kunst § 423. 3, Dict. of Antt. 
s. v. Halteres :—hence, &Arnpta, 7, the use of ddrnpes, Artemid, 1. 5 Bis 
also, &Atpo-Bodta, 7}, Iambl. V. Pyth. ar. 

GAruKcés, 4, dv, (dAAopat) good at leaping, Xen. Cyr.8. 4,20; 7a Ar. 
pépia the parts used in leaping, Arist.P.A. 4.6,16; dAr. dpynots, of 
the Salii, Plut. Num. 13. 

*AArts, wos, 6, the sacred grove of Zeus at Olympia, Pind. O. to. 55, 
Xen. Hell. 7. 4, 29, etc.; old Elean for dAgos, Paus, 5. 10, I. 

Gdro, v. sub GAAopat. 

GdvKn [0], },=aAvors, dAvopds, Hipp. Aph. 3260. 

GXvKis,(50s,7,(GAs) asalt-spring,Strab.182. II. saliness,Plut.2.896F. 

Ghixés, 77, dv, salt, like dApupds, Hipp. Acut. 390, Ar. Lys. 403, etc. 

GuKd-cpupva, }, a kind of myrrh, Hippiatr. 

GAiKdrHs, nTos, %, saltiness, Arist. Fr. 209, Theophr. C. P. 2. 5, 4. 

Gixpos, 4, dv, =Oaduepds, warm, lukewarm, Nic. Al. 386. 

Gdukrato (v. sub dAvw), only in impf., to be in distress, Hdt. 9. 70. 
A form dAv«réw is cited in Hesych., A. B. 385. 13, E. M., Suid. ; and 
has been restored for dAvec in Hipp. 592. 36 by Littré (8. 30) from Mss. 
and Erot.; also aor. part. dAverjoas in act. sense, Hesych., E. M.; and 
from the Verb in this sense comes the Ep. dAaAvx«rnpat, q. Vv. 

dhuxromésar, ai, (dAdcow, mé5n) distressing or galling bonds, in pl., 
Hes. Th. 521, Ap. Rh. 2.1249; in sing., Anth. P. 5. 230, etc.:—the 
common expl. that dAveroméda:=dAvromédat, indissoluble bonds, is 
rightly questioned by Lob. Pathol. prol. p. 34; cf. sq. 

Secsee, ov, to be shunned, pdvo C. I. 3973 ;—but Suid. and Zonar. 
take it =dpueros (though properly the word cannot mean this), v. Herm. 
Supp. 754. : - 

uKTOoUvN, 9), = €xeduors, Suid. 2.=dxoopla, Hesych. 

&AUKASys, és, (ef50s) like salt, saltish, Hipp. 396. 28, Theophr. H. P. 
9.11, 2 (ubi dAcewons). 

&-hipavros [i], ov, unhurt, unimpaired, Plut. 2. 5 E. 

Gdvbis, ews, 7), (GAvonw) an escape, Aesch. Ag. 1299. 

adiméw, tofree from pain, imper.ddvmet, on grave-stones, C. 1.5996, 6796. 

G-AUmnTos, ov, not pained or grieved, Soph. Tr. 168. II. act. 
not causing pain, Soph. O. C. 1662 (but v. sub dAdmeros): so in Adv, 
~ros, Plat. Legg. 958-E. 

Gdoria, }, freedom from pain or grief, Plat. Ax. 371D, Menand. Incert. 
19, Arist. Rhet.1.5, 15. II. act. harmlessness, Theophr. H.P.2.4,2. 

aAdmds, cf. sq. TT. 

a-dros, ov, without pain, unpained, often in Att. from Soph. downwds. ; 
ce gen., GA, ynpws without the pains of age, Soph: O. C. 1519; so, GA. 
drns El. 1002: absol. Id. O. T. 593; 70 dAvmoy=daAvmia, Plat. Rep. 
585 A:—Comp. —érepos Plat. Rep. 581 E; Sup. -édraros Legg. 848 E.— 
Adv., dAvmws (iv, Siaredciv to live free from pain and sorrow, Plat. 
Prot. 358 B, Phil. 43 D; dmo8aveiy Menand. “AA. 5; Sup. dAvmérara, 
Lys. 169. 9. II. act. not paining or troubling, causing no pain 
or grief, Hipp. Art. 804, Plat., etc.; dA. ofvos harmless, Hermipp. Popp. 
2. 5, of. Eur, Bacch. 423; so wine is called dAvmov dvOos dvias setting 
Sree from the pain of sorrow, Soph, Fr. 182 ; ddumdraros KATH, ofa 
hospice, Epigr. Gr. 450.—Adv., dAvmas Tois dAdous (fv to live without 
offence to others, Isocr. 233 D. III. dAvmov, 76, a plant, globu- 
laria alypum, so called from its anodyne qualities, Diosc. 4. 180: in later 
Medic., also GAumuds, ddos, 7. 2 ; 

&-dpos, ov, without the lyre, unaccompanied by it, jyvor GAvpor, i.e. 
wild ditges (accompanied by the flute, not the lyre, ef. dpéppueros), Eur, 
Alc. 461, cf. Arist. Rhet. 3. 6,7; GA. @deyos Hel. 185; “Aibos potp 
GAupos, of death, Soph. O. C, 1223 (lyr.) :—of sad talk, Alexis “OAvv6. 
BS 2. unsuited to the lyre, of certain poems, Plat. Legg. 810 B; 
pédos Gdupov Arist. Rhet. 3. 6, 7. 

ddus, vos, 6, (dAdw) listlessness, ennui, 
13, Eum. 11. 

GAvondév, Adv. in chains, Manetho 4. 486. : 

GAvoPaive, (dAvw) to be sick or weak, Rive. 480. 31., cf. 482. 11, Nic. 

Th. 427; dAvo@paive in Call. Del. 212: dAvoratvw in Hesych. 

&hiot-Seros, ov, bound with chains, Hesych. 
GAtolSvov or -elStov, 76, Dim. of dAvais, A. B. 380, etc. 


Hipp. Epist. 1271, Plut. Pyrth, 


ddvowwrds, 7, dv, (as if from a Verb *éAvoidsw) wrought in chain 
Jashion, Gd, Oupag Polyb. 6. 23, 15, Diod., etc.; opp. to Avobdpag, 
ardb.os A@pag, Strabo 154, Schol. Ap. Rh. 3. 1226. 

advorov, 76, Dim. of sq., Menand. Kap. 3, Philippid. Incert. 9. 

dAvors (not dAvors), ews, }, a chain, xadnéy GAvot dedenévy ayxupa 
Hdt. 9.74; mérpay ddvoect xpuodaior pepopévay Eur. Or. 984 :—as a 
woman's ornament, Ar. Fr. 309, 12, Nicostr. Incert. 7 ;. oppayide .. 
ddvoas xpuods éxovoa C. I. 150. B. 35. 

duos, ews, ), (dAdw) distress, anguish, Galen. 

Gdiotréhaa, 4, damage, prejudice, Polyb. 4. 47, I. 

d-dictreAts, és, unprofitable, Hipp. Progn. 41, Plat. Crat. 417 D, Xen. 
Occ. 14, 5, Bato “Avdp. 1. 9 :—Sup. —éoraros Aeschin. 1 5.8. Adv. -Ads, 
Xen. Mem. 1. 7, 2. , 

Gdvoxdlo, strengthd. for dAvoxw (from which it borrows its obl. tenses), 
to shun, avoid, c. acc., iBpw ddvondfe Od. 17. 581: absol., Il. 5. 253.5 
6. 443 ;—Ep. word, used by Cratin. ’05. 10.—An Ep. aor. 1 dAvoxace, 
Od, 22. 330, has been corrected into dAvoxave (a lengthd. impf. of 
GAvoxw) from Apoll, Lex. and Harl. Ms.; but*a form dAvoxdooee re- 
mains in Nonn. D. 42. 135., 48. 481, 630. 

adtone, Od., etc.: fut. dAvgw Il. 10. 371, Aesch. Pers. 94, Soph. Ant: 
488, etc., but dAdvgouar Hes. Op. 363: aor. #Auga, Ep. dAvéa, Hom., 
Hes., Aesch.:—Med., v. éfadvoxw (v. sub dAtw). Poét, Verb used by 
Aesch, and Soph., both in lyric passages and in dialogue, to flee from, shun, 
avoid, forsake, c. acc., ll. 10. 371, Od. 12. 335, etc., so Hes. 1. c., Pind, Px 
8. 21, Aesch. Pr. 587, etc.: rarely, like pev-yw, c. gen., Soph. Ant. 488, 
El. 627 :—absol. to escape, get off, S0ev otmws fev ddvgat Od. 22. 460; 
mport dorv ddrvgau Il. 10. 348; GAvgev év Tephym he escaped by staying 
in Gerenus, Hes. Fr. 45. II. to be uneasy, wander restlessly, 
like dAvw, dAvoow, Ap. Rh. 4. 57. 

dhucpés, 6, (dAvw) anguish, disquiet : esp. of the tossing about of sick 
persons, Hipp. Progn. 37. 

adv s, €s, (elo) uneasy, troubled, Hipp. Coac. 167. 

Gduaoov, 74, (Av(w) a plant used to check hiccup, Diosc. 3. 105, Plut. © 

d-Avocos, ov :—my}) GA. a well (in Arcadia) curing canine madness, 
Paus. 8. 19, 3. 

adicow, (v. sub dAvw) to be uneasy, be in distress, the pres. only in Il. 22: 
70 dddooovres meph Oup@: fut. ddvger re kal plier éavrjy will be rest- 
less.., Hipp. 589.51: plgpf. pass. dAdAvero, was disquieted, Q.Sm.14.24. 

dAvoraive, v. dAvodaivw. 

advrys, ov, 6, a policoaiiee, at the Olympic games, Lat. lictor, E. M. 
72. 12: their chief was GAvt-dpxys, 6, Luc. Hermot. 40, C. L 3170. 

a-htros, ov, not to be loosed or broken, indissoluble, nob, becpoi ll. 13. 
37, Od. 8. 275, Aesch. Pr. 55; Mopdwyv viju’ GAvrov Phanocl: in Jac. 
Anth. I. p. 205, cf. C. I. 1973 ; moA€uoo metpap I. 13. 360 :—continuous, 
ceaseless, kikAos Pind. P. 4. 383, cf. Soph. El. 230: also of substances, 
indissoluble, Arist. Meteor. 4. 6, 12: so in Adv. —rws, Plat. Tim, 
60 C. 2. not to be confuted, of arguments, Arist. Rhet. 1. 2, 18., 
2. 25, I4. II. not loosed or dissolved, Plat. Tim. 60 E. 

&-diXvos, ov, without lamp or light, Eur. Fr. 425, Diog. L. 1. 81. 

GAvw, or GAvw (v. Suid., et Gaisf. ad v.). Poét. Verb, found only 
in pres. and impf., and used also in late Prose, as Galen., to wander in 
mind, 1. from grief, to be ill at ease, be distraught, frantic, 
beside oneself, % 5’ ddvovo’ dreBnaero Il. 5. 352; Stvevern’ GAvwy napa 
Giva 24.12; GAvow in mad passion, Od. g. 398; é@7é pw Gd dddeav 
Soph. El. 135 ; 7é xpfjp’ dAvw; Eur. Or. 277, etc. 2. from per- 
plexity, to be at a loss, not know what to do, like dropéw, ddvec 3 ent 
mavri Soph. Ph. 174; dAvovra xecpepiy Ava Ib. 1194 3 ev mévos GAV- 
ovoay Id. O. T. 695; of wey edropovpev of 8 aAvovow are in want, 
Alexis KuBepy. 1. 13 :—to be weary, ennuyé, Ael. V. H. 14. 12. 3. 
from joy or exultation (rarely), to be beside oneself, Od. 18. 333, Aesch. 
Theb. 391; cf. Jac. A. P. p. 760. II. in late Prose, to wander or 
roam about (v. Il. 24. 12 supr. c.), Luc. D. Mar. 13, Babr. 10. 11, 
Plut. (There are several collat. forms, dAvoow, dduxréw (pf. pass. 
ddaddvernpat), dAverdtw, which, like Lat. hallucinor, all refer to mental 
wandering, and indicate that AAT, AATK is lengthd. from AA, dA, 
GAdopat :—ddiokw, ddvoxa{a seem to henge a diff. Root, though 
ddtvonw is used=dAvoow by Ap. Rh., and a@Avéw is taken as fut. of 
ddvaow by Hipp.) [®@ in Hom., except once at the end of the verse, 
Od, 9. 398, as Ap. Rh. 3. 866, etc.; dAvovres in 4th foot, Emped. 394, 
Opp. ; ¥ always in Trag.] ; 

GAga, 74, indecl,,v. A a init.; cf. Callias ap. Ath. 453 D, Plat. Crat.431E. 

GAp4-Bytos, 6, the alphabet, Epiphan., etc. 
GAddvw [dv], also. (as cited in E. M. 72. 39) GAdalvw: aor. HAgpor, 
opt. dApouu. Hom. uses the aor. only, but the pres. occurs in Eur. Med. 
298 (nowhere else in Trag.), Ar. Fr. 308, Eupol. Tag. 12, Menand, 
“Opor. 3. Ep. Verb (used by Plut, 2. 668 C), to bring in, yield, earn, 
iva por Biorov wordy dda Od. 17. 250; 6 8 tyiv pupioy @vov ardor 
15. 452, cf. 20. 383 ; éxarduBowov 5é roe FAdov Il. 21. 79 :—metaph., 
pOdvov dAdpdve- to incur envy, Eur. |. c. (From the 4/AA® come 
also GA@h, GApnorns, dApeciBouos, etc.; cf. Skt. rabh (desiderare, etc.), 
sam-rabh (compotem esse); Lat. labor, etc.; Goth. arbaiths («émos), 
arbaidjan (komayv); O. H. G. arabeit (arbeit), etc.; so that the orig. 
notion seems to be that of labour, earning by labour ; cf. ddpnoris.) 
aAdect-Bouos, a, ov, bringing in oxen, mapOévar GdpeaiBorat maidens 
who yield their parents many oxen as presents from their suitors, i. e. 
much-courted, Il. 18. 593, h. Hom. Ven. 119; tdwp ddd., of the Nile, 
water that yields fat oxen (by enriching the pastures), Aesch. Supp. 855 
(lyr.), cf. Alex. Aet. in Jac. Anth. I. p. 208, The prop. n. Adges(Bora 
isused metrigrat.inthe form’ AApeaatBora, Soph. Fr. 785 ; cf. apSevoraios, 

4 GAH, }, produce, gain, Lyc. 549, 1394: GAdyars, ews, 7, Gloss. 


Gdonpa, aros, 7é,=foreg., the sum for which a contract is made by a 
builder, etc., C. I. 2266 A. 14. ’ - 
GAdyoretw, to fetch a good price, prob. 1. in Hippon. 46 (Bgk. 
dyorip, jpos, 6,=sq., Or. Sib. 1. 98., 13. 13. 
G&Agyoris, od, 6, old word used by Hom. only in Od., in phrase dvépes 
GAgpnorai, working for their daily bread, laborious, ising men, 
a meaning suggested by the sense of the Verb dApdvw (q. y.); the 



toast meat, Il, 18. 560, ef. Od. M4, 

2. II. generally, any meal or groats, GAp. wipwa or mupav, 
Gap. andy nal dpdBay, Hipp., v. Foss. s. v.; even, AlBo1o dAdura 
Orph. Lith. 212, ~ ITI. metaph. one’s bread, daily bread, Ar. PI. 


otromoua, 4, =dAgurefa, Xen. Mem. 2. 7, 0. ; 
GAdiro-rrords, 6, 7, pipe of GAqura, Oenom. ap. Eus. P. E. 232 C. 
GAdtro-raAqs, ov, 6, = no.Bés, Nicoph, Xeep. 1: fem., 7 GAdt- 
rémadts ood, the flour-market at Athens, Ar. Eccl. 682. 
GAdvromwAhrpra, 7, pecul. fem. of dAgurom@Ars, Poll. 6. 37- 
spire: 10 ae pve ead, prone ae 6. 2, 2 
tro-cK' , 6, = jpavris, 
GAdtro-péyos [iH], ov, eating barley-bread, Aci. N. A. 17. 31. 
EXslré-xpor, po 6, 4, of the colour of barley-meal, kepads adq. a 
powdered, i.e. hoary head, Ar..Fr. 4: 

53 ae 
adgird, dos, contr. ods, , like nee, a spectre or bugbear with which 
nurses frightened children, Plut. 2. 1040 B. ot 
adoés, 6, a dull-white leprosy, esp. on the face, Lat. vitiligo, Hes. Fr. 42, 
Hipp. Aph. 1248, Plat. Tim. 85 A; cf. Luc. D. Meretr. 11. 4 :—hence, 
in Hippiatr., dAdo-mpdowmos, ov, white-faced, AAdps-puyxos, ov, with a 
white snout. (From 4/AA® prob. come also dAgurov, because of 
the whiteness of meal, cf, dAqurdxpws, dAwpés, and comp. Goth. hvaiti 
(wheat) with hveits (white); Lat. albus (Umbr., alfu, Sabin. alpus) ; O. 
H. G. elbiz (a swan) :—perh. the prop. names Adpeds, Albula (Paul. 
Epit. 4), Alpes, Elbe come from the same Root: Curt, no. 399). 
adgasns, es, (GAgés) leprous, Galen. 
dAwd, Dor. for dAwh, Theocr. } 
“‘AdGa or ‘AAga, av, 74, (dAws) a festival of Demeter as inventress of 
agriculture, Aarvest-home, Dem.1385-2, Philoch. 161, Luc. D. Meretr. 7. 3. 
ios, a, ov, (4Aws) belonging to the threshing-floor : “Adwaty as 
epith. of Demeter, h. H, 40. 5. 
‘Adwas, dos, or ‘AAwts, fos, #,=“AAwala Theocr. 7. 155. 
a- , ov, unhurt: unblamed, a 
GAdEns, es, (€l50s) like salt, Plut. 2.627 F. 7 
ddwewds, hs GAws) of or used in a threshing-floor, immo Anth. 

. Q. 301. 

yey éws, Ep. fjos, 6, one who works in an ddwh, a thresher, hus- 
bandman, gardener, vine-dresser, etc., Ap. Rh. 3. 1401, Arat. 1045, etc.: 
in Hom. only as prop. n. F 

"Ghos | fal, Dor. dw, }, (GAéw, cf. Att, GAws): post. word : Zs 
a threshing-floor, lepds kar’ dAwds Il. 5. 4993 HEyaAny Kar’ drofy, 
iveriuévny kat’ Gd. 13. 588., 20. 496; of. Hes. Op. 597. Il. a 
garden, orchard, vineyard, etc., Il. 5. 90, Od. 6. 293, etc., v. sub yourds : 
Toce:Sdovos ddan, i.e. the sea, Cicero’s Neptunia prata, Opp. H. 1. 
7973 cf. dAgos. III. a halo of the sun or moon, Arat. 810, 

sn and GAwy, v. sub dAlonopat, 

agua — Suc. 

GAdwos, a, ov, =ddweivds, Nic. Th. 113. 

“Adais, v. sub “AdAwds. 

dholrys [7], ov, 6, =dAwers, Anth. P. 6. 98. 

GAdpevar, Ep. for dA@vat, v. sub dAioxopar, 

GAwv, wvos, 7, =GAws, found in the obl. cases, Arist. Vent. 3, Fr. 238. 4. 

Gdovevopat, Dep. to work on a threshing-floor, App. Maced. 9. 11, 

GA-dvyr0s, ov, bought with salt, dAdvyta dovddpa worthless slaves 
from Thrace, because the Thracians sold men for salt, cf. Il, 7. 472-5, 
et ibi Eust., Zenob. 2. 12. 

Gdovia, 7,=GAws, a threshing-floor, Ath. 524 A, 

Gdovife, f. 1, for adAwvifo, q. v. 

GAdvov, 74, Dim. of GAwy, Geop. 12. 2, 2, and Gramm. 

GAwvo-rpiPéw, to beat on a threshing-floor, Longus 3. 29. 

GAw6-uros, ov, grown in the vineyard, oivos Nonn. D. 13. 267. 

GAwréketos, a, ov, Ion, eos, 7, ov, (4Adné) of a fox, Galen. If. 
Gdamexén, Att. contr, -47 (sub. Sopa), a fox-skin, Hat. 7-75: proverb., 
bmov H AcovTH pi Epuxveirat, mpoopanréov Exel Thy Ghwmenty Plut. Lys. 7. 

«la, 7%, a disease, like the mange in foxes, in which the hair falls 
off, Soph. Fr. 369: pl. bald patches on the head, Arist. Probl. 10. 27, 
2. II. a fox-earth, Hesych. 

GAomextas, ov, 6, branded with a fox, Luc. Pisc. 47. II. the 
thresher shark, Lat. squalus vulpes, Arist. Fr. 293, Mnesim. “Imm. 49. 

GAwrtrextacis, ews, 7), =ddwmexia 1, Galen. 

GAorexideds, éws, 5, a fox’s cub, young fox, Ar. Pax 1067. 

Ghwrekifw, to play the fox, Lat. vulpinari, ob« éorw dAwmexivey Ar, 
Vesp. 1241; dAdo dAwnén(e rots drepnros Babr. 95. 64 :—proverb., 
GA, mpos dAwmera, ‘the biter bit.’ II. trans. £o overreach, Hesych, 

Gdwréxvov, 76, Dim. of dddrnf, a little fox, Ar. Eq. 1076, 1079. 

Ghorrexis, (Sos, 7), a mongrel between fox and dog,=xvvadwnné, Xen. 
Cyn. 3, I. II. a fox-skin cap, Xen. An. 7. 4, 4. III. 
a kind of vine, the cluster resembling a fox’s brush, Plin. H. N. 14. 4, 9+ 

GAwrék-oupos, 6, fox-tail, a kind of grass, Theophr. H. P. 7. 11, 2. 

GAwrreKodns, es, (efd0s) fox-like, sly, Hesych., E. M. 

GAdmmE [4], eros, 4, also dAd@mnxos in Ananius 5 Bgk.; dat. pl. dAwm- 
weoot Opp. C. 1. 433 :—a fox, canis vulpes (a smaller Egyptian species 
in Arist. H. A. 8. 28, 7, c. Niloticus) ; Archil. 8. 6, Simon, Iamb. 7. 7, 
Solon 11. 5, Hdt. 2. 67, etc,: often of sly fellows, as we say ‘a sly fox’ (cf. 
kivabos), GAdmexos ixvect Batve Solon |.c.; wATw Gddmne a very fox for 
craft, Pind. I. 4. 79 (3. 65): proverb., Ty . ."ApxtAdxou dAwmexa éAk- 
téov éfémabey we must trail Archilochus’ fox-skin behind, i.e, deceive 
by false appearances, Plat. Rep. 365 C; 7 dAdmnt rov Boor édatve 
sleight masters might, Paroemiogr. 2.=ddAwrenh, a fox-skin, Ruhnk. 
Tim. s. v. tiv dA., as A€wy for AcovTh. II. arnva Seppdrrepa 
olov Gdwmnt, a kind of flying squirrel, scturus or pteromys volans, Arist. 
H. A. I. 5, Io. III, a kind of shark or dogfish (y. dAwmexias 
11), Ib. 6. 11, 8. IV. in pl., dAdexes, the muscles of the loins, 
psoas-muscles, Clearch. ap. Ath. 399 B; cf. yda, V.=dAw- 
mexia I, Call. Dian. 79. VI. a kind of dance, Soph. Fr. 369, cf. 
yAavé I. 2, A¢ay v. (Pott compares the Skt. lép-dgas, carrion-eater ; 
but Curt. holds that the resemblance is accidental, and identifies dddrnt (a 
being euphon.) with Lith. dpe, lapiikas (vulpes, vulpecula). The Lat. vulpes 
may be the same, if the v can have been lost both in Gr. and Lith.) 

GAwmds, 6,=ddwmné, Arcad. p. 67. 23, Ignat. Ep. 9: cf. Coraés Plut. 3. 
p-.10’. II. as Adj.,=dAwmexwins, Soph. Fr. 242. 

X00, ow, pte -Xpous, ouy, fox-coloured, A. B. 381, Eust. 
“wpytrat, ol, watchers of salt (a. ing- a 
Suid., 4 M. of (Gres) or threshing-floors (GAws), 
Gros [a], 7, gen. tie Hipp. Vet. Med. 12, Xen. Oec. 18, 8, &Awos 
Anth. P. 6.258; dat. dd@ Arist. Phys, 2. 8, 3; acc. dw Aesch. Theb. 489, 
Gro Nic. Th. 166, dAwa Call. Fr, 51:—pl., nom, and acc,, GAws Dem. 
4040. 24, Arist, Mirab. 72: cf. GAwy, avos: (vy. sub drew). Like 
the Ep, ddan, a threshing-floor, Xen, 1. c.:—from its round shape, 

also, II. the disk of the sun or moon, or of a shield, Aesch. 1. c,: 
but later, a halo round them, Arist. Meteor. 1, 7s Tos 3» 25 TE, 8q., al. 2. 
a coiled snake, Nic. Th. 166. 3, a bird’s nest, Ael.N. A. 3. 16. 4, 

thé outer circle of the eye 

ball, Poll, 2, 71, 
Gddolpos, ov, (drAdvar G 

) easy to take, catch, win, or conquer, of places 

and persons, Hdt. 3, 153, Eur. Hel. 1622, Thuc. 4. 9: metaph, easily 

beguiled, Xen. Mem, 3. 11, 11, 2. of the mind, easy to make out 
or apprehend, Soph. Ph, 863 (lyr.). 3. as law-term, liable to con- 
viction, Aristid, Il. (@wos) of or belonging to capture or 

conquest, matdy Gd. a song of triumph on taking a city, Aesch, Theb, 635; 

Bagis aa, tidings of the capture, Id, Ag. Io. 

S, <ais, Lon. 10s, %, a taking, capture, conquest, destruction, Pind. 

Oo. ae {a ». 49, Hdt. 1. 5., 3. ise, Aesch, Ag. A etc. ; Saiwy adr. con- 

gee y the enemy, Aesch. Theb. 119; means of conquest, Soph. Ph, 

er. 2. a taking ot catching of birds and fish, Arist. H. A. 8. 3, I0., 

‘ I ae II. as law-term, conviction, Plat. Legg. g20 A; ahavat 
oxuP . an to be taken without power to escape, Plut. Num, 15. 

i words, 7, dv, verb, Adj. of dA@vat, to be taken or conquered, Thuc, 
. 77- IL. attainable, Soph. O. T. 111, Menand. Avox. 5. 
aAadpyTOs, ov, (Awpdw) unremitting, Plut. Fab. 23. 

Ghudés, dv, =Acvkds, Hesych.: cf. dagds 
GAdw, y. sub GXioKopua, : 
Gp, for dvd, before a word be 

Bapoto, du péoor, du medioy, 

as dumatiw :—this form is most] 

sometimes in Att, Poets, 
G&pa [ty], Dor, apa, g. 
the same time, 

ginning with the labials B, m, p, #, ¢-g. au 
au Tédayos, du purd; also in compds., 
'y Dor.,as in Pind., but also in Hom., and 
cf. dumedihpns, dumaadivoppos. 

V.? (v, sub fin.) : A. as Adv., at once, at 
mostly of’ Time. serving to Gattnd ck dine Beas 


dua — auaka. 

in the first clause, very often added to re, . , wat, as, Gp’ olparyh re Kat 
ebxwdy Il. 8.64; Gua 7’ detpopos at difupds Il. 1. 417; o€ 6° dpa 
what kat évé Il. 24. 773; cavrdv 6 dpa xapé Soph. Ph. 772, cf. 
119 :—also with xaé only, dua mpdcow Kal dmicow Il. 3. 109; Xepav 
te Bins 0 Gua Hes. Th, 677; dvous te kal yépwv dpa Soph. Ant. 281, 
etc. 2. Gua pdOos env, rerédeoTo Se Epyov, the word was spoken, 
and the deed was done, ‘no sooner said than done,’ Il, 10. 242; dp’ 
éros Te Kai Epyov éundero h. Hom. Merc. 46; dua émos [ele] eal Epyov 
éroiee Hat. 3. 135, cf. 9. 92 ;—which was shortened into dy’ éros dp’ 
€pyov, Paroemiogr. 3. Gua pév .. dpa 3é .., in Att., partly. . 
partly .., Plat. Phaedo 115 D, Xen, Hell. 3. 1, 2:—Gya re. . wai dpa, 
Plat. Gorg. 497A; dy’ Hdéws Eporye wddyewvas dua Soph. Ant. 436. 4. 
in Prose Gua 6¢.., nal Gua re.., xai.., dua.., kal ., may often be 
translated by simul ac, dua 5¢ tadra €deye Kal ewedeinvve Hdt. 1, 112; 
Taira re Gua tyydpeve kal méume 8. 5; dua dxnndapéy re kat rprnpdp- 
Xous Kabiorapey as soon as we have heard, we appoint.., Dem, 50. 18; 
Gya diaddarrovrat gal ris ExOpas émsAavOdvovra: Isocr., etc. bz in 
this case the former Verb often becomes a partic., as, Bpi(ww dpa . . én- 
Hedtas ebrpapés yada Aesch, Cho. 897; dua cimay dvéorn as soon as 
he had done speaking, he stood up, Xen. An. 3. 1, 473 THs dyyeAlas 
dpa pndeions éBonGovy as soon as the news was brought they assisted, 
Thue. 2. 5; Gua yyvopevor AapBdvopey Plat. Phaedo 76 C; jyiv dua 
dvaravopévos 6 mais dvayvdcera Id. Theaet. 143 A. 5. dua pév 
followed by ére 5é, Xen. Cyr. 1. 4, 3; Gua pév.., mpds 5é.., Hat. 8. 
§1,—which are anacolutha. II. all instances of the Adv. have 
the notion of Time, though it sometimes involves that of Place or 
Quality, as Gua waves or mavres dpa Il. 1. 495; dua dppw h. Hom. 
Cer. 15; Gua xparepds xat dutpwv Od. 3. 111, etc.: cf. Arist. Metaph. 
10. 12, II. III. used with ovv or pera, Eur. Ion 717, Plat. 
Criti. 1r0 A. IV. absol. with a Verb, at one and the same time, 
ai maoa [vijes] Gua eéyiyvovro ev r@ Oéper o Kai v’ Thuc. 3. 17, cf. 
obx dpa } erhows mapayiverar Dem. 658. 6. 

B. as Prep. with dat., at the same time with, together with, Gy’ jot 
at dawn, Il. 9, 682, al.; Att. dua ém, dua ey yeyvouévy Thue. 1. 48., 
4. 323 so, dw jeriy dudvre or karadvvre at sunrise or sunset, Il. 18. 
136, 210, al.; dy’ #uépa or, more freq., dua TH Huepp Hat. 3. 86, al., 
and Att.; Gy jp dpxopnévw or dua 7G fpr at beginning of spring, 
Thue. 5. 20, etc.; Gua «bei xexapOar Tas epadds at, during the time 
of .., Hdt. 2. 36; aya rerxiop@ Thuc. 7. 20, 2. generally, along 
with, together with, dpa twt oreixew Il. 16. 257; dndooat 24. 461, 
al.; so, “EAévnv xat ernyad ay’ abrh 3. 458; dua mvojs dvéporo 
keeping pace with the wind, Od. 1.98; twice repeated, dy’ aiT@ . . Gy’ 
€rovro 11.371; of dua Odavre Hat, 6. 138, cf. Thue. 7.57. II. 
in Byzant. dua is sometimes followed by a genitive. 

(From 4/AM or 4fOM come also duds, duds, duod, dpotos, 
Opards: cf. Skt. sam (with), samam, sama (together), Zd. kama (same); 
Lat. simul, similis, simulo, simia (?); Goth. sama; O. Norse samr or 
sama (same); O. H. G. sama (in the compd. zi = Germ. - 
men); cf. a dOpoorindy, drag.) 

Gpa, Dor. for dua, Pind. O. 3. 64, al., Ar. Lys. 1318, Call. Lav. Pall. 
75, Theocr. 9. 4. (Ahrens, D. Dor. p. 372, writes du@.) 

d-payydveutos, ov, without trickery or guile, Eccl. 

Gpabdéov, 74, a kind of fig, Cretan word, Hermonax ap. Ath. 76 F. 

Gpudéis, Adv.,=dya, Gramni: 

‘Apadpudbes, ai, (Spits) the Hamadryades, Nymphs whose life depended 
on that of the trees to which they were attached, Ath. 78 B: the sing., 
“‘Apadpuds occurs in Ap. Rh. 2. 477: cf. ’Adpuds. 

Gudfopar, (dud) Pass. to have a crop reaped from it, to yield as 
a crop, C. I..4700. 

*Apafay, dvos, 4, mostly in pl., the Amazons, a warlike nation of 
women in Scythia, Il. 3. 189, Hdt., etc.: in Pind. O. 13. 124, Call., etc., 
also "ApafoviSes. II. epith. of Artemis, Paus. 4. 31, 8.—Hence Adj. 
*Apafovetos, or -10s, ov, Eust., Nonn. D. 37. 117: "Apatovurds, 7, dv, 
Plut. Pomp. 35, Paus. 1. 41, 7. (Commonly derived from patés, from the 
fable that they got rid of the right breast, that it might not interfere with 
the use of the bow: and in works of Art the right breast is usu. hidden.) 

Gpidaive, (dua0ys) to be untaught, ignorant, stupid, a Platonic word, 
used only in pres.; absol., Rep. 535 E; au. tt or els 71, to be ignorant 
in a thing, Legg. 689 C, D. 

Gpidet, Adv. of duabys, Suid. : ; 

G-paOys, és, (uabeiv) unlearned, unlettered, ignorant, stupid, boorish 
(v. sub dyadia), Hdt. 1. 33, and freq. in Att. from Eur. downwds., of 
persons and their actions; €0veq. duadéorata, of the Scythians, Hdt. 4. 
46; dviip wévys, el kat yévouro papabys Eur. Supp. 421, al., Ar. Nub. 
1353 ap. kat BdeAupds Id. Eq. 193; dpabéoraroe mavrwy Andoc. 20. I ; 
dpabis tiv txeivov dpadiay stupid with their stupidity, Plat. Apol. 
22 E; dpadécrepov rev vipov imepopias mabevecbar to be educated 
with too little learning to despise the laws, Thuc. 1. 84; opp. to Begol, 
Id. 3. 82; so, dpabécrepov ein? nat capéarepov less learnedly, so that 
plain folk may understand, Ar. Ran, 1445; of animals, such as the hog, 
Oupwdn wat ap. Arist. H. A. 1. 1, 32:—so in Adv., dyads dyaprety 
through ignorance, Eur. Phoen, 874 :—c. gen. rei, without knowledge of 
a thing, unlearned or unskilled in it, Tov xadov Eur. Or. 417; Anoretas 
Thue. 4. 41, cf. 3. 373; more rarely, du. epi Twos Plat. Eryx. 394 EF; 
m1 Id, Lach. 194 D; mpds 7 Id. Legg. 679 D: so, duabds Exew Tids 
Ael. N. A. 6. 5 :—Comp. dpadéarepos, Sup. —€araros, v. supr. 2. of 
things, du. mappnota boorish freedom of speech, Eur. Or. 905; du. pon 
brute force, Eur. Fr. 732; dvvayus Plut. Demetr. 42. z If. not 
heard of, unknown, ap. éppec Eur. lon 916:—Adv. dpab@s xwpeiv, of 
events, to take ax unforeseen course, Thuc. I, 140. 


a rae 


G-pa0nros, ov, = dyads, Phryn. Com. Kévy. 3. 

Gpidia, 7, the state of an duabys, ignorance, stupidity, Soph, Fr. 663, 
Eur., and freq. in Att. Prose; du, perd aoxppoovvns Thuc. 3. 37; dps 
Twos, wept re Xen. Mem, 4. 2, 22, Plat. Legg, 688 C. 

GpaOiris, cos, 1), (duabos) dwelling in the sand, ap. «é-yxot sand-snails, 
Epich. 23, g Ahr. 

Gpidos [au], , Ep. form of dupos, sand of the plain, sandy soil, opp. 
to sea-sand (Paypos, Yapabos), Il. 5. 587; v. Schol. 9. 384, 593, Lehts 
Aristarch. p. 128:—in pl. the links, denes (or dunes) by the sea, h. 
Hom. Ap. 439. 

Gpidive, (dyafos) Ep. Verb, only used in pres, impf., and in Q. Sm. 
14. 645, aor.:—to level with the sand or to make into dust, utterly 
destroy, modu Il. 9. 593; [dvdpa] péya pavoivr’ Aesch. Eum. 937 (lyr.); 
dy. év proyt adpea Theocr. 2. 26:—Pass., Q. Sm. 2. 334. 2. to 
spread smooth, level, so as to obliterate all traces of a thing, xévw h. 
Hom. Merc. 140, 

Gpababys, es, (eld0s) like sand: sandy, morapds Strabo 344. 

G-pateuros, ov, never having needed a midwife, i.e. virgin, maiden, 
Nonn, D. 41. 133. II. without aid of midwife, Opp. C. 1. 40. 

Gpapdkeros, 7, ov, also os, ov Hes. :—irresistible, an old Ep. word, used 
also by lyr. Poets; of the Chimaera, Il. 6.179., 16.329; of the fire vomited 
by her, Hes. Th: 319; of fire generally, Soph. O. T. 177; of the sea, 
Hes, Sc. 207, Pind. P. 1. 28; of a strong, stubborn mast, Od, 14. 311; of 
the trident, Pind. I. 8 (7).74; du. pévos, mnOyds Id. P. 3. 58., 4.3703 
of the Furies, Soph. O.C. 127; dy, BuBois in unfathomable depths, C.1. 434. 
(Prob. from dépayos, duaxeros, by a kind of redupl., cf. draprypds.) 

Gpanus, Adv. drag, said to be Cretan, Hesych.; v. Ahrens D. Dor. 85, 
Lob. Paral. p. 131. (V. sub aya.) 

dpaha ri vaty dad rod duav riv dda (Aesch, Fr. 212) Hesych. ;. 

dpdba* riv vaiv E.M.; hence én’ dyada is restored by Herm. in Aesch. 
Supp. 842, 847, where the Med. Ms. éwapiéa, No nom. is cited, Lob. 
Paral. 275. 

G-pidaxroria, 4, incapability of being softened, hardness, Diod. 4. 35. 

G-padaxros, ov, (uaddoow) that cannot be softened, intractable, of 
materials, as Arist. Meteor. 4. 7,12; drn«ra al dp. Ib. 4. 10, 10. 2. 
unsoftened, unmitigated, ro Yvxpév Plut. 2.953 E: metaph. of expression, 
harsh, Longin, 15. 5. II. unfeeling, Schol. Soph. Aj. 766. 

dpiAdmrra, =sq., to destroy, efface, aor. 7uadkawa Soph. Fr. 413, Lyc. 
34, cf. Phot. 68. 3; duadamropévay is restored by Weil in Aesch. Pr. 
899, for yau@ Sarropevay. 

GpahSive, (duadds) Ep. Verb (not in Od,), to soften, weaken: hence 
to crush, destroy, ruin, efface, retxos Gpadddva: Il. 12. 18; oriBov Ap. 
Rh. 4. 112: to use up, waste, xphpara Theocr. 16, 59 :—Pass., ds xev .. 
Tetxos duaddivnrat Il. 7. 463; auadduvOjcopa Ar. Pax 380; dpad- 
duvOcioa xpdvy meptkaddAca poppnv Anth. P. 6.18: to neglect, abuse, 
Democr, ap. Orell. 1. 94. 2. metaph. to hide, conceal, disguise, dos 
h. Hom. Cer. 94: cf. dmapaddive, 

apddn [Gua], ,=dyaddAa, Ath, 618 D, Philostr. Jun. p. 879. 

& TOPOS, ov, (Téuve) a reaper, Opp. C, 1. 522. 

G-pan ‘0S, ov, (uadOdcow) =duddaxros, Aretae. Cur, M. Ac. 2. 11, 
Anth. P. 5. 234. 

*ApadOera, Ion. ef7, 7, the goat Amaltheia, which suckled Zeus, Call. 
Fr. 49: from her horn flowed whatever its possessor wished, hence 
proverb., xépas "Awad@elas, the horn of plenty, Anacr. 8 (in form -6i7), 
Phocyl. 7, etc.; cf. Argum. Soph. Tr., and aig 1, 2—Atticus had a 
Library or Museum in his house in Epirus which he called "ApaA@etov, 
Cic. Att. 1. 16, cf. 2. 1. . i 

dpadAa [dip], 7}, (4udw) a bundle of ears of corn, sheaf, Soph. Fr. 540, 
Plut. Poplic. 8 ;—also ddan, q. v. 2. poét. for corn, Q. Sm, 11. 
156, 171, ete. 

Gpaddreto, —(fw, to bind into sheaves, bind, tie, Hesych., E. M. 

dpdAdvov, 76, Dim. of duadaa, Eust. 1162. 29. 

Gpaddo-Sernp, jpos, 6, (Séw) a binder of sheaves, Il. 18. 553. 

& o-Sérns, ov, 6,=foreg., Theocr. 10. 44. 

G-paddos, ov, without fleece or nap, Eust. 1057. 11. 

GpadAorékeia, %, producer of sheaves, Jo. Gaz.; pecul. fem. of 

Gpaddo-roKos, ov, sheaf-producing, Nonn. D. 7.84, Epigr. Gr. 1028. 2. 

Gpaddo-pdpos, ov, (pepw) bringing sheaves, Porph. Abstin. 2. 19; 
epith. of Demeter, Eust. 1162. 27. 

Gpiréds [au], 7, dv, soft, weak, Lat. tener, in Hom, of young animals, 
Il, 22. 310, Od. 20. 14; -yépow Eur, Heracl. 75; in Aesch. Pers. 537 
(lyr.) where the Med. Ms. has daAais spir. leni, Prien restores dpadats, 
Adv. Ads, slightly, moderately, Hipp. 449. 53-. 463. 49 (vulg. 6uaads). 
(From the same Root as padaxds with a euphon.: cf. BAnxpdés, 4BAn- 
xpés. It has no connexion with dwadés.) 

dpadow, =duadsvvw, Hesych. 

Gudpatis [apd], 2, gen. vos or (in Sappho) vdos:—a vine trained on 
two poles, Epich. 15 Ahr., Sappho 150, Matro ap. Ath. 137 B. Cf. peu- 
bapdpagus. e 
dpa-pyAls, (os, 4, (upjAov) a tree with fruit like the pear, a kind of 
medlar or service-tree, Hipp. 608. 27, Aristom. Ardy. 1: cf. émtpunAts. 

dpdvbaAos, =dparis, as if dudddavos from dpaddvva, Alcac, 122. 

dpavirar [Gy], wy, of, a sort of fungi, Nic. ap. Ath. 61 A, Eust. 290. 3, etc. 

G-pavrevtos, ov, (uavrevopat) not prophesied ot foretold, not to be 
conjectured of, Téxn Max. Tyr. 11. 6. 2. act. not divining : hence 
of dogs with bad noses, Poll. 5.63, Porph. Ady. -rws, Eccl. 

d-pavtts, ¢, not divining, du. pavrixh Ocnom. ap, Eus. P. E. 213 B. 

dpata [a], Att. pata, %, (v.sub dfwr) a carriage, esp.a heavy wagon 
or wain, opp. to the war-chariot (appa), and in Hom. synon. with danvy, 
Lat. plaustrum, yet cf. Hdt. 1. 31; four-wheeled, Od. 9. 241, cf. Hat. 1. 


188, Thuc. 1. 93 ; drawn by oxen or mules, and used for carrying goods, 
Il. 24, 782, Od. 6. 37; therefore Priam takes one to carry his presents 
‘to Achilles and bring back Hector’s body, Il. 24. 263 sq., cf. 7. 426, and 
v. metpivs ; of the wagons of the Scythians, Hdt. 4.114, 121; Bods i’ 
Gpagns draught-oxen, Xen. An. 6. 4, 22, and 23. 2. c. gen. a 
wagon-load of, werpav, atrov Xen. An. 4. 7,10, Cyr. 2, 4,18; éAAe- 
Bopou Plat. Euthyd. 299 B; so, rpico@v apagav Bapos a weight of 
three wagon-loads, Eur. Cycl. 385, cf. 473, and v. duagiatos. 3. 
proverb., } Gyaga rov Body (sc. ZAxer), ‘the cart before the horse,’ Luc. 
D. Mort. 6. 2; & duagns bBpi¢ey, of abusive ribaldry, such as was al- 
owed to the women as they were taken in wagons to the Eleusinian 
‘mysteries, v. Ar. Pl. 1014, Menand. Mepw@. 4, and v. sub dpagoupyds, 
mopmeia; Bods..domwep é¢ dudgns Dem. 268.14; v. omnino tl. 
Phal. p. 208 (ed. 1777). II. the carriage of the plough, Lat. 
currus, Hes. Op. 424, 451: Charles’ wain in the heavens, the Great Bear 
(pers), Il. 18. 487, Od. 5. 273. III. =dyagirds, Anth. P. 7. 479. 
patata,=dyuata, Gramm. 
 Gpagatos, a, ov, of or like a wagon, ay. dperos (cf. dpaga 2), Arat. 93, 
cf. Nonn, D. I. 251. 
dpateta, %, the loading of a wagon, Suid, 
Gpateds, éws, 5, a wagoner, Dio Chr.: Bods d.a draught-ox, Plut. Dion. 38. 
Gpatevw, to traverse with a wagon, and in Pass. to be traversed by 
wagon-roads, of a country, Hdt. 2. 108, 2. metaph., du. Biorov 
to drag on a weary life, Anth. P. 9. 574. II. intr. to be a wa- 
goner, Plut. Eumen. 1, Anth. P. 7. 478: to live in wagons, of the Scy- 
thians (cf. duagdBros), Philostr. 307. 
GpatnAaréw, to drive a wagon, Hesych.: —nAdrys, ov, 6, a wagoner, 
charioteer, Eust. 
dpat-nAdros, ov, (¢Aaivw) traversed by wagons: 1) dp. (sc. 650s), a 
carriage-road, Poll. 9. 37. 
‘odes, of, v. duagdmodes. 
Gpatipns, es, (*dpw) of or on a carriage, dp. Opdvos, = bidppos, Aesch. 
Ag. 1054; dp. rpiBos a high-road, Eur. Or. 1251. 
tatos, a, ov, large enough to load a wagon, diGos Xen, Hell. 2. 4, 
27, Arist. Mirab. 98, Dem. 1277. 12, Diphil. "Evay. 1:—metaph., dy. 
énpa of big words, Paroemiogr.; du. xphuara money in cart-loads, 
Com. Anon, 256. ‘ 
 Gpaticés, 7, dv, belonging to a wagon, Theophr. H. P. 5. 7, 6. 
, Lov, 70, =sq., Arist. de Mot. An. 7, 7. 
dpatis, (Sos, 7, Dim. of dyaga, a little wagon, Lat. plostellum, Hat. 3. 
113; asa toy for children, Ar. Nub. 864. 
dpatirys [7], ov, 6, of or for a wagon, pépros Anth. P. 9. 306. 
. Gpak-tros, ov, Ep. and Lyr. du-, (dpaga, ele) traversed by wagons, 
‘dy. 650s a carriage-road, high-road, highway, Pind. N. 6. 92, Xen. An. 
I. 2, 21; and without d8ds, as Subst., Il, 22. 146, h. Hom. Cer. 177, 
‘Theogn. 599, etc. 2. metaph., we:Bods du. Emped. 304; waxpa 
pot vetoOat Kar’ duagirdy Pind. P. 4. 439. 
Gpaks-Bros, ov, living in wagons, as nomad tribes do, Porph. Abst. 3. 
15, cf. Hor. Carm. 3. 24, Io. 
; 0-et5as, Adv, like a wagon, Eust. 1156. 15. 
Gpakd0ev, Adv. from a wagon, Nicet. Eug. 
-olkos, ov, dwelling in a wagon, Strab. 296, 492. 
o-KvALETHs, 08, 6, (xvAlvdw) a down-roller (i.e. a destroyer) of 
wagons : oe “Apatoxudoral “rs : Megarean family, Plut. 2. 304 E. 
épat , to build wagons, Poll. 7. 115. 
Kaakorayin, , wagon-building, Theophr. HP. 5+ 7s 6. 
ommyés, ov, (mhyvupe) a cartwright, Plut. Pericl. 12. 
‘omAnOns, és, (wAHO0s) filling a wagon, large enough to fill a 
wagon, like duagtatos, Eur. Phoen. 1158 ; cf. xetporAnOys. , € 
Gpatd-robes, of, Lat. arbusculae, cylindrical blocks by which military 
engines.were moved, Vitruv. 10, 20; aes in Poll. 1. 253. 
dpatorpoxtd, %, (rpoxds) the track of a wain or car, Callias Kura. 9, 
ubi v. Meineke: Spako-rpoxés, 6,a ror ge Sane 
dpatoupyla, 7,=dpyatomyia, Theophr. H. P. 3. 10, 1. 
Anaboupyés, ov, (*épya) “anor, 8 dpaoupy Mey total 
cartwrights’ slang, Ar. Eq. 
: e ra groe peat en wagons, Gp. oikos, of the Scythians, 
— Fr. 72. eee 
, aros, 76, Dor, for jap. ’ 
Beton [apa], Ion. dpapn, ha trench, conduit, channel, for watering 
meadows, xepat wdxeAAay éxav, duapns & €xuara BadAwy Il. 21. 259; 
epnvaia duapat Ap. Rh. 3.13923 BadAas eis dudpay ye Theocr. 27. 
52, cf. Sappho 151. 2. the hollow of the ear, E. M. 
iwvos, 7, ov, made of amaracus, pipov Antiph. @op. I, al. 
axdeus, eooa, ev, like amaracus, Nic. Th. 503. 5 
[dua], 76, and dpapaxos, 6, Lat. amaracum, amaracus, first 
in ecr. Tlépa. 2, where the gender is uncertain; masc. in Chaerem. 
ap. Ath. 608 C; Theophr. has both forms, cf. H. P. 6.1, Tey 1. 9 42— 
dydparoy, f.1. for -axov, Anth, Plan. 4. 188.—The Greek species (Nic. 
Th. 575) was prob. a bulbous plant: the foreign, called Persian or Egyp- 
tian, answers to our marjoram, strictly odppvxov, Diosc. 3. 47. 
dpipdvrwos, 7, ov, of ser tte - 1. 55- 39, Philostr. 741. 2. 
ing, imperishable, arépavos 1 Ep. Petr. 5. 4- . 
gen Enon Fat, ov, (uapalva) unfading, undecaying, copia LXx 
(Sap. 6.12); “Anpovopia x Petr. 1. 4, cf. C. 1. (add.) 2942 c, Luc. Dom. 
g, etc. II. as sees = We 6, a never-fading flower, amaranth, 
iosc. 4. §7, C. I. é. 3, Poll. 1.229. ; 
cAod eel aros, 4 54 joud water carried off by a drain, Hesych.: 
metaph., in Greg. Naz. 1. 464 D. : 
dpiipevo, (dpapa) to flow off, Aristaen. 1.17. 

auataia — duaproems. 

Gp-apOpins, cos, 4}, gout in all the limbs at once, Cael. Aur. Chron. 5. 2. 

. 7, =dpapa, E. M. 
ios, a, So masried off in a conduit, t5up Theophr. H. P. 2. 6, 5y 

acc, to some. < 

Gpaprave [ay .. av]: fut. duaprncopa: Hom., Att. ; later hoe, Ev 
Matth. 18. 21, Dio C. 59. 20, Galen. (but in compds. 6:-, éf-, Hipp. 
398. 33, cf. 2. 420 Littré):—aor. fpaprov Theogn., Pind., Att. (Ep. 
jpBporoy, but only in indic.; Aeol. inf. GuBporny Inser. Mytil. in 
Newton): opt. dudprow (for dudprotms) Cratin. Apam. 6 : aor. 1 Hpdp~ 
7noa Anth. P. 7. 339, Diod., etc., also in Emped. 372 Stein. : pf. hpap- 
aka Hat., Att.:—Pass., aor. jyaprnoyv Thuc., Xen.: pf. #udprnuac 
Soph., etc.: plqpf. jydpryro Thuc. 7.18, Lys. 188. 36. (For the Root, 
v. sub fin.). To miss, miss the mark, esp. of a spear thrown, absol., 
Il. 5. 287, etc.; ppupev, 005° tpyapre Aesch. Fr. 179, cf. Ag. 1194: c. 

en., poros dy, Il. 10. 372, al.; so, Tav peydhov Wuxav ils ote dy 
aprons Soph. Aj.155; dy. Tis 650d to miss the road, Ar. Pl. 961; 
Tov Gkorod Antipho 124. 26. 2. generally, to fail of doing, fail 
of one’s purpose, to miss one’s point, fail, go wrong’, absol., Od. 21.155, 
Aesch. Ag. 1194, etc.; c. gen., ob 7 vonparos juBporev éa0A00 nor 
did he fail in hitting upon the happy thought, Od. 7. 292, and simply, 
pvOwv hudprave failed of good speech, 11. 511; so in Prose, and Att., 
yvapns, eAnidor, Bovdnocws ap. Hdt. 1. 207, Eur. Med, 498, Thuc. 1, 

| 33, 92; (but, dy. yvmpn to be wrong in judgment, v. signf. 11, Thuc. 6, 

78); du. rod xpnopod to mistake it, Hdt. 1, 71 :—once ¢. acc., du. 7d 
dAnbés Hdt. 7. 139 (where Tod Aéyev may be supplied, or 7aAnOéos 
received with Schafer). 3. in Hom. also, to fail of having, i. e. ta 
be deprived of, lose, mostly c. gen., xeipav ef ’Obvaijos duaprnoecbas 
énamis that I should lose my sight by Ulysses’ hands, Od. 9. 512; 
Trag., Tod fuotov 6 fuapre Aesch. Ag. 5353 ap. morhs dddxov Eur, 
Ale. 879, cf. 144 ;—once also with neut. Adj., ob ydp eixds..éue tuav 
dyapreiy row rd ¥' ’tis not seemly that I should lose this at your hands, 
ask this of you in vain, Soph. Ph. 231 :—rare in Prose, jyapropev’ Ths 
Bowrins Hdt. 9. 7, cf. Thuc. 7. 50; dy. dvoivy xaxoiy (i.e. either one 
or the other), Andoc, 4, 2, cf. Soph. El. 1320. 4, rarely, to fail ta 
do, neglect, pirov hpaprave dupwv Il. 24. 68; fvppaxlas dpapréy 
Aesch. Ag. 213. II, to fail, do wrong, err, sin, absol., Il. 9. 
501, Simon. lamb. 7. 111, Aesch. Pr. 260, Soph. El. 1207, etc.; or with 
some word added to define the nature of the fault, as €xovatos (or —iws) 
Gp. to sin wittingly, dxovotos (or -iws) dy. to sin unwittingly, Plat. Rep. 
336 E, 340 E, etc.:—also c. part., fuapre xpyord popévy Soph. Tr. 
1136; mpé@vpos dv fyapres Eur. Or. 1630, cf. Antipho 116. 23: or 
with the case of a noun, dy. fyyare Plat. Gorg. 489 B; also év Adyous 
Id. Rep. 396A; cf. roai6’ dpapravovaw ev Ad-yous én Soph. Aj. 1096: 
—lastly with a cognate acc., duapriay du. Soph. Ph. 1249, Eur. Hipp. 
320; with a neut. Adj., abrds éya rd8¢ y' HuBporov I erred in this, 
Od. 22.1543; m6AX’ duapréy Aesch. Supp. 915; dv@pémva Xen. Cyr. 
3-1, 40: but in Prose more commonly, dy. mepi re or Tevos to do wrong 
in a matter, Plat. Legg. 891 E, Phaedr. 242 E; éxi ra Antipho 140. 
135 émt 7 Arist. Eth. N. 4. 5,3; dy. eis teva io sin against .. , Hdt. 
I. 138, Soph. O. C. 968, Fr. 419 ; mepi twa Antipho 121, 41. 2. 
Pass., either duaprdverat 7 a sin is committed, Thuc. 2. 65, etc.; so 
also in pf. part., rdud 3° jpaprnuéva my plans are frustrate, Soph. 0. 
T. 621; or less commonly impers., duaprdverar epi te Plat. Legg. 
759 C3 dmeipig ydpryra Antipho 129. 43 :—ra uaprnuéva, Ta dpap- 
mdévra, peccata, Soph. O. C. 439, 1269, Xen. An. 5. 8, 20. 3. 
dyapravépevos, as Adj., wrong, mistaken, Fr. manqué, Plat. Phil. 37 D, 
al.; ai waprnévar wodereta Id. Rep. 449 A, Arist. Pol. 3. 1, 9., 6, 11; 
and of Persons, Hpaprnpévor mistaken, Id. Eth, N. 4+ 39 35+ (Buttm., 
Lexil. v. uBporos 10 not., refers duaprdve with dpelpw to 4/MEP in 
peipw, Hépos (with dvd- privat.), and assumes as the orig. sense to be 
without share; cf. also duépdw. Curt. also considers that the sense of 
hpBporov (cf. 4Bpord{w) almost drives us to this deriv., p. 679). 
dpaprds, ddos,7), lon. for duapria,Hdt. 1.91, 119, al., Hipp. Acut. 390, al. 

Gpapri or duapry (dy), Adv. together, at the same time, at once, Il. 5. 
656, Od. 22. 81, Solon. 33. 4. Also, in Hesych., dpaprqSnv. On the 
form, v. Spitzn. Exeurs, xii, ad Il. :—6paprh or-rp isay.l. (As to the 
deriv., the dy— is plainly the same with the Root of Gua, dpod: for the 
latter part, v. sub *dpw.) 

&pdprnpa, a7os, 76, like duapria, a failure, fault, sin, Soph, Ant. 1261, 
(lyr.), and freq. in Att. Prose, as Antipho 123, 20, Thuc. 2. 65, etc.; 
midway between ddinnpa and drdynya, Arist. Eth. N. 5. 8,7, Rhet. 1. 
13,16 ;—dy. mepi ri a fault in a matter, Plat. Polit. 296 B; €is Twa 
towards a person, Id. Legg. 729 E. 2. a bodily defect, malady, Id. 
Gorg. 479 A, 

dpaptyntixés, 7, dv, prone to Sailure, 
Eccl. ; so, Adv. —Ka@s, Clem. Al, 520. 

épaptia, 7, a failure, fault, sin, freq. in Att. from Aesch, downwds. ; 
dp. twos a fault committed by one, Aesch. Ag. 1198; ob TH éavTov 
dyaprig xpijoba Antipho 127. 35; dy. 56gns fault of judgment, Thuc. 
ae ; - in the language of philosophy and religion also an ab- 
HS NT. ome ‘a sin, Plat. Legg. 660 C, al., Arist. Eth, N. 7. 4, 2, al., 

dpapri-yapos, ov, Sailing of marriage, Nonn. D. 48. 94. 

&papri-voos, ov, erring in mind, distraught, Hes. Th. 511, Solon 22. 2, 
Aesch. Supp. 5.42 (lyr.). 

Sssighete 76,=dydprnua, Aesch, Pers. 676, Ag. 537 (in pl, where 

Herm, @dpapria as dual fem. for rd or Ta dyuapria): on the form, cf. 

dpapro-emys, és, (nos) erring in words, speaking at random, ll. 13.824; 

Arist. Eth. N. 2. 3, 7: sinful, 

b olvos dy. wine that makes men talk at random, Poéta ap. Clem. Al. 183. 

amaproNoyos — auBricKw. 

Gpapro-Abyos, ov, speaking faultily, Ath. 165 B. : 
G-paptupyros, ov, needing no witness, Eur. H, F. 290, Antiph. Incert. 94. 
“G-pdptipos, ov, without witness, unattested, Thuc. 2. 41, Dem. 502. 
0, etc. Adv.—pws, Dem. 869. 22. 

dpaptwAy, %,=dyapria, Theogn. 327, Rhian. (1. 12) ap. Stob. 54. 19; 
dy, d:airns Aretae. Caus. M. Diut. 1. 6. 

‘épaprwAla, 7, =dpapria, Hipp. 1006 B, Eupol. Map. ro, ubi v. Meineke, 
et Bentl. Ar. Pax 419 (415). 

GuaprwAés, dv, erring, erroneous, auaptwAdrepoy Arist. Eth. N. 2. 9, 
4. 2. sinful, hardened in sin, Plut. 2. 25 C ;—dpaprwdr) yépwr, 
barbarism in Ar. Thesm. 1111. II. as Subst. duaprwadds, 6, a 
sinner, common in Lxx, N. T. and Eccl. 

Gpipuyy (Att. ¥, Ep. 0], },=apyapvyy, a sparkling, twinkling, glanc- 
ing, of objects in motion, as v8 the eye, h. coe Merc. 45; of stars, Ap. Rh. 
2.42; of any quick motion, immoy ay. Ar. Av. 925.—Also » YYOS; 
%, in Choerob, 1. 82: Gpdpuets, ews, 7}, Schol. Ap. Rh. Ayres gu 
puykevs as a prop. name occurs in Il. 23.630, al. Cf. duaptioow fin. 

uypa, aros, 7d, a sparkle, twinkle, of the eye, Ap. Rh. 3. 288; of 
changing colour, and light, Anth. P. 5. 259, etc.; of any quick, light 
motion, Xapirwy dpapiypar’ éxovca with the flashing steps of the 
Graces, Hes. Fr. 225; dy, xelAeos quivering of the lip, Theocr. 23. 7. 

Gpiptoow [ay], Ep. Verb, used only in pres. and impf., to sparkle, 
twinkle, glance, of the eye, mip duaptooe ef docov Hes. Th. 827; 
mukvov or wixv’ duaptoowr darting quick glances, h. Hom. Merc. 278, 
415 :—so in Med., of light, colour, etc., Ap. Rh. 4.178, 1146; dpapio- 
cera dvbect etpdv Anth, P. 9. 668. II. act. to shoot forth, 
dart, wip Q. Sm. 8, 29. 2. to dazzle, Nonn. D. 5. 485. (From 
o MAP, with a euphon., cf. pap-palpw.) 

G-pdonros, ov, (uacdouat) unchewed, LXX (Job 20. 18), Archigen, in 
Matthaei Medd, p. 221. 

G-pactiywros, ov, unscourged, Synes. 224 D. 

G-pdoruros, ov, =foreg., Schol. Pind. O. 1. 133. 

d-pacros, ov, without breasts, Eumath, p. 41. 

Gpa-ciKds, d5os, 7), =sq., Hesych. 

Gpd-cdKov, 74, with or without pHAov, a fruit like the fig, or ripening 
at the same time, Paus. ap. Eust. Cf. duapndis. 

é-pitardrys, nros, }, freedom from vanity, Diog. L. 7. 47. 

Gpa-tpoxdw, (rpéxw) to run together, run along with, only used in Ep. 
part. dvarpoxdov (al. dua rp.) Od. 15. 451. 

Gpa-rpoxid, 7), a justling or clashing of wheels, duarpoxids dAccivow 
fl. 23. 422. 2. by an error for dpparpoxtd, the track of wheels, 
Call. Fr. 135, Nic. Th. 263. 

apdatwp, Dor. for dunrap. 

Gpavupiokw, =dyavpdw, Democr. ap. Stob. append. 14. 

dpaups-Bios, ov, living in darkness, darkling, dvdpes Ar. Av. 685. 

Gpaupés [ay], , dv, dark,i.e., 1. hardly seen, dim, faint, baffling 
sight, eiSwdov du. a dark shadowy spectre, Od. 4.824; txvos dy. a faint 
footstep, of an old man, Eur. H. F. 125, cf. Xen. Cyn. 6, 21; of the sun, 
dyAvdbns Kat du. obscure, glimmering, Arist. Meteor. 2. 8,19; of a 
comet's tail, Ib. 1. 6, 12, cf. 1.7, 11, Theocr. 22. 21. 2. having 
no light, darkling, vig Luc. Amor. 32; dyus Xen. Cyn. 5, 26 :—hence 
blind, sightless, like Lat. caecus, of a man, Soph. O. C. 1018; so also, 
reo . . Guaup@ KwAw with blind foot, i.e. foot of the blind, Ib. 182, cf. 
Tuprds. 8. of sound, dim, faint, Arist. Audib. 31; Yavoas dpav- 
pats xepoly Ib. 1639; duavpd or duavp@s BAéwew dimly, Anth. P. 12. 
254 append. 337. II. metaph., 1. dim, faint, obscure, 
uncertain, Kknddv Aesch. Cho. 853; oOévos Eur. H. F. 231; dé€a, 
H5oval, éAnis, etc., Plut. Lyc. 4., 2.125 C,etc.; (@a duavpdrepa creatures 
of obscure kind, Arist. H. A. 9. 1, I. 2. obscure, mean, unknown, 
yeven Hes. Op. 282; dy. pws, yuvf Soph. O. C. ror8, Eur. Andr. 203 ; 
Toxnpov .. T10eio’ duavpdy Aesch. Ag. 465 :—Adv.—pas, obscurely, opp. 
to dxpiB@s, Arist. Cael. 1. 9, 16, C. I. 6300. 8. gloomy, troubled, 
phy Aesch. Ag. 546, Cho. 157. III. act. enfeebling, vovoos 
Anth. P. 7. 78. (The orig. form was prob. duapfés; and the obvious 
deriv. is from @ priv., and 4/MAP, in pappalpw, not sparkling, dark, 
dim; but this leaves the forms pavpds, wavpdw, unaccounted for. On the 
other hand, the expl. that a is euphon., and that 4/MAP here means 
glimmering, dim, is not satisfactory. The origin of dpudpds, a word 
nearly coinciding in sense, is equally obscure.) 

&paupérys, 770s, 7), dimness, obscurity, Eus. H. E. 352- 

dpaupo-piivys, (paivopuar) dimly gleaming, of the moon, Stoic. ap. Stob. 
Bel. r. 556. 

iuhenke [a4], Solon., Att. (no other tense in Att. Prose), cf. pavpda: 
fut. -dow Simon. : aor. jpatpwoa Anth. P. 9. 24, Polyb., etc.: pf. Ayav- 
pwra Strabo 332:—Med., aor. opt. dyavpdoarro Aristaen. 1. 16 :— 
Pass., pf. javpwpar Plut.: aor. duavphOny (without augm.) Hdt. To 
make dpavpds (q.v.), to make dark, dim, faint, or obscure, h vednvn 
dp. ra tyvn Xen. Cyn. 5, 4:—Pass., to become dark or dim, 6 ios 
dpavpwOn Hdt. 9. 10; pe tee dpavpwein perished utterly, Hes. Opp. 
691; 70 Ocppdy puxpoy dy peyddous du. Arist. P. A. 3. 4, 28, cf. Eth. N. 
TO. 4, 9, ete. :—cf. dpavife, II. metaph. in same sense, eivopla 
.. UBpw dy. Solon 4. 353 evraguov . . ob’ ebpds ot’. . dpavpdicet 
xpdévos Simon. 4. 5; xpovos 8 duaupot mavra Soph. Fr. 685 3 Tis apa 
ody .. dpavpot Cody; Eur. Hipp. 816; moAAot ye .. TP Opacet ras 
ovpupopas (nroda’ duavpody Id. Fr. 420; dp. 5dgav Polyb. 20. 4, 3; Tas 
GAAas xaxias Plut, Crass. 2:—to weaken, dull, impair, wévos wévov dy. 
Hipp. Aph. 1246, ef. Aér. 294; dp. HSovqy Arist. Eth. N. To. 4, 9; 
épynv, Epwra Plut., etc. :—Pass, dpavpota0a 70 agimpa, TH dé¢n Plut. 
Per. 11, Cor. 31. 

Gpatpopa, aros, 76, obscuration, of the sun, Plut. Caes. 69. 


dpavpwors, ews, 7, a darkening, duparoy dp. a becoming dull of sight, 
Hipp. Coac. 154: later a name for a complete hindrance to sight, without 
any visible cause, Galen. 14. 776. 2. a dulling, as of the mind in old 
age, Arist. de An, I. 4, 13. II. a lowering, detraction, Plut. 2.149 A. 

Xatpos, ov, without a knife, Pherecr. Kpam. 13. 

épaxavia, dudyavos, Dor. for duny-. 

é-paxel, Adv. of duaxos, without stroke of sword, without resistance, 
Thue. 1. 143, etc.: with q ion, undoubtedly, Plut. 2. 433 C:—not 
so well duaxi, v. An. Ox. 2. 313. 

G-paxeros, ov, post. for duaxnros, Aesch, Theb. 85 (lyr.). 

G-pixntl, Adv. of sq., without battle, without stroke of sword, Il. 21. 
437, Hdt. 1.174; in Xen. Cyr. 4. 2, 28, An. 4. 2, 15, the MSs. fluctuate 
between duaxnri and —ret, cf. Blomf. Aesch. Pr. 216, 

G-paxnrT0s, ov, not to be fought with, unconquerable, Soph. Ph. 
198. II. not having fought, not having been in battle, Xen. Cyr. 6. 
4,145 dy, GAeOpos destruction without fighting, Lys. (?) Fr. 99. Cf. dzaxos. 

dpixt, v. sub duayel. 

d-piaixos, ov, without battle; and so, I. with whom no one 
Jights, quered, querable, invincible, of persons, Hdt. 5. 3, 
Pind., lyr. passages of Trag., Ar. Lys. 253, 1014 (in iambics), Plat., 
etc.: of places, impregnable, Hdt. 1. 84: also of things, irresistible, xaxdy 
Pind. P. 2.139; «dpa Oaddoons Aesch. Pers. 90; of feelings, dd-yos Id. 
Ag. 7333; $@dvos Eur. Rhes. 457; dy. mpdyyua, of a woman, whose 
beauty is irresistible, Xen. Cyr. 6. 1, 36; so, du. KdAAos Aristaen. 1. 24; 
du. tpopy Ael. N. A. 16. 23 -—dpaxédv [éor] c. inf., like éunxavov, 
tis impossible to do . ., Pind. O. 13. 16. II. act. not having 
Sought, taking no part in the battle, Xen. Cyr. 4.1, 16; dip. dudcryew to 
remain without fighting, Id. Hell. 4. 4, 9. 2. disinclined to fight, 
peaceful, Aesch. Pers. 855: mot contentious, Ep. Tim. 3. 3, Tit. 3. 2; 
dp. éBiwoa C, 1. 387.6. Adv. -xws, incontestably, Sext. Emp. M. 8. 
266; cf. duaxel. 

Gude, Od., Hes.; Dor. part. pres. pl. dat. dudvrecot Theocr. 10. 16: 
impf, qpyov Il.: fut. dujow Hes., Hdt., Ar.: aor. #ynoa Hes., Aesch., 
Ep. Gynoa (5-) Il.:—Med., Hes., Eur.: fut. duhoovar Soph. Fr. 550, 
(é-) Eur.: Ep. aor. dujoaro (é1-, xat~) Hom. :—Pass., aor. part. 
dyndels Nic. Al, 216: pf. #ynpac (-) Soph. Aj. 1179. The simple 
Verb takes the augment in Hom., but not so the compds., v. Il. 3. 359. 
24. 165, Od. 5. 482. [In Hom., init. a in dudw is always long, except 
in Od. 9, 247, as also in dunrhp, dpnros; but short in compds., see the 
places above cited ; in later Ep., short or long, as the metre requires, cf. 
Theocr, 10, 16 and 50, Ap. Rh, 1. 1183, with Theocr. 11. 73, Call. Cer. 
137, etc.; in Att., short both in the simple Verb and in compds.] The 
primary sense of this poét. Verb, so far as usage shews, is to reap corn, 
absol., Hyov dfelas Spenavas ev xepaly exovres Il, 18. 551; Huevos 
dunoeas Hes. Op. 478 ; metaph., #unoay xad@s they reaped abundantly, 
Aesch, Ag. 1044 :—so c, acc., udda Kev Badd Aniov . . eis Spas duwev 
Od. 9. 135, cf. Theogn. 107; ws dunowy rov oirov Hat. 6. 28, cf. ¢- 
199; TaAAdrpiov dua@v Gépos Ar. Eq. 392. b. metaph., elpavay, ds 
dpoae, xeivos dudce Call, Cer. 137; éAevOepiay Runoay they reaped the 
fruits of liberty, Plut. 2. 210B. ” Spoor 

2. generally, to cut, AaxvnevT 
Actpovdbev duncavres Il. 24. 451; Oadddv dudoas Theocr, 11, 73; and 
in Med,, cxotvoy dunodpevos Anth. P. 4. 1, 26:—Med., ordxuy dpq- 
govra Ap. Rh. 1. 688; cf. Call. Dian. 164; du@vra: Q. Sm. 14. 
199. 3. to mow down in battle, like Lat. demetere, Ap. Rh. 3. 
1187, 1382, Anth. P. 9, 362, 25; except that the Med, is cited from Soph. 
(Fr. 550), in this sense, dzacerat (Dor. fut.)" opdgec Hesych. Ir. 
Hom. and Hes. use the Med. in a peculiar way, fo gather together, 
gather in, collect, as reapers gather in corn, TaAdpoow dpnodpevor 
[yaaa] Od. 9. 247; so, dAAdrpiov Kdparov operépny és yaorép duavrat 
Hes. Th. 599; cf. Ap. Rh. 3. 859., dunoaro yaiay dud’ abrois Ap. Rh. 
I. 1305 :—so also in Act., xepoly dujoas.. kd, of scraping together 
earth over a corpse, Anth. P. 7, 241. (From 4/AM come dynros 
and dunrés, auadn and dpadda; cf. Lat. meto, messis; O. H. G. 
majan (to mow); madari (a mower); A.S. maven (to mow), etc.; so 
that a appears to be euphon.—The cogn, words seem to shew that the 
sense of cutting or mowing was original, and that of gathering in 
secondary. The sense of cutting appears in Hom. and Hes. in the 
compds, dm-, d-apdw, and in Trag. in &-, éf-, kaT-apdw, The sense 
of gathering or collecting appears in the Med., v. supr., and cf. the 
compds. éw-, ckaT—, cuv-apdopat.) 

éuB-, Ep. and Ion., and hence poét. for dvaB-at the beginning of 
words: also prob. the form used in common life. Only the most im- 
portant forms will be found in their place: for the rest, v. sub dvaB-. 
apBapovta, 7, =Lat. Ambarvalia, Strabo 230. 
apBace, Dor. for dvéBnce. 

GpPaors, dpBarns, dpBaros, ayBAnSyv, poet. for dvaB-: apBare, 
Dor. for dvaBnre. 

, }, Ion. for éuBov, Hipp. Art. 783, 839. 

, tos, 6, a cup, beaker, Ath. 480.D ; also &pPikos, 5, Posidon. ap. 
Ath. 152 C, C. 1. 3071. 7, Hesych., etc. :—cf. duBuf. 2. the cap 
of a still, Diosc. 5. 110. (V. sub duadds.) 

épBAraxeiv, dpBAaklokw, older and Dor. forms of dpmA=. 

G&pBARSnv, Adv., post. for dvaBAndnv, which does not occur: (dva- 
BadAopat) :—with sudden bursts, duBr. yobwoa Il. 22. 476; cf. dub 
AdSnv. II. tardily, Arat. 1070. ¥, 

apBAtokw, Plat., and in compos. éf-apPBAdw (q. v.): fut. duBAwow (f—) 
Ael.: aor, #pBAwoa Hipp. 600. 40, (éf-) Plat. Theaet. 150 E: pf. (€£-) 
HuBrwna, (éf—)huBrwpar Ar. Nub, 137, 139: (4uBAvs). To cause 
to miscarry, Soph. Fr. 134, Plat. Theaet. 149 D, ubi v. Stallb. 2. of 

} the woman herself, fo bring on a miscarriage, Muson, ap. Stob. 450. 11, 


Plut. Lyc. 3, Ael. 1. c.—The form 
Max. Tyr. 179. II. Pass., dpBASopar, to be abortive, Kay .. 
70 “yevdpevov dpBrwp Arist. G. A. 4. 4, 43: also of the buds of trees, 
ay Brodvrat they come to nothing, Theophr. H.P. 4. 14, 6. 
GpPrt-yavios, ov, obtuse-angled, Polyb. 34. 6, 7. 
GpBAuvrip, jpos, 6, blunting, weakening, Poéta de Herb. 65. 
SpPrwvriés, 7, dv, apt to blunt, dpews Diph. ap. Ath, 64 B. 
GpPAive [0], fut. tv (de) Aesch. Theb. 715: aor. #uBAdva Anth, :— 
Pass., fut. -vv07c0pat (d4—) Aesch. Pr. 866, but -vvodpat (in pass. sense) 
Hipp. 1243 D: aor. juBAvvOnv Lxx, Anth. P, 6. 65, etc.: pf. #uBAup- 
Hat, 3 pl. -vyrae (dw-) Epigr. Hom. 12, Sext. Emp., but duBdvvrar is 
3 sing. in Herodas 1, Pott. ap. Ath. 592 A: (auBAvs). To blunt, dull, 
take the edge off, Lat. hebetare, properly of a sharp instrument, and 
metaph. to make dim, to dull, GyBA. pepiuvas Emped. 295 ; 7d Yuxpdv 
+ Tas dopds GuBr. Arist. Sens. 5, 11; dpparos avyhy duBrdvas Anth. 
P. 6.67; 7d dd-yos Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 1. 10; apBA. dxparoy to take 
away the strength of wine, Plut. 2.656 A; ob ydp dodds duBAvvew aidy 
-. dvvarat Anth, P. 7. 225. II. in earlier Greek mostly in Pass. to 
become blunt or dull, lose the edge, of the teeth, Arist. P. A. 3. 1, 5, ef. 
G. A. 5. 8,8; vécos Hipp. Aph. 1243. 2. micah tee yépovros 
Gore padOan) xomls . . duBAdverat Soph. Fr. 761, cf. Plat. Rep. 490 B; 
of an oracle, to lose its edge or force, Aesch. Theb. 844; so, } vodcos 
dyPdvvetrac Hipp. 1243 D; of the mind, ¢o be disheartened, Thuc, 2. 
87 :—c. gen., duBdvvecOat épwhs Opp. H. 2. 338.—Cf. dwapBdrvvo. 
GpBArvécs, ecoa, ev, dull, dark, dpixdn Manetho 4. 556. _ 
apBrrs, efa, v, (v. uadaxds):—blunt, dulled, with the edge or point 
zaken off, properly of a sharp instrument, opp. to dfvs, Plat. Lys, 215 E, 
Theaet. 165 D; dyBd. yovta an obtuse angle, Id. Tim. 55 A, Arist., 
etc. 2. metaph. dull, dim, faint, weak, of sight, auBAd dpav, 
Brérey Plat, Theaet. 174 E, Arist. P. A. 2.13, 11, al.; of hearing, Id. 
Probl. 7.5, 5; of the feelings or mind, duBAvrépa 7H dpyp less heen, 
Thuc. 3. 38; duBdAdrepor maeiy re less vigorous, Id. 2..65. ‘b. of 
persons, in Aesch. Eum. 238 of Orestes as now purified, having lost the 
edge of guilt: but mostly, dull, spiritless, having lost the keenness of 
one’s feeling, Thuc. 2. 40, Eur. Fr. 818; duBavrepos tiv pioww duller, 
Xen. Mem. 3.9, 3; GBA. ets, wept or mpds tt dull or sluggish in a thing, 
* Plut. Cato Ma. 24, Alcib. 30, etc.:—Adv. Comp. —vrépws Joseph. A. J. 19. 
3; 5. II. act. making dull, darkening, of a cloud, Anth, P. 7. 367. 
GpPrvonew, dub. form of duBAicxw; but cf. Lob. Phryn. 210. 
apBrvorrovéw, v. dvaBA-. . 

Atokdve occurs in Poll. 3. 49, 

: BAUvrns, nTos, 4, bluntness of the teeth, Arist. G. A. 5.8, 8; dullness, 
Ths Siavolas, Ths OWews Plut. 2. 42 C, 1110 D: faintness, Aretae, Caus. 
M. Ac. 1. 5: sluggishness, Plut. Galb. 18, 

auPrv-xerdys, és, with rounded lips, Antyll. ap. Oribas. p. 142. 
Auwypds, 6, (4uBAvwTTw) dull or dim sight, Hipp. Progn. 46. 
GpBAvwtréw, to be dim-sighted, Hipp. Progn. 38, Menand, Incert. 488, 

Plut., etc.; doubtful in correct Att., as Xen. Cyn. 5, 27. oY aoe 
GpBrvoms, és, v. 1. for ‘ IL. act. weakening the 
sight, Diosc. 2.174... _ : 
; uartria, %), dim-sightedness, Hipp. 1248, Plat. Hipp. Mi. 374 D, etc. 
v-wmds, dv, dim-sighted, Arist. Fr. 546, Theophr., etc.; of the 
stars, dim, 4uBAvarérepa Hipp. 308. 27. II, act. dpPdrvenns 
"3 fo has di, = djatinaaenilimeed sa thtoin: Rica. 108 
a , 6, =auBdrvarypos, read in Hipp. Prorrh, fe : 
te udoow, Att.-rrw, only used in pres.: (duBAvs). —-T'o be dim- 
sighted or short-sighted, have weak sight, Hipp. 108 H, 113 E, etc., 
Plat. Rep. 508 C, D, 516. E, 517 D, Hipp. Mi. 374D; duBa. mpds 7d 
as to be blind to it, Luc. Contempl, 1; but, 4uBA. 7a TAckavra, Id. 
Tim. 27; 70 dpBrAv@rrov =dpBdrvoryyds Plut. 2,13 E. , 
; , 70, I, (sub. masBiov), an abortive child, 4. xat 
éxrp@para Philo 1. 59, Hesych., Harpocr. ITI. act. (sub. pap- 
paxov), a drug to cause abortion, Poll. 2. '7-—Properly, neut. from ap- 
PAwlpidios, ov, causing abortion, which occurs in Aretac. Caus. Morb, 
Ac. 2. 11:—also in Schol, Ar, Nub. 137, 6pBA@Optov, 70. 
aros, 76, (@pBAloxw) an abortion, Antipho ap. Poll. 2. 7, 
Aretae. Cur. M. Ac. 1. 6, etc, 
GpBA-wrijs, és, din, of the buds of trees, Theophr. C. 
Awots II. 
se el év,=foreg., bedimmed, dark, Bios Aesch. Eum. 955; 
axaAvs Critias 2. 11. | is E 
4 dowos, ov, belonging to abortion, Manetho 4. 413, Maxim, m. 

"GuBhoo ews, #, abortion, Lys. ap. Poll. 2.7; @pBAwow moretobar 
Arist. Pol. 7. 16, 15; GuBA. yeyverat 700 wunyaros Id. G. A. 4. 45 435 
apBrdoews ypapn Lys. Fr. 11. II. the failure of the eyes or 
in the vine, Theophr. C. P. 5. 9, 13. 
ire aay A ae Galen. ” SE. =dpprlonw I. 2, Synes. 56D. 
és, 00, 6,=duBdwpa, Aretae. Caus, M, Diut. 2. 11, 
good, = duBrvwow, Nic. Th. 33. Fagg Gramm. 
6s, 7, dv, fit to produce abortion, n. 
awe Gros, 5, },=apuBdwmnés, airyat Eur. Rhes. 737- 
pa Ta & », post. for dvaBdapa, dvaBotw. g 
dpPo-e5ys, és, like an duBav, protuberant, Oribas. p. 133 Mai. 
poét. for dvaBoan. ; 
for dvaBodddnv, which does not occur: 
5e AE Ans (ei evoor, . . woe. dpBordiny 
Hat, (4. 181) borrowed it: metaph. by jets, i.e. capri- 
ha ea a or. like an dvaBorn or prelude in solemn 

ciously, Anth. P. 10. 70. 
: Pind. N. 10. 62. 
song, h. Hom. Merc. 420, Call. Dian. 61. 

GpBodabis, Adv., pott. for dvaBodadis, vigorously, 

Py3: 15, 2; cf. 

: &, 1, 
pa ere [5], Adv., poét. 

(évaBonh): bubbling up, ds 

apBruyovios — duel Bo. 

GpBodds, ddos, 7}, for dvaBodas, duB. yh earth thrown up, Xen. Cyr. 
(De AER ; 
yés, dv, poét. for dvaBoA-— (dvaBdddw B. 11) putting off a 

work, dilatory, dvnp Hes. Op. 411; tTwds or év Tut in a thing, Plut. 2. 
548 D, 118 C, 
Ain, 7, post. for dvaBodla, delay, Ap. Rh., and late Epp. 
*ApBodo-ynpa, %, she that puts off old age, the youth-prolonging, 
Spartan title of Aphrodité, Paus. 3. 18, 1. 
ApBpaxtSes, ai, Ambracian women’s shoes, Poll. 7. 94. : 

. lon. —{y, : (v. sub fin.). Ambrosia (i.e. immortality v, 
infr. 1), the food of the gods, as nectar was their drink, Hom., etc. ; 
therefore withheld from mortals, as containing the principle of immor- 
tality, Od. 5. 93, Arist. Metaph. 2. 4, 12,sq. Sappho and Anaxandrides 
however made ambrosia the drink of the gods, Ath. 39 A; and so we 
have xaracrévew ..dyBpoctay in Ar. Eq. 1095; and Anaxandr. 
(Incert. 7) has 7d véxrap éo8iw navv.., diarivw 7 duBp.—It was 
sometimes used as an unguent, Il. 14, 170: so, in Od. 4, 445, Eidothea 
perfumes Menelaiis with ambrosia to counteract the stench of the 
phocae; also as a divine restorative, for the Simois makes ambrosia 
grow up for the horses of Hera, Il. 5. 777, ef. Plat. Phaedr. 247 E, 
Theoer, 15. 108 :—in late Ep., as Tryph., Nonn., taken as a fem. Adj, 
agreeing with é5w5y, popBn. 2. in religious rites, a mixture of 
water, oil, and various fruits, Ath. 473 C; and so some understand it in 

Il. 14. 170. 3. in Medic., a perfumed draught or salve, Paul. Aeg, 
7. 18, Aét. 14. 2. 4. a plant, ambrosia maritima, Diosc. 3. 
129. II. immortality, cwparos a4uBp. Epigr. Gr. 338. (In 

Skt. amrtam is the elixir of immortality; cf. poprds.) 

GpBpoora, 7), a festival of Bacchus, E. M. 564. 13. 

GuBpoct-oSj10s, ov, smelling of ambrosia, Philox. 2. 43. 

GpBpécros, a, ov, also os, ov Eur. Med. 983: (v. sub poprds) :—poét. 
form of duBporos, immortal, divine, rarely of persons, vuudpn h. Hom. 
Merc, 230:—in Hom, night and sleep are called ambrosial, divine, as 
gifts of the gods, (like vd¢ duBporos, vi¢ Sa:povin, iepoy juap, tepdov 
kvépas, cf. Hes, Op. 728); so, duBp. t5up Ep. Hom, 1.4; dp. xphvac 
Eur, Hipp. 748:—further, everything belonging to the gods is called 
ambrosial, as their hair, Il, 1. 529, etc.; their robes, sandals, etc., 
5. 338., 21. 507., 24. 341, al.; their anointing oil, 14. 172., 23. 187; 
their voice and song, h. Hom. 27. 18, Hes, Th. 69; the fodder and the 
mangers of their horses, Il. 5. 369., 8. 434 :—also of all things divinely 
excellent or beautiful, waddos Od. 18. 193; of verses, Pind. P. 4. 5323 
friendship, Id. N. 8. 2, etc.:—cf. duBpoaia, dyBporos, dBporos, and 
Buttm. Lexil. s. v. 

&pBporé-rwdos, ov, with coursers of immortal strain, epith. of Pallas, 
Eur. Tro. 536. 

eros, ov, also 7, ov Pind. Fr. 3, 15, Timoth. Dith. 5: (v. sub 
Hopros) :—poét. Adj,, like its lengthd. form duBpdotos, immortal, divine, 
only that it is used of persons as well as things, eds duBporos Il. 20, 
358, Od. 24. 444, Pind. N. 10. 11; Oe& Aesch, Eum. 259 (lyr.); 
duBpore bapa, of the oracle, Soph. O. T. 158 (lyr.). 2. vt dy- 
Bporos, like apBpocin vig, Od. 11. 330:—then of all belonging to the 
gods, auBporov aipa Il. 5. 339; xpndepvoy Od. 5. 347; tno Il. 16, 
381; TevXEa 17. 194, etc. :—cf. éBporos. 

GpBuk, vxos, 6, perh.=dyuBi¢, Draco 28, Hdn. in An. Ox. 3. 286, 

, wvos, 6, Ion. GuBy, q.v.: (Vv. sub dupards). The ridge or 
crest of a hill, Aesch. Fr. 100. 2. in a dish or cup, explained to 
be a raised edge or rim, (is it not rather a raised centre or bottom, as 
in our wine-bottles?), Eupol. Ai7éA. 1, Ephipp. I'np. 1, 16, Critias 
ap. Ath. 483 B, Plut. Lyc. 9. 3. later, a pulpit or reading-desk, 
as in the poem of Paul Silentiarius called “AuBay, cf, C. I. 8697. c. 

ha pee see for dvaBonoas, v. sub dvaBodw, 

or Gpé, Dor. for Aas, Ar. Ach. Fi 

ee ae hype 759, Lys. 95, Decret. Byz. ap. 

dpéyapros, ov, (a privat., peyaipa) post. Adj. unenviable : 
mostly of things or conditions, sad, melancholy, direful, mévos Il. 2. 420; 
dvépov .. dirpn Od. II. 400; payn Hes. Th. 666; so in Att, Poets, xakd 
Eur. Hec. 193 ; md0os Ar. Thesm. 1049, cf. Aesch. Pr. 401, 2. of 
persons, unhappy, miserable, auéyapre ovB&ra as a reproach, unhappy 
wretch of a swineherd, Od. 17. 219; dgeydprov Por dvOpurov h. Hom 
Mere, 542; dy. moiuva a miserable band, Aesch. Supp. 641. ; 


d-peyeOns, €s, wanting in size, Arist. : 3 wil 
- A ees aoe 9 gag Il. 10, 13, al.; without 
-péeKros, ov, unparticipating, and Adv. -rws, Eccl. 
d-pebeAxrws, Adv. without distraction, dixa peOor«js, Philo 1 559. 
Gpeletia, 1, non-participation, rwvds Cornut. N. D, 35, Dion, ‘Areop. 
ue ov, not to be managed or deceived, Kpirhs Hermes in Stob, 
G-p0o80s, ov, unguided, without plan, Sext. Emp. P. 2. 21. 

G-ptoov, 74,=daueOvoros I. 1, Diosc. 

4 II, 2, Theophr. Lap. 30 and 31. 
mm VOS, 7), OV, amethystine, of amethyst, Luc. V.H. 2. Ir 
rs, ov, (uebdw) not drunken, without drunkenness, Plut. 2. 
464 Cc. II. as Subst., Gyebuaros, %, a remedy against drunken- 
ness :—hence such things as were supposed to act as remedies, viz. 1 
@ hind of herb, Plut. 2. 647 B, 15 B, ubi v, Wyttenb. 2. the precious 
stone amethyst, Lxx (Ex, 28. 19), Apocal. 21, 20, Dion, P. 1122; & Al@os 
dy. Anth. P. 5. 205., 9 748, Cf. duéducoy, : 
G-peaywynros, ov, (Leayaryew) unwei hed, § 8 
dpelBovres, of, v. sub due(Bo . Sr abe 

I. 176. II. = dpéou- 

. I, 
GpelBo [a], Il, Trag. : Ep. impf. due:Boy Il, x : 
5 p. ump’ aueBoy Il. 14. 381: fut. yw, Aesch, 
ae 23: aor. quewpa, Dor. du- [a] Pind,, inf, auetpat Hdt,, part, dpei~as 

amer Bo — d&ped€ew. 

_Trag, :—Med., impf. jpeBounv Hom., Hdt., Ep. dy- Ul. 3. 171, ete.: 
fut. dpelipoua: Eur. Supp. 517: aor. jpertdyny Il., Soph., Ep. and Ion. 
dy- Il. 4, 403, Hdt.:—Pass., fut. duepOnoerar Hesych.: aor. #uetpOny 
Anth. P. 7. 589, 638, etc., (but also=apenauny Pind. P. 4. 179, 
Theocr. 7. 27): pf. jmecmrae Galen.: plqpf. ferro Nonn.—The Verb 
is almost exclus. poét. and Ion., but used once or twice in Plat. and 
Xen., and in late Prose (and the same remark applies to the compds. 
dvr-, dm-, Gvtam-, pet-apelBw, GAddoow and its compds. being pre- 

- ferred in Att. Prose. (From 4/MEF or MAF, with a prefixed, come 
dyevopa (i.e. duéFopua), dyelBw, dyorB_; cf. Skt. miv, mivami 
(moveo); Lat. moveo, motus, muto, mutuus: Curt. regards the Skt. 
apa-mayé (muto), ni-mayas (barter) as at most distantly akin.) 

A. Act. to change, exchange, (not in Od.), @vrée dyecBev Il. 17. 
192, etc.: Tt Tivos, as yévu -youvds duelBwv changing*one knee for the 
other, i.e. walking slowly, Il. rz. 547 (v. infr. B. 1. 1), etc:—and ‘so 
either 1. to give in exchange, ds mpds Tudeldnv Avophdea Ted xe GperBe 
xptcea xadxeiwv golden for brasen, Il. 6. 235; Sdyap7’ dyelpas Eur. 
Alc. 46, v. infr.6: or more commonly, 2. to exchange, Tt avtt 
twos, Pind, P. 4. 30, Eur. Hel. 1382; méow dvzi ods dpeipar Yyas to 
redeem at that price, Id. Alc. 462, etc.: with simple acc., ripdy mpds 
avOparev dpeiiie Ibyc. 24. 3. in Att, often of place, to change ft, 
and so to pass, cross, wopOpdv, mépov Aesch. Pers. 69, Eur. I. A. 144, 
etc. :—hence b. either to pass out of a house, leave it, du. oréyas, 
Sdépara Soph. Ph. 1262, Eur. El. 750; or fo pass into, enter it, dp. 
Ovpas Hdt. 5. 72, cf. Aesch. Cho. 571: and, generally, to leave, quit a 
place, or ¢o go éo it, (like Lat. muto, Hor. Carm. Sec. 39, Od. 1. 17, 2), 
wéAw éx méAEws dp, Plat. Soph. 224 B, cf. Parm. 138 D: so, poppy dp. 

. && 008 Bpornotay Eur. Bacch. 4; du. trav tudy [pvdaxdy] Id. Rhes. 
527; v. inf. B. II. 2. 4. simply, to change, alter, xp@ra Bapy 
Aesch. Pers. 317; xpoids dvOos Id. Pr. 23; and so in Med., of one’s 
colour, xporqs avOos due:Bopuérns Solon 27. 6, 5. Causal, to make 
_ others change; redxe dyetBov Il. 14. 381 ; to pass on, hand on from one 
to another, Téxva .. iabdoxais dpetBoucat xepoiv Eur. Hec. 1159. 6. 
rarely like Med. 1. 3, to repay, return, dp. xapw Aesch. Ag. 729, cf. Cho. 
793. II. intr. in part., dueiBovres, of, the interchangers, i.e. the 
rafters that meet and cross each other, Il. 23. 712, cf. Nonn. D. 37. 588 ; 
éy dyetBovrt = dpyorBadis, Pind, N. 11. 53 :—so prob., due(Bee xawor éx 
wawav 7d5e, Lat. excipit, succeeds, Eur. Or. 1503. 

B. Med. to change one with another, do in turn or alternately, absol., 
GpeiBbpevor pudaxds éxov Il. 9. 471; detdov dueBdpevac dm) adh (cf. 
dporBaios) 1. 604; dpxelodny . . dueBopéva Od..8. 379; dperBopevor 
«ara otxous at every house in turn, Od. 1. 375., 2. 140; Gpovpac dyer- 
Bépeva ploughed and fallow in turn, Pind. N. 6. 17; so, dweBopevar 
bwAais, alternating, cross-wise, of the motion of the legs in horses or 
oxen, Pind. P. 4. 403 (cf. Il. 11. 547, and Virg., sinuatque alterna 
volumina crurum); ada obev dpeiBerar now comes one thing, now 
another in turn, Eur. Hipp. 1108; dpelBera pdvos Id. Med. 1267; 
c. part., Opwoxwy GdAor’ én’ GdAov dpuelBerat leaps in turn. ., Il. 15.684: 
—dy. orevérnre to vary in narrowness, Xen. Cyn. 9, 14. 2. often 
of dialogue, dye(BecOar éréecot answer one another, Od. 3. 148, etc. 5 
and in part., dye:Bdpevos mpooépn, mpoonvia, mpoogecme Hom.; dp. 
mpés twa Hdt. 8.60; mpds tt Ib. 58, Eur. Tro. 903 :—but also c. acc. 
pers. et dat. rei, du. riva p0Ow, pvOors, éréecar; also dpetBeoOal Twa 
alone, fo answer one, reply to him, Hom., etc.; tov Adyous dGpelpOn 
Pind. P. 4. 180, cf. Theocr. 7. 27; duelBero roicde in these words, 
Hadt. 1. 35, al.:—later c, acc. rei, rovros dyelBou .. edpabés te Aesch. 
Eum. 442, cf. 586; pa) oppryiv7’ dpelip pdOoy Eur. Supp. 478; 
jypelparo raira Hdt. 1. 37 (though he more often says rofade); and 
even, Tatra Tods pidous jpeiparo Hat. 2. 173, cf. 3. 52, Aesch. Supp. 
195; Tov 5é., wijrw..dpelBero gave him counsel in reply, Pind. P. 9. 
68 ; not so in good Att. Prose, but found in Luc. Alex. Ig. 3. to 
repay, requite, c. acc. pers. et dat. rei, Suporow dp. twa Od. 24. 285; 
xpnorotot Hdt. 1. 41, cf. 4.97; dpolos Dem. 458. fin.; c. acc. pers. 
only, Tov ddieoy dy. Soph. Fr. 11; also c. acc. et dat. rei, du. ebepyecias 
xapiow Xen, Mem. 4. 3, 153 or c. acc. rei only, xdpuy gudéryros Soph. 
El. 134; Bpor@y dovvectas Eur. Phoen. 1727; Thv mpoimapynv Arist. 
Eth. N. 9. 2, 5: rarely c. dat. pers., woAAotor yap Képdn movnpa (nuiay 
jipetparo, Eur. Cycl. 311; rarely also c. gen. rei compensatae, dp. Twa 
THs dixaoodvns Luc. Somn. 15.—N.B., in this sense, mostly, to return 
good for good; but also bad for good, Pind. P. 7.19; bad for bad, 
Eur. El. 1093. II. to get in exchange, dAdous pplvas Tav viv 
mapovoav Soph. Tr. 737. 2. like Act. to change a place, to pass 
either out or in, Yux?.. dpelperar Epos ddévTaw Il. 9. 409; and re- 
versely of things swallowed, pdpyaka..dy. épx. 68. Od. 10. 328; 
dpeBopevar péyav obddv..,  pev €ow.. % 5& Ovpate Hes. Th. 749: 
so, marpid dyeupdyevos Solon 2; moraydy Simon. ap. Hat. 7. 228; 
Blorov dpelpera: (where the metre requires dpelper), Aesch. Cho. rorg; 
mpddvpa Ib. 965; mlAas Eur. Alc. 752; viv obpavod dp. to change 
earth for heaven, Plut. 2.607 E; éép ovddv dye.Bdpevov Theocr. 2. 
104; GAAnv é GAdAns méAEws dperBspevos Plat. Apol. 37D; also, érepa 
8 repos dpetBerat mhpara passes through them, Eur. Or. 979. 
to exchange, rt mpds vouucpa Plut. Aemil. 23. III. ¢o pass, surpass, 
outdo, pedrooay révoy Pind. P. 6. 54, cf. 7. 193 v- dpevoua. Iv. 
in Aesch. Theb. 856, mirvdoy xepotv, ds aity 60 “Axépovra du. Oewpida 
convoys, accompanies it Mba Blomfl.). 

& b, os, 7), = apoB, Eust. 1471. 30. 
pamncrsl és, wb smiling, gloomy, Plut. 2. 477 E, Orph. Arg. 1086, Opp. 
G-pelSnros, ov,=foreg., Lxx (Sap. 17. 4); vlé Ap. Rh. 2. go8; 

BépeOpov Orph. Arg. 975; Taprapos C. I. 5816 :—also d-pedlaros, oy, 

Dio Chr. 1. 169. 


d-pelAucros, ov, (ueAlcow) unsoothed, harsh, cruel, of words, Ul. 11. 
137., 21.98; of fetters, Hes. Th. 659. II. of persons, =sq., Ap. 
Rh. 3. 337, Mosch. 4. 26. 

G-pelAtxos, ov, (uedicow) implacable, relentless, *AiSns Il. 9. 158; 
jrop Ib. 572; Bia Solon 32; orpardés, xéros Pind, P. 6. 11., 8. 10:— 
a form GpewAlxvos occurs in an Epigr. in C. I. 3344. B. II. of 
things, unmitigated, mévor Aesch. Cho. 623; dpeiAcxa capes éxovow 
C. I. 6860 b. 

dpetvev, ov, gen. ovos, irreg. Comp. of dyads, better (vy. sub fin.): TI. 
of persons, abler, stouter, stronger, braver, often in Hom., etc.: of 
dpeivoves, the better sort, Lat. optimates, Plat. Legg. 627 A; v. sub 
dyabés. II. of things, better, fitter, Il. 1. 116, 274., 3.11; mey 
dy, Il. 22. 158, etc. ; woAAdv du. Hes. Op. 19; ¢. acc. vel inf., duelver 
mavroias dperds, jpev wédas 75% pdxeoOa Il. 15. 641, cf. Hes. Op. 
443, Aesch, Pr. 335, etc. 2. from Hom. downwds., duewdy [éore] 
‘tis better so, or as we say, 'tis good or well, either c. inf., éwel welOeaOat 
dpevov Il. r. 274, and so in Att.; or, duewdy éore or ylyveral rm ©. 
part., ef ou Gpewov yiyverat tipmpéovor if it is good for them to assist, 
Hdt. 7. 169, cf. Thuc. 1. r18., 6. 9:—so also absol., ef 7d y° dpewov 
Il. 1. 116, Hdt. 1. 187; Bovdotuny.. ef te dpewov kat byiv Kal eyot 
Plat. Apol. 19 A; often with negat., od yap dyevor ’twere better not, 
Hes. Op. 748, Hdt. 1. 187; elpnoerae yap, et’ Gpewov etre ph Dem. 
578. 12. 3. neut. as Adv., dy. mphocety to fare better, Hdt. 4. 156, 
Sq., etc.; $0, ore rit emt 7d dyetvoy Decr. ap. Andoc. 10. 35, cf. ap. 
Dem. 1072. 15; also, 7d dpelvw ppovéew to choose the better part, 
Hdt. 7.145; roto: ra dy. édvdave Id. 9.19. TIT, an Ady. dyewdvas 
is found in Ar. Fr. 321. IV. a new Comp. dyewérepos, a, ov, 
formed from dyeivav occurs in Mimnerm. 13. 9, Anon. ap. Philon. 2. 
500. (The orig. Root has perhaps been preserved in old Lat. manus 
(bonus), whence mane (in good time), Manes (good spirits), im-méanis.) 

Gpelpo, =dpépdw, to bereave, c. gen. rei, Pind. P. 6. 27. 

Gpeupippucpéw, (suopds = fv0 ds) 20 change form, Democr. ap. Hesych., 
E. M.:—dpeuprppucpia, %, change of form, Id. ap. Diog. L. 9. 47. 

dpeulis, ews, 7, (dueiBw) exchange, interchange, Polyb. 10. 1,5; & 
dpetper rav ragewv in the act of changing posts, Plut. Aristid. 16 :— 
change, succession, Id. Sull. 7. Il. a requiting, repaying, and so 
an answer, Id. 2, 803 C. 

d-petwros, ov, unlessened: not to be lessened, Basil. in Boiss. An. 1. 87. 
Adv. ~rws, Olympiod. 

d-péabpos, ov, houseless, Manetho 4. 113. 

Gpédyo [4], fut. fw, to milk, with acc. of the animals milked, pHa. ., 
a0" Hpedrye Od. 9. 238; ipedyer dis kal pneddas atyas Ib. 244; Béas 
Theocr. 4. 3 :—Med., in metaph. sense, duéA-yeoOar rods févous to 
milk them dry, drain them of all they have, Ar. Eq. 325; dp. xpods 
aia Nic. Al. 506. II. of the milk taken from the animals, dy, 
yaAa Hat. 4. 2; and in Pass., dies . . dweAydpevar yada Aevedy milch- 
ewes, Il. 4.43453 ydAa modd dy. Arist. H. A. 3. 21, 6, cf. 20, 10; véxrap 
dpédyovrat Ion 1 Bgk.:—Med. to let suck, Opp. C. 1. 437. 2. 
metaph. ¢o squeeze out like milk, to press out, éx Borptwv favOdv dpedrte 
yavos Anth. P. 9. 645 ; SdxpuAéxrpoto Dion. P. 293. III. to 
drink, abrd AaBdy mort xetdos duéd~w Theocr. 23. 25, ef. Bion. 1. 48; 
and freq. in Nonn, (From , with a prefixed, come also 
d-pody-evs, etc.; cf. Lat. mulctra, etc.; O. Norse milk-ja; O. H. G. 
milch-u; Lith. mélz-u (mulgeo), The 4/MEPT' (v. dyépyw) is akin ; 
but the form in A, ¢o milk, is confined to the European nations. The 
Lat. mulceo is referred by Curt. to a diff. Root.) 

dpéAe, properly imperat. of dpedéw (cf. duédnaov, Luc. D, Mort. 5. 2), 
never mind, do not trouble yourself, esp. to begin an answer, Ar. Nub. 
877, Xen. Mem. 1. 4, 7:—hence, II. as Adv., doubtless, by all 
means, of course, Ar. Ach. 368, Nub. 488, al., Plat. Phaedo 82 A, al.; 
often ironically, as Ar. Ran, 532. 

dpédeia, 7), the character and conduct of an dpedns, indifference, negli- 
gence, Thuc, I. 122., 5. 38, etc.; 7ivos towards a person, Plat. Legg. 
905 B; mept twos Ib. 903 A: also in pl. negligences, Plat. Rep. 443 A, 
: Arist. Rhet. I. 11,